#friend: broken‑winged scion (taka)
void-kissed · 1 year
I should really make another Lunadri render soon
I’m not at the point in my current playthrough where I can actually meet Luna yet (I’m still only at Shade’s gym), but I do want to persevere with this playthrough because it’s the first one I’ve done with my self-insert’s canon team. So far it’s been difficult, but giving myself free access to egg moves has definitely helped (thank you, Nasty Plot!), especially since TMs for good moves can often only be found quite a ways in.
I’d like to try and rework the MMD model of Luna that I put together, mainly in terms of finding better clothes since I think I stuck slightly too close to the simplicity of the sprite when she could have had something a lot more detailed. It could be neat to try and rebase her though, mainly since - while I don’t know how tall she is - I think she can be taller than me to a greater extent than she is at the moment if she wants to be. Also, I’d like to put together models for other Reborn characters too, like Taka and Ace for example, but I’d have to see how close I can get with parts that are freely available for use
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9 for Pokémon Reborn, 10 for a xenoblade s/i of your choosing and 11 for Kingdom hearts (in particular the version of your s/i shipped with dark aqua) maybe :ooo?
That’s perfectly alright, friend! Thank you very much for sending these in to me!!
(question source: "ask game: self-insert lore" by inserthaven)
9. who are your self-insert’s closest friends? - It takes Adriana a bit of time to become comfortable in Reborn City, since it was nothing like how she was expecting it to be when she got there. She is notably not scared of Shade like many others, and she also gets on well with Adrienn after rescuing xem from the Citae Astrae, as the two have similar sorts of personalities. Despite his position as an admin of Team Meteor, Taka is also someone she comes to see as a friend (she reacts badly to learning what happened to him in Tourmaline), as well as Ace too despite their personality being quite different to her own. Adri’s position as one of the protagonists - despite not being Nostra’s chosen this time - and her role as Shadow Champion in the postgame means she is on pretty good terms with most people, but I’d say her close friends would be people like Taka, Adrienn, Victoria, Shade, Eve, and Florinia.
10. how do the other characters feel about your self-insert and F/O’s relationship? - Let’s go with Aline for this one. Everyone is very supportive of us, both once we actually get into a romantic relationship and also in the period beforehand where it becomes clear to everyone in the party that Lora and Aline have a crush on each other, except Lora and Aline themselves. We both want to confess our love, but Lora isn’t sure how to go about it properly while Aline isn’t sure if Lora likes her back or not. Hence why it takes us so long to confess, even if we do thankfully finally get there eventually with everyone else's help.
11. what kind of outfit(s) does your self-insert wear? - In the fallen light AU (which is the version of events where I selfship with Anti-Aqua instead of the normal version of Aqua as you stated), Aria doesn’t drop the vessel, so she stays wearing the original outfit she had from her time in the age of fairytales. It’s based off of her actual in-game appearance I used from when KHUX was still online, since she was first developed as my avatar/player character for that game, and is intended to be comfortable and easy to move in. This is what it looks like!
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I hope that all of those answers were alright!
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