#friend: dazzling swordsman (jasper)
void-kissed · 2 years
✨️ ✨️ you know what have some MORE sparkles :] (dragonsmooch)
More sparkles?! They're all over the place now!! Thank you for these, dear dragon! (And I'm sorry that it took so long for me to actually respond to them!!)
(source: this post by dragonsmooch)
Send me ✨ for a random thing about one of my OCs! (Optional: You can specify one!) - ..Since this took me so long to answer that I've ended up making at least two more OCs since you sent it, how about I use one for each of the newest two?
For the first sparkle, I'll talk about Jasper! As mentioned before, he's an armamentalist, which is.. I think similar to a red mage from Final Fantasy? He wields a sword - specifically the falcon blade, which can attack twice per turn instead of once - but can also infuse the party with elemental powers using his Fource abilities, which comes in very handy against bosses with specific elemental weaknesses that the team can’t easily target by default (for example, Linaria's Crushed Ice ability lets her attack using the ice element, but anyone else would need to be infused with Frost Fource to be able to deal ice damage). In terms of his personality, Jasper is very self-confident (but not brash or boastful), and he also takes a lot of pride in his appearance. This second aspect mostly stems from me showing him to my friend who also plays DQIX and her being baffled that he actually looks good with the equipment I gave him, since in this game you tend to have to prioritise function over fashion to survive without grinding. However, I have access to the save editor, so I can boost everyone’s stats with seeds and let them actually look decent while still surviving hits. Aside from that, his courage and determination are just some of the ways he likes to stand out from the crowd.
And for the second sparkle, I'll talk about Kana! She's a thief who wields knives as her weapon of choice, although the pruning knife she currently has equipped honestly looks more like a sickle. This gives her access to a lot of neat abilities - for example, her Victimiser ability is an attack that deals extra damage to poisoned or paralysed enemies, but she also has the Toxic Dagger ability to poison them in the first place, so those two abilities synergise very well. In terms of her personality, Kana is quick-witted, strategic, and good at spotting opportunities that others may not notice, whether those are chances for critical hits or stealing valuable items from enemies. She has a dry sense of humour and isn’t afraid to speak her mind, whether in praise or disdain for a given idea - so despite what being a thief by vocation may imply, she’s overall a very reliable person.
I hope that these answers were alright!! Thank you very much once again for sending the sparkles in, friend~
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