#frisell trio
downmystreeandupyours · 5 months
(via The Overpass)
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radiophd · 1 month
paul motian trio ft. bill frisell, joe lovano -- portrait of t.
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jazzdailyblog · 6 months
The Rhythmic Innovations of Paul Motian: A Jazz Drumming Pioneer
Introduction: Paul Motian, born Stephen Paul Motian ninety-three years ago today on March 25, 1931, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was a revolutionary figure in jazz drumming. Throughout his prolific career, Motian redefined the role of the drummer, pioneering new rhythmic approaches and helping to shape the direction of modern jazz. From his early days playing with legendary musicians like Bill…
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musicollage · 2 years
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Ginger Baker – Falling Off The Roof. 1996 : Atlantic.
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thoregil · 2 months
2024-07-16 Bill Frisell Trio & Immanuel Wilkins - Teatret Vårt, Moldejazz
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nuanimistdatabase · 1 year
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Bill Frisell Trio at Arts at the Armory, Somerville MA, 28 May 2023. L to R: Tony Scherr, Bill Frisell, Rudy Royston.
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projazznet · 4 months
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Ron Miles – Old Main Chapel
The brilliant and beloved cornetist and composer Ron Miles released his Blue Note debut Rainbow Sign in 2020 shortly before his tragic death in 2022 from a rare blood disorder. His legacy is honored with the release of Old Main Chapel, a recording that captures a sublime live performance by Miles’ trio with guitarist Bill Frisell and drummer Brian Blade in 2011 at Old Main Chapel in Boulder, Colorado. The 7-song set featured 6 of Miles’ indelible originals along with a cover of “There Ain’t No Sweet Man that’s Worth the Salt of My Tears.” The CD package includes heartfelt remembrances by Frisell, Blade, pianist and frequent collaborator Jason Moran, Blue Note President Don Was, and Ron’s daughter Justice Miles.
Ron Miles – trumpet Bill Frisell – guitar Brian Blade – drums
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dustedmagazine · 8 months
Derek Bailey / Paul Motian — Duo in Concert (frozen reeds)
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Specializing in archival recordings, the Helsinki frozen reeds label has come up with another doozy. This time unearthing in the Incus archives previously unreleased concert recordings of guitarist Derek Bailey and drummer Paul Motian for the release "Duo in Concert." Released at the tail-end of 2023, the LP version captures the duo live at the 1990 Jazz Marathon at De Oosterpoort festival in the city of Groningen, the Netherlands. As bonus digital tracks, the label offers recordings made at the New Music Cafe in New York City in 1991. A conversation between Bill Frisell and Henry Kaiser discussing these recordings and their collective experiences playing with Bailey and Motian is included as liner notes.
It's hard to approach a recording from two of my all-time favorite artists with any sense of objectivity, not to mention a heavy dose of expectation. And with a pairing that — at least on paper — doesn't immediately make outright sense, a certain degree of trepidation preempts the initial listening process as well. Accounts of both Bailey and Motian's contrariness and adversarial approach to performing are legion. Having seen both musicians live, I always had the feeling that everything could go off the rails at any moment. There was a certain sense of peril and uncertainty that pervaded their music — and not only because what they were doing was risky but more because they didn't seem to adhere to any rules of musical decorum.
When I first saw Bailey play solo in the mid-1980s, he broke off his set mid-concert to start sharing what seemed like random anecdotes with the audience, then picked right back up and started to play all over again. He stopped abruptly once more a bit later to tune his guitar (actually not much unlike what goes on in Indian classical music). It was almost as if he didn't see the point of himself being there. What he played — when he actually played — was undeniably brilliant. But his attitude came across as ambivalent and irascible, to say the least.
Similarly when I caught Motian in the early 1990s with his trio of Bill Frisell and Joe Lovano, he seemed to revel in the act of eloquent disruption, of not letting things ride but of seeking to derail and create situations where the music took sudden turns down unknown roads. Motian soloed like a kid discovering the drums for the first time, alternately bashing the toms or dropping bombs of bass drum cymbal crashes, then suddenly shifting to exquisite brush work on the snare, echoing his time with Bill Evans.
So, what was I to think of this improbable pairing? Obviously, from the start I was rooting for them. These guys were my heroes. But heroes also fall. I'm happy to say that over repeated listens "Duo in Concert" did not disappoint for one second of these recordings. It would be interesting to know if this concert in Groningen was their first meeting, or if they'd had the chance to play together in a more informal setting beforehand, because the 35-minute set sounds so fresh and invigorating. As if they had met for the first time, discovering their shared language and limitations in real-time before a festival audience. Adding to this the music also comes across as very intimate, as if Motian and Bailey had already played many years together and were picking up on a conversation they'd been having the last time they met. Consequently, both players sound not only completely engaged with the music, but actually excited by what they're coming up with. Practically as though they found themselves in a perpetual state of surprise and delight for the entire length of the concert. "Duo in Concert" is truly an inspiring listen.
There is much to expect that actually transpires: Bailey's spikey, chromatic fields played in jagged rhythmic runs across an incredibly wide dynamic range, spanning the spectrum from ringing harmonics on the verge of feedback to barely caressing the strings with his pick. And then there's Motian's incredible brush work paired with bombastic tom fills and tremorous bass drum drops. The real mystery is how this all manages to coalesce into — for lack of a more apt expression — an undeniable example of sheer poetry in sound. The mutual respect and inspiration between Motian and Bailey so evident in these recordings is in itself one of the most compelling aspects of this release.
A major unifier here would have to be Bailey and Motian's shared backgrounds in jazz. Bailey used to refer to himself in his earlier musical incarnation as previously sounding something like Jim Hall. But of course by the mid-1960s had realized he would, as Henry Kaiser states in the liner notes, have to depart for Planet Improv and leave the world of jazz behind. By this point in his long career Motian still had certainly more invested in the jazz tradition but seemed not to worry about what this meant. He'd long since moved on beyond what the rule keepers of the jazz world had imposed. Yet Motian also never went totally free like Bailey. And in fact, this would be the first record I'd heard where Motian plays from scratch, without any vague road map or composition to steer the musical proceedings.
But it is precisely this jazz background which lends an unmistakable narrative thread to the concert at Groningen. Bailey and Motian's collaboration is truly like a conversation in the most literal sense of the word. And like the greatest musical conversations in the context of jazz music, both players join together for this one brief point in time to tell a story together, listening and building their musical ideas from their dialogue. As hackneyed as this may sound, the end effect is a perfect example of instant composing, of creating a totally cohesive, rigorously structured piece of music from thin air.
And this encompasses  signifiers of a more narrative approach along the way: towards the midpoint of the set, Bailey fades out to let Motian take the practically obligatory drum solo, a roiling, thunderous affair across the toms and cymbals. This is followed by Bailey jumping back in with what in a more conventional jazz piece, could be the main soloist picking up again with another long passage. Along the way Bailey engages in some of the most impressionistic and nearly melodic playing I've ever heard from him, even approaching what one could construe as comping rapid chord variations to Motian's hard-driving pulse. The set ends with Motian playing a very grooving swing pattern on the high hat that not only absolutely works with Bailey's field of dissonant harmonic notes but is in itself a stroke of genius, melding the two worlds of jazz and obdurate free improvisation with a gesture of contrast and a nod to the history both of these musicians had left far behind but by no means forgotten.
For fans of Derek Bailey and Paul Motian "Duo in Concert" is an absolute must listen. For those unfamiliar with either of these artists' work, this release would be a great place to start, not only because it captures them both at the height of their powers but is also a convincing and highly moving documentation of free improvised music that shouldn't be missed.
Jason Kahn
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onetwofeb · 1 month
Zorn’s lush and seductive compositions for the magical trio of Frisell-Lage-Riley
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Ambrose Akinmusire - Owl Song
Trumpeter/composer Ambrose Akinmusire, ace guitarist Bill Frisell and drummer Herlin Riley join forces for this gorgeous trio record. As the title suggests, it's a nocturnal vibe that's achieved here. There's a delicacy that dominates on the album's eight tracks, but it's not tentative or precious; instead, these three musicians find common ground where there's really no lead voice, just a marvelous mood of mutual support and purpose. I'm reminded a bit of the similarly styled work that Frisell did with the late/great Ron Miles — which is always a good thing.
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justforbooks · 1 year
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The musician Ryuichi Sakamoto, who has died aged 71 of cancer, spent his life as a restless traveller, both personally and musically. “I was born in Japan but I don’t think I’m Japanese,” he said in 1988, two years before he moved to New York. “To be a stranger – I like that attitude. I don’t like nationalities and borders.”
A founder member of Tokyo’s pioneering computer-pop trio Yellow Magic Orchestra, whose work between 1978 and 1984 has proved a lasting influence on hip-hop and electronica, Sakamoto was able to combine his skills as an academically trained musician with an aptitude for electronic music and an ear for countless musical styles. He sustained a lengthy partnership with the British musician David Sylvian after first working with his band Japan on the track Taking Islands in Africa from the album Gentlemen Take Polaroids (1980), following which the duo collaborated on the double A-side Bamboo Houses/Bamboo Music (1982).
In 1983, Sakamoto achieved a peak of commercial visibility by not only writing the soundtrack for Nagisa Oshima’s film Merry Christmas, Mr Lawrence, but also co-starring in it (as Captain Yonoi) with David Bowie. The soundtrack, which won him a Bafta for best film music, contained the Sakamoto/Sylvian composition Forbidden Colours, a vocal version of the film’s main theme, which was a Top 20 hit in Britain.
Soundtrack work became one of the main planks of Sakamoto’s career. He won an Academy Award (along with his fellow composers David Byrne and Cong Su) for his soundtrack to Bernardo Bertolucci’s The Last Emperor (1987), in which he also had an acting role, and worked with the director again on The Sheltering Sky (1990) and Little Buddha (1993).
Sakamoto scored the 1990 film version of The Handmaid’s Tale, Pedro Almodóvar’s Tacones Lejanos (High Heels, 1991), and Brian De Palma’s Snake Eyes (1998) and Femme Fatale (2002). Oliver Stone hired him for the soundtrack to his TV series Wild Palms (1993). Alejandro González Iñárritu used some existing Sakamoto recordings in his 2006 film Babel, then recruited him to write the score for his multiple Oscar-winner The Revenant (2015). For the opening of the 1992 Barcelona Olympics he provided El Mar Mediterrani.
Sakamoto released solo albums regularly between 1978 and 2017, many of them reaching the Top 30 in Japan but not registering on charts elsewhere, as well as six live albums and a string of compilations. However, Sakamoto’s subtle, exploratory music earned him a charismatic reputation that drew international guest stars to his projects.
On B-2 Unit (1980), he collaborated closely with Andy Partridge from XTC, and the electrofunk track Riot in Lagos proved inspirational for the likes of Mantronix and Afrikaa Bambaataa. Thomas Dolby featured on the pulsating Field Work from Illustrated Musical Encyclopedia (1986), the track accompanied by an ingeniously conceived video, while for Neo Geo (1987) Sakamoto enlisted Iggy Pop, Bill Laswell, Bootsy Collins and Sly Dunbar.
Brian Wilson and Robbie Robertson appeared on Beauty (1989), an album that spanned rock, technopop, flamenco and classical Japanese music. Heartbeat (1991), on which Sakamoto tried rap, funk and jazz, and lyrics in French, Japanese and Russian, numbered Youssou N’Dour, Arto Lindsay, Bill Frisell, Sylvian and John Cage among its contributors. In 1993, Sakamoto co-produced Aztec Camera’s album Dreamland.
Born in Tokyo, Ryuichi was the only child of Keiko (nee Shimomura), a hat designer, and Kazuki Sakomoto, a literary editor. While attending the same progressive primary school that once taught Yoko Ono, he was already writing music for the piano with their encouragement.
The American presence in postwar Japan introduced new western influences to the country, and Sakamoto was enraptured by the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. He attended Tokyo’s University of the Arts to study music composition, and felt a strong affinity for the compositions of Claude Debussy, in which he discerned an Asian influence. However, in addition he soaked up the work of contemporary composers such as Cage, Pierre Boulez, Györgi Ligeti and Stockhausen, as well as jazz musicians including John Coltrane and Ornette Coleman.
His early compositions were in an avant-garde vein, while he also performed with free jazz bands and played keyboards with the folk singer Masato Tomobe. He graduated with BA and MA degrees, having studied classical and assorted world and ethnic music, and taken his first steps in electronic music by working with Moog and ARP synthesizers.
He formed Yellow Magic Orchestra in 1978 with Haruomi “Harry” Hosono and Yukihiro Takahashi, whom he had met when they worked together as session musicians. Combining electropop with stylish graphics and costume design, the trio brought wit and warmth to the use of electronics, which contrasted with the studied alienation of European counterparts such as Kraftwerk or Gary Numan.
YMO released eight studio albums during their original lifespan, all of them climbing high in the Japanese charts, and three of them reaching No 1. The group inspired Beatlemania-like hysteria in their homeland. “We were very big, that’s why I hated it,” Sakamoto said. “We were always followed by paparazzi.”
YMO’s albums made little chart impact outside Japan, but their influence was nonetheless widely felt, not least in their innovative use of electronic sequencers, drum machines and sampling. Firecracker, from their 1978 debut album, was itself sampled in Afrika Bambaataa’s Death Mix. In 1980 they had a Top 20 hit in the UK with Computer Game (Theme from the Invaders), which chimed with the craze for the Space Invaders game. Behind the Mask, first conceived for a Seiko wristwatch commercial and then included on their album Solid State Survivor (1979), became a Top 20 UK hit for Eric Clapton; a version by Michael Jackson appeared on the posthumous album Michael (2010).
YMO paused their activities in 1984, though the trio continued to collaborate on each other’s solo work, and they reformed to make the album Technodon (1993). They subsequently reunited several times for recording and live performances, their last shows being for the No Nukes 2012 festival in Chiba, Japan, and the 2012 World Happiness festival in Tokyo.
In his teens in the late 1960s, Sakamoto had been a hippy with leftwing political beliefs – “not 100% Marxist, but kind of” – but he gradually became disillusioned with the failure of political movements to effect significant change. He decided that his music was not the place for social or political messages, observing that “I’ve changed from an avant-garde person to a pop person,” though he would subsequently support causes he felt strongly about.
He campaigned for changes to music copyright law, which he considered outmoded in the internet era, and founded Commmons, a collaborative platform to assist aspiring musicians. He formed a group of musicians called NML (No More Landmines), which featured Brian Eno, Sylvian, Kraftwerk and the other members of YMO, and in 2001 they released the single Zero Landmine.
In 2006 he launched the Stop Rokkasho movement by releasing the track Rokkasho (by a group of musicians dubbed Team 6), in protest at the building of Japan’s Rokkasho nuclear fuel reprocessing plant, and he campaigned to have the Hamaoka nuclear plant shut down to avoid a repeat of the 2011 tsunami disaster at the Fukushima facility. He and Byrne teamed up to record the single Psychedelic Afternoon to aid tsunami survivors.
His solo work continued to explore a huge variety of styles. In 1982 he had ventured into medieval and Renaissance music on the album The End of Asia, a collaboration with the Japanese early music group Danceries. Smoochy (1995) was a detour into easy listening, while Discord (1998) comprised an hour-long orchestral composition.
The album 1996 was a selection of Sakamoto pieces arranged for piano trio featuring the Brazilian cellist Jaques Morelenbaum, and Sakomoto reunited with him and his wife, Paula, a singer, for two albums in celebration of the bossa nova composer Antônio Carlos Jobim, Casa (2001) and A Day in New York (2003). In 1999, his multimedia opera, Life, was performed in Tokyo and Osaka.
Meanwhile, he struck up a fruitful collaboration with Alva Noto (a pseudonym of Carston Nicolai), which resulted in a string of electronica albums including Vrioon (2002) and Insen (2005), culminating in Glass (2018). With the Austrian guitarist and composer Christian Fennesz he recorded Sala Santa Cecilia (2005), Cendre (2007) and Flumina (2011).
In 2014 he was diagnosed with throat cancer, but by the following year was feeling “much much better”. His recovery from illness inspired the creation of his last solo album, Async, hailed as one of 2017’s finest forays into experimental electronica. Its making was documented by Stephen Nomura Schible in the film Coda (2018).
His final album, 12, was recorded during hospital stays in 2021 and 2022, and released in January. In December, he livestreamed a solo piano concert from Tokyo.
Sakamoto was first married to Natsuko, then to the musician Akiko Yano; both marriages ended in divorce. He is survived by his third wife and manager, Norika Sora, and their two children; and a daughter from his first marriage and another daughter from his second.
🔔 Ryuichi Sakamoto, composer, musician and producer, born 17 January 1952; died 28 March 2023
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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krispyweiss · 2 years
Song Review: Julian Lage - “The Layers”
Julian Lage makes his acoustic guitar sing beautifully on “The Layers.”
It’s the instrumental title track and lead single from Lage’s forthcoming (March 17) EP, which he calls “a companion … a prequel to (2022’s) View with a Room.”
The EP will include duos and - like this song - trios, with Lage and the rhythm section of Jorge Roeder and Dave King.
Bill Frisell is on this mini-album, too. And if “The Layers’” dreamy drifting is any indication, the Layers is going to be a soothing journey down a lazy, jazzy river of sound.
Grade card: Julian Lage - “The Layers” - A
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inneres · 2 years
Todos Santos credited to the Horvitz Morris Previte Trio 
Taken from compilation by Time is Away - Ballads Year: 2022 Label: A Colourful Storm Originally released in 1988 on Sound Aspects Records Wayne Horvitz; Butch Morris; Robert Previte; Doug Wieselman & Bill Frisell.
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zed-air · 9 months
CKUA - Fill-In Playlists: 2024 (part 2)
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Below are the playlists for shows where I filled-in as guest host on CKUA during 2024.
Explore my playlist history for other dates and programs
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(49) 2024-07-01 - 06:00-09:00 - Alberta Morning
As the Dawn Breaks • Richard Hawley • TRUELOVE'S GUTTER • 06:01
This Blue World • Elbow • THE TAKE OFF AND LANDING OF EVERYTHING • 06:05
Say You'll Wait • Kimberley MacGregor • ______ • 06:12
Long Run • Wyatt C. Louis • CHANDLER • 06:18
Kaleidoscope • Ellen Doty • EVERY LITTLE SCENE • 06:22
Flower Skirt Pretty • Emily Triggs • THE GREAT ESCAPE • 06:26
Feel The One • Lexi Vector • SECRETS EP • 06:29
Heat Wave • Vissia • YOUNG LOVE • 06:33
Fireworks • First Aid Kit • RUINS • 06:37
Neptune City • Nicole Atkins • NEPTUNE CITY • 06:41
Atomic Number • Case/Lang/Veirs • CASE/LANG/VEIRS • 06:45
To Be Free • Emiliana Torrini • LOVE IN THE TIME OF SCIENCE • 06:49
Prism in Jeans • Richard Hawley • IN THIS CITY THEY CALL YOU LOVE • 06:53
Fool • Zenon Epp • GENRE Z (EP) • 06:56
Clowns From Outer Space • Rocky Burnette • THE SON OF ROCK AND ROLL • 07:02
Place Where I'm From • Amelie Patterson • ROLL HONEY ROLL • 07:06
Breaking Down • Florence & The Machine • CEREMONIALS • 07:09
Crash Years • The New Pornographers • TOGETHER • 07:13
Call Me • Blondie • AMERICAN GIGOLO • 07:18
Private Idaho • The B-52's • TIME CAPSULE • 07:23
Jailhouse Rock • The Blues Brothers Band • THE BLUES BROTHERS • 07:26
The Creeper • James Cotton • 35TH ANNIVERSARY JAM • 07:30
Soul Shake • Delaney & Bonnie • DELANEY & BONNIE • 07:35
One Fine Morning • Lighthouse • MADE IN CANADA • 07:38
Lovedrops • Barry Allen • 1966 CAPITOL 45 • 07:44
Lovely Lovely Lovely • Carter And The Capitals • ______ • 07:48
Good Bread • Electric Religious • ______ • 07:51
Gymnopedie no. 1 • Matthew Cardinal • PIECES: 2011-2019 • 07:54
O Canada • Asani • LISTEN • 08:00
Your Cheatin' Heart (Dance Remix) • Dean Boucher • SWEET MEMORIES • 08:03
I Know How • Shane Ghostkeeper • SONGS FOR MY PEOPLE • 08:06
Wolfman Rock • Peter & The Wolves • HOWLIN' & PROWLIN' • 08:09
That Thing You Do! • The Wonders • THAT THING YOU DO • 08:13
Backsliders • King Of Foxes • SALT & HONEY • 08:16
Tour De France • Senor Coconut • EL BAILE ALEMAN • 08:21
Lustrando estrelas • Ceu • NOVELA • 08:25
Goldfinger • Bill Frisell & Thomas Morgan • SMALL TOWN • 08:29
Pass Me By • Cy Coleman • IF MY FRIENDS COULD SEE ME NOW • 08:35
Doop-Doo-De-Doop (A Doodlin' Song) • Blossom Dearie • JAZZ FOR KIDS • 08:37
All Across the World • Wilco • CRUEL COUNTRY • 08:39
Fancy Pants • Bend Sinister • ANIMALS • 08:43
O Canada • Osyron • ______ • 08:48
She's Electric • Oasis • (WHAT'S THE STORY) MORNING GLORY • 08:49
A Lull in Traffic • Tamarack Cunningham • FREQUENCY MODULATION • 08:53
(50) 2024-07-06 - 06:00-08:00 - Classical Connections
J. Brahms: Clarinet Sonata #1 • K. Kormendi; J. Jando • CLARINET SONATAS • 06:03
F. J. Haydn: Divertimento in Eb XVI/16 • Roman Rabinovich • HAYDN: PIANO SONATAS, VOL. 1 • 06:28
W. A. Mozart: Quartet in D, K285 • Aralee Dorough • THE ERGONOMIC FLUTE • 06:39
C. Gesualdo: Tristis est anim... • Les Cris de Paris • MELANCHOLIA • 06:55
J. Brahms: Piano Quartet, Mvt 4 • Hagen; Fang; Ionita; Rabinovich • CHAMBERFEST WEST 2022 • 07:02
F. J. Haydn: Gypsy Trio, Mvt 1 • Lee; Elliott; Porat • CHAMBERFEST WEST 2022 • 07:14
ChamberFest West 2024 • Aaron Au • CKUA INTERVIEWS • 07:20
F. Mendelssohn: Octet, Mvt 1 • Lee; Hagen; Uchida; Cohen… • CHAMBERFEST WEST 2022 • 07:33
A. Piazzolla: Libertango • Azuline Duo • ROMANZA • 07:49
The Rite Of Spring (1913) Part I • Jon Kimura Parker • STAVINSKY: RITE • 07:53
(51) 2024-07-08 - 13:00-15:00 - Thoroughfare
Algiers • Afghan Whigs • DO TO THE BEAST • 13:01
Zebra • Beach House • TEEN DREAM • 13:05
Heart of Stone • Ashes and Dreams • HEART OF STONE • 13:10
Suffragette City • The Acorn • PAPER BAG RECORDS VS ZIGGY STARDUST • 13:14
Summertime's Over • Blackie & the Rodeo Kings • SOUTH • 13:18
That Look You Give That Guy • Eels • HOMBRE LOBO • 13:22
Backseat Heroine • Emma-Lee • BACKSEAT HEROINE • 13:26
Hazel • Bob Dylan • PLANET WAVES • 13:31
Doctor Blind • Emily Haines & the Soft Skeleton • KNIVES DON'T HAVE YOUR BACK • 13:34
Misaligned • Olenka & the Autumn Lovers • HARD TIMES • 13:38
Blue Moon • Beck • MORNING PHASE • 13:40
Memoir • Charlotte Gainsbourg • STAGE WHISPER • 13:44
After All (Acoustic) • Delerium • VOICE • 13:47
Tu Oublieras Mon Nom • Coeur de pirate • ROSES • 13:51
Deep Blue Day • Brian Eno • APOLLO • 13:54
The Letter • The Arbors • THE LETTER • 14:00
Choo-Choo Train • The Box Tops • ANTHOLOGY • 14:04
Take Me Home, Country Roads • Brandi Carlile & Emmylou Harris • THE MUSIC IS YOU • 14:07
Dear Angie • Badfinger • BEST OF • 14:10
I Can Hear Music • The Beach Boys • SOUNDS OF SUMMER • 14:13
Alabaster • Cantoo • CANTOO • 14:16
Daniels • Jessica Jalbert • BROTHER LOYOLA • 14:21
Underneath the Mango Tree • Diana Coupland • DR. NO SOUNDTRACK • 14:24
All You Need is Hate • The Delgados • HATE • 14:26
To Fall In Love • Doug Hoyer • TO BE A RIVER • 14:29
Pocket Calculator • Brent Amaker & the Rodeo • ______ • 14:33
Jungle Drum • Emiliana Torrini • ME & ARMINI • 14:36
Hey, St. Peter • Flash and the Pan • ______ • 14:38
You're Going To Lose That Girl • The Beatles • HELP! • 14:42
Out of My Head • Fastball • ALL THE PAIN MONEY CAN BUY • 14:44
How To Forget • Jason Isbell • SOMETHING MORE THAN FREE • 14:47
Guess I'll See You • Jay Gilday • FASTER THAN LIGHT • 14:51
Duet For the Thew • Geoff Hawryluk • JUST CALL IT GUITAR • 14:54
(52) 2024-07-09 - 13:00-15:00 - Thoroughfare
A Swinging Safari • Bert Kaempfert • MUSIC TO WATCH GIRLS BY • 13:01
Woman's Got the Power • The A's • ______ • 13:03
Check In • Cibo Matto • HOTEL VALENTINE • 13:06
Vitamin C • Nicole Atkins • SINGLE • 13:09
San Paku • Darkroom • SINGLE • 13:14
You Make It Seem So Easy • The Everly Brothers • EB84 • 13:18
People Get Ready • Jeff Beck & Rod Stewart • FLASH • 13:21
It's Just a Matter of Time • Brook Benton • ______ • 13:26
Run, Run, Run • The Notwist • CLOSE TO THE GLASS • 13:29
The Agency Group • Alvvays • ALVVAYS • 13:34
Heaven Coming Down • The Tea Party • TRIPTYCH • 13:38
Give Me a Sign • Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeroes • S/T • 13:41
Amen • Leonard Cohen • OLD IDEAS • 13:46
Jinx • Jorane • VENT FOU • 13:53
Computer Love • Kraftwerk • COMPUTER WORLD • 14:00
Losing You • Amy Milan • HONEY • 14:05
Visions of Emma-Rose • John Hewitt • DEAD LOVERS • 14:07
Black Velvet Band • The Irish Rovers • GREATEST HITS • 14:13
A Song for Mosom • Fawn Wood • KIKAWIYNAW • 14:17
No. 1 Party Anthem • Arctic Monkeys • AM • 14:20
Patience Phipps • Jay Malinowski & the Deadcoast • MARTEL • 14:24
Decollage • Thievery Corporation • SAUDADE • 14:26
Reflections of a Sound • Silverchair • YOUNG MODERN • 14:30
Psychopath • St. Vincent • STV • 14:34
When I Get Through With You • Patsy Cline • ANTHOLOGY • 14:38
Too Bad • Doug and the Slugs • GREATEST HITS • 14:40
And She's Mine • The Guess Who • COLLECTION • 14:44
I Call Your Name • The Buckinghams • COLLECTION • 14:47
Philomena • The Decemberists • WHAT A TERRIBLE WORLD… • 14:49
Canales' Cabeza • The Nels Cline Singers • MACROSCOPE • 14:53
(53) 2024-07-10 - 13:00-15:00 - Thoroughfare
Ain't No Stoppin' Love Now • The Dirty Dirty Devil's • SATIN DEVIL DIARIES • 13:01
Fairweather Lover • Kimberley MacGregor • TRUE • 13:06
Home • Tim Isberg • COMIN' HOME • 13:09
Church Of The Long Grass • John Wort Hannam • DYNAMITE AND 'DOZERS • 13:14
Colmar • F&M • LESSONS FROM LOSERS • 13:18
Love Is Strange • The Travelling Mabels • THE TRAVELLING MABELS • 13:22
She Calls Me • Kinjo & Young • WILD PRAIRIE ROSE • 13:25
I Know How • Shane Ghostkeeper • SONGS FOR MY PEOPLE • 13:29
I Want to Be Your Man • Sister Ray • COMMUNION • 13:32
My Lover And My Ghost • Lucas Chaisson • TELLING TIME • 13:35
More • Micah Sage • MICAH SAGE • 13:40
Don't Disappoint Me • Ruth B • MAYBE I'LL FIND YOU AGAIN • 13:44
Echoes of a Summer Afternoon • Hello Moth • BIRDS ON WIRES • 13:47
Buckwheat • The Kubasonics • KUBASONGS • 13:49
Hot Dog • Led Zeppelin • CODA • 14:00
Ooh, What You Do! • The Dice Cubes • ROCKIN' ON THE EDGE OF TOWN • 14:04
Somewhere My Love • Frank Sinatra • MY WAY • 14:06
Nine To Five • Sheena Easton • SHEENA EASTON • 14:08
Anna (Go To Him) • Arthur Alexander • ANTHOLOGY • 14:12
The Mountain (feat K-Riz) • Sargeant X Comrade • THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM • 14:15
Casseroles & Flowers • Mike Edel • CASSEROLES & FLOWERS • 14:18
Baby Blues • Doug. • DEAR, ODD, UGLY • 14:21
Vakuru Vanoti • Juba • MAFARO • 14:26
Sunny Days • Lighthouse • GREATEST HITS • 14:30
Die Laughing • Magnolia Buckskin • MAGNOLIA BUCKSKIN • 14:35
Won't Let You Down This Time • John Hewitt • DEAD LOVERS • 14:39
Dans les Nuages • Tanika Charles • THE GUMPTION • 14:42
Sunny Afternoon • The Kinks • ANTHOLOGY • 14:44
Jessica • Adam Green • FRIENDS OF MINE • 14:48
Dancing with Sue • Wyatt C. Louis • CHANDLER • 14:51
Angie • Lassigue Bendthaus • POP ARTIFICIALE • 14:54
(54) 2024-07-14 - 06:00-09:00 - Morningsong
B. Smetana: Ma Vlast: Vltava (Moldau) • Valerie Milot • AQUARELLES • 06:01
J. Cage: In A Landscape • Valerie Milot • ORBIS • 06:12
F. J. Haydn: Piano Sonata No 29 • Roman Rabinovich • PIANO SONATAS, VOL. 1 • 06:23
E. Ysaye: Sonata #2 • Hilary Hahn • SIX SONATAS FOR VIOLIN SOLO • 06:49
J. Brahms: Clarinet Sonata #2 • K. Kormendi; J. Jando • CLARINET SONATAS • 07:06
C. Franck: Violin Sonata, FWV 8 • Trio Wanderer • FRANCK • 07:31
C. Gounod: Petite Symphonie • Ottawa Winds; M. Goodwin • GOUNOD; CHAN; STRAUSS • 08:04
C. P. E. Bach: Symphony H.657 Wq182.1 • Akademie fur Alte Musik Berlin • CPE BACH SYMPHONIES • 08:27
J. S. Bach: Cantata BWV 181 • Montreal Baroque • BACH CANTATAS • 08:39
(55) 2024-07-15 - 09:00-11:00 - Discoveries
Short Little Shorts • The Mighty Sparrow • FIRST FLIGHT • 09:01
Fli Beat Patrol • Dragon Fli Empire • SINGLE • 09:06
Have You Lost It • Fish Memory • ONE OF THOSE MORNINGS... • 09:11
Sunshower • Chris Cornell • GREAT EXPECTATIONS • 09:15
Nuages • Jill Barber • ENCORE! • 09:20
Dans les Nuages • Tanika Charles • THE GUMPTION • 09:23
Every Day • Celeigh Cardinal • BOUNDLESS POSSIBILITIES • 09:26
Summer Wine • Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazelwood • NANCY & LEE • 09:30
Hold On, Hold On • Neko Case • FOX CONFESSOR BRINGS THE FLOOD • 09:34
Council Skies • Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds • COUNCIL SKIES • 09:37
Here With Me • Aladean Kheroufi • STUDIES IN A DYING LOVE • 09:42
Find the River • R.E.M. • AUTOMATIC FOR THE PEOPLE • 09:46
Whatever Helps You • Mariel Buckley • EVERYWHERE I USED TO BE • 09:49
Dancing with Sue • Wyatt C. Louis • CHANDLER • 09:52
Low Sun • Hermanos Gutierrez • SONIDO COSMICO • 09:55
Lustrando estrelas • Ceu • NOVELA • 10:00
Lost On You • LP • DEATH VALLEY • 10:04
Free Love • Prince Buster • FABULOUS GREATEST HITS • 10:08
Bengue • Blick Bassy • MADIBA NI MBONDI • 10:12
I'm Okay • Kimberley MacGregor • I AM MY OWN • 10:16
Secret Subway Conversations • Sammy Volkov & Dana Wylie • THE DAY HAD TO COME • 10:20
Brighter Blue • Peter & The Wolves • FORGET ABOUT IT • 10:23
I Know How • Shane Ghostkeeper • SONGS FOR MY PEOPLE • 10:26
Still Calls Me • Kinjo & Young • WILD PRAIRIE ROSE • 10:29
Mary Lou • The Dice Cubes • ROCKIN' ON THE EDGE OF TOWN • 10:33
Guess I'll See You • Jay Gilday • FASTER THAN LIGHT • 10:36
Goodbye To a Friend • The Dirty Dirty Devil's • SATIN DEVIL DIARIES • 10:39
Gonna Be Fine • Ann Vriend • EVERYBODY MATTERS • 10:44
A Song for Mosom • Fawn Wood • KIKAWIYNAW • 10:47
Vakuru Vanoti • Juba • MAFARO • 10:49
(56) 2024-07-19 - 09:00-11:00 - Mid-Morning Mojo (donated hour)
^^ Listener and/or donor recommendations/requests
Who's Foolin' Who • Ann Vriend • EVERYBODY MATTERS • 09:01
Love! (Is the Answer) • Aladean Kheroufi • STUDIES IN A DYING LOVE • 09:03
How Does It Make You Feel? • Air • 10 000 HZ LEGEND • 09:06
I Want to Be Your Man • Sister Ray • COMMUNION • 09:11
Hola Me • Blick Bassy • MADIBA NI MBONDI • 09:14
Over And Over • Celeigh Cardinal • BOUNDLESS POSSIBILITIES • 09:18
TV Blue • Skinny Dyck • PALACE WAITING • 09:22
Lady K • Emiliana Torrini • MISS FLOWER • 09:26
Lady Killer • Kreesha Turner • PASSION • 09:30
Love It Lose It • Shawnee Kish • SHAWNEE KISH EP • 09:33
Harbuz • The Kubasonics • KUBASONGS • 09:36
Disco 2000 • Nick Cave • BAD COVER VERSION • 09:40
Dive Down • Ashes and Dreams • HEART OF STONE • 09:46
Life in Mono • Mono • GREAT EXPECTATIONS • 09:50
Gangsta's Paradise • Battery • NV • 09:54
The Piano Has Been Drinking • Tom Waits • SMALL CHANGE • 10:00 ^^
Bloody Well Right • Supertramp • ANTHOLOGY • 10:05 ^^
Jefferson Jericho Blues • Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers • MOJO • 10:09 ^^
Look at You, Look at Me • Dave Mason • DEFINITIVE COLLECTION • 10:12 ^^
My Moon My Man • Feist • THE REMINDER • 10:20
One Foot • Doug Hoyer • TO BE A RIVER • 10:23
Secret (Number Station Mix) • Sargeant X Comrade • THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM • 10:26
Ocean Blue • Rae Spoon • I CAN'T KEEP ALL OF OUR SECRETS • 10:29
Old Enough To Know • Neil Mac • LEAVES FROM THE FAMILY TREE • 10:33
More • Micah Sage • MICAH SAGE • 10:37
Tommaso • Nehiyawak • ______ • 10:40
Pretty Saro • Bob Dylan • THE BOOTLEG SERIES • 10:44
I'm Still Loving You • Blackie & The Rodeo Kings • SOUTH • 10:47
Low Spark of High-Heeled Boys • Traffic • SMILING PHASES • 10:51 ^^
Find the River • R.E.M. • AUTOMATIC FOR THE PEOPLE • 11:00 ^^
Take a Pebble • Emerson, Lake and Palmer • THE ESSENTIAL • 11:04 ^^
Never Turn Your Back on Mother Earth • Neko Case • MIDDLE CYCLONE • 11:14
She Taught Me How To Fly • Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds • WHO BUILT THE MOON? • 11:17
Here 4 U • Braids • SHADOW OFFERING • 11:22
Blue Wing • Corb Lund • ______ • 11:26
Rainbow Connection • Willie Nelson • RAINBOW CONNECTION • 11:30 ^^
Someday Soon • Over the Moon • CHINOOK WALTZ • 11:34
Sunshine • Cayley Thomas • HOW ELSE CAN I TELL YOU? • 11:37
Pleasant Solutions • King of Foxes • TWILIGHT OF THE EMPIRE • 11:40
Traveling Blues • Marshall Lawrence • BLUES INTERVENTION • 11:44
Someday Some Way • Marshall Crenshaw • 11:47
Catch Fire • Jesse Roads • ______ • 11:50
It's All In Your Mind • Hermanos Gutierrez • SONIDO COSMICO • 11:53
(57) 2024-08-02 - 09:00-11:00 - Mid-Morning Mojo
Real Love • The Beatles • Anthology • 09:01
Dans les Nuages • Tanika Charles • The Gumption • 09:04
The Female of the Species • Space • Spiders • 09:07
Walkin' On The Sun • Smash Mouth • Fush Yu Mang • 09:10
Day One • Sarah Slean • Day One • 09:14
Talk Talk • Talk Talk • The Party's Over • 09:18
So Few • Elle Celeste • Call On Me • 09:22
Five Years • Born Ruffians • Paper Bag Records vs Ziggy Stardust • 09:26
Try Some, Buy Some • Ronnie Spector • Come and Get It • 09:32
Do It For the Money • Bad Pop • Psych Pedal • 09:36
I'm Okay • Kimberley MacGregor • I Am My Own • 09:40
Hola Me • Blick Bassy • Madiba Ni Mbondi • 09:44
Every Intention • Bent Roads Tavern • ______ • 09:48
Kamera • Wilco • Yankee Hotel Foxtrot • 09:51
South • Blackie & the Rodeo Kings • South • 09:54
Lucille • Coeur de Pirate • Trauma • 10:00
Today • Poe • Hello • 10:05
Here Today • Sammy Volkov & Dana Wyle • The Day Had To Come • 10:09
La Mer • Jill Barber • Encore! • 10:13
Dream Lover • Bobby Darin • Anthology • 10:16
His Latest Flame • Elvis Presley • Collection • 10:19
Some Things Never Change • Matt Andersen • ______ • 10:21
The Crystal Ship • The Doors • Collection • 10:24
Sloop John B • Jay Malinowski & the Deadcoast • Martel • 10:26
Wake Up the Ghosts • Leisure Cruise • Leisure Cruise • 10:30
My Lover And My Ghost • Lucas Chaisson • Telling Time • 10:35
She Thinks I Still Care • Gene Pitney • Country Gene • 10:40
Eden • Hooverphonic • Sit Down and Listen • 10:43
Dream • Rebekah Higgs • Sha La La • 10:46
Flowers Become Screens • Delerium • Voice • 10:49
Freeway Lines • Jenny Allen • Something To Say • 10:54
Amapola • The Spotnicks • ______ • 10:56
Come Back To Me • Robert Goulet • ______ • 11:00
Do You Remember These? • The Statler Brothers • Box • 11:03
Don't Think Twice (It's Alright) • Waylon Jennings • Don't Think Twice • 11:06
Devil In Disguise • Richard Hawley • Live at the Devil's Arse • 11:09
Glad All Over • Carl Perkins • Collection • 11:12
Moonlight Party • The Dice Cubes • Rockin' on the Edge of Town • 11:14
This Little Girl • Gary U.S. Bonds • Dedication • 11:17
My Boyfriend's Back • The Raveonettes • Pretty In Black • 11:21
End of the Line • The Traveling Wilburys • Volume 1 • 11:24
I Get Around • The Beach Boys • Greatest Hits • 11:28
Walking Back To Happiness • Helen Shapiro • Collection • 11:30
Concrete & Clay • Unit 4+2 • 60s Hits • 11:33
Johnny Get Angry • Joanie Sommers • ______ • 11:36
Bateau Rouge • Thievery Corporation • Saudade • 11:39
Take Your Clothes Off When You Dance • Frank Zappa • The Lost Episodes • 11:43
Record Store • Dragon Fli Empire • ______ • 11:47
Good Bread • Electric Religious • The Taste • 11:50
In a Perfect World • Ben Sures • Ooh Wah Baby • 11:53
Tichano Imba • Juba • Mafaro • 11:56
(58) 2024-08-04 - 06:00-09:00 - Morningsong
J. S. Bach: Sonata #2, BWV 1003 • Hilary Hahn • Plays Bach: Sonatas • 06:02
P. Glass: The Poet Acts • Vanessa Wagner • Mirrored • 06:29
P. Glass: Etude 2 • Vanessa Wagner • Mirrored • 06:34
P. Glass: Etude 4 • Vanessa Wagner • Mirrored • 06:41
N. Muhly: Quiet Music • Vanessa Wagner • Mirrored • 06:45
C. Pepin: Number 1 • Vanessa Wagner • Mirrored • 06:50
J. Brahms: Clarinet Sonata #1 • K. Kormendi; J. Jando • Clarinet Sonatas • 07:04
L. V. Beethoven: Trio In G • Chinook Trio • The Chinook Trio • 07:31
J. Field: Piano Concerto #07 H.58a • B. Frith & Northern Sinfon • Piano Concero • 08:01
C. P. E. Bach: Symphony H.652 Wq177 • Akademie fur Alte Musik Berlin • CPE Bach Symphonies • 08:36
R. Schumann: Der Nussbaum • Felicity Lott & Graham Johnson • Summertime • 08:47
(59) 2024-08-05 - 06:00-09:00 - Alberta Morning
Rangirara • Te Kaahu • Te Kaahu O Rangi • 06:01
There's Nothing But Pleasure • Bubble Tea and Cigarettes • There's Nothing But Pleasure • 06:03
A Hundred Shades of Blue • Whitney Rose • We Still Go To Rodeos • 06:06
Heavy Rain • Richard Hawley • In This City They Call You Love • 06:11
Hopeless Romantic • Bobby Dove • Hopeless Romantic • 06:15
After The Masquerade • Shaela Miller • After the Masquerade • 06:18
Stay The Same • Micah Sage • ______ • 06:22
Wolves Don't Live By The Rules • Elisapie • The Ballad of the Runaway Girl • 06:26
Bus Tickets • Tamarack Cunningham • Frequency Modulation • 06:29
Your Cheatin' Heart (Dance Remix) • Dean Boucher • Sweet Memories • 06:33
I Know How • Shane Ghostkeeper • Songs for My People • 06:36
Shooting At The Moon • Mariel Buckley • ______ • 06:40
Time Stops • Sonia Deleo • Love Notes To The Monsters • 06:43
There • Wyatt C. Louis • Chandler • 06:46
New Day • Pharis & Jason Romero • Bet on Love • 06:49
Between Two Points (feat. Romany Gilmour) • David Gilmour • Luck and Strange • 06:55
Gone Gone Gone (Done Moved On) • Robert Plant & Alison Krauss • Raising Sand • 07:01
Just Around The Corner • JD McPherson • Warm Covers (EP) • 07:07
Slippin' And Slidin' • Little Richard • ______ • 07:10
Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby • Carl Perkins • ______ • 07:12
Tell Me How It Feels • Cardinal Black • January Came Close • 07:17
Over And Over • Celeigh Cardinal • Boundless Possibilities • 07:20
Setting Sun • Electric Religious • The Taste • 07:25
Skyhouse • J.Alpinist • VHS Dubs • 07:28
Starting to Understand • Ellen Doty • Every Little Scene • 07:36
In The Morning • The Good Lovelies • Burn The Plan • 07:40
Long Long Gone • Sammy Volkov & Dana Wylie • The Day Had To Come • 07:44
Blue Wing • Corb Lund • Songs My Friends Wrote • 07:49
Won't Let You Down This Time • John Hewitt • Dead Lovers • 07:52
Yip Yip • Kue Varo • Cowboy Witchcraft • 07:56
Everything In Between • Billie Zizi • ______ • 07:59
Viva La Vida • Coldplay • Viva La Vida... • 08:02
Tomorrow Never Knows • The Beatles • Revolver • 08:07
Natural • 36? • Naturally • 08:10
Blue Lipstick • Layten Kramer • Dear Apathy • 08:13
Yellow (CLEAN) • Tegan and Sara • Crybaby • 08:16
Why • Enigma • Le Roi Est Mort, Vive Le Roi! • 08:21
Let Down • Radiohead • OK Computer • 08:26
nisis • ASKO • ______ • 08:32
In the Morning • Mitch Davis • The Haunt • 08:34
Pin It Down • Madison Cunningham • Who Are You Now • 08:39
I Wanna Prove To You • The Lemon Twigs • Do Hollywood • 08:43
Love Isn't Hard At All • Crowded House • Dreamers Are Waiting • 08:47
Fake Empire • The National • Boxer • 08:51
It's All in Your Mind • Hermanos Gutierrez • Sonido Cosmico • 08:54
(60) 2024-08-23 - 09:00-11:00 - Mid-Morning Mojo
We're Gonna Get There In The End • Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds • Council Skies • 09:01
Sunshower • Chris Cornell • Great Expectations • 09:05
Star Witness • Neko Case • Fox Confessor Brings The Flood • 09:09
Chatting with Baba • CKUA • 09:14
Ordinaire • Jill Barber • Encore! • 09:16
Every Day • Celeigh Cardinal • Boundless Possibilities • 09:20
Mucho Oro • Ceu • Novela • 09:24
Low Sun • Hermanos Gutierrez • Sonido Cosmico • 09:28
Lady K • Emiliana Torrini • Miss Flower • 09:32
Paris Summer • Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazlewood • Nancy & Lee Again • 09:36
Summer Wine • Whitehorse • ______ • 09:39
Ghost • Aaron Booth • Back Stories • 09:44
Station • Shaela Miller • After the Masquerade • 09:48
Breakfast TV • 100 Mile House • Wait With Me • 09:52
Bissai • Blick Bassy • Madiba Ni Mbondi • 09:55
Peaches En Regalia • Frank Zappa • Hot Rats • 10:00
Something In the Air • Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers • Greatest Hits • 10:04
Do You • Ghost Woman • Ghost Woman • 10:07
Love Minus Zero • The Walker Brothers • Take It Easy • 10:10
House of Love • Bill Bourne • A Love Fandango • 10:13
Lonesome Bluebird • Over The Moon • Chinook Waltz • 10:17
Bud's Guitar Store • John Rutherford • Echo Broadcast • 10:21
Whatever Helps You • Mariel Buckley • Everywhere I Used to Be • 10:25
Call on Me • Elle Celeste • Call on Me • 10:29
Who's Foolin' Who • Ann Vriend • Everybody Matters • 10:32
Ancestral • Ghostkeeper • Multidimensional Culture • 10:35
Nobody Knows His Name • Derry Stewart • Buried Treasure • 10:38
In Dim Light • Darkroom • ______ • 10:41
Lady Killer • Kreesha Turner • Passion • 10:45
A Song for Mosom • Fawn Wood • Kikawiynaw • 10:48
Drunken Landlady • Celtic Fusion Illusion • The Storm • 10:51
Elenore • The Turtles • ______ • 11:00
Witch Queen of New Orleans • Redbone • Songs of the 70s • 11:03
Time Is On My Side • The Rolling Stones • Hot Rocks • 11:06
Substitute • The Who • Maximum R&B • 11:08
Mendocino • Sir Douglas Quintet • ______ • 11:11
Secret Subway Conversations • Sammy Volkov & Dana Wylie • The Day Had To Come • 11:13
Pier 21 • John Wort Hannam • Pocket Full Of Holes • 11:17
Where This River Goes • Lucas Chaisson • Telling Time • 11:22
Only the River Knows Her Name • John Hewitt • Dead Lovers • 11:26
Illusions by the Sea • Mike Edel • Casseroles & Flowers • 11:30
Lost On You • LP • Death Valley • 11:34
Fill My Cup • Kimberley MacGregor • Sitting, With Uncomfortable Feelings • 11:38
Walk Right In • The Rooftop Singers • Hits of the 60s • 11:41
Mi Corazon • Kat Danser • One Eye Open • 11:44
Love Will Be Waiting (Remix) • Jann Arden • ______ • 11:47
The Mountain (ft K-riz) • Sargeant X Comrade • The Elephant In The Room • 11:51
Why Do You Call For Rain • Aladean Kheroufi • Studies In A Dying Love • 11:54
(61) 2024-08-31 - 06:00-08:00 - Classical Connections
M. Moszkowski: Guitarre • James Ehnes • Homage • 06:01
Barber: String Quartet, Op 1 • James Ehnes • American Chamber Music • 06:07
Yanjun: Moon's Reflection Upon A • Cheng2 Duo • Portrait • 06:27
Louie: Pond Mirrors Bright Sky • Cheng2 Duo • Portrait • 06:34
Shostakovich String Quartet #7 • Ehnes Quartet • Khachaturian / Shostakovich • 06:43
E. Elgar: La Capricieuse • James Ehnes • Homage • 06:55
J. S. Bach: Nun Freut Euch, Lieben • Luc Beausejour • Anthology: Chamber & Organ Music • 07:02
J. S. Bach: Es Ist Das Heil Uns Ko • Luc Beausejour • Anthology: Chamber & Organ Music • 07:04
Organ & Cor Anglais Sonatine 1 • J. Lehtola; P. Malmivaara • Marie Joseph Erb, Vol 1 • 07:08
M. J. Erb: Organ & Cor Anglais Sonatine 2 • J. Lehtola; P. Malmivaara • Marie Joseph Erb, Vol 1 • 07:17
Piano Concerto in c Op. 18/2: 1 & 3 • Yuja Wang • Rachmaninoff • 07:30
Bohm: Vater Unser Im Himmerleich • Luc Beausejour • Anthology: Chamber & Organ Music • 07:55
(62) 2024-09-02 - 06:00-09:00 - Alberta Morning
Space Song • Beach House • Depression Cherry • 06:01
There's Nothing But Pleasure • Bubble Tea and Cigarettes • There's Nothing But Pleasure • 06:06
Life In Mono • Mono • Great Expectations (Soundtrack) • 06:09
Silence • Delerium (ft. Sarah McLachlan) • Karma • 06:13
Tea for Two • Blossom Dearie • Once Upon a Summertime • 06:21
Where Your Love Lives • Cynthia Hamar • Joint & Marrow • 06:24
Grandma Luvy's House • D'orjay The Singing Shaman • New Kind of Outlaw • 06:28
My Little Suede Shoes • The Hot Club of Calgary • THE HOT CLUB OF CALGARY • 06:32
Awake • Jed And The Valentine • Awake! • 06:36
Ain't Found Heaven Yet • Sammy Volkov & Dana Wylie • The Day Had To Come • 06:39
Dangerous Heart • Joey Landreth • Hindsight • 06:43
Tell Me How It Feels • Cardinal Black • January Came Close • 06:47
Fade • Ariel Posen • How Long • 06:52
Like We Used To • Sharon Van Etten & Angel Olsen • ______ • 06:59
Homeward Bound • Simon & Garfunkel • Old Friends • 07:04
Blues Run the Game • Martin Simpson • Trails & Tribulations • 07:06
Only Love • John Wort Hannam • Acres Of Elbow Room • 07:11
All Along The Watchtower • Jimi Hendrix • Electric Ladyland • 07:15
Crosscut Saw • Albert King • The Ultimate Collection • 07:18
I'm Not Awake Yet • Rory Gallagher • Deuce • 07:21
Dance The Night Away • The Mavericks • The Definitive Collection • 07:28
Seems to Me (Instrumental) • The Denim Daddies • Northern Goods • 07:32
Raw Joy • AA Sound System • LAISSEZ FAIRE • 07:35
Radio Morning • Des Arcs • Masks • 07:38
Everything Turns Around • Dogstar • ______ • 07:41
I'm Happy Just To Dance With You • The Beatles • A Hard Day's Night • 07:45
Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Honolulu Strand Bikini • Rainer Bertram • Greatest Hits • 07:49
Waterline • Shaela Miller • After the Masquerade • 07:52
Don't Waste Your Love On Me • Celeigh Cardinal • Boundless Possibilities • 07:55
Fake Empire • The National • Boxer • 08:01
Care • Bailey Kate • Within / Without • 08:05
Pick it Up • The Fast Romantics • Pick It Up • 08:09
On My Mind • VISSIA • With Pleasure • 08:12
Taking It Over • Electric Religious • The Taste • 08:15
Tired of Toein' The Line • Rocky Burnette • The Son of Rock and Roll • 08:18
Hi Hi Hazel • The Troggs • Anthology • 08:22
Turn Around Baby • Sonia Deleo • Love Notes To The Monsters • 08:24
Fever Flickering Flame • Blue Moon Marquee • Bare Knuckles & Brawn • 08:28
Memo (2011 EP) • The Bolt Actions • Radio Silent • 08:33
Digsy's Diner • Oasis • Definitely Maybe • 08:36
Monday Morning • Pulp • Different Class • 08:39
Prism in Jeans • Richard Hawley • In This City They Call You Love • 08:45
Between Two Points (feat. Romany Gilmour) • David Gilmour • Luck and Strange • 08:48
nisis • ASKO • ______ • 08:54
(63) 2024-09-03 - 20:00-22:00 - From Stage To Screen
Chateau Fight • John Barry • Thunderball • 20:02
Underwater Mayhem, Death of Largo, End Titles • John Barry • Thunderball • 20:05
A Golden Star is Born • Budapest Symphony Orchestra • Symphonic Tale: The Place I Truly Belong • 20:16
It's a Big World Outside • Budapest Symphony Orchestra • Symphonic Tale: The Place I Truly Belong • 20:20
Gee, Officer Krupke • Bergmann Duo • American Stories for 2 Pianos • 20:26
I Feel Pretty • Bergmann Duo • American Stories for 2 Pianos • 20:29
I Have a Love • Bergman Duo • American Stories for 2 Pianos • 20:32
A Wild and Distant Shore • Michael Nyman • The Piano • 20:36
Dreams of a Journey • Michael Nyman • The Piano • 20:42
To the Edge of the Earth • Michael Nyman • The Piano • 20:46
Prospero's Magic • Michael Nyman • Prospero's Books • 20:50
Open Sea Theme • Sven Libaek • The Life Acquatic… • 21:00
Never Forgive Me, Never Forget Me • Akira Yamaoka • Silent Hill 3 • 21:03
Summer Storm • Tangerine Dream • Oasis • 21:06
Overture • The Who's Tommy Ensemble & Orch • The Who's Tommy • 21:13
Tommy, Can You Hear Me? • The Who's Tommy Ensemble & Orch • The Who's Tommy • 21:17
Underture (Ent'acte) • The Who's Tommy Ensemble & Orch • The Who's Tommy • 21:19
My Fair Lady Overture • Frederick Loewe • My Fair Lady • 21:22
Wouldn't It Be Loverly • Julie Andrews; F. Loewe • My Fair Lady • 21:25
On the Street Where You Live • Frederick Loewe • My Fair Lady • 21:29
J.S. Bach: Partita for Violin #2, BWV 1004 • Howard Shore • The Song of Names • 21:33
Paganini: Caprice for Solo Violin #9 • Howard Shore • The Song of Names • 21:36
The Song of Names for Violin and Orchestra • Howard Shore • The Song of Names • 21:39
The Riders of Rohan • Howard Shore • The Two Towers • 21:42
The Forbidden Pool • Howard Shore • The Two Towers • 21:46
Evenstar (feat. Isabel Bayrakdarian) • Howard Shore • The Two Towers • 21:51
At the Casino • John Barry • Thunderball • 21:54
(64) 2024-09-23 - 13:00-15:00 - Thoroughfare
Summer Is Over • Frank Ifield • Collection • 13:01
Don't Dream It's Over • Sixpence None the Richer • Divine Discontent • 13:03
Heavy Hill • James of Dark Wood • S/T • 13:07
We Used To Have Fun • Doug Hoyer • Getting Older • 13:11
My Boy Lollipop • Millie Small • Hits of the '60s • 13:15
Danceland (Come With Me) • The Garrys • Surf Manitou • 13:17
Pocket Calculator • Brent Amaker and the Rodeo • ______ • 13:21
I'm a Fool • Dino, Desi, and Billy • I'm a Fool • 13:24
The Other Man • Mariel Buckley • 97 RIVERDALE • 13:28
Let Down • Radiohead • OK Computer • 13:32
Nicim • Laura Niquay • ______ • 13:37
Sometimes I Am Pharoah • Jarv Is • Beyond the Pale • 13:41
Love! (Is the Answer) • Aladean Kheroufi • Studies In A Dying Love • 13:47
Baby Blues • doug. • dear, odd, ugly • 13:51
Who's Foolin' Who • Ann Vriend • Everybody Matters • 13:55
Echoes of a Summer Afternoon • Hello Moth • Birds on Wires • 13:57
When I Lost You • Tony Bennett • The Artistry Of • 14:00
This Autumn • F&M • Every Light Must Fade • 14:01
Albatross • John Hewitt • Dead Lovers • 14:05
Record Store (feat. J-Live) • Dragon Fli Empire • Record Store • 14:09
Side D • Hill Of Iamhill • Sellout • 14:13
So Few • Elle Celeste • Call On Me • 14:16
You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' • Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazlewood • Nancy & Lee • 14:20
Daniels • Jessica Jalbert • Brother Loyola • 14:24
Hold On, Hold On • Neko Case • Fox Confessor Brings The Flood • 14:27
Fairweather Lover • Kimberley MacGregor • True • 14:30
Guess I'll See You • Jay Gilday • Faster Than Light • 14:34
Unfolded Heart • Des Arcs • Masks • 14:38
Black Magic • Kreesha Turner • Passion • 14:41
Lady K • Emiliana Torrini • Miss Flower • 14:45
A Song for Mosom • Fawn Wood • Kikawiynaw • 14:49
Sondido Cosmico • Hermanos Gutierrez • Sondido Cosmico • 14:52
• • •
^^ Listener and/or donor recommendations/requests ~~ Featured content
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prgnant · 2 months
I don’t like bill frisell that much cause to me he represents this americana folksy turn that a lot of contemporary jazz is still kinda obsessed with that’s just not my thing but that trio had legendary chemistry and it’s mostly paul motians drumming that makes it work imo
1 note · View note
1001albumsrated · 3 months
#30: Bill Evans Trio - Sunday at the Village Vanguard (1961)
Genre(s): Modal Jazz
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This is one of those truly rare recordings that is just impossibly beautiful and impossibly ahead of its time. Sunday at the Village Vanguard is the culmination of everything Bill Evans, Scott LaFaro, and Paul Motian had worked together to create in the years following Bill's departure from Miles Davis' band following Kind of Blue. The musical synergy here is effortless, with the feel of players who have worked together for decades rather than a few years. Scott LaFaro and Paul Motian redefine the concept of what a jazz rhythm section is; gone are the walking bass lines and ride cymbal tapping, replaced by a more open, melodic approach that intertwines perfectly with Bill Evans' impressionistic approach to piano. The result is truly outstanding, with all three players operating at their peak.
Scott LaFaro, who would tragically die in a car accident 11 days after this recording, is the star of the show in many respects (if there can be such a thing on an album with such a strong collaborative spirit). He is, without a doubt, one of the best bassists of all time, and this is quite possibly his finest performance. Note that I didn't say jazz bassists, or upright bassists, just plain bassists. His approach and touch are unbeatable across the broad discipline of bass playing, and so unlike anything that came before and most things that came after. The cuts here were selected in particular to showcase his playing following his untimely passing (other selections from the same date can be heard on the also-excellent Waltz for Debby, or of course the 3CD complete sessions set).
That being said, let's not discount the contributions of Bill Evans and Paul Motian here. Bill is without a doubt one of the most elite jazz players of all time, with a style all his own. Paul Motian, much like Scott LaFaro did with bass, redefined the role of jazz drummer, moving the discipline away from simple timekeeping and towards a more dynamic, expressive style. Paul went on to have the widest-spanning career of anyone in the trip, spending a decade in Keith Jarrett's band during Jarrett's best years, and later in a great trio with modern jazz legends Bill Frisell and Joe Lovano.
The recording itself is also a thing to behold. It joins the upper echelon of great jazz recordings in small clubs. It really puts you in the room, with the clinks of glasses and light chatter throughout. The fidelity is top notch for the time as well.
The copy I listened to is the Keepnews Collection remaster on CD. I also have an earlier pre-remaster CD that I slightly prefer the sound of, but I find myself gravitating towards this copy more often on account of the more sensible tracklist layout (placing the alternate takes after the main album, whereas the earlier edition places alternate takes immediately after their respective album takes).
Anyways, I haven't exactly buried the lede here: this is one of the greatest jazz albums of all time, yes you MUST hear it before you die. This is one of the first albums I really got into when I was first getting into jazz, and it's just as great of a listen today as it was then. Go check it out ASANow.
Next time: Ray Charles is back with his genre-blending classic Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music!
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