#froggy's homebody adventures
awesomefroggy · 10 months
Them: Oh man! You left your job? What have you been up to?
What I want to say: being too tired to complete basic chores, can really only comfortably leave the house like twice a week, getting to pick one floor of my house to exist on for the whole day, am so chronically nauseous that two applesauce pouches and some cookies is an accomplishment some days, hopping between therapy and physical therapy and still trying to see irl friends, resetting joints and stretching muscles that hurt too much to do the physical therapy, feeling really guilty listening to all the stuff anyone else is accomplishing in a day, trying to distract myself with a million creative projects that I will inevitably get too tired to finish...
What I actually say: Oh! Y'know, taking some time to slow down, do housework, all that good stuff. I've started a couple of art projects, wanna see?
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mthwxryn · 4 years
Send “💘” to drag my muse out on a date with yours.
Ryan had become more of a homebody nowadays, he used to go on adventures often, but with all the schoolwork and his regular job on top he didn’t feel like being that active anymore. The bell suddenly sounded, wondering who it could be at this hour, but when he looked at the small monitor he saw a familiar face, putting a smile on his lips. He rang Keonhee in, waiting for him at the front door.
“What brings you here, froggie?” Ryan looked like he was about to go to bed, with his sweatpants on and on top of that an oversized sweater, hair not even styled. The witch told him to get his shoes and coat on, that they were going on an adventure. At first he wasn’t so sure to leave the warmth of his house, but he finally gave in and did what he was told, after all Keonhee came all the way over to see him. He noticed the grin on the witch’ face after he had warmly bundled himself up with a scarf, a beanie and warm gloves, playfully rolling his eyes at the other. “I don’t want to catch a cold okay?” Ryan chuckled and playfully nudged the other out the door, not forgetting his keys and wallet. Once outside he held onto Keonhee’s arm, afraid to slip in the snow. “Where are we going anyway?” The other told him they were going to get snacks and drinks from the convenience store, and then hang out at a nice spot with a pretty sight.
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