#keep trying to bat away the mean voice that says im gonna be too tired and be shit company when partner gets here
awesomefroggy · 10 months
Them: Oh man! You left your job? What have you been up to?
What I want to say: being too tired to complete basic chores, can really only comfortably leave the house like twice a week, getting to pick one floor of my house to exist on for the whole day, am so chronically nauseous that two applesauce pouches and some cookies is an accomplishment some days, hopping between therapy and physical therapy and still trying to see irl friends, resetting joints and stretching muscles that hurt too much to do the physical therapy, feeling really guilty listening to all the stuff anyone else is accomplishing in a day, trying to distract myself with a million creative projects that I will inevitably get too tired to finish...
What I actually say: Oh! Y'know, taking some time to slow down, do housework, all that good stuff. I've started a couple of art projects, wanna see?
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beann-e · 4 years
Haikyu Characters Reacting To Their S/O Screaming Back At Them
Aoba Johsai
Read Part Two Here
kyotani Kentaro
-everyone knows kyotani for his anger and how he doesn’t suck up to people so when they found out he was dating someone they had to assume this someone had the ability to put him in his place and right now that’s just what they needed
“ mad dog-chan you can’t do this not right now“ oikawas voice rang through in annoyance
“ yeah we need you to go in “ iwazumis voice sounded tired as if he was exhausted by trying to convince the boy for the past 5 minutes during their halftime (long timeout)
kyotani grunted as he turned from both of his teammates looking to the wall as he sat on the bench
“ coach seriously — we need him and he’s just on the bench doing nothing “
“ he said he’s tired of you guys only calling him in for 5 minutes and then sitting him back out like an animal— that you use to show off and then send outside when company’s gone “
“ well he’s our secret weapon “ oikawa screamed “ that’s literally what you do “
kyotani grumbled as he rolled his eyes at oikawa who huffed as he moved to turn to the bleachers “ oh forget this he’s not even listening to iwa-chan “
“ well you know what to do flatty-kawa “
“ duh you see i’m doing it iwa-chan”
oikawas hand came up in a wave as he moved to the referee whispering to them as they spoke on the speaker their voices crisp sending a chill through kyotani’s spine
“ we need a y/n l/n to come down to Aoba Johsais Bench — A y/n L/n to come down to Aoba Johsais bench “
you stood up smiling widely as you jumped your way through the crowd voice heaven sent as you screamed “ that’s me “
moving through people talking sweetly “ oops — sorry — sorry have to go take care of a loose hothead—whoops—you should really watch where you place that drink “
you hopped down the stairs waving at the team and the referee as you came to a stop in front of kyotani who was even more mad than he was initially
“ babe whats up why are they calling me down here again “ you sighed “ it’s only happened five other times and I thought we got past it “
“ they say that like it’s nothing “ kindaichis voice came out small as he rubbed the back of his head
“ kyotani “ you called confused usually he would answer you by now and comply and go play for a little while just to make you happy so you could go sit down on the bench to watch his game closely
“ uh somethings wrong iwa-chan “
“ yeah somethings off he’s not responding to her this time “
“ kyo what— “
“ if anything he looks like he’s gonna snap “
oikawa laughed at his comment “ yeah right y/n ‘ s too nice he’d feel horrible if he snapped at ‘em —they’d probably cry he wouldn’t do it “
oikawas face dropped as he heard the loud voice ring out inside the gym “ GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME“
you shuddered at his voice “ your even more fucking annoying than that dumbass over there “
your mouth dropped “ all you do is come down here and bother me everytime and I only go in for you — i’m not doing it this time i’m gonna stand my ground”
he screamed “ they use me for those 5 minutes and then toss me out i’m not doing it — like I said i’m sitting right here on this bench and standing my fucking ground “
your face went up in shock as you felt your body flinch at his voice kyotani and the rest of his team immediately feeling bad at what the whole gym just witnessed everyone listening closely feeling sorry for you
Oikawa moved to glare at kyotani as he walked over to wrap his arms around you “ aw y/n-chan it’s ok to cr— “
“ YOU SCREAM AT ME ONE MORE TIME LIKE THAT AND IM GONNA KNOCK YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF WITH THE BAT MY DAD WACKS INTRUDERS AT HIS STORE WITH “ your screams came out louder than his as you stared down at the boy in front of you
“ I don’t care if you go out there and wipe the floor down with fucking towels or scrape it clean with a toothbrush but your going out on that court kentaro“
your voice was stern “ you better be glad they even give you 2 seconds on that court you love so much with your shitty attitude —if it was me i’d make you a bench rider the whole season while you watch shittykawa smirk at you everytime he goes up for a set that you won’t get “ your screams catching the whole gym off gaurd
“ so your gonna go out there and stand your fucking ground on that court “ you mocked him hand pointing from him to the court
Kyotani’s body shaking at your tone “ kentaro “ you spoke his name like a curse as he jolted and race to stand in his position on the court head never turning back to look at you again as you continued
“ You will score everytime you go up for that ball — everytime you hit something or come in contact with it— I want a point on that board do you hear me“
“ yes “
“ kentaro “
“ yes ma’am “
you moved to fix your clothes as you stared at everyone in the crowd “ everytime my boyfriends feet leave that ground you better clap your asses off do you hear me “
everyone shook their heads in a yes motion afraid of you and how such a big yell could come from such a small person
You smiled at the team before you took your seat on the bench near the coach who read off all his plans for kyotani that hed never listened to
“ oh trust me we’ll do that plan “ you said as you shook your head ignoring all the whispers from the males around you
“ do they know the game doesn’t start back up again until 5 minutes from now “ mattsukawas voice came out in concern
“ I —uh I don’t think they care “
“ oikawa what’s wrong with you “ iwazumi turned to see oikawas face made up in a frown as he sulked
“ pretty y/n-chan called me your stupid nickname “
-oikawa never liked losing especially when it was to someone younger than him someone he didn’t like so you can imagine his anger when he lost to Karasuno
-no one expected the hallway to erupt in his screams so soon
“ tooru what’s wrong “
“ i’m just a little tired y/n i’m ok “
“ no but you — you look angry “
he took a deep breath as he shook his head in annoyance moving to walk off you standing in front of him stopping his exit
“ ok then if I look angry why the fuck would you stand in front of me “
“ because I “
“ because your fucking annoying that’s what it is “
“ tooru”
“ no don’t baby me y/n I don’t need you or anyone else to tell me I played good and I was amazing obviously I wasn’t if your standing here talking to me in a hallway and not in front of me while I celebrate on the court “
“ it’s ok baby — you can still win a volleyball nat— “
he lost his cool as he screamed looking down on you “ WHEN Y/N WHEN HUH “
he screamed harshly “ it’s over — are you fucking stupid there is no next time shitty kageyama took it there’s no next time for me — fuck we’re— we’re third years “
his voice sounded bloody by his screams that sounded throughout the hallway his team coming in to check and see if everything was ok receiving their answer when they turned the corner to you taking over
“ if I knew you were so fucking stupid I wouldn’t have dated you you were probably the bad luck charm that made me lose my shitty gam—“
“ the only thing that made you lose this game was you asshole “
your voice was laced with venom as you shot at him screaming constantly “ you and your shitty need to keep working endlessly maybe if you didn’t have a hurt knee — oh wait howd you get that “
you pretended to think “ oh I know FROM OVERWORKING YOURSELF “
you pushed a finger to his chest “ when I say your gonna make it to a nationals someday your gonna make it to a nationals someday you don’t doubt me is that clear “
his face was in fear as his mouth opened wide in a o form unable to process an answer
“ is that clear tooru oikawa “ you screamed
the team letting out yes’s for him as he moved to look back at them before he turned to you shaking his head like a puppy whod accidentally peed in the house
“ I need words “
“ y-fuck y—yes y/n — baby I mean ma’am — shit I mean yes baby “
you moved to stand straight as you cracked your neck and let a smile play on your face as you turned away from him walking to the entrance of the gym “ ok — babe I meant to tell you i’m gonna go say good game to kageyama- kun you go to the busses and make them wait for me ok “ you waved at him as you opened the door “ love you “
“ they wouldn’t dare leave ‘em “ kyotani’s voice came out in a laugh
“ fuck leaving them — theyd let ‘em drive“ hanamaki joked with mattsukawa who was screaming in laughter
your body entering the gym and walking over to kageyama who straightened up turning to speak to hinata who stood in fear
“ you speak nothing of what we heard to y/n-senpai“
“ y-yes ka-kageyama “
“ kageyama-kun youve grown up so much I love it“ you said holding your arms out to him speaking like he was a baby
“ h-hi y/n-senpai “
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bluebuckstallion · 3 years
the sun will rise again - mlp fic p2
part one contents: aj and big mac are like. 13 and 15. big mac realizes she is a trans woman, and is guided by applejack, but there is much more to it than just that lol. its also a little hard for her. sappy, feel-good, tough internal conflict but overall happy fic. paragraph one is previewed here, the rest is below the cut! disclaimer: there is no transphobia in this fic lmao im not gonna write abt horse transphobia. this is a feel good. but cw for fear of outing (note: i am aware my blog makes posts a little hard to read bc of a glitch, i am trying to fix it at the moment, i apologize D: i rec reading it on tumblr mobile or highlighting the words as you read, im sorry!) paragraph one: The wind whispered lovingly, cooling little Big Mac and Applejack's drowsy heads. A time like this in a young pony's life can be very confusing, something the two of them had grown to be very familiar with. Applejack rested his backside against the trunk of one of his family's old apple trees, if they had no where else to take solace, at least they had the orchard and each other's company, he thought. It felt nice, having this little secret kept safe by somepony you knew would protect it, and who still cared about you just the same. "If nopony accepts us, at least we have each other. I don't care if it's just you and me, Big Mac, we'll be jus' fine." Applejack stated in a soft voice, breaking the silence. He was accepting of his circumstances, no matter how they turned out. As long as him and his sister ended up okay. And again, he was sure they would. Big Mac smiled and folded her hooves neatly, "Eeyup."
Applejack worked his fluffy hooves through Big Mac's mane, doing his absolute best to make the fine ginger hair into a braid. He wanted to do something nice for his sister, something to celebrate her bravery and courage in realizing - and telling - Applejack, and he wanted her to feel nice in her own body, even if she couldn't change much right now, or for a while. No matter how small the act, Big Mac was especially grateful. Nobody had ever treated her like this, on purpose at least, like she was a mare. And every chance Applejack could sieze he would do just that, remind her that was what, *who* she was. "So, Big Mac, what do you reckon I call you now?" With that her eyes widened, and her brows furrowed, it caught her off guard. "Like...my name? I didn't know I could change my name..." she let out, slightly confused, a tender hoof raising to her chin as she thought hard. "Yeah!" AJ beamed, not straying from his tedious work. Big Mac, still lying down, started shuffling her hooves again. "Well... I always thought if I were a girl my name would be something pretty, which I mean, I am a girl and all, but I don't feel very pretty ever," she admitted disheartened. "You're plenty pretty! You're an Apple! You wouldn't say Ma or Granny wasn't pretty, would you?" Applejack pointed out, gesturing absentmindedly in the air with his hooves, then promptly returning back to his work, being sure to keep a steady hoof. "Well... Nope." Big Mac blurted awkwardly, pursing her lips. "But-" she began. "No 'but's'!" Applejack interjected, "You're an Apple, and a dang pretty one!" Applejack closed his eyes and lifted his head proudly, putting his non-dominant hoof against his puffed chest, "Look at me, I'm an Apple and I'd say I'm awful handsome, just like Pa!" he said with an endearing foal-like passion and certainty. He chuckled, his cheeks growing slightly cherry as he let out a tiny chuckle, and got back to his work, about a quarter way down the locks. Big Mac grinned slightly, "I suppose," and tapped her hooves together shyly, playing with the grass falling between them. "You know, I always did think my mane was a little long for a stallion," she laughed playfully, diverting from the subject and trying to reassure herself. She went to touch her mane, and was swiftly batted away by Applejack's quick hoof, "Nuh-uh Big Mac, I'm workin' here. Don't go touchin' it now," he said sternly but still non-maliciously. He just wanted it to look perfect for his big sister, he wanted her to be proud, and feel as pretty as she could. Applejack wanted to know how it felt to look pretty, too, but in the way he'd always dreamed of. He wondered often if he'd ever get the blessing of such a wonderful feeling. "Applejack, do you ever wish you were born a colt?" Big mac asked genuinely, still a little unsure of what Applejack was feeling, but knowing there was solidarity in it somewhere, she just had to understand it a little more. "Well - not really," Applejack spat out, his eyes looking away from his busy hooves, and quickly darting back to them before he drifted off in fantasy. He thought about it for a second, and still felt strange. "I wasn't really born a filly or a colt... or anything, I think, I was just born me. And I wouldn't really have it any other way. Sure, I mean, maybe I'd like shorter hair or somethin', or a uh," he struggled to find the words in his young foal vocabulary, "maybe if my nose was a little more colt-ish I'd be happy. But I think I'm pretty happy with me now. I do hope when I'm older my voice is a little better, though. I can't really do much though," he sighed dismissively. He continued, "I don't ever really feel too bad about who I am... I think I just feel happy about who I am. When I see myself as not a colt and not a filly, just a foal, a pony, it makes me real happy-like. But, I don't get too sad unless people are real serious about calling me a filly. I do get sad sometimes though, when I look too much like a filly to other people..." As Applejack placed an orchard blossom in Big Mac's hair, tucked snug and safe behind her ear, a thought went through Big Mac's head. "Applejack!" she jumped up, the rush of movement startling him, who was so concentrated seconds prior. "Let's give you a haircut! It'll be like how you braided my hair for me, we can cut yours!" Applejack nervously rubbed his elbow, then raising his hoof lightly beneath his muzzle, and he began to sweat. "Well, I, what if Ma and Pa don't like it?" Big Mac thought hard as Applejack grimaced, "Well, we can hide it with one of Pa's hats, an' I'm sure they won't mind," she suggested happily. Applejack considered briefly, just for a moment, the downsides of it all. He then immediately turned them all away and smiled so hard his eyes shut, stomping his front hooves against the ground up and down, "Okay, let's do it Big Mac!" As they galloped back to the barn, Applejack had suddenly realized he was so surprised with how much Big Mac had been talking, she never seemed so excited to talk about anything, and he realized how much this all meant to her. It meant a lot to him, too. Especially that his sister was so supportive while still knowing so little, but in her defense, he didn't know much either. It was a very special feeling, he thought to himself, very pleased. They skidded to a halt clumsily as they reached the doors to the barn. Foal-ishly peeking through the front windows, they realized it was only Granny and baby Bloom home, their parents must be out. They looked at each other, grinning, and cantered to the back, sneaking inside through the back door. When they made it to the bathroom, Applejack noted Big Mac looked a little worn out, wearing a tired look on her face. She figured all this chattiness probably made her sister a little exhausted. He shot a reassuring patended Sibling glance at her telling her all she needed to know, not needing words. Big Mac let out a gentle smile. She helped her little brother reach the cabinet above the sink, reaching the scissors that were so high up it took them both working together to reach. Applejack had a slight doubt in his mind, his parents probably didn't want him touching the scissors by himself, did they? But he had his big sister with him, and it had to be done! Nopony else would, and only they understood. Applejack balanced shakily with two hooves on Big Mac's back, warily reaching one back hoof up onto the sink, as he balanced with his two front hooves against the edge of the cabinet. He grasped the scissors between his teeth, and brashly jumped down, just barely missing a potential accident, even though they both knew better than to jump around with scissors, they threw caution to the wind regardless. Applejack happily put his front hooves on the rim of the sink, tapping them and bopping his little head, he looked at his big sister, who began working at his hair. Big Mac chopped with a great lack of care, playfully snipping one strand then the next. Applejack beamed the whole time, simply happy to have it happen, plan or not. Big Mac frequently spun around him, balancing on three hooves and sometimes getting in so close that she held his face with one hoof, his hair with another, and cut with the scissors firm in her mouth. Applejack's body relaxed completely and was kicking and rearing with every cut, wiggling and happily holding his front hooves together and constantly swishing his head from side to side to check how it looked, one side fell to his muzzle, and the other to his chin. He smiled bigger than ever before. With the final snip, Big Mac dropped the scissors carelessly to the tile below. She gently grasped Applejack's chin and turned her sibling's head forward to face the mirror, and his mouth immediately fell agape, his jaw slack, and his eyes slowly widening with the purest joy there ever was. He cupped his hooves to his mouth, removing them, turning his head to the side, and then fixing himself and putting his hooves to his open mouth once again. He felt a soft tug in his throat and his chest, and he couldn't control the watering in his eyes, "Big Mac!!" his voice cracked. "Yes Applejack?" the filly said apprehensively, fearing that she had done something wrong. "Oh Big Mac, oh my gosh I love it so so much!!" He bucked and whinnied, spinning in circles, his once-flowing tail too short to trip over now, and the euphoria of it all was the most overwhelming emotion little Applejack had ever felt. The tugging became so immense he couldn't ignore it, and he acknowledged it by leaping onto Big Mac with a hearty hug, squeezing her tight as his little arms could, and he rubbed his muzzle into her neck. Big Mac politely pushed her hoof between her neck and AJ's hoof, making sure he didn't squeeze too tight, struggling slightly to breathe. This foal was definitely a strong one. "Thank you so much big sis!!! I feel so great!!" he neighed, stepping back, one hoof raised wiping his immense wave of tears. The feeling of euphoria shot through his body in a rush, showing itself in the form of a tiny but powerful hop, as he lifted his legs into the air and threw them around. Applejack rushed back to the mirror, urging Big Mac to come look as well, as she didn't quite see herself yet with her hair "done all proper-like." Big Mac's face became pale, as she felt the rush of a thousand different emotions. The paranoia became astounding again, what if she didn't like how she looked as a filly? What if she still didn't feel right? What if it wasn't - Her thoughts were abruptly cut short by Applejack tugging her over, knowing her sister just sometimes needed a push in the right direction. "Lookie Big Mac!!" he placed his arm cheerfully around her, wrapping it over her back. Big Mac's eyes were glued shut, and she only bashfully peeked one eye open because curiosity would've ate her alive otherwise, and deep down she knew she had to see herself eventually. She uncovered her hoof from her eye, and opened both of them slowly. Her mouth opened ever so slightly, and she wasn't even aware she had stopped breathing, her eyes fluttered up and down the braided locks, along with her heart, and her eyes landed on the blossom in her ear. She couldn't speak, her throat clogged up from such elation. She felt the choking once again, but it wasn't like before, this feeling was quite welcoming actually. It rushed from her throat up to her head, and took her breath away. The sobbing ebbed at her cheeks right away, and she turned to look at her brother. As they spoke with lack of words, they stared with inordinate graditude. As Big Mac smoothly turned back to the mirror, Applejack stomped all his hooves again, one after the other with no apparent order or care, shaking his head in a frenzy as his ears twitched and he smiled a mile wide. He finally felt *pretty.* Big Mac watched herself adoringly, for the first time ever, and felt this acceptance and understanding of herself coursing through her veins with a confidence she'd never had. She blushed, and her ears fell downward, a small smile creeping onto her face. "Applejack," she whispered softly, as if she were too worried the world would hear her secrets. Applejack peered closer with wide, curious eyes, "Yeah Big Mac?" he whispered back. "My name.." she mumbled. Applejack raised his eyebrows, captivated, as Big Mac slowly lifted her hoof to the blossom behind her ear. "Blossom?" Applejack stated inquisitively, before Big Mac could shake her head AJ corrected himself, "Orchard Blossom!" he exlaimed, leaning back and jumping in the air, "Oh big sis, that's so pretty!! I love it so much!!" Orchard Blossom nervously gestured for him to keep it down, as he was prone to being unaware of his volume control. Applejack embarassedly covered his mouth with a shy smile, "Oops, sorry big sis." he cleared his throat, "Orchard Blossom!!" he yell-whispered, the excitement shining through him, he stamped his tiny hooves and clapped them together in celebration. "That's so pretty, Orchard Blossom!" Applejack told her earnestly, loving the new name. "I don't think I want a new name, but I'm really happy ya found one you like!" "Orchard Blossom, Orchard Blossom, Orchard Blossom!" Applejack repeated, playfully prancing in circles, excited by the sight of his short tail, he spun even faster. "What's all that commotion in there? Applejack? Big Mac? Are ya in there?" they heard through the shut door, hoofsteps gradually approaching, painstakingly slow but steady. Both of them felt their hearts drop from their chest as they froze, unable to even fathom moving. How would they explain any of this? Applejack hurried to clean up desperately, brushing the hair together with his hooves, coldly sweating from his brow as he frantically hurried to remove any evidence. He stopped mid-sweep to quickly shove his father's hat on his head, which slumped immediately and blocked his vision. "Oh dangit Blossom, Pa's hat's too big! I can't see!!" Orchard Blossom was still unmoving, sheer panic stopping her very breaths. Applejack felt the tugging in his throat rise up again as he began whimpering.
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seijorhi · 4 years
hello, im always on the hunt for new funky fresh yandere!suga content! i really enjoyed the post you made for him, it's exactly up my alley! would it be possible to request a gender neutral reader finding out just how much suga's been stalking them after they left him? by stumbling on something they shouldnt see (could be a dark room, or a journal, whatever youd like) and have him walk in on them then?
Suga will always be my first Haikyuu love, so of course!
Sugawara Koushi x Reader
TW stalking
Red Handed
When you were a little kid, your mom told you a story.
It was about a handsome man with a blue beard, the woman who married him despite the warning signs, and a locked cellar that was never supposed to be opened. You were too young to hear it, but as horrifying as it was - it stuck with you. 
Curiosity can be a dangerous thing.
But sometimes… sometimes you just can’t help yourself.
In your defence it wasn’t so much a wilful breaking of trust so much as it was an honest mistake. Sort of.
It’s not the first time you’ve found yourself pouring over textbooks and hastily scrawled notes with Suga, but it is the first time it’s been just the two of you - and the first time it’s been at his place instead of yours. 
“I give up,” you moan, letting your head fall flat against your notebook. “I’m gonna fail this stupid exam, drop out of school and have to resort to finding some rich, attractive guy to marry and support me instead.”
You’ve been at it for hours, the two of you spread out on his couch, a mountain of snacks between the two of you. You have to give Suga credit for that - the man knows how to keep you motivated to stay but this, this was beyond your limit. It’s never a good sign when you reread the same sentence five times and still have no idea what it says.
A soft laugh sounds and there’s a hand rubbing soothingly at your back, “Aw c’mon, don’t be so dramatic. You got me, right?”
You lift your head slightly to find him smiling at you with that same fond exasperation, and almost without meaning to you find your frown softening. It’s true. Suga’s pretty much your lifeline at this point - not to mention the reason you’re actually doing pretty well in most of your classes this semester. 
God only knew where he found the patience.
“What, you gonna marry me when they kick me out in disgrace?” you ask with a wry half grin, pushing yourself away from your notes. “Take care of my freeloading ass?”
Suga doesn’t say anything for a moment. You brace yourself for the lecture and/or pep-talk he’s given you a thousand and one times before, but when you glance up at him again, the look on his face isn’t the one you’re expecting.
He’s still smiling, but there’s something… odd about it. 
It’s just a flash, a flicker of something fleeting in his eyes-
You blink, and whatever it is- was - it’s gone and Suga’s looking at you with the same expression he always wears whenever you start bemoaning your future and the possibility of failing. 
Huh… your eyebrows draw together, the faintest hint of unease teasing at your gut. Just for a moment - a split second - you could have sworn that… 
But no, you’re just tired. Your brain is absolutely fried after hours studying, whatever you thought you saw, you must have imagined. Because Suga’s your friend. A good friend, maybe the best one you’ve ever had. Still… you really shouldn’t tease him like that.
“Hey, you know I’m kidding, right?” you ask, nudging his shoulder playfully. “Anyway, I think I’m done. I can’t look at these stupid notes anymore - they’re making even less sense than when we started.”
Suga sighs, rolling his neck and flipping the cover of the textbook shut. “Well I suppose it is getting late. Are you hungry? I can order some take out if you want-”
You shake your head before he can finish, “Nah, can’t tonight. I have a date,” you say, shooting him a wink. “Next time though? When everyone’s free. I feel a little guilty stealing all of your time for a one on one session as it is.”
Suga stills for a moment, glancing up to find you smiling sheepishly back at him. “Oh, a date? With that guy from class?” he asks, busying himself in tidying up the notes spread out across the coffee table. 
That guy from class. Yeah, the one you haven’t been able to shut up about for weeks. That one.
“Yeah. Nothing crazy, just dinner and a movie - still, I think it’ll be fun, y’know?” You were trying for a blasé tone, but somehow you think the slight dusting of pink on your cheeks kind of ruins it a little bit.
So maybe you were a little excited about it - it wasn’t a crime was it?
Suga gives a non-committal hum, but doesn’t say any more on the topic. Together it doesn’t take the two of you long to clean up, gather your notes and stash the snacks back away for the next study session. 
You still have enough time to dart home, have a shower and get ready, but- “Hey, before I go, is it okay if I use your bathroom?” you ask a little shyly. You guys have been friends for months, and you definitely don’t want to come across as rude, but you can’t deny there’s still something slightly embarrassing at having to ask permission.
“Yeah, of course. Down the hallway, last door on the right.”
 You nod, thanking him quietly.  
It’s a simple mistake. At the end of the hallway, there are two identical doors, both closed over.
Last door on the… left? That’s what he said, right?
You twist the doorknob, easing the door open and within a split second you know that you’ve got the wrong door because this is definitely not a bathroom, but…
Curiosity pushes you forward. 
It’s Suga’s bedroom. Your feet move like they have a mind of their own, drawing you in further into his room. You’ve never been to his place before, and you’ve definitely never been in his bedroom before, but you can’t deny that you’re curious. Surprisingly it’s not the mess that you’re expecting - the double bed neatly made and aside from a sweater tossed haphazardly across the back of a chair and a pair of jeans that hadn’t quite made it into the laundry hamper, there’s no dirty clothes littering the floor. 
You know it’s rude to pry. You know that, but in that moment you can’t seem to help yourself. Suga won’t mind, really, and it was an honest mistake.
There’s an acoustic guitar in the corner (does he play it, you wonder) and a volleyball covered in signatures sitting on one of the shelves above his desk. Even now, you know that he loves the sport with his whole heart. You’ve never been to a game before, but part of you thinks you’d like to, Suga always makes it sound so exciting. You find a smile creeping across your face as you wander over to have a closer look - there’s photo’s everywhere, in frames, pinned to a cork board on the wall - him with his family, with his friends, even one of the two of you together… and is that a medal?
You’re startled out of your thoughts by your phone vibrating in your pocket.
It should have been a wake up call, a sign from the universe to snap out of whatever nosy spell you’d managed to find yourself under and get out of Sugawara’s bedroom before he comes in to find you blatantly invading his privacy. It should have been - except instead you reach for your phone and fumble. 
You’re incredibly thankful for the carpeted floor because you can only watch in horror as your phone clatters to the ground and bounces (bounces!) under his bed.
“Shit!” you curse under your breath, dropping to your knees and resting your cheek against the mattress as you reach blindly into the dark space.
It takes a second of fumbling before your hand lands on something. It’s not your phone, you can tell that much right off the bat - it’s bigger, a box of some kind. 
You should have left it. 
Really, Sugawara’s a young, healthy guy like any other - you have an inkling of what could be inside the box. And it’s not like you want to see whatever spank bank material your friend has stashed away, you don’t, but…
But there’s a voice in your head that ignores all of that. A voice that whispers so delightfully, so eagerly, for you to just open it.
Open it, it whispers as you slide it out and set it down on the bed, settling yourself down beside it.
Open it, it whispers as you run your fingers along the wooden lid, sanded smooth except for the intricate carving in the centre. It’s strangely beautiful you think - not exactly the kind of box you can imagine filling with something so lewd.
Maybe it’s not what you think… maybe Suga has something else stashed away in this pretty little box. What else could it be? What does a guy like Sugawara Koushi have hidden away under his bed?
Open it, it whispers as your fingers find the edge and you slowly slide it open.
You immediately wish you hadn’t.
It’s you.
The photo’s a little blurry, taken from a distance and zoomed in, but it’s definitely you, lying in your bed, head thrown back with your eyes closed, bottom lip caught between your teeth-
The sheets obscure the rest, but from the flush on your cheeks and the arm disappearing between your spread legs, it’s obvious what you’re doing. 
There’s more. You with your friends, laughing. You out with your ex, maybe a month or so before you’d broken up. You in your bedroom again, a white fluffy towel wrapped around you, your hair still wet from the shower.
You walking home from class, taken from behind.
You in your favourite cafe, sitting by the window with a steaming mug in hand, staring out with a soft smile.
You tucked up on the couch, eating dinner with the TV playing in the background.
Every single photograph was of you, and every single one of them taken without your knowledge. Pictures of you from last year, long before you ever met Suga. How long has he been-
You can’t even bring yourself to finish the thought. You feel sick, violated, your hands trembling as you flick through the images. You don’t want to see any more, but you can’t seem to stop yourself. You at the park with your friends, walking their dogs and chatting aimlessly. You bending over to pick up something, the shot framing your ass in a way that seems almost… lewd.
When did he take these? H-how had you never noticed?
Oh god, some of these are from outside your home.
Your stomach churns, you might actually vomit… 
“Got lost, baby?”
You jump at the sudden interruption, quickly snapping the lid shut and shoving the little box of horrors away from you like it’s poison, hurried excuses already on the tip of your tongue - but it’s too late for that.
One look at Sugawara, standing framed in the doorway, watching you with an eerily calm expression upon his face and you know that it doesn’t matter what you say. There’s no denying what you’ve seen. 
No coming back from it. 
His eyes drift to the box, the incriminating pictures spilled across his sheets and he sighs. “You know, I wanted to make this special for you. I wanted to do this right.” His hazel eyes flicker back to you as he steps inside his bedroom and shuts the door behind him. The soft click has never sounded so deafening. So final. “But you just couldn’t help yourself, could you? You just couldn’t keep your nose out of where it doesn’t belong.”
Your heart thumps painfully against your ribs, the sound so loud that you’re sure he has to be able to hear it too. It’s not nausea that seeps through your veins, keeping you frozen in place, but fear. Suga’s always been such a gentle presence in your life but there’s no trace of that person left as he closes the distance between the two of you. 
It’s all been a lie, a carefully crafted facade designed to pull you in. Do you even know him at all?
“S-suga, what-”
“Shh,” he murmurs, placing a finger across your lips, a soft, delicate smile playing across his features. “Didn’t your parents ever tell you that curiosity killed the cat?” He pauses for a moment, watching with wicked delight as your face pales and you jerk away from his touch with a strangled gasp. “It’s okay, baby, there’s no need to look so worried. Don’t you know I’d forgive you anything?”
His lips crash against yours before you can even think to reply. 
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yourfavwriter · 4 years
Mark but make it jealous
Summary: Mark was usually all soft and sweet to you, who knew what getting coffee would do to the man.
Notes: smut so if you're not into that don't read it, dom Mark and sub reader, reader is female
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You breathed in the scent of fresh steaming coffee and sweet cake as you held Marks warm hand in yours. As you walked up to the cashier you kept repeating your order in your head making sure not to mess up.
"Hello what can I do for you guys today" the cashier asked only quickly glancing at Mark as he studied your face taking in your sparkly eyes and plump, soft lips.
"Hi can I have one tall iced coffee with sugar and cream? Also some caramel on top." You said. You watched as the cashier typed away on his little board.
"Okay one tall iced coffee for the lovely lady, what about you sir" Mark stirred uncomfortably at the flirty remarks of the cashier but as to not start anything big went along with it.
"Hey yeah I just want a small black coffee." The cashier nodded and typed away at the register.
"Okay that brings your total to $10.45." you attempted to slip your hand away from Mark's to grab your purse but before you could Mark took out his credit card and payed instead. "Hey I said I was gonna pay!" You whispered looking at Mark. He smiled,
"Too late I already did" you pouted and went back to staring at all the cakes on display as you waited for your drinks.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick" Mark said pulling his hand away from yours you nodded still staring at all the cakes.
"So is he your boyfriend or something?" You heard the cashier ask. You were taken aback by the question since it had come out of nowhere but you simply smiled.
"Yes he is"
"Ahh I see." He side clicking his tongue
"You seem to be out of his league if I'm being honest with you, you're very beautiful you deserve a real man." Your smile slowly faded off your face and you cleared your throat trying to ignore his attempts to get with you.
"Awe come on don't ignore me now I was playing with you. But if you ever get tired of him just know I'm free whenever you need me." As he finished his sentence he slid you a napkin with his number on it. You looked towards the bathroom trying to find Mark only for him to be no where in sight.
"Here's your coffees have a nice day and don't forget to call me" the cashier said winking after. You grabbed the drinks and took them to a table to wait for Mark making sure to throw out the napkin he gave you on the way. As you waited for Mark you impatiently tapped your feet until
"Hey babe"
"Hey Mark can we leave now?"
"Uh sure" Mark was confused on why you were so nervous but thought it was just the jitters, public settings weren't always the best for you so he understood. You suddenly felt someone tap your shoulder and you knew who it was. Before you could turn around and tell him to leave you alone he spoke up,
"I noticed you threw the other napkin away so here's another napkin" you an Mark turned in sync to look at the chaser who was now holding out another napkin with his phone number and name clearly written on it. Out of the corner of your eyes you could see Mark fuming.
"Uhm that's sweet of you but-"
"She has a boyfriend dude back off" Mark said now wrapping his arm around your waist.
"Uh yeah but she could probably use my number just in case you know." You internally face-palmed as embarrassment filled your body. Mark scoffed before he replied back with anger
"Thanks for the offer but I'm all she needs."
"I was just playing around bro don't take it to the heart." The cashier said before he gave Mark a light punch on the shoulder and walked away. Mark grabbed your wrist and led you out of the coffee shop and to your car. You caught one last glimpse of the cashier as Mark dragged you out of that hell hole and he simply smirked at you, you were now angry too for the man to flirt so shamelessly with you. The whole ride home was silent you only quietly sipped on your coffee in case anything you said angered him further.
"So you wanna explain what that was back there?" Mark asked as soon as you stepped foot through the door. You slowly turned to look at him in disbelief, almost laughing at his question.
"I don't think I have to explain anything you saw that cashier flirting with me."
"And you did nothing to stop him" you were now not only angry and the cashier but Mark too.
"You act like I was flirting with him"
"You might as well have been you were all 'awweee i have a boyfriend maybe flirt with me while he's not looking'" Mark said mocking your voice and even going as far as to bat his eyelashes.
"Okay Mark what the fuck? I was declining his offer gently as to not make a big deal but you act as if I was cheating on you?"
"You could've been more firm with your words since he obviously wasn't getting the point"  
"I was trying to be nice what did you want me to slap him infront of everyone or something?"
"Uhm kind of!" Mark said throwing his hands in the air as if it were the obvious route to take.
"I seriously can't believe you right now some creep was hitting on me right infront of you and you blame me for not being stern enough with him when you did nothing!" You raised your voice obviously pissed now.
"I'm the one who got you out of there!" Mark said also raising his voice now.
"I wish he was the one getting me out of there" you mumbled under your breath apparently loud enough to Mark to hear.
"What. Did. You. Just. Say." He said clenching his teeth trying his best to keep his calm. You decided to tease him as pay back for his blaming your innocent self.
"I said 'i wish he was the one getting me out of there' did you not hear me the first-" you were cut off when Mark suddenly pushed you up against the wall, his face mere inches away from yours.
"So you wanna act up now?" He said pinning your wrists against the wall. You nodded smiling just to anger him further. He scoffed and looked away for a second.
"Oh you're so in for it tonight." He leaned in to kiss you but your turned your face at the last second still not done with your teasing.
"I see how it is" Was the last thing you heard before he threw you over his shoulder and took you straight to the bedroom. You tried flailing your arms and legs
"Mark let me go!" You whined not actually meaning it but saying it just to see his reaction (remember consent is key children if someone says no or to stop mid-action respect their wishes) he simply ignored all your poor attempts to escape and went on his merry way. When he entered the bedroom he dropped you on the mattress and immediately got in top of you.
He kissed you roughly for a bit before leaving a hot trial of kisses down your jaw and onto your neck, making sure to such hickeys on to your neck.
You sighed in pleasure which didn't last long, next thing you knew he was practically trying to rip your top off of you after getting frustrated with the buttons. You giggled to yourself before moving his hands and undoing the buttons yourself. After your shirt was taken care of he reached around your back and unclipped your bra with one single movement, exposing your chest to him.
You were expecting him to start massaging or playing with your breasts like he usually did but instead he went to unbutton your jeans, it did catch you by surprise but he was still angry at you and angry Mark means no foreplay.
He was having trouble figuring out your jeans to which you helped him yet again and as soon as he could he threw your jeans across the room, panties still on.
He quickly rose to his feet and undressed himself leaving only his boxers on, you bit your lip at the sight infront of you. Mark knelt on the bed and turned your body so that you were now on your stomach. Before you could ask what he was doing he put you face down, ass up in the air. You felt his hand rub against your smooth ass and relished the feeling of him being gentle before he released all his anger and stress on you.
Just as you were about to make some snarky remark about him being so gentle after all his roughness he spanked you. You jolted at the sudden noise and felt a stinging pain.
"Ow Mark that hurt!"
"Did i say you could speak?" He asked in a low voice. His voice was scarly calm compared to his actions which confused you.
"No but-"
"Then be quiet." You immediately shut your mouth and surrendered to his touch. He spanked you once, twice, three times, 4 times, and one last time.  By the time he was done your eyes were threatening to spill out a river of tears and your knees were just about to give out. Mark held you steady in place and pushed your panties to the side exposing your already dripping core.
"You really get this turned on just by me being angry?" Mark said while chuckling. You whined eager to feel him inside you and he complied. Mere seconds later you felt him enter you and immediately start pouring into you, not letting you adjust to his size.
"Mark! Slow..slow down" you stuttered trying to hold yourself together. He only went faster and pounded deeper into you, tempting you to let out the sinful sounds he always loved to hear from you. You moaned and whimper so close to orgasming before Mark pulled out. He quickly flipped you over so that you were on your back and entered you again before you could let out any words. The sound of both you and mark moaning and your skin slapping made you come undone in his hands.
"I'm gonna..." You trailer off seeing stars as you closer your eyes.
"You're gonna cum aren't you?" Mark said all cockily only he could fuck you this good and only he could get you to be a whimpering mess with just his light touches. You nodded vigorously. You came with Mark still inside of you and when he felt you walls clench around him he pulled out cumming all over your thighs. You panted and closed your eyes close to sleeping when you heard his voice right next to you now.
"Don't fall asleep yet princess I'm not done with you just yet."
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jimlingss · 4 years
Sugar and Coffee [11]
Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12
➜ Words: 4.5k
➜ Genres: 99.5% Fluff, 0.5% Angst, Pâtisserie school!AU
➜ Summary: It isn't hard to be a pâtisserie chef, but it's not a piece of cake either. It seems like for you in particular, life keeps throwing in one wrench after another. It always finds ways to make your sweets bitter. The cherry on top is Jeon Jungkook — a rival with a sensitive sweet tooth who always finds ways to complain about you.
➜ Warning: Suggestive content
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Life is like a box of chocolates — you never know if it’s gonna fuck you over and end up giving you the shits.   It’s in the middle of the night when he feels someone crawling into bed with him. The sheets ruffle. The covers are pulled, and he feels a weight settle onto his hips. Jungkook’s shaken awake from his slumber and through the slits of his eyes, he sees you grinning down at him, palms laid on his chest.    “Wh-What are you doing here?” Jungkook croaks with a voice thickened with sleep, completely disoriented. He tries to lift his head to look around his dark dorm room. “How’d you get in?”   You brush your hair back and lean down close to him, whispering, “Does it matter?”   Your hot breath skims against his skin and sends goosebumps all over his flesh. Suddenly, your lips lay on the juncture between his neck and shoulder and he feels your hips rocking into him.   Immediately, Jungkook lifts his hands to find purchase on your waist, halting your movements. “We shouldn’t do this.”   “Why not?” You pout and just to tease, you swivel your hips again, grinding down on him.   Your name chokes out of Jungkook. “W-We’re friends.”   “Really?” Your lashes bat, body heat warm against his. “Friends don’t do this, Kookie.”   Jungkook realizes that you’re just in a white night slip with thin straps he can easily tug down. Your underwear is gone too and he can feel the heat of your center as you shift to sit right on his crotch that’s growing harder by the second. Jungkook groans and you whine back at him.   You grab his hand, guiding it to palm your breast, and Jungkook squeezes. It feels soft like a pillow. “Friends don’t touch each other like this,” you murmur to him, rocking yourself against his clothed length. The bed creaks quietly and Jungkook can feel his pajama pants becoming damp.   “Friends don’t get this wet.” You kiss his jaw. “Friends don’t want to touch each other.”   “God, Y/N.” Jungkook doesn’t know what’s happening. But he can’t resist the temptation. He can’t control himself. It only takes one more eager jerk of your pelvis before he’s embarrassingly coming undone in his boxers like a prepubescent teen.   “Feel good, Kookie?” you coo and when he manages a husky ‘uh-huh’, your lips curl. “Then why do you fucking suck at making cakes, huh?!” Jungkook’s startled when you abruptly screech into his ear at the top of your lungs and his horror only accelerates when you stand on the mattress, looming over him and placing your foot on his crotch. “You’re a fucking joke!”   Your heel digs into his soft dick and he’s unable to pry it off, scared shitless.    “Your cakes are DRY!” The whites of your eyes bleed red, skin morphing into purple as the strands of your hair raise. The word ‘dry’ is jarringly spat with multiple demon voices in low tones overlapping your own. It echoes all along his room, surrounding and suffocating him. All of a sudden, your jaw unhinges and smoke begins to ooze out towards him. Jungkook screams and his vision is flooded in pitch black.   Jungkook jolts on his mattress. His eyes pull back. He hyperventilates, catching his breath.    The first thing he sees is the white mug you gave him on his bedside table, ‘Jungkook — World’s Best Chocolatier’, unused and kept pristine. But he rolls away and realizes his hand has been tightly squeezing a pillow, that he’s dripping of sweat and his pants are soiled, that you’re not here — that you never were.   What the fuck.   It was a wet dream, or rather, a wet nightmare.    //   It’s an understatement to say Jungkook is utterly traumatized. He wonders if his subconscious is broken, but the nightmare has stained his brain permanently and he is still horrified by morning. He couldn’t fall back to sleep and stayed in bed motionless for two hours, deeply disturbed to his very core.   He’s shocked out of his thoughts by a brush on his arm.    Jungkook whirls his head over, and there you are. Manifested into thin air. Coming from nowhere. As if you were summoned through his thoughts like the devil. He screams and stumbles back.   Your eyes are wide, brows lifted. “Jungkook?”   “Fuck! You scared me!” He presses his hand over his heart where it’s thundering against his rib cage.    “I called you three times! Did your one brain cell die? God, you’re so embarrassing.”   People are looking at him, startled from his shriek and stopped in the middle of the corridor. Jungkook swallows hard and quickly collects himself. “S-Sorry.”   “Geez, get it together, Jeon. Anyway, I was going to ask you about…”   He tries to talk to you and not stare at the petals of your lips that had softly kissed his neck in his nightmare. He tries to focus and not let his eyes stray down to the swell of your chest that was firmly pushed against his own in the nightmare. He tries to ignore that nightmare, the nightmare of you climbing underneath his warm covers, pressing yourself to him, whispering in his ear—   “Jeon—”   Jungkook screams again, the silver bowl of chocolate knocking against the counter in a deafening clang, but thankfully not spilled. Your classmates are wide-eyed like you are and the teacher spins around, afraid that someone is on fire.   “S-Sorry,” he apologizes to you and the rest of the people in the kitchen.   Everyone turns back to their stations and you frown, ducking your head in second-hand humiliation. “Dude, what’s wrong with you?”   You’re leaning too close to him, your scent is overwhelming and Jungkook’s heart is beating fast enough that it’s going up his throat. He might just have a heart attack.   He frantically shuffles back to put some distance between the two of you. “Nothing.”   “Really?” You have a doubtful expression. “Are you sick? Do you need to go to the hospital?”   “No, I’m not. I’m fine.”   “A—lright then, weirdo. I just wanted to ask you if you have any extra eggs I can borrow.”   “Borrow?” He quirks his brow. “You’re gonna give me back the eggs?”   You grin mischievously and it does something to him that is quite unsettling. “Can I take some, please?”   Jungkook swallows hard. He’s not sure why you’re batting your lashes like that, why you’re trying to act coy. It’s not cute. But he doesn’t comment, instead diverting his eyes and sliding the carton over. “Take it.”   “Thanks, Jeon.”   It’s not going to work and he knows it. Pretending and trying to ignore what’s on the forefront of his mind will only arouse more suspicion from you. It won’t be long until you think he needs to have medical attention. Which he probably does at this point. But your concern will only unknowingly throw fuel into the fire.   Jungkook knows the only way he can shake this weirdness off is by switching strategies. And the best strategy of all is time.   //   When Jungkook enters the lecture hall, he urgently claims a spot at the very back, even if he can’t see the white board and he knows it’ll be hard to hear. He ducks his head, wearing the hood of his sweater and instantaneously picks you out in the crowd.   You’re in the middle rows at the usual spot with your seat beside you saved. And as time ticks closer to the lecture, he can see you looking around, searching for him.   10:58 pm. Y/N: are you skipping class again idiot 10:58 pm. Y/N: im not giving you the notes   Jungkook sees your text but doesn’t answer.   At lunch, Jungkook books it to the dining hall and just dumps whatever is convenient onto his tray. He sits down and begins to scarf down his food.    Yoongi, who hasn’t even been able to take a bite, eyes him.    “Wow, you’re hungry today.”   Jungkook chugs his water so the food can easily slide down his gullet.   Yoongi lifts a brow at how he hasn’t answered and blatantly stares at him. “What’s your problem, Kook? Is someone chasing you?”   The dark-haired man in his campus hoodie and dark jeans checks his watch. With his cheeks full, he mutters, “Class ends in three minutes which means she’ll be here in five.”   “Who? Y/N? Did you do something to piss her off?”   It’s not exactly that. But Jungkook doesn’t respond. He’s too busy slurping up his noodles. Then swiftly, he stands with his tray and grabs the hard piece of bread in his other hand. “See you.”   There’s a permanent question mark etched onto Yoongi’s face and the tired man watches Jungkook dump his unfinished food into the bin and runs off with more vigour than he could ever have.   And like clockwork, exactly as Jungkook predicted, you come into the dining hall thirty seconds later. You pick up your food while humming and then sit yourself down across Yoongi.   “How was class?”   “Fine.” Yoongi doesn’t explain. He cuts straight to the chase. “Did something happen between you and Kook?”   “What?”   “He was just here.”   “He was?” You turn around but the mop of black hair is nowhere in sight. You shift back to Yoongi, completely befuddled. “No, nothing’s wrong. He’s just been jumpy today, I don’t know what his issue is.”   “Huh.”   12:06pm. Y/N: is everything okay???   Guilt crawls up Jungkook’s throat as he leaves another text unanswered. But it’s not his fault.   You’re a witch for plaguing him with these feelings. These horrible feelings that he doesn’t even know how to begin describing. It’s like he’s horny but when he touches his dick, you’re the first person to come to mind. And it makes him stop — aware it’s too fucked up to continue.   He can’t believe that the span of a few hours and one measly nightmare has changed the entire wiring of his brain. Or maybe you’ve bewitched him, cursed him somehow, voodooed him. Frankly, Jungkook wouldn’t be surprised if you actually did that to get back at him for something he doesn’t remember doing.   You’re a witch and you would probably cackle if you knew what was going on.   2:43pm. Y/N: wanna go eat out tonight  2:43pm. Y/N: im hungryyyyyy again   2:56pm. Y/N: BITCH 2:56pm. Y/N: ARE YOU SERIOUSLY LEAVING ME ON READ   What Jungkook needs most is to turn off his phone and get away from you. Or at least, anywhere where he could potentially run into you on accident. So after class, he goes to the best place he can think of to get his mind off of things.   “Damn, you look rough, dude.” Taehyung shuts the door to his dormitory room and grins. “Did you have another wild night?”   “Uh, no, not really.”   “What are we playing? Overwatch? League? PUBG?”   “I’m good for whatever.” He plops onto Taehyung’s bean bag chair, ignoring the spilled chips on it.   Taehyung’s dorm is ten times nastier than Jungkook’s room has ever been. It’s a literal dump. You would never step into it and he knows it for a fact.   Taehyung’s pig style lifestyle is Jungkook’s ultimate refuge.   “So you gonna tell me what’s up?” Taehyung glances at Jungkook as the loading screen appears.   Jungkook musters a half-scoff, half-laugh. “There’s nothing up.”   “Okay then.”   There’s a long silence. The music plays. The screen continues loading.   Jungkook sighs and leans back, gesturing wildly. “Okay. I had this dream.”   Taehyung cocks a brow. “You had a dream?”   “Yeah, and it was really, really, really, really weird—”   “Dude.” The brunette laughs. “I get it. It was really weird. Get on with the story.”   “And now it’s fucking with my head.” He releases another sigh. “It was about Y/N.”   “Y/N?” Taehyung grins. “What? Did she shoot you point-blank? Did she knife you in a back alley and now you think this is some kind of sign for the future and you’re gonna die?”   “No—” But before he can explain himself, Taehyung’s phone dings and he pulls it out.   His boxy smile expands on his face and he momentarily shows his screen. “Well what do you know, speak of the devil, Y/N’s coming over here right now.”   “What?!”   Jungkook sputters, choking on his own spit, heart stuttering.   Taehyung smiles. “I’m giving her the lemon meringue pie recipe in exchange for her red velvet cupcake recipe. Don’t tell Yoongi though, he keeps on talking about selling it and keeping it a secret, but I personally don’t really think it’s going to work— Hey! Where are you going, dude?”   Jungkook has grabbed his bag and shoes, and is opening the latch on Taehyung’s window. Thankfully he lives on the bottom floor and it’s easy to climb out.   “Are you being serious right now?” Taehyung stands, appalled.   “Yeah.” He swings his legs over the ledge. “Don’t tell Y/N I was here.”   Both of Jungkook’s feet land on the ground and he takes off running without glancing behind him.   In the meanwhile, Taehyung blinks hard. He’s shocked and shouts out the window— “You never finished telling me about that dream!”   You’re a witch — Jungkook’s sure of it. He has no solid evidence yet but there was just no way you could appear at every single place he’s at. Always two steps behind him. One corner away.   He didn’t know it would be so hard to avoid you. You’re truly like the plague.   “Jungkook? What are you doing?”   The man is lightly jogging, but stops in his tracks. Hoseok and Aeri are hand in hand together in the middle of the path across campus. Jungkook automatically grins, thankful to see them.   What he needs most is to surround himself with people and to not be trapped inside his own head. “Hey, guys! Was just going on a run.”   “In jeans with your backpack?”   “Never a better time for exercise,” he declares and Aeri laughs. But Hoseok quirks his head to the side, unsure. “Where are you going?”   “We were just heading to the gelato place by the west building. We still haven’t tried it since it opened.”   “Great!” Jungkook joins them happily, throwing an arm over Hoseok’s shoulder. He doesn’t realize how the way he stands in the middle forces their interlaced hands to break apart.   Hoseok flashes him a dirty look that Jungkook’s subconscious chooses to ignore. “You’re coming with us?”   “Well I haven’t tried their gelato yet either and I heard their strawberry flavour was pretty good.”   “I heard it was good too!” Aeri smiles, trying to be polite. And when Jungkook isn’t looking, she sends a sheepish look to her boyfriend, mouthing to him that it’s okay.   The three of them walk together and when the sidewalk becomes too narrow for three people, Aeri falls behind. Hoseok glances at her over his shoulder, apologies swimming in his eyes.   Eventually, they get across campus and order before sitting out on a bench to enjoy their sweet desserts.   It should be lovely — the weather pleasant as the sun is going down. Aeri is holding Hoseok’s hand comfortingly as they both eat their waffle cones. But the date is interrupted with Jungkook’s loud chewing and they’re squashed with three people out on the wooden bench.   Hoseok’s thigh should be brushing against his girlfriend’s. But instead, it’s squished against Jungkook’s muscular ones.   “If we’re watching a movie after this, I heard the new Terminator was pretty decent.”   “We were planning to watch When Spring Meets Autumn,” Hoseok deadpans lifelessly, eyes blankly looking out at the distance as the man considered how this cute date turned out this way.   “A rom-com?” Jungkook blanches. “Since when did you like rom-coms?”   “I like them,” Aeri pipes up. “But I’m okay with Terminator too if that’s what you guys want.”   “The reviews are pretty stellar, so it should be good. Are you planning to grab dinner afterwards too?”   “Y-Yeah, maybe,” Aeri timidly answers   Jungkook finishes his cone and dusts his hands off. “There’s a McDonalds nearby the theater and they have a new angus burger I’ve been meaning to eat too. We should try it.”   Hoseok glares at him. Jungkook’s doe eyes overlook it.   Suddenly the phone rings, and it’s Jung Hoseok’s saving grace.   He sees the caller ID, smirks and answers, pulling it up to his ear. “Oh, hey, Y/N.”   Jungkook’s entire body freezes. His muscles become rigid.   Hoseok glances at him. “Yeah, great timing actually. He’s right here with me. We’re at the edge of campus right by the west building in front of Dog World’s Gelato. Yep. Okay. See you soon.”   Shit.    Jungkook gets up right away. “Uh—maybe we can hang out next time, guys. I should get going.”   Hoseok grabs onto the bottom hem of Jungkook’s sweater before he can book it. The male’s fist is tight enough that his knuckles turn white and he musters a stiff smile, trying not to show how much he’s enjoying his act of vengeance. “Why, Kook? You should join us! Y/N’s actually coming right now! She’s been looking for you, right?”   “Uh, t-tell her I’m busy. Just realized I have an assignment. Gotta go finish it before the deadline!” Jungkook rips his sweater back from Hoseok’s grip and runs for the hills.   Finally Hoseok and Aeri are left at peace to enjoy their outing.   “Is Jungkook avoiding Y/N?” Aeri asks curiously, watching Jungkook’s backside diminish.   “They’re playing some kind of cat and mouse game. You should see the group chat.” Hoseok chuckles. “I don’t know if Jungkook’s checked at all, but Y/N’s out for murder.”   Jungkook sprints across campus again, this time taking the route through the underground parking lot to avoid you. There’s only one person left who can save him and he trusts this person wholeheartedly. He knows they won’t betray him, that they’ll protect him until the very end. Sweet, summer child—   “Jimin!”   “Hey.” The boy grins, eyes crinkling into half-moons. He put down his pen on top of his textbook, seated at the small table in the corner of the second floor of the library. You never come here. He’d shit himself if you did. “I saved you a spot when you texted me.”   “Thanks.” Jungkook’s out of breath and falls into the seat across from him. He turns to the windows to watch the sun lower over the horizon and Jimin smiles at him, chewing on his slices of deli meat. Jungkook never understood why, but the man loves snacking on deli meat and cheese.   “Did something happen?”   Jungkook steadies his breathing. “Nothing really. What are you working on?”   “Just some theory for sugar work. Gotta prepare for that test. Do you need some water?”   “Please.” He gulps down the rest of the water bottle that Jimin hands him, quenching his dry throat.   And the brunette watches him with a grin, waiting patiently until he’s finished. Then, he asks—    “Are you sure this has nothing to do with Y/N?”   Jungkook wheezes on air. He chokes and sputters, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. His doe eyes are rounded like a deer in headlights. “How’d you know?”   Jimin turns to the phone beside him, swipes and then quotes, “Where is Jeon? When I get my hands on him he is going to die I swear to god.” The way Jimin reads it is very matter-of-factly, deadpanning, but Jungkook groans, already imagining your yelling.   Jimin looks at his friend again, eyes twinkling with amusement. “There’s more in the group chat, but you get it. So...what did you do?”   “I didn’t do anything!”   Thankfully, there’s no one around the library to send him a glare when he defends himself in a higher-pitched voice. But it’s a lie. It is his fault. Jungkook’s been blatantly avoiding you all day, running from you and leaving you on read. Yet, the ironic part and what killed him the most is that Jungkook was actually beginning to miss you.   It’s just harder than he expected to distance himself.    For the past few months, you’re almost always together.   “I….I had this dream last night,” Jungkook confesses, finally letting the burden off his shoulder.   Jimin raises his brows, lips falling to the side as he earnestly listens. “A dream?”   “About Y/N.” Jungkook cringes, but lets it tumble off his tongue. “Itwasawetdream.”   “Oh.”   “Yeah.” He sucks in his cheek. Jimin’s expression is blank too, registering in the confession. Jungkook’s about to burst out laughing and spit out ‘sike’ to take it back. But his close friend beats him to the punch—   “Isn’t that normal?”   “What?”   “I mean Y/N is attractive and you are too, so you’re probably attracted to each other at least on some human level. Isn’t it natural to be attracted to someone and think of them like that?”   “Yeah, but this is Y/N we’re talking about here. Y/N.”   The person who tells him about your face acne and your period flows — that tells him he sucks at icing and piping — the person who calls him a bitch when he slyly passes his used bowls in the sink while you’re washing your dishes — who tries to sing IU songs and absolutely grates his ears.   But Jimin merely shrugs. “So? Y/N’s still human. It’s not weird unless you make it weird.”   It’s easier said than done. Jungkook is being driven crazy by you.   Jimin stares at him.   “Do you like Y/N, Jungkook?”   You? No. Of course not.
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‘The fuck is wrong with Jeon?’ seems to be the question of the day.    It’s pinpointed on your mind and one you have no idea what the answer could be. And the more you sit and think about it, the more you become enraged. Your blood is boiling, temples pounding, and you’ve never been one to sit aside and let things happen. So, you seek him out to get some answers.   You sneak in and pound on his door at ten at night. Hard enough that the surface rattles against the hinges. He can run from you all he wants all day but he has one place to sleep at night.   The door opens a sliver, Jungkook’s eye and big nose pokes out, horrified. “Y/N?!”   You push the surface but he holds it. There’s a struggle. “W-What’s your problem?”   Finally, you stumble in. Jungkook steps back.   His room is pitch black but the light from the hall illuminates his small space and your eyes dart to his ruffled sheets, the laptop pushed aside, the lube on his nightstand by the cup you gave him for Christmas. Immediately it clicks and your pupils dart to his crotch. You see something poking out from his gray sweatpants and he covers it with his hands, but a moment too late.   You groan. “Ugh. Are you seriously getting off, right now?”   “Fuck off, I’m...just a little sexually frustrated.”   “Is this what you’ve been doing all day?”   “No!”   “Then why did you leave me on read?!” You confront him, not leaving room for excuses. And as for receipts, you hold up your phone where tens of messages were left unanswered today. You sigh when Jungkook says nothing for an excruciating thirty seconds and you soften. “Just tell me what I did wrong, so I can apologize for it and fix it.”   “No, you didn’t do anything wrong.”   “Then why did you ignore me all day and make me feel like….like some kind of clingy ex?” The words taste bitter as they come out. You’re reminded of what happened not too long ago, how you were ghosted by Kim Seokjin and you don’t appreciate Jeon Jungkook doing the same to you.   You don’t enjoy being shunned and abandoned by your best friend.   Jungkook can see the hurt in your expression and realizes he’s fucked up. Big time.   His ears perk when you sigh frustratedly.   “This morning, you act all weird and then you don’t show up to class and Yoongi tells me you shoved your lunch into your mouth and left seconds before I came. Okay. Whatever. I was going to let it go. Maybe there’s something up. Maybe you need space.” You step forward and he staggers back. “But then….but then Taehyung tells me you jumped out of a window when you heard I was coming.”   Jungkook curses his friend for betraying him inside the recesses of his head.   You’re imposing, closing the distance with one large step. Jungkook wobbles back. “And then when I call Hoseok to try to find you and see what the hell is going on, he tells me you’re over in the East building. But when I get there, apparently you’ve run off. Again.”   “So what the hell?”   You take one more step and the back of his knees hit the edge of his mattress. Jungkook falls back onto his bed into a seated position. He swallows hard, palms feeling sweaty. Your hair is falling in front of your face as you lean down, connecting your eyes with his. It’s just like it. The nightmare. If he wanted, he could reach out and hold your waist, sit you on his lap—   “I had a dream about you,” Jungkook murmurs.   Your brows furrow. “A dream about me?”   Jungkook holds your gaze, unwavering. “You stabbed me.”   It goes silent.    Then you step back, bursting into laughter. You believe the lie. But Jungkook doesn’t relax. The sound of your giggles make him stiffen more as his heart rate picks up speed like he’s about to die.   “You had a dream I stabbed you? Damn your subconscious must be really scared of me or something.”   “Hey, it felt really real, okay? You like shanked me with a kitchen knife right in my stomach. It freaked me out…”   You feel enlightened. Relieved. It makes sense in your brain as to why he was so jumpy this morning. He was probably scared enough to avoid you all day. And here you thought you did something wrong and the friendship was over.   You approach Jungkook and grab his face. Your palms squish his cheeks together and you make him look at you. “I wouldn’t ever stab you, Jungkook,” you tell him with your utmost sincerity. “Not now. Not ever. So you don’t have to worry about it. At the worst, I would step on your foot or pull your hair. Promise.”   He gently pulls your hands off him and holds it. “Thanks for the reassurance,” he says sarcastically with a small smile. “But I already know. You can’t overpower me.”   “Is that a challenge?” You quirk your head to the side.   “You just promised you wouldn’t ever stab me.” He grins boyishly. “But I’m sorry. I am. I didn’t mean to ghost you and make you feel….like I…”   “It’s okay. I get it.”   You smile at him. The corner of your mouth lifts, eyes tender, lashes fluttering. The warm light from the corridor casts upon your skin and features, making you glow.   Jungkook stares up at you and swallows hard. The feelings train runs him over, the locomotive crushing his entire body, steel wheels stomping him flat. And he knows.   Damn. He’s so fucked.
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Concept: RED Spy is down, his watch damaged and the knife blasted from his hand by a clever strike from a BLU. His ribs ache from the force of being hurled bodily into the unforgiving soil of Teufort’s rocky ground, and he grits his teeth into a snarl. 
He can fight without his knife, he lived this long as a Spy prior to this whole mess of a contract... but it would not be easy. His ankle feels damaged, twisting as he rolled and Spy curses at the misfortune; still, his arms were hale enough to enact a chokehold when the opportunity arose. 
The sun disappears as looming shadows block the light, and hearty chuckles linger in the air, the malice behind the sound sending a shudder through the espionage agent. He understood, this was... well, it was personal to a degree, if he had a downed BLU then of course he would think nothing of enacting some quick revenge for a past death/insult.
But it was also their job. He hoped to take at least one down with him, if possible... but it would not be the end of the world to die here and now, later he could hunt them down and delight in the gurgled screams as his butterfly knife pierced their spinal columns. 
Blood dribbled slowly from the shallow indentations in his bottom lip wheren a few teeth had pierced accidentally during the heavy impact. Spy’s tongue darted out automatically to catch it, equally thrilled and revolted by the taste of the coppery substance... 
He grunts as a heavy Texan boot digs into his side, and two voices laugh uproariously as if the world’s wittiest joke had just been exchanged. They would pay for tha-...
His vision flashes sharply a second later, pain radiating through his face like an explosion as a steel-capped boot makes contact; without even consciously registering it, Spy knows his nose is broken. That was a sensation he had become all too familiar with in the past. 
He cries out as something heavy crunches down on his legs, efectively trapping him. 
“Aw, don’t be such a wuss Spah, I manage to carry that around when it’s full all’a the time!” the BLU engineer coos, his expression worryingly unhinged, though not unfamiliar... the RED Engineer had made the same face a truly disconcerting number of times in the past. 
Indeed, the toolbox weighed more than one would suspect, and if his ankle had not been shattered before, it certainly was now. There was only one solution, if he could but find it... where was his-...? 
“Oh laddie, don’t go looking for your pretty little pistol... our spook went and knicked that when ye blacked out for a second, like the delicate little crossaint ye are.” BLU Demo taunted, crouching down over the RED. 
Spy did not recall blacking out, but that’s not generally a good sign...
“You are, as ever, outclassed here, mon frier.” came a smug voice so like his own that it irritated to no end, as the BLU Spy faded into visibility.
If this had been the first death of the day, or even the twelfth, then perhaps he would not have stopped trying to find a solution. Beady blue eyes darting subtly around until some ingenious escape plan came to light and he could be freed from this mess...
But it wasn’t, and he was so, so very tired. Between the Pyro, Sniper and a number of rather lucky swipes from the BLU Medic, Spy had been dying all day long. He would love for this to end quickly... but given the location, and the unlikelihood of help arriving in time to curb the enthusiasm of the currently losing team surrounding him... Spy felt that things were not in his favour this day.
Hovering gently across the room, the intel gleamed innocuously, cruelly. A beacon that lured them all to their deaths day in, day out on these damn capture the flag campaigns; a beloved sight for both the teams’ benefactors. 
And so they died, day after day, for nothing more than a glowing briefcase with an ever-changing array of useless paper inside. Why, last week there had been a recipe for some fried chicken with eleven herbs and spices... useless, though Engineer had been eager to try it, as had another fried chicken afficiando on the team. 
The week before? A number of magazines, a short story about some science fiction show he was certain may have been written by one of the Pyros, and a crudely drawn map to different households that Spy could not make heads or tails of...
A slap snapped him back to reality, sending fresh waves of sizzling pain through his face as the damage to his nose once again took his full focus. 
“Looks as if he’s back with us again.” BLU Spy said, radiating smugness from every pore as he flicked out his knife with unnecessary flourishes. “Good evening Monsieur, seeing as you will be staying with us for some time, I would hope you will be an obbliging guest... and not miss out on the festivities. Such as,” he said, pointing the blade directly at a blue pupil, “when I remove your eye from its socket, hmmm?”
“Hey, I called dibs on ‘im first boyo.” BLU Demo exclaims, swatting at the blade-wielding hand, and trying not to look too pleased as it scored a deep groove across Spy’s face. Spy hisses at him through clenched teeth, loathing the man. “He needs those eyes to see what ol’ eyelander and I are gonna do tae him, aye?” 
“Just don’t go hogging him, I’ve had to rebuild a dozen sentries today because of him. Not to mention my back’s achin’ somethin’ fierce from all the damn backstabbing the little red weasel’s gotten away with.” BLU Engie interjected, groaning as he stretched, fingers and spine making awful audible pops. The man flexed his gloved hand and the mechanical whirring sent chill straight down the Spy’s spine. “Now see, I’m thinkin’ that fair’s fair only if’n I get to pull yours right on out of that body of yours. Whatcha think about that, you filthy RED?”
It would technically fall under ‘fair’, but not anything Spy particularly wanted to experience. Before he could open his mouth in his own defence, with a smooth ‘Gentlemen, please...’ the mechanical fist slammed in from the side. Bile rose automatically in his throat at the sensation of a tooth dislodging and blood filling his mouth. The BLUs seemed wildly unhinged today, beyond their normal bloodlust... but they had lost all week long, so they may be getting sanctions and penalties from the Administrator.
His head whirled. When was the last time he’d had more than a few hours sleep this week? The last time he drank some actual water or ate something substantial? Maybe he wouldn’t be in this mess if he’d not insisted on skipping the team lunch during ceasefire, in order to do some covert surveillance in the enemy intel. 
Consciousness flickered. 
There were delighted but angry voices jabbering back and forth about ‘waiting their turn’, and ‘going a little easy to start because the french fry had to last’...
And then, there was screaming.
It was almost like a bad horror movie, with the sounds of screaming, crunching and swearing flickering in and out. Little snippets of a full scene that he could not comprehend as his battered head swam...
In the sudden silence, loud and grotesque for the heaviness of it, all that could be heard was a sharp, angry series of breaths.
Spy blinked frantically, trying to ascertain what had happened, trying to cling to the here and now when all his body & mind wished for was to give in to the swirling darkness. 
A figure coalesced before him, eyes seeming to glow with a feral light, body and bat completely splattered with blood and gore, expression half in shadow. 
“S-Sco-...?” Spy tried to get the word out around damaged molars and a outhful of blood. Everything throbbed, but the silence was a symphony of hope to his ears.
“Don’t worry, they won’t fuckin’ touch you again, Spy. I got ‘em.” growled an unusually serious Scout, his fist shaking around the bat’s handle. He seemed frozen, a figure in a portrait surrounded by the broken corpses of the BLUs, uncertain what to do next.
A wheezey exhalation from Spy seemed to snap the runner out of it, and he knelt to shove against the toolbox pinioning the espionage agent to the ground. It clunked to the ground with a heavy metallic finality, and Spy sighed at the sudden freedom. 
“Ya look like shit, Spook, so we gotta get ya out of here before those guys fall outta respawn lookin’ for revenge.”Scout says, mouth running while his eyes dart over the mess that the normally immaculate espionage agent made. He slips an arm under Spy and they slowly work the man into a sititng position.
Ankle’s definitely shattered, Spy notes with a true lack of enthusiasm.
“Scout... just prop me against the wall there and take the intel. Once it is secured, they cannot touch me anyway, as the humiliation round will keep me safe.” 
“And just who the fuck do you think you are ordering me about like that?” Scout objects, eyes never once leaving Spy’s face. 
“Someone who wants to win as much as I do?” Spy hazards.
Scout leans back on his haunces, crouched by Spy. He tilts his head, “Ya a real bastard, ya know that? I don’t care about the intel, we gotta get you outta here. But if it means that much to ya...”
In a frankly ridiculously fluid movement, Scout is up, across the room and back again before Spy could blink. The intel snapped to his back like a magnet.
Spy is hauled to his feet with minimal protestations, an arm over Scout’s shoulders and the runner’s other one about his waist. The majority of his bodyweight was resting on the runner, and Spy felt rather despondent about their chances of surviving like this.
He said so.
“The others are coming, don’t worry about it.” Scout grinned. 
Heavy machinegun fire could be heard above near the BLU spawn, along with delighted maniacal laughter. The REDs were here, and judging by the beeping of a sentry, they were spawncamping like no tomorrow.
“See? We got this. So don’t worry about it.” Scout shrugs as they begin the slow ascent up the corridor and hiopefully towards a dispenser. Spy lurching along and trying to think of other things as each jostling movement created little discomforts. 
In a momentary pause, he looks to the runner. “Merci, mon... fils.” 
The words felt too big for such a narrow corridor to hold all at once.
Scout laughed, half in delight and half from awkward nervousness. “Yeah, yeah, you better thank me. I saved ya butt in there!”
They continued hobbling towards the rest of RED for a long moment, before Scout said, looking anywhere but at Spy. “Don’t worry about it... Dad... I got ya.”
Spy could not help but smile through a mouth of bloody, broken teeth. Suddenly, the world felt a little brighter... 
The End
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animemangasoul · 4 years
You Have A Home With Me
Summery: Tim takes in a meta human kid and tries to keep him a secret from the rest of the batfamily until his team gets back. It doesn't go as well as he'd hoped. And with an entire criminal empire after the kid, it's all Tim can do to keep it all under wraps and away from the media's attention.
Characters: Tim Drake, Batfamily, Young Justice
Chapter: 4/?
Tim doesn’t know when he fell asleep, but he wakes up to a sharp ringtone piercing through the air. He startles. Eyes flying open as he almost stumbles off the sofa, where he’d apparently fallen asleep without knowing. “What the,” he mutters, yawning loudly and sluggishly pulling himself back on his feet. ‘Did I set up an alarm?’ But no, that ringtone.... It was his phone and-- “Shit!” He exclaims, practically throwing himself over the coffee table to snatch up the ringing object. “Hello,” he says, voice catching due to his dry throat. “Who-”
A single word.  
He blinks, now wide awake. “Bruce?”
“Where are you. The meeting is about to start.”
“What?” Shit shit shit. Stretching out his arm to look at the time, he pales. Fuck.
“T...m... im- Tim...Tim.”
“Yes, yes I’m here Bruce. Sorry.”
“You have less than thirty minutes to get here kid. Be thankful you don’t live far away to make that a problem.”
“I-” Tim gulped, reaching out to hastily scoop up his paperwork and lick his lips. He knew a Bruce scolding tone when he heard it and it wasn’t like he didn’t deserve it. If he hadn’t fallen asleep like an amateur. He wouldn’t have had.... Fuck. “Sorry Bruce,” he said. “I’ll be there in fifteen. I promise. I’ll just take my car and-”
“No need.”
His blood ran cold. Bruce couldn’t... he wouldn’t-- Tim wasn’t even late! Dick had been late plenty of time and sure Tim was the CEO and should be more responsible but he’d been so freaking tired lately and he had a kid now—Well, not a kid kid but a kid he was currently taking care of and he’d over slept butthathardlymeanthewasn’tqualified---
“Tim Tim. Can you hear me? Did you catch what I said?”
Tim couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t breathe and his chest hurt, and it was all kinds of messed up in his head right now, but he forced himself to. Taking a big gulp of air, he tried to steady his beating heart before pressing his phone against his ear again and humming softly. “Yeah, yeah. I hear you Bruce.”
“Good,” his father said, an edge of frustration in his tone. “Dick is coming to get you. He’ll be there in ten. Be ready.”
Dick.... What?
“What? Dick? What do you mean Bruce?”
A heavy sigh. Tim winced. He didn’t want to annoy the man but--
“Dick volunteered to come get you and he’s already on his way. It will cut your time short so hurry up and get dressed.” Bruce doesn’t say anything else, just hangs up and leaves Tim staring befuddled down at his phone.  
He only remains confused for a second though, because the minute Bruce’s words fully dawn on him, pure horror runs down his spine. Because Matt!
“Shit shit shit,” he hisses, finally turning around to look at the sofa. “Matt, kiddo I-”
He isn’t there.  
The kid isn’t there. Tim almost chokes. “Matt! Kid, where are you?” The sofa is empty. His discarded suit jacked the only thing indicating that someone had been sleeping under it. Frantically he paces the length of the room. Looking at every nook and cranny as a mild sense of panic slowly creeps in to squeeze at his heart.
Maybe he’d run away? Maybe he was out there fighting for his life after a bad mugging? Maybe M.E.T had found him or they called him threatening to kill--- Wait wait how would they even know his number, no no, shaking his head, Tim runs a shaking hand through his hair and tries to take a deep breath.  
There must be a logical explanation for this. ‘Stop panicking Tim,’ he silently berates himself. ‘You’re a bat. Act like it.’  
Something had woken the kid up, either somewhere during the night or---
His eyes widen. The phone call! If it had woken him up than surely.... Taking three giant steps forward, he leans down to rest his hand on the empty spot and yes, it’s still warm. Sighing in pure relief Tim fumbles his way around the sofa and rushes to check the kitchen before jogging over to the bathroom. He’s already planning to check the bedrooms, but a soft sniffle from the locked door makes him pause.  
The noise stops. Tim sighs.  
“Matt, if you’re in there kiddo I need you to open the door and let me see you.”
Tim gapes in surprise. “What do you mean no? I need to go soon so if-”
The door suddenly flings open and it’s only thanks to his reflexes that Tim manages to dodge the hurtling wood before it bounces off his forehead.  
“Wow,” he says, arms coming up in a placating manner. “Careful kid.” But Matt is already heaving where he stands. Small hands clutching at his oversized shirt and eyes red-rimmed from what obviously had been crying. “Hey hey hey. It’s ok.” Tim says, falling down to his knees to be closer to his level. “It’s ok. I know the phone call scared you, but it was just Bruce. He’s sort of like my father,” he says, an edge of confusion in his tone even as he explains it to the kid. “It wasn’t them ok?”
“Don’t.... go.”
A glare and the kid takes a step back and ok... Tim could fix this.  
“It’s work related,” he says slowly. “I need to go in to present this project I’ve been working on with the tech department and it’s not gonna be for long and I’ll be back before you kno--”
“Don’t go.”
Tim holds back a sad sigh. “I can’t do that kiddo. You know that. Me staying here raises all kinds of red flags and my brother will be here in a few--”
The sudden outburst is so startling it takes Tim a second to even process it in his mind before he can physically snap his mouth shut and stare befuddled at the blonde child in front of him, who is now crossing his arms, lower lip sticking out and glare of utter suspicion swirling in his eyes.  
“I have to.”
“Please understand-”
“I won’t let you!”
And... Tim is so fucking tired. So so tired. He’d been up for a week trying to uncover M.E.T’S scheme before he could make the mistake of signing a long term contract with them and he’d been helping both Dick and Jason with their respective cases, coupled with the Wayne Enterprise Project and looking after the workload of his Titans teammates, he was running on empty. Burrowing energy from future weeks in fact and now Dick would be here in less than ten minutes and Matt... Matt just wouldn’t understand! He just-
“Look,” Tim mutters as gently and as softly as he can. “I need to go Matt. I promise to call and--”
“NO!” And this one is a roar. A pure, angry, furious roar and Tim snaps.
“Enough!” He’s standing before he can even think, frustration making his fists curl “Just stop being a brat for one damn second and listen to me for once!” and.... and... it’s only when he sees the wide, frightened rabbit eyes staring up at him from a too pale and bruised face that it all sinks in and his stomach drops. Oh no. “Matt I-”
He doesn’t even get the chance to finish his sentence before something invisible is shoving him away, hard and the door is slamming shut.  
No no no no.
He hears a whimper. A low keening sound that is so terrifyingly pained, his heart stutters to a stop.
“Matt! Matt! Kiddo, please open up. I didn’t mean to yell! Matt!”
He feels bile rise up his throat and dizziness overcome him. He fucked up. He really, truly fucked up and now.... What the hell was he supposed to do now?
Frustration didn’t excuse yelling at a traumatized kid. It didn’t excuse anything. So what if he was tired? Everyone was tired. It didn’t make Tim special, and now he’d probably irrevocable damaged the little trust he’d build up with the kid and oh my God. Tim was the absolute worst. No wonder Bruce didn’t take him seriously. He couldn’t even take care of one ten years old without screwing it up.  
Matt was crying damn it. Matt had been crying, Tim should have focused on that more than his own annoyance. The kid had been crying and what did Tim do? Scream at him.  
“Matt, please?”
He feels a silent itch building up behind his eyes and he can’t cry. Tim hadn’t cried in years. He wouldn’t show that kind of weakness. ‘The strong pray on the weak my love,’ his mom had said; cold fingers brushing away his tears with a softness that she rarely exhibited. ‘Never allow others to see your weakness. They will use it against you. Always.’
Tim swallowed. Gave himself a full thirty seconds to calm down and then stood up. Raising a fist to knock on the bathroom door but hesitating at the last second. “Matt?” Silence. “I’m sorry I yelled at you. I was wrong. I shouldn’t have raised my voice at you, and I promise to do better from here on out.” Silence. His shoulders slump.  
Maybe the kid just needed time. Maybe Tim could call Bruce back and ask him to let Tam take over the presentation for him. She knew the project almost as well as he did and he was sure if he sent her the details she’d somehow manage to pull off a miracle. And....
Tim had hated being left alone. He’d hated it every second of the day and not even following Batman and Robin around had filled the aching hole of abandonment in his chest. So, him more than anyone should have known... He should have known. Matt needed him and he hadn’t even listened.  
Yeah, ‘I think I’ll call Bruce and arrange something else.’ It raised a funny feeling in his stomach when he thought about what Bruce would say when he again managed to let him down, but he would make it up to the man. Take on as many projects as needed to earn back his trust. Yeah, he could do that. For Matt, he could do that.
But then, just as Tim thought he couldn’t feel any worst.
“Babybird! You in here!” He froze. “Babybird! Timbo! We came to pick you up!”
We? Tim shuffled down the hall almost in daze, slowly reconstructing his face into the blank emotionless husk he’d come to assume in front of his family. “Dick,” he acknowledged when he finally stepped into the livingroom, an artificial smile pulling at the corner of his lips. “Demon spawn,” he added, smile dying down a bit. “What’s he doing here?” he asked, turning fully to face his smiling brother. “Bruce said you’ll be the one picking me up?”
“Sorry babybro,” Dick said; happily bouncing up to him but not flinging his arms around him like he used to. Tim didn’t know whether he missed the casual affection or not. But his heart stinging momentarily gave him an answer he still wasn’t ready to accept. “Dami was let out of school early so I thought why not catch two birds with one stone!”
“We would not even be here if your incompetence wasn’t inconveniencing father Drake. Perhaps I ought to take over the company sooner than expected.”
Tim looked down at him, unimpressed. Yeah, no. Tim wouldn’t be calling back Bruce anytime soon. Hell would freeze over before he let the gremlin see him struggling. Matt.... Matt would have to understand, just this once. Plus, cancelling now, while currently being faced with his brother and his demon pseudo-son, they would surely be suspicious. Tim couldn’t afford suspicion. Not when Matt’s life was on the line. He swallowed thickly. Utter guilt churning in his stomach just thinking about leaving the kid alone and distraught. But what else could he do?
“Give me a second,” he said to Dick, all but ignoring Damian. “I need to change clothes and I’ll be with you in a minute.” Dick only smiled and waved him away.  
“Anything I can do for you while we wait?”
A flat out no was on the tip of Tim’s tongue, but he paused. “Tidy up my files for me?” he asked eventually, trying not to react to the softer smile sent his way. “I’ll only be a minute.” He doesn’t listen to the tirade of insults Damian heaps at his supposed incompetence and rushes to quickly get changed before Beelzebub decides to make changes to his speech or something.
Dressed in a new suit, head combed perfectly and red business tie dangling from his neck, Tim hesitates in front of the bathroom door. One hand pressed up against the wood and teeth chewing at his lips. “I’m sorry,” he mutters against the doorframe, afraid his siblings might hear if he speaks any louder. “I’ll leave a phone outside the door and it has my number on it so call me if you need anything ok?” He pauses, hoping to hear anything from the kid, but nothing. He sighs. “Just be safe ok? I’ll try to come back as soon as possible.” Dropping the phone on the ground, he allows himself a tiny bit of hope of receiving a response, but again, silence.
With nothing else left to say, he straightens out, heavy heart lodged between his ribs and casually struts back into the livingroom. “Ready?” he asks, and Dick enthusiastic nod doesn’t do much to lift his mood.
They are out the door, down the elevator and walking to the car when Dick makes a tiny noise of exclamation before he stops and startles looking through the plastic bag he’d somehow been holding this whole time without Tim noticing. “What?” Tim asks, pausing in his hurried steps to look back at his brother and Dick makes a triumphant sound and extends a thermos and a sandwich in his direction. Tim stares at him, making the other shrug. “I thought you might have not eaten so,” he says, shaking the plastic wrapped sandwich in his direction. “I hoped you’d appreciate this. It’s your favorite,” he adds on almost as if unsure and.... sometimes, sometimes when he does stuff like this, it’s when Tim remembers why he loved him so much.  
Tilting his head, Tim smiles; it’s small but sincere this time. “Thanks Dick.” His brother only grins.
But just as Tim is about to take the God sent food out of the elder's hands, he stills.
“Drake quit stalling we need to go!”
“Wait here,” he says, and he’s off, even before either of his siblings can talk. Pressing the elevator door impatiently and jumping in as soon as it descends.  
The minute he makes it upstairs he rushes into the kitchen; shoes and all and practically flings open the fridge. Snatching up the milk before scouring the shelfs for a bowl, and at soon as he finds it, he picks up two different cereals. Balancing his loot all the way to the still closed bathroom door, he knocks at the wood gently with his foot. “Matt,” he calls out, slightly out of breath. “I need to go now and I’m sorry about our argument and for shouting, but I’ll just leave cereals out here ok? In case you get hungry and stuff and you decide you don’t wanna leave the bathroom and... Yeah. Just... there is milk and oh shit.”
Getting back on his feet after putting the breakfast food down on the ground, he rushes back to the kitchen and opens the second drawer, riffling through it until he gets his hand on a spoon before jogging to the bathroom again. “I forgot the spoon, but I got it now, so you don’t have to drink the cereal or anything. So here.” he says, placing the spoon in the bowl and taking a step back. “I need to go now.”
No sounds come from the other side and Tim finds himself wishing that he could just stay. “Bye Matt.”  
And with those last words he leaves the silent apartment and heads to work.  
@miss-choco-chips , @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen anyone else who want me to tag them please let me know and thanks for reading everyone :)
God Tim just breaks my heart. He has so many issues that raises red flags and he’s still just a kid himself and I don’t know why I make him suffer so much because of it. And fyi, being tired and exhausted and rundown is an excuse for having outburst sometimes (as long as they are not violent and you know you did wrong and try not to make that sort of behaviour a habit)
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fluidityandgiggles · 4 years
Dalton Big Bang day 1 - The Canadian Girlfriend Experience
Writing Masterpost, AO3 Link
Notes: So... y’all. Dalton fam. Hear me out.
I understand that y'all are gonna be mad at me for staying up until (four? five?) five in the morning to post this, but I'm something like 90% sure I'd forget to post it in the morning (afternoon), and I have to write tomorrow's fic anyway, so... here's an extra early fluffy mess. Hope y'all like it.
I had to write this one... I really really had to. Han's girlfriend is a big deal to me. I hope you understand it.
(And for the uninitiated in pathfinder - the rank system is wild, feats are taken every two levels or so, Logan’s character is basically invincible, defeated only by Dwight’s monk and the absolute insanity that creating a monk in pathfinder can end up being.)
"I really have to go to sleep," the familiar (by now) high-pitched voice said through the headphones, stifling a yawn. "My drama class is moving props to the auditorium tomorrow for our exam and my mom would be mad at me if I don’t go to sleep in the next thirty minutes."
"So go to sleep, Lils. I won’t be mad at you."
"Okay! I’ll text you in the morning! Love you, bye!"
"Good night."
Han finally let himself snort a bit after his girlfriend hung up, watching as she disconnects from the game a few moments later. He did say he’ll only play Starcraft today so long as Leah is available, and now that she’s offline…
He just closed the game and went back to working on his Pathfinder session prep.
Han met Leah at the San Diego Comic-Con last summer. On day one, she approached him because she thought the Westwoods’ Bat family cosplay was really cool. On day two, he approached her because her Arwen cosplay was flawless. By day three they’d already ditched the con to have a not-date lunch at In-N-Out, found out they’re in the same guild in World of Warcraft, Han found out Leah has a voice acting channel on youtube, they exchanged phone numbers, and by day four they may have not spent the whole day together but they certainly went on a date-date at the end of the day.
They’ve been rather inseparable for the following three weeks, but by then Han had to face the reality of it all. Leah’s phone number was weird to him from the start, sure, and he was willing to pass off her accent as a speech quirk, but it wasn’t until those three weeks ended that it finally sunk in that she’s not American. And like most good things, her visit too has to come to an end.
Maintaining a relationship online just… didn’t feel the same.
1 Unread Message
‘Merril: Can I suggest an idea for Mishka’s character arc?? You can say no, I just had an idea is all!’
Caterpillar: I’m all ears
"While this mess of a… bargain is happening," Logan called as Merril and Reed tried to catch their breaths from laughing. "Can Dwight and I get to the diplomatic debate?"
"Sure," Han sighed, watching his party quickly derail the session. "But let’s take a break first."
The first to disappear at the sound of "let’s take a break" was Lucy, who ran to the bathroom, accidentally knocking off Logan’s dice tower in the process. Merril got the brownies out and on the table, everyone pulled their phones out…
Han could take a couple moments to look at the pictures Leah sent him earlier. According to her, they were not yet done with lighting cues, and she was going crazy, but seeing her in her period piece of a costume and leg brace prop made him feel excited for her, somewhat.
Caterpillar: wish I could been there to see it 
Jabba the Hutt: Oh no! Don’t say that! Jabba the Hutt: I’ll send you the filmed version when I get it, but it’ll probably be really bad anyway.
Caterpillar: im sure it cant be that bad 
Jabba the Hutt: Han, it’s a high school production of the Glass Menagerie. Jabba the Hutt: My class is also doing the play version of Spring Awakening. Jabba the Hutt: It *can* and *will* be that bad. Jabba the Hutt: Trust me. 
"Han?" Merril called before he could answer that one. "Hansel, are you listening?"
"No, I wasn’t. What was it?" He grabbed a brownie, leaving his phone aside for a second.
"Wizards of the Coast announced a new edition of D&D," she said again, smiling gently. "Do you think you’d want to try it?"
"I’m already one step ahead of you there. I’m going to playtest it when it— excuse me…"
Jabba the Hutt: WE FINALLY FUCKING FINISHED THIS Jabba the Hutt: I’ve never been happier to say I’m getting offstage, I need someone to punch me!
Caterpillar: dont you mean pinch?
Jabba the Hutt: I meant what I said and I said what I meant.
Han tuned back in time to hear Logan say "I just really don’t want to have to mess with the power system again", which resulted in Dwight throwing a bag of chips at his head.
"Fourth edition has a very special place in my heart, Wright. Don’t talk shit about it around me."
"Yeah, why all the hate for the power system?" Lucy frowned (when did she get back from the bathroom?). "It’s not all that different to how feats work. Would you complain about getting a new feat every odd level once we switch systems?"
"Not going to happen, Lucy."
"Aw man, but I wanted to play Vampire the Masquerade next!"
"And we already said Merril is going to run it," Han reminded her, checking his phone one last time. "But we’re not switching our current game to another system. Not gonna happen."
There was a quiet "hell yeah" from Merril as Han’s phone buzzed with a new message, but before he could even read it, it was snatched by Lucy.
"Wha… who are you talking to, Han?" She laughed a bit, scrolling up, and then her eyes went wide open. "Well… damn."
"Don’t act like you’re surprised, that’s my girlfriend. You met her before."
The silence in the room was so tense, Han swore he could hear a pin drop. 
"...a girlfriend?" Dwight was the first to ask, raising a brow. "Since when?"
"You know, I honestly thought she would’ve forgotten all about you after two weeks…"
"Since a few months ago," Han told Dwight, taking his phone back. "Can we continue, please?"
"No! It’s interesting!" Merril joined in, resting her chin on her hand as she got closer, pushing some papers a bit. "How did you meet? Where is she from? Can we meet her?"
"We met at Comic-Con and no, you can’t meet her. She’s… not from here."
"...is she Canadian?" Logan raised a brow too, starting to laugh.
"Oh yeah, Han’s Canadian girlfriend."
"She’s not— let’s start to fucking play, this session isn’t going to end itself."
By the end of the session, Han couldn’t say he’d be surprised if the whole school found out by tomorrow. And if anyone (namely the twins) made fun of him for his "Canadian girlfriend"... so be it. 
"Is this Canadian girlfriend of yours coming to prom?" Julian’s tired voice came through the phone, sounding like he was about to pass out. He just arrived at school earlier today, already tired from the flight, and immediately got coddled by Logan.
"She’s not Canadian, Julian. You’re the twenty-fifth person I’ve told this already."
"So where is she from? Would you please tell just one person?"
With a quick glance at the security footage, to make sure Logan wasn’t listening, Han whispered "her name is Leah, I met her at Comic-Con in San Diego last year, she’s from Israel and no, I doubt she can come to prom. She has her own prom to attend."
"...okay, so this Israeli girlfriend of yours. Got it."
"Thank you."
"Are you sure you want to keep her a secret…?" He clicked his tongue. His laugh sounded a bit rougher than usual. "You know how things can end up. You of all people."
"I… I’m just not sure I’m ready for… dude. Is Logan drooling on your shoulder…?"
"Give him a break, Westwood. He’s adjusting to his new pills."
"I asked about the drooling."
"He does that sometimes. I just let him be."
"...why is everyone so interested in my girlfriend? Is it really any different from David and Katherine?"
"I don’t know how to break it down to you, Westwood, but you’re not exactly the type anyone would expect to even have a girlfriend."
A shift in the camera footage made Han cuss silently, covering his microphone.
"...she said she’ll be here for graduation. Hers is in late June, but she finishes school in May."
"Yeah. May. When prom is."
"Do you want to talk to her yourself?" He could hear Julian snort. "I’m not kidding. I’ll give you Leah’s phone number and you’ll convince her yourself. I can’t."
"Because that totally won’t be crazy."
"Just fucking ask her, you absolute nerd!"
"Can you stop ordering me around? This isn’t Hollywood. This is my girlfriend we’re talking about."
"Can you at least send me a picture of her? So I’ll know she’s real?"
"...fuck you, Larson."
Han sent him a picture anyway. A picture of the two of them that Lucy insisted to take while they were in San Diego. They coordinated somehow, Han with his LOTR shirt and Leah with her whole Arwen cosplay. It was the happiest day he could possibly remember.
And then, a snort through the phone.
"...so you’re Leah Appelbaum’s mysterious Maryland boyfriend? Huh. Didn’t know you lived in Maryland."
"...you know Leah?"
"We had auditions in the same building two years ago and she approached me because she’s a fan of Something Damaged. She insisted on keeping in touch. How did you meet her?"
"At Comic-Con… please be gentle about this, Julian."
"Okay! I just… wow. I know where you live now. Sweet."
"Don’t you dare try to blackmail me with that information, Larson."
"I won’t. There’s nothing to worry about."
"...you know what?" Han sighed as the last session before prom was about to close off. "Roll sense motive."
The clatter of dice hitting each other and everyone cussing filled the room, quickly picking up their dice and looking.
"How’s you get a five, Lucy?"
"I’m a barbarian, what do you think—"
Dwight practically glared at Logan. "What the fuck, dude?"
"I play a half-elf cleric, Dwight," Logan answered, straight-faced. "Plus two to wisdom straight away, rolled extremely well, I have a plus five modifier to wisdom and the alertness feat. I took a single rank in sense motive every time we leveled up and now I have ten ranks. On the tenth rank in sense motive or perception, you get a bonus four to the skill instead of the usual two. Thus, ten plus four plus five equals nineteen, plus the fifteen that I rolled. That’s thirty-four. Do I sense motive?"
"...everyone who rolled above a fifteen, and that definitely includes Flint—" Han could see Logan smiling smugly. "Everyone who rolled above a fifteen can see that this woman is telling the truth. Anyone who rolled a twenty or above, Flint, can also sense that—"
There was a knock at the door. There was never a knock at the door. But now there was. And as Reed got up to open the door, Han silently hoped it wouldn’t be anyone who shouldn’t be there—
"And this is your boyfriend’s room," Julian’s voice came through as Reed’s jaw dropped. "Thank you for picking Julian Larson to be your tour guide, we hope you enjoyed the trip."
"Very! Oh, hello!" The girl at the door waved at Reed, who waved back. The whole party waved back. "Am I interrupting anything?"
"No, those nerds are just playing dungeons and dragons. You have nothing to worry about." Reed finally returned to his seat as Julian kissed the girl’s cheek, chuckling at the shock. "Logan, I’ll be expecting you to pick me up at six. I want my pre-prom sushi."
"I promised you I will, Princess, don’t panic."
"Okay, just making sure."
As Julian left, the girl went to sit on Han’s futon and look at everyone. Long brown hair, half of it bleached; dark eyes behind a pair of green plastic-framed glasses; a bit on the heavier side, like Han himself, and wearing a floral summer dress and a pair of short leggings. Her face was flushed red, her lipstick a dark blue, and her nails painted black that just started to chip.
Han missed her so much.
"So… hi." She waved around again, a bit confused. "What’s up…?"
"Who’s this?" Dwight was the first to speak.
"My girlfriend," Han replied, sounding rather insistent. "We were just about to finish our session, Lils. Can you wait?"
"Mmhm! Absolutely! I’ll be so quiet, you’ll forget I’m even here!"
Nobody forgot she was there. Merril kept looking over to her, Reed and Dwight seemed skeptical as ever, and the only person who was normal about it was Lucy. But it wasn’t news for Lucy, she’s met Leah before after all. All the while Leah sat there, chuckling at the game and waiting patiently for Han to finish, which he did twenty minutes later. Dwight practically ran out, followed by Logan who needed to pick his own boyfriend up for dinner, but…
"So where are you from in Canada?" Merril asked first, making Leah smile. 
"I’m… not Canadian. Did Han tell you I’m Canadian?"
"Where’s your lipstick from?" Reed asked next.
"Umm… it’s, it’s from NARS, I picked it up on the way here, I forgot to pack my own makeup and—"
"Is Han taking you to prom?"
Han choked on his water at that. "I can’t leave my room for prom, Merril. Health risks."
"You can have an indoors prom."
"We planned on watching Battlestar Galactica and ordering takeout," Leah admitted. "But… an indoors prom would be nice. I’m not going to mine anyway. My class is writing this… really offensive skit about one of the math teachers and I don’t want to be a part of it."
"What’s your prom even like…?" Reed squinted, sitting back down. "That you do skits."
"It’s… not really a prom. Israel doesn’t really have the promenade culture, it’s just like a showcase the whole class does for family and friends before graduation… I’ve never liked this practice, you know, I think it’s just…"
As Leah rambled on, Han took his time to clear the table and silently hope Merril and Reed leave soon. Those two have prom dates after all. And neither are a Canadian girlfriend.
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Wings, Whips, and the Waves They Make
Summary: Winged!Virgil has a run in with Remus that sparks a crazy turn of events that leave them all a bit worse for wear. Virgil can’t catch a break. Patton is loyal to a fault. Roman gets saved in this one. Logan does damage control.
Pairing(s): qpr moxiety, platonic LAMP
Warnings: Blood, injury, graphic description of injury, crying, screaming, swearing, implied past abuse, “on-screen” physical assault/torture, strongly implied cannibalism? (remus is strange), unsympathetic/abusive remus, unsympathetic/villain deceit, unsympathetic/abusive orange side,
Word count: 10,720
A/n: PLEASE heed the warnings! This one is hurt/comfort but it is still a bit intense at times and I want you guys to keep yourselves safe! I’m pretty happy with it, but I tried a few new things in the middle just like style-wise and im not entirely sure how it all worked out. Also, I created my own version of the Orange side, I didn’t really give them a specified job or anything, but they’re there, they’re a villian, and their name is Orion. (also only Virgil has wings) I worked hard on this one, enjoy!
They had been relaxing, having a famILY picnic for lunch in the imagination when Remus shows up out of nowhere and takes a swing at Virgil while he isn't looking. Roman jumps to bat him away. He doesn't make it. The sword swings. It lands. Virgil is on the ground unconscious. His wings are no longer attached to his body, laying three feet from him.
Logan and Patton rush forward to tend to Virgil as Roman redoubles his efforts to defeat Remus behind him.
Virgil collapses on his stomach and Patton kneels by his head as Logan inspects his back.
“Virgil, Virge, I got you.You’re safe now.” Patton coos, lifting Virgil’s head into his lap.
Virgil groans and opens his eyes.
“We’ve got you, kitten. Logan is fixing you up right now. It’s going to be okay.”
“NO!” Virgil shouts, eyes opening wide..
Logan and Patton freeze
“Don't try and fix it. Don't try and stop the bleeding. It will only hurt worse when they come back.”
“When they what!?” Logan shrieks. 
Virgil sighs, “When they grow back. Trust me, please. Don't make this worse than it is already going to be.”
Logan doesn’t want to listen, but he can't bring himself to ignore Virgil’s pleas and so abandons his medical kit.
Patton frowns, “Virgil, what can we do?”
“Just... let me cry. Don't touch my upper back. And, maybe... let me hug you...” Virgil mutters quietly.
Patton immediately nods, “Of course! You can hug me all you need. Can you sit up or do you need some help?”
Virgil grimaces, “I got it.” He brings his knees under him and uses his core to sit up far enough to collapse into Patton’s arms and chest.
Patton helps him adjust his legs, “There we are. Is this okay?”
Virgil has his arms wrapped around Patton’s neck with his face buried in his shoulder and is, for all intents and purposes, sitting in Patton’s lap. 
Virgil nods, “Yeah Butterfly, this is good.”
Logan looks him over, feeling a bit useless, “Would some painkillers help with the... process?”
Virgil shakes his head, grimacing as he feels the wings begin to grow, “You don't have anything that’s near strong enough. Thanks though.”
Logan nods.
Virgil tucks his head into Patton’s shoulder as a steady stream of groans and curses falls from his lips.
Patton would chide him on his language if he wasn't currently watching skin-covered bones start to grow from the open wounds on Virgil’s back.
Logan watches silently, facing Patton with a horrified look on his face.
Virgil writhes in Patton’s lap and begins to cry as muscle and skin stretch to cover the bone and more and more bones begin to form. There is a sickening pop as each bone appears. And with each one Virgil seems to scream louder. The wings form inch by inch, bone by bone, until halfway through they see a large bone spring into existence in the webbing of his wing. Virgil howls, biting down on Patton’s shoulder on instinct.
Patton has one arm on Virgil’s lower back and one in his hair. The hand in his hair is rubbing slowly in a feeble attempt to sooth the writhing side, the other a constant presence that he hopes keeps Virgil grounded.
Not far away, Roman defeats his brother. He turns around to walk triumphantly over to the others, when he hears Virgil’s screams. He rushes over and stares in horror as he takes in the scene before him. 
Virgil isn't the only one crying. Logan is staring at Virgil’s wings horrified, tears falling down his face, wincing at every pop and resulting shriek. Patton started crying long ago if the flood of tears dripping off his chin is anything to go by. Roman slowly takes a seat next to Logan and takes his hand. Logan squeezes it in acknowledgement as Roman turns so he doesn't have to watch. The sight makes him queasy and soon he is crying too, the sounds coming from Virgil piercing his heart. They all sit there for a time, crying, waiting desperately for this to be over.
Patton knows that the wings are finally finished growing when the feathers have come in and Virgil stops writhing, though his crying doesn't fade. Patton leans down and whispers what he hopes are comforting words into his hair, “It's over. You’re gonna be okay. It’s all over. I'm sorry. I’ve got you kitten.”
Logan knows it’s over when he watches Virgil slump against Patton. He sighs and finally peels his eyes away leaning his forehead on Roman’s shoulder. Roman runs a soothing hand over Logan’s back, laying a kiss on his temple. 
Slowly, Virgil’s crying slows and his breathing calms. “Thank you, Pat.” he mutters, his voice hoarse from his cries. 
“Oh, Virge, i'm sorry I couldn't have done more.”
Virgil sits up a bit to look at Pat and shakes his head, “You did enough, more than enough actually- wait.... Are you crying?”
Patton nods, sniffing and rubbing at his face to try to clean off the dried on tears.
Virgil ‘s eyes grow wide, “Oh gosh I bit you! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to! I didn't want to hurt you Pat I-”
“Shh, Virgil, I'm fine. It’s fine. I wasn't crying because you bit me and I know you would never bite me like that on purpose.”
Virgil takes some deep breaths, calming his breathing.
At the sound of Virgil’s voice, Roman turns around. “Virgil, are... are you okay?” he asks.
Virgil climbs out of Patton’s lap and turns to face the others, hissing as he lowers his arms, “I mean.... define okay. I'm not dead.... uh” 
Logan sighs, “We are concerned for your physical wellbeing. I'm assuming you’re still in at least some pain, but could you stand or walk if you needed to?” 
Virgil nods, “Yeah, I'm in a lot less pain now, but I am pretty exhausted. My wings are sore, and are going to be sore and sensitive for about a week. After that I'll be back to normal. As far as walking goes, I'm probably going to be slower and a bit clumsier since my wings help me balance so much, but other than that I shouldn't have any problems.”
Logan frowns at him, “How... How do you know all of that?”
Virgil looks down at his feet and winces, “Can we just go back to the house so I can lay down and take some painkillers?” I don't want to have this conversation right now.
Patton grabs his hand, “Virge?”
“Can we please go home first?” Virgil begs as he gestures to his old wings sitting not three feet away. 
Roman grimaces and nods, “Yeah, lets... lets go.”
With that they all sink out and into the living room. Virgil sprawls on the floor, Patton takes a seat next to him, leaning on the nearest wall, and Roman and Logan sit on the couch.
“Okay but seriously, can I have some food and pain meds?” Virgil groans.
Roman nods, “I’ll get the strongest ones we have.” He says, rushing to get the supplies.
Logan adjusts his glasses, “So, if you don't mind me asking, uh, how does that work? Why did they grow back?”
“Logan,” Virgil groans, “I just regrew wings that are half the size of my body and was able to feel it the whole time. My brain is so tired I couldn't tell you if I wanted to.”
“Are you magical?” Patton asks.
Virgil sighs, “I don't think so, but if I am, this is a curse I wouldn't wish on my worst enemies.”
The room goes quiet again right as Roman comes back, “I got pain killers, some water, and an assortment of snacks”
Virgil smiles, propping himself up on his arms as Roman sets the impressive display of food in front of him.
“I'm sorry.” Roman mumbles.
Virgil shakes his head, “Everything you brought is great,”
“No, i'm sorry I couldn't stop him.”
Virgil sits up, medicine halfway to his mouth, “You tried, that’s all that matters. You are not responsible for everything your brother does. I appreciate you trying to help. You did all that you could.”
“But if I had done something sooner.”
Virgil shakes his head firmly, “No, don't blame yourself. Thinking about the ‘what ifs’ is my job.”
Roman nods, silently.
Virgil takes the meds, grabs a granola bar and starts eating. When he is done he closes his eyes and groans as he settles back down on the carpet.
“How... how did you know they were going to come back like that?”
Virgil sighs, “Isn't it obvious? This isn't the first time Re- the Duke has chopped off my wings to get a snack.”
Roman sputters, “A snack?! You mean he...?”
“Yes. I don't think he knows that other people eat chicken wings, either that or he just doesn't care.”
Patton makes a small concerned noise.
Virgil goes to pop his neck and groans as his stretching goes in vain.
Patton sits up a bit, noticing his discomfort, “Would you like a back massage?”
“I... I don't know, maybe.”
Patton nods, “I could just do your shoulders and your lower back if you want.”
Virgil tries to pop his neck again and nothing happens, “You know what, sure. But I wanna lay on my bed for that.”
Patton smiles, “No problem.”
They sink out to Virgil’s room. Virgil is already sprawled out on the bed by the time Patton gets there.
“So, uh, how would you like me to do this?” Patton asks taking a seat on the bed
Virgil mumbles, “I don't know, just... start wherever you want to. But like, let me know before you do, so I don't freak out too bad.”
Patton nods, “Okay. Uh, is it okay if you take off your shirt or would you rather keep it on?”
Virgil snaps his shirt off.
Patton sighs, “I could’ve done that for you, you didn't have to use the energy to do that.”
“Well I prefer to be the one that controls my clothing so, sorry.”
“Oh, no, it's fine V.”
Patton looks over his back and makes a plan, “V, is it okay if I start with your lower back?”
He makes a noise of acknowledgement and sighs, “This was your idea Pat. Do whatever you think is best. I trust you. Just tell me what you’re doing.”
Patton smiles, “Okay. well then I’ll start at your lower back and I'm going to use some massage oil to make sure I don't hurt you. I'm only planning on going maybe halfway up your back but let me know if anything hurts too much or you want me to stop, okay?”
Virgil nods, “Sounds good.”
Patton rubs the oil on his hands and places himself next to Virgil. He reaches over and gently places a hand on his lower back, stilling as Virgil flinches at his touch but relaxes back to meet it. Patton rubs a slow circle on his back in appreciation. He brings his other hand to Virgil’s back, sliding it on over his other hand. Virgil only just flinches at that. 
Slowly, Patton rubs his hands over Virgil’s back pressing down slightly to see where any tension may lie. He then works with the side closest to him. He finds the tension and rubs it out working from the middle of his back out outwards. Starting at the base of his spine where the top of his pants ends. As Patton works, Virgil melts under his touch, relaxing and sighing as the tension that he hadn't even realised was there releases.
Patton works his way up Virgil’s spine to the halfway point before shifting to the other side, keeping one hand on Virgil the entire time. He begins the process anew on this side of Virgil’s back. He gets about three quarters of the way through and thinks Virgil might’ve fallen asleep. However as he starts massaging the next section, Virgil groans.
“Pat, stop.”
Patton immediately stills his hands releasing all the pressure he had been applying, “What’s wrong kiddo?”
Virgil buries his face in his arms, “That... it hurt.”
Patton hums, “Okay. Thank you for telling me, I won't rub there anymore. Would you like me to move up a bit or something and keep going on your back or would you rather I move to your neck and shoulders or are you done?”
“I uh, would you rub my neck please?”
Patton nods, “Of course, kitten.” He shuffles up the bed to sit above Virgil’s head. “You uh, I can't do this very well with your head tilted to the side.”
Virgil frowns, “Well I can't lay on my back right now... why don't you just rub my shoulders instead?”
Patton shakes his head, “You know what, I have an idea.” He snaps and suddenly he is holding a neck pillow like the ones they sell for airplanes. He holds it out to Virgil, “Maybe try using this so you can breathe and still have your head the right way.”
Virgil lifts his head and Patton sets the pillow down. Virgil slowly lowers his head into the pillow, letting the thing surround his face, “This isn't actually that bad.”
Patton smiles, “I'm glad. I'm going to start on your neck now.”
Virgil sighs as his hands gently rub away the tension in his neck. He has never felt this relaxed before. He might actually be melting into the comforter, but he would never admit it.
Patton smiles as he watches Virgil relax even more. He is just happy to be able to help in some way.
“You know how you call me kitten sometimes?”
Patton smiles, “Yeah, I like cats.’
Virgil chuckles, “I know, but I wanted to tell you, uh animal-based nicknames weird me out a bit, they just remind me of the others a lot.”
“Oh, like Mr. Liar Man?”
Virgil smiles at the silly name, “Yeah, like him.”
Patton thinks on it, “Okay. Thanks for telling me kiddo.  I’ll do my best to remember to stop calling you kitten.”
Virgil humms, “Thanks Patt.”
There is a pause as Patton moves from rubbing Virgil’s neck to rub his shoulders before he asks, “Does that mean you won’t call me butterfly anymore?”
“Probably,” Virgil admits, “I mean, unless i'm gonna turn you into one.”
Patton giggles, “Well it would be fun to have wings like you.”
“I'm not enjoying the wings right now, but I guess on a more normal day you might like it.” Virgil says.
Patton frowns, “Is there another nickname you want me to call you instead?” he asks, changing the subject.
“Uh, no, I'm fine with whatever you choose, just not stormcloud or something animal based, please.”
Patton hums, “Okay, I'll do my best to come up with a really good one, okay?”
Virgil smiles, starting to nod off with how relaxed he has become, “Okay Pat.”
Virgil spends the next few days laying in his bed, three days later he finally feels good enough to get up and join the others. They spend the day planning for videos and watching cartoons and movies. When they finish the second Harry Potter movie, Roman goes to put in the third, ready to have a marathon until bed.
“No, not that one please.” Virgil asks ad Roman pulls the movie from the case.
Patton frowns, “Why not? I thought this one was your favorite. Aren’t Sirius and Lupin your favorite characters?”
Virgil sighs, “Yeah, normally I do like this movie, but I don't think I can watch Remus turn into a werewolf right now.”
Logan frowns for a moment before it hits him. That scene is startlingly similar to what happened to Virgil mere days ago. It must be painful to watch, “Oh. Well, okay, we can skip to the fourth one then.”
Virgil grimaces at the thought of watching Voldemort grow a body and sighs, “Why don't we just watch Frozen and call it a night?”
Roman sets down the movie case, “Virgil, are you okay? I know you did not just recommend watching Frozen of all things.”
He sighs, “Yes, I did. I know for certain it is something that won't trigger me or the rest of you and is lighthearted enough that Patton wont get nightmares from it.”
Logan looks at Virgil, his brows pulled together and shakes his head, “Virgil, please, you need to talk to us about what happened.”
“Why not?”
Virgil crosses his arms and pulls his hood up, “You have no idea what you are asking of me. You don't want to hear about it. I... I don't want to burden you... To hurt you.”
Logan crosses his arms, “Virgil, It is unhealthy to bottle up one’s emotions regarding trauma. If the emotions are ignored then healing is almost impossible.”
Virgil throws his hands in the air, “Well, maybe since I haven't healed I don't want to talk about it! And you aren't my therapists so it’s none of your business!”
Patton frowns, “We may not be your therapist, but we are your friends, and we want to support you and help you V. We care about you”
“I get that, I get that you care, but what do you want me to say? What do you want to hear from me? That I could feel my bones breaking and reforming, raggedly growing into existence? Tell you that they used to punish me by cutting off my wings when I did something wrong? To know that it has been so long since the last time they cut my wings off that I had almost managed to forget what it feels like? That they’ve done that to me almost 20 times and that it hurts worse every time? Tell you about the horrible memories I have of them breaking the bones in my wings as they were forming because they knew they would heal quickly and still hurt just as much as if they didn't heal so fast? Do you want to hear about how hard it is to sleep at night sometimes when I'm terrified of one of them coming in and cutting them off again? What do you want from me?” Virgil’s voice cracks and his breath catches as he starts to cry.
Patton wimpers, slowly reaching out to take Virgil’s hand.
Virgil pulls away from him and Patton retracts his hand quickly.
Virgil sniffs, “Sorry Patton, but I don't want to be touched right now.”
Logan stares at him, pain and regret etched into his face, “Virgil I, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you like that.”
Virgil shakes his head, “It’s okay, I know you were just trying to help.” He looks around, withering under the stares of the others. 
Paton looks at him imploringly, “We aren't going to hurt you Virgil. I promise.”
Virgil gives him a small smile, he knows that.
Roman nods, “We love you Virgil, and we want to protect you, we want to help you. We never want to see you in that much pain ever again.”
“I know, and I really appreciate that, but I don't think there’s anything you can do.” Virgil says with a sigh.
“Can... may I please hold your hand?” Patton asks
“I... I said I don't want to be touched right now Patton.”
Patton nods, “It’s just... I don't know what else I could do to help.”
Virgil shrugs, “You cant really help right now Patton. This isn't something that can go away in five minutes or after one therapy session. I need to work through this by myself.”
Patton deflates a bit at his words, “Oh. well... can I at least sit under you and lean on the couch? I just wanna be close to you V.”
Virgil smiles a bit, “You can sit with me Pat.”
Patton smiles and rushes to sit with him.
Virgil sighs, adjusting his position on the couch a little, “Why don't we just watch Frozen and move on for now? I... I just need some time.”
Roman nods, shooting him a sad half-smile as he grabs the movie and puts it in the dvd player.
They watch the movie in relative peace. Roman hums the songs under his breath, and Logan scolds him while Patton chides the two of them for talking during the movie which Logan counters as being hypocritical, and honestly Virgil finds it all a bit endearing. He feels safe here. So, when Patton starts crying when the movie ends, he lets his hand fall to the side for Patton to take.
Patton grabs it and rubs his thumbs over the back of it, kissing where it meets his wrist. He closes his eyes and focuses on making Virgil feel better. 
Virgil feels pain leaving his body and sighs, before he sees the frown on Patton’s face. When he does, he rips his hand away from Patton’s grip, “Pat no! Why would you do that?”
Patton looks up at him shocked and confused, “I... I just want to help”
Virgil shakes his head, staring at him scared, eyes wide, “You could’ve really hurt yourself Pat! Don't you ever do that again!”
Patton looks up at him kindly, “I'm fine kiddo, really. I mean I took a lot more when you grew them back in the first place and I was perfectly fine then.”
Virgil’s jaw drops, “Is... oh I'm going to regret asking this. Is that why you were crying?”
Patton shakes his head, “No, not at first!”
Logan groans, “Patton! We’ve talked about this!”
“Logan, you know-”
Roman interrupts him, “Padre, you’re gonna really hurt yourself someday and whoever you’re taking the pain from is going to feel guilty because of it!” Roman insists. 
Patton shakes his head, “I wont! I know my limits! Why do you think I didn't take all of Virgil’s pain when the wings were growing in? Why do you think I didn't try to heal him?”
Logan frowns, “One of these days something is going to happen to one of us and you aren't going to be able to fix it.”
“Don't say that!”
“It’s true.” He insists.
“It isn't your job to fix everything Pat!” Virgil explains, “Some things... some people, we’re just broken and you can't fix it.”
Everyone goes silent.
Roman is the one to speak up, “Virgil, you’re not-”
“You don't know.” Virgil snaps, more venom in his voice than he intended, but he doesn't care. “You guys have absolutely no idea what I was like before... before the others screwed me up. When I wasn’t terrified of everything. I didn't always have these permanent bags under my eyes. I wasn't always this jumpy or antisocial or broken. I'm so broken I barely even remember what I was like before. I just barely remember a time where I was genuinely happy most of the time... when I didn't have wings. I'm just broken, almost always have been. You can't fix me.” Virgil grows quiet, hugging his knees close to his chest, staring at the others hesitantly.
“Virgil... I...”
Virgil shakes his head, “No, I don't remember what happened. I just remember a flash of light and searing pain and then I had wings. I'm just like this now.”
Logan swallows and carefully asks, “Is there anything else we should know?” 
Virgil  sighs and shrugs,“Well, I uh, I guess I might as well tell you everything at this point. So here goes nothing, I'm nonbinary and my pronouns are they/them.” Virgil pauses as the shock of what they admitted hits them. “I can't believe I just told you that. Uh, I'm going to go lock myself in my room now.” they sink out instantly, leaving no room for argument.
The room is left in a few moments of stunned silence.
“I'm going to go follow them.” Patton announces, getting to his feet.
Roman shakes his head placing an arm on Patton’s shoulder, “No Patton. We need to give them time.”
Logan sighs, “We messed up. We pushed Virgil when we should’ve waited for them to open up to us and now we are paying for it.” 
Patton frowns, “What do I do? How do I fix this?”
Roman sighs, looking sadly towards Virgil’s room, “You don't, not right now.” 
It has been two weeks and Virgil has not left their room, though they have taken the meals left outside their door and left the empty plates to be taken when they were done. 
Patton and Roman decide to go on an outing in the imagination that afternoon while Logan does research on things that might have given Virgil their wings. 
Slowly, dinnertime approaches and neither Patton nor Roman come back from the imagination. Logan makes Virgil and himself a sandwich and goes to leave the food outside of Virgil’s door when he sees a note has already been placed there. 
The messy green writing  reads, “Hello Virgil, I have captured Roman and Patton. They will pay for what you have done. Don't bother coming after them, when i'm done there won't be anyone to come for.”
Logan drops the plate in his hand, “V.... Virgil? Have you seen the note on your door? This is urgent.”
“No L, what is it?”
“It’s from Remus.”
Virgil swears, opening the door and coming out to see the note.
As they read it their face goes pale, “Holy shit.”
“It’s a trap” Logan mutters.
Virgil shrugs, “Obviously. But that doesn't mean i'm just going to let him kill them.”
“You aren't going without me.”
Virgil sighs, “Could I even stop you if I tried?”
They already knew that, but they don't say so, “Well then, let's go save our family.”
Logan nods as they head off into the imagination, Virgil leading the way.
“No! Stop! Don't do this to him! Please!” Patton begs as Roman’s cries echo around the room. They are in a dungeon-like space, Patton is chained to the wall in a small locked cell with jail-cell doors.
Remus has Roman strapped to a table and is currently making small slices to the sensitive skin on his ears, hands, fingers, and face. 
Remus humms lightly, “Stop? Hmm? No, I don't think I will. I think I am going to carve my name into his forearm so he will never forget about me, about us!”
“No!” Patton screams, “No!”
“You’re right, I could do much worse. Why don't I stab him somewhere!”
“No, not him! Don't hurt him!”
Remus freezes, turning slowly to face Patton with a demented gleam in his eye, “Oh! so sweet wittle Patton likes getting hurt, huh? You want me to hurt you? Would you enjoy that?” he taunts, “Maybe I should give you a good whipping!”
Patton looks from Remus’s face and sees Roman’s look of horror. Roman shakes his head, trying to get Patton to back down.
Patton stares Remus down, “If it means you aren’t hurting Roman? Yes.”
Roman clasps his hands together, “Oh, how noble! You really are a good friend! I think I will take you up on that, but I'm not quite done with my brother yet. Why don't I give you some input since you’re so eager to talk, hmm? Where shall I carve my name into him, his forehead, his arm, or his feet?”
Patton opens his mouth to speak
“You know what I wanna do his feet. Sorry, If you’re faster next time you can choose!”
Logan and Virgil walk towards the other’s part of the mind, where Virgil knows their castle-like house, complete with fully equipped dungeons, lays. 
Logan notices the tenseness in Virgil’s wings as they move and frowns, “Virgil, are... are you sure you want to do this, to go back?”
Their wings bristle a bit, “No. I don't want to go. I never thought I would, but I will for Roman and Patton’s sake. And just so we’re clear, use he/him pronouns once we get there, alright?”
Logan nods, “That is understandable, but why are you doing this? Why would you put yourself into a situation where you have to see them again?”
Virgil sighs, “I can't let them get hurt like I did. And I sure as hell can't let them think I abandoned them, abandoned the family, without even trying to save them.”
Logan nods solemnly “I understand.” After a moment he adds the question he just dares to ask, “Does that mean you are no longer upset with us?”
Virgil blinks, but their pace doesn't falter, “Upet? No, I'm not upset. I forgave you guys for questioning me after two days.”
Logan hesitates and falls behind a step, “Well then why have you not left your room for two weeks?”
Virgil grimaces, “Because I... I’m scared that you guys are going to use the wrong pronouns or say something about how my identity isn't valid. I... I couldn't take that right now. Not from you guys, not my family.”
Logan gently lays a hand on Virgil’s shoulder, stopping him, “We would never hurt you like that V. Never. We all completely respect you and your identity and pronouns. We have had two weeks to practice using them while you were in your room. We rarely slip up now, and always correct each other if we do. We support you V. You do not have to be afraid. We are not going to reject you, especially not for this.”
Virgil can't help the small smile that rises to their face, “Thanks L. I needed to hear that.”
“Why are you doing this?!” Patton wails as Remus unclips Roman from the table having carved his name into each of his brother’s feet. 
Remus chuckles, “Normally I don't ever have reasons. But you're lucky, this time. I'm doing this to get back at Virgil for leaving us! I can't wait to try out my new toys on him! I left a note for him on his door! He should've seen it by now and be on his way.”
Patton’s stomach drops as Remus hangs Roman up in chains next to him and swallows the lump in his throat as Remus unlocks his chains.
“He... he hasn't left his room in two weeks. He isn't going to see that note.”
“Well, then I guess we just have more time to play before he shows up!” Remus exclaims with glee as he drags Patton out of the cell.
They see the castle on the horizon and Logan realises he has no idea what happens next, “What is the plan for when we get there?”
Virgil sighs, “We sneak in and you get them out while I distract Remus. Sink out to the living room when you have them. Then, when you guys are free, I will meet you back there.”
Logan quirks an eyebrow, “Are you sure that the plan will work?”
Virgil squares their shoulders and stares straight ahead, “It has to.” they admit, “I won't be able to forgive myself if it doesn't.”
Patton screams as the whip lands across his back.  His back which is already covered with welts and cuts and bruises from how much Remus has been “playing” with him.
Remus rolls up the whip and smiles as he examines his work. He runs a hand down Patton’s back, making him choke out a sob between his quiet tears.
“Oh, wow Patty dear, you really do take your pain so well!” Remus croons as he presses down on a particularly raised welt. Patton whimpers pitifully and lets out a cry as Remus rakes his nails down his back. 
Suddenly there's a knock on the door.
“Come in!” Remus calls happily, putting the whip away.
The door swings open, “Hey trash man.” 
Remus looks up with a smile to see Virgil walking into the room. 
Roman stares at them, eyes wide, clinging to the chains on his wrists, “Virgil! It’s a trap! Run!”
Virgil shrugs, “Of course it’s a trap. I would be surprised if it was anything else.”
Remus stares at them with a hungry look in his eye, “Oh, Virgil, what pretty wings you have.”
Virgil rolls their eyes, “What have you done with Dad here? Looks like you’ve been having fun with him already.”
Remus smiles and spins the table Patton has been strapped to so that he is facing Virgil, “I just finished giving him a nice and thorough whipping! We’ve been having a lot of fun today!”
Virgil nods slowly, trying to look impressed, “Nice choice. I see you’ve gone for targeting all the soft sensitive spots, some things never change, do they Dukey?” Virgil asks, looking up to see Logan sink out with Roman.
Remus shrugs, “Why try to fix what isn't broken?”
“Well, I think there are some better ways to... personalize your techniques to the captive, so while this definitely will work on everyone. It just would not be my go to for him.”
Remus steps forward towards Virgil, “Is that so?”
He steps even farther forward “Well, why not share what you’ve learned with dear old Dukey?”
Virgil takes a step back, shakes his head, and crosses his arms, “I already shared my wings with you, you're gonna have to earn it if you want anything more.”
Remus sneers, “Oh, those old things, those don't mean a thing.”
Virgil scoffs, “They kinda meant a bit to me. Cut the crap, why do you want my new wings so soon? Did you already finish the last set? Do I not taste good to you anymore?”
Remus sneers, “Your last pair was a bit chewy, it got stuck in my teeth.”
Virgil represses a shudder of disgust, “What makes you think these will be any different?” They ask, as they watch Logan gently sink out with Patton. 
“These wings haven't had the use of those last ones. The fresher the wing, the more supple the meat.” Remus says gesturing like a stereotypical Italian chef. 
Virgil turns up their nose, “Not gonna lie dude, that's disgusting.”
“Thank you!”
Virgil shrugs, “You’re not welcome, and you might want to check on your prisoners before you come after me.”
Remus stills, tilting his head dramatically. He spins around and shrieks when he sees the empty room around him.
Virgil sinks out fast, a smirk on his face.
“You stinking codfish!!!” Remus shrieks, “I’ll tear out all your feathers one by one!”
When Virgil finally makes it back to the living room, Roman has been laid on the floor with a towel under his feet. Logan has Roman’s head in his lap and is holding his hands as the princely side thrashes and screams.
Only then does Virgil realise that Patton is still not wearing a shirt, and crying.
Patton is kneeling at Roman’s feet, his hands are glowing, “I'm sorry. I'm sorry Ro. I can either heal it or make it feel better, but not both. I know it hurts. I'm sorry. I know. I'm sorry. I'm almost done. There. There, I’m done. It’s okay, you’re okay now.”
Virgil falls to their knees as the reality of what they just managed to do hits them like a freight train. Deep breaths in, one... two... three... four. Hold one... two... three-
Logan sighs in relief, “Virgil, oh thank god, you’re safe!”
Patton frowns, “Wait, what’s wrong?”
Virgil looks up and sees Patton reaching for them, “I'm fine.” they mutter, scrambling away from Patton’s touch. “Don't hurt yourself more for me.”
“Oh...” Patton pulls away, worrying his bottom lip in his teeth, “I.. V, I wasn't trying... I just wanted to give you a hug.”
Virgil curses under their breath, “I.. I'm sorry Pat. I’d like a hug”
Patton’s head perks up, “Really?!”
Virgil nods. 
Patton practically tackles them as he throws himself into their arms.
Virgil lays their hands on Patton’s shoulders to avoid hurting the emotional side. 
Safe, safe. I'm safe. Patton, Ro, and Logan are safe. He’s gone, Remus is gone. I'm okay. Virgil tells himself as the panic continues to press in.
Patton suddenly presses a kiss to Virgil’s forehead and for a moment, all the whirling thoughts in his brain stay still. 
“You came. You saved us... thank you.”
Virgil smiles, “Of course I did Patton. I wouldn't leave you two with him...”  they trail off stiffening up at the thought.
Patton strokes their hair, “Hey, V, we’re okay. We are safe, okay?”
Virgil nods. They bury their head in Patton’s hair, grounding themself.
When Virgil finally feels like their brain has stopped spinning, they sit up and Patton releases them from the hug.
“Are you with us again Virgil?” Logan asks.
Virgil nods, “Yeah, I'm back.”
Roman looks at them, soft and reserved, a look that Virgil rarely sees, “Thank you. I don't typically like being the one who is saved, but this time... I don't mind so much.”
Virgil shrugs, “Even princes need rescuing sometimes. Speaking of, how are you doing?”
Roman wiggles his hand in a so-so gesture, “My feet hurt a lot less now, but i'm still... dealing with seeing my brother again. Oh, about my feet, Patton I... I was wondering, did they scar?”
Patton nods, “Only a little.” When Roman’s face falls he is quick to explain, “I did my best to try to heal them in a way where you would have no scarring, but I just couldn't avoid it completely.”
Roman sighs and nods, “Okay... thank you for trying.”
“Of course, Ro.” Patton insists, shuffling forward a few feet to take his hand.
Virgil winces as they see Patton’s back, “Are you okay Pat? That looks... bad.” 
Patton freezes for a moment, “I... yeah. It was bad when I tried putting on my shirt, but uh... with nothing touching it i'm okay.” Virgil raises a skeptical eyebrow, “Why don't I get you a glass of water? I want one myself, actually we all could probably stand to have one.” Patton offers.
Roman nods, “I would like one. Thanks Padre.”
Patton smiles as he stands to get the water, “No problem kiddo.”
When Patton comes back Virgil feels like something is... off. Patton is acting a bit  strange, but not in any way they could describe. Their gut just senses something.
Patton hands Roman Logan and Virgil glasses of water to drink, keeping one for himself. But he doesn’t drink it. Virgil sniffs the drink suspicious and winces at the smell.
“Don't drink it guys! This isn't water!”
“What do you mean?” Logan asks.
“Just... smell it!” Virgil insists.
Logan does and immediately takes Roman’s cup from him, staring accusingly at Patton, “What is that?” 
Patton frowns at him, “It’s water, I swear! Why would I give you something other than water to drink?”
Virgil squints, “I don't know. Maybe you just wanted to lie about what you were getting us, Deceit.”
Deceit rolls his eyes as he flickers back into his own form, “Wow, you really are so smart.”
“Where is Patton?!” Roman yells.
Deceit chuckles, “Oh, don't worry about him. You won't be seeing him again.”
“Where is he?” Virgil demands.
Deceit shrugs, “Just hanging out in the lowest dungeon with Orion.”
Virgil’s stomach drops and they think they might be sick right then and there. 
Deceit sinks out with a smirk, “Good luck boys.”
Virgil does their best to actively keep themselves out of a panic attack and quell the nausea pooling in their stomach.
“I'm gonna go get him.” Roman yells trying and failing to sit up with Logan actively holding them down.
“Not alone you’re not.” Virgil sighs.
Logan struggles to keep Roman on the ground, “Roman... your feet!”
Roman rolls over to look at Logan properly, “You couldn't keep me here if you bribed me with a promise of getting a role as a gay disney prince.”
Logan sighs in defeat, “Fine, but i'm coming with you.”
“You both know this is a trap, right?” Virgil clarifies. 
“Oh, yeah.” Roman shrugs waving him off.
“You don't care?”
“No.” Logan shakes his head.
“Okay, well, I guess it’s time for another adventure” Virgil admits, swallowing at the nausea and panic. 
Patton curls himself up as tight as he can where he is on the floor, the crushed glass covering the floor cutting into the exposed skin on his arms, legs, ears, and even his scalp. He grimaces at the sharp pain in his back where his fresh welts and cuts protest at being stretched.
He does his best not to whimper as his back seizes up.
“Feeling comfortable?” a cold voice asks.
Patton does not answer. A sharp kick to his back makes him jerk in pain moving further on the glass.
“I said. Feeling comfortable?”
Patton whimpers, “No, master.”
The figure spits on him, “Good. Now don't stretch out. You won't like what happens when you do. Oh, and your friends, they’re on their way over.”
“Yes! Soon you can all be together and we can all have fun playing with each other! Of course, Virgil will have to go, he deserves it, leaving us. Or we might just chain him up gag him, hang him from the ceiling, and let him watch. Either way, we will have you three all to ourselves, no taking turns needed. Remus can have his brother and Deceit... oh Dee and Logan will have a great time, at least Dee will. And as for you... you’re mine..”
Patton trembles at the thought. ”Why would you do this, master?” Patton asks, only just remembering to add the title at the end.
The figure growls and Patton squeezes his eyes shut, “I should punish you for talking out of turn, but I won't... this time, because at least you addressed me properly. As for why, well...” they chuckle, “You made me this way Patton, you should know why.”
Patton shakes his head, 
“Oh? What is this? You deny responsibility? Speak.”
Patton speaks boldly, though he is close to tears, “I didn't make you this way, you did that. I cannot control who you are, master. I sent you away because you were like this. I am not responsible for your actions”
The figure laughs, “Au contraire Patton, you sending me away only solidified who I am. I had the potential for change and you decided to abandon me to become more harsh and bitter instead of showing me love and compassion like you did to the others. That. Is. On. You.” He growls, kicking Patton’s back to punctuate every word.
Patton gasps, seeing stars as one last kick is aimed at his head, groaning as the pain sets in.
“Now.” The figure says, “What do you say for your punishment?”
“Thank you, master.” Patton mumbles as he begins to cry.
“Good. Now don't. Move.”
The trio come to a hallway and peek around the corner. There at the end of the hall in a room with an open door, they see Patton, laying on his side.
“It’s a trap.” Logan says.
“Yeah, what else would it be?” Virgil quips. “Sorry, that was harsh. I'm just a bit on edge.”
Logan sighs, “It’s okay, we all are. Let’s just get Patt and get out of here.”
They sneak closer, going down the hallway, hiding in doorways. Virgil struggles to hold back a gasp as they see blood beginning to pool around Patton. God, I hope he's still alive. They think to themself. If he dies I'd never forgive myself.
Suddenly Patton opens his eyes. Virgil makes eye contact with him and holds a finger to his lips, then moving his arms in a gesture for calm. 
Patton blinks hard twice, a no.
Virgil seems to understand and nods in response. They don't care that this is a trap, they want to save Patton.
Patton feels his stomach drop as he sees what Virgil is trying to tell him. They are playing right into Orion’s plan and he can't tell them. There’s nothing he can do. So he waits, eyes closed and muscles tense. He waits, dreading what will happen.”
“We know you’re out there.” The cold voice calls. “Why don't you come in and play?”
Patton freezes. 
A rock is thrown into the room and the floor buzzes as electrical pads zap the heavy object.
“What is that? A symbol of surrender?”
Another rock is thrown, this time it scatters to the other side of the room. It too is met with a shock and buzzing electricity.
“If you’re trying to figure out which parts of the floor are electric, all of the tiles surrounding that half of the room are pressure triggered. You cannot get to Patton without getting shocked. There is no way to save him.” 
Virgil groans inwardly as Logan and Roman bicker about what they could use to save themselves from the electric tiles. Logan is voting for thick rubber boots, Roman for a bridge of plywood. Virgil shushes them and gestures to their wings, themself, and then to Patton. 
Logan’s eyes grow wide, “No V, you're not strong enough yet.” He whispers frantically.
“I have to try.” 
Virgil walks up to the edge of the room and stares at Orion. He is standing in the back corner of the room, staring back with a pleased expression on his face.
“Oh Virgil, how nice to see you again my little stormcloud. Are you here to be the first sacrifice?” Orion asks.
Patton’s eyes snap open. Virgil no!
Virgil ignores Orion, “Patton. Hey, it’s okay, everything is okay. Do you think you have the energy to walk to me? If the room wasn't electrified I mean, could you do that for me?”
Patton swallows thickly and nods.
“Okay. Good job, Patt. You’re so strong. I believe in you. Stay alive for me butterfly, okay?” Virgil asks.
Patton’s eyes widen and he nods.
With that Virgil turns around and walks away.
“Where are you going? You just leave him here to die? You coward! You heartless fool, giving him hope when there is none!” Orion shouts after them. 
Virgil ducks back into the doorway with Logan and Roman. They close their eyes and focus. Their hands begin to glow slightly and when they feel the tension pop they exhale and drop their hands. 
Logan’s eyes go wide and he inhales sharply. 
Virgil knows they were successful when they hear Orion and Deceit’s screams.
“Where did he go?”
“He just disappeared!”
Patton smiles to himself as he looks at his butterfly form. He sneaks among the cracks in the tiles, crawling on the grout until he reaches the start of the hallway. Then he flies. He flies and the feeling is exhilarating, but it hurts so bad. The cuts and bruised muscles sending shards of pain through his body with every flap. Suddenly he finds himself floating in front of Virgil.
“Hey Pattycake. Time to take a ride. Come sit in my hair and hold tight okay?” 
Patton does as he is told, holding tight to Virgil’s curls as they sink out
They rise up in the livingroom and Virgil gently ushers butterfly Patton onto their hand and then onto the floor in the middle of the room.
“Ready?” Virgil asks.
Roman and Logan watch in awe as Virgil’s hands glow bright again. They see the tension build in his body, then suddenly, it's gone. And where there once was a butterfly lays Patton.
It seems everyone releases a sigh of relief. Everyone except VIrgil. They rush to Patton’s side frantic.
“Pat, hey. Hey, look at me? You’re okay, you’re safe now. We’re here.”
Patton looks up at them with watery eyes and a trembling lip, “Hurts... hurts so-o bad,” he sobs, breath hitching. 
“I know, i'm sorry Patt. I'm gonna help you with the cuts. I want to help you feel better. Okay?”
Patton nods.
Slowly, Virgil takes Patton’s arm, moving it towards themself.
Patton hisses between hiccuping breaths.
“I'm sorry.” Virgil says as they look over the cuts on Patton’s arm and realise they are in way over their head. They look to Patton, “Will you let Logan help me? I don't think I can do this by myself.”
Patton looks from them to Logan and back before nodding.
Logan steps forward, “Thank you Patton.”
Patton whimpers in response.
“What can I do?” Roman asks, looking a bit squeamish.
Virgil thinks for a moment, “You can set up a nice relaxation room for the four of us to hang out in while Pat recovers. Make it as cozy and comforting as possible.”
Roman smiles, “I can do that, for sure! One comforting recovery room coming right up!” Roman cheers sinking out. 
Logan nods, “Good idea.” He mutters, looking over the wounds.
Virgil shrugs, “I know he doesn't like blood and know we will want the room when we’re done.”
Patton whimpers, “Virgil, I don't feel good.”
Virgil turns to him, voice soft, “What kind of not feel good?”
“ ‘M dizzy, and my tummy hurts.”
Virgil nods, “Okay. Thank you for telling me. I can't do much to help that until we fix your cuts though.”
“ ‘Kay.” Patton sighs
Logan pulls Virgil close to him and whispers, “Virgil, those are symptoms of blood loss.”
Virgil nods “I know.”
Logan doesn’t release him, “We’re going to have to actually remove the glass from his side.”
“I know...”
“He is in no state-”
Virgil roughly pulls away from Logan’s grasp “I know, give me a minute.” they huff. “Hey, Pat?”
“You have cuts on your side under your shirt. We need to take it off, okay?”
Patton whimpers, “Don't hurt me, please.”
Virgil shakes their head firmly, “We won’t, we need to do that to help make it better.”
“Mmmm... okay.” Patton mutters hesitantly.
Virgil smiles gently and snaps Patton’s shirt away, “Thank you, Patton.”
The two spend a minute examining the wounds and realise there is no way they are going to be able to do the kind of work they need to do while Patton is awake. Logan fetches a sleeping potion from Roman and brings it back.
“Here Pat, drink up.” Logan offers.
“What is it?”
“It’s a sleeping potion.”
“Why am I drinking it? I don't wanna sleep.” Patton wines
Virgil sighs, “Pat we need to take glass out of your side and you don't want to be awake, it will hurt too much,”
Patton frowns, “Said you weren’t going to hurt me!”
Virgil takes his hand, “I know Pattycake, and this is us keeping our promise. We will help it get better but what we need to do is gonna hurt pretty bad, but only if you’re awake. If you’re asleep then it won’t hurt and we won’t be breaking our promise.”
“Does it taste bad?”
Logan shakes his head, “Roman said it tastes like cotton candy.”
Patton humms, “Kay.” He sits up with help from Virgil and drinks the potion.
When Patton falls asleep the two work quickly to remove as much glass as they can as fast as possible. 
An hour and several bouts of swearing later all the glass has been removed, the cuts have been sanitized, Patton has been patched up and his shirt replaced. They don't move him for fear of hurting him or waking him.
About ten minutes later, He opens his eyes and Virgil takes his hand, “Hey there Patton, glad to have you back with us.”
Patton smiles at him.
“We were able to get all of the glass out, okay? You should heal up just fine.”
Patton sighs and promptly grimaces.
“What’s wrong?” Virgil asks urgently.
“My back hurts.”
Virgil nods, “Okay. We have some ice packs and painkillers in the room Roman set up, why don't we head over?”
Patton nods.
They sink out and Patton finds himself laying on a pile of pillows in the middle of a room that has been turned into a giant blanket fort. 
“I'm gonna go to the bathroom.” Virgil says.
Roman rushes over as Patton shows up, “Patton, oh goodness, are you okay?”
Patton smiles up at him, “I’m okay. But if you have Advil and ice packs I wouldn't complain.”
Roman nods and summons the aforementioned items, “Here Pat, take the meds first.”
He does, smiling at Roman thankfully.
“Where do you want the ice packs?” Roman asks.
Patton thinks about it a minute, “My back, the shoulders and above my hips, please.”
Roman nods, “Of course Pat.” he says. He places the ice packs in place gently.
Patton sighs in relief, “Thank you.”
Roman sits above his head, “No problem, but Padre... your back. I... you shouldn't have done that. I could’ve taken more.”
“I know... but I couldn't stand to sit and watch him hurt you any longer.”
Roman moves to lay so he is looking at him, “Patton, I know you did it because you care, but I need you to tell me you’ll never do something like that ever again. Please, promise me you won't.”
Patton sighs, “I... I don't know if I can do that Ro. I would give anything to save you guys.”
Roman frowns, “The sentiment goes both ways Padre. I just... I need to know you will take care of yourself.”
“I... okay Ro. I’ll take care of myself. I... I promise.”
They sit in relative silence as Logan and Virgil return to the room.
Logan smiles, “Ah, I see you’ve already gotten the ice packs. Are they helping?”
Patton nods, “Yeah, they’re helping a bit.”
Virgil sighs, “Good. Tell us when you need new ones or want to move them, okay?”
“MmmHmm.” Patton says.
Virgil and Logan settle into the room, both of them situated so that they can see both Patton, Roman, and each other. Slowly they fall asleep, all except Logan. Logan stays up. He would say it’s because he is thinking, but truly he can't help but be a bit anxious. He stays up to make sure no harm befalls the family in their sleep.
A few hours later, Logan realises that it’s time to change Patton’s bandages. Begrudgingly he wakes Virgil first, and then Patton, letting Roman sleep.
“Time to change your bandages.” Logan whispers to him.
Patton grumbles, turning his face into the pillows under him, “Hmm.. can't you just snap and change them? I’m tired and everything hurts.”
Logan sighs, “I suppose, but first I want to be able to look at your back, okay?”
Patton frowns, “And if I don't let you see it?”
“Then I guess I'm changing them by hand and I’ll see it anyway.”
Virgil glares at Logan but Patton relents, snapping his shirt and the ice packs away.
“Here, just... be gentle... please.” Patton asks in a small voice, even for their whispering.
Logan has to hold back a gasp at the sight. His back is mottled with ugly bruises, a horrible painting of purples, blues, and reds. The mottling is broken up with lines of welts, some bruised and some not, ranging from the size of Patton’s pinky to an inch or so in width. 
Logan sighs and snaps the bandages off and new ones in their place. 
Virgil grimaces and winces as they take it in, “Patton, your back...”
Patton frowns, “What about it?”
“It... I... Would you let me help you with it?”
“What do you mean?”
“Let me take care of you. Let me help patch you up. I... I want to help.”
Patton looks at him hesitantly, glancing at Logan and Roman.
Virgil tilts their head, “We can go to your room if you want.”
Patton nods. 
Virgil takes his hand and they sink out together. 
They rise up in Patton’s bedroom and Virgil notices that Patton seems a little bit spaced out.
“You okay there Patton?”
Patton blinks up at them the words pulling him from his thoughts, “Oh, uh, I...” he sighs, “no.”
Virgil nods, “I understand. Would you like to talk about it?”
Patton sniffs a moment and nods.
“Why don't we do that while I help you? Hmm? You can lay on your bed and talk to me while I tend to your back and listen.”
Patton gives them a small smile and nods again, heading over and laying down on the bed.
Virgil joins him, summoning supplies for his back and making themself comfortable.
Patton whimpers as Virgil uncaps a tube of some sort, “What is that?”
Virgil closes it again and shows the bottle to Patton, “This is a bruise cream. It helps with swelling and calms both bruising and welts. It should feel good.”
Patton hums, “Okay, as long as it won't hurt too bad.”
Virgil shakes their head, “It won’t. I promise, I wont do anything to you that I wouldn't do to myself if I was in your position, okay?”
Virgil squeezes a small bit of cream onto their hand and slowly gently applies it to Patton’s back. He flinches at the cold as the cream first touches him, but he relaxes back into the touch with a sigh and Virgil moves their hand. Slowly they rub the cream onto Patton’s back, applying it liberally.
Patton groans, “Thank you... thank you so much. It feels so good.”
“I'm happy to help.”
The pair sits in silence for a while until Patton finally finds the words to speak.
“He’s awful.”
Virgil sighs, “I... yeah.”
“How did you do it? All those years with them?”
“I...” Virgil takes a moment to find the words, “If i'm being honest Patt, I don't know. It was hard. There were times that I, well, I wanted to give up. I wanted to leave... walk into the subconscious and let myself fade away.”
“... Why didn't you?”
Virgil takes a moment to reply, “I... I don't really know. I guess seeing you guys, how you were so happy, how you... actually liked each other... I think I wanted that. I wanted to hope that maybe... if I could just hold on long enough...”
“You could be here, and we would accept you?”
“... yeah, maybe it could be better, and I was right. It is better.”
Patton hums. After a few more moments of silence he asks a different question, “Did you only come out of your room to save Roman and I?”
Virgil stills and blinks a moment, “No. I... I'm not going back when you feel better. I'm ready to be here now.”
Patton furrows his brows, “You... why did you... are you not angry at us anymore?”
Virgil goes back to applying the cream, “Oh... no. I wasn't really mad, I was... scared.”
Virgil sighs, focusing diligently on the task at hand, “Yeah. I... had tried to come out to the others... before I started hanging out with you guys more. They... they reacted horribly to put it lightly and I couldn't help but be terrified you guys were going to do that and purposefully misgender me too. I don't think... I couldn't bear it if you did. I couldn't go back to the others though, so I decided to stay in my room, alone, somewhere I couldn't get hurt.”
Patton’s voice takes on a serious tone, “We would never misgender you or invalidate you or your gender on purpose!”
“I know Patton, I know. It just took me a long time to convince the voices in the back of my head that you’re right. I still haven't done that completely, but eventually they should shut up about it and move on to something else.”
“Hmm.” Patton winces as Virgil starts working on a particularly sore welt. “How do you do that? Make the voices in the back of your head stop telling you mean things?”
“Well, it depends on what they’re saying.” Virgil admits. “If they’re telling me things about you guys, then I will fight back with the memories I have with you. When I get the courage to, I then just either go and tell you guys what I'm upset about, or I ask questions that I know are vague enough to get me answers without giving anything away.”
“W-what if they’re telling you things about yourself?” Patton asks quietly.
Virgil stills a moment, “Patton?”
“Oh uh, not... not like I have experience or anything. I'm just... wondering.”
Virgil sighs and wipes their hand off on a towel, “You really aren't good at being subtle.”
“I... I have no idea what you mean!” Patton insists, his voice defensive, but just barely.
Virgil hums, “Whatever you say. To answer your question, when the voices are telling me things about myself I go to you guys and try to have a conversation with one of you, especially you Patton, because you are good at telling me off and making me feel a little more confident in myself.”
“And if that doesn't work?”
“You know what I do. I go up to you and tell you I'm feeling bad about myself and you all spoil me silly and shower me with compliments until I'm convinced that maybe the you mean it. That works 99 times out of 100. And in the small chance that it doesn't, my fears are gone by morning.”
Patton smiles halfheartedly, “I... I lied earlier.” he admits.
Virgil runs a hand through Patton’s hair, “What are the voices telling you Pat?”
Patton’s face falls and he sighs, “I... I don’t...”
“I cant help if I don’t know what’s happening, Pat. I know it hurts and I know it’s hard, trust me. But I need you to tell me.”
Patton sighs. For a moment Virgil doesnt think he is going to tell them, but then Patton speaks. He sounds resigned, defeated, nearly robotic, “They... they’re telling me I don't deserve to have you guys take care of me. I deserved to be hurt like I was... He was right, I... I'm worthless, a horrible person. I made him the way he is. It’s my fault he hurt you the way he did. He never would've been the way he is now if I had just tried a little harder, shown him more mercy. I am a despicable person. I... I-” Patton’s breath catches as he starts to cry. 
Virgil crawls around the bed to lay in front of Patton. They reach up and wipe the tears from Patton’s face, “Shh, it’s okay. It’s okay to cry. But here is a secret you need to know Pat. Listen, the voices never tell the truth. Everything they are telling you is wrong. You aren't a despicable person Sunshine, and you sure as hell can't blame yourself for what that man did to me. You didn't deserve any of the things he did to you. You are a wonderful and beautiful person. You are kind and loving and forgiving to a fault. You deserve to be pampered just as much as the rest of us. You have a beautiful gift in your ability to notice when people are upset and know exactly what they need to make them feel better. You care so much for everyone around you and it is breathtaking.” 
Virgil brushes the hair out of Patton’s face as he looks up at them, “But Patton, you are more than your ability to care for others. I love the way you smile when you see a dog or a cat and the joy you have when you finish a coloring book or a painting. The way you like to dance and sing alone in your room to your favorite music so loud I can hear it in my room down the hall is adorable. It always calms me to see the sparkle in your eyes when you come up with a pun. I... I love you Patton. Don't you dare believe those voices for a minute, okay?” 
Patton smiles through the tears falling down his face, “You... love me?”
“Gosh yes Pat. I love you so much.”
Patton sighs fondly, “I love you too V. I... I wouldn’t have made it through the past few days if I didn't know you were going to come save me. You were my hope while I was in that dungeon, my lighthouse. I never want to lose you V.”
Virgil shakes their head, “You won’t. I promise.”
@yourhappypappypatton (you said you like Patton h/c and I thought you might like this)
@fluffieghosts (you told me to tag you when I write angst, and I think this counts as angst )
let me know if you don’t want to be tagged and I can fix it!
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cinnbar-bun · 4 years
No Logic in Friendship (Magisa x Lucilius)
A/n: Quarantine has done something to me so now you get this random ship I have thought of. I love them both so the idea of them being together makes me a bit happy and the dYNAMICS?!?!? I am here for it and now you must witness my madness. As always due to not much backstory and lore to these two IM TAKING IT INTO MY OWN HANDS AND MAKING MY OWN!
He is stuck. He is trapped. Despite being given free reign to explore so long as he was being watched, he felt entirely trapped inside the large ship. He murmurs to himself as he continues scribbling messy notes onto a journal that he was given by the captain. They sure were an eccentric one, deciding to keep him hostage here while giving him access to materials he could use. He couldn’t comprehend how that lunacy destroyed him once before.
But that was then, and this is now. And now his mind is crawling for some sort of knowledge. Something he could use. Perhaps even planning his escape. His thoughts were cut off when he heard a knock on the door.
“Knock, knock, dear~!” A teasing voice called.
Of course she would appear the moment he thought of something. She didn’t wait for an answer, instead she swung open the door, book in hand as she gave him her infamous sickly sweet smile.
“Good morning, you seem sprightly.” She said sarcastically as his frown grew bigger.
“What do you want, witch?” He spat out the last word before he continued writing. She merely giggled before she pulled a chair out and plopped herself right next to him.
“Oh you know the drill, dear. My dearest captain wants me to watch you to make sure you don’t get any ideas.”
“Tell your captain they can go shove it up their-“ he sighs and rubs his eyes. He doesn’t have the energy for this.
“Aw, Lucy are you tired?” She smirked.
“Shut up.” He growled as tried his best to ignore her. She chuckles as she leans over his shoulder. He slams the book shut and glares at her. “Do you mind?!”
“No, I don’t. I’m interested in what you’re writing. I mean-what if you’re planning on killing us all? That would be awful to let it happen right under my nose.”
“Trust me, if I could’ve, I would’ve had you all burnt to a crisp.” He grumbles. “Especially you.”
“Oh? Are you saying you like me, Lucy?” Magisa teasingly smiles.
“Hardly. You’re a pain to deal with. You’re even worse than Belial.”
“Me? I haven’t even shown you all of me. Unless this is your way of saying you wish to know me more intimately~?” She innocently batted her eyelashes at him as he rolled his eyes.
“Quiet. You’re a nuisance and you’re getting in the way of my research.”
“Well, what are you researching?”
“None of your business.”
“ACTUALLY- it really is. I was told to watch you so that is a duty I will carry out.” She stated, her voice lowering. He recognized it meant she was being serious.
“I’m trying to figure out how all of you imbeciles interact with one another without killing yourselves. You all are a bunch of annoyances, and I feel myself going insane from being in this hellhole for over a week!” Lucilius snapped. Magisa nodded and shrugged.
“It’s true, we are a crew of multiple types of people. But isn’t that what makes it so unique? No two people are exactly alike.” She said as tapped her chin.
“I think you all are just insane. I have never wanted to jump of the deck until I met those two idiots who screamed about punching and kicking one another. Or that hulking moron who was crying over his lost hat despite wearing it. The only reason he found it was because that assistant of his told him!” He recounted.
“Ah, you mean Feather and Randall. The ‘hulking moron’ is Barawa and his assistant is Sarya.” Magisa explained.
“I didn’t really ask.” He sighed.
“Well I just think you need to take it slow. Here, since you’re obviously just getting started with the whole ‘being nice’ attitude, why don’t we start off small?”
“What are you referring to?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Well, we haven’t properly introduced ourselves besides our names. You only see us as your enemy.” She said.
“And you only see me as a prisoner.”
“If we’re gonna be friends, then I’ll say that you’re a handsome prisoner. See, it’s not so hard to be nice to someone!” She smiled. He felt his cheeks heat up as he shook his head furiously.
“I don’t want to be your friend. Nor do I plan on ‘being nice’. You’re holding me here, and I’ll get out one day.”
“Not if I have anything to say about it. One thing you should know about me, when I want something, I won’t stop until I get it.”
“And what is it that you want?”
“I would like to show you that you can make friends and be nice. I mean, think of it like this, if you behave, you’ll get more freedom. Doesn’t that sound lovely?”
“And if I don’t?”
“Then I’ll kill you.” She said, grinning at him. “I’m sure you don’t wish to know a true power of a witch.”
He sighed.
“Good! Since you’re being compliant-“
“I never agreed.”
“Since you are compliant, let’s get this small experiment running.” She clapped her hands together.
“And what does this experiment entail?”
“Not much. It’s just about getting to know one another more. For starters, tell me what your favorite color is. I’ll go first- mine is red, as you can see.” She said as she tipped her hat.
Lucilius pondered it.
“I don’t have one. It’s stupid to prefer one color over the other. They mean nothing.”
“That’s boring. Come on, don’t think about it too much. What color makes you happy?”
“Colors don’t make people happy! What kind of idiotic statement is that?” Lucilius yelled.
“On the contrary, they do. Some people like things because it’s pleasing. Sometimes they like it because it reminds them of happy memories. You must have SOME sort of preference.” Magisa sighed in disbelief.
“You skydwellers are ridiculous. Fine. My favorite color is black. There. Is this stupid experiment done?”
“No. Why do you like black?”
“I don’t know. I don’t care to have a reason to know.” He said quickly.
“Well, maybe you should research yourself a bit more. I think you’ve forgotten about who you truly are.”
“I know who I am! I am Lucilius, head Astral researcher and I will not be talked down to like that!” Lucilius angrily shouted.
Magisa sat there, unfazed as she giggled.
“I just noticed, your eyes are a gorgeous shade of blue.” She said. “It’s a shame they’re always used for a frown.”
“Why you-! Insolent! Stupid! Gah-!” He yelled incoherently as he clawed at his hair. “I would rather be dead than endure this nonsense!”
“It’s not nonsense. It’s just what makes a person up. Surely you should know that, Head Astral Researcher.” Magisa teased.
“A color does not make a person. Their eyes do not make a person. What makes a person is their power and their intelligence!” Lucilius retorted. “What they control is what they are!”
“But you control nothing. So are you nothing then? You have no power here, Lucilius.” Magisa asked.
He growled before he looked away from her.
“Well? By your own logic you’re practically useless. But I think you should realize you’re with humans. Humans don’t need to use that logic.”
“It’s been the way we Astrals have lived by. Your use is only by what you can create and think and control.”
“And yet you Astrals were defeated by us humans. Do you see the fault in that logic?” Magisa pointed a finger at him. “Humans are more than machines. We do not need to abandon feelings in pursuit of greatness.”
“Humans are illogical. One day they’ll suffer their downfall. Human nature brings nothing but discourse and nonsense. It’s absolutely stupid that you would keep me, someone who was this close to ending the world and keep me alive. If you all were rational you would’ve just killed me.”
“Well, I’m sure there are plenty who want you dead. But nevertheless, because we are, in your words, ‘illogical’, we get more out of it. Sandalphon was once someone who felt betrayed and wanted to end the world. And now look at him. He’s one of our closest allies.” Magisa explained.
“Does that mean you wish for me to be dead?”
“Mm... I’m thinking about it. I think I would like to know you first before I decide if I should end you or not.” She grinned. “As I said, once I have a goal, I won’t stop until I get it done.”
Lucilius mulled over her words before he sighed.
“Fine. I’ll play along. I have nothing better to do and it could give me something slightly beneficial out of this.”
“I’m glad you had a change of heart. Why don’t you ask me some things?” Magisa stared at him and he pondered it for a moment.
“Why did you join this crew.”
“Because their goals aligned with mine. Of course, after I met them, I found a family to call my own. So now I wish to help them get to their goals too.”
“So you admit you were thinking selfishly? Isn’t that hypocritical?” Lucilius frowned.
“Well, yes, I was. I was thinking of myself. Just like you’re doing now. You really don’t have any interest in me, and you’re doing this now to relieve your boredom. And that’s fine. Not everything has to start off as absolutely friendly. But later on down the line, things can change. Who knows, maybe you’ll fall for me.” She grinned.
“Absolutely not.” He gagged.
“Kidding, kidding. But yes, I was selfish before. But I had made so much wonderful friends here. I think you could take the time to make some too.” Magisa explained.
“I doubt the rest agree.”
“And that’s okay too. Not everyone has to like you, just as you don’t have to like them. But maybe if you show them a side to you that’s nice, they might like you too.”
“This is ridiculous. Human relationships make no sense. There are things I’m supposed to suddenly get? You’re a hypocrite and you just agreed to that. So why am I in the wrong for doing as you once did?”
“Don’t forget you still committed a bunch of heinous acts. You definitely have that going against you. But I say this as someone who selfishly came onto this crew, things can change. And that’s what being human is all about. Changing. Who I am now is different from who I was the day I met the captain. The person I’ll be tomorrow is also different too. The same can be said for you, no matter how much you deny it.”
“Change, huh...” he repeated quietly.
“You Astrals invaded our world because your world was unchanging. And now you get a chance to change in this world, Lucilius.” He was a bit surprised that she actually said his name, and he thought of her words again.
“Okay. I’ll attempt this. Then how will you conduct this experiment? I want it all laid out for me step by step.”
“Being friends doesn’t take steps. It’s about finding out more about each other. You can’t have steps for that.”
“Then how are we supposed to get to know each other. You don’t have plan!”
“Not everything needs a plan.”
“Then how do you get things done? You expect me to just go about this unprepared?”
“You just use your feelings, Lucy. There’s nothing you need to prepare for.” Magisa responded. Lucilius sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
The thought of not having steps made him a bit anxious. Plans were what he used always. He always had a routine, a plan for everything he did. And now she just wanted him to not prepare for it? He didn’t know the first thing about her nonsensical experiment, and he was beginning to dread this project.
Damn this witch for making such stupid ideas.
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azaraspirit · 5 years
Daughter of Thor: Chapter One
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ok im too excited for this chapter to wait two hours lmao i really hope you guys like it!!!
tagging: @petersboyfriendsonofthor @keepingupwiththeparkers @mcuspidey @starksparker @spiderboytotherescue @spideypeach @fanboy-tom @underoos-tom @pmvelez97
warnings: mild language, some bullying
word count: 2280
a/n: sorry for the long post im on mobile so i cant use the keep reading cut whixh i think is annoying af. feedback and reblogs would be greatly appreciated! idk when ch2 will up. next week most likely. i put all of my energy into this first chapter so i still need to plot the next one and outline it and what not.
Thor felt love for his wife Jane and his friends but nothing compared to the little bundle of joy that he held in his arms. When Jane first told him she was pregnant, he was absolutely thrilled and now their daughter was finally here. She was perfect. Absolutely perfect. She took after Thor with his eyes and curly blonde hair but had her mother’s nose, lips and chin.
Fresh tears trickled down Thor’s cheeks as he admired his new daughter that was wrapped in a blanket.
“So beautiful.” Thor praised. His infant daughter grabbed one of his fingers, making him smile.
“You’re never going to give her back are you?” Jane asked as she saw how in love Thor was with their child.
Jane rolled her eyes. “May I remind you that I did all the work?”
“Okay, you can name her but that’s the best I can do.” Thor teased.
“I always liked the name Hannah.”
Thor smiled down at his daughter. “Hannah, daughter of Thor. I like the sound of that.”
“What do you think you’re doing?” Thor chuckled as he watched his little girl attempt to climb onto the throne.
She grunted, pushing herself up but to no avail. “Trying to sit on my throne.” she pouted.
“Your throne?” Thor questioned.
“Well someday it will be.”
Thor laughed, picking up his little toddler in his arms. “Yes, one day, little one. You are destined for greatness and someday you shall be the queen of Asgard. But for now, you’re my little princess.” He gently kissed her cheek.
“Dad! Not in front of Uncle Loki!”
He looked up to see his brother approaching them. “Don’t worry, I didn’t see anything.” He smirked, holding his palms up.
Hannah wiggled out of her father’s arms to run after her uncle. She hugged his legs before he picked her up and wrapped her arms around his neck. “How about we do some training today little one?” Loki asked.
“Okay.” Hannah smirked as she held up one of his daggers.
“You little sneak!”
They both laughed.
Thor stared at them. “You teaching my daughter to pickpocket?!”
Loki shrugged, trying to look innocent. “Figured I should teach her what I know.”
“She’s only five! Too young for daggers!”
Hannah rolled her eyes. “Told you he’d get mad when he found out.”
“Well you’re the one who picked in front of him.”
“You taught me.”
“I don’t like my daughter playing with weapons.” Thor said sternly.
“Brother, hear me out….”
“Okay, I’m waiting.” Thor crossed his arms.
Loki cleared his throat but no words came out. Thor raised a brow.
“Never thought you’d let me get this far.” Loki admitted.
“Dad, he’s teaching me to defend myself.” Hannah spoke.
“Yes, what she said.” Loki agreed, nodding.
“Hannah darling, you’re only five.” Thor defended. “What do you need to defend yourself from?”
She rolled her eyes. “I’m a highly sophisticated five year old.”
“She’s not wrong.” Loki shrugged.
Thor sighed, seeing he was outnumbered. Looks like his daughter inherited her mother’s stubbornness. “Tell me you’re being careful.”
She nodded. “Haven’t even scratched myself yet, Father.”
“You should see her in action. She’s a feisty one!” Loki smiled at her proudly.
Thor sighed again. “I’d rather not.”
“So can we train Uncle Loki? Please?” Hannah batted her eyes and there was no way Loki could say no.
“Course. That is if your father is okay with it.”
They both looked up at Thor. “Pout your lips, he can’t resist when I do it.” she whispered to him.
Loki pouted his lower lip making Thor chuckle. “Alright. Just be careful. I mean it.”
“Thanks Daddy! I promise!”
That evening Hannah was in her bedroom with her mother Jane who was braiding her hair as she told of her adventures with Uncle Loki.
“Knives huh?” Jane asked.
She nodded. “You should have seen me, Mom! Uncle Loki said I was really good for my age!”
“Uncle Loki.” Jane sighed, still not his biggest fan. “I don’t like the idea of you playing with sharp objects honey.”
“Daddy said the same thing but he let me.”
Jane sighed again, padding her shoulders. “All done, sweetie.” They looked in her mirror, Hannah admiring her new French braid. “I love it, Mommy! Thank you!” She stood up to hug her and kiss her cheek, making Jane laugh.
“You’re welcome, sweetie.”
“You’re not gonna let me stop training with Uncle Loki are you?” She pouted. “We have a lot of fun.”
“You’re guilt tripping me aren’t you?” Jane asked.
“Maybe.” Hannah looked away innocently.
“Well I guess you should know how to protect yourself.” she said.
“Thank you, Mommy.” Hannah kissed her cheek again.
“This is my dagger.” She grabbed her weapon from her dresser and showed it to her. “Isn’t it beautiful?”
“Also dangerous.” said Jane, holding it in her hand. It was rather stunning. A black hilt decorated with green jewels. Swirls were carved in the blade.
“Uncle Loki gave it to me.” Hannah smiled proudly.
“The things he teaches you.” she sighed.
“You teach me things too, Mommy.”
“Like what?” she smiled.
“Well I know how to be nice and kind to everyone and you just taught me how to French Braid. Uncle Loki is teaching me self defense. Father teaches me about strength, loyal and honor.”
Jane smiled down at her, proud of what the woman her daughter was growing into. “We just want you to be safe is all.” She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
“I know, Mommy. Like I told, Daddy, haven’t even scratched myself yet.”
Jane stroked her cheek fondly and kissed her temple. “It’s getting late, honey, let’s go to bed.”
“Okay, Mommy.”
Jane walked in the empty corridor, her daughter now asleep for the night. She had a few words to say to her Uncle Loki.
She knocked on his door and he answered. “Fancy seeing you here, Lady Jane.”
Jane rolled her eyes at the nickname. “I want to talk.”
Loki stepped aside to let her in. “I know we’re family now but that doesn’t mean I have forgotten about what you did in New York.”
This time Loki rolled his eyes. “Heaven's sake that was a lifetime ago.”
“Still, it happened.”
Loki didn’t respond.
“But I’m gonna put up with you because I see how much my daughter loves you. She admires you and she spent twenty minutes excitingly telling me about your training.” Her voice was laced with venom at the last word. “I don’t think it’s exactly appropriate giving five year olds sharp objects.”
Loki forced a dry laugh. “Thor said that to me as well and I understand but I also think you two underestimate her. She is more capable than you know. I am training her so she can be great.”
Jane sighed. “She can be great doing other things than fighting.”
“I’m not teaching her to fight. I’m teaching her self defense. There is a difference.”
Jane narrowed her eyes at him. “Whatever you call it, I want her to safe. Train her better, train her harder. Train her to where she can defeat even you.”
An uncomfortable silence settled between the two adults. “I will, I promise.” Loki swore. “I care about her more than you know as if she were my own. I would never do anything to put her in arms way. I would never make her do anything I wouldn’t think she was capable of.”
Jane stared at him, surprised by how genuine he sounded. He was telling the truth. “Just keep her safe.”
“Yes, Lady Jane. You have my word.”
Jane smirked. “Enough with this Lady Jane crap. It’s weird.”
Loki bowed making her roll her eyes. “I’m going to bed, goodnight.”
Thor never liked the idea of his daughter playing with weapons but he found himself watching from nearby as she and Loki train in the throne room. He cheered when she sent Loki to the floor, a knife at his neck. He had to admit she was rather good.
Loki chuckled. “Better. Much better.”
Hannah smirked. “Don’t worry I wouldn’t have actually stab you.”
She offered her hand and he took it but he pulled her into a headlock, forcing her to her knee with his foot.
“How many times do I have to tell you not to let your guard down?”
She grunted. “Damn it.”
He let go and flipped his dagger. “Letting your guard down can have deadly consequences. Never forget that.” He let her go and she cursed to herself. “Think that’s enough training for today.” It’s been years since his encounter with Jane but he has never forgotten the promise he made to her to making Hannah better than him in training.
Hannah scolded herself as she left the throne room, catching her dad in the hall. “Hey, Dad. What are you doing in here?”
Thor was caught off guard. “What? Oh, I was just uh, inspecting these columns.” He patted the one next to him. “Yup. Still sturdy.”
Hannah saw right through his lie. “You were watching me and Uncle Loki weren’t you?”
“No.” he scoffed, avoiding eye contact, crossing his arms.
“You’re so full of it.” she smirked as she and him went down the hall.
“You are pretty good, by the way.” Thor spoke, his arm around her.
“Thanks, Dad.”
She was twelve now and has become a rather excellent fighter but Uncle Loki still wasn’t entirely please. He was hard on her. All she wanted to do was please him but nothing seemed good enough.
She and her father stood out on the balcony, overlooking Asgard in all its glory. It was beautiful and she never got tired of it.
“Yes, love?”
“When can I visit Earth? Mom is from there and you told me of all your adventures you had. Seems only fair I can come too.”
Thor sighed. “I thought about it. But I was going to wait till your older. Earth is...strange...dangerous. Here in Asgard, you’re safe.”
“But being safe all the time is boring.” Hannah complained. “I know how to defend myself. You saw. Please, Dad I really want to go.”
“Okay, let’s make a deal.” Thor said, Hannah hanging on his every word. “You can come along with me when you can defeat Loki in training.”
She scoffed. “That's not fair.”
“Never said it had to be fair. Or you can wait till you’re sixteen. Whichever comes first.”
Hannah groaned. “Fifteen?”
“Fine.” Like she would ever beat her Uncle.
Her father rested a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry, love.”
He gently kissed her on her head before leaving.
Hannah sighed. She stood there for what felt like hours, watching the sky change. She rested her forearms on the balcony, looking down and something caught her eye. She noticed a young boy, her age maybe a little older. Three other boys were surrounding him. He looked uncomfortable, almost intimidated like he was prey and the boys were a pack of wolves.
Hannah almost ignored them but when she saw them shove the cornered boy to the ground, anger boiled inside of her. If there was one thing she hated was bullies.
“What are you gonna do about it, blind boy?” the middle boy mocked. “Gonna go cry to your parents? Oh right. They’re dead.”
“Don’t you know? Blind boys can’t cry.”
“Good one.” The boys bumped fists.
The cornered boy felt utterly helpless as he was backed against the wall. One of them raised their fists but before he could punch him, Hannah suddenly dropped down between them, grabbing hold of his fist.
“Whoa, what the fuck? Where did you come from?” They jumped back, startled.
“Asgard.” Hannah answered, flatly.
“Move out the way, this isn’t your business.”
“Dude, that’s Thor’s daughter.” one of the bullies realized.
“So? I’m not afraid of her.”
Hannah looked back at the boy behind her. “You okay?” she whispered.
He nodded.
The lead bully took advantage and swung at her but she grabbed his arm, surprising him. “Bitch, please.” she scoffed, rolling her eyes. She twisted his arm behind his back and stepped behind his knee, forcing him to the ground. He cried out in pain.
“Hurt this boy again and I’ll break your wrists? Got it?”
They nodded and she let go, shoving him with her foot. They scrambled away like cowards with tails under their legs. She had to admit it felt good finally using some of the techniques her uncle has tought her.
She turned to face him. “It’s okay, I won’t hurt you. What’s your name? I’m Hannah.”
“Hey, Zander. Why were they teasing you?”
“I’m blind.”
“Thanks for saving me. You didn’t have to.”
“I know.” She smiled. He smiled back. She couldn’t help but notice how cute he was. He had messy black hair and freckles dusted across his cheeks and nose. His lashes were a mile long. His eyes were a milky white but they almost glowed. He was rather skinny and wore ragged clothes.
“I was just about to go home and have dinner. Care to join?” She paused. “Maybe after a bath?”
“W-why are you being nice to me?” His voice was frail and it broke her heart.
“Because being mean doesn’t help anybody. C’mon.” She offered him her hand again and he hesitated. She was the only person he knew that showed him any kindness. Her hand felt soft and smooth as his fingers curled around her own, the boy realizing that she truly meant no harm. That moment he swore his loyalty to her. She saved his life and one day he swore to save hers.
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diningpageantry · 6 years
Drunk Text
Archive Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18215168/chapters/43179500
Chapter 4/10 of It’s A Handheld Disaster
Word Count: 2002
Chapter Summary: Baz's friends get him a little drunk, which scares Simon half to death. Cue nervous spamming, best friend's advice, and a single picture.
(strings_n_roses): gods.mistake: i dont know i guess im just scared of losing her family's attention???
My eyes scan over his text in the drop down, thumb pressing onto the screen to keep it half-showing. It's probably not a good idea to be talking to him about this right at this second, but I don't want him to feel abandoned (especially given our topic). The tiny graphic of the Instagram logo looms in the forefront of my mind even after I close my phone, thinking of a response.
A hard lemonade bottle rolls and rests against my thigh, making me look up at Dev as he pops open another. Despite calling them a “Gay drink”, he's already gone through two of them.
“Oy, you've barely had shit,” he says, twisting off the top of his third as he eyes my one half-empty bottle.
“Yeah,” Niall adds, eyebrows narrowing as he lifts his own drink. He bought an even shittier wine cooler. “Loosen up a little, you wound up dick.”
Reluctantly, I bring my bottle to my lips and swing, maintaining eye constant with Niall. Even with a weird shiver in a response, he doesn't look away. Neither do I--not until the bottle is finished. With a pop of my lips, I lower the glass and smirk. “There--happy?”
“I… guess?” He says slowly. “You okay, mate? What's wrong?”
What's wrong? What's wrong? Snow's texting me from his bathroom, too tired from crying to get off the tile, and I can't help him in any other way than to talk to him. That's what's wrong. “It's nothing. Just shit. That's all.”
Dev's foot nudges mine, making me disconcerted with their mutual care for my emotions. Usually, they just let me sulk, but tonight… tonight's odd. They're boozing me up and getting me to talk (for once).
I turn my head head away, looking towards the long, creaking window of mine. It nearly brushes the floor, and looks out upon the broad, rise and fall of our garden. The winter season leaves it beyond chilling.
“Can you open that?” I ask, voice tired as I nod towards my cousin. He blinks at me at first before rising to his feet and drawing it open. With a hand on my bed frame, I haul myself upright and onto my feet before digging through my nightstand. In the back lies a pack of cigs and a lighter I snagged from Aunt Fi's flat.
Only Dev takes one when I offer, seating myself right on the ledge. Neither of them bat an eye, except Niall's concerned staring as I lean against the frame, striking the light.
“Fine, don't answer,” he mumbles, taking back a mouthful of his drink.
I let in a drag, feeling it burn the back of my throat as I slide out my phone. Both the boys sit silently, exchanging glances as I finally type back a semi-coherent response for Simon.
The already buzzing of my head from the nicotine doesn't fully help my thoughts as much as I hoped it would.
strings_n_roses: christmas is over now, so the holidays are gone. if she weighs heavily on you because of the break up, then it isn't healthy and definitely not a pain that you deserve
strings_n_roses: and i know she drives you home, but maybe someone on your team will drive you instead if you ask
strings_n_roses: there's options other than discomfort
I suck in, turning off my phone with the app left open. The sound of Niall's shifting is nearly enough to make me want to yell. Their collective concern is barely appreciated, given it seems to be so sparse when actually needed.
In all honesty, I shouldn't blame them. I'm not in school, and they're just trying to help when they can. still, I can't shake the emptiness of their situational devotion to my feelings.
“You've been acting odd,” Dev adds first, giving me another drink. I take it, finishing my cig first. Looking at the burning end of it, I hand it out the window and crush it against the stone of the wall, leaving the butt on the sill as I climb off.
The drink is always better when you start the second one. “Just life shit. Doesn't matter,” I say, leaning back against the wall as I exhale slowly. There it is. The odd, mostly empty stomach nausea I get whenever I get to drink. Hits me harder, and makes it stronger. And almost definitely going to fuck me over, but it's only a few drinks (and I'm a lightweight, because fuck genetics).
As my eyes fall shut, I feel the jostling buzz of my notifications. Without hesitation, I pick it up and read it through as more messages slide down.
(strings_n_roses): gods.mistake: i dont really have friends on the team to drive me
(strings_n_roses): gods.mistake: or really anyone, except penny and sort of agatha, i guess
(strings_n_roses): gods.mistake: and her dad. her dad loves me
(strings_n_roses): gods.mistake: fuck im a little lonely fucker sorry im a killjoy and you're probably doing something more interesting with your life and im just ranting like an idiot fuck sorry
I ignore both Dev and Niall's looks as I attentively swipe it open, head spinning. I barely pay attention to what I'm saying, trying to get a word in before he has a chance to belittle himself further.
strings_n_roses: don't apologise at all. im heer to yell towards
strings_n_roses: after all im judt drinking im not ewally doingmuch
My heart nearly stops, throat catching as I reread.
He's drinking. Fuck.
Vision blurring and body weak, the process of pulling myself upright makes it a battle all in itself.
The bathroom floor is filthy, but it felt like home. One minute I was standing, washing my hands silently in the sink, then I met my eyes in the mirror and crumpled onto the old, ratty bathmat. I'd just cried, a quiet sob into my wrist as the details of the room overwhelmed me. The dripping of the sink, the burning of the lights. The fear of losing Penny because I've practically lost Agatha already.
I don't even know if I miss her. I don't know if I want to miss her. I miss her family at Christmas--this was the first year since moving here without me going to the Wellbeloves for the holidays. I know I miss the way we'd sit together in silence, shoulder to shoulder and watching Doctor Who, but I don't know if I miss us.
She'd told me today that I'm too much. It's been months since the break up, but she said she still had something to say. That something, apparently, is that my life's unnecessary overwhelming, and I don't make her happy.
I told her likewise to me, even if I didn't mean it.
Maybe I did. I don't know.
I don't know anything.
I don't know why Baz is drinking. He'd told me a month or so back that he does occasionally, but he usually refrains from drunk texting. Says he doesn't like waking up to messages he didn't mean to send. I wonder what's different tonight.
I wipe my eyes, sniffling as quietly as possible as my trembling fingers tap out a response.
gods.mistake: please drink water
gods.mistake: and limit yourself. dont drink too much fuck just slow down
gods.mistake: did you eat? make sure youre eating
gods.mistake: please dont do anything stupid just please dont hurt yourself
At first, he's silent. The read receipt pops up, then stays still. Something in me thumps, then grows in strength as I struggle to breathe evenly again.
I've seen it too often. Too fast--too soon. The spiraling, the life destruction. The kids a few years older than me stashing stolen pill bottles under beds and liquor in their pillow cases.
I don't want him to hurt like that, and I can feel it already. The biting edge of coping.
My hand slides through my hair, settling amongst tangled curls as I shake. A disappearing picture from him pops up, starling me slight before I exhale, opening it.
It's his hand, the flash on it as he holds a pint sized glass of water. I can recognize it from his pictures of violin playing, scattered throughout his damned aesthetic Instagram account. It's the only part of his body I can recognize, and I know it well. Smooth on the back, and calloused fingertips with sharp jutting angles of his joins. His skin is a midtone of soft brown, like the shade of a perfect cup of tea, and his palm fades much lighter. You can tell he's some posh arse, because his nails are always trimmed and buffed.
And there they are, holding a glass of water with a crudely drawn smiley face on the screen. The room is mostly dark around it, and I can only make out hardwood floor and a thick, red carpet.
(gods.mistake): strings_n_roses: i'm okay i promise! i'm a healthy boy
(gods.mistake): strings_n_roses: :)
(gods.mistake) strings_n_roses: i’m with friends rhey’re takint xare of me i promise i an ok!
gods.mistake: ok ok im sorry for freaking out im sorry
I chew on my nail, biting around to the cuticles as my eyes squeeze shut. I'm overreacting again. I'm blowing up.
I tap out of the app and pull of my messaging, pulling my one of few conversations--Penny.
im losing it right now penn
its so stupid and youre gonna hate me but im losing it fuck me fuck shit fuck fuck fuck
You've texted your last fuck, buddy
It's the swearing police
I've come to ask for a recount of why on Earth you're sobbing
its stupid its so stupid im sorry
its baz hes drinking
and i panicked and messaged him a ton but im worried i pissed him off and he might hate me what if he hates me
fuck shit fuck
Do you have any basis on him hating you???
Did he text you all angry???
no but i feel it im stupid and i know it i feel it
First of all, stop
Second of all, if he's not angry, he's not angry
Third, why does this matter so much? You barely know him
thats not true we talk everyday
He's online, Si
You can lose him in a snap, why care?
Why do you even trust him so much you don't know what he looks like ://
i know what his hands look like
thats something
and just idk i trust him he seems to care
and we like the same stuff and i just
i trust him
why are you talking about this again now
i thought we were over this
I said I was tired of you talking about Baz at lunch, I didn't say we were over the conversation
I'm just worried, that's all
Fuck knows you don't have someone else to worry about you over this, and he could just be some arse praying on you because you're vulnerable
People do that, you know
hes not some 80 year old creep penn
he seems as young as he says
and he doesnt use me or anything we just talk
im ok im safe i swear
hes just scaring me
Just be safe, Simon.
Something makes me jump, and it takes a full moment to register that it's Davy knocking around downstairs, doing whatever he does in his study. I should be in bed. He knows I should be in bed. He'll want me to be asleep, after all.
I tiptoe out carefully, knowing where the floor doesn't creak as I slip back into my room and in bed. The blanket's shit and scratchy, but it's something.
As I plug my mobile in, I send out a quick message to Baz, letting my embarrassment ease through while I swallow my pride.
gods.mistake: im sorry for freaking out
gods.mistake: sleep tight pls
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The Way Home
The Way Home
“So, since we weren’t on the boat, I gotta ask… How did you dispatch the adults?” Lucian asked the scientist as he followed him. 
“Hm? Thought it’d be obvious. Euthanasia, than cryogenics to preserve the coprses.” The scientist smiled. “It was honestly rather easy once we had them under wraps. They’ll do anything for their young. Quite different from normal sharks.”
“Is that so? Did they… say anything? I just find it frustrating that you didn’t try to talk to them first, to study their intelligence.”
“That’s what the juvenile is for. The adults were already past their prime anyways.”
Just keep talking. The court is gonna eat this up. You all are going to jail for murder.
“Honestly, isn’t it exciting? We’re introducing a new species to the world!”
The scientist opened up the door to the supply room, sliding a rather hefty cart with a collapsible sling on it.
“Oof, here!”
“Thanks… Mind if I ask you one more thing?” 
Lucian rushed him, slamming the man into the wall, grabbing him by his neck.
“How much does this hurt?”
These sickos… They were a couple. They were in love. They were trying to raise a family.
“I’m going to ruin your life.” He whispered before hitting a pressure point as the man slid to the floor unconscious. Lucian looked through the man’s pockets, finding an ID, a keycard… and the man’s wallet.  
“.... This’ll do.” He took out the cash in the wallet, pocketing it. “Consider it your payment for me NOT killing you.” 
He grabbed a few other supplies before hurrying off with the cart, locking the supply room behind him, leaving the man where he was. No one would be going there, at least, not right now. He knew Eiji wanted in and out as fast as he could.
Soon as he was in the room with the tank, he composed himself, waving his “colleagues” over.
“Got ‘im. Our guide had to… go away.” He smiled thinly, a cold look in his eyes.
No one wanted to know what he meant by that.
“What do you got for us?” Eiji asked.
He held up the key card, a wicked grin coming across his face.
“...Oh, you absolute genius.”  Eiji rubbed his hands together. “Let’s roll.”
“Right, just follow me. I saw an elevator in the hall.”
They hurried off, heading right on to the next level of the building.
Now, they were on the level that lead to the tops of the different tanks. Most were empty, nothing but concrete awaiting below.
“Just act normal. Perfectly normal.”
“We’re alone.” Lucian looked up and down the hall, scoffing a bit. “Besides, I wanna have a few words with the rest of ‘em.”
“Lucian, we can’t go to jail for killing murderers. I’m already pulling in enough favors so we don’t get slapped with vigilante justice.” Skyler hissed, smacking his shoulder.
“I know, I know.”
Chase looked around, noting the cameras in the area were on the ground. He occasionally got a glimpse of a shadow along the wall.
“I think we’re getting a warm welcome.”
Before long, they were at the old Great White enclosure. The filters caused the water to ripple and shift on the surface.
EIji turned to his team, giving them a serious look, taking off his glasses.
“You guys ready?”
“Ready. Hikaru’s not gonna come to the surface willingly. He knows their tricks.”  Skyler frowned, looking down into the depths. “One of us is gonna have to go in… Unless…”
“He’s also still a shark.” Eiji knelt in front of the water, rolling up his sleeve, reaching his hand in, splashing at the surface of the water, creating ripples that disrupted the filter, creating a sound. 
They didn’t have all day to wait for him. If he didn’t come up on his own after this, Eiji would go in himself… but he wanted to give the kid a chance to make his own decision.
“Come on Hikaru…” He whispered.
Chase kept his BB gun aimed at the hallway, not taking his eyes off of it.
Skyler pulled out her bat, stirring the water with it, causing more ripples.
These movements should at least make him curious. It should be close enough to the “yummy hum” regular sharks fall for.
There was movement below, coming right up at them.
“Do you hear that?” Lucian whispered.
“Their stupid hum trick? Or the footsteps?”
“The footsteps.”
They narrowed their eyes, getting into position.
“Lucian, you keep by EIji, Hikaru might be hurt.” Skyler pulled her bat out of the water. “Eiji?”
“Skyler… Go sma-ACK!” 
A sandpapery hand gripped his as tight as they could, clawed fingers digging into his skin. Eiji bit his lip, bracing himself as Hikaru pulled hard, nearly sending him into the water.
“Whoa! Hikaru! Easy! Easy! I’m not gonna hurt you!”
The boy’s head surfaced for a moment, his eyes full of anger as he pulled harder.
“Liar…” He hissed. “Liar…”
“Easy… Easy…” He pulled out his pendent, showing it to him. “I’m like you!” 
Hikaru froze up, hesitating, swimming closer, curiosity coming to his eyes.
“You’re not with them?” He murmured.
Eiji shook his head, giving him a gentle look.
“I promise, I’m not with them. You can trust me.”
Hikaru growled, moving back. 
Eiji frowned, reaching into his bag, turning the ghost box up to full volume.
“Hikaru.” The box blared out, in its monotone voice. “Hikaru, we are here.”
That, made the boy pause.
“... You can see them?”
“No… but my son can. And they lead me to Hideki. My name is Eiji. I’m from the Memoria coven.”
Hikaru sunk deeper, eyes growing wider.
Eiji held his free hand out to him.
“C’mon. Your mom and dad helped us every step of the way. We can send these people to jail.” 
“I… I can see Hideki?” Hikaru’s eyes were dark, keeping his distance… still keeping a grip on Eiji, in case he had to pull him into the water with him. He was faster. He reasoned he could outswim a human running for their life.
He wanted to trust him so badly… but he was still scared. The outside world seemed like a far away dream, compared to the way he was living now.
A test subject, ran day in and day out. Fed stuff that’s not even fit for cats. Poked and prodded. Mocked….
His eyes stung, reaching for Eiji’s hand.
“You can see Hideki. We’re going home right now. Okay?” Eiji grasped his hand, pulling the boy up, partially lifting him out of the water. 
“P-Promise?” His tail swished, unsure… something felt wrong.
“I promise.”
An alarm blared overhead, causing them to jump.
“Sorry to interrupt such a sweet theft-ACK!”
Eiji looked over just as Skyler swung her bat at a guard’s head, knocking him unconscious.
Chase was using the end of his BB gun to hold another back.
“You guys better get your butts moving! Time is not on our side anymore!”
Hikaru huddled against Eiji, shaking like a leaf.
“It’s okay. You're okay.” He looked at the guard with disgust. “What do you wanna do to him?”
Hikaru looked between the adults before a dark look crossed his eyes.
“Into the water….”
“You heard the boy! Eiji, go!” Lucian slid the keycard into his front pocket. “Swipe this on any doors you see and make a break for it.”
“You thought it’d be that easy?” Hikaru asked, as Eiji bolted off with him.
“Let’s just say I was hoping faking being a horrible person would work.” 
It wasn’t long before the team rushed to catch up to them, Chase’s BB gun missing.
“Took all my effort to not go over the side too.” He panted as they entered the elevator.
“Basement level.” Hikaru whispered to Eiji. “They brought me in through there. It’ll go outside. We are going outside… right?”
“All the way out.” Eiji held him close, cradling him in his arms.
While Hikaru was trying to keep quiet to keep minimum exposure away from them, he knew it was just a matter of time.
“One small problem…” Hikaru reached behind him, brushing a piece of plastic.
“... Frick.”  Eiji knelt down, turning him around seeing a tag protruding from the boy’s dorsal fin. “Be honest, does that hurt?”
“It did when they put it in. I know how to pull it out though. They can’t track me without it. This is tag number three.” Hikaru fumbled for it behind him. It was harder to grab it, dripping water like crazy. “If I change back it’ll be stuck in me still.”
“We’re almost to the basement.”
Skyler checked her phone, noting a message.
“One of my friends from the force just messaged me. They’re already storming the building from the front.”
“So we go out the back!” Eiji helped Hikaru reach the tag, making sure it didn’t shift, until the boy could unclip it.
It took a few minutes, the boy sighing in relief as the tag fell free from his fin. The next time he transformed into this form, the hole would be fully healed.
“How long does it take to change back?” Eiji asked. 
Hikaru sighed shakily, looking at his form. He was so tired. It normally was easy to force a shift back to human, but right now… He wasn’t sure.
“I… I don’t think I can… Not right now. You guys have no idea how hard they ran me until you guys showed up.” Hikaru looked up at the team, a frown on his face. “... Did you mean it? About… them going to jail?”
“Every word.” Eiji offered his arms to him, the boy wrapping his own around his neck. He stood, lifting him up. 
“Thank you.”
The basement floor opened up to them, rushing out.
“Left!” Hikaru cried out as Eiji veered that way. “The door’s this way!”
He fumbled for the keycard, sliding it into the door as it was pushed open into the light of day as the sun shone down on them.
There was chaos outside, police were swarming the building. 
“Skyler? Be honest, are we gonna be screwed if we leave now?” Chase asked, crossing his arms. “I mean, we did our damage.”
“I’ll handle this…. Buuut.” She grabbed Lucian by the arm. “I’ll need Lucy.”
“HEY! What did I say about LUCY!?”
“Chase, go with them. I got this.” 
Chase nodded, hurrying off to handle damage control. Eiji slowed his jog to a walk, knees becoming shaky as he reached his van.
“We’re almost home free, kiddo.”
“Deki’s gonna spoil you like crazy.” Eiji unlocked the car, setting Hikaru along the back seat. 
The boy’s eyes were drooping, threatening to close at any time. He didn’t want to sleep yet. He wanted to know exactly what was happening.
Eiji squeezed his hand, giving him a gentle smile.
“You’re a tough one. I can appreciate that. I’m a twin too.”
“Yup. Older than my sister by ten minutes. How about you?”
“Five minutes older… Deki’s technically my “little” brother.”
“You’re a good big brother then for hanging in there so long.”
Hikaru shrugged, curling up on himself. He was quiet, his body shaking still. 
Eiji frowned, hesitating before looking through the van, finding a blanket Carmen had stashed in there. Mainly for the times where Ken had dozed off. 
“Is this okay?”
Hikaru looked at him, nodding a little.
“Yeah… Thanks.”
“Welcome.” Eiji wrapped him up. 
Hikaru curled up more… sniffling, as he tried to hide it. 
Eiji frowned, sitting beside him, stroking his back.
“I’m so sorry, Hikaru.”
“Why…? Why us?” He whispered, a small sob escaping him. “What’d I do bad? What’d Okaa-san and Otou-san do bad?”
“You didn’t do anything wrong. I promise that.” Eiji kept stroking his back, frowning. “You didn’t deserve anything that happened… and I can’t promise everything’s gonna be perfect.”
“Nope… Hello foster family… New town…” 
Eiji shook his head, confusing him.
“When I said we’re going home… Hikaru, you boys are NOT going to be alone in this. I won’t allow that.”
Hikaru sat up, rubbing at his eyes. 
“Why?” He sniffled. “Why do you wanna help two freak kids and risk getting killed like that?”
Eiji gave him a gentle look.
“Because, I’m a dad too. If someone murdered me I’d want someone to watch out for my son. And…” He sighed shakily, rubbing the back of his neck. “Ho boy, I wanted to tell you when we got you back to your brother, but you two really are similar, y’know that?”
Hikaru tilted his head.
Eiji smiled a little.
“My friend, Skyler, she’s a social worker. She’s helping my wife and I.” He offered an arm to him. “Hikaru… we want to adopt you and Hideki.”
… What?
The boy gave him a bewildered look, tilting his head. 
“Like I said, we want to give you a chance. I can’t turn back time… but we can make sure you guys have a chance to just be kids.” Eiji gave him a warm look. “To go on dates, to go after your dreams, get into mischief and feel weird, in the way every normal teen does.”
“That… That sounds amazing…” Hikaru sniffled, looking down. “I… I’m sorry. I just don’t…”
“Don’t know how to process all this right now?”
He nodded, wiping at his eyes again. 
“But I do want that… I wanna… I wanna be normal. I wanna tinker with my stuff again, I wanna eat normal food and rough house with my brother and… and…”
Hikaru lunged forward, tackling Eiji a bit, hugging him tightly. Eiji brought his arms around him, stroking his back.
“I wanna go home…” He sobbed a little. “Please… just take me home.”
Eiji hummed softly, rocking back and forth a little.
“We’re gonna take you home, kiddo. To Hideki. You can meet my wife… and our youngest son. You okay with having a really young little brother?”
“How little?”
“He’s just six.”
Hikaru chuckled a little.
“Just a lil shark pup…” He relaxed a bit, curling up to Eiji… his dark brown eyes sliding closed. A small glow overtook his form, as a long tail became lanky legs. Rough, shark skin adorned with tiger stripes faded to pale skin, the fins on his head, fading away into messy black hair.
He was dressed in a purple t-shirt and khaki shorts, but he was there.
Eiji held him close, stroking his hair, taking in the boy before him.
Safe and sound. 
Right where you belong.
He winced, rolling away from whoever was speaking. He was just so comfy. He didn’t want to move. It was warm… So warm…
Where am I though?
“Hikaru, wake up buddy.” 
He opened his eyes slowly, looking around blearily. He was still wrapped up in the blanket, strapped into the car. He was still leaning on Eiji at that.
“Hey there.” Eiji smiled. “Sleep well?”
“Y-Yeah…” He paused, yawning into his hand. He buried his face into Eiji’s jacket, not quite ready to move just yet. He stopped, looking at his hands, opening and closing them slowly.
Not having to stay in his predator born form to keep alive in the water… He was actually himself again. He grinned, tears of joy stinging his eyes.
“I’m…” He laughed a little. “I’m really okay.”
“That’s right, kiddo.” He ruffled his hair, grinning. “You changed back after you fell asleep.”
“Good…” He yawned again, shaking his head. “Alright, I’m up.” Hikaru, looked up at Eiji, giving him a grin. “I’m ready.”
“Come on then.” 
He helped him out of the car towards the house. Unlike Hideki, Hikaru didn’t even blink at the large house. He took note of it, more so wondering where his brother was in this large house.
Eiji didn’t even get to open the door before it was thrown open.
The boy cried out as Hideki tackle hugged him right to the floor. His eyes went wide, looking up at his twin.
“You’re okay… You’re okay…” Hideki laughed, hugging him tightly. 
Hikaru returned the embrace, burying his face in his shoulder.
“Yeah… M’right here. Nii-san’s here.”
“Karu-Nii…” Hideki nuzzled him, a churr escaping. His grip tightened a little, keeping his sibling close to him. “Sorry, I-”
“Missed you too.” Hikaru finished, tears of joy running down his face. “I’m home… I’m really home.”
“We’re home.” 
The twins looked up at the towering house, the last of the daylight bouncing off the windows.
It wasn’t the house they grew up in… It would take time to adjust.
Hikaru ruffled his hair, helping Hideki to his feet.
“So, where’s this room I was told about?”
Hideki chuckled, pulling him inside. 
“First, come meet the rest.”
Carmen and Eiji were just inside, sharing an embrace. They had been watching, keeping their distance to let the boys have their moment. Ken was hiding behind his mother, a timid look on the child’s face.
“Hikaru, this is Carmen and Ken. They’re part of the family too.”
Hikaru bowed a little.
“Thank you for… for taking us in and…. and for everything.”
Carmen smiled gently.
“You’re family now. We’ll always have our family’s back.”
“Even weird shark kids?”
“Oh, especially.”
Ken hurried up to him, tilting his head.
“Uh… Hi?”
“Are you a new big brother too?”
Hikaru knelt down to his level, ruffling his hair up, eliciting a giggle.
“Sure am. Anytime you need me, I got your back.”
Hikaru yelped as Ken tackle hugged him, but didn’t fall over this time. Instead, he just lifted him into his arms, leaning on his twin a little.
“So, what do you think, Bro?” Hideki asked, smiling. 
“I think… I think this is what our parents would’ve wanted.” Hikaru replied, looking up to Eiji and Carmen. 
“Alright you three, c’mere!” Carmen brought all three boys into a bear hug, eliciting laughter from them.
Eiji chuckled, bringing out his phone for a quick picture.
“Welcome to the family boys. Welcome home.”
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queenofcats17 · 6 years
Okay I had an angsty prompt idea this time! Okay what if Sammy and Wally went back to the Lost One Village with Henry, and Annette managed to find it with Boris (because he’d probably be worried about Henry too and decided he should go with Annette just in case, to keep her safe.) and then since Henry is probably back under the ink’s control he will probably try to attack her, Sammy and Wally try to stop him? I just love the angsty stories! You’re so good at writing them, and the other stories!
Sorry this took so long.
After Bendy left, Boris went to go check on Annette. She was laying in his hammock, curled up in a little ball.
“Annette? You alright?” Boris asked.
Boris sighed, sitting down on the cot nearby. Annette didn’t turn toward him, curling in on herself even more.
“I’m sorry.” He said.  
“You did the best you could.” Her voice was flat, betraying no emotion. Boris’ ears drooped. He hated it when people were mad at him. It was part of the reason he avoided Joey. Nothing any of the toons did was ever good enough for Joey. Nothing was good enough for him.
“We need to get you out of here,” Boris said. “It’s not safe for you to stay.” Annette didn’t say anything for a moment or two. Then she rolled over to face him. She looked so tired.
“Are you sure there’s no way to help Henry?” She asked quietly. Boris hunched his shoulders, beginning to wring his hands.
“No one’s ever been cured after becoming an ink creature.” He replied. “They can eventually get their minds back, but that takes a lotta time and I don’t think Joey’s gonna let him go now that he’s got him.” Annette had a lot of names she wanted to call Joey, but she was certain Boris wouldn’t be comfortable with most of them. So she bit her lip to stop herself from screaming.
“I hate him.” She said, sitting up. “I hate Joey.” Her hands gripped the fabric of the hammock so tightly that her knuckles were turning white.
“He’s…Not a good person.” Boris nodded. His head was bowed, eyes staring down at his hands. He was rocking back and forth a little, hands fidgeting.
“What did we do wrong?” He whispered, his lip starting to quiver.
“What do you mean?” Immediately, Annette was worried. Boris had been a pillar of support for the entire time she’d been there, but she knew he was battling his own demons. Now, it seemed, his emotions were overflowing.
“We had to have done something wrong.” He started rocking faster, hands going down to tap frantically on his thighs. “We should have been enough. He wanted us to live. He didn’t need to do everything else. What did we do wrong? Why did he do all of this?” Big black inky tears began to run down his cheeks.
“Boris…” Annette slipped out of the hammock to sit down beside him, putting an arm around his shoulder. “You can’t hold yourself responsible for what Joey’s done. You and Bendy are doing the best you can. You’re the only reason I’m still here.”
“I should’ve done more to save Henry!” Boris sobbed. “I could’ve saved him!”
“Don’t say that.” Annette pulled him closer, stroking his fur. “If I’m not allowed to beat myself up about it, neither are you, alright?”
“No buts.” She cut him off before he could protest. “We’re both doing the best we can. You’ve kept me safe this long. Give yourself some credit for that.” Boris continued to sniffle, but this seemed to have calmed him a bit.
“Thanks.” He said, smiling slightly. Annette smiled back. She hesitated for a moment. If she wanted…She could ask to see Henry. Boris was in an emotionally vulnerable state. She could take advantage of that. She shook her head quickly. What was she thinking?! What a monstrous thing to do!
“Are you alright?” Boris asked. He looked better now.
“I’m fine.” She forced a smile and nodded. “I just…I know it’s dangerous, but I want to see Henry.” Boris opened his mouth, likely to tell her the perils, but she stopped him. “I know he’ll probably try to infect me. I know he’s not the same anymore. I know he’s basically Joey’s puppet. But…He’s my friend.” She didn’t want to just abandon him. Henry was the kind of person who always pretended he was fine when he wasn’t, who tried to do everything on his own. She didn’t want him to go through this by himself too. Boris whimpered quietly, his ears drooping again.
“I’m sorry.” She squeezed his hand. “I didn’t mean to make you upset.”
“Nah, it’s alright.” Boris tried to reassure her. “Maybe…Maybe you could see him. Just for a little.”
“You really mean it?” Annette perked up.
“I mean, it’d be good to check on him,” Boris said. He was pretty worried about Henry too if he was being honest. And if Annette was going to see Henry, it would be better for Boris to be there with her, to keep her safe.
“Then let’s go!” Annette hopped up, her energy renewed.
“Sure.” Boris got up as well, although he was unable to shake the feeling that this was going to be a mistake.
Sammy, Wally, Bendy, and Henry had returned to the Lost One Village by this point. Wally wanted to say a proper hello to the Lost Ones and Sammy had never actually finished checking on them. Not to mention Bendy wanted to “grace his adoring followers with his presence”.
“You’re not letting this ‘god’ thing go to your head.” Wally snickered. “Nope. Not at all.”
“You’re just jealous,” Bendy said, batting his eyelashes. An impressive feat given he didn’t actually have any eyelashes. Henry made some happy noises and hugged Bendy. As soon as they’d left Sammy’s sanctuary, he’d returned to being nothing more than a Searcher. This, of course, bothered Bendy a lot. But he didn’t want to dwell on that. Henry was still there, wasn’t he? He hadn’t lost him yet.
“Play nice, you two,” Sammy warned them as they exited the ink near the village.
“We are being nice,” Wally said. “You’ve seen me be nasty. That was not nasty.”
“Eh, give ‘im a break.” Bendy waved his hand dismissively. “It’s his job to be a stick in the mud dad.”
“I am not a stick in the mud!” If Sammy could have blushed, he would have been blushing at that moment. Wally and Bendy just laughed, darting ahead of him. Sammy sighed heavily, looking down at Henry.
“Do you see what I have to deal with?”
Henry offered no reply, just smiling up at Sammy dumbly. Sammy felt a tug at his heart. It wasn’t Henry. It may have looked like Henry, but it wasn’t Henry. He turned away, starting towards the village. Suddenly, though, a yell echoed through the cavern. Sammy picked up his pace, running into the central area of the village. There, standing by the dock, were Annette and Boris. A group of Lost Ones had gathered by their homes, all looking nervous. Bendy looked absolutely terrified, and even Wally seemed upset.
“I just want to see him,” Annette said, also clearly upset.
“He might hurt you!” Bendy said. “Bo! You know how dangerous it is! Why did you bring her?!”
“I-I thought it would be safer if I came too,” Boris said, ears flat against his head. “She was so upset. And- And I was worried too.”
“Boris, you gotta get her outta here,” Wally said. “Henry’s gonna be here soon-”
“Just let me see him, please,” Annette begged. That was when Sammy and Henry rounded the corner. For a moment, time seemed to stand still. Annette and Henry locked eyes. Relief washed over Annette at seeing Henry. But Henry didn’t seem happy to see her. Immediately, he changed. His happy-go-lucky demeanor was gone, replaced by the manner of a feral Searcher. 
“Henry, no!” Sammy tried to grab him, but Henry darted away before he could be subdued. He was headed straight for Annette, screaming at the top of his lungs. Annette’s eyes widened and she took a step back. Thankfully, Boris got between her and Henry, and Bendy and Wally managed to pin Henry down. 
“Go! Leave!” Wally yelled. The Lost Ones quickly jumped into action. starting to usher Boris and Annette away while keeping an eye on Henry. Annette said nothing. She was too stunned to do anything other than make her legs move. Boris put an arm around her, holding her close. It looked like he was going to have some more comforting to do. Guilt was weighing heavily on him. He’d agreed to take Annette to see Henry. He’d allowed her to be put in danger. He was a terrible person.
Meanwhile, Wally and Bendy were still holding Henry down. Henry kept fighting and screaming until Annette was no longer within his sight. Once she was gone, he immediately calmed down. He didn’t struggle any longer, instead turning to look at Bendy and Wally curiously, as if he wondered if they were playing a game. Bendy was on the verge of tears once more. He got off of Henry, hugging his knees and starting to sob. Sammy knelt beside him, enfolding Bendy in a hug. 
“It’s alright.” He whispered, patting Bendy’s back. 
“No, it’s not!” Bendy wailed, burying his face in Sammy’s chest. Wally got off Henry as well, just staring at the Searcher that had once been Henry. Normally, he’d try to lighten the mood. But he wasn’t feeling all that cheerful at the moment. He just sat there, watching Henry and listening to Bendy cry. Where were they going to go from here?
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thezeekrecord · 4 years
REPORT: Regarding the "Science Team" and co.'s dinner party
[CW: a little bit of child distress in this one, but it doesn't go ignored!]
Harold had just gotten a cell phone recently. It hadn’t come into particular use just yet, but he did like the idea that he was reachable at all times now, if needed; it just turned out that the time he was needed was at 3 in the morning.
Harold was startled awake by his cell phone, vibrating against the nightstand and chiming several times. Bubby jolted up in bed, breathing hard and gripping the blankets tightly in his hands as he looked for the source of the sound deliriously.
“It’s just my cell phone, my dear.” Harold comforted.
Bubby relaxed, pinching the bridge of his nose and groaning. “Jesus Christ. Who the fuck is calling you?”
Harold picked up his phone, looking at the little tiny screen on the front cover. “...It’s not a call, it’s several text messages from Gordon.”
“Tell Gordon not to fucking text you at 3am.” Bubby grumbled, laying back down and rolling himself up in their blanket.
Harold leaned back against his pillow, flipping his phone open to read through the messages with one hand and placing the other on Bubby’s shoulder. Bubby grumbled something incomprehensible, reaching up to hold Harold’s hand while he drifted off back to sleep. GORDON: dr coomer GORDON: soldiers are in my house GORDON: im in the basement with josh but i dont have much time GORDON: dr coomer pls wake up i cant call you or theyll hear me down here GORDON: i dont know what to do i dont have anything to fight them with i cant protect josh like this
Harold gripped Bubby’s hand, shaking him back awake. “Bubby! Gordon’s in trouble!”
“Huh? What?” Bubby asked sleepily, sitting up again and reaching for his glasses. “What the fuck kind of trouble did he get into at this time of night?”
Harold shuffled through their closet, pulling out the brass knuckles he’d managed to salvage from their bank robberies. “He said there’s soldiers in his house. We’d better be ready for a fight.”
“Soldiers? Why are there fucking soldiers in Gordon’s house?” Bubby asked, standing up as well. “Did Gordon break the contract or something?”
“No time to question it! Let’s go.” Harold said hastily, hurrying out of their shared bedroom and down the stairs. He could hear Bubby behind him as he burst out the front door, sprinting across the street to Gordon’s house. He’d expected to see his door busted down, but it stood firmly in its place. Harold tried the handle, finding it locked. Perhaps they’d broken in through the back, Harold thought as he turned to circle around the house.
The back door was locked as well, and completely intact, Harold found. Strange—he didn’t see any soldiers in the house through the glass, either.
“What the fuck?” Bubby whispered, trying the door as well.
“Perhaps they locked the doors when they entered.” Harold whispered back thoughtfully. “I’ll go grab my keys.”
Harold sprinted back to his house, scooping up his keys from the kitchen counter and hurrying back. He had a good number of keys—for his own house, for his car, and for the houses of his friends that they’d given to him, including Gordon’s. Bubby stood waiting for him at the front door, and Harold hastily unlocked it, throwing it open and readying himself for a fight.
Nobody was there.
Harold and Bubby exchanged a look. Bubby nodded towards the stairs up to the bedrooms, hefting up his metal baseball bat. Harold nodded, and Bubby was on his way up as Harold headed downstairs. He’d expected to see soldiers tearing the place apart looking for Gordon, but there was nobody; all the lights were off, and the only sign of life was the mess Gordon and Joshua were apparently living in these days. Harold filed that thought away for later, heading down to the basement and opening the door.
Harold was confronted with Gordon, a hammer raised above his head, ready to strike. Gordon stopped, terrified expression falling to deep relief as he dropped the hammer to his side.
“Dr. Coomer!” He whispered, closing the door behind him. “Did you see the soldiers?”
Harold shook his head. “No, though I didn’t check upstairs. Bubby’s up there now.”
The two pointedly paused to listen. They heard floorboards creaking, and Harold recognized the footsteps of Bubby instantly as he began heading down the steps—he always had a particular rhythm when he headed down a staircase in a rush—and sure enough, Bubby joined them in the basement.
“Gordon, what the fuck? There’s nobody here.” Bubby said accusingly.
“Shhhh!” Gordon hushed, closing the door behind them again. “They’re here. I know they’re here, I fucking heard them!”
“I just searched your whole house for you, and didn’t see anybody.” Bubby went on in his normal loud tone.
“Keep your fucking voice down!” Gordon whisper-yelled, holding up his hammer again. “Maybe they left when they heard you coming. They’re gonna come back, and we’re gonna be like fish in a fucking barrel.”
Harold frowned as Bubby and Gordon went back and forth, glancing over the room for Joshua. Gordon must have hidden him somewhere, he thought as he stepped further into the room to look. Finally, he opened the door to the little laundry room, finding Joshua curled up in the corner and peeking over a blanket. He looked terrified, immediately standing to run to Harold and hug him tightly.
“It’s alright, Joshua.” Harold reassured him quietly. He scooped him up in his arms, pausing in the laundry room to think.
It seemed highly unlikely that, after shelling out hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy the Science Team’s silence, they would start trying to pick them off like this. Harold let out a deep sigh, patting Joshua’s back comfortingly as he listened to Bubby and Gordon talk.
“You have to believe me! I swear I heard them!” Gordon pleaded, still whisper-yelling.
“Well, they’re not here now.” Bubby argued. “Are you sure you didn’t have some kind of nightmare?”
“I could hear them while I was down here!” Gordon insisted. “If they—”
Gordon’s panicked whispering suddenly became a loud, surprised scream. Harold peeked his head out of the laundry room, watching Gordon clutch his chest as he pressed his back against the wall, staring at Tommy who stood there with a handgun.
“I got your texts, Mr. Freeman.” He announced, looking around. “I didn’t see anybody here, though. I triple checked.”
Harold emerged fully from the laundry room, still carrying Joshua, who clung to Harold’s shirt tightly. Gordon slid down along the wall until he was sitting down, still gripping his hammer tightly in his hand as he caught his breath.
“I’m not fucking making this up, guys. I heard them.” Gordon said, his voice much more broken now than it was before.
“Of course, Gordon, I don’t believe you would make something like this up.” Harold said reassuringly, kneeling down to sit beside Gordon. “Perhaps you should get some rest. You seem tired.”
Gordon looked to Harold, eyes sunken and exhausted. He bit his lip, setting his hammer aside so he could reach out for Joshua. Harold passed him over, patting Gordon’s shoulder comfortingly as Gordon hugged Joshua close.
“I’m sorry, bud. I didn’t mean to scare you.” Gordon murmured to Joshua.
“How much have you slept recently?” Bubby asked.
Gordon sighed. “...Not much.”
“Why don’t you two come sleep at our house?” Harold suggested. “We have our guest rooms made up very nicely, I’m sure you two will be comfortable.”
Gordon rubbed at his eyes, mumbling something Harold didn’t quite hear to himself before nodding. “...That would be really nice, Dr. Coomer. I’m...I’m really sorry, guys.”
“That’s okay, Mr. Freeman.” Tommy replied.
“It’s perfectly fine, Gordon. I don’t blame you whatsoever.” Harold added. “Now, let’s head on over and get some sleep.”
Harold led the pack out of the basement, pausing at the top of the staircase as Bubby and Tommy followed close behind. Gordon stood at the doorway, still clutching Joshua in his arms, staring hesitantly back up at the group.
“It’s alright, Gordon, there’s nobody up here.” Harold coaxed.
Gordon took a deep breath, then began heading up the stairs, deliberately avoiding creaky floorboards. Harold stuck close to Gordon’s side as they headed across the street, Tommy parting ways to go back to his own place. Gordon jumped at the sound of their night owl neighbors laughing in their house beside Harold’s and Bubby’s, but soon, they were back in the safety of Harold’s home, and Gordon visibly relaxed a little.
“Do you want your own room?” Gordon asked Joshua as Harold led them up the stairs.
Joshua shook his head, clinging a little closer to Gordon. Gordon nodded, and Harold took them to the guest room closest to his and Bubby’s bedroom.
“You two feel free to call me if you need me for anything.” Harold said as Gordon and Joshua began settling into the large bed.
“Okay.” Gordon sighed. “...Thank you, guys. I’m—seriously, I’m really sorry about all this. I don’t know what happened.”
“It’s fine, Gordon, whatever.” Bubby said dismissively as he continued down the hall to get back to bed.
“Yes, Gordon, it’s completely okay.” Harold said reassuringly. “You two get some rest. I love you.”
“Love you too, Coomer. Thanks.” Gordon murmured. “Say ‘goodnight’, Josh.”
“Goodnight.” Joshua’s tiny voice said.
“Goodnight, Joshua. I love you very much.” Harold replied with a smile.
Harold turned off the light, closing the door gently behind him before returning to his own room. Bubby was already in bed, curled up with most of the blanket—which was usually fine, Harold tended to radiate heat a lot more than Bubby did. Harold climbed back into bed with a deep sigh.
“I’m quite worried about him.” Harold muttered.
“...Yeah.” Bubby replied quietly, rolling over to face Harold. “Did you see his house? It was a mess.”
Harold nodded. “I don’t want to judge too harshly, a little mess is to be expected raising a child, but...”
“Yeah, but it looked pretty bad in there. You should’ve seen upstairs.” Bubby grumbled. “Seems like he’s in a pretty bad way.”
“Perhaps we should keep a closer eye on him.” Harold suggested.
“Yeah. Seems like it.”
As Harold and Bubby settled in to get back to sleep, Harold noticed floorboards creaking out in the hall, just outside Gordon’s room. The hall light flicked on, then the footsteps returned to the room. Harold never heard the door close.
Darnold had forgotten how nice it was to live with someone else—of course, the only person he’d ever lived with in his life was his mom—but Tommy was a good roommate. The feelings he had for him that were definitely a crush aside, he was a cool person to hang out with, and their living habits merged pretty well, all things considered. Having Benry around threw a wrench into things, though; Darnold had to appreciate Tommy’s determination with Benry, at least, but that was about the only thing he felt he could appreciate out of the situation.
It wasn’t bad enough that he’d want to go out of his way to kick him out, though. He was just...sort of annoying, but that was it. He could deal with annoying if he had to.
Darnold was sitting in his computer chair, currently doing his best to maintain his focus on a TF2 match as Benry leaned against the back of his chair, practically breathing into his ear. When Darnold finally had a moment after getting sniped, he quickly turned to Benry.
“Umm, could you back off just a little?” He asked.
Benry moved off the back of Darnold’s chair, pulling up that metal chair he usually carried around and setting it out to sit beside Darnold and watch him play. Darnold turned back to the screen, ignoring him. Benry clearly knew just as much about the game as Darnold did, but he really seemed to be less interested in playing it than he was into just watching Darnold play—they ended up spending a lot of time together like this, Benry in Darnold’s bubble, watching him in relative silence.
“Hey, Darnold.” Benry suddenly said.
“Yeah?” Darnold asked, nudging one ear of his headset off to hear Benry better.
“What’s it like being one of the only humans in the group?”
Darnold let himself die in the game so he could look at Benry in surprise. “Wh—huh? I’m not one of the only humans, am I?”
“Yeah, man. Me, Tommy, and Bubby aren’t human. Dr. Coomer’s human, but he’s got all those uhhh, all those...robots added to him.” Benry explained. “And like, Gordon’s the player, so...y’know. You’re like, completely normie.”
“Uhhhh...” Darnold rested his chin in his hand. “I guess that’s pretty weird. I didn’t really...but—hang on, what makes Gordon so different now, then?”
Benry didn’t reply to that. He stared at Darnold for an awkwardly long moment before he jumped in surprise at the sound of the doorbell ringing, looking at the doorway of Darnold’s bedroom. Darnold stood, pausing as he saw Tommy already crossing the hallway to get it. Darnold eased back down into his chair, pulling his headset off fully to hear the conversation at the door. He couldn’t quite make out the words, but he could tell it was Dr. Coomer—he had a fairly distinctive voice. Eventually, he heard the stairs creaking before Tommy poked his head into Darnold’s room.
“Hey, Dr. Coomer invited us over for dinner.” Tommy said. “Do you wanna come?”
Darnold left the game, leaving his headset behind on his desk. “Yeah, sure.”
Benry stood as well, and once they were ready, the group headed across the street to Dr. Coomer and Bubby’s house. Darnold brought along a box of potions he’d mixed together in his newfound spare time, contained neatly in some nice glass bottles while Tommy brought a bag of chips and some salsa, and Benry brought another unwrapped block of ramen. Tommy knocked on the door politely, greeted almost immediately by Dr. Coomer.
“It’s so good to see all of you!” Dr. Coomer said with a friendly smile, reaching down to pat Sunkist’s head. “Come in! I made chili, and Bubby baked a wonderful loaf of bread!”
Dr. Coomer stepped aside, allowing the group to enter. Darnold paused when he saw a couple familiar faces already sat at the table, one of which immediately turned sour at the sight of Benry. Darnold had to resist an exhausted sigh. So this was one of those dinners, he thought to himself; Dr. Coomer and Bubby had some sort of agenda to get Gordon and Benry in the same room. He was going to have to emotionally prepare himself for a lot of yelling, he thought.
“Hey, Benry.” Gordon greeted through gritted teeth as Bubby deposited a heavily burnt loaf of bread on the table.
“Yo.” Benry replied casually.
Gordon slumped down in his seat a little, glaring at Benry as he scooped up Joshua from the seat next to him to sit him down in his lap. As Joshua began struggling, he suddenly froze, eerily still in his spot as Darnold felt a pressure closing in on him. Darnold’s eyes widened, looking around. Everyone else was completely still as well—except for Tommy, who leaned in close to Darnold to whisper to him conspiratorially. “You sit next to Gordon, okay?”
“Did you just stop time?” Darnold asked in awe.
Tommy nodded.
Darnold reached over to Benry’s hat, lifting one of the flaps that sat over his ear and pulling away. It stayed exactly like that, just waiting to fall once time resumed.
“That’s incredible.” Darnold murmured.
“I’ll sit next to you there, and—uhh, and Benry will sit there. That’ll be, like, a buffer.” Tommy went on, pointing out the seats strategically.
Darnold nodded. “Alright.”
Still frozen in time, Tommy urged Darnold to take his seat, and Tommy sat down beside him as planned, releasing the timestop once they were settled. Everything returned to normal, and the group looked at Darnold and Tommy in surprise once they noticed the change—Benry’s eyes widening when his hat flopped back down to its normal position.
“Jesus, Tommy, do you have to do that?” Gordon questioned.
“Benry, come sit here.” Tommy called. Benry complied, plopping down beside Tommy.
“So what’s up, man?” Benry asked, leaning on the table to get a good look at Gordon. “Whatcha been up to?”
“I’ve been taking care of my son.” Gordon said bitterly.
“Oh, shit, yeah. Your lil’ uhhh, lil’ noob baby.” Benry said, suddenly looking down to Joshua. “What’s—”
“Don’t talk to my son.” Gordon growled, tightening his grip around Joshua.
Joshua looked uneasy, clinging to Gordon’s shirt. Darnold frowned down at him, exchanging a brief glance with Tommy. Complex feelings about this arrangement aside—he wasn’t sure it was such a good idea to force Gordon in the same room with Benry like this, but hey, maybe Dr. Coomer and Bubby knew what they were doing—he felt bad for the kid, getting caught in the crosshairs of something his dad was clearly struggling with.
“Umm, say, Gordon.” Darnold interrupted as Bubby began attempting to slice his burnt bread. “I just ate recently, I’m not all that hungry. Why don’t you let me hold Josh so you can eat?”
It was a blatant lie, his mouth was watering at the smell of Dr. Coomer’s chili, but he was more concerned about Joshua picking up on Gordon’s stress. Gordon shook his head, though, holding Joshua defensively.
“No, it’s fine, I do this all the time.” Gordon replied, his tone suddenly casual.
“...Alright.” Darnold murmured uncomfortably.
“I am also quite curious what you’ve been up to, Gordon!” Dr. Coomer chimed in as he entered the dining room with a pot of chili. “It’s been a little while since we’ve all been in the same room, hasn’t it?”
It had been a little while, actually, Darnold realized with a start. Maybe a month? It was sort of hard to tell, when Darnold had so little structure in his life now.
“Uhh, you know. Not much.” Gordon replied, some of the venom seeping out of his tone as Dr. Coomer served him a bowl of chili. Bubby was now practically attacking the bread loaf with the knife, struggling to get it into manageable slices. “I’ve been getting ready to start homeschooling Josh, actually, now that I don’t actually have to work anymore. Except, y’know, maybe I should work a little to be sure I have a good amount of money set aside for his college fund? I dunno. I’m still working it out.”
“Bro, I think he’s like, at least five years too young for college.” Benry commented.
Gordon turned back to Benry with a cold look.
Joshua started to say something to Darnold, grabbing his shirt in his little fist eagerly to get his attention. Darnold smiled down at him and nodded, but for the life of him, he couldn’t understand what he was saying.
“He’s asking if you like Kiko.” Gordon translated helpfully.
“Oh! Umm, what’s Kiko?” Darnold asked Joshua.
Joshua began talking, something about Neopets? And he just nodded encouragingly as Dr. Coomer served the chili for everyone.
“Do you need help with the bread, dear?” Dr. Coomer asked Bubby.
Bubby hissed in frustration, slamming the bread down on the table and placing two fingers to his temple. The bread immediately burst into flames. Darnold would’ve been a little more surprised, if he didn’t work with a Bubby prototype briefly who had the same tendency to do this. Everyone stared at the bread for a long moment wordlessly.
“Yooo, the bread.” Benry muttered sadly.
Dr. Coomer turned towards the kitchen. His arms extended over the counter, retrieving a towel to place over the bread to suffocate the fire calmly. “That’s alright!” He said cheerily, picking up the sad remains of the loaf. “I bought a nice sourdough for tomorrow’s dinner, we can have that tonight.”
“Wait!” Benry exclaimed, holding out his hands.
Dr. Coomer placed the charred loaf into Benry’s hands, and he immediately began gnawing on it.
As Darnold sat there, watching the group fall into a familiar rhythm with each other, his earlier conversation with Benry came back to mind. It wasn’t just how they all had such...exciting backstories, to put it crudely, but they all knew each other. Darnold had only been a part of their lives for, what, 20 minutes at most, before showing up again after the game? What place did he have in this group, after they’d all been through hell together? Maybe he should have gone with them after all, he thought as he stirred his chili in his bowl.
No, he asserted to himself. He had avoided something massively traumatic by not going with them. It was better this way.
Then again, had he just ignored an opportunity to be involved with something greater than himself, merely because it was scary?
“Hey, are you alright, man?” Gordon asked quietly.
Darnold looked up at Gordon in surprise. Joshua was already munching on a piece of sourdough bread, Dr. Coomer swiftly slicing more for the group while Gordon stirred his share of chili in his bowl.
“Uhh, yeah, I’m good.” Darnold said hurriedly. “Thanks, though.”
“Alright. Just checking.”
Darnold listened to Bubby and Benry go back and forth about something he didn’t quite understand; it kind of just sounded like they were saying word salad at each other with full confidence, or maybe Darnold’s ability to keep up with normal conversations was quickly draining out of him. Seeing he wasn’t going to get anything out of this conversation, Darnold turned back to Gordon.
“Umm, to be honest, if it’s not out of line for me to say...I’m a little more concerned about you.” Darnold whispered.
Gordon frowned deeply. “Yeah, I’m fine, dude. You don’t need to worry about me.”
“You sure?”
Gordon nodded. “Yeah. It’s good. Gordon's all normal.”
He didn’t seem good. He looked exhausted; like he’d thrown on some nice clothes, but didn’t even have the energy to put any real effort into it. His clothes were wrinkled, his hair was half-brushed, and there were deep bags underneath his eyes—he looked like he was gonna pass out at the table at any minute. Was Darnold really in a position to push it, though?
“It’s...kinda weird, right?” Darnold asked instead, nodding to the others around the table. “While I was trying to get out of Black Mesa, I kept thinking I was gonna return to something normal. But pretty much nothing here is really all that normal.”
Gordon laughed exhaustedly. “Yeah. I had sort of a hard time picturing all of ‘em in, like, a domestic setting like this, but...I guess it sure is happening, huh?”
Darnold nodded, looking as subtly as he could manage to Tommy.
“Hey, can I ask you something, Darnold?” Gordon asked.
“Oh yeah, sure.”
“Do you, like...remember anything from before the resonance cascade?” Gordon questioned carefully. “Like, y’know, specific things. Particular memories.”
Darnold paused in a moment of confusion before nodding. “...Yeah, I remember lots of things.”
Gordon got a conflicted look on his face before returning to his food wordlessly.
“Do you not?” Darnold pressed.
“Y-yeah, of course I do.” Gordon said dismissively. “I mean, I remember Josh and all, don’t I?”
Darnold stared at Gordon for a long few seconds before letting it go. “...Yeah, that makes sense.”
Dinner proceeded quietly after that for a while. Darnold had eaten more than his fair share of chili and shared the potions with everyone—Gordon pointedly declined, to Darnold’s deep disappointment—and he was finally starting to feel a little more relaxed before Dr. Coomer spoke with a more serious tone.
“Now...I was hoping we could all talk about the resonance cascade.” He announced to everyone.
Everyone was quiet.
“The rules of that world were most certainly different from the one we currently occupy.” Dr. Coomer went on, twirling his hair between his fingers. “So, I hope everyone recognizes that I ask this with absolutely no judgment whatsoever. However, I do believe we’ve all been quite curious, Benry...what happened at the end.”
Benry’s muscles tensed immediately, and he tilted his head downwards, casting a shadow over his eyes as he stared at his mostly eaten chunk of burnt bread.
“I’m sorry, Benry, I’m only asking to understand.” Dr. Coomer said gently.
“I don’t know, man!” Benry growled. “Why does it even matter? It was in a game, it doesn’t make a difference.”
“Of course it makes a fucking difference!” Gordon snapped.
“Gordon, you’re not helping, can you stop?” Bubby said flatly.
“What, so I’m not even allowed to be angry about it?!” Gordon demanded. “Of course you wouldn’t want me to think too hard about everything that happened, right?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Bubby questioned defensively.
“You know what it means!” Gordon held up his prosthetic for Bubby to see.
“Oh, dear. Gordon, we’re not trying to—” Dr. Coomer tried to start again, immediately interrupted by Gordon.
“So you just try to kill us, disappear, and then show up again and expect me to think that’s fine?” Gordon asked, turning to look back to Benry. “We could’ve died! You were actively trying to kill us! So excuse me if I don’t want you in my life, anymore!”
Benry made several mocking, babbling noises back at Gordon, and Darnold could practically feel the hatred radiating off of Gordon.
“You guys—” Tommy tried.
“We’re trying to help, Gordon! If you would just take a second and listen, we could settle this!” Bubby shouted over Gordon’s next string of insults.
“Bubby, dear, you’re exacerbating things quite badly yourself.” Dr. Coomer said sternly, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Gordon—”
“I can’t fucking believe you guys don’t care!” Gordon continued, heedless of anyone else. “He tried to kill us! Of course I’m mad! So why aren’t you guys mad?!”
“Of fucking course I’m mad!” Tommy shouted over Gordon.
Everyone paused, turning to look at Tommy. In that moment of tense silence, Darnold finally could hear worried whimpers from Joshua. Darnold frowned, reaching for Joshua. Gordon started to pull him away at first, but stopped halfway through the motion before letting out a deep sigh and handing him over to Darnold. Darnold stood, patting Joshua’s back comfortingly as everyone looked up at him.
“Ummm—I’m not really all that...involved in all this.” Darnold said awkwardly. “I’ll just watch over Josh while you guys, uhh, figure this out.”
Darnold carried Joshua out of the room, unsure of where to go. He chose to climb up the stairs, taking Joshua to what looked like one of the guest rooms and plopping down on the floor with him.
“So...” Darnold sighed, letting Joshua loose to explore the room. “Neopets, huh?”
Everyone’s eyes were on Tommy, now that Darnold was gone. Tommy bit his lower lip, pressing his fingers into the tip of his spoon as he tried to get words together in his head.
“You’re mad at me, bro?” Benry pressed, a heartbroken look on his face. When Tommy didn’t say anything back in time, he leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms and sighing. “Whatever, man. It’s whatever.”
“I mean, I don’t fucking blame him!” Mr. Freeman started again.
“Guys, stop!” Tommy interrupted. “Would you just give me a second to think, please?”
Everyone went quiet again, allowing Tommy the space he needed to think. Finally, he took a deep breath and turned to Mr. Freeman.
“I wish you wouldn’t—you just...you’re not helping, Mr. Freeman.” Tommy began tentatively. “I understand why you’re mad, but Dr. Coomer was trying to in—uhh, initiate a conversation about it, and you...you immediately started yelling and made it worse.”
“Hold on!” Tommy snapped, holding up a hand. Next, he turned to Benry. “I wish you wouldn’t dismiss it when we...when we try to tell you how your actions hurt us.”
“Yeah, but you’re fine.” Benry huffed.
“Oh my god.” Bubby groaned from the other side of the table. “This isn’t going to go anywhere, is it?”
“There’s no need for that attitude, Bubby.” Dr. Coomer scolded gently before turning to address the group again. “We’re all together now, in a safe environment. There’s no reason why we can’t try to see this from other angles, right?”
“What other angle is there?” Mr. Freeman questioned. “He tried to kill us!”
“But why?” Bubby asked, looking pointedly at Benry.
“What fucking—is there really going to be a satisfactory answer?!” Mr. Freeman shouted.
“No offense, Gordon, but I don’t think you’re going to understand.” Bubby replied as he adjusted his glasses on his face.
“Why not?” Mr. Freeman demanded.
“Because you weren’t an NPC.”
Mr. Freeman stood forcefully, chair clattering to the floor behind him. “How can you tell me that I don’t—I’m just not gonna understand, as if I don’t have a right to this conversation? NPC or not, I was there, too! How can you just—expect me to let it go, like it didn’t mean anything?!”
“We never said that.” Tommy said with a deep frown.
“We’re just worried about you, Gordon.” Dr. Coomer added. “We hoped if you could get closure on this, you could start to move on.”
Mr. Freeman gave Dr. Coomer a surprised look. After a long pause, he seemed to forcibly relax his muscles a little. “...I-I’m sorry. You’re right, I shouldn’t yell, you guys don’t need that. I’m...I’m really sorry. It’s just—I’m having a hard time seeing why we should even be hearing him out, here.”
“Man, you gotta calm down.” Benry chimed in, leaning back in his chair casually.
“Benry, would you just shut up for a second, please?” Mr. Freeman asked through gritted teeth.
“It all happened in a game, what’s it matter? You worked up over a game, bro? Gonna freak out about a video game?”
“Shut up!” Mr. Freeman screamed, slamming his fists down on the table.
Tommy winced, shutting his eyes and covering his ears, but when he opened them, he had to take a long moment to process what he was seeing. The table was slanted at a strange angle towards him and Mr. Freeman, all the bowls slowly sliding off and shattering on the floor. Tommy looked down at the legs of the table, expecting to find them broken somehow, but instead, he found them clipped right through the floor. Tommy looked up at Mr. Freeman with wide eyes.
“What the—...” Mr. Freeman said under his breath, trying to push the table back to where it belonged, but it stayed stuck where it was. He gritted his teeth, eyes widening in panic as he pushed it harder, only for it to disappear entirely beneath his palms. He stumbled forward, only barely managing to catch himself before he turned to look at everyone, clutching his chest and breathing hard.
“Did you just disappear me and Harold’s table?!” Bubby demanded.
“I-it’s quite alright, Gordon.” Dr. Coomer said with an uneasy smile.
“I’m going home.” Mr. Freeman announced, racing up the stairs. He returned shortly after with Joshua wiggling in his arms, slamming the front door shut behind him.
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