#from New Jersey I’m Italian I guess I just slipped through the cracks here
I wouldn’t expect to be offered food if visiting someone’s house???
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21 birthday for Yamamoto. Like his birthday and gifts / celebrations from Vongola and Varia and Mukuro's gang
Birthdays within the Vongola family, depending on the person, were either a grand celebration or a quiet occurrence. For Yamamoto, while he didn’t mind parties, he preferred a small gathering.
His eighteenth birthday happened to fall on a school day, but he didn’t mind. His father took him out for breakfast and then he met Tsuna and Gokudera at school. Tsuna gave him a jersey for his favourite baseball team and Gokudera had a baseball cap personalized with his name and school team number.
“Thanks guys!” said Yamamoto cheerfully, moving to slip the cap over his hair.
Gokudera swatted his hand. “You can’t wear that on school grounds, Baseball Idiot. It’s against uniform regulations.”
“You defy the regulations all the time,” said Tsuna in bemusement.
“Maybe. But he’s not losing his birthday present the second I give it to him.”
It was halfway through second period when a familiar “VOI!” rocked the windows in their frames, causing the students to yelp in shock. Yamamoto only grinned, jumping from his chair and leaving the classroom, ignoring his teacher’s protests.
“Hey, Squalo!” he greeted, jogging down the school’s front steps to meet the Rain Varia, who stood impatiently on the concrete pathway.
“Took you long enough,” snapped Squalo.
“Ha ha, sorry, my classroom is on the second floor. What’s up?”
Squalo thrust out a slim wooden box, which Yamamoto accepted. He cracked open the lid and peered inside, eyes widening at the long silver sword nestled in black velvet. “Whoa,” he breathed. “It’s beautiful.”
“Of course it is. It’s Italian made.” Crossing his arms over his chest, Squalo remarked, “I expect you to use it.”
“I don’t know if I’ll do it justice.”
“You better learn, because you and I are going to spar, and that’s the sword you’re going to use.”
“Then I guess I better get comfortable with it.”
Yamamoto knew Squalo wanted him to try different sword types. Not with the intent to replace his katana, but so he could experience how it felt, how other sword fighters felt when they used particular swords. Glancing closely at the sword’s handle, he realized there was something engraved in the black material.
“Hey, is your name written on this sword?” Yamamoto looked up with enough time to catch a glimmer of surprise in Squalo’s expression. Grin widening with delight, Yamamoto asked, “Was this your sword?”
“I’m going to kill Lussuria,” growled Squalo. “He said he’d get that sanded off.”
Touched that Squalo would give him one of his swords, Yamamoto closed the lid. “I’m glad he didn’t. Thank you, Squalo. I promise I’ll do my best.”
“You better do better than that,” returned Squalo. “And here. This is from the rest of the losers.”
In the plastic bag Squalo handed to him was a sports jacket from Lussuria, a set of daggers from Belphegor (with instructions that he better use them to take blood), chocolate from Levi and Mammon, and a bottle of Barolo wine from Xanxus.
“I can’t drink yet,” said Yamamoto in bemusement.
“Xanxus doesn’t pay much attention to legal drinking ages,” said Squalo with a smirk. “But it’ll keep for a couple of years.”
“Tell them thanks. I really appreciate it.” Yamamoto paused as a thought struck him. “Um, could you drop these off at my place for me? I think having a sword and alcohol on school grounds is breaking a few rules.”
“What, you don’t want to spend your birthday in jail?” Squalo took the gifts from Yamamoto. “I’ll drop them off on my way to the airport.”
“Aw, you’re not staying?”
“I’ve spent more than enough time in this town,” scoffed Squalo.
“Well, thanks for coming all this way just for my birthday. It means a lot.”
Yamamoto stepped forwards and, with quick, precise movements, snagged Squalo into a hug. In a display of affection expressed only to those he loved, Squalo wound his flesh fingers through Yamamoto’s hair while his artificial hand jabbed the teen sharply in the side.
“I’ll talk to you later, Takeshi. Don’t slack off, or I’ll kick your ass.”
Hibari found Yamamoto in detention, which he had received for running out of second period. The Cloud Guardian whacked Yamamoto for skipping class before leaving him a collection of tea. Hana encountered him in the hallway and gave him a couple of packs of vintage baseball cards.
After school they all gathered at the sushi shop, which was closed to the general public for the night. There was lots of food, and Yamamoto opened up the rest of his presents. Ken, Chikusa and Fran had gotten him a baseball bat, Ryohei bought him a pair of tickets to a ballgame, Mukuro bought him a set of sports gloves and Reborn gave him a new case for his katana.
Nana arrived with a freshly baked cake with the kids and Bianchi in tow. Bianchi handed him two items, a DVD of the latest installment of his favourite spy movie series and a card which I-Pin had mailed from Hong Kong. Lambo and Futa made him bracelets from yarn, which Yamamoto promptly put on.
The night was loud, rambunctious and more than a few things got broken. But to Yamamoto, who enjoyed spending time with the people he loved most in the world, it was the best birthday ever.
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