#plus like why eat someone else’s food you don’t know how they make it or have any input on what is being served or how that family conducts
syrupfog · 2 months
AU where Sanji can’t go to college because his dad is way too rich for him to qualify for FAFSA, but Sanji’s estranged so he can’t go to him for financial assistance. 
He wanted food science. Still does, someday. But in the meantime he works at Zeff’s restaurant. 
He meets Luffy because Luffy and Ace are notorious dine n’ dashers, and the Baratie is about the only place that doesn’t ban them, because Zeff’s secretly got too soft a heart, and because Luffy and Ace at least TRY to work their bills off, although they never last long.
Ace and Luffy drag him back to “their place”, which is a four person dorm room that’s technically home to Chopper, Usopp, Franky and Zoro. 
At six, it’s a squeeze. And it stinks. Sanji complains the whole time he’s there, forces them to open a window for godssake.
But he comes back every time they invite him. He brings food. 
He’d bring food anyway, but he noticed that Zoro’s clearly an athlete and he’s surviving on JUNK. Slim Jim’s and microwaved eggs and unseasoned chicken. Sanji’s disgusted, and he voices that disgust loudly.
He and Zoro get into arguments about it, but Zoro doesn’t complain when Sanji brings meals. 
Sanji’s also really satisfied when he sees Zoro eat everything without even attempting to turn it down with a “you shouldn’t have” or “I’ll leave some for someone else”.
He eats everything Sanji gives him, without comment, and Sanji gets a thrill from that. A bit because he can recognize someone else who also must have gone through food insecurity. 
Ace and Luffy also clearly have, but their trauma manifests in stealing right off his plate.
Which Sanji allows, of course. He’s a pushover. 
When the group of six come to the Baratie, plus two new people (Nami and Robin), Zeff initially turns them away because “I can’t afford for eight people to skip out on their bills you lunatics”. 
Nami pays for them in advance.
Sanji hears her telling Zoro she’s adding it to his bill. 
The few high school friends Sanji had disappeared off to college at the start of the semester, so he’s happy that he seems to be adopted into this group, right up until he comes to serve their table and hears Nami call the “meeting” to order. 
Sanji looks over her shoulder as he’s pouring waters and sees spread out call logs and texts and letters. Threats. Nami’s words go in one ear and out the other but Sanji hears the key; Vinsmoke. They come from Vinsmoke.
They’re all getting them, he realises. His hands shake as he listens. They’re being targeted, threatened. They don’t know why. 
HE knows why. 
How long has his dad known where he is? What he does, who he sees? 
He backs up. Gripping the jug in a vice grip. Runs for the kitchen.
He tells Patty to cover him because an emergency has come up, and he runs out the back. 
Runs for a long time. 
Just runs.
He stops responding to Ace and Luffy’s attempts to contact him. He can’t talk to them. He’s going to cause them trouble— HAS caused them trouble. They’re his friends. They didn’t know what they were signing up for. 
He calls off as many shifts as he can while still making rent
(which honestly isn’t a lot) and if Ace and Luffy show up he demands to be on dish duty. 
Zeff sees this, but he doesn’t say anything. Sanji’s grateful. And ashamed. 
He’d liked having friends. Liked that terribly crowded stinky dorm room.
It’s almost two months of hiding, although the texts from Ace and (especially) Luffy don’t stop coming. 
And then, one day, he gets a pounding on his door. 
Pulling it open, expecting a pissed of neighbor maybe, he finds— 
Zoro looks at him flatly. “Come on,” he says.
“Uh,” says Sanji. “No?” 
Zoro grabs his wrist (when was the last time someone touched Sanji?) and veritably drags him out the door. 
“Shit, Mosshead, stop!” 
“No,” says Zoro. “We’re tired of you hiding.” 
“I’m not HIDING,” Sanji hisses, at least pulling the door closed behind him
“Yes you are,” Zoro says. “You think I don’t know hiding?” 
Sanji would be surprised if Zoro knew hiding. The man is nothing but bold. “How did you know where I live?” 
Zoro, dragging him down the stairs, says “Your old man told me.” 
“That cook. The grouch.”
“Stop shouting, dumbass.” 
Sanji fishmouths. “I can’t believe he told you,” he says eventually. 
“He’s not an idiot,” Zoro says. “He knew you were hiding for dumb reasons.” 
Sanji was hiding for legitimate reasons. He doesn’t say that.
Zoro drags him all the way out of the building and to an idling old van with painted windows. Oh, is he going to MURDER Sanji? 
He pulls open a back door and throws Sanji in. 
Sanji kicks him as he goes. Zoro curses at him. 
There are no seats in the back of the van.
There’s a lot of pillows. It smells like the dorm. There’s also several six sets of eyes staring down at him from where everyone else is apparently just chilling in the back of the van. 
“Uh,” Sanji says, from the floor. “Hey, guys?” 
Zoro jumps in and pulls the door closed.
The van is thrown into reverse and everyone curses at Ace. 
“Hey,” says Luffy. “You’re back!” 
“That was the plan,” Nami says. 
“Took you long enough,” Usopp says. He’s looking at Zoro though, not Sanji. 
“Couldn’t find his floor,” Zoro grunts. 
Sanji lives on the second floor.
“Uh,” says Sanji, still lying down. Shifting with the turns of the van. “Am I being kidnapped?” 
“That would piss off your dad, wouldn’t it?” Nami muses. “Especially if someone files a missing persons report and he gets dragged in.” 
Sanji gulps. They know he’s a Vinsmoke, then.
“I still say we just fight him,” Luffy says. 
“We’re not fighting an ADULT,” Usopp shrieks. 
“Usopp, buddy, we’re adults,” Ace says. 
“Except chopper! Chopper put your seatbelt on!” 
“It’s on!” 
Sanji’s spiralling. They know who his dad is. Do they want to blackmail Judge? Or—
“So we’re planning a party tonight and we want you to cook for us,” Luffy says. 
Sanji splutters. “Wh—“ 
“Yes, we were planning on driving to the store first before going back to the dorm,” Robin says. 
“Here.” Zoro throws a dirty piece of printer paper and a pen at him. “List.”
“You want me to… make a list.” 
Zoro settles back against the van wall, unfazed by the sharp turn. “Yeah.” 
“You guys want me to… cook for you.” 
“Duh,” says Luffy. 
“You don’t… care that my dad was sending you death threats? Or have you just not gotten to that part in this discussion?” 
Luffy laughs. Bright. Free. “Yeah that was annoying,” he says. “But my guy Jinbei’s on it! He used to work security.” 
“Uh… huh.” Sanji feels sceptical. It feels too easy. 
“Come on, cook,” Zoro says. “I don’t want to have to talk to your old man again. He’s mean.”
Sanji’s never had anyone refer to Zeff as his old man. He doesn’t want to object, though. “Is this not just… too much work? For just me?” 
“Oh, Franky says he can help with dinner if that’s what you’re worried about,” Luffy says. 
“No,” Sanji shakes his head. “I mean like. I’m not worth all this trouble. You guys were getting threats just for KNOWING me. My dad’s…” 
“Just some bastard you happen to share blood with,” Zoro says, arms crossed. “Who gives a fuck? Chopper’s dad is a reindeer.” 
“He WORKS WITH REINDEER!” Chopper squeaks.
“Luffy’s grandpa has tried to get us arrested, like, ten times,” Usopp says. “It’s all good.” 
“Uh,” says Sanji. That doesn’t sound good. 
“Don’t worry, we can outrun him,” Luffy says sagely. 
“Plus he’s a bitch,” Ace yells from the front.
Sanji looks at the dirty piece of paper in his hands. There’s a boot print on it. He starts writing a list. “Fine,” he says. “But only because I don’t think you guys would leave me alone even if I tried.” 
“Obviously not,” Luffy says. “Zoro’s been moping for weeks.”
Sanji’s head snaps up to meet Zoro’s. 
Zoro shrugs. “I don’t like having to count macros,” he says. 
“Right,” Sanji agrees easily. “Makes sense.” 
He takes note that Zoro’s the one who talked to Zeff. Zoro’s the one who dragged him out. Zoro’s the one who eats everything Sanji gives him like it’s a gift from the gods. 
When they arrive at the store, haphazardly parked in the loading dock, Sanji follows Zoro out. 
He grabs onto Zoro’s sleeve. “You’re pushing the cart for me.” 
“Whatever,” Zoro scoffs.
He does, though. 
And he sits on the kitchen floor while Sanji prepares the food for this so called party. 
The party is the same group that’s always there in the dorm. Sanji finds out, when he’s done cooking, that they’re celebrating his return.
He cries in their bathroom, briefly. 
Then he sits next to Zoro and watches everyone make fools out of themselves as they fill him in on everything he’s missed. 
It’s good.
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bonny-kookoo · 7 months
𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐎𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 | In Motion
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Moving on is scary. Moving back won't bring you forwards. But moving with someone at your side can be exciting.
Tags/Warnings: Aged up!Jungkook, Younger!Reader, Age Gap (9 years, JK is mentioned to be 34/35), Angst, Mature romance, Jungkook's ex wife, mentions of past physical abuse, mentions of alcohol abuse, fluff, flirty Jungkook, fluff!!, MCs Ex, police, Jungkook being the victim of bullying (dw), fluff?, nsfw but it's very light (sorry)
Length: 6k words
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“Its funny how a woman can change a man.” Yoongi mentions, sitting at the big company dinner next to Jungkook, who's both visibly distracted and upset to be present, phone being checked every few minutes or so- and Yoongi knows who he might be texting with. “why didn’t you bring her along?” He wonders, while Jungkook sighs.  
“I’m actually not sure.” He admits. “I’ve been given a plus-one like always, and I planned on inviting her- but then I.. chickened out.” He shakes his head. “these events are boring as hell.” He says, eating his food with not much interest.  
“What is she doing at home instead?” Yoongi asks, setting his own cutlery aside as he’s finished his plate.  
“Cooking. She sent me a picture of some.. macaroni and cheese she made from scratch.” Jungkook smiles to himself as he thinks to the image you’ve sent him with multiple excited emojis to convey your happiness over it- having tried to wing it for the first time. “now she’s most likely watching her favorite show since it’s Tuesday.” He shrugs.  
“Wow.” Yoongi jokes. “That’s so much more exciting, damn.” He flatly tells his friend, who rolls his eyes. “Jungkook, have you actually asked her if she’d ever want to tag along?”  
“…Yes.. and she said she wouldn’t mind..” He admits shamefully so.  
“Then bring her next time. You act as if you and her are George and Maria over there. You’re not sixty for God’s sake, and she didn’t turn legal yesterday either.” Yoongi shakes his head with laughter, amused by his best friend. He’s noticed the change in him pretty much immediately after the younger guy had returned from his vacation and days taken off- looking almost ten years younger, happy and most of all carefree. There was no worry on his face, no thoughts wrinkling his brows, no annoyance and clear signs of boiling burnout left.  
“I.. want to ask her to move in with me.” Jungkook admits suddenly, staring at his food. “I know it’s a bit fast but.. I feel like this time, she really is the one for me.” He tells his friend, who shrugs.  
“Its your decision. I’m happy you found someone good.” He simply answers him, refusing to really help in that regard. Jungkook can make this decision all by himself, after all. 
And he should. 
Back at his place, where he puts the car keys on the kitchen counter before he unbuttons his shirt to get ready to shower, he takes a small look around. The cooking utensils he bought just for you are still here, and so is your favorite blanket. The pillows he got are littering the couch, and yet, only you are missing.  
You’re missing.  
Even though you’re technically not even meant to be here all the time yet.  
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Jungkook has become.. suspicious, to say the least.  
You’ve been together for a few months now after all, and ever single one of them, for the same week or so, you vanish out of sight. And he’s not stupid. 
He knows you don’t have an affair with someone else, or your work simply always calls you in during that time, because he knows you escape his sight even when you have days off. No, he knows exactly what it is, and he honestly doesn’t really know why you do it.  
Do you think it grosses him out? Or that he doesn’t know how to deal with it? Knowing you at this point, he might just be right.  
But he also can’t force you to come out and be with him during that time of the month if you don’t want to. You have to want this all by yourself, because otherwise, how can you both build a relationship that’s not the same as your past? He’s not that much better from your past boyfriend if he was to just overstep a boundary you clearly still have.  
Back at work in his private office, he contemplates on messaging you. That could help, right? He types out a simple message, letting you know that if it really is what he thinks happens every month, then you don’t have to be worried at all.
He doesn’t mind. At all.  
So he just texts you- tells you that if you ‘need anything at all’, he’d just bring it over and leave you be if that’s what you’re most comfortable with. However, instead of just texting back, you call him- making him wave towards his secretary in a manner that shows her he is for now unavailable unless urgent. “Well hello, darling.” He chuckles when he picks up the call, unaware that on the other end, his words still make you horribly shy.  
“Sorry for not.. Uhm.. You know, calling you or anything.” You say, but Jungkook doesn’t mind.  
“It’s no bother. We’re both still getting used to things, after all.” He reminds you. “Though I’d love some sign of life every now and then in the future. Just a quick ‘hey, I’m doing ok’ is really enough for me.” He offers.  
“Sorry. I’ll think about it from now on.” You say, though Jungkook is pleased to hear that you don’t just do it out of submission- but that it sounds a lot more like relief, almost. As if you’ve waited for him to say this. “But uhm.. What do you mean by, ‘if I need anything’?” You wonder.  
“I’m assuming you avoid me every month due to your period.” He says, and you just meekly answer with a sigh, and a ‘yeah’. “It’s no bother to me, really. It’s not gross or whatever you might think.” 
“I’m just.. Moody and stuff. I’m worried I might.. I don’t know, be mean to you on accident.” You warn him, and he just laughs it off.  
“I’m not that fragile, love.” He jokes. “And I doubt that you’ll end up calling me an asshole every second of the day if we spend time together.”  
“No, I’d never!” you defend yourself, making him chuckle. “I just get cranky, and I don’t know.. I might just get onto your nerves.” You warn him. 
“You could turn full on toddler on me, and I’d still take care of you.” He jokes. “I really don’t mind. How about we meet up later, and I’ll cook us something at your place? I have the weekend off, we could spend it together.” He offers, clicking a little through the rest of the E-Mails he has for today. “Or you could always.. Stay over at my place as well. You know I love it when you’re there with me.” He says. 
You really like his place. To the point, where you actually begin to miss being there, despite having loved your little apartment for so long until now. It’s odd how his house has become somewhat of a safe-space, even thinking about it makes you feel good. And hearing that he personally enjoys having you over as well offers you some sort of hope that maybe one day, he might even want you there permanently.  
What could living with him look like? 
How long until he gets annoyed with you? 
“I really like your home.” You confess quietly, and he waves off his secretary that’s about to knock- because he can feel he’s potentially at the very cusp of something. “Do you.. I mean..” You mumble, before you sigh. “Yeah sure, let’s uhm.. Spend the weekend together.” You tell him, and he realizes quickly that your tone is not very confident at all, despite the fact that you’re trying to make it seem like it is.  
“It could be your home too, you know?” 
He waits for you to answer, and he knows this needs some time to be thought through, but he truly believes that you’re the one for him. It doesn’t have to happen right away either- but he wants you to know that the option is there, if you’d like to take it someday.  
“I-“ you start, when he can hear your doorbell ring in the background. “Sorry, I’ll be right back.” You tell him, leaving the phone for a little bit, silence the only thing that Jungkook gets to hear. Your phone probably cancels out whatever quiet noise might be there, so he’s unsure what’s going on, until you return to the phone again. “Can I call you back later?” You say after a moment, voice almost whispering.  
“What’s wrong?” He asks, immediately alarmed by your behavior. He presses for an answer by saying your name- but still, you don’t answer. Until you finally do.  
“He’s here.” You say, 
And Jungkook immediately grabs the keys to his car, rushing out as fast as he can.  
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Jungkook isn’t sure what he expected your ex to look like. But seeing him now, in front of your door as Jungkook walks closer, he feels his blood boil. 
The man is not quite as tall as he is just like you mentioned a few months back, but he’s clearly training for muscle. A very intimidating body, and the second the man turns towards him, he spots the things you’ve told him before as well. His facial features are a lot sharper than Jungkook’s, eyes dark as they muster him up and down, frown on his face. “What do you want?” He asks, voice deep, raspy. Most likely from smoking- cigarette smell still clinging to the man in front of him. 
“I’d like to visit my girlfriend, if you’d be so polite to make space for me to enter the door, please.” Jungkook speaks, tone held at a very specific tone as to not give away any emotions for his opponent to pick up on. 
“Oh, so she got a rich guy now.” Your ex says, leaning back, arms crossed- most likely to present his muscles, something that Jungkook thinks looks simply childish. “Tell her she owes me money. I need it asap, and she keeps avoiding me.” He explains, and Jungkook nods.  
“I’d love to tell her that.” He says. “But you’re still blocking the door.” he says, noticing both the very clear and sharp smell of alcohol, and the way he slightly sways a bit. 
It’s quiet for a good moment, both men staring each other down, before your ex moves to the side, though it’s clear that he doesn’t do it as to admit defeat. Jungkook takes the chance and knocks at your door now, prepared that your ex might try and slip inside the second you open it. “Hey- it’s me.” Jungkook tells you through the door, and at that, you open it just a little bit, like you’re trying to check if he’s actually there or not.  
Once you look at him, his entire face softens. 
You look like a panicked animal that just escaped a shot to the head, eyes wide, staring up at him. At the sight of Jungkook you instantly open the door wider to welcome him inside, and he himself is quick to shut the door right behind him, a hand having tried to keep it open last second. 
“I’m here now.” Jungkook reassures you while you cling to him, your ex having moved to knock and ring the doorbell constantly, angry about Jungkook’s antics. “Don’t worry. Let’s call someone to deal with him, and then we’ll go from there, alright?” He explains to you, as you detach yourself a bit, taking a few deep breaths at the instruction of Jungkook who’s still holding your arms as if to steady you. “Go sit down, I’ll make the call. Did he hurt you at all?” He worries, but you shake your head. 
“I didn’t let him in.” You answer quietly, and Jungkook nods. 
“Which is the best thing you could’ve done. Good job.” He praises, helping you sit down in your bedroom, as far away from the front door, which is still being tortured, as possible, before he walks back out into your kitchen, phone on his ear to call the police. 
It all happens a lot quicker than he would’ve thought- your ex having apparently had gone against some very important guidelines he’s been given after a more recent violent crime he’s committed. “You can file in for a restraining order.” The officer tells Jungkook who nods. “Judging by the fact that he’s known already, that might be for the best. Those people are too unhinged to really be trusted.” 
“Yeah, seeing him in person today has definitely made up my mind about some legal restrictions placed onto him.” Jungkook agrees. “Thank you for dealing with him so quickly.”  
“No problem. You two have a calm rest of your day.” The officer says, before they drive off, your ex in the back of the police car. 
The second he’s back in your home, having realized he actually knows the pin-code to your door, he carefully opens the bedroom door where you’re still hiding on your bed- and the second he nods, you get the message letting go of a deep breath, leaning against him the second he sits down on your bed. “The officer said we should probably file a restraining order towards him.” Jungkook tells you. “I think that’s a good idea as well. It would.. Definitely help me, knowing that he can’t get close to you.” 
“...wait- it’s Tuesday, you were at work-!” You suddenly say, realizing that he probably left work early just to be here now. “You can go back now, I swear I’m fine-” 
“The office won’t burn down just because I’m not there darling, relax.” He laughs, running a hand up and down your arm. “I’ve got the day off tomorrow anyways, and after that I’ll work from home for a while. So it’s not that bad, I promise.” He explains to you, who slowly nods. “And it was a family-emergency after all. They all surely understand that I suddenly ran off.” He jokes- 
Though you feel oddly emotional at the mention of that phrase. 
“Family emergency?” You ask quietly, and he nods, easily, as if it’s no big deal.  
“My girlfriend was in trouble. I’d count that as a family emergency.” He shrugs, and you look at your knees, unsure about what to think. “Which, by the way.. And you can totally say no, it would be completely fine-” He starts, before he continues his sentence once you look at him. “-but.. My parents might want to meet you.” He reveals, strangely... shy almost. 
“Might?” You wonder, and he nods, before sighing. 
“I might’ve let it slip that we’re.. Well, a couple.” He admits. “And I can’t help it, really.” 
“Can’t help what?” You wonder, making him play with the silver rings on his bottom lip. 
“I tend to.. Ramble on and on when it comes to you. So when they asked about you, I just.. I couldn’t help it. And now my family is very much curious to meet you.” He explains, and you smile to yourself. 
“Well.. I mean, I don’t mind?” You say. “What’s the worst that can happen, am I right?”  
“Oh god you don’t know my family.” He dramatizes playfully. “My mother can be a handful, and my brother will most likely just go on and on about some embarrassing stuff that happened when we were kids.” he groans, and you can’t help but grin. 
“Are you scared I might end up hearing something you’d otherwise keep from me?” You wonder, and he glares at you, before he suddenly smiles. “But really. I don’t mind meeting them, if you’re okay with that.” You say. 
And Jungkook can’t help but lean over at that to kiss your lips, realizing just how serious you’re both getting. 
“You’re the only one I’d ever want them to meet.” 
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Jungkook’s parents have never liked his ex wife. 
That’s information you’ve been told later that night before Jungkook had left to go home- and you’re unsure how to think about that. You feel like there’s now a standard you have to reach, and you’re not sure if you can. If you meet them, and it doesn’t work out, what will they think of you?
Your ex has never really let you meet his parents much- only fleetingly, when you met them by chance at the local grocery store or in similar situations. You know that Jungkook has a brother who’s been married for much longer than Jungkook has been- will he judge you for being so much younger than Jungkook himself? 
Will his parents think you’re not a good fit for him because you’re too young? Or do they know already? 
You’re currently washing dishes from the breakfast Jungkook and you had at his place today, when the doorbell rings. You’ve spent the night after admitting that you weren’t feeling good about sleeping at your own place after what happened, and he understood- happily telling you that you can always stay at his house for as long as you’d like. You wonder if he meant permanently.   
He’s been hinting at it for quite a bit now.  
A dog almost jumps up on you, another one following- two tiny whippets excitedly yapping at you, before a young man calls them towards him. Only now do you see three people entering the house through the front door- an older couple, and the young man who you assume owns the dogs, Jungkook standing on the sidelines, hiding his face in his hand.  
“Oh, you must be her!” The woman says, and you instantly know that she must be his mother. He inherited quite a bit of her facial features, though you can also see his father in him as well, the man a lot quieter than her, simply hanging up her coat before greeting his son properly. “Oh you do look young! But very pretty.” She tells you, before she tells you her name.  “When did you change the furniture? It looks so much brighter in here without that weird sofa in the living room.” His mother exclaims, as Jungkook enters the open kitchen.  
“I- mom, when I said you could visit I didn’t mean today.!” Jungkook almost whines, before he throws you an apologetic look. “And also, what are you even doing here?” He asks the young man who very clearly has to be his brother from visual appearance alone.  
“Hey, I gotta know who the pretty girl is who caught my baby brother’s attention!” He teases, smacking Jungkook’s back. “You’ve been going on and on about her, you can’t blame me for being curious.” He explains himself, before he reaches out to you. “Junghyun. Nice to meet you.” He greets you, before he boldly moves to take a look inside the fridge.  
It's odd how you just instantly know the dynamic of his family from this small interaction alone.
Jungkook quickly somehow gets his family to sit in the living room while telling them that he’ll make them something to drink, before he joins you in the kitchen again. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know when J talked to them yesterday that they would show up literally 24 hours later-“ he apologizes, but you wave him off.  
“Its.. not that big of a deal. They seem nice- and it would’ve had to happen at some point, right?” You wonder, and he nods.  
“Still, it must be at least somewhat uncomfortable. I know I’d like to be prepared to meet your parents.” He sighs, moving to make some coffee for his parents after pecking your lips once.  
“…would you?” You ask, and he turns around after clicking the right buttons on the coffee machine in front of him. “meet my parents, I mean.” You ask, unsure.  
“I.. yeah?” He rubs the back of his neck a little. “I’m.. I mean, I don’t know if they’re even aware that you’re seeing someone-“ 
“They are.” You admit. “they.. I told my mom. After we.. after Christmas.” You explain, and he listens with interest, letting you go at your own pace however. “She’s.. they both know you’re older, and my dad is not very happy about that. But my mom seemed welcoming of the idea.” You tell him honestly, and he nods. “they’re scared too, you know? After all that happened.”  
Jungkook nods. “I completely understand. And even without that-“ he shrugs. “-I guess any parents would be suspicious of a relationship like ours.” Be admits and you nod as well, well aware that your parents might not be as easy going as his are. “but well make it work. Right?” be asks, and you know what he’s asking.  
Not if you’re gonna make it work- but if your parent’s possibly being against your relationship could be a deal breaker for you.  
“Yeah.” You say, because you’re not going to let this be taken away from you, by anyone. You’ve had a taste of what your life could be like if you were to just let it happen- and you don’t want to hide away and be trampled over anymore. You want him, you want this life and this future you might have together- no matter what.  
And Jungkook can’t help but walk closer to you, kissing your lips while he tenderly holds your cheeks.  
“Mom, Jungkook is making out with his girlfriend instead of making Coffee!” his brother yells, and Jungkook leans back at that, jaw clenched and tongue prodding against the inside of his cheek while he’s got his eyes closed, having to restrain himself you imagine. But you can’t help and giggle at the situation- visions of what those two brothers might’ve been like as children filling your mind, curiosity growing.
What was he like before Evelyn? Before he married? Before he met her? 
“get out!” Jungkook barks, taking a towel from the sink to hit his brother with it, the laughing older male running off back into the living room, where you follow- carefully carrying the two cups of coffee Jungkook had forgotten in his playful rage against his sibling. 
“Thank you.” His mother says, smiling warmly, while his father only nods, face however gentle, and friendly. You sit down after that, in the corner of the sofa, listening to the two brothers fighting in Jungkook’s office, before his father speaks up.  
“My son mentioned that you two have.. Quite the age gap between you.” He says, and you nod. “And that doesn’t bother you?” He asks, and you shake your head. 
“It.. Did. In the beginning.” You admit, his father now visibly interested in your answer as he didn’t expect you to admit something like that so outright. “I was worried that he might.. Think of me as childish. Or that our ambitions might differ too much, since we’re both at different points in our lives.” You explain, his mother now listening in as well. “I mean.. Let's just take family-planning for example. He’s a lot closer to settling down than I am, technically.” You explain, and his mother nods. “But I realized that, if we talk about these issues, we can solve them together. Make compromises, so we can meet in the middle, so to speak.” 
“Has he spoken to you about his.. Past marriage?” His father asks, and you nod. 
“I’ve met his former wife a few times. And I’m.. Somewhat aware of the things that happened in the past- though I’m sure he didn’t tell me everything yet.” You say. “And I respect that. We’re still.. At the very beginning of our relationship after all.” You chuckle a little, nervously, but suddenly, his father smiles. 
“Stop interrogating my girlfriend just because I’m not here.” Jungkook interrupts the conversation, protectively sitting in between his father and you- though that wasn’t the smartest idea, since his father just quietly pats his back rather roughly, making Jungkook complain in embarrassment. “What the fuck dad?” He asks, but his father just laughs. 
“Stop hitting him darling, you’re gonna break his back!” His mother complains, and you can’t help but smile at the mention of that petname- making it clear where Jungkook got the habit from, since he calls you the same most of the time. It’s cute. 
You’re happy to see that he has such a nice family.  
“So, when are you gonna bring a kid into this world, huh?” His brother asks shamelessly, making Jungkook choke on his water. “Hey, come on. I’ve got the second one on the way, you can’t make me do all the work here!” He teases, making Jungkook turn towards you. 
“I’m so sorry- if you want them to leave, just tell me.” He says towards you, but much to his dismay, you shake your head. 
“I don’t mind them.” You say, and his brother grins, before he leans forwards towards you. 
“Did you know that Jungkook used to be scared of the microwave-” Jonghyun starts, and Jungkook throws his head back, groaning in agony.  
All while you can’t help but be happy that his family seems to like you. 
⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──💜── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅
Later on, once they all left again, he talks to you once more in the living room after the dishes had been washed, and you both had gotten ready to just laze around and go to bed later. “I’m really sorry they showed up unannounced. That was terrible of them-” He shakes his head still, holding you in his arms on the couch while a random TV series plays quietly in the background, commercial break ongoing. “-and I’m also sorry I left you alone with them. I hope they didn’t interrogate you too hard.” 
“It was fine.” You brush off, telling the truth. “We just.. Spoke about the age gap.” You explain, and Jungkook sighs. “And I told them that, you know, yes, it did bother me at first. And I know that it bothered you too.” You admit, making him stare blankly, listening to your words. “But that we.. Work together. If problems occur, we find compromises. Put equal effort into it so we meet in the middle, you know what I mean?” You say, and he nods. 
“Yeah, I see where you’re coming from. What did they answer to that?” He wonders, but you shrug. 
“He just asked if I knew Evelyn, and I said that yes, I’ve met her a few times.” You remember. “And that I know you probably didn’t yet tell me everything, but that it’s fine because neither have I. Since we’re still.. Pretty new.” You offer. “And then you came back, so we didn’t talk further.” 
“My brother can be so terrible, I swear.” He huffs. “Two years older and thinks he’s always got the upper hand in everything..” He mumbles. 
“Well, from what I’ve been told, he is a bit quicker with things than you.” You giggle. “Second marriage, second child-” 
“Second job after he kept slacking off at his first, second house because he got kicked out of the first, second dog because one wasn’t enough-” Jungkook goes on, and you can’t help but laugh out loud. “-Hey, stop laughing about that!” He complains, moving his hands to pinch your sides, only causing your laughter to intensify as you try and slip away from him. But you’re unsuccessful, rather ending up somewhat manhandled down into the couch, with him above you, your wrists pressed into the cushions below you. 
It doesn’t take long for him to lean in and kiss you, the knowledge of everything that happened today settling in. You’ve been so understanding about everything, calm and collected even though he knew that you must’ve been at least somewhat intimidated by the whole situation. You still handled it perfectly in his opinion, facing it all head on. 
He’s so in love with you.  
His kisses slow down after a moment or two- and you know why they do. He’s not really a fan of getting heated on the couch of all places, preferring the bedroom or maybe the shower- and sure, you have indeed gotten rather scandalous in other places of his house before, but if he can control himself, he does.  
Laying next to you, your head on his biceps, he just observes you for a moment before he speaks again.  
“Move in with me.” He says, and you’re caught by surprise at the sudden proposal. “I’ve got.. Enough space. A room you can have just for yourself if you ever want some time to yourself. I can continue renting out your old place too if you’d like.” He tells you, hand resting on your waist. “Just.. I’d like to have you close. Every day.” He says. “And night of course.” 
“I mean.. if you’re okay with that?” You say, unsure. “you don’t have to do it just because.. we’re a couple, you know? I can be.. a little chaotic, and loud, you might not-“ 
“I wouldn’t have proposed the idea if I didn’t want it, darling.” He chuckles, easing your mind quite a bit. “Think about it though, before you answer me now. I realize I might’ve come off a bit.. strong with how I phrased it.” He hums, slowly sitting up again with you next to him. “What I really want to say is.. If you wanted to move in with me, I’d welcome you with open arms so to say.” He offers, and you nod.  
“I’ll think about it.”  
⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──💜── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅
“Hm?” You wonder still half asleep, Jungkook right behind you with his hands running over your skin, legs entangled and lips kissing the back of your neck.  
“You’ve been sleeping for ages.” He complains lightly, his own eyes barely open. “been waiting for you to wake up.”  
“..whats.. why?” You ask, moving a little to stretch your legs out.  
“hm, why..” he just repeats, hands traveling further and further until one of them finds its way beneath your light shirt you wear, bare chest warm beneath his palm. It’s clear to you now what exactly he’s been aiming for when waking you up- intentions obvious, especially with the way he presses himself into you from behind.  
You do have to admit, that it’s been a few days since the last time you two got together like this. With some stress at his work and your own life, you didn’t want to bother him too much- rather deciding to let him reach out on his own, so you know that he’s up for it.  
“You smell nice.” Jungkook comments, running his nose over the crook of your neck. “Is that the.. pink bottle you left here last time?” He asks a bit slurred, himself still somewhat asleep.  
“Hmhm.” You nod. “It’s.. yeah. I forgot it.” You explain, moving a bit to give him better access, and also to show that you’re okay with this. “it’s body lotion.”  
“smells better on you than it does on me.” He chuckles. 
“You used it?” You wonder, and he shrugs, before moving to position himself over you, reaching into his bedside table for a condom.  
“Hey you left it here!” He defends himself. “but it didn’t smell as nice on me.” He admits, shrugging before he moves to shed his cotton pajama pants- the shirt long gone, a habit of his during the night.  
“Well, now I’m here.” You say, and he nods, smiling.  
“You are.” He agrees, tapping your hips to make you lift them, his hands pulling down your underwear and sleep shorts off in one go. He gives the condom to you for now, before he lifts your legs over his shoulders, head lowering between your thighs to eat you out. He’s got a habit of holding eye contact with you during the act, and even now, he does so- soaking up every one of your reactions, eager to see you restless beneath his touch.  
This is the type of love he’d hoped for when he married. This is what he thought could grow from nothing.  
But he’s realizing now that that was a mistake- you can’t just hope for the best and then be disappointed when things don’t turn out the way you’d wanted them. There’s got to be effort put into it, and knowing that now makes him accept the fact that his ex wife isn’t the only reason his marriage failed. He himself also made mistakes, many of them- agreeing to going out with her when he didn’t love her being one of them.  
There’s no clear villain and no obvious victim in his story.  
Your skin is soft beneath his hands as he runs them up and down the sides of your legs- body squirming from his actions beneath them, as you experience things you haven’t before. You’ve never really had anyone ever pay so much attention to you in any way- be it sexually or just with the way that he calls daily to make sure he at least checks in with you whenever you’re apart. And thinking about it, there’s nothing speaking against living together- what's really the worst that could happen? 
You’ve been through the worst. You know that Jungkook would never be anything close to that. 
Your hand finds its way into his hair, unsure where else it’s supposed to go- and you’re faintly apologetic about the way you’re most likely tugging on it the second he pushes you over the edge- but he’s visibly uncaring of it, none of it bothering him it seems. He chuckles as he comes back up to you, wiping his face with his hand before he watches you open your eyes again to look at him. “You okay?” He chuckles, and you nod. 
“I want to move in with you.” You say, and he’s caught off guard, eyes wide for a second before he leans back a little to properly look at you.
“You sure?” He wonders, and you nod. 
“Hmhm.” You nod. “I.. Want to.” You tell him, and he smiles, clearly excited.  
“Okay.” He nods. “Okay! Yeah, we can.. Uhm, I mean, I’ve got the next week and a half set for home-office, so I can help you with the furniture?” He proposes, and you laugh, almost in relief, before he steals the still wrapped condom from your hand that's been holding it the entire time, face leaning down to kiss you.
"But first, let me love you some more."
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styxwanderer · 5 months
The Wrong Fake Identity | Twisted Wonderland [pt.2]
part 1 <part 2> Part 3 Part4 part 5 part 6 part 7
˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙˚*
The lot of you decided to eat around the garden instead, all of them exhausted from all the running, not you of course, you are safe and secure in Jack’s beefy arms and the cushion of his abs. Although the mental panic and bashing of yours had left you sleepy and mentally drained. 
“I thought they are going to give a chase! I have never ran so fast in my entire life!” The orange head said sprawled in the grass.
“I second that! Vil is definitely going to kill me!” The purple haired boy said, sprawled as well near your feet. 
“Worse, riddle is definitely going to collar us like a dog and make us sleep in the flamingo cage! Erkk! The thought of it makes me shiver!” Deuce followed.
“If— if me, the great grim have to run like that again, i think i will just give up!!”
“Leona is going to make me run laps….” Jack more composed, still holding you in his lap.
“All of us could take sanctuary in ignihyde dormitory you know! I’m sure brother will take us in happily.”
“You! I can see through your pla—“Grim shouted
“I… i…”
“I .. i can’t believe it … i betrayed waka-sama, 
I BETRAYEDD WAKA-SAMAAA ARGHHH… how could i even repay this!! I have betrayed him! I am the unworthiest pawn in existence, ARGHHH…. What is wrong with mee. I beg for your forgiveness!!!! Kuuuuhuuu… please forgive this stupid lowly crocodileeee~.”
Sebek is curled up, hand gripping his hair tightly, crying his heart out and start to degrade himself. 
“D-damn… not so loud!” Grim grumbled
“Hey.. uhm.. don’t cry.”  deuce unsure how to console the green hair guy, sitting up. 
“Uwah.. he turns out to be quite a crybaby..”
You slide out of jack’s lap and hold, much to his disappointment, and crouched down in front of Sebek.
Sebek looked up at you, cheek wet from his teary eyes and mouth quivering. 
“Whaat…?” He whimpered lowly. 
Your plan to smack his head to the ground for being loud and hurting your newly enhanced ears, vanished as your eyes dilate into a full round. Then your self control broke.
Followed by a numerous “AAAA!!!!”
The lot of them froze from shock at your uncharacteristic behavior.
You had licked his wet cheek and the tears that is falling in his face. In a moment the red wet face of his had become a raging red as he hold the part where you licked him. 
“HUMANN! WHA—-…..are you trying to console me?”
You had your ears covered when he shout, bow that he is talking. Your sleepy brain went on over-drive and went full cat. You went to nuzzle your head to the crook of the aligator’s neck. 
Blushing even more Sebek then hug your waist as he scoop you to his lap. “OH HOW KINDDD! ill accept this with the greatest honor!” 
The sun shining on you had made you even sleepier, so you don’t mind getting a cuddle from the aligator man. Plus his toned abs and muscle had made a great cushion for you to sleep on. 
“HEY!! THATS NO FAIRRR!!!” Epel now snapped out of his trance stood up and point at the both of you.
“ you cheating scoundrel! I also want to hold themm!!” He continued.
“Yes not fair at all!!! Why does the one doing a half assed job get it all?” Ortho followed 
“Yeahh! Why do you have to be the one holding them..” deuce asked.
“We also deserved a rewards for saving her you knoww!” Ace said
“It should’ve been me the great Grim that they hold and pamper not you guys, i am the original so shooo! Find someone else!” 
“C’mon guys.. we can take turn.” Truth be said, Jack is disappointed that it is not him that you fall asleep on, but he is trying hard to save his dignity and so he chose to act mature as begrudgingly that is.
You had gone far from reality and off to the dream world. 
The lot of them decide to spend rest of the lunch break eating their food while also passing you around.
“Heyy.. heyy .. y/n.. its time for class.”
“Hnn.. what time is it?” 
You had woken up in deuce lap. Enjoying the plush of his thighs as pillow. You slowly wake up. Then your instinct told you to lick him and so you did.
“AA.. AA.. what ..”
“Oh sorry.. i didn’t realized  what im doing” you yawn.
“No no its alright!! you could do more if you want.” He mumbled the last part so you couldn’t quite hear it. The tip of his ears are now red.
Deuce has determined, he will never wash his face again.
Thankfully no one saw that action or the whole group is going to go for a whole banter show again. 
Then it’s time to separate to different class much to epel’s, sebek’s, jack’s, and ortho’s disappointment. 
“Ah.. i wish you are in my class y/n” epel said
“I double that!”
“Hehe.. too badd so sadd..”
“They belong with us.”
“Whomp whomp.” 
The trio idiots jeered making epel and the rest, veins popped out in frustration.
“Just ya wait ya bastards!”
Surprisingly even jack is quite annoyed as he let out a low growl.
Ortho is planning some mischievous prank to follow the trio. 
Sebek is hiding his jealousy although it is very apparent on his face how annoyed it is. 
Adeuce and grim are sneering at them like they had win something. 
Sulking the rest of them go to their respective classes.
Finally the last class has rolled. Adeuce and grim not reallg excited to have to share you with the other four, and the other four anticipating your presence. You better prepare to say goodbye to your privacy time.
“Oh we dont have enough mushroom for this potion. We need to get more of it.” groaned grim your lab partner.
“Ooo..! Dont worry ill take it!” 
“Really?!! Thanks a lot y/n”
“No problem!” You hopped off your seat and begun to make an exit.
Into the glasshouse you go. 
“This campus is too big im getting tiredddd..”
You groaned as you open the glasshouse. You begun to make your way to the garden-shed. 
A hand suddenly grip your ankle making to fall.. into a soft cushion?
Your hissing starts to quiet down as you slowly processing who just grab you.
Before you know it you are hold captive in the embrace of the great lazy lion. 
“Ohh.. look who is here, herbivore.” 
“Leona, you scared me.”
He chuckled in response. 
“Please let me go now.” You try to wiggle out.
“Why would i do that.”
“I need to go back to class before professor crewel kills me.”
“Hahaha, don’t worry you are safe within my arm.”
Before u could continue your word Leona had rubbed the spot just behind your ears shutting you up. 
All of that human instinct thrown out the window.
Revert bacc to cats
You nudge your head toward his hand as you purr. 
“You like that don’t you.” he chuckled. 
He removed his hand away from that spot, craving for more you nudge your head to the crook of his neck.
“What should i do with you. Demanding a royalty to scratch your ears tsk tsk..”
“You better stick around with me you hear, after all who can protect you better if not me.” 
He lazily said
Leona’s sleepiness begun to affect you as you begun to feel comfortable in his hold. You decide the lion hair is messy you give it a lick.
“Ohhhh… sorry... i dont know why i did that…” you snapped
Leona held the back of your head and place your head to his chest. 
“Moving on too quickly on the relationship, are we? What an impatient and impudent herbivore of mine. I should teach you properly. but for now, let’s sleep”
Yawning He placed his arms and legs caged you and his tail intertwining with your new ones. He doubted anybody would disturb the sleeping lion, but this is you he is talking about. Everybody would do anything for you. Not taking any risk he draped over a tarp to cover the both of you, learning from experience that they are a good disguise material.
After all, the hunting game would start at the end of class, it will be an easy win for him, plus nobody could blame him or call him cheating, since technically you fall down to his arm and got caged. And on the extra side he wanted to see malleus dread angry face as he saw the both of you with burning jealousy.
Meanwhile in class,
“Hey grim where is y/n?” Ace approach the doodling werebeast. 
“Oh they went to get more mushroom for the project. “ 
“Since when?” Deuce continued
“Around.. an hour ago..?” 
“GRIMM!!!” The both of them exclaimed
“Whatt.. i got distracted!!”
“The class is almost over noww!”
“And they are still not here!!”
“Ehem.. little pups, why are you making a fuzz over here?”
“Eeek!!!!” Trio idiots turn around finding crewel with the whipping. 
“One.. two.. three…, where is the other pup, or should i say kitten now?” 
“Uhmm you see proff, we ran out of mushroom.” Grim swallowed his saliva
“So they left to get some..” ace half mumbled.
A large heavy sigh escaped his mouth as he hold firm of his whipping stick.
“And they haven’t returned yet is that it?” The man tone getting lower.
“Eeek!! YES SIRE!” The three of them shrieked. 
“what am i to do with you, tch i know i should’ve prioritize that adoption paper sooner.” he whispered half of the part. 
“Well you better find them sooner— “
The bell has rung and in the same exact time the door flung open to reveal Epel, Jack, Ortho, and Sebek. 
“WHERE IS Y/N ?!!” Jack barged
“Geez you can’t wait can you.” Ace groaned.
“This is importantt!!” Ortho interjects
“It’s not thatt!! Its just—.” Epel word was cut off.
That is it, that is the breaking point for crewel. Fuck that bird brain crow, he is going to shave him bald. And for his naughty puppy, well lets just say disciplines awaits. 
“Is that so.” Slapping his whip to his hand creating a loud sound. 
“Oh goddd look he is emitting black aura! “ Ace shooks
“We are in trouble!!” Grim stammered.
There is a collective gulp throughout the classroom. 
“Well then what are you doing? FIND THEM!” 
“Yes, sire, yes!” The lot of them immediately jumped out of the door to find you. 
Soon news that you had gone missing spread throughout NRC.
Meanwhile in Heartslabyul,
“Where could they be? I hope those insolent fools haven’t broken any rules and trapped you!”Riddle hoped before he gave orders to his soldiers ,including ace and deuce, to find you. 
Riddle had thought that it is better for you in the care of heartslabyul since both he and trey have experience dealing with a cat beastman, hecc they can even invite Che’nya to help you adjust into your life as a new cat beastman, he just hoped che’nya won’t teach you anything wierd or questionable. 
Meanwhile in Octanaville,
“ oh my what a turn of event! My angel-cat fish is missing, i shall be the one to find her first. Jade, Floyd, our perfect plan can wait, for now its time to search them.” 
“Yes Azul.”
“Yes Azul~”
Meanwhile in Scarabia,
“Eh?!! They are missing?!! I hope they just got lost in the campus! Oh how scared must they be if they’re under the hands of one of the students.”
“Not now Kalim, we need to focus on finding them.”
Meanwhile in Pomefiore,
“Rook, did you manage to target the spell onto them?”
“ Non, I’m embarrassed to say but since they were covered by jacket belonging to jack howl I am unable to track them down.”
“Tch. where can they be… Rook change of strategy, it’s time for a different kind of hunt.
“Oui, Roi du Poisson, let your wisdom guide us through.
Vil shudders on the thought that any other dorm leader had gotten his hand on you, and most certainly he hoped it is not Leona. What a lazy lion could do to affect your beauty potential, keeps him up at night. 
Meanwhile in Ignihyde,
“ what ortho, y/n is missing, and just before the hunt. My luck could never be better.” Idia moaned. 
“I’m sorry brother.” The robotic voice of ortho can be heard through his tablet.
“Thats alright, you’ve done well. Now if you could scan all the campus and i will access all camera.”
“It will take about 30 min with the school slow internet.”
“Its good enough. Now leave it to you brother. Its going to be an eazy Peezy catch. LAWL.”
“Heheheh, of course brother!”
Meanwhile in Diasomnia, 
Once the news had reached the ears of Malleus Draconia, a loud thunder light had blasted through. 
“ calm down Malleus, it’s not like the hunt is over yet.” He chuckled.
“ you’re right lilia. I need to make haste to find them. Silver, come with me lets us play this game of hunt.”
“Yes, Malleus.” Silver anticipatingly answered. 
“Khufufufufu, they can hide all they want but it will be an easy game for us” 
Meanwhile in Savannaclaw,
“Ohhh? Y/n is missing? Shishishi…Leona might’ve captured his prey on record time afterall. Oh well, less work for me and I get the spoil too, Yeahh! Lucky!” Ruggie chuckled as he can’t seem to find Leona as well. 
[words 2318]
>> to be continued<<
.·:*¨༺ ❈ ༻¨*:·.
taglist: @agaygothicmushroom @feverish-dove
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thatmrmiller · 1 year
Give an Inch, Take a Mile
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Pairing: Dark!Joel Miller x f!Reader
Warnings: 18+ smut, Dead Dove Do Not Eat. Death, alcohol consumption, drugging, manipulation, significant age gap, noncon, virgin!reader, forced breeding, likely other very dark themes throughout. Read on at your own risk.
When Joel found out your dad had left you here alone when he went on a supply run, he checked in on you now and then.
It was relatively innocent at first, partially out of genuine concern.
The more he dropped in, the more this changed. He started to grow interested in you in a way he wasn’t before, noticing things like your wide eyes and mature figure.
He wasn’t sure how old you were. Probably in your 20’s, but things were different here in the QZ. People didn’t experience as much as they used to. So you likely seemed younger than you would be for your actual age in the outside world.
He came to the door one night after curfew, knocking quietly to avoid drawing attention. You answered in sleep shorts and a large oversized tshirt. Probably belongs to your dad.
“How you doin’, hm?” He asks, leaning against the doorframe intrusively.
“Fine, Joel, thank you for checking on me. But its late.” You rubbed your eyes a little. He found it quite endearing.
“I know that darlin’, past curfew, you gonna leave me on the step for FEDRA to find me?” He challenges, his voice remaining soft and gentle.
“Um, no.” You say, frowning a little and moving out of the doorway and allowing him access to your home. You don’t know why he does this, you don’t know if your dad asked him to.
You don’t think so, your dad trusts you and plus, you don’t really know Joel that well. There are other friends of your dad’s who you would be more comfortable checking in on you.
He settles himself onto the couch without permission and you watch him carefully. He reaches into his jacket and removes a small pocket flask.
“Come sit.” He beckons you to the sofa.
It’s a little unnerving, the way he comes into your home and commands the space so easily like it belongs to him.
You perch nervously on the edge of the sofa trying to keep your distance from him.
“When did your dad say he would be back?” He asks you kindly.
“Saturday at the very latest.” You respond quietly.
“And what day is it today?” He muses.
“Tuesday.” You murmur.
He hums in response.
“I know that route well.” He says. “Never known someone to take this long. It’s an easy one.”
You frown at him. Obviously, you were already aware that he was late and you are nervous about his return. You don’t know why he is telling you this, as it only serves to make you even more anxious.
He smiles at you but it doesn’t reach his eyes and is a bit unsettling. “I’m sure he’ll be back soon, honey.”
You don’t answer. He continues drinking his whiskey in your living room even though you don’t talk to him.
After a while, he gets up to leave. “You need anything?” He asks.
You do actually need more food, but you don’t want to rely on him, so you tell him no and he leaves. You would find some other way.
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Another week passes of Joel dropping in every few nights. You managed to get some rations without telling anyone that your dad was gone, as you knew that made you more vulnerable. It seemed only Joel knew you were alone.
He hadn’t brought up the topic of your dad since last time, but he did tonight.
“He been gone two weeks now, sweetheart?” His tone is like a question but he obviously already knows the answer.
You don’t answer him.
“Aren’t ya’ gettin’ worried?” He presses.
“Obviously.” You murmur back.
“What was that?” He says, turning his head. You had noticed he had a good ear and a bad ear.
“I said, obviously.” You repeat with more attitude.
He laughs a little at your tone. You don’t like the way he acts towards you a lot of the time, talking down to you or chuckling away to himself like you were a child.
“Whose gonna keep you out of trouble then, huh?” He says, taking a sip of his drink. He is always drinking.
“No one else.” You say. “He’s going to come back soon.”
He pats at your thigh. You almost shiver at the feeling. He’s never touched you before.
“Yeah. I’m sure he will, sweetheart.” He says, with that wry smile again that makes you shift nervously in your seat.
He doesn’t remove his hand from where it rests on your thigh. You sit in silence until he leaves.
You dream of him that night. You dream of the feeling of his hand touching you like that, and in other places too. In your dream, you are crushed by his scent and his heat, all overpowering and overbearing.
You wake up a little ashamed and confused.
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Nearly four weeks since your dad left, and Joel is round nearly every night. You have started to get used to his company. It’s at least a little bit of a distraction from the sadness that has enveloped you, the worry that consumes you each day for your father, the guilt and torment you experienced when you felt your hope resigning itself to grief.
Joel brings food and other small things for you, books, usually. You sit and read, and he drinks, usually in silence. It starts to become slightly comfortable. Or at least, it is no longer necessarily uncomfortable.
The next day, Joel arrives around noon with a solemn look on his face. He was supposed to be on shift burning bodies.
“I think you should sit down.” He says, guiding you by your lower back to the sofa.
You follow his instructions, crossing your legs, tucking them under you and looking at him, expectantly.
“It’s about your father, sweetheart. You know I was dealing with the bodies today. Well-“
“No.” You cry out.
He pats your head, an awkward rehearsed move that shows no compassion.
“I’m sorry.” He says, but he doesn’t sound very moved.
You wail and he sits down beside you. You feel weak as he pulls you closer to him until you’re almost on his lap. You appreciate the feeling of his arms around you, you think he really is trying to be sensitive, until you feel his erection pressing into you.
How can he possibly be having that reaction to you wailing in his arms? You try to push him away and crawl away from him but he locks his arms tighter around you, keeping you stuck there. You try to free yourself again but you hear him grunt slightly and realise that the feeling of you wriggling against him must be pleasurable.
Because of that, you resign yourself to sitting still in his lap and even let him stroke your hair and kiss your head gently. You eventually drift off to sleep, having exhausted yourself from crying.
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After that day, Joel starts coming over straight after work, not bothering to wait until its dark before joining you in the late evening.
You struggle with your grief, barely eating or sleeping. Never reading. Most days you sit near the window and just look out. Joel drinks on the sofa. Some nights he offers you food, and most nights he leads you to bed. You stay where he puts you in your room, but usually you don’t sleep.
You’re not sure when, but he starts sleeping over. First on the couch and then more often, in your father’s room.
One day you ask him why.
“You should have someone here to watch you. Keep you safe.”
“I don’t need someone to watch me. I’m not a kid.” You protest.
He looks you up and down and smiles. “Of course you’re not.”
He comes towards you and kisses your head. You have gotten used to him doing this and while you don’t like it, you don’t bother trying to avoid it any more.
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Slowly you begin to start keeping yourself busy. You start preparing food for him, just for something to do. He never thanks you verbally, but you assume that he is showing gratitude when he sits with a hand on your thigh.
One night after he eats, he offers you to drink with him. You have tasted beer before, but not whiskey. You don’t like the smell of it.
He encourages you and you eventually give in, taking a sip. It makes your throat burn and churns your stomach.
You shake your head when he offers you the glass again, but he puts it in your hand somewhat forcefully.
“Come on. It will make you feel good.” He urges.
You don’t know how that could be true but you don’t have the energy to argue so you do as he says anyway.
You continue to sip at it and force it down, pushing the glass back towards him when you are done. He fills it up.
“No.” You say, but he ignores you and slides you the now full glass again.
You haven’t been drunk before. Your dad was quite protective and would never have let you go to one of the illegal bars inside the QZ where people like him and Joel did business.
He offers you a book, and you take it. It’s a welcome distraction from the strange feeling coming over you, but you can’t really focus on the pages.
He must notice, asking you how you feel.
“Weird, I guess.” You admit.
He just nods.
“Take one of these.” He says, offering you a packet of pills from his pocket.
“No.” You say.
“It will make you focus again. It stops you from feeling weird.”
You aren’t sure how that might work but he obviously knows more about this than you and you don’t want to seem stupid so you choose to believe what he says and you take one.
He tells you to wash it down with the rest of your second glass of whisky.
After a few moments, your focus on the book is even worse. The words are blurred and you feel tired. You put it down.
“It didn’t work.” You say. Your voice sounds different, quieter.
He hums. “Strange.”
He lifts your legs and places them on his lap. Your body feels unusually pliant, like you don’t have much control over the way he moves you.
You wriggle and you feel him harden under you. You try to take your legs away but he holds an arm over them so you can’t.
His other hand moves up your leg. You are just in shorts so most of your leg is bare. His touches start gentle, drifting across your skin, almost tickling, but then he starts to grip you harder.
You can’t form words to ask him to stop, you feel like the connection between your brain and your body is broken.
He lets go of your legs and you try to move them but you don’t have any strength. His hand that is on your leg travels closer and closer to the hem of the shorts, eventually slipping under them and touching at your underwear.
You want to yell, to tell him to get off. No one has touched you like this before. But when you open your mouth only a feeble moan escapes you, and you realise you are unable to form words.
He presses at your underwear and you feel it start to dampen. It must be involuntary because you know you don’t want him touching you in this way.
You hear the sound of a buckle and look down to see that his free hand is taking off his belt and unzipping his jeans.
He takes out his cock, it is large and aggressive looking, with an angry red tip and prominent veins running down its length. It looks like a tool to cause pain, not pleasure.
He continues to touch you, only through your panties, and begins to touch himself simultaneously.
He rubs up and down the shaft of his cock roughly, and the pressure with which he is touching you becomes rougher too.
A different sensation runs through you and you look down to see that his hand has now slipped inside your underwear. You raise a hand to try and push his away, but you find your muscles are weak and you don’t succeed. Your hand falls back to your side.
He starts to grunt loudly and then something warm trickles onto your legs. It’s his cum, spurting and leaking from the tip of his cock all over you. He continues to play with your pussy for a few moments before taking his hand away.
He doesn’t bother to clean up your legs, he just supports your weight and takes you down the hall in the direction of your bedroom. He deposits you onto the bed, covers you with a blanket, and leaves.
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You couldn’t really remember what had happened that night, you just remember what felt like falling asleep on the sofa.
Joel started to be more and more close to you afterwards though, all the time. Pressing into your ass when you stood in the kitchen. Guiding you onto his lap when you were on the sofa together. Sometimes, when he took you to bed, he stayed in your room. You just accepted this new way of him behaving, you knew that without your dad here, you were powerless to stop Joel.
He tries to encourage you to drink whisky with him more often, but you refuse with more conviction now after the unusual night you feel as though you had last time.
You are reading and your eyes and head start to hurt so you put your book down.
“What’s wrong?” He says.
“Headache.” You respond, closing your eyes.
You hear him rustling in his pocket and then he offers you a pill. You shake your head.
“It’s just pain medicine.” He says. “It will help your head.”
You say no again but he goes to get you water and then hands it to you along with the pill.
“It’s just pain medicine.” He says again.
He stares at you intensely and you agree to take it. He only looks away after he sees you have swallowed it.
To be honest, he was telling the truth about the fact that it took the pain away. But it replaced it with that uncomfortable fuzzy feeling you remember from before.
The next morning, you woke up in your room alone. But you were wearing different clothes from the ones you had on last night. You try to avoid him for the rest of the day.
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One night, you have a nightmare. He storms into your room when you yell out in terror.
You find yourself apologising to him for disturbing him.
“Don’t apologise, sweetheart. I’ll stay, make sure you’re OK.”
“No, Joel, I’m fine.” You say, but he ignores you and climbs into your bed anyway.
You don’t know how long you have been sleeping when you are awoken again. He is sliding your shorts off of your legs.
“What are you doing?” You say.
“They’re uncomfortable.” He asserts.
“No, they’re not.” You respond, but he keeps going anyway, taking them all the way down your legs and then tossing them on the floor.
The length of his manhood presses into your asscheeks, now only covered in flimsy underwear. You try to ignore the feeling, especially when he locks his arm around you to try and keep you pressed closer to him and starts shifting his lower body, grinding against you.
He stops and eventually you fall asleep. Next time you wake up, it’s because he is touching you. His hand is stuffed inside your panties and he is rubbing you, sticking fingers inside you, touching you everywhere he can reach.
You say no and try to grab his wrist to take his hand away.
“Come on, baby.” He says. “I’ve got to look after you.”
You don’t know how that’s related to what he’s doing, and plus you never wanted him to ‘look after’ you anyway.
“I care for you. I go to work to bring you food. It’s only fair, come on.”
You struggle against him again but his grip is like a trap, the more you fight against it the tighter it becomes.
He starts to pinch and nip at your clit, rolling it between his thumb and finger. It’s such an intense feeling that a little cry escapes you.
He groans loudly in response to the sound you make and presses his erection harder into your ass. You feel grateful that at least he isn’t trying to put it inside you. You suppose you can put up with the touching as long as he doesn’t try that.
He takes his hand away from you and lets go of the tight grip around your middle. He takes your underwear off entirely. You try to protest but he just shushes you. He spreads your pussy and spits, a large amount of saliva landing on your folds and dripping down. It feels dirty and intimate. You didn’t want to do this with Joel, but you didn’t know how to get him to stop.
He uses his hands again, spreading the spit around as lubrication, and it made filthy sounds. He then put his fingers inside you, three long thick ones that stretched you out and hurt a little. He hammered them into you for a few moments, the force of his arm pushing you up the bed and making your shirt roll up. With his other hand, he grabbed the hem of your shirt and pushed it up roughly to expose your breasts. You weren’t wearing a bra and he stared at your nakedness, his mouth falling open and his eyes grew heavy and hooded as he looked at you. He was rubbing at his own cock through his boxers.
He started to play with one of your breasts, twisting and pinching at your nipple. It hurt a little and you squirmed, you don’t know if he saw that as a sign of pleasure or pain, but he kept doing it anyway.
With his other hand he started applying pressure to your clit, rubbing in circles. Then he let go of your breast and took his cock out from his boxers, you looked away. He grabbed your chin and forced your gaze back in his direction.
He fisted himself and continued to rub at your clit and finger you. It didn’t feel good but your body was having it’s own reaction, a knot of tension building inside of you that you had felt yourself a few times but never with someone else.
You couldn’t help but start to pant and whine a little as the feeling started to overwhelm you. This emboldened him and he paid more attention to the hand that was on you, rubbing your clit vigorously, making you clench and shake under him.
You wished you could stop it from feeling good, you wished you could inhibit your body’s natural reactions as you knew if he got any sign that you enjoyed this that he would start to do it more frequently.
But you couldn’t stop that tension building low in your stomach, your legs seizing up and then it snapped with a cry and you felt your orgasm coming over you.
You clenched around the fingers he had inside you, gripping them tightly. He grunted and spilled his load of cum all over your stomach and cunt.
He plays with it a little, spreading it all over you. You find it disgusting and a little animalistic. You try to get up to leave and clean yourself off but he grips you tightly and doesn’t let you get out of bed.
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Joel does this with you twice more before trying anything else. You had grown numb to it and let him do as he pleased without protest. You started to believe him when he said he deserved to get to do this because he earns you your rations and brings you things he trades especially for you. His gifts become more valuable, rarer items like scented soaps, even a perfume.
You know he is trying to earn your favour, that there is no real kindness in his actions, but you do start to appreciate them for some reason.
He has taken to sleeping with you every night now. On the nights when he doesn’t touch you, he usually holds onto you and jerks off, sometimes when you are awake and other times when you are sleeping and you only notice in the morning.
He tells you off for wasting water when you try and wash the sheets every day.
You are both still a little damp from showering, his curls slicked back with water and your wet hair splayed out on the pillow beneath you. You lie there as he kisses and licks at your neck, chest and stomach. He starts to go lower, putting his hands to your underwear. You reach out to push him away but he lets out a disgruntled sound, practically a growl, so you stay still again.
He takes off your underwear and then his own, and situates himself between your legs. You try not to look at him as he ducks his head down between your legs, his stubble burning your legs as he inhales your scent deeply and licks at your inner thighs. He has never used his mouth on you before and you try to squeeze your legs together to stop him, but his hands reach up to pin your legs down and keep them spread.
He kisses and licks at your cunt hungrily. When you reach out to push his head away, he gives a harsh slap to your clit and you cry out, so you stay still and let him continue his actions.
After a while, he uses his fingers. It hurts less than usual, but you still don’t like it. Then, impatiently, he stops and moves up, positioning his cock between your legs.
He starts to grind it against your cunt, gathering up all the wetness and then rubbing it down his shaft. He nudges it at your entrance and your hands fly out to his chest to try and push him away.
“No, I’ve never- I don’t-“ You begin to protest, but he interrupts you.
“That’s a good thing, sweetheart. You’ve saved yourself for someone who cares about you.” He says.
You think the opposite, but he pins your hands above your head and continues to massage your folds with the head of his cock. You are worried that if he does this, it will somehow connect you to him forever.
When he breaches your entrance, it hurts. The stretch is unlike anything you have ever felt and you don’t like it. You feel tears forming in your eyes as he continues to push in, forcing you open.
As one rolls down your cheek, he leans down and licks it. He is grinning. He likes that he has made you cry.
You focus hard on not crying so he can’t enjoy it, holding your breath and trying to withhold your tears. But this makes you wrack with a sob, his pace increasing furiously.
He watches in delight as you cry and sniffle. Everything about this is wrong. It hurts as his stubble scratches at you when he leans in close, the force of his cock driving into you is too harsh, the grip of his hands on you is too rough.
He indulges selfishly in his own pleasure and it hurts. You assume he likes the sounds you make so you try to be as quiet as you can. The only sounds are his grunts and the wet skin slapping together.
You expect him to pull out eventually and jerk off onto you like usual, but it goes on and on and he doesn’t stop. He becomes particularly forceful and then stops suddenly with a loud groan and you feel his warm hot cum releasing inside of you.
You cry, understanding what he has done.
He rolls off of you and you lie in silence for a while.
“Can I ask you something, Joel?”
“What is it?” He says, uninterested.
“If my dad died out on the supply run, how’d they have his body here. Don’t they only have people who die inside the QZ.”
He flashes that wry expression. That deceiving smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. That unnerving, cold look that still makes your skin crawl.
“I don’t know, sweetheart. I don’t have all the answers.”
Something in your gut tells you not to believe him. You start to wonder if your dad had made it back, after all, and met his fate inside the walls of the QZ.
There would be no way for you to find out.
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A/N: Thanks for reading!
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writebackatya · 10 months
McDuck Family Members Most Likely to Start Sh*t at Thanksgiving Dinner
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Ah Thanksgiving. The holiday celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November (in America that is), one with food, family, and celebrating what we’re thankful for! (Wanna feel bad? Learn about the holiday’s origins!)
And no family is quite as big as the found family from DuckTales; so arguments are bound to happen at a dinner table filled with so many zany characters with interesting pasts and quirks. Let’s honor those who would throw the first punch at a family dinner, shall we?
Bentina Beakley
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I wanna cut Beakley some slack. She most likely had a long day before dinner even started what with all the preparations she did for dinner. Not just cooking for 20+ family members plus other side/recurring characters but also the cleaning and presentation
But let’s face it. This woman can be so condescending at times. And judgmental. You just know if someone is showing up to dinner wearing jeans and sweater she’d have something to say about it. And she strikes me as someone who would slam the dishes while cleaning them only for someone to say, “Hey Beakley do you need help with the dishes?” and then she’d be like “No. It’s fine. I got them”
But it’s not fine. Go help her with the dishes. She deserves a break
Dewey Duck
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When I was first thinking about this list I originally thought “No way any of the triplets would start anything on Thanksgiving” Huey is a good boy and Louie would definitely take it easy on a day where you’re legally allowed to sit around, be lazy, and eat food. But then I remembered Dewey and how much of a diva he can be
We know Dewey is an entertainer and with everyone coming to dinner, he has a huge “captive” audience that he can perform for. Whether it be an original Thanksgiving song, a one man Dewey show about the first Thanksgiving, a sonnet about a bonnet, or a very special Thanksgiving episode of Dewey Dew-Night; that kid will want all the attention in him. And the very second the spotlight is taken off, oh boy…
Gladstone Gander
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Look at this prick. Don’t you wanna slap his face!?!Anyway I love Gladstone Gander, but he’s the kind of family member that just would go on and on about himself and bring every conversation back to him again and how great his life is
That’s great Gladstone. Happy for you, the rest of us have to pay for our sushi but cool. Glad your good luck is really paying off, jerk
But honestly. It’s his tone. It’s the kind of tone that gives off that he knows he’s starting shit but won’t admit it
Goldie O’Gilt
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I mean, it’s Goldie. What else can I say?
Gandra Dee
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Oh man. There’s so many different ways controversy would start with this morally gray ex-FOWL agent and I’m here for it. Let’s face it, out of all the characters present, Gandra Dee would most likely be the one to bring up the holiday’s horrible origins. If anyone is making it their duty to make a rich white family uncomfortable on Thanksgiving, it’s Gandra Dee
She’d get political and even directly ask Scrooge who exactly he voted for in the past two Presidential elections (he claims to be progressive, but he’s still the richest duck in the world. Just how many tax cuts is this man getting to keep that status?)
Oh and what about the treatment of her overwork and underpaid boyfriend? Why is he still working in the bathroom?
Oddly enough, I can see her and Scrooge bonding over a mutual disdain for Gladstone Gander. What a prick
Kit Cloudkicker
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It’s not that exactly what Kit does that’ll start a fight, but what he doesn’t do.
Kit is the kinda guy that was supposed to bring a dessert but totally forgot to pick something up from the bakery so instead he’s stopping at the gas station on the way to dinner to pick up some Twinkies
Kit is the kinda guy that would “take a walk” before dinner and not do anything to hide the scent and now all the kids are wondering how a skunk got inside
Gyro Gearloose
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It’s Gyro. Something is bound to piss him off at some point
Doofus Drake
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I am so tired of the fandom not including Doofus in this found family (Louie and him made up and are friends now and BOYD is his brother, sorry it’s canon) so he’s here on the list
But he’s still a new addition to this family. And a weirdo and a rich brat with a lot of issues that someone should seriously help him with. He’s gonna make everyone uncomfortable. Is it intentional? Or is he just being Doofus? Who knows
What I do know is this, don’t eat the dish he brought.
Della, Donald, and Scrooge!
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The original three!
These three are responsible for splitting up the family in the first place so it’s no surprise that they’re number one on this list!!
Yes they’ve squashed their beef with one another and moved past the Spear of Selene, but they are still themselves
The ones most likely to start shit over the dumbest things
These three are going to be bickering over who should carve the turkey. And the argument will be so loud and hectic that no one will question why a bunch of birds are eating a turkey
Anyway, hope you enjoyed this list. It wasn’t meant to slander any characters, just did it for fun. Happy Thursday everyone.
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cerise-on-top · 5 months
hi I saw you did a fluff alphabet already for captain Price for some one else but Can I request more letters? you Can pick! sorry for the Bad English and stuff by the way, Its not my first language :)
Hey there! Don't worry, your English is fine! And sure I can :>
Fluff Alphabet for Price 2
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Price is definitely the more dominant person in your relationship. Sure, he could always just sit back and let you do things, but he’s just so used to taking the wheel at his job that he just subconsciously does it at home and with you as well. Will always choose where to go to eat, will always help you in the bath with washing your back and whatnot, will often tell you what he wants you to do. In his case, though, he will reward you for listening to him. For example, he’ll give you a kiss on your forehead, cuddle with you on the couch or try to make your favorite food. He actually does enjoy being the more dominant person in your relationship.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Kind of? He trusts you enough to know that you mean no harm when you’re getting friendly with someone else, most of the time you’re just being polite. So, usually he has no problem ignoring it. But if he’s had a bad day and just wants to have you around him, with your attention solely on him, then he’ll get jealous very easily. Price will become a bit more touchy with you then, putting his arm around your waist, maybe even trying to scare the other person off. Once you’re home you’ll have enough time to get changed into some more comfortable clothes before he just plops down on top of you. Demands you pay attention to him. Scratch his scalp and he’ll calm down more quickly, though.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
He’s not too bad at kissing. There have been plenty of people who have wanted to be with him since he’s a good man. A handsome one too. He’s had a few flings here and there as well, so he’s had his fair share of practice before. Although he’s usually composed when it comes to things like this, he was pretty nervous during your first kiss together. He made it quite obvious that he wanted to kiss you by putting his forehead against yours at first and asking you if you were okay with it. The kiss didn’t last too long, nor was it too intense. It was pleasant and just right. It was the confidence boost he needed to continue kissing you.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
He wouldn’t really beat around the bush too much. If he really likes you then he’ll just make it known. If you reciprocate or just say yes, then that’s great. If you don’t then he’ll just move on. He’s got better things to do than be a lovesick fool, after all. Would ask you to meet up with him at a nice place, maybe even the place you first met if it wasn’t on a mission, and confess to you there. He may know that he shouldn’t really “purchase” you with gifts, but he’ll get you a small gift anyway. Nothing too big, just something small that you can remember him by.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
It’s kind of obvious, actually. Especially to the people, who know him well enough. He becomes touchy with you. It’s not too much, and you could always just ask him to either tone it down or downright stop, but for the time being he will touch you. Just his hand on your arm, on your shoulder or your back. He is a bit touchy with his soldiers too, yes, but just a tad bit more with you. That’s why he doesn’t even notice it until someone points it out to him. His tone is also much gentler with you than it is with others. Plus he’s also more prone to praising you. It’s kind of embarrassing once he notices, but he can’t really correct that behavior either.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Once you’ve been together for some time, he knows you pretty well. He, too, is a pretty observant man. Plus he loves you, so why wouldn’t he want to watch you like a hawk? Is also pretty good at remembering things, so if you’ve mentioned something a few months, or even years, ago, then he’ll remember. This is a good and bad thing because he sometimes will tease you about it when he feels playful. Price can be a pretty empathetic man, especially towards his loved ones. Sure, he can turn that empathy off if he needs to, but he prefers to feel what you’re feeling so he can help you better.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
If you complain about the stench of him smoking then he’ll actually try to tone it down a little bit. Sure, he likely won’t ever be able to stop entirely, but he’ll smoke a little bit less for you. You expressing concern for his health because of it would actually be a motivator for him to stop entirely. But he really needs it since his job is very demanding and stressful. However, you’re pretty much the only person who gets away with hiding his cigars. Everyone else will get an earful or punished, but not you. You will get an exasperated sigh and a “Love, where did you put them this time?” He will complain to you about how expensive his cigars are and how you shouldn’t waste them like that.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Yes, Price is a cuddler at heart. I know I said he’s the dominant person in your relationship, but he really doesn’t mind being cuddled either. In fact, he loves it. Doesn’t matter who’s cuddling who, doesn’t matter what position you’re in, he’s at ease as long as he gets to touch you somehow. However, if you’re not into it, then he can tone it down a little bit, he’s a mature adult, after all. Will still want to hold your hand from time to time, though. And he does love kisses as well. Loves to tease you by kissing the corner of your mouth, just so you’ll pout and ask him to kiss you properly. Whenever he feels like sleeping in you can actually get him to get up by promising him kisses. Tell him that sleepyheads get no kissies and he’ll be up fairly quickly.
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ot8archivesblog · 10 months
Stray Kids Sick Prompt
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꒰ ͜͡➸ Pairing: ot8 x Reader
꒰ ͜͡➸ Genre: Fluff, skz taking care of reader, mentions of sickness, mentions of throwing up, a lot of cuddling, everyone being just adorable and cute, established relationship, I hope you'll love it!! <3
꒰ ͜͡➸ w/c: 3,4k
꒰ ͜͡➸ Masterlist
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Chan is normally extremely engrossed in his work. He rarely takes a day off and when he does, he mostly spends it with you. You always knew this, what you also knew however, was that Chan would always put you first, like he did now. “Baby, are you sure you’re okay? Should I get you something else?”, he looked at you, the worry in his eyes barely concealed. You just shook your head. It was one of the rare occasions that you were sick. Chan had immediately put work aside and made sure that you were warm and doing okay. Which resulted in you lying on the couch, surrounded by a lot of pillows and warm blankets. He even brought heating pads and ordered your favourite food. Your favourite show was currently on TV but you couldn’t really focus on anything but your worrying boyfriend. He always worried too much. “I’m fine Chan, I really am.” “You don’t look fine.”, he sighed as he sat down next to you so you could cuddle into his side, but you didn’t. You tried to keep as much distance as possible, which only made him raise a brow. “Baby? You okay?”, Chan knew you loved his hugs and cuddles. You always told him that. So of course he’d be confused as to why you’re not immediately jumping into his embrace. “I don’t want you to get sick too.”, you pout. Chan only shook his head, pulling you into his embrace. “I’ll be fine. Plus we’re living in the same apartment anyway, so this won’t change anything.”, he muttered softly after securing you in his warm embrace. Your back was on his chest, while you two watched the show that was currently on TV. The food had also arrived already so you were enjoying a nice evening
Even though many say that Minho seems mean or cold, the people who really paid attention to him knew that wasn’t true. He was one of the most caring and sweet people on earth and it always showed. You were just talking on the phone with him. He was still at practice with the other members, but he felt that something was weird with how you responded to his text, so he wanted to call and make sure you’re okay. So you tried your best to not cough or appear sick in any type of way, as you knew that he would immediately come back home. “Jagi, something doesn’t seem right. Are you feeling sick?” “No, why?”, your lie was caught quickly as you couldn’t hold back a cough. “You’re sick? You seemed fine this morning?”, you could hear the other members around him and his worried voice. “I’m fine. It’s just a little cough.” “Sure?” “And a little fever but nothing more.”, he didn’t even let you finish when he started to pack up his things, apologising to the others, who obviously didn’t mind and left the studio. “I’m coming home now. Do you need me to pick something up on the way?”, you sighed. “You didn’t have to leave early because of me.” “It’s fine. I’ll get your favourite food and then I’ll be home in a bit.” It didn’t take long for him to be back home, immediately making his way to the living room as he heard the TV was on. He put the food on the table and made his way to you, to check on your condition. “You’re burning up, Jagi. That’s not a little fever.”, he raised a brow but didn’t scold you as he took the food out of the bag and went to your room to get more blankets. After turning you into a burrito he finally sat down next to you and gave you your portion of the food, before taking his. “Thank you.” “Of course, next time don’t lie. Your health is more important than practice.”, he ruffled up your hair softly before you two started eating and talking about your days.
Changbin spent most of his time in the GYM and he also got rarely sick, as he took a lot of care of his health. He seemed like someone who wouldn’t know what to do with a cold, however someone couldn’t be more wrong. As always, he was currently at the GYM with Chan and Minho. Your fever was pretty high but you didn’t want to worry him because you thought that it would go down by itself. However, when you started to throw up you couldn't hold back any longer and called Changbin. “Angel, is everything okay?”, he knew you’d normally never call while you knew that he was in the GYM. He mostly kept his phone on silence but you were one of the contacts who could still call. “Not really.”, your voice sounded weakened, which immediately worried Changbin. He stopped the workout he was working on. “I’m coming home. Do you need me to get you anything?” “Something against throwing up maybe?” “You threw up?! Angel, why are you calling only now?”, you could hear that he was now packing up his things faster, only shouting a quick goodbye to the boys before he left the studio. “I’ll be home in a few, please hold on!”, he ended the call after your confirmation and arrived home after only 10 minutes, making you wonder if he ran all the way home. “Angel?”, he kicked his shoes off and immediately walked to the bathroom after you called out to him. “Why are you sitting here?” “I’m scared to go to the living room because I could throw up…” Changbin nodded and picked you up easily, walking to the living room and sitting you down on the couch. He brought a bucket, leaving it next to the couch and took out a little bag with medicine. “I told the lady at the pharmacy what your symptoms were and got everything she suggested… I panicked.” You couldn’t help but chuckle at his behaviour, while leaning against him softly. You were exhausted due to all the throwing up. Changbin read through the different descriptions and then decided on one of those and you took it. He brought a few pillows and blankets, making it cozy for you before he went to the kitchen to order some stuff as he didn’t want to leave you for long. After the food arrived he settled next to you, pulling you closer to him so you could lean against him while you ate the food together.
Saying Hyunjin was dramatic was sometimes not doing him justice. He certainly was dramatic and sometimes even too much, but that was what you loved about him. He was often like that because he cared a lot. The last few months he started spending a lot of time with 3Racha in the Studio and you were immensely proud of him because of it. He had always wanted to sit there with them and produce music and you were so happy for him that it had worked out. He became immersed into writing, like he does with painting. He was very passionate about both, but he was also passionate about you and he tried to never let you forget that even though he had a busy schedule. It was rather late into the night when you became sick. A fever making its way through your system and it didn’t take long unless you had to throw up. Hyunjin still hadn’t come back, so you figured he was still in the studio. You didn’t want to disturb him, as you didn’t know if he was currently in a flow he shouldn’t be stopped at. You knew he wouldn’t be mad at you but you still felt bad. So you were relieved when you heard the door open only a few minutes after your dilemma. Hyunjin came into the room, smiling at you the moment your eyes met, however it didn’t stay for long. “Sunshine, are you okay? You look sick?”, he immediately came closer and cupped your face in his hands, paying close attention to every detail. “You’re pale.” “I’m not feeling too well.” “Since when? Why didn’t you call me? You have a fever! Did you throw up? Is the fever high? Do we have to go to the hospital? Let me call Chan-Hyung.” “Jinnie.”, I stopped him and shook my head. “I’m fine. I threw up but it’s not too bad. I haven’t looked at my temperature yet but it shouldn’t be so bad.” “How can you know it’s not bad if you haven’t looked?” He immediately got up from the bed, after tucking you in again and went to get the thermometer. He only calmed down when he noticed that the temperature really wasn’t too high. “Let me go find something that you can take for your nausea.” He came back in a few minutes and brought a pill for you to take. After that he snuggled in next to you, holding you close against his chest. “Next time you’ll immediately call me or I’ll install cameras so that I always know how you’re doing.” He pouted. “It really started a little before you came back.” You chuckled softly but Hyunjin’s playful pout didn’t leave his lips. 
Jisung was probably the funniest and easiest person to be around. There wasn’t a moment he didn’t manage to make you laugh, but that wasn’t the only thing about Jisung you loved. There were moments not many knew about, where Han would talk about his worries and feelings. He was a very soft person who could get hurt easily. Many people saw his insecurities but he always tried to mask them behind his carefree character. “Darliiiing, I haven’t heard your voice in a while. How is my favourite person.”, you could hear the members protest in the back and couldn’t help but laugh. It was always funny listening to their bickering. Though you couldn’t completely enjoy it this time. Your head was hurting rather bad and you weren’t feeling fine at all, but you also didn’t want to worry Jisung. He always got extremely anxious and worried when you got sick. “I’m doing fine. What about you?” Your voice was slightly hoarse because of all the coughing and Jisung picked up on that. He was very perceptive. “Are you sure you’re okay? You don’t sound okay.” His voice got quiet as he was afraid his loud voice could hurt you, because he didn’t know what was going on yet. “It’s fine really. My head is just hurting a bit. No need to worry.” “You sure? You did seem a bit warm this morning… I’m coming home.” You knew there was no way to change his mind after he made it up. He was worried now and he wouldn’t be able to focus on anything else until he knew that you really were okay. He ended the call afterwards, packing his things and getting ready to leave. It didn’t take him long to arrive home and your fears came true. He had a big bag in his hand as he entered the living room. “So I didn’t really know what you’d need so I got different types of food, medicine and drinks. Whatever you feel like, I think I got everything here.” “Sungie, I’m not pregnant, I’m sick. So I’m not really craving any food in particular.” You chuckle as you look at your worried boyfriend. After taking some medicine, Jisung made it cozy on the couch for both of you so that you could enjoy some TV together while snacking on the things that he had brought with him.
If anyone thought that Felix was the cutest angel ever send down to earth, than you could certainly confirm that. There was not a person cuter than Felix in your eyes. He was always thoughtful and perceptive whenever something was going on, so it was obvious that he wouldn’t miss you feeling unwell. “Are you sure you’re feeling okay? You were a little warm this morning as well.” “I was probably like that because I had just woken up, don’t worry too much Lixie, I’m okay.” You replied. He had called a few hours after he had left for the studio. You knew he’d be worried, since he didn’t even want to leave in the morning after noticing that your temperature was slightly different than normally, but you had convinced him that it was nothing. “I don’t know. Can you go look at your temperature, please? I won’t feel at ease unless I know you’re okay.” You agreed with him and after doing as he said, you noticed that it was slightly higher than you had expected. The silence worried Felix even more. “Love, is everything alright? What does the thermometer say?” You figured lying to him wouldn’t make this better so you told him the truth. “I figured. I’ll be there in 10.” With that he cut the call short, not leaving you any time to protest, as he knew that you would. He arrived in exactly 10 minutes and hugged you, kissing your forehead softly. “Let me make something for you, while you take your medicine and relax and then we can watch your favourite show together. Sounds like a plan?” You nodded and after making sure you were comfortable and warm on the couch, meaning after he covered you with a million blankets and set a million pillows around you, he left for the kitchen. “You don’t have to make anything fancy. You just came home from practice. I’m sure you're tired too!” You called out to him, worried that he might overdo it with the cooking again. “Don’t worry, I’m never too tired from cooking.” He replied quickly, leaving you no time to worry. After another 20 minutes he emerged from the kitchen with food that didn’t only smell heavenly but also looked like it. He sat down next to you, already putting on your favourite show to watch, while you two ate in mostly silence. You snuggled up against him and he smiled softly before the alarm on his phone went off around 30 minutes into the series. “Something wrong?” You asked, worried that it might have to do with him leaving the studio early. He only shook his head and went to the kitchen, returning with a batch of brownies. “Oh no, Lixie you didn’t have to!” Of course you, like everyone else, loved his brownies. But he had already worked hard enough today. “I was planning on making them anyway, so don’t worry too much and let’s just enjoy them while they’re still warm.”
Seungmin’s and your relationship was always full of playful banter and insults, as you both knew that you love each other a lot and never take any of those things serious. Even though many would call that mean or weird, neither of you would care. However, what not many people saw of Seungmin, was that he was extremely caring and careful, when it was only the two of you. This was even more noticeable when you were sick. “I’m calling the boys, I’m not going to the studio today.” He declared and took out his phone. “Minnie, I’m fine really. You don’t have to worry about me.” “You just threw up? I’m not leaving. What kind of boyfriend would I be, to just leave you alone.” “But your comeback is soon.” “Soon. That means most things are already done and one day of missing practice won’t be the end of the world. Now stop worrying your head over this and lie back down.” It was a demand and you knew it. Seungmin wasn’t one to argue with, when it was about your health and well-being. You lied back down, while he called the boys. After a few minutes he returned with a heating pad and tea. “Drink this, it will help and you’ll probably get cold in a bit so keep this close as well.” “Where are you going?” “To the store, to get some things. By the way, the boys also hope you’ll feel better soon.” You smiled at that, before Seungmin left the room. He was right, after a few minutes you started to feel cold and you were very grateful for the heating pad which kept you warm. The tea was also a great help for your sore throat and your cough died down while drinking the tea. It didn’t take long for Seungmin to get back either, entering the room with a little back. “So I got snacks which help when you’re throwing up and some medicine which you should take now. I’ll make you some soup now as well and then we can watch something if you want to.” “You don’t have to.” “I know that I don’t have to.” He shrugged and left the bag with you, before he left for the kitchen. It didn’t take him long to return to your shared bedroom, with a tray of soup and little sweets. “Only if you feel like it. I know you love sweet stuff after taking in medicine but don’t risk it, if you’re feeling nauseous.” You nodded and took the medicine, taking only a small chocolate to not risk throwing up again. After that Seungmin sat down next to you, holding you close while you watched something on TV.
You had always heard the rumour that Jeongin doesn’t like physical contact but you had never experienced it. Around you, he was always clingy and loved hugging or cuddling, so you figured either the members made it up or he was just shy around them or maybe they were just too clingy for him. However, Jeongin got even more clingy when you got sick, which was very contra-productive as you were afraid that he could get sick as well. This time was no exception. “Innie, you really shouldn’t be so close to me.” “Why not? We live together, if you’re sick, I’m gonna get sick eventually.” “Yeah, but we don’t have to speed up the process.” His pout was just the cutest and it always made you melt. “Shouldn’t you be in the studio anyway?” “I told the boys you’re sick and that I won’t be coming.” You had figured he would do this. It’s not like you didn’t want him around. You just feared that he would get sick as well and you hated it when Jeongin was sick. “I’ll order some food for you, or no wait, I’ll go to the store and get you medicine and food. how does that sound?” His questioning gaze made your heart melt and you just nodded. Even though Innie mostly looked cute in your eyes, there were many moments where you wouldn’t consider him “cute”. It didn’t take long for him to come back with three small bags. “What did you get?” You figured he wouldn’t keep his shopping tour “small”. Innie never did. “Well I didn’t know what you’re craving so I just got everything I thought you might want.” He put the bags down on the bed and you looked through the stuff he had brought. It was mostly food that needed to be heated up, but some sweets and snacks had also found their way into the bags. “I also got us bubble tea.” He stood up from the bed and went to get them from the fridge. After both of you decided on something to eat, he went to heat it up, while you set up Netflix to watch a movie or series. It didn’t take long for him to come back, setting everything on a little table which you could put on the bed. He then snuggled close to you, holding you softly in his arms while you enjoyed the movie, food and snacks. However, your fears came true when the next day, you woke up completely better, but Jeongin woke up with a fever.
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lemon-natalia · 3 months
Nona the Ninth Reaction - Chapter 15
i am very concerned about everything going on with Hot Sauce right now. she knows something is up with Angel, she was at the burnings, she’s looking out of the window for something. i really hope she hasn’t gotten caught up in anything to do with BoE, or some other kind of conflict, i don’t think it will end well for her 
once again i adore the dynamics at play here with Hot Sauce’s little gang. and once again something that is written in a way that makes it initially funny but becomes very sad when you think about it, Honesty doesn’t take the painkillers for his black eye so that he can sell them
Angel is getting progressively more tired and less put together, and was dropped off by someone in a car - i wonder if this has anything to do with when she had mentioned being not quite a doctor, potentially she was some kind of medic in a military context? also i initially make short comments in physical handwriting on my copies before typing them up, and no joke it took me a good five minutes plus rereading all the descriptions of Angel so far to realise that i had written the word ‘doctor’ and not something unintelligible like ‘cleerr’ 
no-one coming to pick Nona up is somehow incredibly ominous, i have a very bad feeling about it given we last saw Camilla and Pyrrha tied up in a BoE van, with no guarantee they made it back 
oh and we have what is possibly an actual name for Angel, Aim. though Aim could still be a nickname for something else 
there’s a lot of mentions of food so far, and what Nona does/doesn’t want to eat. Nona only seems to hate eating actual food, and is fine with eating objects e.g., a pencil, which makes me wonder if thats somehow linked to chapter 7, where Nona mentions being hungry in the dream. and wayyy back in John 20:8 he talks about he and mysterious-Halecto-narrator being hungry ‘rarely’. 
huh, i wonder why Nona is so insistent that Hot Sauce shouldn’t use the term necromancers? ‘zombie’ i can understand, but even Gideon (and Harrow i think?) use the term necromancers and it doesn’t seem to be anything rude. unless it’s a slightly different term with different meanings in whatever language Hot Sauce/the whole city is speaking 
Nona and Hot Sauce are being very quiet and secretive talking about BoE, so it seems to be not quite as open a topic as i had thought. and given that Hot Sauce likely isn't involved with BoE given her apparent dislike of them, i hope she hasn't gotten involved with someone worse or more dangerous
and poor Hot Sauce, she’s seen an awful lot. i can understand why she hates necromancers so much, the description of how they used exploding bodies as lures is just horrifying 
not ‘The Secret’™. i wonder if its about the fact that she can hear the RB? but then Hot Sauce makes a comment about the ‘organ market’ … i’m guessing it has to do with the little mentions of how Nona is unhealthy in some way. and it’s not good that apparently she really doesn’t want to admit it to anyone else, not even Palamedes who could possibly help
Nona’s relationship with Hot Sauce is really very sweet, but given the reality of what/who Nona is vs how much Hot Sauce despises necromancy to the point of calling the BoE ‘zombie lovers’, i’m very worried about what’s going to happen to them in the future
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immasock · 8 months
Hi, its me again
I was wondering if you could do a platonic relationship with Luke and what the other characters react to that because they are like not very similar ig (also im sorry if this is too much)
It’s been god knows how long and I don’t really play either game anymore but I’m back and I’m doing all of the requests in my drafts
Also I wasn’t sure if you meant Child!MC or Adult!MC so I went with Child!MC. If you want me to do Adult!MC I will gladly do that tho. This one was fun
Platonic!Luke + Child!MC who aren’t very similar
Pronouns: They/Them
MC and Luke. The best of buddies. How? No one knows. Opposites attract, I guess
Luke has always been very energetic, loud, opinionated, and cheerful. Overall a joy to be around
MC on the other hand. Very much keeps to themselves. Doesn’t really speak up, is kind of a chronic people pleaser, and it’s rare you ever see them smile. Not that they’re upset, they just don’t smile often
Luke and MC are pure opposites, but somehow their friendship works
Well for starters
He already likes them more
They’re quiet, they don’t cause much trouble, they do as he asks
They’re easy to manage
Plus them not being an angel doesn’t hurt
He was a little surprised that MC and Luke seemed to get along so well, but kids will be kids and honestly, as long as it doesn’t mean more paperwork for him, he doesn’t care
It is a little nice to see MC enjoying themselves tho
I think that Mammon would still attach himself to this MC pretty quickly
They’re a people pleaser and so it’s likely that they would go along with his schemes pretty easily
Plus they’re a great listener and we all know Mams needs someone to listen to him without being an asshole
New friend
Mammon already acts like an older brother to Luke so I’m sure he wouldn’t mind doing that for MC too
He’s overall just happy that the two of them are getting along and that they have someone to hang out with when he’s off doing something else
I can’t see him caring all that much to be honest
I think he’d prefer MC over Luke at the beginning, mostly just because they’re not likely to cause a mess in his room
But he ends up adoring both of them of course
In his own way
I can see him being a little jealous at how quickly the two of them clicked
Not because he wants to be besties with Luke or MC
But because it was so fast and came so naturally
He wants a friendship like that
So I think he’d be kinda salty for a while
But eventually he’d get over it once he starts getting closer to the two of them himself
This man does not give two shits imma be honest
Don’t get me wrong
He likes MC and all
They’re a great reading buddy
But, the way he sees it, why would he care about two kids being friends?
I mean, it’s interesting to observe
They’re so different, they don’t have anything in common
And yet they’re still close friends
But other than some slight intrigue over the dynamic regardless of the differences between the two, he doesn’t pay much mind to it
He’s obsessed
He already thinks MC is the cutest little thing and so when he sees them with Luke, he thinks it’s too cute
They’re just adorable together, yknow?
How could he not
MC is basically the brothers younger sibling
And Asmo knows that MC is very reserved and quiet
So seeing them come out of their shell a little and have fun with Luke?
Melts his heart
I feel like he’d take a bunch of videos to show his brothers cause look how cute this kid is
I feel like Beel would be another that was just happy that MC has a friend
He’s really that supportive older brother type that’s just happy you’re happy
Plus MC can help Luke make him treats
He’s not complaining
Beel would be happy that MC has a friend they’re so close to, but otherwise he’s got other things to be doing
It’s not that he doesn’t care, he does
He’s just got practice to go to and food to eat
He’s a busy boy
Once again
Just like Satan
This man does not give two shits
He likes MCs personality a bit better at the beginning tho
Cause like
He’s already pissed that he’s gotta spend time with a human
So he doesn’t need one that’s always super extroverted and loud and cheerful
He appreciates that if he’s gotta deal with a human, at least this one can chill the fuck out
They would honestly make a decent nap buddy once MC and Belphie start getting closer
He’s another puppy dog type
He’s really just excited that they’re here and that they’ve made a friend so quickly
After all, he doesn’t want them to feel alone down in the devildom
I feel like he would try to make the two of them have little tea parties with him
Luke and MC look like they’re having fun and he wants to be included too
Really, he’s got much more important things to be doing
He’s got a castle to run and a prince to watch over
I feel like he would happily schedule the tea parties that Diavolo wants to have with the two of them tho
Him and Simeon give off dads scheduling playdates for their kids vibes
He would absolutely be sure to make you both little treats tho
When I tell you that this man is so hyped
His son has a friend
He could not be happier
He is more than happy to let you both spend all the time you want together
He’s a little confused since you both are drastically different
But who is he to complain?
Luke has a friend
Really just a supportive dad
I love Solomon
He’s my wife
But I feel like he would be the type to view the two of them as some sort of lab rats
Or at least
He would try
Simeon, Lucifer and Barbatos would put a stop to that before it could start
No way in hell are they letting Solomon fuck with these kids
He’s a little shit and I love him dearly
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minniesmutt · 7 months
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☾ ━━━ CONTENT: MENTION OF FOOD, DRINKING, UNESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIP, CURSING, ORAL [ M. REC], PUBLIC SETTING, IMPLIED MORE ☾ ━━━ WC: 1.4K ☾ ━━━ 18+ work!! minors and ageless/blank blogs DNI! you will be blocked, put an indicator on your blog somewhere that you are 18+ before interacting with this work/blog ☾ ━━━ a repost from my old blog
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     Y/n was not a morning person, at all. She hated waking up early in the morning. Thankful for her later shifts at the shop. She rubbed her eyes and looked around her room. No physical sign of Changbin but she heard some noise in her kitchen. She grabbed his shirt from last night, throwing it on before heading out of the room.
     Changbin saw her come around the corner and offered her a smile. “Hope you don’t mind I took over your kitchen.”
     “‘S fine. More surprised you’re still here,” Y/n said as she hopped onto her counter.
     “Why wouldn’t I?”
     “Not a lot of guys do in my experience.” Y/n shrugged and he walked over and stood between her legs
     “You just hook up with dicks that can’t get you off,” He said, wrapping his arms around her waist, “Plus it would make things awkward at work I think.”
     “True. Might be a bit awkward that I’ve fucked the boss,” Y/n sighed
     “No one’s going to care. Our last receptionist was sleeping with an artist that left and none of us batted an eye.” Changbin shrugged
     “What happened with them?”
     “He went to a different shop closer to his home and she got her dream job. Don’t think they’re still together though.”
     “Huh, good for them.” Y/n smiled.
     Changbin went back to cooking them breakfast as Y/n made them some coffee. The two sat and ate before Changbin got dressed and left. Y/n reluctantly gave him his shirt back so he could leave. But he promised to text her later and he’d see her at the shop. Y/n saw him off and cleaned up her apartment. Having some chores and errands to get done while she had time off.
     Changbin did make good on his promise of texting her later. Just a casual check-up to see how she was doing and remind her to eat turned into random conversations. Genuinely getting to know each other. Y/n sat down on her couch, smiling at her phone before one of her girlfriends texted her, asking if she wanted to have a movie night. Y/n couldn’t say no to that and took a quick shower put on some pajamas and headed to her friend’s place.
     “Hey,” the girl greeted her friend
     “Hey,” Y/n smiled
     The two sat on the couch with food and drinks and tried to find something to watch. Finally deciding on something after what seemed like forever, Y/n looked at her phone. 
     “Don’t tell me fuck face texted you,” Her friend sighed
     “No, I told him to fuck off. Someone else,” Y/n said as she picked up her phone to answer the text.
     “Thank god. Who’s the new guy?” She asked as the movie started
     “It’s my boss,” Y/n said
     “So not a new hook-up?”
     “We went out last night and then slept together.”
     “You fucked your boss?!”
     “Yes, and it was good.”
     “Did you cum?”
     “Damn, he got friends?”
     “Probably, haven’t seen them,” Y/n shrugged, “But he even cleaned up and stayed the night, plus cooked me breakfast this morning.”
     “I know you aren’t looking for a relationship and you’re just looking for casual, but you better at least be loyal to his dick.”
     “We’ll see. We do work together so we at least see each other.”
     Y/n, let him know that she was hanging out with a friend and she’d text him later. Changbin told her to have fun and text him if she needed anything. Y/n smiled as she focused on the movie with her friend. She didn’t think much of her conversation with her friend, even when she went to work with Changbin a couple of days later. Maybe it was because they had been texting since the morning after but everything was normal. 
     Y/n sat at her desk, joking with the other artists who worked more in the open and not in rooms like Changbin. Everyone waiting around for their clients, some taking off early because of cancellations or lack of appointments. Usual things in their industry. 
     Changbin finished with his last client just before closing. Everyone else was cleaning up and walking out for the night as Y/n checked them out. She checked the time after they left and saw there were still a few minutes till the shop officially closed. She based the time doing the smaller front-end tasks before turning the open sign off and locking the door.
     Changbin walked out of his room and sat down in the other chair behind the desk.
     “You don’t have to wait for me,” Y/n told him as she moved to close the register.
     “You wait for me when I’m running behind. Plus it’s late. You know I’m not letting you walk to your car in the dark,” Changbin told her.
     “Fair,” Y/n shrugged, “You’re in the way of the safe though.”
     “Make it work,” he teased.
     Y/n rolled her eyes at him and double-checked her money count before taking the tray and turning to Changbin. She gently pushed the rolley chair out of the way and opened the safe. She put the tray and worked on the deposit before putting that in there too. She made sure everything was locked up before moving to grab her things. Just for Changbin to grab her wrist and pull her onto his lap.
     “Hey,” she smiled
     “Hey,” he smiled back as she adjusted to straddle him. 
     They didn’t have a title to define themselves. They had talked about it but neither of them was looking for anything serious at the moment. Just not having time for a serious relationship, they decided to hook up since they both enjoyed the other night.
     “You look good taking care of my shop,” Changbin said and rubbed her sides.
     “That’s why you insisted on staying with me?” She asked
     Y/n licked her lips before pressing her lips onto his. Changbin returned the vigor of the kiss as his hands grabbed her ass and pulled her against him more. Y/n rolled her hips into his making him moan into the kiss. “I don’t have any condoms, baby,” Changbin panted between kisses
     “Little oral never hurt anyone,” Y/n replied
     She got off his lap and sunk to her knees between him. Changbin helped her unbutton his jeans and pull his cock out. Y/n smiled, wrapping her hand around him and slowly pumping him till he was fully hard. 
     Changbin rested back against the chair as her lips kissed up and down his length. Those pretty lips wrapping around his cock. Moaning as she took him further in his mouth. Moving up and down, dick wet with her spit. 
     The tattoo artist looked down at her, gently grabbing the back of her head—more for his comfort. Grabbing at the roots of her hair as she swallowed him. She took him down her throat while her hand moved to massage his balls. 
     “Fuck,” Changbin groaned, tilting his head back.
     The shop was damn near silent except for the noise of her blowing him. He grabbed the back of her head as she took him into her throat. His jaw dropped open before she pulled off and pumped him with his hand. 
     “Can you do that again?” Changbin asked as he looked down at her
     “Like me deepthroating you?” Y/n smiled at him
     “Fuck yeah.”
     Y/n smiled wrapped her lips around him and repeated her actions. She was bobbing her head up and down on him while massaging his balls.
     “Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” Changbin moaned as his grip on her hair tightened then she swallowed him again and he was a goner. 
     Hips bucking up into her mouth as his cum flooded her mouth. Y/n moaned around him and looked up at him through her eyelashes. Letting him ride out his orgasm till his cum stopped flooding her mouth. Pulling off when she was sure he was done and his grip loosened on her hair.
     Y/n sat back on her heels and swallowed his load. “Feel better?” Y/n asked, grabbing his thighs to help herself up off the ground.
     “Yeah,” Changbin sighed as he grabbed a tissue to clean up his dick and stuff himself back in his pants.
     Changbin got up and kissed her lips again, “Come back to mine and let me return the favor?” He suggested as he wrapped an arm around her.
     “Mhm, you got a condom at yours?” Y/n asked
     Y/n smiled, “Let’s go.”
     The two grabbed their bags and headed out to their cars and Y/n followed Changbin back to his place. Both were eager a little bit to have a repeat of the other night.
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blarefordaglare · 8 months
a fic where nobody dies :000
@kikker-oma embrace the deviousness
Let. Them. Eat. Dirt.
In which wild loses his inventory and takes revenge.
Wild is a petty man, but then again he had a right to do this, as the captain should have been proud of him for burning down the forest. Controlled fires are a thing, you know? 
But seems the old main didn’t like it, and managed to rope in all the boring ones into the plan. 
“Legend, have you seen my fire rod?”
“I think it will do well in my inventory where it’s organized.”
“Come on! Don’t make me get… someone to kill you again!”
“fAthEr tImE, where are my bomb arrows?”
“Twi, where did you put my flame blade?”
“Captain, where is my barbarian armor?” 
The answer was always the same.
They took his most prized possessions, only one thing could be done. Justice must be served. Revenge, even, as it is a dish. Best. Served cold by Hyrule.
“Rulie, come heather.” The champion called out, “You shall cook with me today.” 
“See! I knew my cooking wasn’t that bad!” The traveler smiled, perfect. He doesn’t know the suffering he will help me inflict on the evil people who think they can take away my stuff. 
“Just throw in about two jars of Goron Spice and these vegetables I cut. Plus a cup of…” Wild took a jar of mud, “Special water.” 
“Are you sure? Those two peppers look very small.”
“We’re making soup.” 
“Oh alright then!” Hyrule immediately through the ingredients into the pot, and started cooking until the peppers were nice and charred and the “soup” had a faint ominous red glow.
“Perfect, thanks.” Wild smirked, “GUYS, DINNER!” 
“This is too spicy!” Legend complained, “Can you make something else?”
Wild took his ladle, scooped it in dirt, and placed it in a bowl. “Here.” 
“Why is there mud in this? Champ, this doesn’t seem right.” Time muttered under his breath, “We still have those oats right? I’ll have that.”
Wild took the box of oats, and added some pebbles for added “crunch”. “Here.” 
“It is lacking vegetables. Wild, can you please add some more?” Oh, how sweet Sky was. He will get the good soup. 
“Here you go Sky, I saved some soup in my slate when we visited Skyloft.” 
“I don’t understand why you guys have so many complaints, soup tastes fine to me.” Hyrule rolled his eyes.
“Does this man HAVE tastebuds?”
“Probably not.”
“Coronavirus?” Four smirked.
“That’s it. Seems like none of you guys like me and ‘Rule’s hard work cooking.” Wild snatched the bowls, “Dinner is on the floor today.”
“But we’re starving for real food!” Wind cried.
“Let. Them. Eat. Dirt.” 
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grapenamjams · 1 month
Plus one
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Characters: Togame Jo x Reader
Summery: you and Togame have been friends for a while so of course you would ask him to be your plus one to your friend’s wedding.
Contains: friends to lovers, Togame wears a suit, reader wears a dress, confessions, kissing, sweet ending, Togame is a shy boy please handle with care
A/N: totally self indulgent. Wasn’t even planning on posting this I have no idea why it’s so long. I have a friends wedding this time next year and I WISH Togame would be my plus one :’(
“Be my plus one this weekend” the words cause Togame to pause. The Ramune halfway to his lips, glass ball inside ringing. his green eyes going to you. watching you sit beside him on your living room floor. “What?” His voice rumbles out in surprise.
You place the plate of snacks on the coffee table infront. “To my friend’s wedding. The rest of my friends are using their plus ones with their boyfriends.” Togame remembers you mentioning a wedding coming up but didn’t know it was so soon. His mind goes to the memory of you showing him dresses online, asking for opinions although he thought he wasn’t one to be qualified to give fashion advice; seeing that he wore the same comfy monk clothes and sandals combo everyday. But course he agreed to it with a faint blush on his cheeks. But You got frustrated when he kept on agreeing with each style. Togame just shrugged then stating that they all looked the same to him, brushing off the fact that he genuinely thought you would look good in all of them. Secretly wanting to see you in all of them.
Togame takes a swing of his drink bringing himself back to the moment. “Then take your boyfriend” even when he says it in a teasing manner. something inside pinches at his chest the thought makes him feel strange.
“Ha ha very funny” rolling your eyes taking a chip. “Please? You owe me for the times I let you sneak inside my apartment and treat your wounds” Togame looks at you as if he’s bored, also taking a chip pointing it at you before eating it. “That’s Practice for your nursing classes, I’m helping you”
You huff, thanks to him and the copious amount of chances of practice at dressing wounds from fighting. has given you a leg up on your classes. You shake your head, not giving up still. “I’ll pay for dinner for a month” bribing him with food always seems to work.
Although you see that tempted flicker in his eyes he still doesn’t agree fully. “Weddings means people. Lots of people who are strangers. You know I don’t do well in those situations” he shakes his eating another chip. Just the thought making him uncomfortable. You understand that but if you were going to take anyone you would like it to be him. So you are not giving up that easily. scooting closer on your hands and knees you look at him with puppy eyes. “I know, but you’ll be with me the entire time. I promise I won’t leave your side”.
Togame looks at you and his eyes widen slightly as he takes in your position next to him. His eyes roam your body quickly then back to your face. Praying that his face remains bored and not revealing how his heartbeat just increased. “…You really want me to go with you?” You nod. “I’ll even pay for your suit too!” You let out a breath. “I don’t wanna show up alone. Seeing everyone have someone…”
The mention of you not wanting to be alone. Makes him realize how alone you would be feeling if you went without him. The image of you alone watching everyone else around made an ache in his chest making him feel uneasy. He never wants you to feel like that and he dosnt want you to think you couldn’t rely on him. He lets out a breath “Don’t bother with the suit I can manage that”
Your eyes light up at his words accompanied with a smile that made him once again feel his heart do that flip it did each time you looked at him like that. “Is that a yes then?” You ask.
Togame eyes leave yours and takes another sip, trying to hide his blush. “You asked didn’t ya?”
You narrow your eyes as you go back on your knees crossing your arms. “If you were going to say yes in the first place. Did I even have to bribe you with food?” He grins, “oh I’m still holding you to free dinner. I have to recharge after all that socializing you’re makin me do” you scoff and give him a playful punch to the arm which he didn’t even flinch at, only raising a chuckle out of him. He puts his chin on his knee glancing at you with soft eyes as you turn back around picking at the snacks. starting to talk about the plans for this weekend. But what goes through his mind at the moment ,is that Togame would say yes to anything you’d ask of him. if you had asked him to gather the stars from your favorite constellation in the sky he would’ve burned his hands trying.
~ ~ ~
“Woah” your eyes land on him walking into your room dressed in his suit. he opted out on wearing a tie but the sight of him like this made you pause. The clean cut lines of the black materiel enhancing his presence, fitting his stature and figure. You were used to seeing him in relaxed laid back clothing. So you couldn’t help the smile that appeared on your face as you took him in, feeling your heart quicken. “you look good in a suit” Togame pauses for a second before he glances away sticking his hands in his pockets feeling his face flush.
“You called for me?” He says in a mumble.
“Oh yes, can you zip up the last part for me?” You turn around with your back facing him. moving your hair over your shoulder to give him access to the back of the dress. You don’t see him but Togam’s usually calm eyes had gone wide as he now looked at you fully. Eyes going down your figure in the dress, the color completing your skin and material hugging you just right that made Togame swallow trying to regulate the warmth that suddenly spread through his body.
“Sure” the word coming out low and short as he tried to control his voice from showing how you were affecting him at that moment. He steps towards you coming to stand behind you, the closeness making his breath a little ragged. His large hands shake a little when reaching for the zipper at your middle back. He curses internally trying to steady his hands. The zipper falls once before he grasps the small handle in his fingers pulling it up, his eyes zeroing on the zipper covering your delicate skin. His fingers itch to touch you, one finger brushing up your skin lightly at the top. He pretends he doesn’t see you shiver.
His deep voice coming from above your head rumbles out. “…there you go” he lets his hand drop. Clenching it like he’s trying to keep the sensation of your skin on his finger tip before shoving his hands into his pockets.
You hope he doesn’t hear your shaky breath as you open your eyes, wanting to stay at this proximity with him for a moment longer. Wanting to step back into his chest, his tall frame pressing into you, wanting to feel his light hesitant touch again. You shake your head internally. you turn around with a smile “thank you! so how do I look? The dress?”
‘Lovely like an angel’ was what Togame wanted to say. Quite honestly, is always what he thought when he looked at you. Beautiful, gentle, compassionate and a light that draws him too you. Like a man following a whisper in hopes it will answer his prayers. his eyes took you in wanting to commit the image into memory. as he will try to a hundred times that night.
“pretty….i mean the dress is cool- pretty- You look nice…” is what comes out of his mouth. once again he curses at himself what was going on with him? He was always so sure of his words and actions in a fight. But right now, standing before you like this, looking like that. He takes in a breath, he felt like a stuttering nervous mess. “You look Really nice….” He tries to save himself. His eyes land on yours and he can see the tilt of a playful smile on your face as you thank him. He he nodes and turns his face, grabbing your purse and coat of choice.
“Anyway. Ready? Let’s start heading out” he ushers out already making his way out of your room. Moving your items out of reach when you ask for them back. He just shakes his head not letting you carry them.
~ ~ ~
The wedding reception venue was spacious enough that it didn’t make Togame feel stuffed in. True to your word you had stayed by his side the entrity of the day. Making sure his plate was always full, Taking the forefront of the talking to other guests as he stood slightly behind you with a small polite smile and exchanged words when needed.
He liked watching you interact with others. in the lively way he came to adore. Your smile distracting him more than enough times throughout the celebration.
He searched for that smile now. You had excused yourself to go to the bathroom a moment ago and hadn’t returned after a few minutes. he suspected you were probably caught up in a conversation with a friend or something so he didn’t stress to much about it. But as the minutes ticked by he started to wonder where exactly where you. Then Noticing the glances of some guests, who he knew where wanting to talk to him. Togame skin bristled and decided to look for you before he was caught into an awkward conversation he wanted no part of.
As he walked His eyes scanned the venue. Then narrowed on you talking to a guy. He breaths out a sigh of relief since now he has a visual one you and just like he thought you where hold up in a conversation with a friend. However as he kept looking your way, he noticed the guys body language was more than friendly. Togame heart picked up as his eyes landed on your face and instantly knew you were uncomfortable.
“I suggest you get your hearin checked. She told you no twice.” Togame deep voice reaches your ears behind you. The man before you, who was trying to ask you out wavers as he takes in Togame’s height and the glare in Togame’s eyes as he looks down at the man makes him swallow. A sight Togame is used to with his various fighting opponents. but right now, specifically with this man it brings him significantly more pleasure to see the guy squirm.
“Hey man didn’t they tell you in school not to butt into private conversations?” The man still tries to put on a face of confidence. Togame girls tilting his head to the side “funny” his voice deep as he takes the man’s hand off your shoulder clenching the man’s wrist in his hand. “didn’t they also teach you in school to keep your hands to yourself?”
The man lets out a small whimper at the pain, your eyes widen slightly looking between both guys. “I was trying to be nice man. Who even are you?” The man lets out, trying to pull away from Togame’s hold. The tall green eyed man beside you smiles tightly “not from where I was standing, man and I’m thier boyfriend so I suggest you take your niceness and wondering hands somewhere else, yeah?” The man that was flirting with you gives you a startled glance between you too. Togame releases him and you both watch the man walk away rubbing his wrist letting out a curse that makes Togame blood heat up again, taking a step making the man let out what seems like a yelp before hurrying off.
“It’s okay, Togame let him go” your voice brings his attention to you, taking your face in. swearing he could see a blush on your cheeks but he blames it on the alcohol you’ve been drinking. He counted already three in your system, keeping count. His eyes quickly softening. “Are you alright? I saw that asshole not taking the hint so I had to...” you quirk your lip up “yeah,I think you scared him from talking to any more girls for the rest of the night” the tall man before you smiles at your comment.
“But you didn’t need to do that though” you say with a sigh. he puts his hands in his pockets. “Of course I did. The creep wouldn’t have left you alone otherwise” granted there was a bit more to why he wanted to get that creep off of you other than protecting you. Seeing you like that with someone else had stirred something in his chest, a feeling he has felt before but each time decided to brush it away.
your eyes glance away “no I mean, saying you were my, boyfriend. I’m sure you could have scared him off with just a look. You didn’t need to say that” hearing him say such a simple word shouldn’t have been a big deal, he just used it to get that guy to go but you can’t deny that it made your heart race and cheeks flush at hearing him call himself your boyfriend. How many nights did you think about if that could be the case one day?
Togame looks down at you and notices your averted gaze. He thinks maybe he over stepped by saying that. But The words felt right to say, he liked how it sounded calling himself yours. the image that flashes in his mind of you and him together makes him flush and he can feel his hands tremble slightly in his suit pockets. Deciding to say something he has been holding on to for so long.
He nodes although you can’t see him. “Maybe” he takes in a breath trying to steady himself for what’s to come. “but what if I wanted it to be true?” Togame’s eyes never leave your face wanting to watch your reaction. He’s always a grounded fighter, balanced and prepared. never letting his opponent waiver his confidence but right now he feels like the world is off its axis not being able to read your body language.
He tries to hold off and let you speak first but when your eyes look at his in surprise. his mouth is already opening. His usual calm demeanor slipping slightly. “I…I just”
he closes his eyes trying to regain what little composure he has left. He looks back at you. “something between us has changed during these last few months hasn’t it? Changed into something that isn’t just friendship” For Togame he had always thought you were beautiful, someone’s who’s light he wanted to follow and protect. He thought being friends with you was enough . But then glances started to last a little longer, innocent touches started feeling charged, and he realized he didn’t just want your smile to be directed at him he wanted to be the reason and sole witness of it.
Togame steps closer as he continues “Or…am I just reading whatever this is between us now wrong and stupidly created a mirage of sorts.” His chest tightens as he thinks of what would happen if you didn’t feel the same. “If yes….then just pretend I didn’t say anything in the first place. I don’t want this to affect our friendship but….i understand if you need-“ he feels your lips on his cheek cutting him off. “Are you going to let me talk?” You say with a slight smile.
If Togame felt like the worlds axis was off before now he felt it was spinning to fast. Going back on your feet from going on your toes to reach his cheek you continue “I agree, things have changed between us. Togame I would like it to be real as well. To call you mine”
That ache in his chest burts into an unexplainable happiness spreading throughout his body. Togame pulls out his hands and cups your face, a genuine smile on his handsome face “I’ve been yours since the day you first saw me” his deep voice goes between you two as the distance closes. Togame swears your kiss weakens gravity, feeling like you both are floating up to meet the stars.
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queen-of-deans-booty · 2 months
Succumb To The Pain
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Word Count: ~1.5k
Warnings: angst, murder by magic
Summary: Your powers go haywire and start affecting others around you, so the best thing Dr. Strange can come up with is keeping you trapped down in his basement until he can figure out a way to get the Mark off you. Dean vows he’ll do anything to save you but you can’t ignore the burning sensation in your body for much longer. You need to kill and you’ll do anything to do it.
Past, Present, and Future Masterlist
Square Filled: free space (mcuxspn crossover) for @fandombingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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The best thing for Dean is to go back to Kansas while you stay in New York and figure out what the next steps are for the Mark. At least, that’s what you told Dean when you told him to go. He wanted to stay with you, but you figured you could use this time to reflect on the situation. Plus, Stephen isn’t going to let you out of his sight now that he knows what’s going on with you, so he basically forced you to stay in New York.
Dean calls and you answer with a sigh. It’s cute how much he worries but you’re worried that you’re going to do something to hurt him. You can’t fathom the idea of hurting him which is also another reason why you told him to go. You don’t want to put him in harm’s way, and you know for a fact that it’ll happen if he stays with you.
“Hi, Dean,” you say in a gentle voice.
“Hey, I’m just checking on you. Are you okay?”
“Yes, I’m fine.”
“Listen, if I could beat the Mark, you definitely can. You’re a lot stronger than I am.”
“You turned into a demon because of it. What’s that going to be like for someone like me?”
“It won’t get like that. Dr. Strange will figure a way out of this before it does.”
You want to believe him, but you don’t. You want to feel comfort in his words, but it only makes you more anxious. You look at the tree to your right and frown when you see the wood starting to turn a lighter shade than it normally is. Dean is talking but you don’t hear a word he’s saying because you’re so focused on the tree next to you. There are hundreds if not thousands in Central Park so why is this one sticking out to you?
You walk closer to it and notice the tree getting smaller and smaller all the while getting lighter and lighter. Soon, the leaves fall off and the tree turns back into a seed before disappearing completely.
“I’ll call you back,” you say and hang up on Dean.
You walk around in confusion and look around to see if any of the other trees are doing the same thing. There is an elderly lady feeding the birds with seeds she purchased from one of the stands nearby, and you walk closer to admire what she’s doing. The birds hop over to you to peck at the food near your feet, and your eyes widen when you see them both changing. One of the birds starts to shrink like the tree until it gets to the state it’s in when it’s a baby inside of an egg. The other one gets older until it explodes, and you jump back from the shock.
You immediately run from the area over to the nearest intersection where a bunch of people are waiting to pass. Maybe it’s a good idea to go back to Stephen and report this. God only knows what he’ll do if you keep this from him, too. There is a mother and her small child to your right, and the child is eating ice cream messily.
“Mom? What’s going on?”
You look at the child and see her aging rapidly from a toddler to a teenager to early twenties. The mother stands by with a gaping mouth and wide eyes, unsure how to react to such a thing happening.
“Look at her!” someone else shouts.
The mother of the child de-ages from her forties to early thirties back down to the twenties. You look down at your wrist and catch the green stone shining brightly. You’re doing this. You killed those birds, that tree, and now this family if you don’t get the hell out of here. You back up from the mother and daughter with tears in your eyes.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
“Stop what you’re doing! This is my daughter!” the mother exclaims.
“I’m sorry. I can’t--I’m sorry,” you panic.
You stumble away from everyone and crash into a tree. You turn to see the tree age rapidly, and it gets taller and taller before it shrinks and turns to dust. I gotta get out of here. You don’t wait for the crosswalk to turn green and run right into traffic. Cars slam on their brakes to avoid hitting you but you keep running as fast as you can.
The Sanctum Sanctorum comes into view moments later, and you rush up the porch of the stairs. You grab the door handle only for it to turn back into sheets of metal and scraps. You push the door open and rush inside with panic written all over your face.
“Strange!!!” Stephen appears at the top of the stairs and starts to come down them, but you back up with both your hands out in front of you. “Don’t come near me.” To the left of you are books that explode into sheets of blank paper and blotched ink on the ground, and to the right of you is a bowl of fruits that immediately turns rotten. “Something is wrong with me.”
“Please help me.” Stephen conjures his magic and says a spell, throwing that spell at you. It encompasses your entire body, transporting you somewhere else entirely. You’re trapped in a glass tube that’s big enough for you to barely move around. “Stephen? Where am I?”
“You’re safe. That’s all that matters,” Stephen says and walks into the dingy basement.
“What is wrong with me?”
“The Mark is feeding off the Time Stone, and it’s drawing from the energy of the things you de-age and age. Until I can figure out how to get it off you, you need to stay in here.”
You fall back into the glass with a quiet sob. You feel more isolated now than you did before, and you‘re not sure if this feeling is going to go away. You pull you knees to your chest and stare straight ahead as the tears fall, and that’s how you stay there for hours. The door to the basement opens and you look up to see Dean enter. You immediately stand and hold your hand out as if that will warn him to stay away.
“Don’t come near me.”
“Strange says I’m safe from you.” Sadness befalls you, and you look down in shame. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“It’s true, though. I’ve become a monster.”
Dean walks closer to the glass with sorrow written on his face.
“I’m sorry for telling you to take it. I just wanted my brother back.”
“I know. That’s why I did it.” Dean puts his hand over the glass, and you lay yours over his, but the glass cracks under your powers. You recoil back and cry silently. “You should forget about me because I don’t know how long I’ll be trapped like this.”
“I’m not going anywhere. I really like you, Y/N.”
“You like me?” you sniffle.
“Yeah. I want to take you on dates and kiss you, and I can’t do that until you get better. Sam, Cas, and Rowena are here working with Strange to figure out something.”
“Okay,” you nod.
“I may have done this to you, but I’m going to make it better.”
“What if that means destroying me to do it?”
“We’re not going to do that.”
Dean turns and leaves the basement to join the others upstairs. You go back to sitting on the ground without the tears. This time, a headache forms in the back of your head like it’s throbbing for your attention. You grab the sides of your head and ground your fingers into your hair, yanking on the strands as if that will get the throbbing to stop.
“Get out of me head! Get out! Get out!”
You pound your head with your fists and repeat the same two words over and over again. You pull back your wrist and see the green stone shining brightly, begging you to use its power. You look at the crack in the glass and practically hear it calling to you. You stand and put your hand against the crack, allowing your powers to revert the glass back to rocks and pebbles. You escape through the back door without the other’s knowing, and you stumble into the street. You know what you need to do but your heart is telling you not to do it. An older man passes by you on the street but stops when he sees the pain evident on your face.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m so sorry,” you whimper.
You grab the man and allow your powers to flow through him. He ages rapidly until he becomes a mummy in your hands. You breathe in the life you stole, and you fall back into a street sign from the high. You close your eyes from the intense pressure and when you open them, your eyes are nearly pitch black.
“I need more,” you mumble to yourself.
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Want to be tagged? Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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naviaknell777 · 1 year
Loved your little sister fic.!! So adorable!!! ❤️ Its so cute for a little sibling reader lmao.Anyways. I saw requests open, and I had to request. Little sister turtle reader x The rottmmt bros-
Hear me out. Reader is like a HUGE fan of food, and has a "burrito blanket" and constantly bickers her brothers to let her spin on a pole above fire like a rotisserie chicken. She just wants to feel like food lmao 😭 Poor 10 year old turtle girl, She's just a pure innocent sunshine.
Reader is hungry 24/7 and loves mikey's cooking sm. Like this girl full on makes Donnie store some snacks made from mikey into his battle shell for her when traveling or leaving the lair lmao. You know what animal crossing villagers do when food is placed in front of them?? Yeah. Reader does that.
Bonus : Reader is really good at martial arts and fighting, and beats the shit out of a really tough villain. And when she's done, shes just innocent and is like "Can we have tacos for dinner??" While her brothers are just like.. "wtf just happened."
Ooh I love this request so much! I love the idea of a little sister who’s chaotic about food. Also reminder [n/n] = nickname
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Rottmnt x little sister! Reader “Food Lover”
Y/N is 10 years old, the youngest of the siblings, and LOVES food
And I mean LOVES food more than anything.
Like it might honestly be her special interest at this point. Loves trying new foods, love learning about foods, and loves cooking when she can (which is rarely because one time she didn’t have older brother supervision around the stove… that ended up being a chaotic day)
She even owns different food related things, like blankets, plushies, etc
Likes to get the food experience as well. As in, will sit by fires wrapped up in her tortilla blanket to pretend shes cooking (even though the fire tends to dry out her skin as being a type of sea turtle)
Has also asked to be wrapped in tinfoil by or above the fire (to which, her brothers completely don’t support… not only will she dry out heavily but also it’s just not healthy and they’re afraid she’ll actually be cooked alive)
But to make her feel better about not being able to pretend to be food being cooked, Leo will team up with Donnie to make a huge strainer for Y/N to fit in and put her underneath a hose and pretend to wash her like fruits and veggies
She will also absolutely devour any food in sight, including eating everything that Mikey makes… even if it’s six servings, for each sibling plus Splinter
Whenever she eats someone else’s food (usually because she has a big appetite, occasionally to get back at her brothers for pulling a prank on her or something… looking at you Leo) and that brother will stare at her and she’ll just be like “what…?”
Man just let her eat the dang food!!
But even if she eats everyone’s dinner, especially if it’s Mikey making it, she’ll usually ask for more because she loves the taste so much
When she occasionally joins missions, she’ll sometimes make Donnie whip out a snack for her mid-battle. Doesn’t matter if he’s charging at someone or what, he’ll use one of his metal claw hang thingies to take a snack for her and toss it at her
They let her come along sometimes if they know it’s a pretty low stakes mission so she can watch them fight to learn how battles go and to learn moves from her brothers
She also trains outside of battles, and loves it, and because she’s doing all this exercise it just makes her more hungry, which is why she’s pretty much constantly eating
That and she expends a lot of energy being a chaotic little sister in general lol
But one night the brothers decided that Y/N could go on this mission with them that they thought would be pretty low stakes, just a classic foot clan plan that needs to be stopped as per usual
Except… they decided to bring a different partner along the normal two that they fight
A new recruit I guess??
But yeah the brothers didn’t predict this
(Well, Donnie probably did, let’s be honest)
Anyway. He should’ve told someone that he predicted this cause the new guy was pretty buff, like someone who does hardcore military training as a hobby
How the guy got recruited as a low rank with the other two foot weirdos is nobody’s guess
But regardless, Y/N was brought to the battle, and with this new, super buff guy they got their hands full
So Y/N, observing from afar at first, ultimately decided to help her brothers
“No one kicks my brothers like that but me!!” She yelled when the buff guy kicked Raph in the stomach
So she, being the weird brave girl she is, sprung into action! And… she actually landed hits on the guy?!
Needless to say her brothers were impressed
She managed to hit the guy a lot and with her quick agility she was able to dodge his attacks like nothing (practice from when her brothers try to hold her back from eating all the pizza… she just slithers her way out of their hold and climbs over them)
But anyway she’s actually doing really well in the battle?! She focused more on dodging in the first half to psych him out, but landed punches and kicks like nobody’s business!
(She might’ve also kicked him in the balls at one point lmao)
But yeah, in the end, she managed to dodge his head butt last minute, making him smash his head into a wall. Y/N dusted off her hands on her shorts, her mask tails dramatically flowing a bit in the non-existent wind, proud of her victory
(And the brothers managed to take down the other two foot freaks quickly per usual)
But when they were done they just stared at her and her ability to hit hard and dodge when needed. When he finally knocked himself out, she smiled and watched the buff guy fall to the ground when he became unconscious
She then turned to her brothers, who were standing next to each other. She ran to them “I’m hungry! Can we make tacos for dinner?!” She said excitedly, shaking her hands side to side at the thought of eating
“Uh, yeah, sure…” Leo said, still a bit in disbelief
“Aww baby sister you deserve all the tacos in the world!” Mikey said, making Y/N squeal a bit
“But.. where’s you learn all those moves, [n/n]?l” Raph asked, still a bit amazed at her combat power and fighting style being so developed at a young age.
“The beans must be spilled” Donnie whispered to himself dramatically.
Y/N just smiled, climbing onto Donnie’s battle shell to open it and grab a snack. She opened a bag of chips, and before stuffing her face she said
“Well I’ve watched you all fight so many times… so I guess I learned from the best!”
Thanks for sending in your request and reading!
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a-decent-human-being5 · 3 months
My Thoughts and Opinions on all the Season One Drawtectives Witnesses Because I Just Finished Rewatching it
(Spoilers under the cut btw)
Buzz: Yeah his design is adorable the drawtectives are completely valid to just melt the second he comes on screen. I adore his voice and the fact that he doesn’t really talk that much, very fun contrast with the cute design. His crush on Dr. Fontaine is also incredibly cute glad they got to sit next to each other at Huck E. Heese. Wish I could eat some of his food but that’s kinda how I feel about all fictional chefs cause I like good food.
Don Jovi: What a name. I remember when I first watched the show I didn’t like him very much because he was the first witness to say “well you gotta earn the clue about the murder” but all things considered they’re chill. I don’t have many thoughts on them though other than the fact that it’s funny how even he finds the crew’s love for Buzz to be a bit much.
Avis Smythe: He obviously didn’t do it but I absolutely feel like he would kill for his son, even though he doesn’t actually know his age lol. Idk he just defends Ogalvy as a good kid so much, despite how blatantly obvious of a troublemaker he is, that I absolutely could see him killing for him if it came to that. Which brings me to yeah in terms of being a good dad he probably should set more boundaries but I love that he just lets Ogalvy do basically whatever weIl also swearing up and down that he’s such a good boy. I get why he was chosen as the fall guy but I also love that the crew went the complete opposite direction with it of “well it couldn’t be Avis cause he’s so nervous he’d probably just tell us if he did it”. However that does always make me wonder how he was able to be a good mole in his job. Also I didn’t say it yet but for him and Ogalvy both the designs are amazing. The reveal that they aren’t actual bird people is iconic. I love how their designs still perfectly match the masks like I would expect no one else under those masks you know.
Ogalvy Smythe: He’s such a little chaotic troublemaker of a kid I absolutely adore it. The fact that this child is not just a thief but a dedicated thief is amazing. Like he’s actively getting so upset when he realizes that there were expensive jewels in this house that someone who’s not him already stole. It’s perfect. He’s also Such a funny character like his lines are iconic and consistently had me laughing. It’s just that complete accurate bluntness that a 5 or something year old has. I don’t want to repeat myself too much but it should be said just how good his design is. Like he is just an egg and I love that for him. It’s not that important and makes sense but I do appreciate just how fitting the cartoon characters he assigned to each of the drawtectives are. Like yes Rosé gets hot lady, York gets hot guy, and Grendan gets dog, perfect. Also speaking of the drawtectives I love how they all eventually came around on him. And of course you can’t talk about Ogalvy without talking about his bond with Rosé. It’s adorable love these thief buddies love that Rosé takes him under her wing despite the fact that she’s trying to get out of that lifestyle. I love it all. Rosé asking what all he stole to try and see if he has the jewels is both a very smart move on her end and such a cute little bonding moment. Plus that gave us all the iconic line of “the hearts and minds of the people”. Overall I just absolutely love Ogalvy he’s probably my second favorite witness and despite his criminal tendencies, or let’s be honest here do in large part to them, he’s such a fun and charming character.
Faucon: Coolest person ever. I love how laid back she is it can sometimes be very funny just how chill she is about absolutely everything. Like just how cool she is was something so refreshing that it was almost comical. Love how she inspired Grendan to change up his name for the first time that’s pretty cool. Even though the name change is just a joke at that point Faucon is still just so supportive of it like it’s real sweet to see. Objectively she’s just the down to earth celebrity but she’s so good at being it you know. She’s cool and understanding while also not down playing her fame. I feel like most down to earth celebrities in fiction fall into a trap of just disregarding or not really liking their fame but that’s not really Faucon. She might be chill and not actively bringing up her status as a celebrity but she still loves her music and her band and if her interactions with the drawtectives is anything to go off of her fans too. She is truly just so nice and supportive about like absolutely everything. Even for something simple like Grendan not knowing many songs her immediate response is, that’s fine and you shouldn’t feel like you have to lie about it. Ended up loving her a lot more than I previously did upon rewatch.
Harper Justice: A lot of people love Harper but I’m not one of those people. I get why other’s like her so much but I am York in this situation. Her spoiled contradictions in her morals upset me. I also can’t stand how she didn’t give them any clues at the end of it. I do like her a lot more in the one shot stream where she’s less drunk and angry, plus giving her a pet that she loves immediately makes her more endearing. This post is only really about season one though so as it stands I still don’t really like her. I hope that her and her mom get closer after she tells her the truth about her past though. I just think it would be nice especially since they’re the only members of the justice family that are left.
Sam Ug: Sam gives us a lot of interesting information after Grendan uses their power on her. I really think her past as a criminal is intriguing especially in relation to Sorin giving her a second chance and her not really trusting people because of her past. Love that she’s based on a dragon and the cigarette representing the smoke is a cool choice. Kinda unrelated to her as a character but her drawing prompt is one of my absolute favorites in season one. It’s just so funny to watch the crew explain photoshop actions in traditional art wording as everyone is just sitting there like damn you really brought your whole ass art kit here tonight huh Grandma. Overall though I think she’s interesting and her past has some cool implications about how she is currently.
Emery Justice: Emery is a horrible evil dad killer we know this, however sense we do know this it can be a little fun to watch him upon rewatch. Like seeing him so quickly agree with any witness the drawtectives propose. Watching him talk up how strong the person must of had to be to overpower his dad. How he out the gate says he wants to help catch whoever is responsible for his father’s death. Like I don’t really like Emery and he’s probably my least favorite witnesses of this season, but sense he is the murder he can also be kinda interesting for that reason.
Susan Fontaine: She’s very sweet and very proficient in her field of work which I respect. She’s actually so sweet that it catches the crew completely off guard, which is pretty funny to watch considering they’re so not used to someone being so agreeable and easy to work with. I think it’s cute how she knows most celebrities because of the interns at her job like it’s just kinda sweet. To me her listening to her interns about casual stuff kinda just shows her caring nature even outside of this case. Also I already said it when talking about Buzz but they’re pretty cute together. Them sitting at Huck E. Heese is adorable. Yeah she’s nice and sweet but I honestly don’t have many thoughts about her outside of that.
Llarm Alasa: My favorite witnesses. He is fashionable for one like the outfit is just great. I completely forgot that he opened it up with the drawing prompt immediately but I kinda love it. It kinda feels like a fun contrast to Dr. Fontaine who gave them all the information up front and then asked for a drawing after just for fun. I don’t know if this was at all intentional but it sure works out nicely with their episodes being back to back. Him just wanting to do something by getting into the drawing challenge dose makes sense though cause as he says he’s been in this room for ever. Also he’s so incredibly tired which again is completely fair considering he’s the last witness and had to just sit in this room for 10 hours. And all this on the same night that one of his best friend died like that sucks so much. He’s so clearly not doing well right now given the whole situation so he tries to distract himself with invention ideas so he doesn’t have to think about it. He basically says this himself. He also brings up how he tends to bury himself in his work to distract from his personal problems which just has me sitting there like bud that’s an awful coping strategy. I’m just glad that at the end of it though the drawtectives give him a new thing for him to think about with whether or not anyone there has been an animatronic the whole time. Also can I just say that his response of “that would be amazing” to that thought is so funny. Like given the witnesses track record you think he would just say it sounds stupid or something but no, to him that idea is cool as hell. It’s just so endearing and speaking of things that make him endearing, I’m great at segways I know, I love him for being a cat owner. Plus it’s a black cat that’s named after something he really enjoys which appeals to me specifically as someone who also has a black cat that was named after something I enjoyed. It is a slight upset that he doesn’t show the crew any cat photos but like he comes around in the end by telling them to follow his Binstagram so I won’t hold it against him. Honestly the only real slight I have against him is that you can not go around picking up obvious murder weapons off the floor my guy. Like do I kinda respect him for not really trusting the bumbling idiots that are the B team cops? Yes. Do I think that could be an interesting thing to think about considering he was Sorin’s close friend and wanting an important piece of evidence to be taken care of properly kinda shows a weird sense of care for him? Also yes. But do I think it was a good move? Absolutely not. At least he eventually trusts to give it to Jancy and the other three. Also I do think he’s mainly trusting Jancy over the drawtectives considering he actively lets out a sigh of relief when she comes in the room. Anyways I’m sorry that I rambled so much about my favorite but I just love him so much he’s literally my favorite witnesses/npc of the entire series.
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mimastuff · 1 year
Hello! I'm having a bit of a rough time so I thought I'd send this ask. What would the turtles be like with a S/O that has anxiety, depression and PTSD? How would they help them if their depression is bad enough that on some days they can't get out of bed, forget to eat, etc? Bonus if S/O is plus-sized/kinda chubby and insecure about it.
I love this request !! I totally relate to this one so there was a lot of writing <3
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TW: mentions of ptsd , swearing, pet names, depression, eating disorder , anxiety, physical touch
- he would i understand completely abut how you feel
- Especially after the krang
- He would wake up after horrible nightmares
- To this day he still has them
- But , that being said if he were to like touch you on your waist and your flinching due to PTSD
- Or he does something that triggers it
- If you guys are in the lair , he would pull you aside and talk about it.
- If your bad at communicating how you feel he will most likely comfort you till you eventually have the right head space to talk
- He will sit you in his lap and hold you until the feeling passes over
- But if you’re not to good with physical affection he will sit you down on his bed while he makes you breath properly
- His main goal is to make sure that you know that your safe
- He is always here for you
- And he will make that known.
- If you guys are in your living space then he will guide you to the kitchen where he will most likely make you your favourite hot beverage.
- He knows that I can be hard to speak so he will send you to your room to calm down
- Once you have calmed he will ask what’s wrong but if you don’t want to talk about it he is totally cool with that
- If you do however he is all ears on you
- He will say whatever you need.
- When he starts noticing your depression and not getting out of bed he will come to you and lay with you till you’re ready to get up.
- He stars motivating you
- If all else fails he would much rather you did this at his place
- It’s easier in his eyes to take care of you
- His brothers also help with the depression
- You and doctor feelings have designated days where you can have a talking session
- It doesn’t even need to be about the problem, he will always listen to a friend.
- Raph does not care for your size
- Like at all.
- He loves and I mean LOVES your thighs and tummy
- He goes feral
- Also cuddles are heavenly to him
- Like he loves you so much
- Your just so squishy
- He thinks you look hot in anything so don’t be alarmed if he stares at you randomly
- He just loves you and your body
- He said this to you, and I quote “you’re a little bit chubby. So fuckin’ what.”
- Oh. And he meant it as well
- And he sure as heck will make it known that he thinks your cute
- Compliments you allll dayyyy longggg
- With the food situation, he ain’t gonna shove it down ya throat
- That’s not who he is
- He loves you and wants to take things slow
- He asks mikey to make you food which be will gladly do
- Seeing your drooling mouth over his dishes is always a win for both him and raph.
- ok , let’s get this straight , he could not care less about your size
- The fact is that you love him . A TURTLE
- So why couldn’t he love someone as soft as you!!!
- That man goes more feral than raph
- Like all Donnie wants is too lay his head on your lap while talking about his inventions and science
- He really loves your cheeks
- Welll…
- Any ways , he loves grazing his fingers on your face and his cheeks on yours
- He just thinks that they are tooo cuteee
- He knew about your depression and anxiety before you even did
- He saw the signs before anyone did
- And that’s why you love him
- He would stop by yours to make sure you ok
- Blaming it on ‘I just wanted to show you my invention and ooo is that a tv I see In your room ?? You wanna watch something’
- Let him win.
- Please.
- He thinks he is being smooth
- We all know he is not
- Let him be , pleaseeee
- With the PTSD he completely understands your situation
- He however might be a little ummm
- Let’s say , controlling when it comes to being around people
- Like he would want only you to come to him for advice
- But he would do it like raph
- Pull you aside you so two can deal with it together
- He has good intentions, he just wants to help you
- But he can’t help it if he wants to also spend time with you
- In his eyes it’s a win win
- When he sees you anxious
- I head cannon him to have a build in anxiety detector in his goggles just for you Lmaooo
- But it’s cute , all he wants to do is look out for you
- But he will pull you aside and not let you do anything you don’t want to
- He is trying so hard
- He loves you so so much
- He just has a hard time expressing it
- With the eating , he may result into threatening to feed you
- He isn’t serious
- Take no notice of him , he’s just a silly guy
- He would make you meals tho
- That guys can follow instructions like there is no tomorrow
- soo he is like so good at comforting due to him being the youngest child
- The thing is that when you have anxiety he will pick up on it before it happens like Donnie
- He is more than likely gonna calm you down before he escorts you out
- He feels it’s best as it means you two can talk through how you feel after it happens
- He is so good when you over think things
- If your anything like me , you tend to make things bigger than they acctually are
- Doctor delicate touch will handle that one easy
- “baby , with all do respect . STOP MAKING THINGS BIGGER THAN THEY NEED TO BE. Okay my love ?🥺🥺”
- He will be the one to plan all the fun dates that you would actually enjoy just to kick your depression in the ass so you can get up
- He would remind you to eat throughout the day and would take care of you when needed
- He would also make sure that you would brush your teeth , do your laundry etc
- If you find it cringey , or tell him to stop worrying
- GOOD it’s working
- His little devilish plan is taking over
- See in his eyes , if he was to check up on you so much , you would do it before he said it so that you would get praise from him
- Simple!
- And it actually works for a while
- With your Weight
- He actually is in love
- Like I see him going for a bigger person
- Like he is smooth as all heck so how could you not resist his impeccable charm !!
- He loves da booty and the tummy
- Favourite cuddling position is spooning
- This is so he feels every squishy part of you
- It’s his fav to also bury is face in your neck
- He finds it comfortable
- He also loves lying on your chest
- He is in love with the feeling
- With the PTSD he would swoop you up from the situation
- And take you two a more sensory comfortable space
- You would not force you to do anything you didn’t want
- He would also care for you like no tomorrow
- Want food ? Here is a three coarse meal !
- Want a drink ? He is your favourite that I have stacks of in the refrigerator that I don’t even like all too well
- He is just a sweetheart when it comes to his lover <33
- He is going to use his one-liners to the fullest
- If you are not crying , you are now
- Only with laughter of course !!
- He would be the partner that would hold you while you cry your eyes out
- I can imagine him rocking back and fourth
- If you are not comfortable with that then he is totally going to respect your boundaries
- But he will tuck you in his bed while you rest up from the anxiety
- He knows what it can do to and he always wakes you up with your favourite meal and drink <3
- He really loves movie nights so if the depression gets bad to the point where getting up is a struggle
- BAM ! Your favourite movie is on in HD , surround sound and in a volume of your choice !
- He always knows what’s best for you
- But he always knows your habits so that nail Biting habit and hair pulling is out of the door while he is in the room
- He is constantly trying to change your attention to something else
- Please just stop
- Just for him 🥺
- He needs to know trying works
- It will help you and him.
- He loves to help you through the PTSD because you two can relate to so much stuff
- (In my opinion) he had one of the worst experiences during the krang
- So you two will trauma bond
- Mark my words.
- That man is a very good sweet talker
- Trust me he will have you up in the mornings , teeth brushed , full with food in no time.
- With the weight situation
- He literally could not believe his ears when you told him that you were insecure
- Bro was flabbergasted 😮
- He just sat there
- Comprehending it all.
- How can someone like you not love well , you !
- Your too perfect in his eyes
- He definitely loves to lay on your stomach and just stare at you
- With sparkles in his eyes
- As you vent out to him.
- He really loves you for who you are
- And nothin will change that.
Omg I love this one ! It took me a while to do it but that because there was sooo much to add !! I hope you all have a good day or night !! :D ❤️❤️
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