#from nice guy to jerkass medium
oita-division · 5 months
Ishihara's HC VA: Hiroshi Kamiya
each voice clips came from its respective animes. Not mine
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Kimetsu no Yaiba Season 1 Liveblog (1-2)
@essayofthoughts Here you go, friend​! Because you raved about it so much. :)
First of all, I will give anything set in the Taisho period a chance. Not quite sure how the period will be relevant to this show, but 1) I love the aesthetics and clothing from that period and 2) the themes centered around that period are intriguing and I’m wondering to what extent, if any, they are depicted here. The Taisho isn’t the most popular time period to set stories in, so it will be interesting to see if there is a rationale behind it.
Oh yeah and this is ufotable, so gorgeous animation is a given. Loving the blood and snow contrast right from the opening.
Actually...this style opening reminds me of my most favorite anime ever, despite it being more of a guilty pleasure of mine than anything, Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun (Hakkenden: the Strange Tale of the Eight Dogs of the East). It’s the raw emotion, the desperation and being left wondering how could things have turned out this way. It’s both haunting and alluring, and a really great start for these types of stories that begin with everything in ruin for our main characters.
Also, I realized that Tanjiro’s VA was familiar and turns out he did Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul. And Alm from Fire Emblem: Shadows of Valentia! ...I will admit, I did tear up near the end of Shadows of Valentia, for various reasons and not just the voice acting, but Natsuki Hanae certainly contributed to that.
I really like the song in the background here...also the snowy forest. I’ve been really liking the snow settings in stories and shows lately.
A responsible protagonist is a good protagonist! Haha, it’s nice seeing a good big brother figure who is also responsible.
I’m already seeing my favorite Taisho style patterns...ahem. I’ll never not squee over the clothes, ok? Taisho era clothes have those brighter colors, more geometric designs than in the past and I really love them.
I love the snowy village and mountain scenes~
lol “I smell a cat” are you a cat, sir?? how do you smell that.
“I’ve got a great sense of smell!” does a good sense of smell keep you from slipping on the ice, snow, and rocks in the dead of night when you don’t even have a lantern?? let’s just say there are no demons in this world, it’s still pretty dangerous on a mountain at night with no source of light lol.
this dude looked like a normal guy right until they showed the shot of him saying “before the demons show up” lol. now you look like the scary one...
So, I do like how this kid doesn’t go galavanting off into the darkness and actually listens to an adult’s very reasonable warnings for once. yay! let us see how long it lasts.
They really did not hold back on the bloody tragedy of it all, huh. Snow is also the best poetic backdrop, here.
Huh. This demon slayer guy is interesting. I sense some projecting going on, lol. You want to talk about something, buddy? Air some grievances?
give the kid some slack, yikes. he’s not a trained demon slayer, alright? he sells coal for a living, lol.
oh wow! some monologuing that shows he sympathizes with the main character...that’s rare. ok, so monologuing isn’t always the best medium to show sympathy but it works here and it’s better than finding out ten episodes later that jerkass guy did actually sympathize with our MC’s situation.
oh so you aren’t that much of a jerk, lol. did he even wrap Nezuko up in that outer coat that got tossed aside earlier?
WOW those are some long credits.
Episode 2!
Lol this kid! 
also i feel like that was a lot for some straw, bamboo, and a broken basket in those times. just saying.
Imma skip these openings and endings for now...I feel like I’ve been getting far too many spoilers from the openings and endings of shows recently.
ooh he’s building a basket out of bamboo. reminds me of this girl from China who has made really amazing things out of bamboo using the same techniques.
ok so he’s really smart in some ways and in others...his abstract thinking is a little out there. how is carrying her in a basket going to work...I mean, it will because this is fiction but lol...
yay blood! can’t have a good show about man-eating demons without the gore.
But also, is this kid actually 100% human or do fit humans just have really good reflexes in this world or what. Also, he has the nose of a dog.
oooh! That perspective change was pretty neat.
haha we had to add some comedy to lighten the mood. but realistic reactions considering this kid didn’t even wholly believe demons existed until a day ago.
also considering this guy got his head kicked off, it’s slightly terrifying that his body just starts launching itself at you.
Gotta do that shounen-y smash my head against yours move, huh. I would’ve thought about bashing the head-and-arms combo against a tree or something instead of my head, but whatever works.
Can’t kill them by stabbing. Kill it with fire. That always works.
See? Kill it with fire.
...Does this guy just booby trap the mountain behind his house in his free time. Or does he often test people looking to join the demon slayers.
...Ah. The word used for “train”, in Giyu’s letter asking Sakonji to train Tanjiro, is 育てる, which also has the meaning of ‘to raise’ as you would a child, as in nurturing someone.
ew keigo it’s so formal lol. also some of these people speak like in the olde times, so some of this is not wording I’m familiar with.
I relate to Tanjiro on a spiritual level, though. I, too, cannot decide things for the life of me lol, not even what I want to eat half the time.
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