#from now until forever ; stabler teens
selfmadesaviour · 2 years
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caffernnn · 2 years
Makoto and Haru finally start dating, but they don’t tell their friends until they’re well adjusted in their relationship. Even though their friends don’t know they’re are dating they notice subtle changes between the two and when they’re together. Makoharu have always been content with their relationship, but it’s just a feeling, like they’re comfortable and settled in their own skin.
Love thinking about their friends noticing those subtle shifts in how Makoto and Haru act when they’re together, or how they regard each other when the other isn’t around. Like, they’ve always been attached at the hip and not-so-quietly looking out for each other in ways their friends sometimes tease them for, but there are specific points over the years where it seems like things are… stabler. Sturdier. Calmer. When Makoto talks about how Haru’s doing, it’s not with the hopelessly hopeful undertone it used to take on a lot during the teen years, tinged with worry and a silent plea like he’s trying to convince/comfort himself as well — there’s a pride and surety to his words, one that can only come from a bond drawn open and impossibly closer. Haru doesn’t try too hard to hide the smiles and laughs that seem to bubble up more than they used to, and Hiyori/Kisumi/etc. would run out of breath trying to tease him for all of the fond looks he shoots Makoto’s way. I think their friends would be happy watching everything unfold (leading up to and after they reveal the relationship status change) because of course they’re excited to see Makoto and Haru individually growing and chasing their own goals, but there’s something comforting that they’re here together, all here together, evolving and still happily choosing each other (platonically, romantically, etc). Can you imagine how incredibly soft Nagisa and Rin would be when they’re finally told? It isn’t a mind-blowing big deal or anything necessarily, like they’ve noticeably loved each other forever (the way kids do, the way best friends do, the way two people built from the same stardust do), but it’s just !!! A giddy feeling !!! Also I’m laughing at the different reactions from friends finding out how long they waited to tell anybody. There’d be some ridiculous squabbles about “why didn’t you call me right when it happened? When’s the anniversary? What do you MEAN it just sort of happened, what kind of answer—“ and playful jabs about them being off-the-market now. I’m aching at the idea of Sousuke (or someone else, but my first thought was him) quietly sharing their approval after a short convo, relieved that mh gave themselves a grace period to test the waters out before letting everyone know, warmed by being trusted with knowing about their relationship (could have a whole convo about when their families or if/when anyone outside of their inner circles find out), and overall just happy/proud to see that it’s all going well so far. It might not be said explicitly or in so many words, but the feelings would be there, y’know? It’d be a lovely little whirlwind of a time and oooOOOH Makoto and Haru would feel so loved because of it 💚💙
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"From the dust of the stars"
STAR is someone whose biggest trait lies in her escapist fantasies. She learns languages, makes up worlds, creates creatures and fake situations in her head just to live closer to the reality she desperatly wishes to be in. She's already taken great strides in her autonomy by taking time to enjoy nature and taking long walks in and out of school. She spends most of her time exploring, and since she's started to spend more time outside, she's been smiling way, way more. Her previous persona was a broody, silent traveler, with a dark cape full of the night's mysteries. She didn't speak, didn't really have time for people. She felt angry and resentful and preferred to spend time on her own. She'd make some small jabs at them under her breath. She wasn't very approachable, but she did look absolutely badass. Now, she's opened up her face and she's always smiling. She's taken to being polite in class but she's stubbornly refusing to listen at the teachers anyways. She spends all her time daydreaming and doodling, or occasionally, writing about foreign worlds. She's become more candid and unabashedly herself, she'll laugh at the sky and smile at the rain, and even if people don't care for her much now that the mystery is over, she's happy being on her own and cannot wait to go on an adventure for real. She's had a few thinking sessions and realized she loved adventure more than anything else, so now that her parents are thinking of letting her stay away for a while so they can pay the rent better, she doesn't even pretend to be sad, and her biggest concern is whether or not she should take her dear plushies with her on her trip.
ÉLOANE, commonly mistaken as --and almost officially renamed -- "Solveig" since nobody can pronounce her birth name properly, is more of a hothead, definitely more brash, but unmistakenly someone fun to be around. She's got tons of energy, which she's trying to apply to woo everyone else around her. She loves making others laugh, making friends, and running around town showing off her latest goofy exploit -- especially to those cute girls with the most adorable laugh are involved, whereas she's guaranteed to go all in to try to impress them. She's never been this way before, though. She's never taken to the lesbian label and always described herself as bisexual, but that was admittedly back when she had her hair long and straight at her side and her face was grim and her eyes were heavy. She used to be all about looking serious, but, well, that's over now. She's still seeing herself as the rude, judgemental teen she used to be -- with the same chic clothing, the same powerful but terrifying aura, the same quiet knowledge, and silent threat she used to have. Even after trading this look with a more fun and giddy personality, she still finds it hard to part with certain things she used to believe she was, notably to admit that her latest crush is NOT the kind of girls she's into, and it's not that the brunette is bad -- cute nerds with short hair and glasses that make the cutest sound when they clink together -- she's really stuck in her ways. She's honestly very rigid, she'll tell you that herself. She's learned to laugh at herself since she learned most of her bad habits come from whatever garbage her mother fed her and called it parenting soup since she's been a baby, and it's not really been a fun ride since then. After ditching the bisexual label with great remorse, she decided to ditch her parents too. Now she takes to creating, creating, creating. She's rediscovering herself, and she's angrier, fiestier, and stabler than she's ever been. She just wishes she had someone at her side to share the story with.
ACACIA is someone who likes dark rooms and steamy tea and also those little fish eggs she would totally eat all the time if she had enough money to buy them in tons. It's for the mood, though. She's quiet, sad, and not always by choice but because she's depressed as the fish whose eggs got taken away to make that dish she feels guilty for eating. Which id also the second reason she dosn't eat a lot of it. Biology textbooks taught her a lot about the animal kingdom, and it's also given her more stuff to cry about, so that's lovely. She's always reading, and she doesn't know why, except she thinks it's great. She'll probably say something like "I want to survive" and never know what that even means. She does know some stuff, though -- that she's totally rad with glasses, that her hair really doesn't curl, and that's okay, and that short hair is colder but at least it's not as sticky anymore when she works out, right? She hasn't been doing much with herself other than finding something else to be than depressed. She's been sad and hurting for over a year now, and it's been a long trek from then to now. She's trying to redisvover colored clothing, but she can't figure out which ones she likes. She's currently obsessing over the idea that if she uses fabric someone else likes, she'll steal their gimmick and they'll be emotionally ruined forever and she'll also die for some reason, so she's decided to hide in her room and never confirm to her parents that she needs glasses until she can figure out if she likes the color. She prefers contact lenses anyways, but since they're useless in the forest, she's supposed to find some. So she's currently trying to find out how to choose a color scheme that works -- and also how to pick good berries, and good food, and how to hunt, and also feneral physics and math because screw everything, she's a sucker for knowledge. She's somehow managed to find the self-esteem necessary to be the nerd she always wished to be, and she's acing it. She worries she comes off as rude, and she might, but honestly? She'd rather be rude but useful than to feel like she didn't help anyone in her life, so she's searching and searching like her life depends on it. Which it just might. She hates being bad at something, ans also being called a perfectionnist, but she never knew why until... Well, you'll figure it out. Oh, and she's also gay, because she's been doing research and graphs since last year and she can tell you exactly what attraction she feels and when in the day she feels most giddy when meeting the cute redhead at school. But she's not going to have fun figuring out if she likes her back, though.
ANGÉLIQUE does not care about anything other than what's necessary. She's been surviving since forever ago and she knows eveything. She also hates everything and she also loves people so she's stuck caring for three idiots that she loves but also hopes don't hate her and the firest sucks and her life sucks and at least she's away so whatever. Also she figured out a way to pee in a can and reuse the water for later with some kind of mechanism that makes it pure again. Don't ask her how it works though. She's always pissed whenever people question her techniques, be it that or throwing knives at squirrels to hunt them. It does work somehow, so that's that, but she's honeslty just a big sucker for drama and she loves the aesthetic of throwing knives and peeing in a can. Also, she broke her arm and thought it would be dramatic to put it back together herself with a bandage. It wasn't too bad, but that's probably because she was dissociating too hard to feel anything other than hysteria at that moment. She's a lot more like Star than she'll admit, although she swears they're different because drama. All her life is drama gone bad, but also gone good, since, well, it works, you know? Even with knwoing absolutely Nothing ™ on survival, she managed to survive by remembering Minecraft and hoping for the best. Yes, don't tell anyone she plays Minecraft. She still misses her cow farm. Well, you made her cry now. Shoo, I have to comfort her now.
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