#just like home ; cpd
selfmadesaviour · 2 years
call my muse cute:
accepting / not accepting @immxvable as will halstead said "you're kinda cute." @evcryopeneye as jay halstead is listening in.
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her brows shoot to her hairline as the words leave will's lips, and the surprise isn't fake. a grin does spread across her lips, though, and a scoffed laugh moves through her. she appreciates the compliment even though it's probably just will being cheeky as usual -- and a heat spreads across her cheekbones as she considers how ridiculous she's being, and she sincerely hopes the color doesn't change in any noticable way.
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instead of commenting on the statement, she reaches across the table and grabs the shot glass from in front of the older brother, and doesn't even spare jay (sitting beside her at the bar table) a glance before she's downing it. her eyes are locked on will as she swallows the burning alcohol, head tilting slightly to the side as her tongue darts out to lick an escaping drop as it runs down her chin.
then she's smiling to jay, throwing an arm around his shoulder. "what do you say, should we get another round?"
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hereforhalstead · 1 year
CPD Gala
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*GIF NOT MINE, full credit to the owner*
Requested?: Nope! Wanted to get something posted now I'm back :)
• Warnings: N/A
• Summary: Jay reminds you of the annual CPD gala but knows it's not your idea of fun
Words: 1,321
• A/N : I’m not gonna apologise again for being gone as god knows how many of these I post with that intro but I’m hoping to be back in the swing of things as I have a tonne of requests to get through and I don’t want anyone thinking their request is being ignored as I promise it isn’t!
Meh I don’t love it as I defo need to get back into the comforts of my writing (its gone so downhill lmao) but here we are..
Hope you enjoy🥰
Jay knew you weren’t the biggest fan of social occasions, so when you happily agreed to attend the annual CPD gala he had invited you along to, he was beyond surprised.
“I mean, I’ll ask her but don’t get your hopes up” he had joked with Kim a few days prior, following endless begging from her after finding out Hailey wouldn’t be there and wanting a familiar female face there.
“Tell her I’ll by her drinks all night” she quickly exclaims as Jay chuckles, eyes still firmly on the road as they drive back to the district.
“You do realise it’s a free bar?”
“Oh” she huffs, “more reason for her not to say no then” she happily shrugs, sinking back into her seat with a look of confidence.
As much as Jay could go on for hours about how he knew you better than anyone, least of all Kim who you had only met on a few occasions it was like talking to a brick wall sometimes and he didn’t have the patience.
You and Jay were homebodies and this suited you perfectly, he would come home after long shifts and you would still more than likely be sat in the same spot he left you at that morning. Countless half empty mugs filled with coffee that was now ice cold, papers scattered all over the table and floor with your eyes pinned firmly on the screen in front of you.
He would convince you to call it a night, you’d either order in food or you’d wander into the kitchen together to whip up dinner whilst he told you about his day. Depends on what you had, you’d either quickly tidy up the table as best you could or you both just slumped on the sofa with the pizza box balanced on your laps as you watched some trash TV.
You would always fall asleep before Jay, he would get too into the show you had put on and then couldn’t finish until he had got to the end whereas you probably wasn’t paying too much attention in the first place so would easily doze off to only be awoken with a light kiss to your head when Jay has turned the TV off.
It worked like clockwork, some may say boring but it just worked for you and you couldn’t picture it any other way. You were each others comfort, the feeling of home.
Jay had bought up the idea of going with him to the gala the previous year but you had only been dating for a few months and hasn’t told many people so you decided against it in mutual agreement.
The truth was it hadn’t left you mind since that exact day he casually asked you over dinner last year
“would be fun you know? “ he raised his eyebrows as he took a sip from his drink “having you on my arm all nice and dressed up” he teased
No Jay, it wouldn’t be fun.
Social outings weren’t your thing, you had a close family and the relationship you had with Jay and that was more than enough. An evening spent in Molly’s was something you had to build yourself up to, let alone a huge party with tonnes of people you had never met before.
Every week the thought would re-enter your mind on whether or not he would ask again this year, secretly hoping he would’ve forgot or they had a case on which meant they couldn’t go. You knew it was in August as Kim had mentioned it one night at Molly’s so as the month got closer, the more it played on your mind.
You even forced yourself one weekend to go dress shopping for the occasion to try and get yourself in the right mindset of being there to support Jay, after all you were beyond honoured he would want you by his side but sometimes the voice in your head would have a way of getting through.
“You know the CPD gala is this weekend?” Jay broke the silence, still chewing on his pizza as he flicked through the channels.
“I know it’s not your thing so I’m thinking of just third wheeling Kim and Adam, do you think they’ll mind?” he joked but you could tell there was something in his voice that had a twinge of disappointment.
“I’ll come with you”
Before you could register your voice to your brain, the words came out of your mouth.
“Baby, you do-“ he began but you were quick to cut him off in reassurance, placing a finger onto his lips as you smiled
“It doesn’t matter, you want me to be there so I’ll be there”
You placed a light kiss to his lips, the confusion plastered across his face but the light behind his eyes showing through in a gleam.
“Just promise me you will think about it first, don’t do this for me. You know I’d rather stay at home with you anyway but there isn’t many of us going to Voight wants us to make our presence known bla bla bla”
“I’ve already bought a dress” you lied, knowing it would be the thing to distract him
The chewing on his mouthful slowed, scanning your face with a slight narrow to his eyes as he tilted his head “what does it look like?”
“It’s just a little black dress, that alright with you?” you suggested, playful tone as he pouted his lips and nodded with a sign of approval “how comes I haven’t seen this dress?”
You lifted the pizza box from his lap whilst you began to tidy, scanning down to see him lift his hips to get more comfortable, slinging one arm to rest on the top of his head whilst the other clutched at the bottle of beer.
The gaze that was piercing into your back felt like it could burn a hole, the extra swing in your hips and swish of your ponytail was giving you the confidence you needed.
Placing the pizza box down on the side you turned to see Jay towering over you, one arm resting against the door frame with the other resting low in his sweatpant pocket.
“Seriously, let me see this dress”
You tried to keep your composure, acting like you couldn’t see the smile he was trying to hide despite the corners of his lips already turning up with his every word.
His eyes were pinned to you as you picked off a piece off fluff from his tshirt, following each move as you let your hand rest onto his chest.
Gazing up at him, innocence in your eyes as you could feel his heart pounding beneath your touch amongst the silence.
“You’re not allowed to see it until the Gala”
He huffed, rolling his eyes whilst running a hand across his forehead in stress
“but the guy in the store said I looked like a million bucks”
His eyes widened, smirk spreading across his lips as you felt his hand drop to your hip as he cleared his throat “did he now?”
You nodded, feeling his grip tighten as he let out a huff in laughter which you knew he didn’t mean in amusement.
Before you could think of what to come back with, his arm was slung over your waist, picking you up like you were a piece of paper and tossing you onto his shoulder. Marching towards the bedroom, not letting the fists you were prodding into his back stopping him.
“Jay?! What are you doing!” you exclaimed, being laid on the bed as he pinned his arms either side of your head to stop you from getting away from him. Dark glint in his eyes as he roamed about your body, taking in every inch as he admired.
“I think you need to show me this dress baby”
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chadillacboseman · 3 months
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Pairing: David Loki x GN!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of injury, blood, trauma, kidnapping (if you've seen the movie, you know what it's about), mentions of previous arguments/a breakup, a little angst, pivoting entirely into something much sweeter.
Summary: In the wake of the recovery of the Birch and Dover girls and the rescue of Keller, David is put on mandatory leave by CPD. There's only one place he wants to be.
A/N: MY DRAMATIC RETURN TO xREADER!!! Re-watching Prisoners after like 5 years was enough to make me come back after a lengthy hiatus. Everybody say "THANK YOU, JAKE GYLLENHAAL!"
"Take time to recover, Loki," Captain O'Malley looked over the top of a battered file folder, stern gray eyes never wavering as he stared down the detective across the desk from him.
"I can do more here-" David began, indignant; his usually slicked hair had become tousled in his frustration, long black strands hanging haphazardly into his face as he protested.
"I'm not asking, detective."
That was that.
David exited the precinct in a huff, slinging his heavy jacket over his shoulders as his breath came in billowing white clouds against the frigid air. He paused on the front steps, irritation still bubbling just below the surface as he chewed his tongue in contemplation.
His right temple ached where Holly's bullet had struck him, throbbing down into his eye, where a bloodshot ring of ruptured vessels haloed his iris. He brought a hand up to the bandage absentmindedly, tracing the gauze and taking a moment to marvel at the fact that he'd come out from the shootout with his life.
Maybe O'Malley was right. David was in no shape to be on the streets, and the thought of being forced into desk duty made his eye twitch. He sighed heavily as he made his way down the steps and to his car, flinging the door open and dropping into the worn seat before bringing the engine to a whining start.
Muscle memory didn't take him home. Not to his empty house where he'd be left alone with every heavy memory that the Dover and Birch case had put on his shoulders. No, instead it took him to the opposite side of town, to your apartment building, where his car almost seemed to guide itself into a familiar parking space. The headlights cut off with the engine, and he exited into the darkening evening, making his way to the entrance.
David's hand hovered over the call button on the entry system, hesitant, shaking. He swallowed, thickly, then hammered the one next to your unit number, waiting with his breath trapped in his chest. Nervously, he ran his hand through his hair, tucking the unruly strands back to join the others as he stood there.
Inside your apartment, the loud buzzer near your door startled you into nearly dropping the dish you'd been about to place in the dishwasher. You furrowed your brows and glanced at the time on your phone- 6:00PM.
You dried off your hands and made your way to the entry; next to your door, a small red light blinked on top of a plastic speaker. You watched it for a moment, wondering if perhaps someone had hit the wrong number.
"Hello?" you thumbed the button and waited tentatively.
"It's me."
You hadn't seen him in weeks. He'd become so engrossed in the case with the missing girls that it had driven a wedge between the two of you, and you'd half expected to never see him again. When David got invested in a case, you quickly learned that you would always play second fiddle. Things had come to a head when Bob Taylor killed himself while in custody and David had become a man obsessed- angry, out of control, so singularly focused that you'd told him to get out.
He hadn't even argued.
"Can I come up?" his voice was quiet.
You hesitated, tongue trapped between your teeth as you considered your options. You'd seen on the news that the case had had a happy ending- both girls recovered safely, and Keller Dover had been found as well.
You sighed and hit the entry button, already feeling your body tense at the idea of him being back in your apartment after such a volatile ending. His quiet knock jolted you into focus and you slid the chain lock off the rail and turned the deadbolt with a loud click before swinging the door open.
David looked like hell.
The right side of his head was bandaged near the temple, and angry red bruising peppered his forehead and circled his eye, which was so bloodshot that it looked alien. You opened your mouth to comment, but decided against it, instead stepping aside so he could enter.
David winced when his eyes passed over the apartment, remembering the last time he'd set foot inside. The way your eyes had swam with tears as you'd begged him to just take a step back, to listen to you for even a second.
The way you'd begged him to show that he cared.
He turned to look at you, standing just a few feet away, but it felt like miles. Your arms were folded across your chest, fingers flexing on your biceps uncomfortably as you avoided his gaze and stared pointedly at the floor.
David opened his mouth, but the words wouldn't come.
For once, it wasn't Detective Loki who stood before you. It was just David- a mortal man, not some larger than life police officer chasing down the bad guys in dark alleyways.
"I'm sorry," he finally spoke, his quiet words falling flat in the tense air of the apartment, "for all of it."
All of it. The late shifts, the yelling, the nights spent sleeping on the couch. The alcohol he'd used to dull the ache of failure any time he chased a dead end lead.
"David-" you sighed and closed your eyes, bringing two fingers to pinch the space between your brows in frustration. It was so incredibly like him to think that he could finish a case and ride that high into coming back to you, waltzing back into your life as if he hadn't left you devastated just weeks before.
"I mean it," he took a hesitant step toward you, his hands flexing at his sides as he tried to stop himself from reaching for you, "please."
His plea felt genuine, warbling around the edges as if he was barely holding it together. You looked up and felt the slightest pang of emotion sear through your chest at the look in his eyes. Whatever had transpired as the case had come to a close had clearly rattled him- his air of confidence and righteous anger was gone, leaving a bruised and bloodied little boy standing in your entryway.
The same little boy who had joined the police force to stop the same people who had hurt him. The little boy who had felt so alone for so long until he met you.
"Please let me fix this."
Your heart wrenched control from your brain at his words, and before you could stop yourself, you crossed the room, closing the distance until you were just inches from him. Slowly, you brought your hand up to cup the uninjured side of his face, running your thumb gently across the stubble that had cropped up on his jaw.
David closed his eyes and a shaky breath passed through his lips as he leaned his head into your touch. Only then did he remember how much he had missed you- the softness of your touch, the way you kept him grounded when everything seemed lost.
The way you loved him, even when he couldn't bear to love himself.
"Forgive me?" David's lips twitched as he opened his eyes to look into yours.
You weren't sure if 'forgive' was the right word for what you were doing, but it was a start. You nodded and wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing your head to rest against his chest as he pulled you into a tight embrace.
David exhaled, as if it was the first time he'd done it fully since he'd left your apartment all those nights ago. You pulled back enough to look at him and he smiled, his face framed by the dark strands of hair that had fallen from the slicked back style atop his head.
"Captain made me take the rest of the month off," David murmured as he looked down at you, the soft smile still playing at his lips as he spoke.
You raised an eyebrow, shocked that he'd even agreed to take the leave of absence. Maybe he was ready to change for the better.
"And what do you plan to do with all that free time?" you asked playfully, your own smile now widening as his eyes crinkled at the corners, soft gaze still never breaking from yours.
"Make it up to you," David grinned and brought his mouth to yours before you could come up with a clever rebuttal.
In an instant, it was like he'd never stormed out of your apartment that night. All the days of watching the news, waiting for some reporter to announce that Detective David Loki had been killed in a shootout were wiped from the slate as his lips met yours.
David broke the kiss and rested his forehead against yours, the tip of his nose just barely brushing against your own as his hands fell so naturally to your waist to keep you close.
"I love you," he whispered.
"I love you too."
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ms-nesbit · 10 months
Sweet home chicago (jason todd x afab!reader)
chapter one
Rating: 18+
Warnings: eventual smut, swearing, father figure dick grayson, skater tim drake, sad jason todd :(
Summary: dick and tim trick jason into taking a vacation in chicago. There, he meets someone he hopes to never forget.
Note: im sorry for dipping, yall. I really had some important things to take care of.
Amber and rose peeked through the hedge between the array of buildings on Michigan Avenue. Jason blended himself with the sea of tourists and chic aristocrats. He didn’t necessarily stick out like a sore thumb, as there were a few Chicagoans dressed casually like him; even in the late-November evening, he sported his signature red hoodie and straight fit jeans, tattered and dirty near the hem. No matter what, he wanted to appear mildly stressed, only mildly, so as to not draw more attention to himself than his six-foot-four frame already did.
He wondered how he got here. Was it the phone call from Dick, or the two dozen from Tim? Could it have been neither, and he perhaps wanted to rush the plane during the busiest season, nudged in a lousy middle seat between an obnoxious preteen and a middle-aged woman watching poorly edited, extremist conservative media? To be fair, Jason treated himself to Portillo’s once he left the airport - a well-earned reward for not lashing out at the self-absorbed individuals beside him.
He stepped briskly, moving in sync with the less-anxious of the crowd toward the shopping district notoriously named Magnificent Mile. On his left ear, he heard the excitement in the tune of indistinguishable conversations and the season’s final water taxis boarding; in his right, a wireless earbud, softly playing his childhood favorite, Diana Ross and the Supremes.
Once he reached the other end of the bridge, he strolled to the sidewalk in front of Tribune Tower, pulling his phone out and indiscreetly sending a message of his coordinates to-
A call. “As much as I love the smell of fish, garbage, and the crooked CPD, why did you and Tim want me here?” Jason was more curious than upset, but he’d rather not disclose his true feelings to his brothers.
“C’mon, Jay, it’s the Windy City! You ever been to Chicago?” Dick asked. “Beautiful everything here. Tim’s at the Van store up the street, and I’m grabbing a slice of pizza across from ya. You wanna come over and get a slice, grumpy? You get a little hangry sometimes.”
Jason sighed, and his stomach grumbled in response to the offer. “Alright, but I’m not goin’ outside. I sat next to some wackjob on the flight who sounded like she needed to be in the looney bin, and I’m not lookin’ to make friends.” As he spoke, he quickly turned his head before dashing across the busy street, waving off a car blaring its horn at him. “What’do’ey have?”
“How about you see?” Dick approached Jason, smiling mischievously. Jason ended the call, moving his eyes to Dick’s hands behind his back. “Guess what I got?”
“Dick, I’m not in the mood for games-”
“Ta-da!” Dick shifted in his coat, revealing a white box with a drawn pizza and the name Lou Malnati’s on it. Jason pretended like his mouth didn’t water at the smell of grease and garlic. “I had ‘em make a classic cheese with those square slices. How about we sit down on the riverfront and talk?”
And talk. No matter the temptation, be it a buttery, gooey pizza right under Jason’s nose, he still believed it wasn’t worth the compromise of having to make more than small talk with others. “Listen, Dickie, as much as I appreciate the offer, I don’t think I’m ready to talk about-”
“Dude, this isn’t about Artemis, if that’s what you’re about to say.” Dick shrugged in his beige peacoat, a piece of his thick, navy, knitted cardigan spilling from his waist. “I just want to, y’know, see if you want to go to this thing tonight.”
Jason cocked a brow in his theatrical manner. “So you and Tim badgered me, had me fly all the way to goddamn Chicago, all to just talk over some overpriced pizza?” Around him, he felt the glare of customers, but he doubled down, giving them knowing looks. “I’ve been here. Want a real place? Go to the goddamn place off Clark and Dickens. You’ll thank me later.”
Dick rolled his eyes, already tired by Jason’s heels in the sand. “Always gotta be a drama queen. Just…come with me. I’ll explain once we’re out of earshot.” His voice was hushed, signaling Jason to follow suit. They walked together to the riverwalk, sitting on the cold high-risen edging. Dick delicately opened the lid of the box, revealing the savory American delicacy and motioning for Jason to take the first slice.
Once Jason reached for the slice, taking his first bite and stretching the rosemary-seasoned cheese from its bed atop the crust, Dick began. “Tim and I were thinking that the three of us could use a break.” Jason grumbled indistinctly into his pizza slice, swirling the string of cheese around his tongue in a tight noose. “Bruce has been a handful lately - I mean, he always is - and I think it would be a good lesson for him to finally be on his own instead of taking us for granted, y’know?”
Jason nodded, rearranging his food to one side of his mouth so he could speak with the other. “You do know that Bruce is probably better off without me, right? Since I-” he swallowed the food, kissing the excess sauce and garlic from his teeth, “leave a ‘pretty big mess’, as he says.”
“You also help. Gang-related crime decreased about 37 percent when Red Hood regularly patrolled, and the Gotham Gazette did a poll, based on before and after Red: thanks to Red Hood, 6 out of 10 female Gothamites feel safe walking home at night, compared to the 3 out of 10 prior to Red Hood’s introduction.”
The statistic surprised Jason. He was used to the smearing from Justice League’s best, so it was nice to hear a compliment for a change. “And Timmy’s on board with this?” He didn’t hesitate to take a second slice, while Dick left the pizza untouched.
“He was the one who coined it.” Dick looked out at the river, mildly put off by Jason’s shameless eating habits. “We were patrolling one night and he just said it out of the blue. I get it, though.” He pursed his lips, staring wistfully. “I couldn’t tell you before because then you wouldn’t agree to it.”
Dick was right: when he’d offer to take Jason in after they reconciled, Jason refused. Though not Bruce’s blood son, Jason was comparably stubborn, sometimes surpassing the Dark Knight. “And where are we gonna stay?”
“That’s the best part.” Dick finally reached for a slice, folding it in half and dipping a chunk into his mouth to cut from the slice. “Tim hacked into Bruce’s business travel account and used some of his points to book a stay at some fancy place called Waldalf…lemme check.” Dick reached into his peacoat pocket and pulled out his phone, checking the reservation. He continued to chew, as did Jason, and Dick leaned over to show Jason the reservation email. “Astoria. It’s a couple of blocks here, I think. Worst case, we can just use a taxi or Uber there or something.”
“I’m banned from using Uber.” Jason said nonchalantly, squinting at the details on Dick’s pristine phone screen before looking the name up for himself. “I can walk as long as I can have another slice.”
Dick blinked at Jason blankly before glancing at the remnants of the pizza. “Take the small one right there.” Removing a wrinkled, discolored restaurant napkin from his back pocket, Jason snatched the slice with an asymmetrical, genuine smile, now holding a slice in each hand. Dick bit his tongue in his mouth to keep himself from laughing. If he hadn’t held a slice in his, he would have snapped a photo to send to the family group chat. “We’re already checked in, so just bring whatever luggage you have with you.”
Jason looked up from his slices like a deer in the headlights. “Sorry, I didn’t think to bring anything other than the usual.” With a slice, he vaguely gestured to his dirty clothes.
“I was…expecting that.” Dick chuckled lightly. “I brought you some clothes so you could go out and enjoy yourself for a change.” He spotted Jason’s eye roll. “You’re in your twenties, for crying out loud. Enjoy yourself! Make a friend. Would it kill you to just live?”
As Jason shook his head, a few strands of grey fell from his messily combed back hair and onto his forehead. “What, is coming back from the dead and seeking vengeance to blood-thirsty psychopaths not living?”
“No, it’s not.” a voice came from the other side of the riverwalk, by the bustling street: a lanky-built male, wearing a beige Santa Cruz sweatshirt and dark jeans, strolled on his skateboard toward the brothers. “And by the way, Jason, you look no different than the bourgeoisie skimming the racks at Urban Outfitters over there.” Jason’s frown dropped at Tim, already bugged by him. “Me and Dick were basically wanting you to, y’know, socialize like a normal human being. I know you’re an introvert, I get that, but you’ve gotta, y’know…converse.”
 Jason stood from the platform, brushing the suggestion from his broad shoulders. “Jesus, and you wonder why I don’t want to hang out with you guys.” he made an excuse and walked back toward Michigan Ave, finishing his slices along the way.
“By the way, Dick.” Tim nudged Dick with his elbow, showing him a photo of zoomed-in Jason, a few minutes earlier, smiling goofily with his two slices of pizza pie.
Dick erupted into laughter, doubling over and nearly knocking over the box.
“You got the terrace suite?” Jason muttered in blustering shock. “Bruce is going to be so pissed.” His lips stretched into a wide smile.
He plopped onto the sleeper sofa, sprawling his limbs out to relax. Dick assigned Jason to the couch (“Finder’s keepers!”), while Dick and Tim each slept in their separate rooms. “We already received a warning about how you’re dressed, Jason, so if you could please promptly change into something more appropriate, I’m sure this stay would be more enjoyable for all of us.” Dick managed to remain calm while conveying, despite the fatherly-level of disappointment underneath his skin.
Heeding Dick’s advice, Jason made his way to Dick’s room, where he opened up the luggage Dick neatly packed for him: a pair of dress shoes, two pairs of socks and boxer briefs (all red, for continuity’s sake), along with a lightweight, tightly knitted sweater, t-shirt, long-sleeve undershirts, and two pairs of slacks (one beige, one black). Jason sighed halfheartedly, bummed by the array chosen for him. He knew, of course, it was his responsibility to select his own attire, but of course he’d forgotten it, lost in the chaos of his everyday life; Dick anticipated Jason’s reaction, and packed something nonetheless, and although grateful, Jason still hesitated to express it.
While Tim and Dick explored the depths of downtown, Jason immersed himself into the room, quietly exploring the channels that Astoria offered.
Knock, knock. “Housekeeping!”
Jason yelled back, “Come in.” while munching on a bag of corn chips on the couch, eyes lasered on the television screen.
The housekeeper, wearing a black and sky blue uniform, pushed his trolley in. “Are you enjoying your stay, Sir?”
Jason shrugged. “My ma was a housekeeper for a bit. Don’t worry about the ‘sir’ stuff, it’s all good.” The response was new to the employee, who stood for a moment before excusing himself to clean the bathroom and bedrooms.
“Sir,” the housekeeper returned, gripping the trolley behind him with a single hand. “Would you mind vacating the room while I clean, or should I return if you are…busy?”
Jason looked at the chip crumbs on his hoodie before looking back at the housekeeper. “I’ve no problem leaving. I’ve gotta change, so I’ll go the other room. Could you just lock the door when you leave?”
“Absolutely, Sir.” the housekeeper said before Jason shut the bathroom door, slacks and sweater in hand.
Stepping out from the courtyard of the hotel premises, Jason wandered down the corner, unable to prevent himself from making grotesque faces at the high-end stores nearby. The breeze chilled the skin on his face to the point where it eventually felt like he was kissed by needles, and he unlocked his phone to find a place to settle down and (hopefully) eat. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed an approaching blotch of yellow and blue, to which he immediately hailed down. A taxi parked along the curb, and Jason hopped in. “Could you please take me away from here? Some place with some good food?”
The driver gave Jason a look of uncertainty, pondering before nodding and starting the meter.
Jason sat back and relaxed as giant metallic letters standing proudly on top of clear, godliness glass storefronts began to disappear, one by one, until they were replaced with bulletins and signs, and tented storefronts matched with painted, worn down brickwork.
He exhaled in relief. Despite living with Bruce and his luxurious lifestyle, the unspoken language of wealth was still foreign to Jason. He didn’t understand why the affluent would whisper, and why evil would poison their tongue and burn away at their heart once their financial wealth accrued.
After slipping the taxi driver a couple of hundred dollar bills, Jason abruptly left the vehicle, reading the name of the restaurant to himself. “Like the song…?” he asked the driver, who nodded.
“Different spelling, different things.”
Jason inhaled nasily, chest rising. “Alrighty, thanks, man.”
The driver nodded once again before waving and merging back into traffic. Jason entered the restaurant and was instantly greeted with sweet and savory notes, causing Jason’s stomach to cramp in pain. He walked up to the counter, so clean that he could almost make his reflection out, and waited for an employee to serve him. While he waited, he studied the menu: sandwiches, soups, and more appetizers to choose from. He chewed on his bottom lip, distressed when deciding between pasteles (mix of plantain mix and meat, wrapped in a banana leaf) or mofongo (stuffed plantain).
“When you’re ready, I can take you.” A voice notified him as he stood like a bronze statue before the menu.
He didn’t take his eyes off the photos above the counter. “Sorry about this, I’m a first timer - what are your pasteles filled with?”
“Usually pork or chicken, but we make them with cheese now since there are some vegetarians.”
“Could I have just pasteles, one with cheese filling and one with chicken?” Jason asked.
The clerk pressed a button on the register, which was a tablet with a brightly lit screen. “Sure thing. Anything else?”
“Yeah, and…pastellitos de guayaba? Can I have that, too? And water.”
The clerk pressed the screen a few times, noting down Jason’s order. “Of course. For here or to go?”
Jason finally tore his eyes from the menu to look at the clerk, and his mouth fell open at the sight of the clerk: hair was tightly curled, coiled from their roots; lips plump and glossy, appearing much more enticing to Jason than the food he ogled at.
“Here.” he stuttered, feeling heat rise up to his neck. The clerk smiled at him, and they placed their hand on their wide hip, bringing Jason’s eye to it.
“It’ll be ready in a bit. We’ll bring it to your seat, yeah? Sientate.” They motioned with their nose at the dining area, a selection of polished wooden chairs and tables to choose from.
Before he could ask for their name, the clerk rushed to the kitchen of the restaurant, repeating his order to the rest of the staff. Jason watched them walk away, their bottom half swaying in the leggings they wore, before he realized his leering and chose an empty seat and table near the colorful mural.
Thoughts rushed to the tall man’s head, some impure ones welcoming themselves for the first time since he and Artemis parted. Their relationship was, in short, complicated, and neither of them were fully transparent toward another, leading to the inevitable diffusion of the once-kindled fire; it didn’t break Jason’s heart, but rather disappointed him, and he felt that his fate of inescapable loneliness was encapsulated.
The clerk reappeared from the kitchen, holding two plates of food. They walked past Jason, ignoring whatever eye contact he attempted to make at them, and attended to the table diagonally from his. “Y te quedas a tu mama, ok?” They spoke warmly but sternly to the couple, before leaving with a grin. “And you,” they pointed at Jason, “your pastellios should be ready in one to two minutes, okay?”
Jason nodded frantically, popping an optimistic grin. “Can’t wait.”
“I know.” they winked at Jason before turning back around and walking through the revolving door leading to the kitchen. Jason felt something distant in his stomach. Perhaps hunger?
In a few minutes, the mysterious clerk returned, holding what Jason hoped was his food. When they arrived at his table, settling the plates down delicately before handing him cutlery and a glass, he beamed first at the food, then at the beautiful clerk. He didn’t know which he was more excited for. “Thank you!”
“Not a problem.” they returned his smile, eyes glistening at him. “Our chef is working on something else for you to carry out, free of charge. Can’t let you starve out on us, right, big guy?” their eyes briefly scanned Jason’s figure, which caused Jason’s cheeks to flush a bright pink.
They’re hitting on me, the fuck. “Thanks! I was hoping maybe I can come back, get your name?”
“Oooh, I like the sound of that.” their voice dipped an octave, and Jason swore he felt his pants tighten under the table. He shifted in his seat uncomfortably. “How about I save you the trouble and tell ya now, that way next time you can take me out for dessert?”
Jason smirked at them, slowly checking their figure out before focusing his attention back on their eyes. “Sure.”
“It’s y/n.” they purred, reaching their hand to rest on Jason’s bicep. Their skin was soft, yet calloused. “And you are…?”
“Jason.” he grinned. “Sorry, I’m new at this.”
“Don’t worry.” they assured. “I’m here if you need anything. And if you decide to take me on that offer, my number is in the check right there.” they pointed to the black checkbook beside the plates of food. Jason’s skin was burning under their touch, and when y/n had to leave, Jason felt a twinge of sadness when they retracted their hand.
Unraveling his cutlery from the napkin, Jason made sure to make an important phone call before his vacation ended.
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kanerallels · 5 months
This is a day late, but I have a short little thing for @chenford-prompts 2 Weeks of Chenford! Prompt: Miles Apart
(I'm not gonna lie to y'all, this is inspired by a plot line in Chicago PD that I hated with a fiery passion, so I decided to fix it and add some Chenford, as a treat! It's more alluded to than anything else, and the timelines don't really work out, but I don't really care. OH also I may have. Replaced Bailey and Nolan's wedding with Abigail and Henry's in this. Because I don't really care for Bailan, but that's just my opinion!)
“I still can’t believe you arrested someone while you were on vacation in New York,” Lucy said, her voice echoing and staticy through the phone’s speaker. “You're officially worse than Nolan.”
Tim rolled his eyes, shifting his position in his seat. He was sitting in the waiting room of a precinct in Brooklyn, waiting for detectives to come and take his statement. “Okay, no one’s worse than Nolan. He went after a drug ring at his son’s wedding.”
“True,” Lucy conceded. “But you’re on vacation, miles away from home, and you just happened to spot a kidnapper?”
“They don’t give sergeant positions to just anyone, you know,” Tim pointed out wryly.
He heard her snort on the other end. “No, apparently just to people who hit criminal’s cars with their cars to stop them.”
“Okay that one I did steal from Nolan,” Tim admitted. “But it worked. Got him out of the car and away from the girl he grabbed.”
“She must have been terrified.” Lucy’s voice was soft with empathy, and Tim felt a pang go through his chest.
“Yeah,” he said. “She’s tough, though. She’ll be okay.” 
What he didn’t tell her was how familiar it felt when he pulled the young woman, tied up and terrified, out of the back of the car. Suddenly he was lifting Lucy out of the barrel in the desert, holding her as she sobbed.
The tears in the young woman’s eyes— Nadia, from Chicago. Not much older than Nolan’s rookie, with a checkered past, but a fierce determination that Tim recognized easily— had reminded him of Lucy’s. It had been heart-wrenching.
“Hey.” Lucy’s voice on the other end jolted him out of his thoughts. “You saved her. You stopped the bad guy and you saved that girl from her worst nightmare. I’m proud of you.”
Tim let out a soft laugh. “Thanks, Lucy.”
“Of course.” She paused, then asked, “How long are you going to be gone again?”
Letting out a sigh, Tim leaned back in his seat, switching his phone to his other ear. “A couple more days. Technically I’m out here to visit a friend, but there’s also this case to help wrap up. And I want to keep an eye on Nadia until her friends come to pick her up. Apparently she knows people in the CPD who are on their way.”
“Good— I’m glad you’ll be there for her.”
That was Lucy. Always focused on someone else. But Tim could hear what she wasn’t saying, and for once he let himself say it. “I miss you.”
He could almost see her smile as she said, “I miss you, too.”
Glancing up, Tim saw a familiar, leather jacket-clad figure heading towards him. “I gotta go— Detective Peralta is back. Talk to you later?”
“Okay, I should go, too. Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
As Tim hung up the phone, Detective Peralta, who was standing in front of him, wiggled his eyebrows at him. “Already at the I love you part in your relationship, huh? Very noice.”
Rolling his eyes, Tim said, “Let’s just get on with the statement, okay?”
“Yeah, I sound like Boyle. Let’s stick with I’m happy for you. Now, right this way, Sergeant.”
Tim shook his head as he followed the other man. But he couldn’t quite hold back the smile on his face.Only a few more days here. Then I’ll go home to Lucy. And that was the best thought of all.
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paigelts05 · 9 days
Vanessa Sylvia Blake [FNAF, Renegade AU]
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Published: Sep 15, 2024
Her sister being freed from William's control and the closure of the megaplex should have signalled a calm in Sylvia's life, but chaos loves company.
Daughter of Joy Diego and Bill Blake, she was born in 1993, and always preferred to be called Sylvia, as that was the name her mom chose for her.
Joy wanted to call her 'Sylvia [middle name of husband's choice] Blake'. Bill, however, messed with the paperwork and had her named Vanessa Sylvia Blake. Joy was not made aware, and due to being blind, had no way of finding this out for herself.
At four years old, her mom and father went through a messy divorce, with her father, Bill Blake, threatening Sylvia, the judge, and his own attorney in order to get his way in the custody hearing. Just before the judgements was passed, Sylvia broke her silence and revealed that she was threatened into lying about her mom, and cried that everyone else was more of a coward for not calling out the obvious contradictions in her statements. This caused the attorney to break down and reveal that he had also been threatened with murder if he didn't get Bill full custody. The judge, whilst having also been threatened, gave custody to Bill anyway even with everything stacked against him.
A few days later, the balcony of Joy Diego's apartment broke whilst she was standing on it, and in true Joy Diego fashion, she's perfectly OK aside from a sprained ankle, but the mainstream papers reported her as dead. Bill used this mainstream report to make Sylvia believe that her mom had died, and that it hadn't been an accident, and by the next day when a fairly well known paranormal investigative journalist released an article correcting the mistakes of the mainstream papers, showing that Joy was alive, Bill had already isolated Sylvia from being able to find any contradictory information, so the article never reached her.
Throughout her childhood, Bill had Sylvia subjected to electroshock 'therapy' due to her 'rebellious' behaviour. Due to this, she was in and out of various hospitals and mental hospitals for a long time, as once the doctors realised that Sylvia didn't have anything wrong with her, making the treatment unnecessary, Bill would take Sylvia and skip town.
She begun to plan her escape after meeting a woman who shared a part of her name, a lady called Vanessa Shelly who was currently recovering from a stab wound in the hospital. After sharing stories about shit fathers, Sylvia felt inspired to escape.
She made a handful of attempts, but she managed to finally run away from home for good at 16 (year 2009) and joined the CPD Paranormal Department as a paranormal responder so she could make rent whilst taking coding classes. Even though Mike tried to deter her, she insisted on joining, so in order to keep her from doing anything remotely more dangerous whilst she was still a kid, he did let her join as a junior paranormal responder, where she'd just be helping keep any kids involved with the cases entertained and happy, so she could play like a kid with other kids whilst feeling useful. Her choice to join the paranormal department was in part due to Joy having put Location C's Mike Schmidt down as Sylvia's legal guardian and Mike running that department, and in part due to the paranormal department effectively being social workers who use the fact that they are technically a police department in order to be the first at a scene and to keep the rest of the police force out of any of their cases.
Whilst she did see her mom quite frequently now as Joy was a good friend of Mike's, it took a while for Sylvia to realise that the blind woman she saw so often was actually her mom because Sylvia couldn't remember her face, in part due to the electroshock 'therapy' that Bill had subjected her to. Sylvia also realised that she had a little sister now.
After getting promoted to a full-time member of the paranormal department, Sylvia realised that Mike had essentially tricked her into being able to get paid for being a kid playing with other kids back in her junior role, and honestly, she was glad for it. Especially after hearing the stories of what Mike had done when he was her age (and his aversion to anything remotely tight around his neck now made sense to her. Sylvia was honestly surprised he could still wear shirts that had collars after all that he had gone through).
Sylvia was especially glad seeing as she completely flubbed her first assignment as she got knocked out whilst investigating an old Faz Ent HQ and woke up in a Faz-infirmary with the tell tale wounds of a Faz Ent style bone marrow extraction.
Several years later, whilst her and her sister were in college, they and a few mutual friends formed a small gaming company called Silver Parasol. They made a bunch of high quality mobile games and small PC titles over the course of a good few years, and whilst they were planning thier next mobile RPG, they received a contract from Faz Ent to work on a VR game. The pay seemed good, and the opportunity to snoop in on Faz Ent's plans were even better. Jeremy B and Cass sorted out the paperwork, and things seemed to be going OK until Faz Ent started trying to treat it like a buyout.
Upon reviewing the contract, it was clear that Faz Ent signed Silver Parasol's contract, so everything that Faz Ent was doing, all the way down to assigning Dale as a 'manager' to the troupe, was a breach of contract. After bringing it up to a solicitor, their solicitor told them to keep gathering evidence of breach of contract, then strike as soon as Faz Ent thinks the 'buy out' is done: after all, the troupe still needed to get that month's paycheque to survive.
In the meantime, Jeremy had survived cutting his face off, Sylvia had wound up with something in her head and had been saved by Cass fragmenting it back into the game. The same thing then got Cass, who got a PI that shared Jeremy's forename to help her drive it into the tapes, but Cass still wound up losing an eye to get the last bit of it out of her head, and then when they all thought they'd won and were making sure it was gone, Ness got posessed, and it didn't let her go.
This incident wound up with Silver Parasol temporarily 'disbanding' and becoming a ska band for a while in order to keep their company name and identity, as their case against Faz Ent was in a deadlock due to Faz Ent's nightmare lawyer's going 'well you're still in business'. Becoming a ska band also let them take a break from game Dev as they couldn't even look at a screen without seeing some hallucination of William's new form. Sylvia then managed to get Cass and Jeremy to become paranormal responders in order to better help Ness deal with her new problem and better share the truth of what happened, as whilst Ness was going into a new job to stay away as she felt as if she was a danger to her friends and sister thanks to a case of William Afton living rent free in her brain, Sylvia felt that she could best help by being on standby to be there for her in case something went wrong.
A few years after that, Faz Ent grabbed her whilst she was on an investigation mission; instead of extracting bone marrow like they had done ten years ago, they seemed to have injected something into her arm. Whilst she was officially out of commission on medical leave, she had noticed these past months that William had been getting more desperate to get Nessie somewhere, and Sylvia figured that this 'somewhere' was the megaplex, so she used the dirt she had on Bill to get a letter of recommendation out of him so that she could more easily snag the role of head of security. Shortly after this, William managed to whisk Ness away to the megaplex.
Sylvia met many colourful characters whilst working at the megaplex, some new and some familiar faces. She trained the night guards to handle the animatronics better than ever, and by the time Faz Ent tried to turn a mass layoff into a mass murderer, Sylvia was ready to give her life to protect her cohort of colleagues. She tackled an exec who was holding the head technician at gunpoint to the ground and wound up suffering some moderate injuries whilst protecting some of her colleagues whilst holding the daycare attendant in the daycare, but she survived it all.
About a week later, an incident known as the breach occured, and Sylvia almost died many times whilst balancing trying to save her sister and trying to keep Gregory safe, but it ultimately wound up being some sigils left by Desmond that allowed Sylvia's progress on the secondary arcades to be combined with Gregory's PQ progress that permitted Gregory to play PQ3 and free Ness.
About a week later, Sylvia took part in the Raid on the megaplex, and whilst she wound up in peril many times, she managed to figure out a 'reverse control theory' that wound up being used in order to get William to activate the burners in his rooms himself, as the pipes and cables had been damaged so they couldn't be activated in the way that Gregory had predicted.
At this point, everything should be wrapping up, with the only thing left to do being carrying out the court ordered demolition of the megaplex, but as soon as Sylvia's on the demolition crew, Faz Ent kidnaps her sister, again. So she headed to the megaplex, wound up getting followed in by Gregory and Freddy, and they were all immediately attacked and knocked out by Cheryl with an army of staffbots. They were able to escape and find Ness, whom Freddy's head had been delivered to, before Cheryl came back. When attempting to get out again, Cheryl came back with Todd C and Charles Ramirez and because the execs had guns, they managed to recapture Sylvia and co, but due to Charles R's plan with Syivia being 'attach Adelaide's control device to Sylvia', and said control device not working, Sylvia was able to bust out again, meet up with Ness, and save Gregory. Ness and Gregory left the megaplex, but Sylvia stayed behind to finish demolitions, but also keep an eye out because she had a hunch that Gregory had been initially kept in the sinkhole by Cheryl to lure someone else in.
Sylvia ended up being right and found that Cassie, Desmond's daughter, had been the target after finally finding her in a crashed elevator. Due to a different exec, tech exec Burrows, bringing the scapegoat mimic AI into a physical endo, and with that endo having hijacked Faz Ent's original plans with Cassie, Cassie and Syivia made an unlikely alliance with William, Adelaide, Bill, and Cheryl to destroy the mimic.
After operation kill mimic was a success, William was a man of his word: Adelaide helped Cassie, Roxy, and Syivia out of the sinkhole, and Cheryl and Bill cooperated in getting out of the megaplex.
When trying to find a way to the nearest hospital, the duo collapsed, and Roxy was able to find Cassie's dad, Desmond, who managed to get the now unconscious Cassie and very delirious Syivia to the hospital. There, Sylvia told Desmond that they'd figured out that the mystery stem cell donner that Desmond's sister used to create Cassie was in fact Sylvia: Sylvia was Bill Blake's 'mystery daughter' that Des and Cassie had been trying to find.
After being discharged from the hospital, Sylvia invited Desmond and Cassie to stay with her, and whilst it was a long move, far away from where Cassie and Desmond once called home, Desmond was glad to bid Hurricane good riddance. Cassie was initially reluctant, but became quick to warm up to the idea of moving after being informed that Gregory was moving in with Ness and Luis (who live near Sylvia's real home), and Tory, Elijah, and Rachel were all relocating to a place not far from where she would be moving to due to the remains of Faz Ent and the Megaplex posing a serious threat to theirs and their parents lives if they stuck around.
Shortly after moving in, Sylvia worked with Ness and Cassie to devise a plan to permanently contain William. A plan whose delivery of the console, game, and headset unfortunately have Desmond a panic attack, but that seemed to be his sister Alistair's plan in order to temporarily possess him in order to relay some important information in the most secure way. Once William had been contained, Sylvia would be the bridge connecting Ness and Cassey's efforts to contain William with the new efforts to hunt down and eliminate the mimic. Not to mention the constant efforts from Mike and Carl to keep Faz Ent from expanding.
Just her luck that Cassie and Desmond are being targeted by William and Faz Ent as well as the mimic. So if she wanted to make sure that Desmond and Cassie would remain safe whilst living with her, she'd have to remain vigilant. For their sakes.
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fatehbaz · 2 years
From Atlanta to Chicago [...]. These cop cities are training grounds for police violence and must be dismantled to restore a world where life is precious.
In a stunning yet utterly predictable act, Chicago’s “cop academy” has officially opened on the West Side complete with a ribbon-cutting in front of fake street signs and fake housing.
In a city reeling from extreme poverty, a lack of affordable housing, myriad environmental injustices, food apartheid, [...] and in a city where at least 65,000 people are experiencing homelessness, the leadership of the city of Chicago spent $128 million to build fake homes on the city’s resource-starved West Side where officers can practice the violence and brutality that they will mete out to Chicago residents.
In a disturbing photo, Mayor Lightfoot, [...] Fire Commissioner Nance-Holt and others smile while cutting a red ribbon, proud to have brought this into being. Adding insult to injury, the thirty-two-acre cop academy was built on the city’s West Side, where decades of racist policy (such as redlining and other housing discrimination and disinvestment) by the city government in this majority-nonwhite community have already given way to poverty and population loss. (In just one example, the Rahm Emanuel administration closed half of the West Side’s mental health clinics in 2012, then shuttered numerous West Side schools in his historic closure of fifty schools in 2013.) [...]
Lest there be any doubt as to whether or not West Siders actually want this cop academy, in 2018 the organizers of the No Cop Academy campaign polled West Garfield Park residents [...]. 95 percent recommended that the city invest in something else - beyond the Chicago Police Department [...]
What kind of society eagerly spends millions of dollars to build fake neighborhoods, but cannot muster the funds to provide actual housing for the unhoused? What kind of society would rather stage and practice violence than provide mental health resources or violence interruption to communities reeling from it everyday? Unfortunately, such questions arise on a routine basis in this city.
And it is not only in this city. [...] For Chicago, like so many cities across the US, we must remember that policing is not a “rational” response to something called “crime.” Instead, it is a war on poor people (particularly Black and Brown poor people). As Ruth Wilson Gilmore argues, this war treats incarceration as a solution to social and economic ills while conveniently stripping poor and working-class people of color of their political rights and autonomy. [...]
Additionally, in a cynical move decried by Chicago youth organizers, a chapter of the Boys and Girls Club is set to open at the facility. This is despite Chicago having the second most killings by police of youth under eighteen in the country, and despite several high-profile CPD murders of youth such as thirteen-year-old Adam Toledo and twenty-two-year-old Anthony Alvarez just in the last few years. [...]
They want a fake village where no one lives or thrives. They spend millions on a theme park to practice surveilling, policing, and controlling people. This vision can never be a home for anyone, and thus the Cop Academy should have no place in our city if we are to make Chicago, someday, a true home for its residents. [...]
We must refuse to allow such sadism to become normalized, and continue to make clear in the face of a city leadership which laughs, that, as Ruth Wilson Gilmore says, “where life is precious, life is precious.” [...]
Like the brave protesters facing off against the horrific violence of Atlanta’s proposed Cop City, organizers in Chicago have fought a valiant campaign against the cop academy since it was first proposed during the Emanuel administration. The No Cop Academy campaign, led by Black youth across the city, has led countless protests and actions and was endorsed by more than 100 organizations. [...]
Though the structures have been built, the fight against the cop academy (as well as similar projects in Atlanta and elsewhere) must continue: we must transform every fake cop neighborhood into real, affordable housing and vibrant neighborhoods where every person has what they need to thrive.
Text by: Nisha Atalie. “From Atlanta to Chicago, Cop Cities Breed Violence.” Rampant Magazine. 30 January 2023. [Italicized first paragraph in this post is directly quoted from the title and subheading printed alongside the article at Rampant.]
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sylkiddsey · 10 months
Prompt: “Hold Onto Me”
Set in the early/ middle of season 8
Sylvie’s going to kill Stella. She’s actually going to corner her behind the rotting benches on their side of the field and murder her.
She did this. She implanted this stupid idea about her and Matt; Matt freaking Casey who has to be the worst possible person to have somewhat feelings for.
Okay, maybe Olivia is the one to blame since she said the stupid six words that can’t stop ringing through her brain like a bell. Still, Stella didn’t disagree. She also didn’t slap Sylvie across the face for even considering wanting Matt. Instead, she smirked and now she won’t let it go.
Now, she begged Sylvie to join the CFD softball team who annually plays against CPD. It’s strictly a pissing contest whose only prize is winning and bragging rights. It’s something Severide created so he could kick Jay Halstead’s ass.
Her best friend, her evil intentioned best friend, encouraged her to join this year. She insisted it was because Sylvie played softball in high school. Her friend knows she has a good arm so of course she’d want her on the team.
Wrong, this decision; this torture, is all because of Matt Casey. Stella convinced her here, so she had no choice but to stare and pine for the man who brings a whole new definition to the word swoon.
He’s hot on any given day, that much is obvious. It’s just a fact because any girl who encounters him on a scene, sweaty, stern and sometimes dirty, gets star eyes. They look at him like some Greek god and Sylvie’s human.
Matt’s incredibly attractive but this scene, this look is ungodly. When she first saw him, she rubbed her eyes so hard she saw spots. She thought she was hallucinating but this man was real.
The second-hand cheap uniform that’s oversized on her fits him amazingly. His shirt is halfway unbuttoned with the sleeves rolled up so all she can see is tan skin. Plus, his backwards baseball cap stirs something inside her that she didn’t even know existed.
Not to mention, his semi-competitive nature is a real turn on. All of it is entirely inappropriate considering he’s Gabby’s ex-husband. Matt’s her friend and she reasons with herself that any woman would admire this look. Hell, maybe Hailey and Kim are right there with her.
However, based on their starry looks for their respective partner’s, she doubts it. Unfortunately, she’s probably the only one foaming at the mouth. Well, she has seen the blonde female patrol cop making heart eyes at him.
There’s that at least.
God, she’s going to kill Stella after this. There’s no way she didn’t know what she was doing. She wanted her to have to see Matt like this. Just because she’s so happy with her own firefighter man does not give her the right.
Although Sylvie has murder on her mind, she’s also sadistically glad to play alongside him. She’s damn good and it’s thrilling to see his reaction. He even swatted her ass in congratulations after she ran into home base when Cruz advanced to first.
He’s never done that before, and she really can’t say she hated it. Although it was a little awkward when Hermann did the same thing. It’s endearing how into the game Hermann gets. She loves seeing his carefree self.
All and all, playing on the team is fun and they are definitely kicking PD’s ass. They are up by five runs in the bottom of the fifth inning. Jay and Atwater are good and Hailey’s surprisingly fast, but Adam and Kim can’t stop flirting to really do any good. Plus, the patrol cops Platt threatened so they’d join the team are clearly not into it. They rarely make contact with the ball or catch anything in the outfield.
Realistically, her team is in much better shape. Matt and Severide are athletes and Stella and Foster are so competitive it turns into skill. Cruz is one of the best third basemen and Gallo has hit more home runs than anybody. Even Ritter is quick on his feet.
She’s sure they are going to win which is probably why Severide gives in and lets her pitch another inning. His arm is sore, so he forfeits his pitcher status so that means she’s up again.
So far, she’s striked out most of PD aside from a few badly called balls. Trudy Platt makes a very biased umpire, but what can you do? Severide, aka the self-elected leader, pulled himself out while bases were loaded. Hailey had just reached first, pushing Atwater to second. Now, Jay is up to bat, and he looks determined.
His used helmet tips down and he adjusts, getting into a proper swinging stance. “Show us what you got Brett.”
What is it about men and trash talk?
She bends her knees and winds her arm. Ideally, it should pass through the strike zone without that bat making contact. She reels back and shoots forward, throwing the pale-yellow ball as hard as she can.
Jay swings, but misses, the softball landing in Cruz’s catcher mitt with a thwack. Platt declares her throw as a strike.
“Atta girl!” Stella hollers from the short-stop position. She smacks her hand into the glove and winks.
Okay, maybe Sylvie won’t kill her. She’s too encouraging for that.
Jay murmurs, scuffs his sneaker against the dirt and then repositions. He holds the bat behind his shoulder, and she winds up again, throwing the ball a little higher this time. Jay swings and misses, Platt declaring a second strike.
One more and he’s out and CFD bats again. She can easily do this.
“You got this, Brett.”
She looks over her shoulder. Matt’s playing first base because, duh, he’s just that good. He grins at her which causes a wave of nervousness to rush over. Before, she felt confident, but now with Matt’s very blue eyes tracking her every movement, she has butterflies.
God he looks so good. This Saturday evening hue does wonders for him.
Once Jay repositions again, she winds her arm back. She rotates her joint in a circle and releases the ball once it’s straight. It soars in the air harder than the previous ones and she watches Jay’s shinny blue bat make contact. Her eyes drift back onto Matt so she can watch him in action. She registers the harsh clinking noise and hears a simultaneous gasp amongst PD players inside the dugout.
She’s not sure what that is about until the ball comes flying back in her direction and beams her directly in the side of the head. Everything goes dark and before she can process anything, she tastes rich dirt on her lips.
There are a lot of voices all around her, but the throbbing inside her skull and eye socket makes it hard to process any of it. Jay can really hit the ball which should’ve been obvious. The man hits doors with battering rams for a living.
He has some power.
“Sylvie, can you hear me?”
Oh great. Matt, of course he’s here. Of course, the man she can’t get out of her damn head just witnessed her not so graceful face plant into the dirt.
This is humiliating.
His warm, rough hand grazes the back of her head. Despite not being able to open her eyes, she knows his face is right in front of hers. His voice sounds close, and she can also smell the faint scent of the cologne he probably put on before all this.
He grips her shoulder with his unoccupied hand. “Hey, I need you to open your eyes.”
The tone of his voice somehow lessens the pain, so she tries to blink. At first, everything is blurry. All she can see is redness and several sets of feet. After she lets her eyes adjust, she realizes she’s on her stomach. Her right eye is also swollen and throbbing.
“Hey, she’s coming to!”
Stella? Sylvie rolls herself onto her back covering her bad eye. Stella’s crouched next to her, shouting at Foster who is rooting around in the dugout. She’s probably looking for a first aid kit.
The game has apparently stopped. Everyone is crowded around her like she’s some zoo extraction. It is so embarrassing.
“Sylvie, hey? Are you alright?” Matt asks, allowing his hand to cup the side of her face. His worried features are blurry, but still tense.
“Geez, is she okay?”
Jay’s bent at the waist, hands on his knees by her feet. His expression is a mixture between worry and guilty.
Matt shoots him a tense glare, voice low and angry. She’s heard him talk like this on scenes with uncooperative people. “What do you think? You beamed her in the head.”
She’s sure poor Jay didn’t mean to do it. He just had a great hit and maybe if she wasn’t admiring Matt, she could’ve ducked.
Matt turns his attention on her again, narrowed eyes growing soft. His fingers brush some dirt off her face. “Hey, can you talk to me? Do you know where you are?”
Unfortunately, she does.
Her stomach churns at the reality of all this along with the pain. She feels herself grow pale.
“I’m going to be sick,” she murmurs, turning onto her right side by Stella. If she’s going to lose her sandwich Cindy packed for all of them, she’d rather Matt not witnesses that. She’s sure Stella won’t appreciate it, but this is also kind of her fault. She talked her into this.
When she’s on her side, the nausea dissipates. After she feels better, she rolls onto her back. Somehow, she ends up in Matt’s lap with his arm supporting her shoulders.
Emily runs over with the pitiful first aid kit someone left behind in the dugout. When she unpacks it, there is only a small bottle of rubbing alcohol and a warm ice pack.
Sylvie feels something wet roll down her face. She touches the skin above her eye and realizes it must’ve split open from the ball's stitches. She’s bleeding.
“You need a hospital, partner,” Foster says. “You’ll probably need stitches and a CT.”
Yeah, she’d agree she has a concussion. A cop’s strength will do that to a person.
“I’m so sorry, Brett,” Jay apologizes.
She gives him a thumbs up and mumbles, “It’s fine.”
Matt looks down at her, gently caressing her head. “I’m going to take you to Med.”
“What about the game?” Severide asks.
Both Stella and Matt glare through his soul. Although, she’s not upset with him at all. She doesn’t expect they stop the game all because of this.
“She’s bleeding and concussed. I think you’ll survive forfeiting the game,” Matt retorts.
“No, keep playing,” she insists, wincing at how talking aggravates her injury. “Cindy or someone from the stands can take me.”
“No way,” he argues. “I got it.”
Oh god. This can’t get any worse. She loves how much he cares, but he’s killing her.
Stella must notice because she pipes up. “It’s okay, Casey. I can take her. You keep playing.”
Matt begins maneuvering her in his arms. She groans as he just barely jostles her. She’s seeing stars.
“No offense Kidd, but I don’t think you can carry her to the car,” he replies.
Carry? She can probably walk.
“Casey, I can walk,” she protests, but he doesn’t listen. He slides one arm under her back and legs.
“No, you can’t Sylvie,” he replies. “Hold onto me.”
She has no choice but to do what he asks. She wraps her arms around his neck, and he hoists her in his arms like she’s weightless. The movement makes her dizzy, so she rests her head on his broad shoulder.
Despite how embarrassing this is, she can’t say she’s miserable. This is surprisingly nice.
“Kidd, can you grab my keys from my bag and help me get her in the truck?” He requests.
Sylvie ignores the commotion around her and focuses on how nice it feels to be in his arms.
She winds up behind a curtain in Med’s ER with one of Matt’s old t-shirts against her bleeding eye as she waits. Unfortunately, the ER is overflowing with people who are in worse shape so she’s stuck waiting. It doesn’t matter that Matt already made an enemy out of one of the doctor’s she doesn’t know after he demanded she get some ice; she still has to wait.
The bleeding has slowed, but she’s definitely dizzy. Matt had of course carried her in despite the many many times she insisted she could walk. He never listened because he carried her until he gently sat her on the gurney.
Now, he’s standing next to her with one of her hands tight in his. He took off the hat at some point, so his hair is disheveled and messy. It’s not a bad change.
She really didn’t think he’d stick around, but they’ve been waiting almost an hour and he’s stayed by her side. She’s somewhat reclined back with her knees propped up and her left-hand holding pressure against her face.
He told her ten minutes ago that Stella texted that she and Emily were trying to visit, but with the ER so packed, the nursing staff wanted all unnecessary visitors out.
She understands and as much as she loves her friends, Matt is great company too.
She squeezes Matt’s fingers to lessen the pain because her eye is throbbing and swollen. He must notice the additional pressure because he turns his head and frowns.
“Hey, is it getting worse?” He asks.
“No, just throbs every now and then. I guess that is happens when you take a softball to the eye socket.”
So far, he’s been standing next to her, leaning on the railing every once and awhile after stretching his back. Now, he reaches for one of the plastic chairs with one hand and drags it next to her. He sits down, resting both elbows on the railing and moves his free hand to her head.
He sweeps some hair out of her eyes. “Yeah, Halstead hit you hard, Brett.”
She bites her lip to keep from laughing. “Yeah, I know Casey. I felt it.”
Matt chuckles, letting his hand rest on the top of her head. “I bet. You dropped to the ground instantly. I don’t think anyone had time to react.”
God, that’s so embarrassing.
She groans. “Just great. That’s not humiliating at all.”
“Oh, come on,” he replies. “There is nothing embarrassing about getting hurt. It was Halstead’s fault. Not yours.”
“He didn’t mean to hit me. It was a good hit,” she says. “I should’ve ducked or gotten out of the way. It’s not Jay’s fault.”
He leans back but keeps ahold of her hand. “I don’t care. You shouldn’t have gotten hit like that. You’re going to need stitches and you probably have a concussion.”
She ticks one finger in the air. “Definitely have a concussion. Paramedics know these things, but hey, at least I didn’t break anything.”
The second she makes the joke, she regrets it. Matt’s expression shifts and she berates herself for making light of the Arnow fire.
“I…I’m sorry,” she whispers, squeezing his hand. “I shouldn’t have…”
He shakes his head and shifts his gaze down. “No, no, you’re right. I guess it’s kind of hypocritical of me to be upset with Halstead for hurting you when I did the same.”
She’s so stupid. How could she bring this up? It’s not Matt’s fault. She’s never blamed him ever.
“Casey, you didn’t…” she chews on the inside of her lip. “It wasn’t your fault. I would never blame you for what happened.”
He meets her stare. “I called you in, Brett. I told you it was safe. That’s on me.”
She knows he holds so much guilt over that day, especially Otis’s death. It’s unnecessary because it wasn’t on him. It was the factory’s negligence that caused the blast.
“You thought it was,” she replies. “Everyone did. There was no way for you to know. I don’t blame you and you shouldn’t blame yourself.”
“Yeah,” he replies, but she can tell he doesn’t believe it. He probably never will.
She switches gears and lets her gaze settle on his hand, watching as his rough thumb grazes her pointer finger in soothing patterns. Originally, she thought this injury was a curse, but it’s kind of a blessing. It’s nice to see how much he cares.
He’s a great guy.
“You know,” she whispers, looking up at him. She wants this next confession to really sink in. “More than anyone in the world, I’d trust you with my life. I really would, Casey.”
The signature solemn Matt Casey looks changes. The corner of his mouth ticks up in a small grin. “I appreciate that.” He clears his throat, and she swears his cheeks turn a little red, but that might just be her impaired vision. “When Boden came over the radio and said someone was hurt…I was really hoping it wasn’t you. I mean, I didn’t want Foster or anybody else to be really hurt, but I don’t know.”
She holds her breath in anticipation. The confession startles her to her core. What does that even mean?”
“I guess what I’m saying is…worst case scenario for me was that it was you who was hurt…well, aside from the absolute worst…”
She gently interrupts him. They both know what he means. “Yeah, I know.” She decides to shift the tone. “I knew I’d grow on you eventually.”
Huh, maybe that wasn’t a good idea. She is concussed and the pain meds just now kicked in. She’ll blame her loose filter on that.
Matt chuckles, scratching the back of his neck. “Well, I wouldn’t say you never did. I mean, I’ve liked you since the day I met you.”
Platonically, she reminds herself.
She purses her lips. “No, you definitely didn’t. We barely knew each other. I was just…”
Gabby’s best friend.
God, she’s the worst person ever. She shouldn’t be holding Matt’s hand right now. It’s wrong.
She tries to ease her hand away, but his grip never waivers.
Whatever. If he’s okay with it, so is she.
It’s all friendly anyway.
“Okay,” Matt concedes. “Maybe it took me a couple years to really appreciate you in all your glory, but I had a lot going on. Now, I don’t know…I guess it’s easy with you. I mean, talking and hopefully, building a friendship.”
His sentence trails off with a question. She can’t believe he would think for one second that she doesn’t consider him as a friend.
She does.
The pain meds are leaving her feeling fuzzy. She grins, readjusting the shirt that smells like Matt against her eye. “See? I knew you’d fall in love with me.”
Oh my god.
She lifts her head and the room spins, but she’s too immersed in her panic to clock her symptoms.
Did she really just…
To her surprise, Matt doesn’t look appalled by her stupid slip-up. He’s actually grinning in amusement.
“Oh my god,” she whispers. “I didn’t mean…pickles.” She shakes her head, averting her gaze onto the tiled ceiling. “Platonically of course. I meant platonically fall in love. I say the same thing to Severide which I obviously don’t want him in love with me. Not that he would. I mean, he’s madly in love with Stella which I want! I want my best friend so happy. I’m not…oh my god.”
She feels like a human car crash. Every move she makes causes more damage.
“Brett,” Matt laughs.
“Obviously you’ll never fall in love with me,” Sylvie says. It’s true. “Nor would I ever in a million years want you to, Casey.” Unfortunate lie.
He raises his eyebrows. Did she offend him?
“You’re not my type. You’re not unattractive obviously…I mean, I’m not saying I don’t think your…”
Now would be the best time for her blood vessels to pop if she does in fact have a brain bleed. It would shut her up, but also give her an excuse to hide behind after all that word vomit.
“Sylvie,” he interrupts, lightly patting her head. “You’re drugged up on pain pills. Probably best you stop talking.”
Yeah, definitely not a bad idea.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers. “I’m so sorry. You can um…I can wait alone. I don’t want to put you out. You probably have things…”
“You better not be trying to push me away now,” he says. “I like being here for you, okay? And I like that you seem to like it too. Just let me.”
Gosh, he’s so earnest. It amazes her.
“I do like you here. I appreciate it,” she says. “I really do.”
She does.
Appreciate him.
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medtech-mara · 3 months
W̵̰̻͍̉̔̅̀̐͐͒͆̒̚.I̸̺̺͎̰̥̜̯̼̮̰͖̜͂͆̿̈́̿̔.P̷̛̛̛̩̺͇̊̅̍͂͗͑͐̎̂̏̐̐ W̵̰̻͍̉̔̅̀̐͐͒͆̒̚Ȩ̸̪̯̗̘̥̣̲̣̣͍͚͙̥̩́̀̈̆͑N̸̡̧͕͙̼̻̳̦̪̞̯͎̦͓̏̒͌͑͒͊̾͌̑̅̕͝ͅ-Ȩ̸̪̯̗̘̥̣̲̣̣͍͚͙̥̩́̀̈̆͑V̵̧͖͙̲̯̞͇̲͔̤͊̔͌͂͆͑́́̑͒͝Ȩ̸̪̯̗̘̥̣̲̣̣͍͚͙̥̩́̀̈̆͑Ŗ̷͇̙̰̭̪̟̺̲̜̹͔̎̍́ͅ
I was tagged by @wanderingaldecaldo, tysm for thinking of me. I actually have a few things I am working on. I really need to make a header for WIPS WEN-EVER.
I will be tagging: @dani-the-goblin, @streetkid-named-desire, @luvwich, @merge-conflict
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If you were to go off sunlight to guess what time it was, in this district of the city, you’d have a hard time. Nearly every building was Mega, blocking out sunlight the majority of the day, some might never see it, which makes it the perfect home for a Scav den.
V3AH, stumbling out onto the sidewalk, was met with a couple of CPD officers outside, probably the very same she just darted past heading to the bloodbath she left behind.
3 less Gutters out on the street.. For the night at least. 
She was doing her best to prevent any unwanted scans from coming in. The Last thing she wanted was C-Swat being tipped about her, the evidence up on the 96th floor was a testament to her fragile mental state. She’d be in a holding cell before the night was over.
Between the brain fog and spins, she was starting to feel sick to her stomach. Oh shit.. It’s happening again. 
Ŕ̶̢̢̜͚͙͙͖̭̈̿̎̒͘   e̴̻̟̼̜̬͔̽̾̿̽̌̏̀ l̷̺͕͖̹̏͋͌̋͐̑̃̓  ì̴̢͙̖̲̙̦̣̎̈̍͜͝   c̵̮̱͓̓̚     ̶̳̪̹̠̠̼̭̗̽̀͝M̷̧̙̙̂́̊̊̕  a̵̰̩̭̠̹͛ͅ ĺ̷͕̻̰̬̘̰̘̚͠f̶͉̞͕̱͕͒ ų̸̨̧͙̝͙͙̪̈́̕   n̵̗̞̝̱͔̤̈́̇͆  c̷̢̦͙̜̟̼̤̟͠t̸̹̼̞̲̗͙̪̘͒̆́̽ į̴̢̨͍̫͇̤̠̈́̈́̆͐͘ o̸̗̫̪̝͔͂͠͠ n̴̛̰̞̞̣͉̫̽̌ͅ
Tucking into the nearest alley and leaning up against the wall, her stomach retracted in a violent motion, giving her little time to prepare for throwing up. Burrito from the Snatch N’ Snac machine outside her apartment coated the side of the megabuilding, and some in her hair.
Fuck me.. It’s getting worse.. Jago?
No reply.
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World Building / Character Building:
So I will be merging these two together because they kinda go together.
We have our new district name dropped: Chibuya
Chicago meets Shibuya.
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This iconic district of Japan, is now our Japantown district, though there was hope of it being more like a new Tokyo, it seems the city has gone with a more traditional look throughout the city, taking on aspects of Kyoto & Osaka, which tbh I love. We have our little Kabuki attached to Japantown going by the name of Kintsugi.
I know I have discussed it some in previous posts, but Kintsugi gets its name from the city's neglect, since it is primarily South Korean-dominated, they would rather spend the money anywhere else than the poor of Kintsugi, leaving the residents to fill the roads and buildings cracks with a gold colored substance to give it the appearance of Kintsugi.
We have two new residents who are being fleshed out right now. We have our primary gang for our new district going by the name Tengu Kai, TK. Dawning a Tengu mask as their calling card.
I'm currently working on an Okiya and it's family and workers, working out a back story as to how the TK gets involved.
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you have seen the raw of the image I am currently working on, but I do have a series I'm working on. I'm currently waiting and chomping at the bit EAGERLY for early access of @gloryride's new mod. These photos are a year + in the making.
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post divider credit to: xaerainy
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sevcasejay1chicago · 2 years
Can I get a Jay Halstead x reader where the reader was SA before she met Jay and Jay get in the mood and reader has a panic attack and finally calms down and tell Jay what happened to her
Undercover(s)- Jay Halstead
Mentions: Hailey Upton, Kim Burgess, Adam Reuzek, Kevin Atwater, O. A (FBI) and Maggie (FBI), Hank Voight
Warning ⚠️: mentions of rape, kidnapping, and panic attacks, PTSD (in a way).
You and Jay have been dating for a couple months now. You were the Special Agent in charge of the FBI task force that was assigned to help take down a known terrorist organization in Chicago. You knew you were in trouble when you first met Jay. The sight of him alone was enough to take your breath away, but the feelings only grew stronger the longer you both worked the task force together. Eight months later, the terrorist group that tried to destroy Chicago was taken down and you were finally approve for a permanent position as a detective with the Intelligence Unit in the CPD.
As a celebration of the end of the investigation and your transfer, all of the Intelligence Unit met at Molly’s. The patio had been pretty quiet until the group showed up, causing the other patrons to leave or go inside.
“So, what made you decide to leave the alphabet squad for Intelligence?” Adam asked, smiling goofily at you above his fifth beer in a little over an hour.
You softly rolled your eyes and leaned into Jay. “Kinda fell in love with the place.” You said, looking at Jay who was smiling down at you.
Hailey giggled. “More like fell in love with a certain detective.” Hailey teased before fake crying. “Yet it wasn’t me!”
Kim laughed and rubbed Hailey’s arm from across the table. “It’s alright Hails. She doesn’t love me either.” Kim fake comforted as everyone else laughed.
“Well, welcome to the family y/n/n (like specifically one Kevin would give). I promise these knuckle heads aren’t always like this.” Kevin said, clinking his beer with your glass.
“Thanks Kev. I really appreciate it.” You said, smiling sweetly at the giant teddy bear. “I’m honestly just glad Voight allowed this.”
“Welp. I think he fell in love with you too.” Jay said, causing everyone to laugh. “But I love you more.” Jay whispered into your ear.
“You’ve got him wrapped around your finger, that’s for sure.” Adam pointed out as everyone agreed.
“Wanna get out of here?” Jay whispered above the noise of your new found family.
“Absolutely.” You agreed, downing the rest of your drink as Jay finished off his second beer. “Well, that’s a wrap for us. I’m exhausted and I require this guy’s protection on my way home.” You joked, jabbing your thumb in Jay’s direction.
Hailey snorted, “Well, we all know you don’t need protection, but Jay does seem to keep trouble away from us and solely to him, so I guess that’s a good strategy.” Hailey joked, causing everyone else to burst out laughing.
“Ha ha. Very funny.” Jay deadpanned, helping you up and over the bench you, Jay, and Hailey were sharing.
“Good night everyone.” You said, waving as Jay led you out of the side gate and to his truck.
~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~
The ride home was full of sexual tension to say the least. You shamelessly flirted the whole way to Jay’s apartment. You were feeling overly confident on the high of finishing a case and finally getting told you can stay with the man you’ve fallen for.
Once inside, you spent no time in taking off your jacket and shoes, pulling Jay with you as soon as he had the door locked. You haphazardly took your gun and shield off of your belt buckle as you both stumbled into Jay’s room, setting them on the nearest surface as you fumbled with each other’s belts.
Crashing onto the bed, Jay hovered over you and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. “Are you sure your ready? I know you said you wanted to wait, and I’m all for this, but are you sure?” Jay asked, searching your eyes as he panted in an attempt to control himself.
You smiled and nodded, “Yeah. I’m sure.” You said, smiling up at Jay.
Jay nodded and leaned down, kissing you softly on the lips before continuing to undress you. Jay was slow, leaving room for you to stop when you wanted to. Once he got your pants off, he stopped when your breath quickened as he touched your underwear. “Hey. You still good?” Jay asked, leaning slightly away to give you some room.
You panted and clenched your eyes shut. “Yeah. Y-yeah. Just go on.” You muttered, nodding as you slightly shook under Jay’s grasp.
This is not how this was suppose to go. You were ready and he loves you. You trust him with your whole being. You want this. You can do this.
Jay watched you try to catch your breath, not daring to move another inch. This wasn’t the breathing of someone who was sexually aroused. You were scared. “Hey sweetheart. Open your eyes.” Jay whispered. “I need you to look at me. I won’t move until you look at me.” Jay said, trying his best to sound soothing and not intimidating.
You nodded and opened your eyes. Tears leaked from the corners as you made eye contact with Jay. He was smiling sweetly at you, being patient and loving as he waited for you to come back around to him.
“Hey you.” Jay smiled. “I’m gonna sit up now. I’m going to take the covers and cover you up. Okay?” Jay asked, making sure you nodded before he did just that. “Good job babe. I want you to get comfortable. Do you want a shirt?” Jay asked, watching as you shook under his blankets. You nodded and allowed Jay to pull one of his shirts over your head.
Once you were clothed, you realized that the shaking wasn’t from you being cold. You were having a full blown panic attack. “J-Jay.” You whimpered, reaching for the one person that made you feel safe.
“Sh Sh Sh. I’m here. I’m right here.” Jay cooed, sitting beside you and wrapping you tightly in his arms. “Breathe for me. Squeeze as hard as you need to, okay?” Jay said, turning his face into your hair as you laid on his chest with your arms wrapped around his torso. “Follow my breathing. You’re okay. We are okay. You are always safe with me. It’s alright.” Jay soothed, running a soothing hand up and down your back.
You nodded, taking a few moments to get yourself together as Jay held onto you and you held back just as tightly. You sobbed for a few moments, wetting Jay’s bare chest, but he just wanted you to be okay. Once you finally calmed down some, you leaned back to look at Jay. ”There’s something I need to tell you.” You sniffed, rubbing your eyes with the backs of your hands.
Jay nodded, leaning over to grab a tissue. He slowly wiped the smeared makeup off of your face before leaning back again. “You know, you don’t have to tell me if you aren’t ready. I can wait.” Jay reminded, tucking your hair behind your ears again.
You nodded and smiled slightly, looking down as Jay let you fiddle with his hands. “I know. It’s just. I just think you deserve to know.” You said as an explanation. “I, um, I was raped while undercover a couple years back.” You whispered, tears forming in your eyes again. “The guy. He, uh, he was suppose to be my backup. But, he was dirty and I, uh, I didn’t know. I got too close. He and a few others. They- they kidnapped me and beat me before they, you know, just before they were gonna kill me.” You stopped and shook your head. “Luckily, O.A., he and Maggie found me and saved me.” You sniffed, letting go of Jay’s hands as he reached up to wipe your face.
“Hey.” Jay whispered, pulling your chin up to meet his eyes. “I’ll wait. When your ready, we can try again, but don’t feel pressured. Okay? I’m so sorry sweet girl.” Jay said, pulling your face into his neck.
You sobbed and gripped onto Jay. Other than Maggie and O.A., the only other person you told was a counselor. You knew this would come up eventually, but you were scared. You felt like damaged goods.
“Sh Sh Sh. It’s alright.” Jay whispered. “It wasn’t your fault. You are so strong and so brave. You are not damaged goods. You hear me?” Jay said, kissing the top of your head. When you giggled, Jay was a little shocked and very confused. “Have you officially lost it?” Jay joked.
You shook your head and sat up. “I swear you’re a mind reader Halstead. I always thought that assignment left me as damaged goods and here you are telling me I’m not.” You smiled, kissing him before connecting your foreheads. “Mind reader.” You whispered, smiling as Jay’s face broke into a wide grin.
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selfmadesaviour · 2 years
Admissions of love:
@protectxthem as Jay Halstead said "I'm in love with you."
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It's not like the admission comes out of nowhere; they have been evolving their relationship for quite some time by the time the soft confession leaves Jay's lips. From partners to friends, to friends who flirt that soon evolved into falling into bed together -- and now they're... more than that.
The actual words still make her body tense, every thread of muscle goes taut in response to the three heavy words that travel throughout the dark bedroom and even if he thought she was asleep earlier, she has definitely cracked the possibility of pretending she hasn't heard him into a thousand pieces.
She feels the same. She does, really -- she doesn't know if she has ever felt as strongly for someone as she does for Jay, doesn't know what she would do if she ever lost him. She's just... not great with those words. She's spoken them out loud to four different people in her lifetime, and there's only one of them she doesn't regret.
So she is silent for longer than she probably should be. Contemplating, hesitating, gathering the courage to leap and hope; courage she hasn't felt in years. She somehow finds it, dusts it off and balls it up into a tight hold against her chest -- and throws herself into the uncertainty awaiting beneath the cliff.
"I love you, too."
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adri-2022 · 2 years
Wherever you go, I go
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Fandom: Chicago PD
Characters: Jay Halstead x OC Andrea Halstead / CPD
Warnings: Slight swearing/ fluff
Word count: 1940
Jay Halstead Materlist
A/N: Hi again! Here is a request from the beautiful @andreahalstead24
Don't be afraid to leave your comment!
It had been sudden. Andrea’s undercover phone had rang, Hank Voight’s name on the screen. Then she felt her world fall underneath her feet. Jay had resigned, the details were a blur to her and since she hadn’t been around for a couple of weeks she didn’t know what her husband was battling with or what he had done, until now. She rushed towards their shared apartment hoping to be able to catch Jay before he left. Unfortunately Andrea was met with a silenced apartment and a letter scribbled in a rushed handwriting -Jay’s-. She knew what she had to do, making the decision right then and there she called Hank.
As Jay arrived at the airport with bag on his shoulder and sad expression on his face. He didn’t want to leave but he knew that he had to in order to try and find the man he once was, because now he only was being hunted by the mistake he had made. He had changed, everything had changed but Jay was certain he had to make this work, somehow. He couldn’t lose Andrea, that was a fact and mostly he couldn’t lose himself.
“Jay” the young man stopped as he heard a familiar voice call for him. As he turned he saw his former sergeant standing on the sidewalk. Walking towards the older man,
“I thought you hated long goodbyes” Jay said as he now stood in front of the Hank
“You can have any job you want in the department, Jay” Hank sighed looking at his ex detective. Jay shook his head as he was about to respond, Hank interrupted him.
“I’d make sure of it, but you don’t need me. You’re passed that” Hank continued.
He had to make sure he said everything he needed before Jay was gone and he had to keep his promise to Andrea, that was the least he could do. Hank knew he had dragged the former detective into a rabbit hole, one he couldn’t come back from and the guilt was eating the older man alive.
“Jay. You don’t want to be me-” the older man was interrupted by Jay
“No. It’s worse than that. I do. I do wanna be you- but I mean, is like you always told me. I’m not and I shouldn’t try” Jay said sadly before a cold expression took place on his face, while Hank looked down. They both knew the other was right, it had to happen.
“Jay we all make mistakes” Hank said after a moment of thought
“Still, is not what a signed up for” he answered shaking his head thinking of everything that brought him to this moment. Every mistake, every doubt and all the guilt.
“Hey and that’s on me. Alright” Hank spoke sternly.
Trying to get the younger man to understand that he didn’t need to carry this weight, because it wasn’t his to carry.
“I couldn’t even say goodbye to my wife. I left her a stupid note” Jay said bitterly voice breaking as he tried to fight the tears thinking of not being able to see her one last time. His wedding band feeling heavy on his finger. He imagined the betrayal and the hurt she would feel when she returned to the empty home, knowing he left the same way her father did when she was a kid. He had promised he would never leave her, but look where that got them.
“Jay…” “No sarge. Just, can you do me a favor?” Jay asked now serious -getting tired of the long goodbye- as he look at the older man
“Anything kid” “Take care of her for me, okay” he whispered before extending his hand for Hank to shake.
“I won’t need to” Hank said.
At this Jay’s eyebrows furrowed confused as Hank nodded pass Jay’s shoulder, the latter slowly turning around. Jay’s breath got caught in his throat at the sight of his wife a couple of feet away from the two men. He sighed, smiling sadly which was returned by Andrea with a little wave. They hadn’t seen each other in weeks yet there she was as beautiful as ever, eyes and cheeks puffy from what he could imagine had been crying before arriving here.
“Good luck Jay” Hank’s voice pulled the young former detective’s attention back, shaking hands with the older man before walking towards his wife. As he got closer he let his bag fall to the ground as he carried her off her feet in an embrace, her arms circling his neck.
“Hi baby” she whispered in his ear, as Jay sighed.
“Hey beautiful” he answered as one arm rounded her waist and the other securely tucked her head in his shoulder. Now he would get the chance to make things right with her before taking that flight into the uncertainty.
After a couple of minutes they pulled away Jay safely placing her back on the ground as his hands went to her cheeks. He looked at her with such love yet with so much regret and guilt, that it made her heart squeeze.
His gaze turned slightly falling on Hailey who was inside Andrea’s truck a smile resting on her face as she waved goodbye before driving away. Then down at Andrea’s feet where a bag was laying. Jay almost got whiplash as his head turned to her eyes furrowing his eyebrows.
“Babe what’s going on?” he asked hands still on her face as she smiled
“Did you really think I would let you leave on your own?” she asked beaming at her husband. His eyes flickering around her face trying to figure out if it was a lie.
“You didn’t-” he shook his head, before being interrupted
“If I’m yours, you’ll know you have to let me go’, what kind of Shakespearean bullshit is that Jay Halstead. Were you really not dragging my ass with you?” Andrea asked raising an eyebrow amusingly as she shook her head while Jay chuckled slightly
“I wrote that because I thought I wouldn’t see you before leaving” he said thumb rubbing her cheekbones
“Fine your kind of right. But you know your Spanish sucks, so you need me” she said pecking his cheek pulling away to pick up her bag. She stopped herself when she saw Jay’s face turning serious again.
Too many questions and ‘what’s if’ going through his head and as if she could read his mind she placed both hands on his cheeks directing his gaze to hers. Standing on the tip of her toes she pulled him into a kiss pouring all of the love and compassion she had, placing her forehead on his as they pulled away.
“We made a vow, babe. Wherever you go. I. Go. No exceptions” words cracking as Jay brushed a tear that had managed to escape her beautiful eyes.
“I don’t want to drag you away Andrea-” “Good thing you’re not”
He shook his head with a thin lined smile before pulling her back into his arms digging his nose into her hair, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes. He wanted to keep the tears at bay, safe to say it wasn’t working. God how much he loved the smell of cinnamon she always managed to have.
She always felt like home to him and he knew that they would always have each other. Pulling away and bending to pick up their bags Jay reached to hold her hand making Andrea intertwined their fingers bringing their joint hands to her lips as she gave a sweet peck on the back of his hand both walking to a new chapter. Together.
It had been a couple of months -4 to be exact-. Andrea was currently in Will’s car on her way to the district. She had returned to Chicago a couple of days ago so she could pack some of hers and Jay’s last stuff that his brother hadn’t had time to send to them and bring it back with her. The trip only lasting 4 days so she would be back at Bolivia in 2 days. Now climbing the stairs to the front desk, she smiled and waved at the older woman who immediately rounded the desk to give her a hug.
“Look at you. You guys been married for 4 years and now you decide to procreate a baby chuckles, huh sunshine” Trudy said amused as Andrea laughed shrugging her shoulders
“Surprise” she shook her hands, while Trudy shook her head scoffing,
“Go on. Their exited to see you” Trudy ushered her up the stairs.
As she got to the top of the stairs she looked around everything seemed the same. Her gaze fell on Jay’s desk and memories started to surface making her smile. The team hadn’t noticed her yet,
“Is this how you welcome me back. I know you guys missed me don’t pretend” at the sound of her voice multiple heads turn and a lot of cheers were shared before the team one by one hugged the former teammate. There were familiar faces and new faces.
“Oh. Andrea this are our new team members. Ashley and, I think you already know Dante” Hailey introduced
“Nice to meet you, Ashley” “Likewise, Detective Halstead. I’ve heard a lot about you from your former partner” -that would be Kim- Andrea smiled at her best friend who smiled back
“Hi Dante”
Andrea said turning to Dante who shared a smile with Andrea while hugging each other slightly. Andrea had only seen him once before she left given that she spend most of the time after his arrival being undercover. Nonetheless Jay had shared a lot about the young man with his wife, plus Dante often calls Jay -they had managed to turn into friends/ mentor-alumni-.
“Look at you!” Kim smiled as she caressed Andreas baby bump, Hailey following suit
“Yeah. I ate a watermelon seed. Guess what Adam used to say it’s true” Andrea giggled as she shrugged her shoulders making the team groan in response,
“Atta girl” Adam giving her a high five in response while the other chuckled
“How are you guys? How is Jay?” Kevin question was met with a beaming Andrea but before she could answer, her phone rang making her laugh before she answered it
“Hey! Look who I ran into” Andrea said as she turned her phone showing the intelligence unit who had video called -their friend-.
“Hey man! Looking good!” Kevin addressed first, followed by other greetings
“I am good. How’s my girl? Is she alright, arrived with all her beautiful self and the precious cargo intact?” Andrea rolled her eyes as the team laughed. After an hour of talking to Jay catching up and sharing events that he had missed it was time to hang up.
“Hey, yo, guys sorry to ruin it but they’re calling me” Jay said waving at his friends
“Be safe, man” Adam said
“Will be. You be careful dumbass. Can I talk to my wife please and thank you” Jay said, as Kevin called Andrea. She started walking into the break room before her face appeared on the screen making Jay beam before winking at her, this being met with her chuckles.
“Be careful, baby” Andrea said sighing
“Always. I’ll be back at the house before you arrive. I love you both!” he said smiling
“I love you too! See you soon” she smiled as he hung up
Gazing out at the bullpen, she looked at the new and old faces. Andrea smiled knowing that no matter how much time went by, this, this right here wouldn’t change.
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jaywritesrps · 11 months
Can't believe that Deux Moi was the best report about this thing between Sophia, Ashlyn and Ali love triangle. She said that she was going to ignore some comments due the aspect of the message and that Sophia is the one who should address the rumor by herself, since this is her sexuality and kept all the info she gave that Sophia's divorce had nothing to do with cheating. She also said that Sophia will talk about it, but on her time. So yeah, at least that part is better wait on her to speak about it.
On that note, I don't really see Sophia as the bad guy or "the home wrecker" as many fans are saying, Sophia divorced right away when she noticed something was off from her marriage, she didn't wait things to be bad to end stuff with Grant. The main responsible for this mess is Ashlyn, cause if it wasn't Sophia, it was going to be another girl, she just wanted a reason to run away from her marriage. I say that cause their wedding was already in bad shape since Ali announced the retirement, it was on that time that things started to be weird from Ashlyn's side, they were barely seen together or with both kids, and it got worse since then.
Being really honest, I don't think Sophia was the first girl she cheated on Ali with in the past year or so, pretty sure that it might have more, especially since she travelled a lot on that period, so we cant really know for sure, but Sophia is the perfect shield for Ashlyn, since she is more famous than Ali, she is very resourceful and pro in getting out of situations similar to this, and sometimes, way messier than this (2016 elections alongside with her departure from CPD were worse than this. She got heat from all the main conservatives in America, not some crazy online fan girls).
If they are indeed a couple, I don't think they will last. Like I said, Sophia is the perfect shield for Ashlyn, once things calm down on her front, she is going to jump to another relationship, and if it doesn't, she will try to come back to Ali, because all this shade Ali and Kyle are throwing at her shows that it still has feelings inside (if Ali will accept it, I don't know) I just hope she doesn't break Sophia's heart in that process, cause that woman already suffered a lot, she doesn't need another Chad in her life.
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ms-nesbit · 10 months
blue chicago (final chap. of sweet home chicago)
Chapters 1 and 2 here
Rating: 18+ (minors will be banned into the shadow realm)
Warnings: oral sex, vaginal sex, praise kink, jason is gentle ig
Summary: continuation of y/n and Jason’s first date. Jason wants to figure out where their relationship, if any, continues after his return to Gotham
Y/n ordered an uber for the couple, holding their phone in their hand and preemptively checking the plates and model of the vehicle to ensure their safety. “There’s a killer in Chicago right now, y’know. I might not be their demographic, but you probably are.”
Jason cocked his head in confusion. “I think I can manage.” he commented with a naive grin, reminiscing on the last time he caused a mob boss in Bludhaven to fall to his knees.
As they packed into the Fiat (for Jason, like a sardine, as he had to tuck his legs in order to fit even remotely comfortably), y/n began to point out different landmarks and their history.
“So you’ve been here a while I take it?”
Y/n took their eyes from the passing buildings, old and new, to look directly at Jason. Under the fleeing lights that escaped their view, y/n could make out his curiosity for them, his hazel eyes more gray than blue. “Long enough to know that there’s a killer that the CPD refuses to acknowledge, and that you always lock your doors after eight-thirty.” Y/n sighed, Jason’s gaze growing in intensity, so much that y/n had to look away. “I’ve never been to Gotham. Heard that their crime puts mine to shame.”
Jason let out a tired laugh. “Yeah, that’s about the only thing we really excel at.” he cleared his throat and glanced at the driver, whose eyes were narrowed at the traffic ahead, before he continued. “I mean, I can show you around sometime, if you ever want to take a vacation and see… I dunno, something.”
“So you don’t like it much?” Y/n moved their knees to face Jason, relaxing their shoulders on the back rest of the seat.
Jason shook his head. “To be honest, it’s home. Kinda like that weirdly toxic ex you keep coming back to, y’know?” Y/n rolled their eyes and nodded. “I’ve been to a few cities, including this one, and Gotham just feels comfortable to me. There isn’t much except the vigilantes in muscle suits, but I guess it gives the town some flavor.”
“I’ve been curious about the bat. I’m sure that’s gotta be some scary shit. Have you ever seen him?”
“Uhm,” Jason searched for an appropriate response without blowing his identity or his adoptive father’s. “Everyone who reads the newspaper or watches the news really knows what he looks like, but I can’t say for certain that I agree with his methodology.”
Y/n crept closer, scooting in their seat. “Methodology?” they repeated, running their fingers through their curls.
“Yeah, he…” Jason kissed his teeth in frustration, his visible disapproval enough to shift the mood in the compact vehicle, “he captures these guys, and some of them are really fucked up, and he just…lets them go to the police.”
Y/n rolled their eyes again, their demur matching Jason’s. “Then they get released, right? Because I’m almost certain that Gotham PD isn’t much better than Chicago’s.”
Nodding slowly, Jason’s hair mildly swayed with his head shaking. The way the strands fell out of place seemed right for him, y/n noted to themself. “There are a few places that I could take you to, if you were to, y’know, want to see a man dressed up as a flying mammal.” He interlocked his fingers, and y/n noticed a miniscule scar on the middle finger of his right hand that crawled up to the cuff of his shirt. When Jason followed y/n’s eyes, he withdrew his hands and crossed his arms. “There’s a bakery right in downtown, and a nice school there if you want to check out their law library.”
He smiled at y/n, who was still stuck on the scars - where did they come from? Why is he hesitant about them? Y/n wondered, their questions on the horizon, but not quite washed up to the shore of their tongue. “You really want me to check out this lawless town of yours, huh?”
“Well, I mean,” heat rose to Jason’s cheeks, “if you’re interested, I surely wouldn’t want you walking around alone, y’know? Some of those crooks take advantage of out-of-towners, and I think that you might-”
“Stick out like a sore thumb?” y/n finished, catching Jason in his words. “For a first date, you’re certainly charming with your words.”
Jason rubbed the back of his neck, opening his mouth to begin speaking before the uber driver abruptly announced their arrival. He wondered if the driver was used to the banter, and after y/n exited the tiny backseat, the driver muttered a quick, “You two have fun now,” to Jason, while giving him a knowing grin.
Fixing their outfit, y/n waited for Jason as they entered their key code (using their free hand to cup the dials to maintain some sort of confidentiality) and opened the door once they gained entry. “You ready?” Y/n stated as more of a precautionary word as opposed to a question. It drew Jason’s eyes from y/n’s wide hips to the building itself.
The building was…a building, and Jason was almost upset that someone like y/n could live in a building with a malfunctioning fire escape, several boarded up windows, and gaps in the brickwork that tested the integrity of the structure. He blinked back a frown. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”
Once they entered, Jason felt the hairs on his neck raise in caution. From his upbringing, he knew to take heed of whomever he passed in places like these, and he kept his lips screwed together while his eyes darted to the source of his uneasiness: first, he noticed the flickering, buzzing fluorescent light in the lobby, its cold lighting shining (but dimmed); then, the water damage along the tiled ceiling, with accompanying stains on the corners where the wall met the ceiling, and darker, deeper stains - presumably blood - that sprayed along the lower walls and onto the ground; the lobby desk was empty, devoid of life of any kind, and before y/n called his name from the shabby elevator, Jason could almost make out a tiny inscription carved on the bottommost shelf on the abandoned desk, one that nearly reminded him of…
His thoughts rummaged as he multitasked the date with detective work. He reminded himself of Dick’s warning, ‘Enjoy yourself here, man. Don’t think about work for a bit.’, but one thing Bruce taught Jason was to trust his intuition. After they stepped off from the elevator, which creaked with every shift of weight, Jason followed y/n closely behind, keeping his hand over his right hip, where he stored his trusty blade. His eyes flickered behind him suspiciously, watching over his shoulder for whatever threat may expose themselves to him, and after they entered y/n’s home, Jason still refused to shake off the anxiety he felt.
“I know it’s not the Four Seasons,” y/n began, their tone derisive and self-depreciating, “but it’s my place for right now. And it’s actually nice that I get to learn how to repair things on my own since my landlord is pretty much MIA.”
Jason motioned to his shoes, to which y/n pointed their head to the thinly-wired shoe rack. He placed them there gingerly before returning his attention to y/n. “If you feel safe, and it’s not causing you any respiratory infections with the obvious mold growing in the walls of the hall alone, then I can’t really disagree with you much there.”
The overcoat Jason wore flounced with every motion, and it drove y/n mad, wanting to see what was underneath the layers. They were torn between the slow inspection, or the rapid peeling of clothes. Instead, they sat on the loveseat, their sweater dress hiking up their thighs enough to allow Jason to see where their legs met, the cavernous… “Wanna sit next to me?” Y/n offered, satisfied with Jason’s flustered reaction.
“Yeah, yeah, that’s fine.” he scrambled awkwardly, seating himself next to y/n, and concentrating on anything other than how he wanted to feel how y/n’s skin was underneath the leggings. He placed the plastic tins of cupcakes beside them, and as he settled himself onto the fabric of the couch, he felt his heart race. “So uhm, y/n, I just wanted to say I’ve had a really good time-”
Before Jason could finish his statement, y/n reached over and pulled him into a kiss, their hands instantly wrapping around the back of his neck. Jason’s hands grabbed y/n’s cheeks, holding their face in his hands as he inhaled sharply through his nose. He felt y/n’s fingers snaking into his hair, massaging them lightly as their tongue found its way to Jason’s mouth, deepening the kiss.
Y/n moved to sit on Jason’s lap, stradling it as their legs held his hips tightly. They broke the kiss after a few moments, staring straight at Jason, whose stormy gray and green were swallowed by his pupils. “Do you want this?”
Jason only managed a nod, finding his voice. “Y-yes. Yes I do.” he swallowed, and y/n bit their lip at the way Jason’s Adam's apple bobbed. Pulling their dress over their head, Jason only caught a glimpse of y/n’s skin, soft and peaks supple, before y/n pulled him into a deeper, hungrier kiss.
Y/n felt how hard Jason was becoming under them, and they began to grind their hips down, causing both of them to moan into the kiss. Y/n broke the kiss again, this time to relish in Jason’s quiet noises as he unraveled into a desperate, starved mess. Meanwhile, Jason’s eyes couldn’t pick a place to stay, and they wandered from y/n’s wide waist, up to the maroon racerback bra that they wore, the tops of their breasts calling out to Jason to be touched.
His hands were delayed in reacting, so it took a minute before he allowed himself to cup y/n’s breasts underneath the bra. He wrapped his arms around their waist to unclip the bra, removing it and sitting up to close their mouth on one of y/n’s hardened buds.
“Jesus, I should’ve known you were good with your tongue by the way you eat.” they breathed, arching their back in desperation. Their hips continued to circle against Jason’s clothed erection, but they snuck their hand under their leggings to rub their clit, a frantic attempt to relieve their tension.
The sight drove Jason’s hips to buck up, taking his bottom lip between his teeth to stifle a groan. “Fuck, I’ll do anything.” he was disgusted by how he pled to y/n, his guard quickly relenting to the depths of desire he previously compartmentalized. Y/n moaned in response, their head falling back as they continued to rub their clit underneath their leggings.
Jason debated watching y/n come loose, but his carnal instincts spoke louder to him, and he wanted to be the one to lead y/n to their climax. Without another word, Jason picked y/n up by the hips and placed them on the loveseat, falling to his knees on the wood floor before y/n as he hooked his fingers into the sides of their leggings and pulled them from y/n’s legs in a swift motion.
“Jason, I-” y/n interrupted their own words with a moan as they felt Jason’s breath hot against their core, and they looked down at him.
“Before I continue,” he began, eyes dark with lust, “do you want this?” It was y/n’s turn to be speechless, nodding impatiently as a nervous chuckle left their throat. “Good.” Jason mumbled before dipping his head again, their tongue brushing against y/n’s heat. He watched every movement y/n made, and how their hips rose in tune with their filthy noises. In his heart, he knew this was fast, maybe too fast for him to comprehend, but his heart was quieter than a mouse, and all he searched for in his strokes was for y/n’s release.
He threw a leg over one of his broad shoulders, pressing his tongue deeper against y/n’s core as he continued, his fingers sprawled on y/n’s thighs. He groaned every time y/n cursed, the sin as sweet as a prayer. “Fuck,” y/n gasped, their peak rapidly approaching. “Keep going, Jason, please.” the pleas were dripping with masochistic torment, as he was steadily keeping y/n close to their orgasm, but not quite letting them taste bliss yet.
“With pleasure.” Jason muttered under his breath before he obeyed y/n’s wishes, eyeing them as he watched their jaw drop and profanities spill from their lips. He allowed y/n to ride his face, and while they came down from their high, Jason unbuttoned his slacks and began twisting his wrist, stroking his own cock at the sight of his date in a state of ecstasy.
After catching their breath, y/n noticed Jason’s fierce stare before their eyes moved to his cock. “What are you waiting for?” Their eyebrow cocked in jest.
Jason looked down, embarrassed to admit. “I didn’t think…I don’t have a condom, I’m sorry.”
“You clean?” Jason nodded. “Me too.”
Jason stopped stroking himself, palms resting on his thighs. “Aren’t you afraid of getting pregnant?”
Y/n shook their head. “IUD. Makes periods painful, but at least I don’t have to take a pill or anything like that.” They observed Jason’s expression soften, his anxiety lingering. “If you’re not comfortable, we don’t need to do anything tonight.”
The comment was what Jason needed to allow the remaining weariness to fall from his skin. He stood and shimmied the slacks off from himself, tossing them aside before he pulled y/n to their feet and into a kiss. Y/n immediately brought their hands back to Jason’s hair, tugging delicately to evoke a response from the tall man.
It worked. “Shit.” Jason hissed into the kiss, “Gotta have you.”
Before y/n could process the admission of desire, they felt Jason’s hands on their bare ass, lifting them up from the ground. Y/n wrapped their legs around Jason’s waist with a tight grip, and felt the cold air of the wall against their back. Jason had them pinned, and was impressed with how seamlessly he was able to carry their weight. “Fuck me, please.” Y/n knew it was the word to use if they wanted anything from Jason - at this rate, Jason would give y/n the world with the simple word.
Jason obliged, using a free hand to guide his cock into y/n, groaning at the warm, inviting velvet pulling him in. He rested his forehead against y/n’s, staring at them as he rocked his hips slowly, deeply. With y/n pinned against the wall, their legs around Jason, he was able to move a hand to their breast, thumbing their nipple as he thrusted.
He listened with keen ears to the overt sounds of pleasure that emitted from y/n. He was already so close, despite being in y/n for such little time, and it reflected in how poorly he was able to keep a steady pace, faltering each time y/n clenched around him.
“I’m gonna- y/n, I’m close.” Jason choked out, eyes still fixated on y/n’s.
Y/n interlocked their ankles behind Jason’s back, pulling him in deeper. They again tugged at Jason’s hair, harder this time, and whined, “Not yet. Please, not yet. You feel so good.”
Jason’s hands moved to y/n’s hips, gripping them tightly as he wound his hips up and thrusted harder into y/n, his positioning precisely hitting y/n at a spot that made them curse loudly.
Jason buried his head in y/n’s shoulder, unable to filter out the obscene noises that left his mouth with every move. He was in agony, such deep pleasure that it hurt, but he would be damned if he didn’t want to strip another climax from y/n.
He snaked a hand between him and y/n, lazily circling their sensitive clit, and returned his eyes to y/n’s face as their body twitched, quickly reaching their orgasm. Jason watched with intent, but continued his speed, the room filling with salacious sounds from either of them.
“Holy shit,” Jason choked out, voice lower than before, “Fuck, y/n.” his eyes finally shut, mouth falling open as he found release, letting out a strangled moan as his hips stilled.
Gently lowering y/n back onto their feet, Jason ushered to the box of tissues, pulling out a couple to clean y/n off, then himself.
Y/n hummed as he cleaned them gingerly on the loveseat, their eyes slowly blinking before finally falling to rest. After Jason disposed of the used tissues, he laid his eyes on the slumbering y/n, careful in his movements as not to wake them, and he used his coat as a blanket.
Sunday evening
“Tim.” Dick admonished, repercussions sharp on his tongue. “Stop teasing your brother.”
Tim shrugged before locking his hands behind his head, resting on the armchair of the living room. “Who cares? Guy seems a bit chipper now.”
Jason was. After his date with y/n, he waited for them to wake up - which took nearly all night - and took y/n out for breakfast. They agreed to keep in touch (something Tim and Dick overheard while he was on the phone with y/n), and had his face buried in his phone since.
They were about to check out from the hotel (not quite at the time they planned, but with revisions and planning from the concierge), and Jason was slightly less threatening than usual.
Their trip back to Gotham was dreadful - their flight was delayed, and they had to land in Pennsylvania due to a rapidly approaching storm.
Yet Jason remained hopeful, even when greeted by the passive aggressive Bruce Wayne back at Wayne Manor. He caught wind of their antics and was displeased, but was hushed by a sympathetic Dick when he informed his adoptive father that Jason found someone.
“So…” Bruce lingered in the doorway of Jason’s room for long enough to stir discomfort in the young man. “Do you have any interest in bringing this person over, maybe for the holidays?”
Jason sighed on his bed, rolling his eyes. “Y/n’s coming out in a week. Don’t…tell anyone, though.”
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Antonio- Babies Birth Alphabet
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A= Aftercare After Birth (How they act after you finish giving birth?):
Antonio was amazing during labour. He held my hand the whole time and kept telling me how proud he was of me and placing kisses on my forehead constantly.
After giving birth Antonio would make sure that both me and the baby are ok. When our baby was taken away to be checked over, Antonio's attention was on me making sure I had drank water and that I was feeling ok.
B= Baby (Who is the baby more like? The baby's personality?):
When the baby was born Antonio swears that they look exactly like Diego when he was born. So safe to say the baby looks most like Antonio.
C= Care Taking (Who takes care of the baby more? Do you have someone else take care of the child?):
Due to how much Antonio works, taking care of the baby is mostly left to me and also the fact that I'm breast feeding means that I have to be the one to do the feeding unless I've managed to pump in the day. Antonio will take over as soon as he can. On Antonio's days off I'm made to relax all day while he does the cleaning and taking care of the baby.
D= Delivery (How they act when you are in labor, do they stay in the room or outside the room?):
He's been here before, so he's pretty calm keeping me as calm as possible. Antonio stays by my side the whole time, except when he goes to get food or a drink for us both.
E= Emergencies (How do they act when something happens to the baby? If something happens during labor how do they react?):
The only time Antonio starts to worry is when Nat tells me baby is the wrong way round. She turned the baby by putting pressure on my stomach which was super painful. Antonio hated seeing me in pain like that and wanted to make sure that both me and the baby would be ok. After being reassured Antonio calmed once again.
F= Friends/Family (Who visits you in the hospital?):
The first person to arrive was obviously my brother Will as he was working. Next up Jay and Gabby came to visit with Eva and Diego who were both very excited to hold the baby. After family came to visit CFD CPD and others from Med all came to see me, Antonio and the baby. Antonio's mum came to visit and immediately feel in love. She's been over a few times while I was in my third trimester helping us get ready. She will also be staying over for a few days to help out while I recover. Antonio's father still doesn't want to know.
G= Gender(s) (What do you have?):
We have a baby boy that we named Lucas.
H= Hair Color (What hair color does the baby inherit):
Lucas was born with dark hair like Antonio.
I= Illness (How do they react when the baby gets sick for the first time? How about when the baby is ill for a while?):
Lucas was born healthy, would often get the hiccups, especially after feeding. Antonio was very relaxed about this, I however was stressed that there was something wrong, even going as far as to ring Nat to ask if this was normal.
J= Job (When do you go back to work?):
I decide to take as long as I can. 3 months paid and then I take 6 months unpaid. I don't want Lucas to go to nursery just yet so we both decide to hire a nanny while we're at work. As I finish work usually before Antonio our nanny is dismissed as soon as I get home.
K= Kisses (Do they kiss the baby?):
Yes of course, even in front of his coworkers. The tough guy act is thrown out of the window when it comes to his kids.
L= Love (Do they fall in love with the baby right away? What do they love the most about the baby?):
Antonio fell in love from the first ultrasound. Antonio loves Lucas' smile.
M= Movement (How do they react to baby first crawling and walking?):
Lucas was a late developer. He didn't start crawling until he was 11 months old, a week before his first birthday in fact. Of course this worried us because Antonio said his other kids started crawling at 6/7 months. When he did start crawling we were so excited, then almost immediately he starting pulling himself up
And walking.
N= New People (Taking baby to meet the rest of their/your work colleagues.):
Intelligence met Lucas before my coworkers and they immediately all fell in love with him. They saw him while I was still on hospital, Lucas only being an hour old. They're a family and they have extended that to Lucas and I.
When I took Lucas to meet my coworkers, he was a couple of months old. I also got to show him to my old class.
O= On Time (Are they there by time you go into labor? Do they arrive before or after the baby is born? How do they feel if they are late? Is the baby on time?):
I had gone into labour early. I was with Eva and Diego, making us all some lunch when it started. Eva rang Antonio but had no answer while Diego rang 911.
I arrive at Med with the kids after an ambo picked us up. Will rings Antonio until he manages to get ahold of him. Antonio is there as soon as he can and doesn't leave my side until the baby is born.
Lucas was born early on the 2nd of September.
P= Pain (How do they react to seeing you in pain due to the contractions? How do they handle seeing you in pain during labor?):
Antonio didn't like seeing me in pain but he knows what having a baby entails, so he just keeps reassuring me telling me it will all be worth it in the end.
Q= Questions (Do they ask the midwife a lot of questions? Do they keep asking if they are doing something right when they are doing something with the baby?):
No, he is super calm and when the baby is born he's muscle memory kicks in.
R= Resting (Do they get a lot of rest when the baby is born? Do they stay awake at night worrying about the baby?):
Lucas is a good baby. He sleeps when he needs to only waking up for a feed and nappy change giving both Antonio and I chance to sleep.
S= Singing to the Baby (Do they sing to the baby, or do they listen to you sing to the baby? What is their favorite song to sing to the baby?):
Antonio will hum to the baby, but only when he thinks I'm not listening.
T= Talking to the Baby (Do they use baby talk?):
We both find we do talk differently to the baby, just more softly and quietly.
U= Underneath the Man/Woman's Heart (How do they truly feel about having a child? Do they feel as though they are ready for a baby?):
Although it wasn't planned for that year Antonio was excited to have a baby. I was the one who didn't feel ready and Antonio would have to keep reassuring me that we will be ok.
V= Vision as in Supervision (Do they keep a close eye on the baby? Do they have someone watching the baby at all times?):
Yes. Antonio is very protective, only letting certain people watch him. Especially after Diego being kidnapped, Antonio because even more protective wanting to make sure that any tough case didn't come home with him.
W= When the Baby is Born (What day is the baby born. Are they off work? At work?):
Lucas was born on the 2nd September at 11:31 am after being in labour for nearly 24 hours. Antonio was at work when he found out. Voight allowed Antonio 3 weeks paid leave, but Antonio couldn't sit still so ended up doing paperwork for those 3 weeks.
X= X-mas (What's their first Christmas like?):
We had Eva and Diego this this. I felt like I true family especially when Antonio proposed to me!
Y= Yawning (How tired do they get when dealing with the baby? Their reaction to the baby yawning?):
Antonio will yawn every time Lucas does. Thankfully because Lucas is such an easy baby we get plenty of sleep so neither of us are that tired.
Z= ZZZ (How much sleep after the baby is born?):
Plenty. We are able to mostly sleep through the night and if we are tired the following day we can take a nap while Lucas is asleep.
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kim-ruzek · 7 months
I love Chicago Fire and Stellaride is my number one OTP, but with Matt, Sylvie and Brettsey off-screen, it does feel like something ended, and I'm surprised because they aren't my faves 😅😅
Yeah, I have to agree with you here. It definitely felt like an end of an era, or something like that. Like the final cigar chat - things like that just really hit home for me.
it doesn't help that the other week I realised that everything I really wanted out of one chicago I've gotten, and that technically most likely at the end of these seasons/next season, I could happily stop watching knowing all my ships has gotten their happy endings. And that yeah, I'd love to carry on watching to see Violet, Ritter and Kevin get theirs, but I'm also very happy with how their lives are right now.
Up until a few weeks ago, I was seriously considering quitting CF after the wedding because while Stellaride are my main babies, my OTP of cf, they're married, Kelly came home to her. But the hints that we'll be potentially getting our Stellaride baby is what convinced me to stay (and also because I do really enjoy watching CF as a casual show if not my all consuming one vs pd). But after we get their baby? I don't know if I'll carry on - quit while I'm ahead, you know?
And the same goes for cpd. After I get my Burzek wedding, I'm still trying to decide if I'll continue. I'm more likely to continue with fire, as I said, I do like watching it casually whereas I don't with pd.
Idk, just with the brettsey wedding, it feels like now is a good time that if I want to stop, I should, because it does feel like an ending.
Thank you for asking!!
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