#especially heinous ; svu
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"Especially Heinous: 272 Views of Law & Order SVU" is available to read here
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Arven from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (that I almost called Pokemon SVU today)
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torturedsoph13 · 3 months
I just finished season 9 of svu. What do you mean Chester Lake killed 2 guys and my baby Casey is being suspended?? She's my daily source of joy and I love her and you're taking her from me??
I don't like it?!?!?!?
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bereft-of-frogs · 2 years
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(1/50) 📚 I used to do this on Instagram but considering I’ve essentially stopped using any other social media site, might as well move this year. Read #1 of 50. (I always set the goal to 50.) I think if I’d known I was actually going to get sick I would have picked a less trippy first read of the year. I certainly wouldn’t have gone to the horror/sci-fi bookstore on my lunch break on Friday and get a whole series of trippy books because I assumed I’d dodged the ‘rona but alas. It got me and all I’ve got is trippy books. 🙃 Hubris. It’s always weird reading a book that’s written like a fever dream when you actually have a fever.
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selfmadesaviour · 1 year
wednesday starters:
accepting / not accepting @immxvable as alex cabot said "i would rather dye my hair pink, than ask my mother for advice."
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his face shines up and he grins widely to her, amusement and mischief shining across his expression like a child who just heard they were going to a paintball game. "does that mean i get to dye your hair pink if i stop suggesting you talk to your mom? cause, i could live with that."
his hand runs across the now-large bump beneath her sweater, skin to skin as he rubs the soothing oil into the taut skin of her belly. "i'm just saying, she's been here twice. i've never been pregnant, believe it or not."
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gatherthewords · 2 years
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goldencrownofsorro · 2 years
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fatecantstopme · 4 months
I Can't Walk Away
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Pairing: Nick Amaro x plus size!reader
Summary: When you and your boyfriend break up, you're faced with the seemingly impossible task of putting yourself back together. Luckily for you, your very handsome coworker is more than happy to help along the way.
Warnings: Body image issues, low self-esteem, mentions of toxic/abusive relationships, cursing, use of pet names. SMUT, light dom/sub vibes, oral (F receiving), unprotected sex (P in V).
A/N: This was entirely self-indulgent and I have no regrets.
Spanish Translations:
Querida: sweetheart/darling
Hermosa: beautiful
Mierda: shit
Por favor: please
Si: yes
All other translations will be after the sentence in brackets/italics.
You dropped onto Olivia's couch with a huff, tears still threatening to break through your stubborn facade.
"Are we gonna talk about it or do I need to have someone beat him up?" Liv asked you, a small smirk gracing her face.
"As much as I'd love to see his ass get handed to him, I think we should avoid committing any crimes," you said lightly.
Olivia sighed softly and reached over to put her arm around you. You leaned into her shoulder and began to let your guard drop. Olivia had been your best friend for over a decade now, your time working together in SVU having brought you closer than you could have imagined.
"He was an asshole, (Y/N/N)," she said softly. "You deserve better."
"You say that, but I guess I just don't believe it," you muttered.
It nearly broke her heart to hear you speak so negatively of yourself, but she knew no matter how many uplifting words she spoke, you would still refuse to believe her.
"Maybe there's something wrong with me," you whispered, tears finally beginning to fall. "Maybe I'm broken--unloveable."
"Hey," she chided. "You are so many things, (Y/N), but broken and unloveable are not among them."
She tightened her grip on you, pulling you into a proper side hug. She let you cry into her shoulder, her own heart breaking along with yours.
You knew, objectively, she was right--your now-ex was indeed an asshole. He'd never treated you well and had often put you down and made you feel terrible about yourself. Your self-esteem had been lower than usual when you met him and in the 6 months you'd been together, he'd managed to destroy whatever vestige of self-love you had left.
There wasn't a single thing about you he didn't belittle. Whether it was your physical appearance, your career, your hobbies, your dreams...he made you feel like everything you ever did was a mistake. In his estimation, you were too fat, unintelligent, boring...and your choice in career was just about the worst thing you could do.
You'd made it your mission in life to help the victims of particularly heinous crimes, which is why you'd been working at SVU for almost 12 years. You were the squad's forensic psychologist, and you loved your work. In many respects, it was the one thing that really brought joy to your life. It was your greatest passion--and the amount of time you spent at work certainly showed it.
Yet during those 6 months with him...your love for the job had begun to wane. Every time you'd stay late or have to cancel a date, he'd berate you for it--mocking your job and your inability to 'be a real person'. Now that you'd finally taken the leap and broken up with him, you were hopeful you could fall back in love with your work.
In this moment, however, all you could think about were the horrible things he'd said to you when you told him you wanted to break up. He'd been especially cruel, calling out every physical insecurity you had and making you feel like an absolute pile of human garbage. He'd called you fat, ugly, unloveable, gross...and a million other things you couldn't bear to repeat.
You weren't thin--you knew that, but you weren't gross. That was just offensive. Unfortunately, he wasn't the first ex to make comments about your weight--something you'd been struggling with for most of your adult life. The words had hit you harder than you'd expected, making you actually think he might be right...maybe you were the problem.
Olivia's voice broke you out of your thoughts, "Do you want to stay here tonight?"
You just nodded, not trusting your voice to answer her properly.
She squeezed you a little tighter, her reassuring presence grounding you in ways you desperately needed. You were always thankful for her friendship, but it was moments like this where you were reminded how much she really meant to you.
You'd spent most of the weekend at Olivia's and by the time Monday rolled around, you were feeling a little bit better. She always knew what to do and say to make everything okay. It was a gift you'd always envied and appreciated.
It was very typical of you to be the first person in the office, having been an early riser most of your life. So you were more than a little surprised when you walked into the precinct Monday morning and spotted Nick Amaro sitting at his desk.
"You're in early," you commented lightly in lieu of greeting.
He turned his gaze to look over at you and shot you a disarming smile. "I couldn't sleep, so I figured I might as well get a head start on some paperwork I've been putting off."
"Wise man. Wouldn't want to upset the boss."
He grinned. "She's strict." His voice was teasing and warm and it made you feel something in your gut you always tried to ignore.
In truth, you were extremely attracted to Nick--it was undeniable. You had not, nor would you ever, tell him or act on it. Nick was so far out of your league it wasn't even funny. Besides, he was newly single, still fresh from his divorce.
"She can be calmed with good coffee and blueberry muffins," you said conspiratorially.
Nick chuckled. "I'm gonna have to write that down."
You offered him a smile before continuing past him to your office. You were surprised when his voice stopped you after a few steps.
"How was your weekend?"
You turned back to face him. "Friday was absolute shit," you said honestly. "But I spent Saturday and part of yesterday with Liv, so it's better now."
A look of concern crossed his face. "Everything okay?"
You feigned a smile. "Everything's fine. Thanks for asking."
His eyes narrowed as he gazed at you skeptically. "Is it that guy again?"
Your cheeks darkened, embarrassed Nick even knew about your ex. "We broke up."
Nick almost looked relieved. "I would say sorry, but it wouldn't be honest. I never liked the guy--he didn't treat you right."
You were surprised he paid enough attention to the things you said to know just how badly your ex had treated you. "Oh?"
Nick stood up and took a couple steps closer to you. He was still a professional distance away, but he could speak quieter so only you could hear him.
"You deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. You're an amazing woman, (Y/N), and a good man would never treat you the way he did. He clearly didn't recognize your worth."
His words slammed into you with surprising force. "I-um-thank you," you muttered softly.
"You can thank me by dating a man who will love you the way you deserve," he said lowly. "Como una reina." [Like a queen.]
His last three words were so quiet you weren't even sure you'd heard him properly--or if you were supposed to hear them at all. You weren't fluent in Spanish by any means, but you understood the basics...enough to know he'd said something about a queen. That is, if you heard him correctly.
You were about to ask him to elaborate when Olivia came into the squad room. She sent a warm smile your way and issued greetings to both you and Nick. Her arrival broke whatever spell Nick had been under, and he went back to his desk quietly.
You went into your office, leaving the door open behind you so you could hear the goings on and the arrival of the rest of the squad. There were plenty of things for you to do, but you couldn't get Nick's words out of your head.
Olivia looked up from her computer when Nick knocked on the doorframe entering her office.
"Mind if I come in?" he asked.
"Sure," she said with a smile.
He came in and quietly shut the door behind him.
"Uh-oh...closed door conversation? Everything okay?"
"With me, yes," he answered. "But I wanted to ask you something and I don't want anyone overhearing."
"It's about (Y/N)."
Olivia raised her eyebrows. "What about her?"
"She mentioned she'd spent the weekend with you and she and that asshole broke up."
Olivia chuckled softly, glad to hear she wasn't the only one who hated your ex.
"I know it's not really my business, but I can tell something is really upsetting her. Hell, I've noticed a change in her since the moment they started dating--and not in a good way."
"He isn't a good person," Olivia conceded.
"Tell me about it," Nick muttered. "Anyway, I just--well, I just want to know if she's okay? I mean, really okay."
"Why don't you ask her?"
"I did, but I know she wasn't being honest with me."
Olivia sighed. She had a feeling he was asking about you for a reason, but she wasn't sure it was her place to tell him the truth. She was torn between being honest with her partner and keeping her best friend's pain to herself.
"I don't know if it's my place to tell you, but he did say some particularly cruel things about her when she broke up with him."
Nick's eyes narrowed and Olivia could see the anger flare in them. "What did he say to her?" Even his voice was laced with fury--the mere idea someone would hurt you sent him off the edge.
"I can't tell you," Olivia answered. "But if you really want to know, then I think you should talk to her. She trusts you, so she may open up to you."
Nick nodded, anger still boiling beneath the surface. "You're right--I didn't mean to intrude or anything."
Olivia shook her head. "It's alright. I know you care about her...I guess I'm just a little surprised by your anger."
He winced slightly, feeling embarrassed for his display of emotion. "I don't like the idea of some guy making her feel like shit."
"Neither do I," she said honestly. "I am curious though...what made you ask about her?"
"Wha-what do you mean?"
Olivia smiled slowly. "I mean, why do you want to know badly enough to ask me?"
Nick had a feeling Olivia could see right through him--they'd been partners for a few years after all. He wasn't sure how to answer--or if he wanted to be entirely truthful. In the end, he opted for vague honesty. "I care about her."
Olivia watched his expression in silence for a long moment before responding. "So do I."
Nick could see the meaning behind her words as clearly as if she'd spoken them aloud--don't hurt my friend. He didn't say it, but he hoped Olivia knew he would never hurt you...it would break his heart.
"Hey (Y/N/N). You busy?"
You looked up to see Nick standing in your office doorway, leaning against the frame. You swallowed thickly as you pushed down the improper thoughts blazing through your mind at the sight.
"Uh--no. What's up?"
He stepped into the room, edging closer to your desk. "I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner tonight. My treat."
You raised your eyebrows at him, unsure of the cause of his request. "Is there some sort of celebration I'm unaware of?"
He chuckled lightly. "Other than your new-found freedom, no. I just...well, I wanted to spend a little time with you. Ya know, if you want."
You bit your bottom lip as you contemplated his offer. "Well, I don't have any other plans, so why not?"
He grinned. "Excellent. Do you want time to go home first or just leave from here?"
You looked down at your outfit, suddenly feeling very frumpy and unattractive. You knew he wasn't asking you out on a date--just a friend inviting you to dinner to cheer you up. Even still, you really didn't want to go out looking like this. "Do you mind if I go home and change first?"
"Not at all. I can pick you up from your place, if you'd like?"
"Oh, uh-yeah. Sure."
He smiled again. "Perfect. 6:30?"
You nodded. "Sounds good."
You watched him walk out of your office, mind racing as you tried to figure out his motivations and what the hell you were gonna wear.
By the time 6pm rolled around, you'd managed to change your clothes somewhere in the realm of 50 times, and you still weren't entirely satisfied. Even your favorite outfit didn't feel right--you could hear your ex's voice in the back of your mind telling you everything you tried on looked bad.
You dug further into your closet, looking for something simple--cover the things you wanna hide and accentuate the things you wanna show off. Your eyes fell on a beautiful black dress you'd actually never worn. You'd purchased it on a whim because you'd loved it in the store and Olivia had insisted it was too perfect to pass up on.
You pulled the dress off the hanger and put it on, pleased it still fit properly. When you turned to look in the mirror, you almost didn't recognize yourself--you actually felt pretty. The bodice of the dress was tight, but the lower half was flowy. The material was a soft, stretch satin, with a low neckline and flutter sleeves. The dress hit right above your knees and it practically screamed for a pair of heels.
You found your favorite black pumps, slipping them on and smiling at your reflection. You put on some jewelry to spice up the look, sprayed your favorite perfume, and double checked your hair and makeup one last time. You didn't wear much makeup on the daily, so you didn't go too wild with your makeup for the evening. You'd added some eyeliner and lipstick, but otherwise you looked natural. You'd actually been having a good hair day already, so you were pleased to see it was still behaving properly.
You'd just put the last finishing touches on the outfit when you heard the buzzer ring. You quickly went to answer it, and upon hearing Nick's voice, told him you'd be right down.
You took one last look in the mirror, took a deep breath, and headed downstairs feeling both excited and trepidatious. You reminded yourself once again this was just two friends having dinner--purely platonic...but you'd be lying to yourself if you said you didn't want it to be an actual date.
Nick was waiting just outside the front entrance to your apartment building, and he turned around when he heard the door open. Nothing could have prepared you for the look on his face when he saw you.
"Santa mierda," he breathed. "You look incredible." [Holy shit.]
You blushed and looked away. "Thank you," you mumbled softly.
He stepped towards you and gently touched your chin, lifting your face to meet his gaze. "You're very welcome."
He dropped his hand, but his eyes stayed fixed on your face for a long moment. "Do you like Italian?" he asked.
"Of course," you answered, silently pleased your voice sounded normal.
"Excellent." He gestured towards his car and you followed behind him. He opened the passenger door and helped you in before getting in the driver's seat.
The drive wasn't very long, and your nerves kept you quiet for most of the ride. You listened to him chatter on about nothing, simply enjoying the sound of his voice.
When you arrived at the restaurant, he once again opened your door and helped you out, but this time his hand didn't leave yours. He placed your hand through the loop he'd made with his arm and guided you to the entrance.
Once you were seated, your nerves began to ratchet up even higher. Unfortunately for you, Nick was both an extremely good detective and an annoyingly perceptive person. As such, he noticed your discomfort immediately.
"You okay?"
"Yeah," you lied.
"It's just me, (Y/N/N)," he said quietly.
You exhaled slowly--realizing he was right. It was Nick for God's sake. He was your colleague, your friend. There was no reason to be nervous. "You're right."
He smiled, reaching across the table to squeeze your hand. He pulled it back to his side of the table as the server arrived for your drink order.
You were grateful for the glass of wine he delivered moments later, lifting it to your lips almost immediately. You knew the liquid would calm your nerves--maybe then you wouldn't embarrass yourself.
"I'm glad you agreed to have dinner with me," Nick said softly as he sipped his own glass of wine.
"I was a little surprised, in all honesty."
"That I asked or that you agreed?" he teased lightly.
You smiled. "Definitely the former."
"I hate seeing you upset," he admitted. "I thought I might be able to cheer you up a little."
"Thanks, Nick. You're a good friend."
His face fell slightly, but he quickly hid it behind a soft smile. "May I ask you something?"
Whatever he was going to ask was cut off by the arrival of the server to take your food order.
As soon as the server left the table, Nick leaned forward and lowered his voice. "What did he say to you that hurt you so much?"
"Your ex."
Your expression shifted and you looked down at the table. "It doesn't matter."
"It does to me."
"Because whatever he said hurt you--and I'm willing to bet my career that he was wrong."
Your eyes snapped back up to meet his. His expression was deadly serious, yet it somehow put you at ease in a way only Nick could. "He said some unpleasant things about my physical appearance that I could have lived without hearing."
Surprise lit up his handsome face. "Unpleasant things about your appearance? I'll bet my life he was wrong."
Now it was your turn to be surprised. "I wouldn't make that bet, Nick."
"I'm confident. Tell me what he said and I'll judge for myself."
You took a deep breath, exhaling slowly before giving him a quick overview. "Essentially he said I'm unattractive and fat--I recall the word 'gross' being used as well."
Nick's temper flared instantly, the urge to punch that son of a bitch in the face nearly overwhelming. "He said what?"
Even if you didn't know Nick, you would have been able to see the rage simmering in his eyes, hear it in his tone. "It's not a big deal."
"If he was here, I'd launch him through a window. Bastard."
"I'm okay," you reassured him quietly.
Your soft voice grounded him, as it so often did, and he felt his anger dissipating. He was still angry, but the urge to hunt that asshole down had begun to fade.
"He was wrong, you know."
"He was wrong. Not only are you one of the most beautiful women I have ever laid eyes on, but your body is perfectly proportioned--deliciously soft and curvy. You're about as far from gross as a human being can be."
He spoke with such conviction, such assuredness, that you almost believed him--almost.
"While I appreciate the compliment, Nick, you've never seen me naked...your opinion would change, trust me."
Nick's eyes flared with a new kind of intensity. "I highly doubt that."
"His did," you said quietly.
"He clearly didn't know what he had."
Your eyes met his, shoulders tense, discomfort obvious in every movement you made.
"Listen to me, (Y/N). I'll say it as many times as it takes for you to believe me--I think you're gorgeous. Stunning. Elegante. Sin fin perfecta." [Elegant. Endlessly perfect.] He reached for your hand and you let him take it in his. "You are a prize, (Y/N). Any man worth a damn would be honored to call you his."
You didn't know what to say. His words surprised you and warmed your soul at the same time. You could also feel the familiar tightening in your gut, accompanied by an entire swarm of butterflies dancing in your stomach.
"Forget every terrible thing he ever said to you, hermosa. Let me fill your mind with praise. Let me remind you of your beauty, inside and out, of your brilliance, of your kindness, your empathy...of all the little things that make you the incredible woman you are."
"Nick..." you whispered, his name the only coherent thing you were able to utter.
The moment was shattered by the arrival of your food. You'd been hungry when you sat down at the table, but your body was now flooded with a very different kind of hunger--a hunger you now believed Nick shared.
"Thank you, Nick," you said softly. "I know it's not nearly enough, but thank you."
"You don't have to thank me. I meant every word."
You gave him a small smile. "Still..."
He returned the expression.
The two of you ate in silence for several minutes, minds clearly elsewhere. After a while, Nick noticed you'd done more moving the food around the plate than actually eating and he called you out on it.
"Eat your food, querida. You'll need your strength."
Your head snapped up, eyes meeting his gaze. "For what?"
He leaned forward. "If you'll let me, I'm going to spend several hours showing you exactly how sexy I think you are."
You gulped. "And how do you plan on doing that?"
He grinned wolfishly. "By worshipping that amazing body of yours...over and over again, until you're screaming my name."
You suddenly found it very difficult to breathe, let alone eat. Nick, on the other hand, went right back to eating his food as if he hadn't just threatened you with an incredibly good time.
You had to force yourself to focus on your food, desperately trying to ignore the throbbing between your legs.
As soon as the meal was over, Nick asked for the check and paid, revealing just how desperate he was to get back to your place.
Once again, he helped you into the car, only this time his hand lingered on the small of your back.
Anticipation flooded through you as Nick drove through the streets of the city. You'd wanted him for so long--never once thinking he'd reciprocate the desire. Despite his words earlier in the evening, you still felt a shred of self-doubt...worrying he might not find you as attractive once you were naked.
"Where's that pretty head at, querida?" he asked softly, noticing your anxiety.
"Can you promise me something?"
"Of course."
"If you don't want to go through with this...you know, when you see me without my clothes on...please just tell me. I don't want you to feel like you have to do something you don't wanna do."
He reached over and grabbed your hand, squeezing it tightly. "I don't have to promise that because I know what I want, (Y/N)...and that's you. You could be a alien underneath those clothes and I'd still want you."
You laughed lightly. "I promise I'm not an alien."
He grinned. "Then we're gonna be just fine, baby."
You closed your eyes, silently willing yourself to believe him. You trusted him with your life--something you'd never experienced with any of your past relationships. Every fiber of your being told you Nick would never hurt you on purpose--never. You just needed to trust him--let go of your pain and give in to your desires.
When you finally made it back to your apartment, Nick gave you a gentle reminder. "We don't have to do this if you don't want to, (Y/N)."
"I want to," you whispered.
He inhaled slowly and took a step towards you. "Say 'no' or 'stop' and I'll stop immediately, okay? No hard feelings--I won't push you."
"I don't want to say no, Nick."
He took another step towards you, effectively backing you against the wall. "If you wanna stop--"
"Nick, please just kiss me," you begged softly.
He groaned softly before leaning in to press his lips to yours. His kiss was like fire and ice--more addictive than any drug known to man. He kissed you like you were the air he needed to breathe--like he would rather suffocate to death than stop.
He pressed his warm body against yours, wedging his knee between your thighs to keep you from squeezing them together. His tongue tangled with yours, quickly asserting dominance as he deepened the kiss.
Your hands went to the buttons on his white button down, quickly undoing them in a desperate need to feel his skin. He helped you remove the shirt, followed by his undershirt, leaving his toned chest bare for you to see.
You bit your lip and stifled a soft groan as you appreciated his form.
"You can touch me, querida," he said softly. "I wanna feel your soft hands on my skin."
You did as he asked, hands gliding over his smooth, tan skin. He sighed softly and leaned into your touch, lips grazing your jaw affectionately.
Your hands traveled to his hips and you began to loosen his belt. He allowed you to unbutton his pants and he helped you remove them.
"I think you're a bit overdressed for the occasion, hermosa," he teased huskily.
You tensed slightly, a feeling of dread washing over you.
Of course, Nick felt it and instantly began to sooth your worries. "You can keep on as much as you want, querida, but I want to see you. I've wanted to touch you like this since the day I met you. But if you're more comfortable keeping your clothes on, that's alright."
You looked up at him, his dark eyes warm and honest. You took a deep breath and pushed him back slightly, giving yourself the room to pull your dress off over your head.
You dropped your dress to the ground, but your eyes didn't meet his gaze--you couldn't even bring yourself to look at his face, too afraid of what you might see there.
"Querida, por favor," Nick whispered. "Look at me."
You looked up at him slowly, a soft gasp leaving your lips as you took in his hungry expression.
"I wanna kiss every square inch of your beautiful body, hermosa. Will you let me?"
You nodded tentatively.
"I need to hear you say it, baby," he pleaded.
"I want you Nick, please."
He groaned and pressed his body against yours again. "Say that again, querida."
"I want you," you whispered.
"Fuck--" He slammed his lips against yours, sliding his tongue into your mouth almost immediately. You melted in his arms, reveling in the feeling of his body against yours.
He finally pulled away to catch his breath, but his hands didn't leave your body. Now that he'd touched you so intimately, he never wanted to stop.
"Come with me," he whispered, before guiding you to your bedroom. "Lay down on the bed for me, querida."
You did as he asked, noticing how his eyes never left your body.
He made sure you were looking at him before he began to lower his boxer briefs, slowly revealing his large cock. He was already painfully hard, a bead of precum lingering at the tip.
You licked your lips in anticipation, an action he noticed with pride.
"Like what you see, hermosa?"
"Very much so."
He smiled and climbed onto the bed, covering your soft body with his hard one. "May I take off your bra?"
You nodded.
"Baby..." he said in a clear warning tone.
You understood his meaning instantly, a flood of arousal going straight to your core at the order. "Yes, papi."
His eyes widened for a moment, surprised and pleased at your use of the title. "Such a good girl, aren't you?"
A soft moan left your lips at the praise and he smiled to himself, pleased he was able to suss out what you liked.
His hand snaked around your back, deftly unclasping your bra with surprising ease. The moment your breasts were bared to his gaze, his mouth descended on you, taking a pert nipple into his mouth.
You moaned softly, fingers intertwining into his dark locks. His lips and hands massaged your breasts, giving them equal attention. True to his word, he moved tantalizingly slowly down your body, kissing every inch of skin he could, while avoiding where you needed him most.
By the time he made his way back up to your face, you were begging him to touch your pussy--pleading for some relief.
"Nick, please--I need you."
"What did you call me?" he asked harshly.
Your eyes widened lustfully. "I'm sorry, papi!"
He smiled, ghosting his fingers across your still-clothed pussy. "That's my good girl."
You whimpered at the feather-light touches he placed to your mound, desperate for more. "Please, papi."
"Hmm? Qué deseas?" [What do you want?]
"Please touch me," you begged.
"I am touching you, querida."
"More, papi. Please!"
He smiled. "Normally I'd take my time teasing you--making you beg for what you want...but if I'm being honest, I'm as desperate to touch you as you are to feel it, so I'll be nice to you this time."
He tugged your panties off quickly before spreading your thighs as wide as he could, revealing your dripping wet folds.
"All this for me, baby?" he growled.
"Only you, papi," you responded.
"Yeah? No one else makes you this wet?"
You shook your head vehemently. "No one else."
"Now I have one rule, hermosa. I wanna hear you--every little sound coming out of that pretty mouth. Be as loud as you want. Entiendes?" [Understand?]
"Si, papi," you whimpered.
He smirked as he lowered himself down onto the bed between your legs. His strong hands gripped your hips and he tugged you as close to his face as he could before diving into your pussy with a deep groan of pleasure.
You gasped at the sensation, the sound quickly becoming moans of enjoyment. Nick was quite skilled with his mouth--his tongue alone made you feel things you'd never before experienced.
Your fingers tangled into his hair, tugging at the roots as you desperately sought your release.
Nick held you in place as he continued his assault on your pussy, ensuring he had complete control over your pleasure.
"Feels so good," you gasped. "Gonna cum, papi."
He groaned against your clit, the vibrations sending a shockwave of pleasure through your body. He could feel how close you were by the way your thighs tried to close and your grip on his hair tightened.
Your moans became more desperate--needy, and he slid two fingers into your pussy, gently pressing into your g-spot rapidly.
You cried out, legs shaking slightly, seconds before your orgasm ripped through you like a tidal wave. His name left your lips in a gasped scream as he worked you through your high, only stopping when you began to squirm away.
You were completely breathless when he lifted his head, mouth and chin soaked in your juices. He licked his lips and wiped his mouth on his hand, licking it clean as he maintained eye contact with you. "You taste so good baby...I can't get enough."
You reached for him and he obliged, leaning forward to kiss you softly. You tasted yourself on his lips and tongue, a soft sound of pleasure escaping into his mouth.
"Querida," he whispered against your lips. "I need to be inside you."
"Please," you whimpered.
"Do you have protection?"
"I'm on the pill..."
"I'm clean," he assured you.
"Me too."
He lined his cock up with your entrance and looked back up at your face. "Are you sure, hermosa?"
"Si papi. I want you to fuck me."
He groaned softly before thrusting into you, sheathing himself fully inside of you in one swift movement.
You cried out, the stretch both overwhelming and extremely pleasurable all at once. You clutched his neck and he breathed deeply, trying to calm his racing heart.
"You can move," you whispered.
"Not yet, querida. I need a moment."
"Are you okay?" you asked in concern.
"Your pussy feels so damn incredible, baby...I'm just trying to control myself so I don't hurt you."
You bit your lip and lifted his face up to look at you. "I like a little bit of pain, papi." You clenched your pussy tightly for emphasis.
"Mierda," he ground out. "You sure?"
"Fuck me senseless, Nick. Por favor."
As much as he loved you calling him 'papi', hearing you say his name like that made him feral. He pulled out and thrust back in harshly, starting a fast, hard pace.
"Baby, say my name again," he begged.
"Nick," you moaned lowly.
"Fuck." He was fucking you like it was the last thing he was ever going to do and you'd never experienced anything like it.
You felt the coil tightening in your abdomen, and for the first time in your life, you knew you were going to cum during penetration. Your moans were loud enough to wake the neighbors, your nails dug into his muscular back, and your pussy had his cock in a vice grip.
"You gonna cum for me, (Y/N)?"
You nodded rapidly, unable to voice a response. The only thing coming out of your mouth was a string of incoherent moans and pleas.
"I wanna feel you cum, baby. Cubre mi polla." [Coat my cock.]
"Nick!" you whined.
"What do you need, querida? Tell me."
"More," you whimpered.
He slipped his hand between your bodies and began to gently massage your clit. "This what you need, baby?"
"Nick!" you screamed. "Don't stop!"
"That's it, baby. That's it. I've got you. Cum for me, querida. Ven por mí." [Come for me.]
You cried out in ecstasy as the waves of pleasure overwhelmed your senses. You clung to him desperately, as if he was a life raft while you were adrift in the ocean.
He began to chase his own high as you came down, your awareness coming back to you. His thrusts were fast and rough, his breathing ragged.
"I want you to cum for me, papi. Fill me up," you begged.
"Dios mio! You feel so good, baby. Wanna cum for you."
You clenched your pussy as tightly as you could, desperate for him to enjoy this as much as you did.
"(Y/N)!" he cried out as he came, his hot seed filling you up.
His thrusts slowed and faltered before he finally collapsed on top of you, breathless and satiated.
You held him close, running your fingers through his hair as he caught his breath. You were a little worried he would regret this now that it was over, but your fears were assuaged the moment he lifted his head to look at you.
His beautiful brown eyes were warm and loving as he gazed at you, happiness and contentment clear in his expression. "That was incredible," he murmured softly.
You blushed slightly. "You were incredible."
"As were you, querida."
He pressed his lips to yours as he pulled himself up. He rolled onto his side and pulled you with him, so your head rested against his chest.
"I'm thinking we take a power nap, then we go for round two," Nick said softly.
"Round two?!"
He grinned. "I did promise you I was gonna worship this sexy body of yours for hours."
"I didn't think you were serious, Nick," you said with a chuckle.
"Oh, baby, I'm always serious about worshipping you. I think you'll learn that very quickly."
You smiled and kissed his chest softly. You debated whether you wanted to voice the question that popped into your head, but once again, Nick beat you to it.
"You know this isn't a one time thing, right?" Nick asked gently. "I mean, unless you want it to be."
You looked up at him, expression soft and affectionate. "I was actually just going to ask you that."
He grinned. "So...you saying you might wanna see me again?"
"I see you every day, Nick," you teased.
"I mean like this, hermosa. Naked in your bed, making you scream my name, giving you as much pleasure as your pretty little body will take."
Your breath hitched in your chest, giving away just how badly you wanted that. "That too."
He chuckled and kissed the top of your head. "If I'm lucky, you'll let me take you out more too. Dinner, dancing, walks in the park, musicals...whatever you want. Wherever you go, I want to be there too."
Your eyes widened in surprise and tears filled them. You'd never had someone speak to you the way Nick did, let alone want to be with you in the way he just described.
"Querida," he whispered as he wiped your eyes. "Don't cry."
"Tears of joy," you assured him. "I promise."
His expression warmed, filling with the love and admiration he clearly felt for you. "So you'll be mine then? Exclusively?"
Your lips parted and you smiled. "I would love that."
He smiled back. "Thank god...because whether you knew it or not, I've been yours exclusively for the past year."
He blushed slightly. "I...well I've wanted to be with you since my marriage fell apart, but I didn't want you to think you were some kind of rebound, so I kept myself professional. It's gotten harder and harder to do and then seeing you dating someone who treated you so terribly knowing full-well I would die for you made it nearly impossible."
"I didn't know," you whispered.
"I went to great lengths to make sure of that," Nick said softly. "But now that I have you? Now that I know what it's like to touch you, hold you, kiss you, make love to you? Baby, I can't walk away. You're stuck with me."
You pulled yourself up into a sitting position, straddling his strong body. You leaned down to kiss him softly, pouring all of your emotion into the kiss. "There's no one I'd rather be stuck with, Nick Amaro," you whispered against his lips.
He grinned and wrapped his arms around you, kissing you with as much passion as he could muster. He was determined to spend every minute of the rest of his life making sure you knew how incredible you were, how much he appreciated you, and how madly in love with you he would always be.
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svuobsessed · 6 months
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Olivia Benson X Fem Reader
I've been obsessed with Law and Order SVU for ages and only now I'm making this for Olivia.
She's so pretty I'm so Gay for Olivia Benson!
Summary: After a long tiring case Olivias girlfriend comes to the station to take her home and ends up meeting the team.
Third person pov...
Olivia Benson, the detective at the Special Victims Unit (SVU), had just finished a long and tiring case.
She and her Team had spent the entire week at the station, poring over evidence, interviewing suspects, and ultimately solving the heinous crime. Olivia was exhausted and couldn't wait to go home and relax.
As she was packing up her things, her phone buzzed. It was her girlfriend, Y/N, checking in on her.
Babe <3
Hey finished work, want a lift home?
Liv smiles down at her phone, ignoring the raised eyebrow Elliot sent her way she began texting back.
Sure, jsut finished myself
Great, see you soon <3
Y/N was a doctor and often worked long hours as well, but she always made time for Olivia, especially when she knew her partner had a difficult case.
As she packed up Olivia's mind replayed the horrifying details of the case she just solved. As a detective in the SVU, Olivia dealt with some of the most disturbing and heartbreaking cases.
It took a toll on her mental and emotional well-being, but she never let it show. Olivia was a strong and resilient woman, and she was grateful to have such a wonderful and supportive girlfriend.
Just as she was about to leave, Y/Ns familiar face appeared at the doorway of the SVU bullpen, Olivia's tired eyes lit up at the sight of her girlfriend.
"Y/N!" She exclaimed, the H/C woman smiled at how happy she was to see her, the woman shared a hug and quick kiss, as the broke away the rest of the team were staring.
Blushing Olivia dragged Y/N closer to her team. "Everyone, this is Y/N, My amazing girlfriend" Olivia said with a proud smile.
The team were surprised that she had a girlfriend Fin spoke first. "Happy for you baby girl" he said pulling Liv in for a hug and kissing her temple, Munch gave his support as well as Cragen.
After a getting to know everyone Liv pulls away from the group to finish packing up her things, as she does Elliot pulls Y/N aside.
Crossing his arms and squaring his shoudlers he looks at the shorter woman. "You love her right?" He questions her, Y/N looks at the man then at Liv a smile on her face.
Looking the Detective in his eyed shed nods. "Yes I do I love her, she's my rock and I'm hers" she tells him seriously.
Satisfied Elliot smiles and pats her shoudler, Liv then walks over bag in hand as the man leaves, raising a perfect eyebrow at him. "What did he want?" She askes her girlfriend.
Y/N takes her bag and holds her hand. "Nothing much, let's go home" they left the building and walked hand in hand to Y/Ns car, ready to leave the chaos of the station behind.
As they drove home, Olivia finally allowed herself to relax and talk about the case with Y/N She shared the gruesome details and the satisfaction of finally bringing closure to the victim's family.
Y/Nlistened intently, providing a comforting presence for Olivia.
When they arrived home, Y/N had a hot bath ready for Olivia, knowing how mentally exhausting her job could be.
As Olivia soaked in the tub, Y/N prepared a cozy dinner for them, and they spent the rest of the evening cuddled up on the couch, watching their favorite movie.
Y/N presence was like a healing balm for Olivia after a long day at work. She knew how to take care of her partner, both physically and emotionally.
As they drifted off to sleep that night, Olivia couldn't help but feel grateful for Y/N love and support. She knew she couldn't do what she did without her by her side.
The next day, as Olivia returned to work, her colleagues noticed a change in her demeanor. She was more at ease, and there was a glint of happiness in her eyes.
They all knew that it was because of Y/N and they were grateful to have finally met the person who brought such joy to their dear friend and colleague.
the end!
Hope you liked this oneshot for Olivia, i plan to write more of these oneshots.
Requests are open!
Word count: 790
66 notes · View notes
siflshonen · 1 year
Todoroki: The Mountain, the Hawk, and the Haunted House Part 1
Link to the Todoroki family presentation: Part 1 | Part 2
Link to the Bakugo presentation 2.0: Part 1 | Part 2 | 1.0: Part 1 | Part 2
Link to the Kirishima presentation 1.0 | 2.0
Link to the Todoroki presentation
Link to the Deku presentation
Link to the Uraraka-Bakugo-Toga presentation
Link to the Shigaraki-All for One presentation
Link to the Spinner-Shigaraki-Bakugo-Deku presentation
Link to the BNHA presentations masterpost
In the online fandom system, domestic abuse offenses are considered especially heinous. In the My Hero Academia fandom, the dedicated fans who create the discourse around these fictitious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the So (you think these) Victims (are the most special characters) Unit, or SVU.
These aren’t their stories.
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Whenever a work from one culture or language is brought to another (or even if the work stays in the same culture but transitions from page to screen), the translators, localizers, and creative team handling it can only do so much to help the new audience understand what the original work communicates through subtext or cultural associations by deciding how much of the work to leave out or change. In other words, the team must choose how to fail.
In the case of the Todoroki family, I feel there is much lost in translation. Or, at least, there is much lost if the reader doesn’t share the work’s original cultural background. I’m going to try to make my point with a poem.
Four children are mine
And I love my four children:
An arrow to ward away the darkness
aimed for the light of the dawn;
The winter, who brings the night again, beautiful and longer;
Next the summer,
who returns the sun at its zenith;
And small is the leader with clear sky and dusk rain in his eyes.
Four children are mine
And with four comes death
The arrow flies too high from the bow
The arrow flies but falls to darkness
From a shrine in the mountain, he aims for me.
My son haunts the mountain near the peak
I fear the mountain I cannot climb
I fear the arrow meant for me.
Winter settles quietly
Summer turns away from me
The leader makes a mirror of my heart
I tell my son I love him
And I look in the mirror yet I cannot face it but to watch it crack
My son is my spitting image
I tell my son I love him
I tell my son
Without looking into his eyes,
I tell my son I love him
As the arrow flies.
This poem is about Enji Todoroki and his children - the four he actually fathered and the one for whom he unknowingly acted as a surrogate. The poem vaguely alludes to the meanings of the children’s names with one notable change - for Shoto Todoroki, instead of calling him “charred frozen” - which is basically how his first name is written - I called him “leader”.
When written with different characters in Japanese, “Sho” can mean “leader.” So, while “leader” isn’t the true meaning of Shoto’s name, I decided that it was thematically fitting to use since he’s also the “hero of his family” and leads the way for them to continue into the future. In changing the meaning of Shoto’s name, I chose how to fail. Yes, it’s imperfect, but by putting in the work, I can at least show you how I arrived at the destination to help you better understand what you are reading. Much of what I’m about to write about falls into this category - it’s not exactly the perfect explanation or whole, unaltered, canon truth, but is supplementary information to help you come to your own conclusions.
Anyway, now that I’ve told you the poem is about Enji and his children, it probably comes off a little differently, huh? That’s the power of writing allegories and using recurring motifs. If you have not figured it out already, you’ll learn soon enough what words symbolize each child.
Now, let’s break down this already broken family. There are so many damn Todorokis that I’m going to do something very, very rude and call them each by their first name for the sake of clarity (and also because, frankly, it’s a more honest representation of how I actually feel about these characters.)
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What is the Todoroki Family?
The challenges facing the Todoroki family - such as the pressures Enji feels, the disappointment and internal crisis Toya inherits, the social and marital prison in which Rei finds herself trapped, the nature of the public’s feelings of betrayal at the reveal of Enji’s family dysfunction, the social snafus and ugly family dynamics in which Natsuo and Fuyumi are often caught - are distinctly shaped by the series’ Japanese society. There’s a special je ne sais quoi quality to their family drama that feels authentic even to me, and I’m a foreigner to these cultural tropes. It’s a little disturbing.
But, besides a fictional family, what are the Todorokis? What purpose do they serve in the story? What is their purpose within the narrative, and what is the purpose of the narrative in which they exist?
Well, on the one hand, the Todoroki household can function as an allegory for traditional Japanese families, society, and power structures (we could use the word “patriarchy”) crumbling under the pressures of modernity and a changing world, which is similar to how the Shimura household functions in Shigaraki’s backstory, or even the story of All Might’s retirement. On the other hand, they are a case study of a deeply flawed family that, if the magic-powers quirk element was not present, could exist in the real world.
They make for good drama. But every member of the household serves a purpose in the narrative, in the family, and in the meta. Usually, these three things work together for a greater purpose.
What is Enji Todoroki?
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I didn’t say, “Who is Enji Todoroki?”. I said, “What is Enji Todoroki?”
If you said, “an asshole and shit father,” well, yeah, you’re sure on to something! But it’s not helpful to disengage with a major character in a work if you want to understand what the hell they’re doing in the narrative. I’m not telling anyone to like Enji, or any Todoroki, but I am asking that you entertain the concepts behind them with an open mind, if not an open heart.
What is Enji Todoroki? Much of this should be obvious in any language, but I’m still going to break it down.
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The manga tells us pretty blatantly that he is a man from an older generation struggling to remain relevant in a new and changing world. He is ambitious, prideful, hardworking, hypocritical, and wholly dedicated to his job. He’s the patriarch in a household structure that is no longer relevant and coming apart at the seams. But most of all, Enji is afraid that nothing he does will ever be enough.
What is Enji Todoroki? Enji is someone who tries his hardest at anything he does even when it sends him to ruin.
Enji and Effort; Enji and Enjo
In my Bakugo and Deku presentations, I mention that the concept of talent as a fixed quality is predominantly accepted in the west while a common eastern perspective posits that talent is something developed over time. The distinctly Japanese Enji and his personal conflict over the existence of the “natural born”, western-coded All Might thrusts these implied concepts of talent from subtext (not that they were particularly hard to identify throughout the manga) into blatant text. And I’m not just talking about the moment where Enji thinks to himself, “I have always envied natural-born superheroes.”
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The written characters for Enji’s given name means effort. The name also sounds like another word for “fuckin’ honkin’ bigass fire”, Enjo, but for our discussion, Enji means effort. Endeavor, his self-chosen hero name, also implies the application of effort.
Everything about this man is defined by his efforts, even when they are in vain. Everything.
He pours his effort into becoming Japan’s greatest Hero. He pours his efforts into escaping the fate of his father. He pours his efforts into making the most terrible domestic choices possible to try to be enough for his family. He pours his efforts into atoning for his transgressions against his family, and then again for those against society. And it is not enough. He knows it is not enough, it never will be enough. Not one thing he has ever done in his life has been enough for him, enough for his family, enough for society. It is never enough. This is his burden. 
You don’t have to feel bad for him about it, mind you. I’m just telling you that it is, functionally, his core struggle.
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Enji poured every bit of himself into looking away from his son Toya and into running away from him. It’s going to take every bit of effort within himself to stand his ground and face his son again, and even then, he is still going to need help. Perhaps that’s pathetic, but even Enji knew he was only going to be a professional Hero, never a superhero.
Enji is a man who believes, who is basically required to believe, who likely cannot continue to exist if he does not believe, that his value and justification for being is defined by his ability to pull himself up by his bootstraps, or to just keep struggling in the endeavor. 
He pours his effort into everything he does and curses his own weaknesses. Even struggling takes effort.
Japan's Burning Soul: Notes on National Pride and Flame Quirks
In my Kirishima presentation, I talk extensively about kouha and their manly aesthetic as it applies to symbols of Japan. What the presentation doesn’t talk about are flame motifs.
In Japan, flames are seen as purifying. They are also seen as manly, and not just in the way Kirishima defines it. There’s several phrases in Japan that talk about stuff like “a burning soul” or even “Japan’s burning soul” or the “blazing spirit” of a Japanese youth. Well, I think these are just about as tacky as they sound but in the same kind of boyish, tacky-cool way most shonen anime can be.
I’m talking about the flame motif on festival jackets. I’m talking about every time Galo from Promare talks about his “flaming firefighter soul”. To some extent, I’m talking about the flames on the Hokage jacket in Naruto (Minato’s and Naruto’s jackets get the flames as a nod to their shared mentor Jiraiya, who is a whole-ass conversation about masculinity in culture, theater, and mythology in and of himself.) These examples are indicative of each of these characters’ pride in their masculinity and in their nationality. Enji’s flame quirk and his constant use of flames as a brand are no exception to this trend.
Some minor characters, and later Dabi, allude to the fact that flame-based quirks are somewhat common in MHA. I’m not completely certain if the prevalence of flame quirks is also meant to indicate that these quirk holders share the same sort of “flaming spirit”, background, national pride, or even miscellaneous political views, but somehow I get the feeling that it does.
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These people are, on some level, connected in that they possess the flaming soul of (masculine, old, patriarchal) Japan. The existence of Pro Hero Endeavor is a representation of the traditional, conservative Japan’s soul. All Might may wear red, white, and blue (and yellow like a yellow-haired westerner) to represent a certain set of foreign ideals, but Enji wears the red and the blue with distinctly Japanese pride.
The Colors of a Nation
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Red and white, the colors of the Japanese flag, have strong cultural connotations through Japanese architecture, festivals, and shinto practices. (Please keep in mind that colors can mean a lot of things in every culture depending on context, and in Japan, different shades of the same colors can also hold distinct meanings. For example, certain shades of blue are often worn by villains in theater, but blue is not always “evil” or “villainous” by default.) But the color that I personally associate with Japan is blue - specifically, anything dyed with the aizome technique.
Aizome clothing, or clothing dyed with indigo, transitioned from being a nobility-only thing to one of the few colors that commoners could wear starting in the early 1600s - because by then, bright colors were exclusive to the nobility. The indigo dye is also popular for its antibacterial, insect repellent, and flame retardant properties. Firefighters wore it. Samurai wore it under their armor. So it’s not surprising to me that Endeavor’s Hero costume, and that of his son, would use fabric in a particular hue of dark blue.
Also? If you wanted to know? Aizome is used to dye Japanese blue jeans today. Hey, Best Jeanist!
Anyway, Enji is dressed in the color of the common Japanese man, the firefighter, the samurai, the noble laborer or honorable servant - but definitely not of high nobility.
We don’t know a ton about Enji’s background in detail, we know he wasn’t born ungodly rich. We know his father died. We know he went to UA. He made money from his Hero career, and married into a pedigree. Yes, he chose Rei because she had an ice quirk, but got the bonus of clout and old world connections.
So, uh, yes, the marriage of Enji and Rei was one of new money and big ambition married to old nobility and traditional values, and that’s true even when taking the kids out of the equation. But more on Rei and the marriage later.
Unpacking Enji's Envy of All Might
The majority of Japan’s political scene is conservative. (Look at the ideology column in that table, NOT just the name of the party. If you’re a westerner, I realize that identifying which ones are conservative is going to be particularly difficult to do given their translated names.) The Jiminto, or Liberal Democratic Party (again, look at the ideology column, NOT JUST THE NAME OF THE PARTY. Remember that “liberal” and “democratic” can hold different connotations in different countries!) was founded in 1955 and, despite having a nebulous identity beyond being “kinda to the right”, continues to hold a significant majority. Over the years, the party has commonly been seen as reliable, stable, and able to get the job done. Well, except for during those periods of time when the scandals came out.
This is not unlike how the public of MHA saw Endeavor. Well, until the scandals came out.
Now, I do not think it is correct to say that Enji = the Jiminto and leave it at that. (I would, however, call him a personification of Japan’s modern patriarchy, or at least something pretty damn close.) His dogged, openly vocalized grudge against All Might is more extreme than what the majority of the Jiminto might openly express, especially considering their consensus of policy regarding the US. I only want to give some context to the longer-standing political scene of Japan as it affects the modern day.
See, while Japan and the US have had an enduring relationship and are, uh, well, allies now, the older generations of Japan, particularly in rural areas, still hold deep grudges against the States and are bitterly, bitterly angry at the cultural imperialism and the military takeover and the government policy changes and the economic changes and the, well, the everything. Actually, the mutual cycle of envy between the Japanese and US citizens detailed in that Times article is important to remember from both perspectives. There’s old bias against each country lingering in both directions, and, while not a direct reference to how it remains in the Japanese population, understanding how it affected the creation of Japanese internment camps in the US is very illuminating in understanding the public US sentiment about the Japanese before WWII then after it.
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When Enji, (or Endeavor), discusses his inferiority complex, he gives away the game and makes the subtext of the rampant western envy present in many of the characters in the work burst out into just plain text.
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While Toshinori Yagi is a Japanese man, the power he inherited, or what Enji (and the world) wrongly believed was “natural-born talent” (a western concept), blatantly signals “western power” through his costume and art style (US comics!) and he represents the “band-aid” of temporary western military and socio-political power imposed upon Japan.
The US is considered a superpower, after all.
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That said, I do feel that giving the western-appearance clout (and magic quirk) to the Japanese Yagi aptly communicates that there is nothing naturally special about the US or its citizens, or really anyone who has power. All of that misunderstood “special glow” or “flawless perfection” or “incontestable strength” are just appearances, presentation, circumstances, and luck - nothing more and nothing less. Yagi (who is, again, Japanese, so this is a Japanese man displaying the incredible aptitude for superheroism, to Enji’s surprise and probable chagrin) may have had a knack for using the quirk and therefore was the greatest at winning and saving, but he also destroyed himself trying to be the perfectly westernized superhero.
Also, by comparing the obviously westernized Katsuki Bakugo and pridefully Japanese Enji Todoroki, Horikoshi makes his point that a shithead is a shithead regardless of nationality, background, or philosophy. 
At the same time, both characters have the ability to change.
Speaking as someone from the US, I’m conflicted, humbled, creeped out, and very emotional over the fact that Horikoshi has chosen to have a complicated, sometimes critical (early Bakugo’s westernisms are not flattering, and the westernized persona of All Might is an unsustainable, unrealistic, unfair thing that destroyed the man maintaining it), but overall kind, laudable, and compassionate portrayal of characters that stand in for the west.
I’ve heard Horikoshi has been criticized as a “freeaboo” for the open admiration of the west inherent in My Hero Academia. I’ll admit, I think he might be a little bit of one, but I’d be the cat calling the monkey a long-tailed bastard if I didn’t also admit that I’m a bit of a weeaboo. We can be mutually embarrassed about how much we like each other despite everything, I guess.
But back to Enji and Yagi. Enji bitching about All Might and expressing disgust over his “American” presentation and perceived advantage is, um. Well, I could call it an example of him making excuses because Yagi is actually Japanese, but it is true Yagi gained experiences and some training advantages in the US that Enji did not have. And, like, Yagi also got a magic quirk (from another Japanese person.) That’s something.
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But I digress. The irony and realities of Enji’s envy and self-deprecation could be debated all day, but it doesn’t lessen the stink of hostility and western envy wafting off of it.
The Significance of Mountains in Japan
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You know about Fuji-san, or Mt. Fuji, the largest and most iconic mountain of Japan? Awesome, because it’s Japan’s most famous cultural site and a great case study for how the Japanese view mountains as sacred. People hike Mt. Fuji and other sacred mountains for secular reasons, too, sure, but many do so as a spiritual pilgrimage. It’s a mixed bag, sort of like how, in the west, everyone is impacted by and understands Christmas despite how it’s primarily only modern Christians that have religious traditions regarding it.
Sekoto Peak, the in-story location where Enji sometimes trains and Toya burns himself, doesn’t actually exist and therefore has no real-life associated myths, but Enji’s choice to train on it indicates much about his discipline. It also provides a quiet association between honing his abilities to their pinnacle and his connecting to the understood sacred power of the mountain. There’s a mystical element to it. 
Most, if not all, Japanese mountains are considered sacred in some sense no matter how tall or pretty they are. This is just understood. Many mountains are the sites of one or more Buddhist or Shinto temples.
Ah, and since many mountains are volcanoes, it shouldn’t be terribly surprising to think of them as residences for fire elementals or other kami and spirit figures. Or even demons.
Enji’s view of All Might as standing on the peak of an even higher mountain, or even perhaps BEING a mountain himself that Enji is unable to climb or conquer, is analogous to him realizing he is one insignificant human man in the face of a force of nature. All Might is not unlike a kami (god - though please remember there is a difference in attitude between those that worship and honor a god versus those that worship capital-G God) to Enji in this sense, but it is perhaps more correct to say that Enji sees All Might as someone who was able to make the pilgrimage to the highest peak and reach enlightenment, thereby becoming divine, while Enji himself is incapable (and therefore unworthy. Because he’s not working hard enough, obviously! Or at least, that’s what Enji thinks.)
If you’re a reader in the Christian-based-background west, you’re likely thinking this is like saying Enji sees himself as a filthy, nasty sinner who is going to hell forever. This isn’t NOT sorta kinda partially in the neighborhood, but that would be a much more punitive, permanent, and fixed view than a Buddhist or east Asian perspective. It’s also missing the point. Readers can want whatever they want, but they shouldn’t necessarily expect this story to absolutely intend to make Enji burn in hell forever through outside forces (because he definitely is doing it to himself, at least currently in this lifetime. Burn, asshole.)
Buddhism’s Four Noble Truths
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Rather than a Judeo-Christian sensibility, Enji’s story (and Deku’s, and Bakugo’s, and Rei’s, and Shoto’s, and Uraraka’s, and Toga’s, and Shigaraki’s, and…) more closely resembles Buddhist philosophy and the journey of someone coming to understand the four noble truths - and it ties into Enji’s own discovery and understanding of these truths, which is a journey basically every damn character in this series is going through - if not for their own sakes, then for the sake of learning it on behalf of someone else. That link has a detailed writeup, but here’s the brief:
The First Noble Truth (dukkha) - everyone suffers, and suffering is part of the world. Enji knows this one intimately.
The Second Noble Truth (samudaya) - something causes suffering to happen. In Buddhism, most things that cause suffering are related to having desires for material things or status. Enji learns that he and his desires are the major source for his own suffering and for that of his family.
The Third Noble Truth (nirodha) - knowing that suffering can end. Like, in the abstract. This is acknowledging there is a way it can happen even if one doesn’t know what it is yet.
The Fourth Noble Truth (magga) - knowing there is a way to end suffering. This one is about an action plan. Enji’s action plan is to give his family a new home to live in that does not include him. Later, he realizes he must apologize to the public and continue to do the only damn thing he can to contribute meaningfully towards ending their suffering: keep being a pro Hero even if he can’t be a superhero.
Does knowing or doing any of this purify him? Well, sort of, through the fire ‘n flame of the grueling ordeal of fighting All for One notwithstanding whether or not the public and (some of) his kids still hate him afterwards, but nah, not really.
In some ways, this is a nice quality that My Hero Academia has - that characters still want things, are allowed to want things, and their desires are treated as natural. Sometimes heroic, even! The characters’ ensuing suffering is also a natural and realistic consequence, but that’s a-ok - everyone will still plug along and do their best to try and reach a collective enlightenment. A constant state of enlightened perfection is not attainable nor sustainable for the mortal, which is why the concept of enlightenment through an ongoing cycle of rebirth exists rather than in the form of an immediate reward, but that doesn’t mean we should stop in the endeavor of striving for it.
So that’s what Enji Todoroki is: an illustration of how action through atonement is always better than sending someone or pushing someone to send themselves to hell forever, thereby never allowing them the opportunity to escape the wheel of life.
What is Rei Todoroki?
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Rei is a daughter of prestige and her family’s last hope to stay relevant. She’s a woman raised in and trapped by the obligations, power, money, and structure of an old society that is doing everything it can to keep from crumbling.
But she’s also complicit in helping to uphold it. Rei is definitely a victim, but she’s also definitely a perpetrator. ‘Cause that’s how it works - people under the thumb of one kind of authority or abuse often perpetuate it and continue the cycle.
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Rei’s given name means, as written, cold. It’s simple, but fitting. She is often emotionally unavailable and unable to connect with Enji and her children (especially Toya, but that’s a two-way street.). It’s one of the contributing factors to why she didn’t “see” her son.
Yuki-Onna and Yamato Nadeshiko
A yuki-onna, or snow woman, is a figure from folklore. They are described as beautiful women who appear on cold and snowy nights. The Wikipedia page I linked gives a good picture of the wide variety of yuki-onna stories out there and of the nature of this figure for your reference. But Rei, while a more human character, definitely suggests a yuki-onna. I think the stories that associate the yuki-onna with children, specifically the one where she asks strangers to hold a child (and survive holding it, in which case she generously awards the holder) or associate her with mountains, are the most interesting for this discussion considering the other mythological and cultural associations present in the Todoroki family.
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Rei is also a sort of yamato nadeshiko figure, or an idealized Japanese woman. TVtropes did my work for me on this one:
“Being a yamato nadeshiko revolved around the Confucian concepts of Feudal Loyalty and Filial Piety, which…meant acting for the benefit of one's family and obeying and assisting authority figures…Virtues include(d) loyalty, domestic ability, wisdom, maturity, and humility.”
A nadeshiko is, in English, a dianthus. I know it by the colloquial name Sweet William.
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The white-edged flowers kinda looks like Fuyumi’s hair, no?
However, Rei is a yamato nadeshiko with a twist! Rei’s character starts out as a doormat, totally broke and unable to handle life in the Todoroki house, and then later finds the resolve and underlying “iron will” to face Enji, the family, and her mistakes again. Women aren’t naturally “perfect” in any sense of the word, ever, and they definitely don’t naturally (or even unnaturally, even through dogged effort) fit the mold of the yamato nadeshiko (at least, not every waking second of their lives.) But they can grow stronger over time, just like everyone else can. Rei becomes more like a “true” yamato nadeshiko after she stops trying so hard to be one for the sake of upholding her marriage and socially-acceptable appearances and instead approaches the situation from a place of collected, experienced resolve.
Yamato, as all these sources’ll tell ya, is an old term for Japan. “Yamato” is the name of the clan that set up the first (and only) Japanese dynasty as well as the name for the actual seat of government they created (and yeah, the Yamato seat was located on a mountain.)  Today, “Yamato” is also the ethnic majority of modern Japan. Wikipedia has the most succinct brief on how Japan, despite its efforts to brand itself as one homogenized and harmonious Yamato people, definitely ain’t one. 
Likewise, the yamato nadeshiko was a propaganda tool to encourage women to behave “correctly” and paint the picture of a desirable Japanese woman. The unreasonable expectation of women to reach the standard of the idealized yamato nadeshiko was, and is, total bullshit.
Miai and Traditional Marriages
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It’s old-fashioned, but not scandalous or inherently skeezy that Enji and Rei had an arranged marriage. Miai, or matchmaking meetings, are still a thing today in the real world and would likely continue to be a thing in the analogous-to-the-real-world’s-present future setting MHA presents, especially for someone like pro Hero Enji. He didn’t have the time or interest to date around, and he needed a marriage of business and mutual interest rather than love (and I don’t just mean “marriage of business” for the purpose of producing designer kids, though that is absolutely what he did and everyone involved even knew it.) Rei’s family are also exactly the kind of family that would desire miai to arrange the most mutually beneficial marriage possible - regardless of Enji’s involvement.
In the grand scheme of history, marriages for love being the accepted norm is exceptionally modern, and while love marriages are increasingly common in many places including Japan, they certainly are not “traditional”. Here’s a blog about Japanese marriages written in 2002 that may contain some interesting tidbits bridging the new and old traditions. Here’s a brief history of marriage in Japan.
Also, Enji and Rei were married young. Overall, the Japanese, especially women, are expected to marry young, though the mean age for women at their time of marriage has increased as time has passed. There still exists, especially for Japanese women, an expectation to marry younger, or at least marry while “in their prime”. If you watch anime, you likely already know what a “Christmas cake” is in modern slang. (That article does a fantastic job of illustrating western envy and postwar Japanese cultural shifts using the adoption of the Christmas cake as a case study.) If you don’t know, a Christmas cake is a slang term for an unmarried woman over 25. Because apparently, a day over 25 means she is past her prime for marriage and has  “expired”.
Marriage fulfills certain social obligations even among middle- and lower-class Japanese citizens, but while Rei would not be alone in feeling the pressure to get married for the sake of her family, she would feel it the most acutely because of her status.
Appearances and Divorce in Japanese Society
Rei could divorce Enji, it’s true, if she had his agreement to do so or if she had sufficient evidence to prove it in a Japanese court. Which, good luck. Because while we know Enji was brutal and abusive in training, which parent actually burned Shoto and left a lasting scar? That’s right. Rei did.
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So Rei’s divorce likely would have totally fucked her and the children over. For one, she’d be stripped of the Todoroki family name and likely any Todoroki assets, and since she’d be breaking the deal made between Enji and her family, her own family likely would not take her back! 
Divorces are becoming more common in modern Japan, but it’s important to remember that the stinging double-standard of “divorce is okay, except if it’s ONE OF US” that the upper classes (or just the exceptionally proud or wealthy) impose on themselves is brutal. If the public knew Rei had divorced and were given no context - which they wouldn’t get because shaming one’s (ex-)husband and family by sharing those details publicly would be considered crass and unthinkable - the public would likely rip her and the children apart even if they ripped Enji apart, too. 
Remember: keeping up appearances is everything in Japanese society.
Rei living outside the house in a facility for her mental health is already shameful and potentially scandalous enough, and it wouldn’t do her any favors in court regarding custody of the children, anyway. Instead, she chooses the limbo of remaining married, but separated.
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The Rindo Flower
Yes, I have read meta about Rei’s favorite flower being a rindo flower. I’ve seen it in this post from @foundouthatdabiistouyatodoroki and on Reddit, as well as just, like, around the fandom. I agree that the flower’s presence is often a stand-in for Toya, but I also think it stands in for the ghost of Enji’s, well, not exactly love, but his affection and promise to Rei made via their marriage.
Remembering that Rei likes a flower and showing that he remembers is kind of, like, the bare minimum, but it’s somethin’, I guess.
The rindo, most likely the Japanese gentian in English, is, well, a gentian.
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 The flower’s color suggests the indigo of the aizome dye, a traditional Japanese color, and its meanings include compassion for sorrow, justice, and… victory. When held upside down like Rei presents it during the hospital scene, it implies loss. (The gladiolus, which the article mentions as another flower of victory, is named because the leaves and shape so resemble a sword. Well, to the Romans, the word for “sword”, and was also a euphemism for a dick. Gladiators, or “sword-ers”, were talked about in terms of their masculinity, victories, and how many other things they penetrated with their “swords”. Real classy. Source? All my history classes.)
Considering Rei’s status as a sort of “blue blood”, I think it’s interesting to note that gentians are the flowers that appear on the Minamoto crest (though the crest most likely uses the less-specific-than-the-rindo balloon flower from the same genus.) I don’t know if associating Rei (and her kids) directly with one of Japan’s major noble clans (and the same one that the Tale of Genji centers around) was Horikoshi’s primary intention, but I think the connection is still worth talking about.
As that Wikipedia article can tell you, the Minamoto name was once given to imperial family members who could not inherit the throne through the family line. It’s fitting for Toya, considering how his father decided he couldn’t be a Hero that surpasses All Might despite being the firstborn son who was created for that explicit purpose.
Let’s talk about that, actually.
What is Toya Todoroki | Dabi?
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What is Toya? He’s the first son of a wealthy family with noble blood in him who was utterly crushed by the thought of failing to uphold the social obligations into which he was born.
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Personally, I consider Toya to be the most fragile major character in the entire series, contested for the spot only by his own father, Shigaraki, and possibly early series Bakugo. 
Toya, or more precisely Dabi, is Enji (and Rei) Todoroki’s very own monster. Instead of a “perfect creation” like intended, he became, well, whatever you want to call Dabi. 
But let’s talk about Toya first.
The Role of Firstborn Sons in Japan
Firstborn sons are fucking important in Japan and in many other eastern cultures. Generally, they are obligated to inherit just about damn near everything and, in return, are tasked with basically all the responsibilities of honoring their parents. A Japanese family isn’t just a series of blood ties, but an institution. This system, called ie, has its own legal rules. Under the ie system, the firstborn son and his wife (who is likely doing most of the caretaking) live with the parents to continue the household. The other kids are expected to marry out or go start their own families.
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Of course, not every single family follows these rules, but the social norms and pressures to uphold them exist. This academic paper written in 2007 analyzes why certain children in the birth order may live with (or near) their parents and explores several factors that impact this decision within families (usually related to whether or not the parents are providing childcare for the grandchildren.) Here’s a fun quote from page 3:
“...the first-born child generally lives with or closer to his/her parents than the second-born child, a result which is consistent with both our theoretical model and Japanese social norms. Second, there is one exception. If a first-born child is a female and she has at least one younger brother, then she locates farther away from her parents than her younger brother even though she is a first-born child.”
More on that “second” part in regards to Fuyumi later.
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But, like with most cultures, the more traditional (and established and wealthy) a family is, the heavier the predetermined responsibilities of each household member weighs on them. And Enji Todoroki’s family is high-profile. So, you can imagine that the pressure placed on Toya is immense.
The pressure placed on firstborn son Tensei Iida was immense, too, but their family dynamic was totally different. The Iida family was, like, healthy and functional. Wild.
Moving on. So Toya was not only youthfully excited to impress his father and support his family as the firstborn son, but he was also, in a certain sense, socially conditioned to want to do so. 
To me, this is where things get interesting. Toya’s struggle is not against his parents for crushing his dreams of a life beyond what they and their society’s established roles provide him. Instead, it is the opposite. Toya’s parents are ready to shake up the established family formula and free Toya from many of the obligations of firstborn son duties. Toya is not ready for any of that newfangled modern sensibilities nonsense. According to tradition, Toya’s role and life should be set and secure.
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When Rei asks Toya if he even wants to be a Hero, she inadvertently makes him grapple with the possibility that carrying on the family business (or at least carrying on the to-be tradition of becoming the Flame Hero and surpassing All Might per his father’s wishes) is not a given. Other choices exist. Rei’s question, while well-meaning, creates a fissure in Toya’s faith in the patriarchal system from which he developed his entire identity.
If Toya, the first son, can’t use his flames, isn’t a Hero, doesn’t inherit, and won’t continue to live with the family, who is he? If he doesn’t fulfill that role and those obligations, is he worth anything to anyone, even himself?
Conventional wisdom says no. He would be a disgrace and a failure even without Enji’s dumbass “create a genetically ideal child to use the ultimate flame quirk to surpass All Might” scheme in the mix. For Toya, it was never about surpassing All Might, not really. It was about fulfilling his household role and showing his father that he was worthy of being in the family.
When Shoto was born, Toya saw that door slam shut. After that, his inability to embrace another way of life leads to his undoing. But he is also, you know. 13.
Toya, through no fault of his own, cannot handle his father’s flames - not his flames of sheer power, not of mindless effort, not of personal fear, not of burning western envy, not of national pride, not of anything. But Enji burdened Toya with them anyway.
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Arrows, Hamaya, and All Might
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The characters in Toya’s given name mean “lamp (or, like, a light)” and “arrow”. @skyflyinginaction and their mutuals have an early discussion about his name and its possible meanings as well as a discussion about symbolism here that’s fun to read, and I’m always happy to not have to do any more work - er, happy to give credit where it is due for research and thoughts. But I do have more to add.
Arrows and archery have particular connotations in Japan. The ones I most commonly think about are hamaya, or evil-warding arrows, used ceremonially. Hamaya can be purchased at temples to be displayed in the home as luck-bringing or evil-warding items. Of course, the bow is also a significant evil-warding symbol, and the bow and arrow are often meant to appear together as a set of evil-warding objects, but yanno. Whatever works.
Anyway, around the New Year, archery contests and traditions abound as a way to predict the coming year’s fortune or ward off evil. This blog entry details one day of tradition in Ibaraki as well as the associations with masculinity and, erm, promoting fertility.
There’s one more tradition I learned orally, so I can’t source it, though the purpose for it was different than the one I just linked. In the one I was told, the head priest opens the yabusame (horseback archery) ceremony by firing an arrow through the temple gates and off the side of the mountain to slay an invisible demon. The firing coincides with the sun’s placement and becomes, much like Toya’s name suggests, an arrow of light.
In any case, arrows are associated with luck, sons, and warding off evil. I get the sense that the “arrow” in Toya’s name brings all of these cultural associations into play. More specifically, I get the sense that Toya was meant to be the “arrow of leading light” meant to slay the “evil” of the west, All Might, and purify that uppermost and unreachable peak where All Might stands in Enji’s mind. Don’t quote that, though.
‘Course, the “guiding light” or “purifying light” implied by Toya’s name eventually becomes perverted from its original purpose.
Toya’s Cremation
According to the manchild himself, Toya died not when he burned the shit out of himself on Sekoto Peak, but when he thought his family had replaced him. That’s when he says Dabi was born.
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The word Dabi means cremation. Heh. The enthusiastic @foundoutthatdabiistouyatodoroki posted about why and how it may be written as something indirect instead of something more direct for the sake of Japanese sensibilities.
I’d also like to point out that Toya’s body was not properly, ritually buried or cremated in any sense or tradition. This is important, since the failure to do so often prevents the spirit from passing on to the afterlife!
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Arguably, Toya cremated himself, but not all the way and not in the way that aligns with the intentions and purpose of a kotsuage, or funerary cremation ritual. Also, his family did not pick out his bones - the authorities did when they found a piece of his jaw. That linked article talks more about the significance of the tradition, but put simply: the family didn’t properly mourn Toya, and in doing so, they did not free themselves emotionally of his specter. They also didn’t free Toya from his attachments to them.
This life-to-death stuff is a two-way street, and Toya’s soul was left hanging onto a burned, rotting corpse by the thread of his own grudge. He’s a modern horror story.
Dabi’s Horror Inspirations
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That’s right, Dabi fans! It’s time to talk about the well-known Frankenstein allusions present in the character - though I’m pretty sure Horikoshi pulled from the 1931 film and not the book. Whatever. 
As Toya, Enji’s creation was an ice quirk + a fire quirk instead of a (cold) corpse + a reintroduced (hot) spark of life (and later, half of his “father” Victor Frankenstein’s own brain) like Frankenstein’s monster. Frankenstein’s monster’s weakness, at least in the movie, is fire. In the book, fire is still present and double-edged. 
As Dabi, Enji’s creation is a reanimated corpse (wow!) + a twisted sense of self created from Enji’s own will (wow!) who seeks revenge on his creator and family for his loneliness and creation. His weakness is, uh, yeah, it’s still fire.
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While Enji is not the one who recreated and revived Toya as Dabi, it is Toya’s grudge (and desire to see and be seen by his father) that keeps him alive. In fact, Dabi is a really cool twist on a yurei or perhaps an ikiryo since he is technically still alive. Still, Dabi most closely seems to follow the patterns of an onryo, which is a more specific form of yurei. These spirits, and the story of one in particular, are the inspiration behind the Japanese Ju-on: The Grudge movies (and then their US-made counterpart.) Here’s a bit from the onryo entry from yokai.com not ‘cause it’s the most academic, but the most succinct:
“Their motive is always the same—vengeance. Onryō are easily powerful enough to kill anyone. However, they prefer letting the object of their hatred live a long life of torment and suffering, watching loved ones die in their stead. Onryō inflict a terrible curse on the people or places that they haunt. This curse can be transmitted to others like a contagious disease, creating a circle of death and destruction far more devastating than any ordinary ghost.”
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You may decide that the entry for the gyoro or another yurei suits Dabi better, but surely you see the point that he’s playing the role of some kind of ghost. His eerie blue flame suggests onibi, or resentful spirits taking the form of blue flame. Wikipedia also does me a big favor by mentioning the overlap between onibi and European will o’ wisps, which usually lead people astray towards goals they can’t reach!
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It really would have been better for everyone if Toya hadn’t pursued the incredibly hot blue flame, huh? Instead, he just burned out fast. Kinda dissappointing and anticlimactic - like a dragon’s head on a snake’s body.
Yeah, that’s right - Dabi seems to have renamed himself “dissappointment”. Heh. Tweens and teens really are the funniest people on the planet.
The First Son Passed Over for a Second Time
But perhaps the funniest and most horrible detail of the whole manga is the implication that All for One and the doctor took one look at Dabi’s shambling corpse escaping from the nursery and went, “Yeah, let that one go. He’s a little too pathetic to be the next vessel or organ for infinite hatred to fuel our big schemes.” Like, absolutely nobody (except the very family he thought replaced him, and boy, are they a shitshow), not even the villains that seek out pathetic people in order to use them, wanted Dabi.
Dabi is, in many ways, Doctor Garaki’s “First Son” vessel experiment for All for One, and he was passed over in favor of Shigaraki in much the way Toya’s father passed him over for Shoto due to how unsuitable a vessel he is.
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When Dabi faces Geten, the ice-quirk user whom ReDestro treats almost like his own successor, who believes that a powerful quirk (and strong sense of individuality with a need to express it) is the only thing that makes someone worthy of living, who exists as his weird mirror with a more weaponized and powerful form of Rei’s ice quirk, I wonder if he thought god was laughing at him. I know his face and skin began splitting apart as if to show his true identity (a dead kid upset at his family) and show a waver in his resolve to stay alive to accomplish his goal, but I’d love to know if he has any ideology outside of his grudge towards his father and family.
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If Hawks told Dabi to his stapled face his real reasons for helping Endeavor, what would Dabi say? Heh heh heh. Dabi learned not to trust Rei, Fuyumi, or his own brother Natsuo, so I’m not terribly surprised he never trusted Keigo in the first place.
Keigo, who never thought to watch Dabi. Keigo, who had to ask who Dabi is. Keigo, who also didn’t see him.
Keigo, who wants to take Toya’s place.
But let’s talk about Toya’s other siblings... in part 2!
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augustatheghost · 7 months
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Law & Order: SVU 24x11 / “Especially Heinous: 272 Views of Law & Order SVU” by Carmen Maria Machado / Law & Order: Organized Crime 3x21
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homeandash · 9 months
Rec list: short books / novellas read in 2023
Autobiography of Red - Anne Carson (160 pages): a coming of age novel about a young man who is secretly a winged red monster. A wonderful, strange book that's also an ancient Greek myth retelling/translation.
She of The Mountains - Vivek Shraya (128 pages): this book feels so much like Autobiography of Red I wondered if it was an inspiration. A lovely, tender, lyrical story of a bisexual boy's first love woven with a retelling of a Hindu myth.
Loaded - Christos Tsiolkas (151 pages): another coming of age story - a young Greek-Australian man's 48-ish hours of nihilistic hedonism. Unrelentingly brutal prose style & a complicated, unlikeable protagonist. A little fucked up, very compelling.
The Yellow Wallpaper - Charlotte Perkins-Gilman (63 page short story): for the women trapped in rooms and/or the women slowly going crazy enjoyers. Iconic piece of early feminist horror and a 5 star read.
The Vegetarian - Han Kang (208 pages): A woman having strange dreams about meat decides to become vegetarian. That's all I can tell you, this book is best read blind. Very fucked up (complimentary).
Giovanni's Room - James Baldwin (159 pages): A claustrophobic story about love, shame, codependency, and the monster self-hatred can make of us.
The Husband Stitch + Especially Heinous - Carmen Maria Machado (short stories): cheating bc I read her entire collection 'Her Body and Other Parties', but these were standouts and they're both available online. The first - feminist horror retelling of the Girl with the Green Ribbon folk tale, the second - weird fiction take on Law and Order SVU, problematizing the use of sexual assault victims' suffering as entertainment.
We Had To Remove This Post - Hannah Bervoets (86 page short story): A social media moderator reflects on the effect constant exposure to violent/depraved/conspiratorial content had on her mental health and relationship with her girlfriend. I wasn't all the way sold until about 2/3rds in, but since it's only 80 pages that hardly matters. Cool use of an unreliable narrator.
Lie With Me - Phillipe Besson (148 pages). A secret first love between two boys in the French countryside of the 80s, and the long years after they part. Sentimental and cinematic. If you love melodrama and tragedy you'll enjoy this.
** check content warnings for. well basically all of these tbh.
Please add to this list with your own recommended short reads 💖
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ipleadbritney · 2 months
oooooooh horrified and on-duty info dump pls!!!!!!!
thank you!!!! info dump incoming!!!! full wip list
title: 'horrified and on-duty' is pulled from the song daddy cop
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plot: law and order au featuring a mix of different generations of the f1 grid. nico comes back from retirement/desk duty (idk how it works) and lewis is his partner. again. main couple is actually brocedes, with background landoscar, simi, and charlos.
putting emphasis on the fiction part of rpf because ACAB.
They don’t murder each other on their first case back, but it comes close to that. After they instruct Leclerc to drive the suspect to Central Booking, Lewis and Nico head to the hospital. “Which perp did this?” the nurse asks. She presses a cotton on Lewis’ wound. “You would have gone blind in one eye by a couple centimeters.” “Sorry about that,” Nico says from the next bed. “I’m rusty.”
Webber replaces Piastri at some point in the night. “You go and order another drink for you, Oscar. I'll keep Lewis company here.” “You make it sound like a chore,” Lewis says. “You don't drink, and Oscar's new. Don't scare him with stories about Nico and you.” “I didn't tell him about those.” Even Lewis is scared of those stories. “Every story you tell is about Nico and you.”
fun fact: i was inspired to write this because of carmen maria machado's especially heinous and my brief but powerful affair with law and order svu. i was writing this alongside 'h(a)unted you down' so i myself must've been horrified.
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character list: not exhaustive, but one of the first things i put down
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lando's one of those characters that pop up every episode or two, gets like 3 minutes of screentime but a cult following bc he's Interesing and has his own plot happening in the background
i stopped writing this because i stopped watching law and order svu (bc of life), but i think i have the ending of it slightly plotted.
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torturedsoph13 · 4 months
I started watching law and order svu and now my entire life revolves around it
I'll be walking around my house like "in the criminal justice system, sexually based offences are considered especially heinous"
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atlafan · 2 years
Violet Chemistry - Part One
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In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous...the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.
a/n: I’m posting part one here, and the rest will be on my patreon. A few disclaimers: I am not promoting copaganda. I have simply re-watched 22 seasons of Law and Order: SVU and I wanted to write my own thing based off of the main characters Elliot Stabler and Olivia Benson. If you’ve never watched SVU some of this is going to be very confusing, but I tried my best to explain things so you wouldn’t necessarily need the SVU background. Harry is basically Elliot, and Ronnie is basically Olivia. I am not an expert on the criminal justice system or special victims, I simply used the information from the show to create this story. So much of this fic is probably inaccurate.
Warnings: THERE WILL BE MANY TRIGGERS IN THIS STORY! The words rape, homicide, pedophilia, murder, etc are used throughout this fic. If these things deeply upset you or trigger you, please do not read this story. Mentions of cheating, domestic violence, and other upsetting content is also intertwined throughout this story. Again, if these are things you don’t like, then please don’t read it.
Words: 6.6K
Main Characters: Detective Harry Styles, Detective Cameron (Ronnie) Walsh
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It all happened so fast. Harry did the one thing he shouldn’t have: he ran to help his partner instead of chasing after the perp.
“SOMEONE CALL A BUS, NOW!” He screamed to the vice squad behind him while he added pressure to where Ronnie was bleeding out.
The EMT’s got to her as soon as they could, and when they told Harry he couldn’t ride with them to the hospital due to the severity of the wounds, but he went ballistic and they backed off, letting him into the back of the ambulance. The only people he listened to were the nurses at the hospital that told him he couldn’t go into the operating room. That’s when his captain caught up with him.
“I’m not leaving the hospital. Not until I know she’s alive and breathing.”
“I don’t want to hear it, Cap.”
“Harry.” The captain yanked him aside and made him look at him. “You haven’t even asked about what happened to Jones. Did you forget what you’re on the payroll for?”
“Of course not.” He has tears rolling down his cheeks, but he’s so angry he doesn’t even realize. “I know I fucked up, but I saw Ronnie go down, and-“
“The chief is going to want you two separated after this.”
“I figured.” Harry looks away from him.
“I’m going to have the doc talk with both of you. You both need a psychological evaluation. Then a decision will be made.”
“Your decision or the chief’s?”
“Mine. He trusts my judgement. But I need to make sure I can trust both of yours.”
“You still haven’t asked about Jones.”
“Respectfully, Cap, right now I don’t give a fuck about that piece of shit. Reynolds and Miller were there too, and since they’re not here worrying over Ronnie the way that I am, I’m assuming they caught Jones, or they’re down at the DA’s office waiting for arraignment.”
“They did catch him.” The captain nods.
“And the other underage girls? We only got a few of them out.”
“Found in one of his broken-down trailers, alive. Miller’s contacted their parents, they’re on their way here now. We had them sent right here so they could be checked over.”
“Don’t give me attitude, Harry. I’m giving you a very small, brief pass since Walsh is your partner, but that doesn’t mean you’re not on thin ice.”
“Heard, Cap.”
“Excuse me, Detective Styles?” A nurse taps him on the shoulder. “You’re listed as Cameron Walsh’s emergency contact, so I’m allowed to give you the particulars of her surgery. Who is this?” She nods towards the captain.
“Our captain, he can listen. She’d want him to.”
“Okay. Four bullets were removed from the body. Two were in her chest, one in her left shoulder, and one was lodged in between her ribs. The doctors were able to get them all out, but she’s in a medically induced coma.”
“What, why?” Harry’s eyes widen with panic.
“She started seizing from the blood loss. The doctors felt it was necessary.”
“So, when will she wake up?”
“When her body lets her. They’re still getting her stitched up and bandaged. They’ll be taking her to a private room shortly. Once she’s set up, I’ll come get you.”
“Alright, thank you.” The nurse walks away, and Harry takes out his phone.
“Are you texting Mark?”
“No.” Harry scoffs. “I’m messaging Reynolds and Miller that Ronnie’s alive.”
“Don’t you think you should contact Mark?”
“I don’t want him here, so no.”
“That’s not up to you. He’s her boyfr-“
“I know what he is.” Harry snaps. “I’m her emergency contact, not him. Get a clue, Cap.”
“That’s strike two, Detective. Check yourself.”
A little while later, Harry rushes to the room that’s been set up for Ronnie. He stops short of the doorway. It’s scary seeing her hooked up to all the machines. He steps in slowly, sitting on the edge of the bed. He takes her hand in his and gives it a gentle squeeze. She has a few scrapes on her face, but nothing serious. He looks at how messy her hair is, and it makes him laugh softly.
“You’d hate the way you look right now.” He stands up and pulls an elastic off his wrist. He props her head up just enough so he can pull her hair back into a French braid. “Remember when you first taught me how to do this? Katie was about three, and Kathleen was on vacation with her girlfriends so I was on double parent duty. I was father of the year for being able to braid Katie’s hair the way Kathleen usually did.” He sighs and ties the end of her hair with the elastic and sets her head back down. He pulls a chair up so he can sit by her. “Don’t worry, Ron, I’m not going anywhere. I’m not leaving you.”
Five Years Earlier
“Styles, I’d like you to meet your new partner, Detective Cameron Walsh.” Captain Sellers smiles as the other detectives crowd around to say hello.
“I go by Ronnie, hi.” She smiles as she shakes Harry’s hand.
“Nice to meet you. You’re joining us from homicide, yeah?”
“Mhm. I’ve always wanted to work in SVU, so I jumped at the chance when the position opened up.”
“You wanted to add rape and kiddie porn to your murder, huh?” Harry smirks and Ronnie grins at him.
The two clicked instantly. Harry took Ronnie out for a drink that night so they could get to know each other better, and so he could give her some tricks of the trade.
“I’ve been in special victims for four years now. It never gets easier. There’ll be cases you take extremely personally, but you have to try not to. I still do it sometimes, it’s tough not to picture these things happening to your own family and friends. In homicide, all your victims are dead, right? Well, in special victims, more often than not, they’re alive. It’s hard when you have to make someone relive a rape, or having to listen to a child talk about how someone they trusted took advantage of them.”
“You’re saying things I already know. I’ve been trained on all this. I’ve dealt with families and friends of victims. A lot of it is the same. Compassion and relating is important and more effective than accusing the perp.”
“Exactly. You might find yourself having to pretend to agree with a pedophile. It’s the worst, but-“
“It’s worth it if we can get an admission.”
“Yup.” Harry takes a sip of his beer. “Alright, so, what made you want to join special victims? You said you always wanted to work in this unit.”
“I…this is something I didn’t even tell my last partner, but…I feel like we’re really forming a bond here, so…I’m the…product of a rape.”
“Jesus, I’m sorry.” He leans in so he can listen to her better.
“I’m lucky in that my mother didn’t treat me like scum. I know it was hard for her sometimes, but for the most part we had a good relationship.”
“She died last year. Sclerosis of the liver. She coped by drinking.” Harry goes to open his mouth, but she stops him. “Don’t say you’re sorry again, it’s alright.”
“Do you know who your father is?”
“No. When I was younger I wanted to know because I hated that I came from someone that could do something so heinous to someone else, but recently…I don’t know, it doesn’t bother me anymore that I don’t know who he is. I just hope he didn’t ruin anyone else’s life.” She takes a sip of her own drink. “What about you? Why are you in SVU?”
“I sort of just fell into it. I’m tough enough to handle the perps. I’m good with kids. I actually just had one of my own. Well, my wife had her, but you get what I mean.” He takes out his phone to show Ronnie his lock screen. “That’s my wife, Kathleen, and our baby girl, Katie.”
“Oh wow. How old is your baby?”
“She’s six months.” He smiles fondly down at the picture. “Kathleen was my high school sweetheart. We broke up when I served. I was a navy seal. When I came home we got back together and got married. Best decision I ever made. I love being a family man. My household was so fucked up when I was a kid. I like knowing I’m providing a positive environment for my daughter.”
“That’s amazing. How do you make time for them? This job can feel never ending sometimes.”
“You have to build in those boundaries. Obviously we have to keep working until the job is done, but when the captain tells you to go home, just go home. You can’t do your job right if you’re exhausted.”
“True.” She nods.
“Try to do as I say and not as I do. Cap and I butt heads on the regular. I have a temper. Most of the time I can keep it together, but sometimes I lose it. It depends on how much the perp is pissing me off.” He looks her up and down. “Anything else I should know about you?”
“You mean other than the fact that my mother was a rape victim? No, I don’t have any other skeletons.” She smirks, and it makes him laugh.
“I’m glad you can joke about those things.”
“It helps make the job more bearable at times.”
“Sure does.”
The two went on to work very well together. Ronnie got to meet Harry’s wife and baby. Kathleen would often come see Harry for lunch if it was a paperwork heavy day.
After a year on the job together, the two got close. Ronnie was having trouble in her personal life. That is, her love life was nonexistent. One afternoon, when they were sitting in the car as they staked out a perp, Ronnie asked Harry for some advice.
“Can I ask you something personal?” She says.
“Depends on what the subject is.” He says as he continues looking out the window.
“I’m listening.”
“I can’t get aroused.” She tells him bluntly, causing his head to snap in her direction. “Any time I even think of dating, I talk myself out of it. It’s like…it’s like my mind goes to the worst possible place. I think every man is going to try to take advantage of me, or that they’re playing me, buttering me up. Did you ever have trouble when you first started in special victims?”
“Oh, yeah. I couldn’t get it up for like three months.”
“Yeah. Kathleen was ready to kill me. I mean, I’ve got a mouth and hands, but it got to a point where when I’d get between her legs I’d get flashes of the gruesome shit I’d seen.”
“How did you move past it?”
“Talking to Kathleen, and time. When was your last date?”
“I don’t know, a year.”
“You haven’t had sex in a year?”
“I guess not.” She shrugs.
“And you haven’t taken care of things yourself?”
“I told you, I can’t get aroused. I can’t even watch porn anymore because I keep thinking all the girls are underage and are being forced into it.”
“So, nothing gets you even a little wet anymore?”
“Harry.” She sucks her teeth and shoves his shoulder.
“I’m not going to tell anyone, I never tell anyone what we talk about. Partner confidentiality.”
“I’m as dry as a bone.”
“You need to, I don’t know, do something for yourself. Like, light some candles, take a bubble bath, use a new vibrator, or something. Kathleen has this one toy that-“
“I don’t need to know about the toys you and your wife use.”
“You know, Miller is single, and I know for a fact he thinks you’re cute.”
“I know he does, but I don’t shit where I eat.”
“Not even for one night?”
“I can ask Kathleen if she has any single friends, we could go on a double date.”
“I’m all set.”
“Do you have a problem with my wife all of a sudden?”
“What, no. I just don’t think we should necessarily combine those areas of our lives. You’re always saying it’s important not to bring work home with you. Getting too familiar with your family would be a bit much.”
“Just say you don’t want to hang out with me, I’m a big boy.” He rolls his eyes.
“You’re annoying.” She shoves his shoulder again, making him chuckle.
“In all seriousness, it just takes time. Don’t force yourself. When you feel like giving it a try with someone, you’ll know. You’ll feel that familiar zip of electricity go through you. You’ll be drenching your panties again like you never stopped.”
“Jesus fucking Christ, Harry.” She laughs so hard she snorts.
Harry always found a way to make Ronnie laugh.
But things weren’t always so funny. By the time Harry’s daughter was two and a half, Kathleen kicked him out of the house. She was sick of him not putting the family first, and he was sick of her not understanding that with his type of job he can’t always do that. He had been pissy at work for a while, and when he finally snapped at Ronnie while they were working a case, she snapped back when they returned to the squad room.
“Don’t ever talk to me like that again.” She says to him. “I don’t need you making me look bad in front of the perps.”
“Then do your job correctly.” He crosses his arms over his chest.
“I was. Whatever your problem’s been lately, get the fuck over it. I’m your partner, don’t treat me like it’s my first day on the job.”
“Kathleen and I separated.”
“What?” Her features soften.
“Kathleen and I separated last month. Not legally, but I’m living in my old apartment that I had been subletting.”
“What happened?”
“I wasn’t being a good enough father and husband, according to her. So, now I get to see my daughter even less.”
“You should ask Cap for some time off. You and Kat have been together forever, you’ll get past this.”
“I don’t know, something’s different this time.” He runs a hand through his hair. “She thinks I prefer spending time here…with you.”
“Oh please.” Ronnie groans. “That’s so cliché. She knows nothing’s going on between us. I’d never break up a family.”
“So if I wasn’t married with a kid you’d be okay with breaking us up?” He smirks, and she shoves his shoulder. “Sorry, I shouldn’t be joking right now. She thinks I have better communication skills with you than with her. But that’s only because any time I’d tell her about what was going on at work she’d stop me halfway through because she didn’t want all the details. Eventually I just stopped talking about work at all. Turns out, we just don’t have anything left to talk about.”
“That can’t be true.” Ronnie frowns.
“I think it is. I just want to do right by Katie, she’s my top priority. That’s the one thing Kathleen and I are agreeing on right now.”
“I hope you know you don’t have to keep something like this from me. I’m not a blabber mouth.”
“I know, it’s just embarrassing. I fucked up, and I didn’t do anything to stop it.”
“This is a tough job, and it’s even tougher to have a family to go home to. I can’t imagine the stress that causes.”
“Every little kid we come across, all I can think about is what if something like that happened to Katie. I won’t be able to protect her forever, and it kills me.”
“Did you explain that to Kathleen?”
“Of course I did! We went to therapy for weeks, but I didn’t say all the things she wanted to hear. She’s done.”
“Let me take you to dinner later. We can hit up the Chinese place, have some drinks, and…just turn our brains off for a while.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“Would you rather go home to an empty apartment?”
“No.” He smiles softly. “Alright, Chinese and drinks after work. Thanks, Ron.”
“No thanks necessary.”
Ronnie wanted to jump for joy, which made her feel terrible. She has nothing against Kathleen, but she’d be lying if she said she didn’t have feelings for Harry. She knows it’s dumb to fall for your partner, but they spend so much time together. He knows her in a way that no one else does. She loves him. She’s in love with him. She’s not going to press her luck, but maybe after some time without Kathleen, Harry will realize that if he and Ronnie do things right, they could be together. It’s not totally uncommon for detectives to get together, and it’s certainly not against the rules. She catches him looking at her sometimes, she knows this isn’t completely one sided.
Harry got shot. It’s not the first time, and it won’t be the last. But this time around, he realized what was really important to him: his wife and his daughter. After he got out of the hospital, he went home. He just wanted to see Katie. He got to tuck her in and read her a story, and when he was done with that, Kathleen asked him to stay. He wasn’t going to say no to that.
Ronnie can’t read Harry. Which is strange because she can always read him. He’s been antsy lately. He’s constantly checking his phone, his mood goes from hot to cold in seconds.
“Hey, can we talk?” She asks him, and they both go into the bunk room for some privacy.
“What’s up?”
“That’s what I was going to ask you. You’ve been weird lately.”
Harry sighs heavily and runs a hand through his hair. “I wasn’t going to say anything for at least another month, but Kathleen’s pregnant.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“My wife is pregnant.”
“Who’s the father?”
“Um, me.” He says, completely offended.
“How could you be the father? You’re not even living together.”
“That’s the thing, we’ve been working on reconciling.”
“Since when?”
“Since I got shot a few months ago. I went over to see her, and I asked if I could come home. We’ve been going out on dates, doing things as a family again. It’s reignited our spark.”
“So, you got shot, then went and fucked Kathleen?”
“What are you guys gonna do?”
“What do you mean by that?”
“I just…do you think it’s a good idea to bring another kid into your situation? How long could these good times last? We both grew up in fucked up households, you know how bad it is. Why would you want to put another kid through that?”
“I can’t believe you’re even suggesting Kathleen have an abortion. She doesn’t want that.”
“How do you know? Did you ask her? How does she feel about it?”
“We’ve always wanted more than one kid, of course she’s fine with it. She’s really excited to be pregnant again.”
“Are you two at least back in therapy? I mean, have things changed? Are you being a better husband and father this time around? Or do you only care now because she’s pregnant?”
“Don’t interrogate me, Ronnie.”
“I’m not trying to! But you’re not thinking rationally about this, Harry. Do you really want to make things work with Kathleen after these last seven months?”
“See, this is why I didn’t talk to you about this.” He shakes his head.
“What does that mean?”
“It means, you wouldn’t understand the trials and tribulations of marriage. For fuck sake, Ron, I’m the longest relationship you’ve ever had with a man!” Her mouth falls open at that. “Whatsamatter, baby, you can dish it but you can’t take it?”
“You’re an asshole.”
“Oh, you’ve wounded me.” He puts his hand over his heart, mocking her.
“How could you even say something like that to me?”
“It’s the truth. You can’t make any relationship work. I’m the only guy in your life you trust. Maybe you should go to therapy.”
“You know what, from now on, let’s just keep our personal lives private. I won’t ask you about yours, and you won’t ask me about mine.”
“Works for me, partner.”
Ronnie makes an exasperated noise, and huffs out the door. She nearly runs over Kathleen.
“Kat, hi!”
“Hi.” Kathleen smiles softly. “Were you just in there with Harry? Alone?”
“Yeah, we needed to have a private discussion. He told me the good news, congrats.”
“You look thrilled for us.” Kathleen rolls her eyes.
“Look, I’m not saying it’s not a blessing, but I just think-“
“Walsh.” Harry’s low voice bites through the air. “Don’t you have some paperwork you need to get done?”
“Don’t you know you can’t tell me what to do? We’re the same rank, you prick.” She walks away from the two of them. She needs to clear her head.
After taking a month off for paternity leave to help Kathleen with their new baby boy, Harry returns to work. It’s hard leaving his three favorite people, but he knows he needs to get back to SVU. This time around, he’s going to set limits where he can. He’ll take a break to go home for dinner, then come back to work if he needs to. He’s not going to screw this up a second time.
Harry checks in with his captain first thing, then catches up with Reynolds and Miller. He looks around for Ronnie, but she’s not there. He figures she must be out on assignment. But much to his surprise, she comes walking into the squad room with a cup of coffee in one hand, and a man by her side. She’s giggling and has rosy cheeks. The man walks her over to her desk. She sits up on top of it, and he leans down to speak in her ear, making her smile. She nods and kisses his cheek before he leaves. Harry approaches her with a smug look on his face.
“I leave for a month and you already have a new man in your life?” He jokes, and she hops off her desk to hug him.
“Welcome back, Styles.” She gives him one more squeeze before letting him go. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, Ron.”
“I’m sorry I never came to the hospital, or to the house…I didn’t want you to think of work while you were away.”
“That’s alright, I’ve got tons of pictures to show you.”
“What’s his name?”
“Eddie.” He smiles fondly. “Edward, actually, but we’re calling him Eddie.”
“I like that.” She smiles.
“So…” He sets his jacket down and loosens his tie a little. “Who’s the guy?”
“He’s our new ADA.”
“What happened to Timmins?”
“She got offered a better salary with homicide.” Ronnie shrugs. “His name is Mark Hayes. We butted heads at the beginning, but we ended up going out for drinks one night and one thing led to another.”
“What happened to not shitting where you eat?” Harry smirks at her.
“I’m not, he’s at a completely different table. It’s not like we see each other all the time. He has other cases he’s working, you know?”
“Isn’t it a conflict of interest for you to see our ADA?”
“We disclosed things with, Cap. We figured all that out. It hasn’t affected either of us at work.” Her cheeks start to redden, and Harry’s eyes widen.
“And after work?”
“I’m sorry, Detective, but I’m afraid that’s diving a bit too deeply into my personal life.”
“Ah.” He nods. “That bad, huh?”
“What?” She laughs.
“If he was any good at fucking you, you’d tell me about it.” He leans his bum against the desk, standing closer to her. “What’s wrong, he can’t make you come?”
“The opposite, actually.” She turns, getting right in his face. “It’s the best I’ve ever had. In fact,” she looks around to make sure no one else is listening, “I’ve recently found out that I can squirt.” She watches as Harry’s eyes visibly darken, his pupils turning into saucers. His jaw clenches and he stands up straight. “Welcome back, partner.”
Flash forward two years later. Harry’s divorced, but still occasionally fucks Kathleen when he’s desperate and just wants something familiar. It’s hard not to get riled up with emotions when he’s over spending time with his kids. Ronnie’s been seeing Mark the entire time. He’s asked her to move in a dozen times at this point, but she always comes up with an excuse as to why she can’t.
Harry and Ronnie are currently sitting in Cap’s office. They think they’re in trouble. For what, they’re not sure, but it’s usually not good when they both get called in for a chat.
“I have an important assignment for the two of you. It’s going to involve being undercover for a bit.” Cap explains.
“Alright, what’s going on?” Harry asks.
“We’ve had a string of strippers getting murdered. They all work at the same club. Narcotics tipped me off. They’ve been working the case because the perp running the entire operation is the one giving the command on which girls are getting tossed. It happens infrequently enough that it hasn’t raised a ton of eyebrows.”
“Is that why we’re just hearing about this now?” Ronnie asks.
“Homicide was taking care of the murders. We’ve only recently found out that the girls that aren’t being tossed in the trash, are being prostituted out and raped. There’s an open position at the club. Ronnie, I need you to go undercover as a dancer. Start off as a bottle girl, but I need you to get into that dressing room and get whatever information you can. Harry, I need you to be her handler.”
“So I have to take my clothes off, and he gets to be my pimp?” Ronnie scoffs.
“I know it’s not the most appealing thing for you, but you’re the only female detective we have that could actually pass as an erotic dancer.”
“Gee thanks.” She rolls her eyes. “I’ll do it, but I’m keeping whatever lingerie I have to buy.”
“Deal.” Cap looks at Harry next. “What do you say?”
“I’ll do it. I don’t trust anyone else to work this with Ronnie. I think Miller’s head would explode if he saw her dressed provocatively.”
“Stop it.” She shakes her head. “When do we start?”
“Immediately.” He hands them each a folder. “That has the information on where you’ll be staying, your new ID’s-“
“We have to stay in the same apartment together?” Ronnie asks.
“Once Harry gets in good with these people, they may come around to check for bugs and wires. It has to look like you both live together.”
“Captain, respectfully, Harry is a slob. I can’t live with him in a…oh my god, this is for a fucking studio?”
“That’s what they gave me funding for, Walsh. I’m sorry it’s not ideal.” Cap says facetiously.
“Is there at least a couch for him to sleep on?”
“Why do I have to sleep on the couch?” Harry scoffs.
“Because you’re not going to be the one sliding up and down a greasy pole every night.”
“Enough. Go take some time to get familiar with your new identities, and go shop for whatever you may need to make it look convincing. You’ll be staying at your new apartment tonight. Have fun, and try not to kill each other.” He looks at them. “Or…anything else.”
They both roll their eyes at that, and leave the office. Ronnie takes out her phone and calls Mark to let him know what’s going on. He’s up in the squad room ten minutes later.
“How long will you be gone for?” He asks her by her locker.
“I don’t know, it could be weeks…months.”
“These things either happen fast, or they’re really slow. You know that.” She closes her locker and looks up at him. “I’m sorry, I know this isn’t the best thing happening right now. But at least we’re not living together, you won’t miss me too much.”
“Don’t use this as an excuse.” He sighs. “Are you at least being given a burner phone so we can still have contact?”
“Yes, but I have to use it carefully. If our place gets bugged or something, it could mean game over. I feel bad for Harry. He barely sees his kids as it is. This is going to be really tough for him.”
“Yeah, Romeo.” Harry says as he opens his own locker. “Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of our girl.”
“Can you give us a minute, Styles? We’re talking.”
“Mmm, no.” He grins and leans back against the lockers. “No, I think I’ll continue eavesdropping. Kathleen’s bringing the kids by so I can see them before we go, so I’ve got time.”
“Harry.” Ronnie looks up at him with her big brown eyes, and he all but melts.
“Fine, I’ll leave you alone. Oh, when we go to the store to get all your stripper accessories, should we get you some sex toys?”
“Christ, Harry.” She shoves him away, making him laugh.
“Does he always have to be so crude with you?” Mark asks her. “This is the sex crimes division for fuck sake.”
“We do it to each other, it’s just how we work. If we don’t find reasons to laugh, we’d cry.”
“So, we can’t even go be alone for a bit?” He steps closer to her, making her blush.
“I want to…” She looks over her shoulder at the bunk room, then back to her boyfriend. “I should really start briefing myself on this case. I want to check the homicide detective’s notes, see what we’re really dealing with. I’m sorry, Mark. I know…I know this is what makes our relationship difficult.”
“It’s alright, I understand.” He leans in and kisses her, then pecks her forehead. “I love you.”
“Love you too.”
While Ronnie is on the computer looking over everything, Harry is talking with Kathleen and the kids. Ronnie can’t believe Katie’s already five, and that Eddie’s already two.
“How long will you be gone for, Daddy?” Katie asks him. She’s got her arms around his neck, her bottom being supported by his hip while Eddie is on his other hip. Ronnie looks away before she has time to fantasize about how strong her partner is.
“Well, Daddy’s not sure. I’m going on a top secret mission, so Daddy won’t be able to see you for a while, but I’ll do my best to call when I can.”
“What about on FaceTime?” Katie looks up at him, pouting.
“We won’t be able to do that, sweetie, I’m sorry.”
“But…but I’m gonna miss you.” Her bottom lip starts to quiver. Harry looks at Kathleen. She takes Eddie from him so he can properly hug his daughter, biting back tears of his own.
“I’m going to miss you too, so much. You have no idea.”
“Why…why do you like being with Ronnie more than Mommy?”
“Katie.” Kathleen says. “Now’s not the time for that.”
“Sweetheart, it’s not that I…Ronnie and I work together, that’s all. She’s going on the secret mission with me. We keep each other safe. And while I’m gone, Mommy will keep you and Eddie safe, alright?”
“Will you miss Mommy too?”
Harry and Kathleen look at each other, and her face flushes from the coy smirk forming on Harry’s face. “Of course I will. I’ll miss you, Eddie, and Mommy very much. I’ll check in when I can, okay? I need you to be a brave, big girl and help Mommy a little more. Can you do that for me?”
“That’s my girl.” He hugs her and gives her a kiss before setting her down. He takes Eddie back and tosses him into the air, making him laugh. “Alright, little man. Need you to be a big boy.” Harry takes Eddie’s thumb out of his mouth.
“Okay.” Eddie says with his precious, soft spoken toddler voice.
“I love you.”
“Wove you too, Daddy.”
Harry smiles at his boy and sets him down. He tells Katie he loves her as well, then looks at Kathleen.
“I know you don’t need me to tell you this, but be careful.” She says to him.
“I like it when you tell me to be careful. It helps having your voice in my head.”
“Come back in one piece.” Her voice cracks as she throws her arms around his neck. He holds her close.
“Don’t cry, it’s going to be alright. I’ve gone undercover before.” He coos into her hair.
“Not like this.” She pulls back from him and pecks his lips before fully letting go. “Check in when you can, like you said.”
“I will. I love you, you know that, right?”
“Yes, and I love you too.” She picks up Eddie and sighs. She and Ronnie make eye contact, but neither of them say anything to the other. There’s nothing to say.
Harry walks around the store while Ronnie picks out clothes to buy. It’s all miniskirts and tight dresses. Then she goes to the lingerie section, and he joins her.
“Would you ever wear any of this stuff for real?” He asks her as he picks up a pair of crotchless panties. “It can’t be comfortable.”
“It’s not. This is stuff you put on when you tell a guy you’re going to slip into something more comfortable.”
“But you just said it’s not comfortable.”
“It’s not, but it’s also not going to stay on for very long.” She grabs a few bras and throws them in her cart. “I have to buy makeup too.”
“Don’t you already own makeup?”
“Yes, but I mostly wear neutral colors, nothing too heavy. I need to get some pallets with more vibrant colors. I need to get fake lashes. Oh! I’m going to need some highlighter.”
“Jesus, this is going to be never ending. I hope Katie’s a tomboy so she doesn’t have to deal with all this.”
“How’s that working out so far?”
“Not great, she’s all about princesses and Barbies right now. It’s actually pretty cute, and she has a wild imagination. I always have fun when we play with her dolls.”
“You play Barbie with her?” Ronnie pouts up at him endearingly.
“Course I do.” He shrugs. “It’s important to spend time doing the things your kid likes to do, rather than dragging them out to do something you want to do. As she gets older, she won’t feel like it’s a chore to hang out with me because she’ll know I’m up for whatever she wants to do. Within reason. I don’t want her thinking I’m going to take her to get a tattoo before she’s eighteen.”
“You’re a really good dad.”
“Thanks. I hope she and Eddie feel the same way.”
“They do, they have to. You’re doing the best you can.”
“Right. Let’s keep shopping. I’m ready to get the fuck out of here.”
The two get all the things they need, and head to their new home for the seeable future. It’s a nice place, but it’s going to be hard for them both to stay in such a small space.
“So, who’s taking the bed for real?” He asks her later that night over takeout.
“I have a proposition.”
“I’m not sleeping foot to face.”
“That’s not what I was going to suggest. I was thinking we could just stick some pillows between us so we can both sleep on the bed.”
“Do we need a barrier at all? I’m not going to try to fuck you while you’re sleeping.”
“Well, obviously, or I’d say you’re in the wrong line of work.” She smirks. “I just want us both to be comfortable.”
“I won’t sleep if I feel like I need to be rigid.”
“Okay, so no pillows.”
“We’re both adults who have shared beds with people before. I think it’ll be fine.”
“What do you usually wear to bed?” She asks him.
“Boxers. What about you?”
“Oversized t-shirt.”
“Well, if anyone busts the door down we’ll at least look the part of a couple.” He takes another bite of food, then sets his container down. “You and Mark have a quickie earlier?”
“No.” She laughs. “We almost did, but I wanted to start briefing myself. I felt bad, but isn’t this more important?”
“You need to find that answer on your own. I’m clearly not the expert.”
“I think you just married someone that bit off more than they could chew. You’ve been in this line of work since you two were married. She knew how hard it was going to be.”
“It wasn’t like this when I was in vice. I had standard shifts, the same schedule for months on end. That worked for us. I don’t blame her…so you shouldn’t either.”
“Sorry.” She swallows down a noodle.
“Why won’t you move in with Mark? An attorney like him should have a great place, definitely one big enough for two people.”
“It’s big enough for more than two people, that’s the problem.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean…he’s been dropping hints about wanting to really settle down together. He wants to have kids with me. I love him, I really do, but I don’t know if I’m the type of person that can handle all those things.”
“You’re great with kids.”
“I know that, but I’d never be around. I’d be working all the time. I’m just not ready for it.”
“Have you told him that?”
“Yes.” She sighs. “But neither of us necessarily wants to break up, so we have a fight once every few weeks, and then we move on.”
“Maybe the time apart will help you both gain perspective on what you really want from each other.”
“That’s sort of what I’m hoping for.” She takes a sip of water, then sighs. “So, what’s our backstory?”
“I’m your pimp.” He smirks.
“You’re my handler, not my pimp.”
“It’s the same thing.”
“No it’s not. A pimp pimps their girls out to have sex with other people. Handlers don’t do that.”
“It’s the same thing, but whatever.” He rolls his eyes. “How should we approach that, by the way?”
“Approach what?”
“You having sex. I don’t want you to get forced into something.”
“I’m supposed to start off as a bottle girl, then work my way up. So I should be fine. Once you get in good with the bosses, you can just tell them they can look, but they can’t touch. I’ll stay focused on getting information from the other girls, you stay focused on gaining the trust of the bosses.”
“Arthur Jones is the guy we’re looking to bring down. He’s the head of the entire operation.”
“We should go there in the late afternoon tomorrow when it’s not busy and see about me getting a job. Do you know which detectives from narcotics are already undercover there?”
“Yeah, Cap texted me who to look for. It’s another guy.”
“Okay, so none of the girls are under cover. Damn, it’s gonna take me some time to become friends with them.”
“Apparently, we have all the time in the world.”
The two clean up from dinner, then take turns washing up before bed. It’s a little awkward when they both slip under the covers, but they’re both able to fall asleep easily.
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selfmadesaviour · 1 year
wednesday starters:
accepting / not accepting @immxvable as nolan price said "how does it feel? to lose."
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his face is contorted with frustration, but it's less about his loss in court and more about the injustice he feels he just witnessed. his words are clipped and his tone exhausted as he responds, but he stops his movements to give his ex-classmate his unlimited attention and really drive home what he says.
"i can handle a loss. but after what that woman went through, she doesn't deserve prison. she deserves therapy." he doesn't turn around and stomp off like he had planned; instead he watches the other for a long moment, head tilting to the side in consideration. "you used to play for the right side. what happened?"
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