robynanonymous · 4 years
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Apologize to Yourself We are our own worst critic when it comes to making mistakes.  We get embarrassed and then tend to beat ourselves up long after the mistake was made. It is time to forgive ourselves, to apologize to ourselves for our negative self-talk, and treat ourselves the way we would a dear friend. Apologize to yourself. www.robynanonymous.com #RobynAnonymous #TodaysSoulAdvice #ApologizeToYourself #ForgiveYourself #FreeYourself #LetItGo #WeAllMakeMistakes #FromHoplessnessToHappiness #Ascension #Transformation #PositiveThoughts #PositiveAttitude #PostiveVibes #Change #PositiveInfluence #PositiveSelfTalk #HigherConsciousness #HigherVibrations #HigherPurpose #HigherCalling #HigherSelf #BecomingABetterMe #OneDayAtATime #OneStepAtATime #NoLongerThirsty #WeDoRecover #SoberLife #Recovery #AddictionRecovery #SetYourIntentions https://www.instagram.com/p/CJLxC_EjbWj/?igshid=488ww50n824d
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