danskboligforsikring · 7 months
Foråret er så småt på vej - er sommerhuset klar?
I disse dage begynder solen og varmen så småt at vende til bage til Danmark. Et kig ud ad vinduet kan give forhåbninger om, at det er ved at være slut med bidende kulde, sne og slud og tungt vintertøj. De optimistiske sjæle vil måske ligefrem sige, at foråret definitivt er begyndt at gøre sit indtog i Danmark – igen i år. For manges vedkommende er foråret og de lunere temperaturer ensbetydende…
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bobbythestonerstuff · 3 months
Mega Baked: On the FrostSkader 47cm my fav tall bong
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politirapporten · 2 years
Kulden har meldt sin ankomst, og hos forsikringsselskabet Topdanmark modtager man allerede nu de første anmeldelser om skader på huse og sommerhuse, der er forårsaget af frostsprængte rør. Vinteren har for alvor bidt sig fast i Danmark, og termometret har været nede på 10 graders frost i flere dele af landet. Det medfører risiko for frostskader på boligen, og sæsonens første anmeldelser om frostsprængninger er allerede begyndt at tikke hos Topdanmark, et af landets største forsikringsselskaber, som gør opmærksom på, at man som husejer har tilsynspligt med sin ejendom. Det betyder, at skaden ikke er dækket, hvis frostsprængningen skyldes, at du har lukket for varmen. ”Jeg har fuld forståelse for, at det kan være fristende at slukke helt for varmen med de høje energipriser, men man bør altid sørge for, at huset er tilstrækkeligt opvarmet, så alle rør holdes frostfrie,” siger Helene Ibsen, boligchef i Topdanmark. ”Når det er koldt som nu, kan der opstå frostskader, som ofte er dyre, fordi vandet efterfølgende strømmer ud og ødelægger gulve og inventar. Samtidig er det tit forbundet med store gener for kunderne, fordi det kan tage lang tid at affugte gulve og vægge, inden skaderne kan udbedres,” siger hun. Massiv frost gav problemer Topdanmark modtog i 2021 usædvanligt mange henvendelser om frostsprængte vandrør. Typisk er det sommerhusene, der bliver hårdest ramt af frosten, men på grund af meget hårde frostnætter i vinteren sidste år fik kulden også bugt med vandrør i mange almindelige helårshuse. Er uheldet ude og sprænger et vandrør på grund af frost, fordi et tilfældigt svigt i varmeforsyningen har lukket for varmen, kan skaden være dækket af bygningens forsikring. “Men det forudsætter, at du har fulgt kravet om at have varme på,” siger Helene Ibsen. Hvis sommerhuset er lukket ned Hvert år vælger en del sommerhusejere at lukke ned for vinteren. Her skal man sikre sig, at der er slukket helt for vandet ude i brønden, og at rørene samtidig er helt tømte for vand. Det er dog svært helt at undgå, at der står vand i rørene, selvom man lader vandhanen stå åben, påpeger Topdanmarks boligchef. Derudover er det vigtigt at være opmærksom på eventuelle skader, når frosten udenfor på et tidspunkt forsvinder igen. ”Det kan være svært at opdage en frostskade, så længe det fryser. Hold derfor øje med vandmåleren, når det bliver lunere. Stiger den pludseligt, er det oftest et tegn på et frostsprængt rør,” siger Helene Ibsen. Det kolde vintervejr forventes ifølge DMI at fortsætte de kommende dage. Sådan forebygger du frostsprængninger i dit sommerhus Sørg for, at huset er tilstrækkeligt opvarmet, så alle rør holdes frostfrie – også dem, der løber i skunkrum, på loftet osv. Luk for vandet ved hovedhanen og tøm alle vandrør Sørg for at frostsikre toilettet og kom frostvæske i alle afløb Aflås målerbrønden, hvis det er muligt, så stophanen ikke kan åbnes Tøm din vaske- og opvaskemaskine for vand Risikoen for frostsprængninger er størst, når Der er hård frost Vandet i rørene står stille Rørene på loftet ikke er isolerede Rørene ligger i et rum, der ikke er isoleret
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lou-bonfightme · 4 years
🍁 Lou - Do you wish any of the relationships you've been in haven't happened
“I certainly regret how things ended in certain situations, but no. Relationships help us to grow.”
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Honest answer is obviously, lol. He hates letting people down and being vulnerable with people so the fact there are people out in the world who know deeply personal things about him that they could use against him unsettles him...a lot lmao. 
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🍁 Nemo - Is there anything that would end Tiny Dancer's friendship?
ROUGH why would u-- 
The only thing is Ashlee being outright cruel to his other friends but...especially, specifically, Finn. Right now she was just kind of complicit in the bullying so he’s able to kind of keep the Finn and Ashlee places in his heart separate enough so they can co-exist. But if she did something cruel after all the bullying Finn faced, yeah, he’d have a really tough time forgiving her for it. 
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eveningstxr · 4 years
Trial Run || Pettie
Punctuality had never been Lottie’s strong-suit. Instead, she was easily-distracted, her attention being pulled in several different directions at a time. What shoes should she pair with her outfit? Who just sent her a text? What was the name of that new little brunch spot in town? Maybe she should give it a quick Google...
And before she knew it, she’d be more than fifteen minutes late for an appointment, or class, or anything else she had on her agenda.
Knowing herself as she did, Lottie made a herculean effort to not screw up her interview at Pixies. Seriously. She even laid out her outfit the night before so she was sure she wouldn’t get caught up on some little, meaningless detail. And to her, that was a big deal.
Thankfully, it paid off. Lottie tried to quell her sense of pride as she found herself arriving five minutes before her 2 PM interview, but she had to admit — she was a little excited about it. Maybe she was turning over a new leaf after all.
Stepping inside, the blonde hesitated in the entryway, eyeing the place in hopes of spotting Peri. 
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If there's one thing that's always amazed me about your writing its your voice. Everyone is so unique their speech and their action. Each one is so utterly brilliant and I'm so hella enjoying flirting with two of them right now. Also you don't know how much it meant when you reached out about Peri I appreciate it so much and love your writing and you dearly!!!
Ashley, c’mere I MUST HUG YOU. 
First of all, I love all your babes. They all have their own deal and they’re all WONDERFUL and I’ve honestly just grown to love the bunch of ‘em. Peri deserves the world *bangs fists* Done it is final. I will flirt. 
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labellerose-acheron · 5 years
must i? I must. Siren
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MUST YOU?!?!?!!?!?!
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notmuchofatail · 4 years
Roscoe & Sarina ALSO Ros/Rita/Sarina ;)
They both give literally zero fucks - they both are into drugs, sex and rock n’roll (or you know, the general idea/lifestyle). I feel like their relationship would be loose anyways, but yanno. Still counts. 
Honestly? It’d be the magic thing. Roscoe’s kind of... yanno awful. He wouldn’t actually feel comfortable dating a magick. 
They’d all have a lot of sex together. That’d probably be about the only thing that would work with all three of them. 
Rita would literally kill Sarina probs a week into it. That’s it. That’s the reason. 
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Are there any characters yours really want to interact with, or any you want them to interact with?
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miguelxrivera-blog · 6 years
Out and About || Peri & Miguel
It was a regular, good old day. It was a weekend and, well, the semester was pretty much over. Thankfully, Miguel was able to stay in Swynlake during the summer holiday, even if he had managed to arrange a visit to Mexico in about a month.
Anyway, he had been doing his best to practice guitar now that he had time to do it and, because of that, he forgot to go out for groceries. See, his mother had sent him an electric grill for his dorm room. He wasn’t sure if they were allowed so it was kept under wraps when it arrived. Now, he was able to cook up acceptable meals that weren’t noodle soup.
The college student was at the grocery store, staring in disgust at the fact that genuine tortillas were being sold in a plastic bag (What the heck?) and at a very expensive price. It got worse when he saw how much chorizo was worth (Imported, my ass.).
Miguel’s food-related depression came to an end when he noticed a familiar figure nearby. He most certainly hadn’t seen Peri for weeks, ever since she announced her intention to look for her mother. He hoped it’d gone well, of course.
“Peri?” he called out, walking over to the female, hoping he wasn’t confusing her for someone else, of course.
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featheredxdiablo · 7 years
Tattooer Disaster || Peri & Diablo
Diablo had started doing preparations, as he was excited to be more human again. He still didn’t know how much logner he’d have, but deep in his head he loved to fantasize over the fact that he might just have enough time to get a proper job and an apartment, and start living a normal life.
During one of his totally human walks, Diablo came upon the local tattoo place, and looked at the sign for a little bit. Once, in a festival, he’d gotten a nice henna tattoo from the individual who ran the place, but he wondered if he was maybe ready for the real thing. It would look pretty cool, and make him even more attractive than he already was.
So, he decided to walk in! The place seemed nice, but there was nobody around when he was there. He was wearing one of Barrell’s larger sweatshirts so he was not bare-chested, as well as his usual black shorts underneath and a pair of old shoes. 
“Hello?” he called out loud, looking at the tattoo samples on the wall in front of him as he waited for anyone to come out to give him service.
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b0nehead · 7 years
Territory || KillerDamsel
All week Barrell had been hyped up over his new shoulder piece. But now that he was actually in the chair, the machine digging at his skin, he suddenly felt ill. The last time he’d sat in this building his eyes had been on his artist instead of the tiled floor like they were now. --- He could easily recall the way they sat across from each other, tucked in the corner near the shop’s window. Every so often he would try to pull his gaze away but in a matter of seconds they slid back to her. Finding her expressions more amusing than anything he could see out on the street.
Looking back on it, what he did was for the best. ( For him at least. ) But that didn’t make the air feel any less thick. This place was her territory, not his.
“ Let’s take a breather, yeah ?? “ His artist must have noticed Barrell’s discomfort && mistaken it for pain; offering the blonde a smile before venturing off toward the bathroom.
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lou-bonfightme · 4 years
🍁 Candace - Opinions on the Ashleys
“I think they’re all beautiful and smart! It’s so cool that they’ve all been friends for such a long time too, definitely something to admire.”
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🍁 Arthur - How does Arthur feel about the returning knights and the people he has in front of him?
I can’t answer this one IC cause he doesn’t know how to express himself with that well. But the truth of it is it’s mixed emotions but very like...he’s very happy because the knights were like his family before and now it’s like that found family thing. He was lonely before they returned and now he doesn’t have that feeling. He feels like he’s got family again and that feels good, but there’s also that guilt like...it’s not really the knights and sort of reconciling with them being knights but not being you know. It’s a weird place to be in. 
But he’s grateful they’re here. He just needs to adjust to the differences and the different energy. But he thinks of them as his found family now and forever probably. They’re the knights.
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truitt-story · 4 years
🍁 Aquata - Does Q ever dream of leaving Swynlake?
Now that I’m obviously never going to be in the Olympics, no. That was the one big dream I had but it’s never going to happen, so I might as well accept it. Anything else I could do outside of Swynlake is less important than our family staying together. And there’s a lot I can accomplish from here. I don’t need to be famous or whatever, unlike some people in this family.
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