helozinha-art · 4 years
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FrUK Week 2018, 2019 and 2020
Well... We’ve got a glow up~
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anneimator · 5 years
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I couldn’t resist sneaking in a little FrUK week piece between my other projects 🤫
FrUK Week day 1: Magic AU! You know I have to draw my fav canon au bae for that ahahah
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alyna-cherry · 5 years
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Frukweek2019 : Day 1 ‘Quirks’ @frukweek
YOOOO im late af. But here it is.
Arthur’s quirk is Weather Manipulation. He is born with a cloud just above his head which changes according to his emotions. 
Francis’ one is Rose Growth. He can grow roses and thorns around his body using his blood as energy. He needs a lot of water and sun, like a flower haha.
Sorry it’s late here, i’m too lazy to write a full description.
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ifindus · 5 years
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Second day of FrUK Week, FACE family! I just really wanted to do this snapchat thing and this seemed like a good excuse
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cloversreblogs · 5 years
FrUKweek2019 day 5 angels and demons
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Since the prompt is angels and demons I HAD to do a good omens au for these old men. But since the ineffable husbands version of the au is so common I decided to do something different and do ineffable bureaucracy.Francis as Gabriel because they’re both smug af and Arthur as Beelzebub because they are both gremlins
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saphsilver · 5 years
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Day 5: Nyotalia/ Angels and Demons AU
Nyotalia Good Omens Ineffable Wives AU
“My point is... DOLPHINS!!!”
I would’ve published this on time, but I ended up getting free VIP tickets to a Slipknot concert and hanging out with their DJ who I got some weed from. Guy Fieri was there too, it was a really wild night LMAO. Anyway, here are Nyo!France as Aziraphale and Nyo!England as Crowley.
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childofthemoon86 · 5 years
FrUk Week Day 5: Angels and Demons AU
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What better Angel and Demon pair is there than Good Omens’ Crowley and Aziraphale? So here’s a Good Omens x Hetalia crossover!
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pandorica0011 · 5 years
Long Live The Queen 
Word Count: 713
Notes: It has come to my attention that I accidentally deleted this story, so here it is again lol. I’m sorry for the inconvenience. 
Francis snuck past the heavy castle doors, through the courtyard, to the village just beyond. Freedom at last. He wiped away the beads of sweat that clung to his forehead. The square was more beautiful than he remembered; the shining sun, merchant stands and busy villagers. Oh, how he missed this. The steady hum of chatter made it feel as though no time had passed at all since he became prince. He was still just Francis. 
Out of the corner of his eye, Francis spotted a figure squeezing past a group of children. He moved swiftly, Francis just barely made out a pair of vibrant green eyes peeking out from under the tattered hood before he turned the corner and Francis lost sight of him. 
Before he could even think to follow, a boy bumped into him, falling to the ground before him. Francis reached out to give him a hand. “Are you alright?" 
The boy nodded sheepishly, taking his hand and brushing himself off. "Yes. I’m sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going." 
"No harm done.” Francis replied with a smile. 
The boy couldn’t have been older than 12, with blond hair, a pair of shockingly thick eyebrows, and youthful blue eyes. He wore a slightly frayed light blue shirt that hung awkwardly off his shoulders and a loose pair of shorts, but no shoes. He returned the smile and reached his hand out. “I’m Peter." 
Francis shook his hand. "Francis." 
Peter’s eyes lit up in recognition. "Wait, aren’t you Prince Francis? 
"Euh..” of course, he should have known someone would recognize him right away. It wasn’t like was trying all that hard to hide either. “Yes, I am." 
Peter gasped. "Whoa, that’s amazing! Have you met your Queen yet? It’s going to be someone from here in Spades, right? Mum’s been talking about it ever since you became prince. She’s hoping it’ll help our kingdoms unite and strengthen them.” The boy talked animatedly, gesticulating every few seconds. 
“I don’t know much about the Queen either at the moment. She still hasn’t been found." 
"Oh. That’s a shame. Maybe she’s scared.” Peter suggested. 
“Scared? Why would that be?" 
"I dunno. Maybe she doesn’t want to be Queen. I know sometimes, mum will make me wash the dishes and I don’t want to. They’re so wet and dirty with gross old food on them." 
Francis chuckled. Peter sure was something. "That could be." 
Peter’s mouth parted into another goofy smile, then he raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Oh, so what are you doing out here? Don’t you have to be in the castle?" 
"Yes, but I decided I needed a break. Being a prince isn’t always fun." 
Peter nodded vigorously in understanding. "Yeah, being a kid isn’t always fun either. You get all the responsibility, but none of the fun sometimes." 
Just then, the figure from before returned, coming up to stand behind Peter. He was smaller and thinner than Francis had originally thought. The stranger pulled down the hood to expose what looked to be an older version of Peter, except this one had those striking green eyes and wore a scowl on his face. "Peter, what did mum tell you about talking to strangers?" 
"But this isn’t a stranger. It’s Prince Francis." 
The older boy spared Francis a glance and immediately blanched. "I see. Well, say goodbye to the prince, Peter. We have to go. Mum will throw a fit if we’re gone too long." 
"But Arthur!” He visibly cringed when Peter used his name. “We were talking!" 
"You can talk again some other time. We have to go now." 
"No, let go!” Peter tugged at Arthur’s cloak, exposing a loose hanging shirt like his. He swiped at the shirt and pulled it down, making Francis gasp. 
There, on Arthur’s chest, right over his heart, was the symbol of the Queen of Spades. He hastily pulled his shirt back up over the mark, letting go of Peter. He shot Francis a terrified glance before breaking out into a run and disappearing as quickly as he had come.
A group of villagers had amassed around the three and a murmuring broke out in the crowd. The new Queen of Spades had been found. And she wasn’t a “she” at all. 
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frukgeneral · 5 years
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It’s still the 21st somewhere else in the world, so I am not late! 
Here’s Day 1 for frukweek! Aphrodite and Warlock are a Pro Hero married couple that reside and patrol in Northern Europe, primarily England and France. They have their own Hero Agency and take in interns from time to time, whether they’re local or international hero course students. 
Although their quirks are very powerful, like all quirks, they have limitations. Aphrodite ends up drained and needs his beauty sleep if he overuses his quirk. As for Warlock, his muscles ache and he feels heavy, like something is sitting on him and crushing him, if he overuses his quirk (the effects of screwing around with gravity, woops. His quirk is...like the opposite of Ochako Uraraka’s Zero Gravity now that I think about it.) 
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I had to include Izuku geeking out. And well, he and Shouto are always on the same shit, so he’s there, too lmfao. Watch me slip tododeku anywhere and everywhere woop. They are in a foreign exchange program with the Royal Hero Academy in England and are out patrolling when Aphrodite and Warlock make it to the scene of a crime and they take care of it in less than a minute. Once done, Izuku comes up to them and starts nerding out, but Aphrodite thinks he’s adorable if a little intimidating from how much he mutters. He remembers when he and Warlock started out as Pros and looks at this young couple of heroes in training and can’t help feel nostalgic. Meanwhile, Warlock is making sure this child doesn’t combust, that could be really bad. 
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frukweek · 5 years
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Banner created by @littleartsymely!
Mark your calendars!!!
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potatoinperil · 5 years
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Ehhh i tried😆
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marionetterabbit · 5 years
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Day 1: Magic/Fantasy
this is so late cuz I spent too much time on it but listen I can't not draw nyo england like her design is just already so witchy lmao
but anyways yea here it's is :'^)))
( @frukweek uwu)
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ravenspaintedwhite · 5 years
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FrUK Day 1: Quirks/Superpowers
While Arthur considers himself to be a causal do-gooder, Francis has taken up the mantel of full on Superhero. The two team up quite often as Francis nags Arthur to accompany him on calls
Arthur Kirkland: Quirk = God Save the Queen (Arthur is able to create temporary hallucinations, both auditory and visual, by saying the name of his quirk. They can only last around two minutes, and are limited to whoever is within ten meters of him when he activates the quirk)
Francis Bonnefoy: Quirk = Viva la Révolution
(By drawing his own blood via his saber, Francis is able to grow sentient rose bushes out of whatever his blood touches. This includes inanimate objects and living things. The rose bushes obey his command and have the ability to move around as instructed. His quirk lasts until he stops bleeding, whether by his own doing or if he runs out)
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ifindus · 5 years
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First day of FrUK Week!! I ran with the prompt Magic or Fantasy AU
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kiwisbocetos · 5 years
I did a little something from an au i'm planning! Arthur has a cloud forever over his head which always rains and Francis has roses growing on his head! They like walking together because it's very refreshing for Francis and Arthur is quite happy that he appreciates his rain!
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saphsilver · 5 years
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FrUK Week Day 1: Magic
FrUK Witch of the Woods AU for @frukweek
Das Waldmägdelein streckte die Hand nach ihm aus Und zog ihn hinein in ihr felsiges Haus. Dem Burschen die Sinne vergangen fast sind So liebt und so küsst gar kein irdisches Kind.
The maid of the woods stretched her hand to him And pulled him into her rocky home. The boy nearly lost all his sense And so she loved him and kissed him as no earthly child.
Based on Vilja Lied where Francis is a hunter from a regular human village. He gets lost in the woods one day and runs into a mysterious person who helps him find his way back. The person leads him to a certain point and disappears into the mist. Francis returns home and tells his fellow villagers what happened.
“That was the Witch of the Woods, stay away from her,” the villagers tell him. “Twenty years ago, she spirited away one of our hunters. They say she haunts the woods looking for more victims to this very day!” However, Francis doesn’t quite believe that’s true. 
After some persistent efforts with the stubborn Witch, Francis tracks them down. It turns out the Witch isn’t a ‘she.’ In fact, the Witch turns out to be a young man named named Arthur. After befriending Arthur, the hunter somehow “forgets” how to navigate the woods and ends up at a certain stone cottage every day. 
Francis somehow can’t get enough of his new friend and begins to understand why the hunter from twenty years ago never returned.
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