#ft. azra
renmaniwan · 1 year
location: griggs general
featuring: @azranadir​
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After he’s done getting questioned by the cops, he heads over to the bakery to get some fresh cupcakes before he heads over to the hospital. Does Azra even like cupcakes? He hopes so. He’s not sure if he’s even allowed to visit now, or if she even wants people to visit her at the moment, but he takes his chances. When he walks into the hospital room, he sees her brother, who asks him who he is, and it’s a little intimidating, but understandable. Her brother eventually leaves them alone and exits the room, leaving him and Azra alone. He clears his throat and closer to the hospital bed. “Hi, Azra... I got cupcakes.” He shows her the box. “How are you feeling?”
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aslannadir · 1 year
location: griggs general
featuring: @azranadir​
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When news got to him that Azra was severely hurt, it was like time stood still for Aslan. Suddenly, he barely remembers details from that night. Suddenly, he was in the ambulance with the paramedics, and they were telling him that she’s still alive but in real bad shape. He remembers yelling at the paramedics to make sure she stays alive or he’ll be suing the entire hospital. He doesn’t know how many hours went before the doctor informed him that she’ll be fine and is receiving treatment. It was then when Aslan broke down, a scary emotion, one he’s never felt before, washing over him and shaking him to his core—that the killers had targeted his sister, that she had been the next intended victim, that there was a sick possibility that he would be standing here to the doctors telling him that she’s gone, that he almost lost her. He hasn’t slept since it all happened, and has stayed in the hospital room with her, wanting to be there when she wakes up. After that, he had went to her apartment to get her everything she needs, rushing to come back to the hospital with everything she asked for, anxious over the idea of not being in that room with her, although he knows she had friends coming in and out, friends he texted to make sure she was alright while he was at her apartment. “I got you everything you needed,” he says, placing the bag on one of the empty chairs and reaching to press a kiss to her forehead. “You look like a mess, Az,” he says, smiling tiredly at her. He wanted some semblance of normalcy, and that meant bantering with her, even though nothing about the situation they’re in is normal, but goddamn it, he’s so grateful that she’s alive and awake.
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jawbrkrs · 2 years
closed for @lykkexliten
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It  had  been  months  since  the  two  of  them  had  finally  taken  that  step.  they  were  already  attached  to  the  hip  before,  except  now  there  was  a  new  element.  he  found  it  hard  to  keep  his  hands  to  himself whenever he was around her,  and  now  was  no  different.  his  hand  raked  up  her  sides,  placing  his  chin  on  her  shoulder  from  behind.  "  if  you  get  any  better  at  this  painting  thing,  you'll  be  taking  over  my  studio  soon.  "  placing  his  hand  over  hers,  to  guide  the  brush  for  a  few  strokes.  when  she  didn't  laugh  back,  he  knew  something  was  off.  "  hey —  you  okay?  "  she  seemed  lost  in  her  thoughts,  hooking  his  head  to  look  at  her  for  a  moment.
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balvares · 1 year
                            𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑   [ ... ]  @azranadir​ .
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“What’s it going to take for you to join at least one of my classes?” Bianca questioned, grin on her face as she stole a seat beside Azra. “There’s two spots opening and I’m already going to force Fey to take one. You should take the other. It’d be so much fun, I promise.”
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moonglowmagic · 1 year
Where: Their apartment
With: @moonsongchorus (Azra)
“I know they said moving here was our only option, but I’m staring to think that maybe we risk it on the outside.” Safiye said with a sigh as she plopped down on the couch next to her sister. Looking over at her as she pressed her lips together in a tight expression. “I think this town was a mistake. It’s filled with too many ghosts, literally, and it’s not even that safe.” She pointed out to Azra. Since they’d left Safiye had barely slept and instead just spent her nights watching over her sister and making sure that she was okay. “Also if Rex is telling you it was a good idea and it’s great here tell him to shut the fuck up. I don’t want to hear it from him today.” 
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cantfightmoonlight · 1 year
"Oh for the love of god," Bri muttered under her breath, glancing back towards the ghost who was clearly checking the two girls out as they downward dogged. "Now I have to fend off unwanted advances from the dead too?" She mumbled to herself, letting out a sigh of relief as their instructor said 'namaste' ending the class. "Well," She turned towards the girl beside her as she tried to distract herself from the lingering ghost. "That class was something huh?"
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status: closed
pairing: azra & victor
with: @hedonistiics
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the club wasn't exactly packed that night. azra wasn't sure why and she wasn't too sure she cared. she was tucked away in the dressing room with a sketch pad. after all she was working a double so she was allowed a break. plus she had ordered some loaded fries from a restaurant nearby and she intended on enjoying them. yet she had heard the whispers and one of the bar tenders was complaining about having to serve a scary looking customer. something that set azra's teeth on edge having to listen to. she merely rolled her eyes as the girls continued to talking before throwing the sketch pad onto the counter," for god's sake! i'll take care of him!" she would sometimes sneak behind the bar once in a while so she knew how to pour a damn drink. plus most of the men? all they wanted was a basic beer. she made her way out to the main floor to spot the man that everyone was scared of. she had seen him once or twice, had never given him a dance but she knew why the girls were nervous. it was due to the cut that he wore that showed he was a member of the local motorcycle club. she sighed before she made her way behind the bar and went to stand right in front of him," i don't know if you are aware of this but," she paused," that um, resting bitch face you are rocking is scaring the hell out of the girls who normally work the bar so you got stuck with me."
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azolman · 5 months
EQUIPE 4: @evewintrs, @rxckbellz, @christiebae ft. @silencehq
"Bem... eu imagino que seja aqui." A mulher falou, seus olhos indo até a grande estrutura, um tanto quanto irônica. Após pensar um pouco, mais sozinha do que exatamente em conjunto, Azra chegou a conclusão e existiriam apenas dois lugares no parque que poderiam servir como um templo: O túnel do amor e a casa assombrada. Talvez pelo estilo da deusa em questão, a segunda opção fazia mais sentido, mas não apenas isso. Em sua visão que teve anteriormente, os flashes dourados eram predominantes, mas conseguiu distinguir um detalhe ou outro que descartava o túnel do amor. "Fiquem atentos a qualquer outro ataque. Não sabemos se algo mais nos espera e quando o grifo irá retornar." Avisou, já caminhando até a porta.
O ranger típico de uma casa abandonada fez com que Azra revirasse os olhos. Em um parque normal, aquele tipo de atração era completamente sem graça para a própria filha de Thanatos, acostumada com fantasmas de verdade lhe rondando. Entretanto ali, diferente de outros parques, a casa contava com apenas um cômodo e nada mais. Na mesma hora um pensamento pairou. "Procurem por algum tipo de passagem secreta. Feitiços. alavancas, pedras em falso, qualquer coisa que ativem o resto de nosso caminho." Ela mesma já foi logo para a parede da esquerda, vendo alguns símbolos empoeirados mas nada relevante. Ainda achava que estavam no caminho certo, apenas precisavam descobrir a continuação.
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misfitxmagic · 1 month
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* 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐳𝐫𝐚 𝐳𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐮...
[ Ayça Ayşin Turan | she/her ] A new face takes refuge under Dark Skies. AZRA ZORLU, a 29 year old BANSHEE, is one of those from the PRESENT learning to navigate this changed world. People say behind their back that they’re UNSTABLE but the truth is that they’re really KIND HEARTED. Their style can best be described as BLUE OCEANS, PENDING TRAGEDIES, OLD OAK TREE, FRESH LINEN, and we’ll see how that helps them fit in.
𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐭:
*𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 *𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 *𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 *𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
nicknames: az, lu birthday: may 4th, 2000 born: turkey, ankara parents: davut & defne zorlu siblings: two older brothers moved to: new orleans, aged 14 occupation: forensic blood splatter analyst for nola pd eye colour: blue hair colour: brunette weight: 53kg height: 5 ft 4 inches tattoos: right ankle (here) + left wrist (here) piercings: many on her ears (here) + belly button scars: 7 to 8" diagonal tear across the back of her right shoulder
𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
born into a seemingly happy family, azra was the third and final child, the only girl and the apple of her father's eye.
from a young age it was clear to the zorlu's that azra was no ordinary girl. nightmares, sleepwalking, hearing and seeing things that nobody else could. luckily for her, the family was no stranger to what they considered an affliction. azra's grandmother was a banshee, and whilst the gene had skipped her mother, it was clear from a young age that it hadn't skipped her.
her "symptoms" were manageable until she hit her teenage years and required more help than phone calls from her grandmother could provide. with a lot of careful thought and consideration, the family uprooted from turkey and moved to new orleans { where grandmother lives }. her parents have since returned to their homeland three years ago, her two brothers chose to remain in the city with her.
worked in various bars while she completed her studies to qualify as a forensic scientist specialising in blood splatter. her placement was with nola pd who then hired her after she qualified. she's been working there full-time for 5 years. it's not the job people typically expect her to be in but she loves the morbidity of it. it feels fitting given her banshee status that her job is also surrounded by death.
azra has a good handle on her abilities as a banshee thanks to her grandmother's teachings but she isn't always in control. occasionally, she'll find herself standing in the middle of something awful with no idea how she got there. she still gets nightmares and visions she doesn't understand. she does her best not to let it show, keeping her supernatural label a secret to the best of her ability.
𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 & 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
on the outside, she can be described as sunsets, a cool breeze on a summer day or perhaps even a lone star in the night sky
she's kind and caring with a depth to her that stems from years of being haunted by death
looks like like a cinnamon roll, will bite you with her blunt human teeth to display dominance { that's a joke }
but for real, she won't allow anyone to walk all over her, despite looking like a petite sweetheart, she knows how to kick back
tends to enjoy the company of animals more than people but is still quite sociable despite this
has a fennec fox named tiki that she rescued as a baby 2 years ago. she's perfectly legal and due to being hand-reared, could not be released back into the wild
she does a lot for wildlife rescues, taking in and helping injured and abandoned creatures wherever she can
despite the fact her job can get nitty + gritty, she always makes sure she has a perfect manicure, a different colour every 2 weeks
will run in terror at the sight of clowns
likes to binge watch horror movies or scary series as if her real life doesn't have enough of that
obsessed with mint choc chip ice cream and british chocolate
{ will probably add to this as time goes on }
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azraflowers · 1 year
Choose Your Own Adventure Starter! Who: Azra & Open @lunarcovestarters
Option 1 Where: Just In Bloom (Flower-Crown Making Brunch)
Azra stood just outside the shop, hands folded up into the sleeves of her sweater and hugging herself as she contemplated whether or not to go inside. On the surface, it sounded like a nice event: flowers in every direction, drinks flowing, and a good way to make friends with her new neighbors and be more social around town. On the other hand, for someone who could telepathically communicate with plants, it felt a lot like walking into a cemetery. There were the potted plants, who she could communicate with, their root systems keeping them alive--though she could tell a few were thirsty. And then there the dead ones. Lots and lots of dead flowers. Dead flowers arranged on bouquets. Dead flowers being braided together for flower-crowns. Azra had grown up working in a florist's shop, and the growing part had always been incredible; the next part--the cutting and stemming and arranging--she had always done while holding back tears. She reached out for the door, about to grab it this time, bit her lip, and stood back. The ghost next to her, an older woman in a large brim hat, shook her head solemnly. "This is getting embarrassing, Honey," she said. "Shhh," Azra hissed back, trying to talk through the corner of her mouth so no one would notice her talking to seemingly thin air. Unfortunately, a living person walked by just in time, walking through the old lady, and so it seemed as if Azra was shhing them instead.
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Option 2 (ft. Mateo) Where: The Ghost Bros Extravagant Tour of All Things Haunting & Otherwordly
Azra followed along with the group, watching with amusement as the two very enthusiastic men pointed to different buildings and talked in loud voices about ghosts that weren't actually there. She probably should have taken a job on The Seen it Route--she could have done a more accurate job of this tour at the very least-- but she wasn't quite sure if she was ready to advertise that particular power of hers--even in a town that seemed to embrace all things odd and magical and mysterious. She bit back a giggle as one of the guides--Mateo--suggested that one of the garbage bins might be haunted because he had seen it move. "Now it is," said her very-dead husband, sitting on the top of the garbage can. Azra bit her lip harder, barely keeping down the laugh this time, and gestured for him to get down. He did, walking through the werewolf, who shuddered visibly. "I just felt a cold spot, Bro," he exclaimed. This time, Azra did start laughing. "Sorry," she whispered, putting a hand over her mouth, and tried to turn the laugh into a cough. To the person in the tour group beside her, she said, "Something in my throat. This--" She gestured at the trash can. "This is a fascinating tour isn't it?"
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renmaniwan · 1 year
location: azra's place
featuring: @azranadir
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Not a single moment of the engagement party was good. It had started off with a fight with Azra and him subsequently walking away from her (again) to it drastically escalating to Levi's death, Mei's injury, and Adee's capture. In between dealing with his own mind, that was reeling from it all, to work and visiting Mei regularly, he hadn't seen or heard from Azra since then. Honestly, Ren wouldn't say he was surprised she hadn't reached out, because, well, Azra never striked him as the type, especially that during the weird ups and downs they've had, she never did. To top it all, despite telling him she had a crush, she had went ahead and pushed him away again, solidifying that they're still doing this push and pull. Yet, he finds himself standing at her door. Why, he has no idea. It makes him feel a little ridiculous. But there was something about Azra that had him coming back every time. He hates that they haven't been talking, even though it would probably be better for the both of them if they stayed away from each other, but after everything that's happened, the last thing he wants is to be away from her.
There's a lot he wanted to say at the engagement party that he didn't. He had only partially said his piece, and being in the middle of a crowded venue and with Azra drunk and fiery and clearly acting on every emotion there is didn't help Ren at all, and he had opted to do as she wanted and leave. He still has no idea what had been going on between them and what could've come from it, and he's not sure what's going to happen right now after she opens the door, but what he knows is this: he cares about her way too much and she's in his head too much and he doesn't want to lose her, too. Before all of this, she had been a good friend, too. When she opens the door, he looks at her quietly. "It's not for the best," he says, even before greeting her, referencing what she had said at the engagement party at the end of their argument. It's something he would've said back then, too, if he wasn't so overwhelmed and didn't feel rejected and pushed away.
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aslannadir · 1 year
WHO & WHERE: @azranadir​ / aslan’s place
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“Az, you need to help your favorite brother out,” he begins, moving to sit next to her. “There’s this girl who’s obsessed with me. She says she knows you? Her name’s, uh, Jenny? Jennifer? Maybe Jasmine... No, I think it’s Jessica. Anyway, I’m trying to avoid her and if she asks you about me, say I disappeared or that I left town. Whatever works.”
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aussie-kittenart · 2 years
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Let's watch the stars together~! | [YCH Com]
YCH com for MeinosBelfort ft. Azra! ☕️Get monthly art/ furrybases: https://ko-fi.com/aussiekitten ⭐️Find me here too: https://aussiekitten.carrd.co 💬Join our community: https://discord.gg/abmKHfM 🎁 Gift Aussie: https://throne.me/aussiekitten
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kurocookieemi · 7 months
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i drew Azra as one of my favorite SynthV songs, Aura by Ghost And Pals ft. Solaria! i feel like this song fits her really well, and after seeing a fanart of Candle from Inanimate Insanity Invitational (my main inspiration for Azra) as the character in that song, that opinion strengthened. go listen to the song, it’s so good :D
Azra Demirci belongs to me
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moonglowmagic · 1 year
Where: Their house
Who: @moonsongchorus (Azra)
"Hey it's okay." Cooing to her sister as she pulled her in for a tight hug. After everything that had happened making sure her sister was okay was her main priority right now, she'd do anything she could to help her. Which is why she'd made her favorite foods and got her favorite pillow and blankets. "Is there anything else I can get you?" She asked like a hovering mother, which honestly she was being one right now but didn't care. "You know if you need to talk I'm here for you, Azra. Forever and Always. I'm not going anywhere."
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Hi! I just wanted to ask if your main character had a theme song or piece of music, what would it be and why? 💛
Hi, @conkers-theficwriter! Thanks for the Ask!
This is such a lovely question! Especially since I adore making character playlists for my WIP! For the sake of this answer, I'll only consider the main POV characters (who are the protagonists of their parts of the story, since this novel has a Multiple POV outlook) from The Last Wrath!
RAELEN ASHIREN (theme song) - Dance with Fire by Karliene and Sing of Manetheren by Wheel of Time (cover by Gustavo Steiner)
ELLINOR DALLANTES (theme song) - Noble Blood by Tomme Proffit ft Fleurie and Queen of The Kings by Alessandra
JULYAN ASHIREN (theme song) - Lightbringer by 2WEI ft Ali Christenhusz and Just a Man by Epic The Musical
DARIAN CAELESTIS (theme song) - Speechless (Aladdin Live Action Soundtrack) male cover by Caleb Hyles
JAMIE TELLIAN (theme song) - Protector by City Wolf and Open Arms by Epic the Musical
LUCIYA ANYNTH (theme song) - Over the Hills and Far Away cover by Hurdy Gurdy
And that's it for the main characters!
But since I love sharing my character playlist for this WIP, here are the (updated) songs for the supporting cast as well!
INNARA RENFELLI (theme song) - Touch the Sky - Merida (dark cover by Lydia the Bard) and Reflection - Mulan (cover by Anna Pantsu)
ORYON ZYNDOR (theme song) - Drown with Me by Falconshield
ANSELL KALLIK (theme song) - Higher Ground by Rasmussen
LORD NETHEN FAHRIS (theme song) - Hell to Your Doorstep by The Count of Monte Cristo Musical and All the Magic by Karliene
NYX FAESTORM (theme song) - Song of the Seven by Joey Batey (The Witcher Soundtrack)
KADEN RIHDEL (theme song) - Thus Always to Tyrants by The Oh Hellos and The Bard Song by The Blind Guardian
SYBIL RIHDEL (theme song) - Savage Daughter by Sarah Hester
SEIRA NIVAINE (theme song) - Broken Crown by Mumford and Sons and Just Around the Riverbend by Brittany J Smith
AZRA MOORSWORTH (theme song) - Dragon by Built By Titan
HELIOS MAEVEL (theme song) - Goodbye by Bo Burnham and Amen by Frankenstein the Musical
TANWIN LYRANDETH (theme song) - Heart of The Night by Divide Music and Perfect by Miracle of Sound
EMRYC THORNE (theme song) - Everybody Loves Me by One Republic
VALLERIUS ZYNDROSAR (theme song) - The Horror and The Wild by The Amazing Devil
MORWAN DESTRIN (theme song) - Kings of the Sea by Karliene and Calling by The Amazing Devil
NADDINE AHMIRAH (theme song) - Grace O'Malley by Kinnia and Wild Uncharted Waters cover by Anna Pantsu
BRYN SEPERI (theme song) - Psychosis by Michel Dae
CASSANDER FYNN (theme song) - The Halfman's Song by Miracle of Sound
PEREGRINE DUSKEBLOM (theme song) - The World We Made by Ruelle and Alone by Cami-Cat
ISOLDE KIERAH (theme song) - Loyal, Brave, and True by Christina Aguilera
ARAMMIS DOHRFAREN (theme song) - Dance to The Day by Prince of Egypt The Musical
YUNA THYREN (theme song) - Mary Read by Karliene
FABIAN ANYNTH (theme song) - Dynasty by MIIA and Hero by Jeff Williams ft Caleb Hyles
ZEPHYR TELLIAN (theme song) - Monster by Frozen The Musical and Which Witch By Florence+The Machine
MYRAH FARON (theme song) - Dear Fellow Traveler by Sea Wolf and On My Father's Wings cover by Brittany J Smith
GENERAL TRYSTAN GRAYSPEAR (theme song) - Woe to The People of Order by Cami-Cat and Ruthlessness by Epic the Musical
LUKAN VELTERIN (theme song) - Legends the Score and Coast of High Barbary by Topgallant Jack
ELAIN (theme song) - Teen Idle by Marina and The Diamonds and Heart Of Stone cover by Matt Bloyd
CIRIEN SEPERI (theme song) - Blow High, Blow Low by Karliene (Only imagine a gender-bent version of this song. In the original song, the character is female, but this character here is male. It's just that the lyrics match too well with his story otherwise!)
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