#ft. our miraculous posters help
quarterdollar · 4 months
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the current state of the one piece collection……
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beautyinflight · 4 years
That Little rascal. -the reveal.
(Ft, Manon ages 4, 8 and 15, and her Dolls)
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Manon looked up from her work to smile at the dolls she kept on her desk. Nearing 16 you might’ve thought it childish for her to enjoy the sight of them so much. Such irony in the handmade figures of Paris’ favourite super heros.
Made by the skillful Marinette when she was still just an amateur 14 year old seamstress, making her own clothes and dolls and hats from the comfort of her bedroom. How far she’d come. The Nette fashion label had come to best even that of Gabriel.
The irony went deeper still as that same girl was behind the heroine’s mask. Manon had accidentally discovered her secret when she detransformed infront of her (she didn’t care to admit it but her first reaction was to scream). It wasn’t her fault her babysitter was the coolest person to ever live in Paris!
She’d loved Ladybug and Chat Noir since they first appeared and had cherished the dolls Marinette gifted to her ever since she was 5. When she found out she was amongst the very few to know Ladybug’s identity she was over the moon, though it was very difficult she managed to keep it to herself. Well, for the most part..
You see she’d found herself to be quite the detective and being so young she got away with asking peculiar questions. Chat Noir didn’t know! Ladybug’s right hand, her partner and soulmate. And even though he claimed to have a girlfriend Manon firmly felt he belonged with Ladybug. So she set herself the challenge to finally set them up aged just 11.
She was given many good roles. For a few years she was incharge of giving out miraculous. But hawkmoth caught on and Alya was pissed. Manon knew Marinette was Ladybug before her bestfriend. A few others knew, the ice cream man, the mime, oh and that boy, what was his name again... Luka. Marinette dated him for a while but the model she had posted on her wall still plagued her mind.
Being at an age where she wasn’t in need of a babysitter much anymore (and Marinette dealing with a lot more than just school) Manon got creative and used the dolls as an excuse. They needed mending a lot. How convenient for our little detective. ;)
She’d also befriended Chat Noir being somewhat of an unofficial sidekick. It was when she first met Adrien again that she realised it. He’d instinctively reached to ruffle her hair. All that time he’d been on Marinette’s wall! Manon had seen just about every picture, poster, advert and angle. Yet it was this moment when it finally clicked and Manon’s jaw dropped and Adrien definitely noticed. His nervous laugh gave it away. So it was true. He was Chat Noir. Under her nose the whole time.
Her plan was to confront him and ask him to stop being beautiful so Marinette would be free to love her soulmate Chat Noir. ( She laughed at that everytime she remembered it) But here he was, both people! Clearly they were meant to be. Manon ran home right away to devise a plan, for which she would need the help of some allies.
With the help of André, Alya and a Miraculous holder or two she set up a blind date for Adrien and Marinette. She lured them in. Adrien with the threat of sharing his secret, Marinette by telling her she was finally going to tell Chat Noir her secret...
It was those circumstance that provided all that was needed for those two idiots to finally see it. Manon ran off and left them to it not really knowing the ins and outs and complicated parts.
It took two more years and a lot of falling out. Manon got a lot of backlash and even got herself akumatised. Now in the dark of what the heros were up to she only hoped it was all worth it.
All she knew from there on out was that after a time of chaos came the moment they’d all been waiting for. It was raining and just outside her window she saw him chase after her. They’d been with their friends but soon they were left alone. Their bestfriend’s knew and they did too. Manon had full view. Thunder clapped and they both got soaked, it made the kiss super romantic. Manon sighed in awe and closed her curtains with a smile. She’d gotten her wish.
Now as she was sat completing her application to intern at Alya’s publication, a flash of red flew past her window followed closely by a black blurr, her heros were off to save the day again.
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