#ftf: amelia
theprinceandthewitch · 6 months
Hollow Mind really did that thing where it like, presented itself as a "Luz and Hunter vs Philip" episode, but added in romantic subtext by paralleling Luz and Hunter with past lovers AND did a whole thing where Hunter and Luz find out they've been hurt by Philip's lies...
And they made sure it was only Luz and Hunter in Philip's mindscape ... a mindscape that features paintings where you can see Evelyn and Caleb... the two most important people from Philip's past...
... And they made Luz wear a jacket with a big ol "E" on it and they made Hunter wear Caleb's symbol on his cloak [which is the bird - symbol of Caleb's home town, Gravesfield.]... in an episode where Luz and Hunter are 2vs1ing Philip.
... Interesting, I'm sure that was just an oopsie teehee accident. [this is sarcasm btw]
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Skara deserved better. Even with how Disney fucked the show over, it feels like the show teased us with actual Skara development or cool moments and just left it all to rot. It’s like asking your parents for a PlayStation for Christmas, then explicitly telling you they’re getting you a PlayStation for Christmas, waking up on Christmas to open your PlayStation, open up a PlayStation box… and finding a massive brick inside. And a set of your parents divorce papers with the words “YOUR FAULT” written in bright red letters.
I wanted to see Skara with her Palisman. I wanted to see Skara be more then a semi-valley girl. But most importantly, I wanted Skara to leave Boscha and become friends with Willow. And I… sort of got that.
I saw Skara with a Palisman, but no reason for why it chose her or even a name for the little guy. I saw Skara say she’s a great strategist but the show never bothers showing her planning anything. And worse, she left Boscha and became friends with Willow, but the show never actually does anything with it. It’s never explained why she left Boscha, or why Willow not only forgave her but trusted her enough to let her on The Entrails. People say she had an ‘offscreen redemption arc’ but that’s not how character development works. And worse, that implies Skara actually had development instead of just being completely rewritten.
The worst of it was Future. After the thumbnail, I hoped that maybe she would have something cool to do. And when I saw that Boscha was gonna be a big part of the story, I thought we’d get some exploration of their relationship.
Instead, it was lies. Skara only exists to give exposition about New Hexside. Willow interacts more with Viney then she does Skara. Despite it being her former best friend, who the show has implied Skara knew was dangerous and too extreme throughout, Matt, not Skara, is the one to lead New Hexsides resistance. And worse, despite explicitly writing Boscha’s arc to be about her fear of loss and her obsession with reclaiming her past friendships, Amelia and Cat, two characters who hadn’t been named in the show until the second to last episode, are more important to her then Skara, a girl who, like Amity, was someone she hung around with for like, almost a decade, but seemingly lost to Willow. Skara unironically would have had more impact on the story if she had been taken by The Collector and made a puppet.
I get not giving her a whole spotlight episode, but then just keep her as Boscha’s lackey if you aren’t gonna do anything with her. Hell, if she stayed Boscha’s lackey then maybe you can use her to show how far Boscha’s fallen in FTF and let her be the one who gets Boscha to stop and realize she’s wrong, idk. The show kept writing like it wanted to expand Skara, even a little bit, but it all honestly felt worse then if they just kept her Boscha’s friend, cause at least then it be consistent.
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toh-thoughts · 2 years
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Skara deserved so, so much better, and I hate how the show dropped the ball on her.
I get it, she’s a minor character, the show getting screwed by Disney meant that they couldn’t put a bunch of time into her, I get it. But they randomly make her friends with Willow with no explanation. Not even a single line about how ‘Skara used to bully me, but she left Boscha’s thumb and became cool.’ Just… she’s now on the Entrails. And both she and Viney could have been removed from the team and nothing would have really changed aside from how many people play the sport. They just decide Skara’s Willow’s friend now, which I would have loved actually, if they actually explained even a lick of it, or even had them do anything together to show why Willow’s cool with her.
And then FTF just completely wastes her. Her (former?) best friend is ruling the school and has everyone under her thumb. She’s obsessing over three friends she lost, two from the apocalypse and one because she’s a bully. But she doesn’t try to get Skara back as a friend, or keep her on a tighter leash. She doesn’t even acknowledge Skara at all, as if them ever being friends was something the writers just sort of completely forgot about. If it was her who served as the guide in New Hexside, imagine how much more interesting the drama would be: you could have Skara call Boscha out instead of Amity, give her a genuine moment of pathos as Boscha comes to grips with how she pushes all her friends away. Instead we get a joke about how Matt’s stupid name is slightly less stupid then we thought. At that point, just make her a puppet with Cat and Amelia. Then Boscha might care about her.
Skara could have been so much more interesting and so much bigger then the adorable joke side character she was in season one, and the show gives itself chances to do so, but then it just throws it aside. Which sucks. Skara deserved better.
- Anonymous
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runemyth0 · 2 years
I forget who made it, but I read a post a while back about how the characters in the Owl House each show a particular relationship with stories and storytelling. Like Luz is the reader who gets into it, but recognizes when they go too far, while Belos is the reader who starts thinking the story is real life and acting on it. Or something, I don’t quite remember.
Anyways, the day I am writing this, the trailer for FTF came out and featured a neato detail that the Collector’s purpose is to, apparently, preserve and maintain living things. Keeping them in an endless stasis as his puppets.
I also noticed a part where Amelia and Cat were turned into puppets of the Collector, but they’re wearing grudgby pads. Which, yeah, they might have done the standard apocalypse plan of put on football pads and fight back, which backfired, but it seemed out of place since they’re in the middle of Bonesborough.
Which makes me wonder if the Collector is also among the interpretations I mentioned. A fan, literally a collector of blorbos, who takes the existing work and reinterprets the characters, turning them into mouthpieces for their own opinions or interpretations.
Amelia and Cat are in grudgby pads because they played grudgby in one episode and that’s their whole personality now. The Coven Heads move as one because the Collector never actually paid attention to their conflicting personalities; they’re just there to be a wall to protect his other favorites.
And, if I’m correct, the whole of the Isles only acts when the Collector wills it. If they aren’t part of the current adventure–as mains or as background filler–they might as well not exist. Just like a child playing with toys might act–the toys in the toybox don’t care they’re not being played with until they’re taken out of the box. And when you take them out, it’s time to play, so they have nothing to be upset about.
The Collector is the reader who cares more about the image of the characters they have in their head than what the character actually is.
Now, anyone who views a story creates an interpretation of a character in their head (especially fic writers, tbh), but I’m saying the Collector is the kind of viewer who will go out of his way to argue with others telling them they’re wrong.
If my calculations are correct, this should be going up a few hours before the episode airs. We’ll see what happens in a few hours from now... See you on the other side.
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Any headcannons on Boscha and her moms
Sure! A few of them, aye.
Boscha’s moms own a fitness and wellness company with dozens of gyms across the Isles. There they sell ‘Z-Force!!!,’ their own patented energy potions they claim can give consumers 24/7 energy without any crashes. It doesn’t matter that the effects are almost entirely placebo based, or that it causes both birth defects and pregnancy. So long as it keeps selling, both Boscha’s mom’s don’t care.
Speaking of not caring, Boscha’s moms have the opposite issue as the Blight parents: whereas they’re obsessed with controlling every aspect of their kids life, Boscha’s moms are hardly involved at all. They’re workaholics and barely see each other these days, let alone their kid. Boscha ends up only seeing them a few times a month if that, and being taken care of by a rotation of Nannie’s she sarcastically calls ‘mom.’
That’s why Boscha’s so obsessed with being popular at Hexside and being good at Grudgby; they’re the only places she feels people really pay attention to her.
Boscha’s Baby Classes were actually at Glandus, which is we’re a lot of her personality comes from. There was a lilac haired girl with sharp amber eyes and a nice smile that Boscha actually took a liking to. But when the day came for the Baby Classes to test whether they were ready to join the regular classes in witches duels, Boscha lost to her, hard. Even though she’s forgotten the girls name, she’ll never forget that toxic smirk and poison-purple hair…
Boscha doesn’t have many real friends. Cat and Amelia mostly hang out with Boscha cause of Grudgby, and as we know Amity and her weren’t really friends. Skara was the only one of her friends who liked Boscha for Boscha. At least, until Boscha’s bullying became too much for her, and she left her.
Everyone knew about Boscha’s obvious crush on Amity. Everyone. Skara, Cat, Amelia, Willow, Luz, and yes, Amity. Every student at Hexside had their suspicions. The only person unaware of Boscha’s crush on Amity… was Boscha.
Originally, Skara served as Boscha’s venting partner, someone she would go to to complain about her problems, Willow, homework, anything. Between Skara leaving her and The Day of Unity, that role was given to Maya, and eventually Kiki. Then after FTF, and the BI gets better, Boscha actually gets real therapy.
One day after everything with the Collector and New Hexside, Boscha goes into Bonesburough one day to buy an apology gift for Skara. When she’s there, she literally bumps into a girl in the market; one with bright amber eyes and pretty purple hair. But when she smiles at her, Boscha finally remembers the girl, and her name, and just how much Boscha wanted to take Bria out.
She means down!!!!
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hyperlexichypatia · 1 year
This is my final say on the matter, I will leave you and your ilk alone. But I’ve seen you and others accuse me of “deadnaming” certain individuals in the autism community. I have consistently called this person by her chosen name despite my appallment st her baseless callouts of groups such as AuTreat and destructive nature, etc. I didn’t even agree with AuTreat and their at the time I believed it was parent shaming and harboring numerous Pretenders and Make-Believers, self diagnosees such as Donna Williams who was one of the organizations founders and claimed to be an “ DID system” with an autistic “part”. But I was still against its destruction by this petulant asshole. And I still am calling her by her trans name despite the fact that she is not genuinely Asian and practically conjured a plausable sounding Asian name out of the blue when she was renaming herself as a trans woman. ( I have spoken to countless Japanese and Vietnamese and Filipines and they have never even heard of anyone named Kassiane suggesting it is a white transwoman’s fantasy. But I am still using the transracial name because I do not know what her former name was.)
Another anon told me it was disgusting to be “dead naming the dead.” I looked it up and the person with schizophrenia claiming to have severe ASD, who died in 2020, went by a slight alteration of her name and kept the same gender. Amelia and Amanda are both female names and Mel was just a shortening of her female name. It is not mis gendering to refer to someone by their former female name instead of their current female nickname I am sorry but that is just ridiculous. Unless she was an FtF (“”female to female”” trans person, a bullshit micro label on tumblr.) I know she used micro pronouns but again i am not calling a deeply dishonest person xe sie fae.
You know, I was fully prepared to ignore you and your ridiculous libelous bullshit, but imagine not being able to google a name. Imagine actually thinking "This traditional Greek name isn't Vietnamese" is some kind of gotcha. Just admit you hate disabled people and go home.
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queen-of-bel · 3 years
going down for water at 1 am hits different once you've played fears to fathom
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chavisory · 3 years
XF asks: 9, 31, 45 👽
9. The Lone Gunmen or Walter Skinner?
Skinner. I adore the Lone Gunmen, don't get me wrong, but...they're not hard or complicated characters to adore. The moral impossibility of the position Skinner is in, and how much he allows Mulder and Scully to mean to him anyway, and the ways he's both morally compromised and morally emboldened by how much he loves them, is just so much.
Also, just, "Hollywood A.D."
31. Favorite thing from FTF
I have all the same favorite shipper moments as everyone else from FTF--how deep and natural their camaraderie is in the federal building before the explosion, and the way she just walks into his arms in the hallway scene, etc. etc. But speaking of the Lone Gunmen and Skinner, I really like that FTF seems to represent the instigation of a friendship between Skinner and Frohike that we see little tiny flashes of throughout the rest of the show, and I would really like to have seen more of.
45. Why did you first start watching the X-Files?
I'm pretty sure I just randomly happened upon the pilot episode channel-surfing one night when I was 11, and since I was already hooked on Unsolved Mysteries and stuff like Amelia Earhart's disappearance, it was very in keeping with some of my preexisting interests, but turned to eleven.
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churchboicrane · 5 years
ftf; Bradley and Amelia
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“Mia! Hey. I need to tell you something. Don’t worry, it’s good news.” Bradley wasn’t going to mention Nate, he was having an amazing day and didn’t want to potentially upset Amelia or cause them to get into some argument. She was his best friend, a girl he considered his sister, and he wasn’t going to hide something as big as what happened with him and Logan from her.
He pulled her into an empty classroom, shut the door behind them, and pulled out his dab pen. The room was empty during this period and the dab pen usually smelled like cotton candy so there was never an issue. “I’m on this amazing high. Not even from the weed I did that after.” Bradley still hadn’t told Amelia what happened, and he probably appeared as if he’d just ran a mile. He was speaking fast, taking soft breaths after a few words, and moving at a very fast pace.
“You look good by the wa-” Bradley saw the look on Amelia’s face that signaled he needed to get along with what he was talking about. “I was speaking with Logan about something that happened to him in his science class. We were talking and I had this rush of confidence to say..” Bradley at this last point was playing stalling on purpose, but actually spit it out after waiting 2 seconds. “I told Logan I love him. Like..really in love with him. Because I am and he said it back. He’s been wanting to say it for a while but was afraid he’d scare me off. But he’d never scare me off.” He didn’t pause while speaking until the end. “I’m in love with Logan Norris and I’m ready to admit it. Though it’s probably obvious.”
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jeannemu-2019 · 5 years
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Familial Connections
Zoey Victoria Holliday → Older Sister → TBA
Remy Madison Holliday → Older Sister → TBA
Amelia Rochelle Holliday → Younger Sister → TBA
Aiden Harrison Parker-Holliday → Younger Brother → TBA
Claudia Jimenez-O’Brien → Wife → TBA
Ivan O’Brien → Father → NPC
Holly Holliday → Mother → NPC
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Inez Jimenez-Moreno → Sister-in-law
Amelia Hudson → Employee
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sonnysmythe · 10 years
Face to Face || Amelia and Sonny || 19.06
Sonny had taken an instant liking towards Amelia. She was easy to talk to. She was one of those people he knew he'd just be able to be silly with and he definitely needed more people like that in his life. Now that he was finally getting to a good place, he felt more comfortable with talking to people and making friends. And hopefully people wouldn't get fed up with him being depressing and the exact opposite of fun any more. After his jog, and his shower, he'd eaten some of the cookies his awesome roommate had made him and watched a couple of episodes of Orphan Black. He liked the sun, but sometimes it was too much for him, and it was nice to just sit inside and avoid it.
He checked the time and realised he was meeting Amelia soon, so he bagged up a couple of cookies, changed into a thin t-shirt and a pair of shorts and then made his way to the other submissives room. He knocked on the door and waited for the girl to answer.
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thatswitchingoolsby · 10 years
Face to Face || Amelia and Derek || 05/06
Derek knew that when he arrived at Roselle, it wouldn't be long before his sister did, too. They were like two peas in a pod and being away from each other for a long period of time just wasn't something they did. Derek had always been extremely protective over Amelia, and to be honest Amelia was also very protective of Derek, which was incredibly sweet and Derek honestly couldn't ask for a better sister. They're like best friends. Which seems normal considering they were twins and had grown up together, and were so close. He loved his little sister and would do anything to protect her.
He was looking forward to spending some time with her, although he had no idea what they were going to do. Probably just eat junk food, chill out and watch movies. He felt like he just needed to chill after his exam and Amelia was the best person to do that with. He heard a knock at his room door and got up to go open it for Amelia. A grin spread across his face when the door swung open to reveal. "Hey, sissy," he greeted easily as he opened the door a little wider to let her in.
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This kind of just popped in my head, but skarlow if Skara was also a late bloomer turned great bloomer like Willow?
I actually think there was a time this was what TOH was going for. Like, Skara performs next to no unassisted magic, to my knowledge. The only times we’ve seen her do any magic on screen is the scene with Bo tutoring her, and there’s like 2 instances of her doing it in sorta cannon stuff, once in a promotional piece about the covens where there’s a picture of her using a harp, and once in the FTF end credits. Plus there’s stuff like her punching Steve as opposed to like, casting a spell, or being the alt/strategist for Grudgby instead of playing on the list. I’m probably looking too deeply into things but I can imagine a version of the show where Skara was meant to have little magical power, and Willow learning that and treating her with compassion instead of mockery was what made Skara realize Boscha’s an ass and leave her.
But yeah, I like this idea a lot.
I’d imagine Skara would recognize her lack of magical ability early on in life, probably even around the flashbacks in Understanding, and try to hide that from Boscha. She’d help bully Willow because it let her feel better about her own lack of magic, but she’d also be terrified of being found out as the weak link. When her friends can’t animate a simple doll at Boscha’s Moonlight Conjuring, she’s scared it’s because of her. When Boscha makes her an alt player, Skara believes she’s onto her. Part of the reason Skara sucks up to Boscha and stays her best friend is because she hopes that even if Boscha finds out about her lack of magical ability, at least she might not bully her as she does Willow, right?
But of course Boscha finds out eventually. She learns about Bo’s tutoring, and soon realizes Skara’s been trying to not use magic around her to hide her lack of ability. And Boscha’s angry and disgusted by this. She turns against Skara, turns Cat and Amelia against Skara, calling her a liar and a phony and a half-a-witch. Skara’s devastated, hiding in a closet out of shame, where someone knocks after hearing her crying and-
It’s Willow.
Skara tries to stay silent, but Willow says she knows it’s her, and she just wants to talk. That she heard rumors about Skara being half-a-witch. That she isn’t there to mock her. So Skara let’s her in, opening the door to hear her out. And the two sort of stand there, unsure what to say or do, until Willow says that she’s sorry Skara has to go through this. And Skara snorts, not sure why Willow isn’t rubbing her nose in the fact she spent years making fun of her for the thing she’s going through now. But at least with Willow she got cool Plant powers. Skara doesn’t even have that! And Willow says that she knows what it’s like to be bullied, for people to leave you because they think you’re half-a-witch. Skara just winces, because she was one of the people doing that, and now she’s getting her just desserts.
But Willow tells Skara she’s there for her. She knows how cruel Boscha is. How hurtful she is. So Willow is willing to help Skara through this, if Skara wants it. And after a pause?
Skara tells Willow she’s sorry. Sorry she bullied her. That she encouraged it. Sorry she didn’t push against Boscha for years. Sorry she helped to make Willow feel this way herself, despite no one deserving this. Sorry she doesn’t know what else to do but say, over and over again, that she’s sorry.
And Willow sits there, listening, letting Skara say what she needs to say as tears start to form and Skara begins to just apologize for everything, from things she did to, to things she didn’t do, and all because at the end of the day she wasn’t strong enough. She wasn’t strong enough to stand up to the bullies. She was so weak she became one to survive, and look where it’s gotten her?!?
She’s the real Half-a-Witch.
And Willow sits there, thinks it over, and tells Skara that she doesn’t think of her as Half-a-Witch. She see’s her as a fully capable Witch, deserving of respect as anyone else. And, Willow believes, second chances.
And so Willow helps Skara off the floor, and Skara thanks her by promising to stand up for Willow, her friends, and anyone else Boscha bullies. It doesn’t matter if Boscha is better at magic. It doesn’t matter if Boscha mocks or belittles or threatens her. If Skara has so little power, then the least she can do is use it to help those who need it.
Like how Willow helped her.
And soon, after standing up to Boscha, after becoming Willow’s friend, and after a few way too many attempts at asking Willow out with Luz’s help, Skara began to recognize herself as Half-a-Witch.
One who found her perfect other half.
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jeannemu-2019 · 5 years
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Jasper Silas Hummel → Younger Brother → TBA
Finn Christopher Hudson → Younger Step Brother → TBA
Gabriel Andrew Hudson → Younger Step-Brother → TBA
Reagan Olivia Hudson → Younger Step-Sister → TBA
Amelia Rochelle Hudson → Younger Step-Sister → TBA
Burt Hummel → Adoptive Father → NPC
Carol Hudson → Step-Mother → NPC
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Miles McCarthy → TBA
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