#ftm euthanasia
hermaphroditus1124 · 2 months
Need too kill someone so I don’t kill myself, any tboys looking to get euthanized? I’ll give you a little chocolate and a kiss before I take you out back and kill you with the axe.
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trans-advice · 6 years
I have no idea what I'm going to do. I can't see a future for myself as a trans person. I'm don't fit into the box of FTM neatly enough to identify as it. I've gotten so much advice to 'be who I am' but how can I do that when I don't even know? And even if I do work it out, most likely the world I live in won't ever accept me. I just don't know what to do.
Well, the world frankly doesn’t care much to begin with unless they can use you.
Also IQ scores increased over the past century because of education basically teaching us how to take a test. Like basically we tend to fixate on categorizing information first instead of just experimenting &or trying to work things. [1]
Basically if you’re still questioning your gender, you need to get some other skills & stuff, to basically get more information & experience before you try getting a definitive answer/label for yourself regarding your gender identity.
Also, damn the world for treating you badly! We’re always going to have something the world will use to screw us over. One could say Achilles Heel, but that sounds victim blamey. What I do want to say is there are a lot of systems of oppression & to worry about being oppressed because of how identities fit into them, like to reject our identities is Kitsch. It empowers the oppressors & weakens you. http://www.shipoffools.com/features/2005/kitsch_xmas.html
Kitsch is destroying or hiding parts that aren’t aesthetically pleasing because you want the world to not have shit. Denying your identity because of social rejection is the kind of bullshit involved in saying girls at school should wear clothes to a certain standard that boys aren’t because of “sexual distraction” to boys. It’s slut shaming & writing a script that its expected that boys can’t control their perversions & sexual harassment.
To end to your life only because you don’t want to see the bad instead of also not wanting to see the good is another example of kitsch. (I’d argue that euthanasia & such when dealing with medical bills & stuff is merely managing your healthcare though, like Do Not Resuscitate, but still).
So basically, do some other stuff first. Like learn how to do some trade skills for money. Learn how to do academic stuff. Travel. Make friends. Etc etc. Basically you need more information before you can categorize yourself. And if you refuse to be honest about your categorization/questioning conclusion because of fear of other people, then you are harming yourself & others who need to be honest about themselves.
I hope/wish you safety so you can thrive as whoever you are. I wish you peace so you can be you who are. I wish you luck so you can broaden your experiences. I wish you love so you can get through your hardships.
[1]This book is very technical/academic jargony so while i wouldn’t exactly recommend “Are We Getting Smarter? Rising IQ in the Twenty-First Century” by James Flynn (2012), I would suggest reading articles about the book. So like this Wall Street Journal article: https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10000872396390444032404578006612858486012
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