#axe posting
hermaphroditus1124 · 5 months
Need too kill someone so I don’t kill myself, any tboys looking to get euthanized? I’ll give you a little chocolate and a kiss before I take you out back and kill you with the axe.
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greelin · 6 months
6’2 and standing at the front of the crowd is crazy. you already have an advantage just by being alive brother. blocking out all the sunlight. life on the forest floor, withering away
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soranker · 2 months
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98 lovemail doodles >_<
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grrlterrier · 4 months
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Lesbians should start using the battle axe, or “Labrys” as a symbol of empowerment again
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humans-are-tasty · 9 months
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cranity · 2 months
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Discovery riso! 🪩💥
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itsbasicallycanon · 3 months
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more tidepod shenanigans: annoying little sibling edition
[Picture ID: A slight birdeye's view of Leo and Mikey with a minor emphasis on Leo's exasperated expression. Mikey is holding Leo's arm with sparkles in his eyes as he excited tries to convince Leo to get whatever it is he wants. Behind both of them is Mikey's wall of text as he rambles on. (The full text is included under the line break.) Second image is an alternate version of the same drawing but without the text. In its place there is white sparkles around Mikey and downtrodden lines on Leo's forehead.]
"c'mon leo c'mon pretty please you'd be the best big brother ever of all time c'mon please pretty please hey pretty please hey hey hey c'mon please just look into my eyes c'mon please big brother c'mon please please please pretty pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease please please please please please hey please pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease you know that i love you right you're the bestest sibling ever who i love forever please please please please please please"]
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wordsinhaled · 3 months
something about how an edwardian boy who died in 1916 and a ska punk who died in 1989 are each other's perfect counterparts. something about how they crossed each other's timelines at just the right time to find one another in the most unlikely of ways and decided they were going to stay together forever, against all odds and despite every obstacle.
something about how they are from utterly different centuries and have such different histories, and they shouldn't be as compatible as they are. but they actively chose one another, and they are together so seamlessly and irreversibly now, such that gods and endless will not separate them.
something about how they both were born, and lived for sixteen years in their completely disparate eras, and died tragic, heartbreaking deaths; not knowing that they would find safety, care, love, belonging in their shared afterlife the likes of which they never were granted while living in their own years.
something about them subverting the classic tropes to create their own narrative, in a way that enhances the meaning and depth of the original tropes.
something about st. hilarion's, a place host to so much pain and abuse, was also the place where these two dead boys' paths were destined to converge. something about the attic of st. hilarion's being one of the first safe places either of them ever found, where their bond began to be formed. something about that bond, which transcends and overcomes life and death, pain, fear, loneliness, and trauma while acknowledging, respecting, and honoring the lasting effects of all of them.
something about the fact that they might never, ever have met except by the most far-fetched chance.
but they existed, out there for each other, even coming into the world seventy-three years apart.
something about soulmates existing across time...
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caemidraws · 1 month
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solcarow · 5 months
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Look Back by Tatsuki Fujimoto // Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint by Sing Shong
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hermaphroditus1124 · 2 months
Need to put someone down,
Need to take a poor sweet puppy who’s outlived his use out back and tie him to a fence post,
poor things been a good boy for me but he’s just so warn out and used up, barely reacts when I hit him anymore, sometimes I swear I can hear him laugh when I do, all stretched out from all the litters he’s carried for me, his brain all mush, not able to scare him anymore, not able to do much of anything with him now that he’s too obedient, can’t punish him if he doesn’t break any rules and even when I do there’s little reaction,
He whines and whimpers, wondering why we’re not taking our normal walk, pawing at me as I walk over to the shed, making sad little cries as I walk out of vision, smiling and wagging his tail as I exit with my axe, so happy to see me, so blissfully unaware of what’s coming,
walking back up to him and giving him one last head pat and a little kiss, telling him what a good pup he’s been for me, how I loved our time together but that now our time is up, or more aptly his is,
stepping back and hoisting the axe over my shoulder, taking one last look at his unbroken form, then raising the axe high above my head, his eyes glinting at it as he cocks his head in wonder,
Bringing it down hard and fast, missing my target and striking him in the collar bone, it sinks deep into his shoulder, fragments of bone protrude around the head of my axe,
a wild screaming yelp breaks the silence as he tries to draw back in fear, his arm lays limply at his side, he tries to scurry away but in doing so puts weight on his limp arm and howls in pain, not that he’d get anywhere with my firm grip on the axe and the leash so tight around his neck,
Trying to dislodge the axe from his former shoulder but it’s lodged on something, and his shaking and frantic movements aren’t helping,
kicking his still good arm out from under him so he falls to the ground, trying again to remove the axe, its lodged too deeply in what was once his shoulder, straining against muscles and ligaments, finally having to put a boot on his head as he screams and cries,
Pulling back hard, what’s left of his shoulder finally giving way, my axe swinging free as a geyser of blood and viscera follow in its wake, looking down at the wound that once made up his upper torso, being able to see inside him in a way I’ve never seen before,
Listening to him scream and crying and babble, trying to make himself small and shy away from me,
Knowing I won’t get another clean shot and holding him down will be too messy and could get me hurt, deciding to take him apart first so he can’t struggle as much, stepping down hard on his good hand with my boot, raising the axe above my head and taking aim right above his good elbow,
Swinging hard and fast, slamming the head of the axe right above the joint and hearing a satisfying snap, the head of the axe piercing through to the other side but not quite detaching the limb, bits of muscle and skin still keeping the arm “together”,
Removing my foot from his now limp arm and stepping down on the head of the axe to send it though the last few millimeters of flesh to detach the arm,
The screaming yelps continues, a little softer now as his blood starts to spill slower and slower,
Flipping him on his back to get a better shot, he’s stopped struggling as much now, just crying and whimpering and trying to beg almost feeling sorry for him but knowing I can’t stop now, it wouldn’t be humane, I need to finish what i started,
Raising the axe one final time and picking my target, bringing it down as hard as possible into his rib cage, hearing a loud crack and even louder wheeze-couch as his sternum shatters and lungs pierce, the ribs not pointing in directions they were never meant to, sending blood splatter all over his face as he coughs up his insides,
Poor thing still has some fight left in him, hazing little wheezes, no movement left besides shallow breathes from his punctured lungs, listening to him drown himself,
Reaching down and gingerly removing his collar, caressing his soft neck, playing with the splatter he’s made, placing the head of the axe on his now naked neck and leaning into his ear one final time,
telling him how much he is loved, what a good boy he is and what a good job he’s done before kissing him one final time and slamming the head of the axe into his throat, stealing his last breathe as his eyes flutter shut.
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axolotluv · 2 months
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catastrophic-crisis · 2 months
Today, August 2nd, game magazine Game Informer was revealed to be ending, suddenly. All who worked there appear to have been laid off in the middle of working on their next issue of the magazine. Their website is now just a landing page announcing the end of the magazine, eliminating access to the years of online content, some exclusive to the website.
There are various online efforts to preserve both the digital and physical work done by the many talented people who have been laid off.
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Fuck Game Stop, who owns the company.
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Blake Hester 🧵:
The Life And Career Of John Johanas (director of Evil Within 2) | Three Days With Bokeh Game Studio (Slitterhead) | Exploring Caves With The Creator Of Spelunky (hosted on Game Informer YouTube) | The Bully 2 You'll Never Play | Life and death With Ikumi Nakamura (formerly Tango Gameworks, now Unseen) | Exploring Shibuya with Tango Gameworks | The Making of Humanity, 2023's Best Puzzle Game (hosted on Game Informer YouTube)
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kugisakiss · 1 year
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rip king
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gingermaple · 7 months
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post-apocalypse cleo
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paranormaltheatrekid · 2 months
lumber axe did nothing wrong. He’s just a sex repulsed asexual who was sick of watching people fornicate in his woods. I mean sure, he did kill people, but do you want to watch total strangers act freaky in your house? I didn’t think so.
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