#fuck jury duty i’m on furry duty
speakercrab666 · 5 months
furries i hope u know i am fighting for u out here. i am putting my life on the line and i am dying for u out here. i love u. all u motherfuckers got a friend in me. i’m a passionate and deeply autistic man, furries, and u are my cause. DON’T LET NO ONE GET U DOWN, FURRIES.
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ferelden-cowboy · 4 years
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i can't believe i'm gonna watch a movie about a bee suing humans
all i've seen is the "bee movie but whenever someone says bee it speeds up and distorts" and my buddy's jazz bee sticker so let's see what's up, i'm scared
wait why does he have eyebrows and. is he wearing a turtleneck sweater. what lol
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is this just seinfeld's bee-sona
is seinfeld guy a furry
3 days high school fohekow6
who wrote this
are the bees billingual? cool
"we know you've worked for your whole life to work for your whole life" mood
the bee movie said fuck capitalism
yeah i wont say what several tungle essays have said about the anBEElieveable innacuracies w bees here
bee law #1: no talking to humans
barry:that sign cant tell me what to do bc i cant read
oh it's kronk whats up
ohmy god they have a kid is the bee the step dad
i cant beelieve this
oh hey lala is here bye lala
stop looking at her like that
yOU mEt SoMEonE
now theyre on a date and she committed murder
i just cant beelieve
AAAHAHAHA (she crashed the plane wtf)
bruh youre a wild bee
thiis guy is jousting a bee
ok this kronk guy KRONK KNOWS ABOUT THE BEE
how much bee time has passed if his college was three days
hes actually fucking suing
wa they have a bunch of bees here too
hey i watched phoenix wright i say objection to angry lawyer man
just imagine being called to jury duty and it's a bee trial
kronk is jealous of a bee
IVE GOT ISSUES yes you do man
is a lawyer asking a bee if he's
the hospiital bed
he taught them oragami
honey slaves to the white man
unholy perversion of nature what
nature is dying what
flower heist
theyre dancing is this happy feet
animal law office
how shiitty do you have to bee that your spouse leaves you for a bee
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elenafishersps1 · 5 years
@Tagged by: @mephistia-arts​ thank you!!!
Nickname(s): my cousins call me Hands bc Hana kept autocorrecting to that so now they just say it out loud too -_-
Zodiac: Virgo
Height: like 5′7″ I think
Favourite band(s)/artist(s): Idk bc honestly I always like 1 song from a group or artist and can’t end up getting into their other stuff lol. I’ve been listening to Lizzo quite a bit and also I like Mashrou’ Leila but I can never get super into one thing.
Song stuck in my head: Lucy by Bryce Fox particularly the part that goes “If your name was Lucy, I'd put Lucy in her Lucifer / My God, what in the devil, bring the animal right out of her”
Last movie I watched: The Pink Panther 2 and a little bit of Furry Vengeance which I watched years ago and is one of the worst films I’ve ever seen but I suddenly missed Brendan Fraser :(
Last thing I googled: “how to excuse jury duty”
Other Blogs: agentkimballcho is my main and I have an xfiles blog foxanddana
Do I get asks: not too much
Following: 1404 tho it doesn’t feel like it. I’ve been on here 9 years so i’m sure most of them are inactive.
Average amount of sleep: probably around 7hrs right now since my classes are night classes so I can sleep in. But when I have work, or anything to do before noon, i get a lot of anxiety about falling asleep and end up sleeping like 3hrs tops
Lucky number: i never really thought of a lucky number but I’ll say that I’m feeling like the number 12 is a good one for me today
What am I wearing: like fuck marvel but big ass punisher headphones and a red marvel tshirt also fuzzy black and pink pajama pants.
Dream job: idk I wish like writing for video games or something but without butting heads with other writers and also no trauma from being overworked by a large developer. If I felt like I was a better teacher, I’d love to travel and teach ESL for a while.
Dream trip: New Zealand would be nice :) or Italy like somewhere other than Rome but I’d want to live there for a bit not just try to cram everything into like a week or something
Favorite food: knafeh 
Instruments: no I have 0 work ethic
Eye color: brown
Hair color: brown
Aesthetic: retro gaming stuff, leatherbound books, nice pens, van gogh, keffiyeh pattern, comforting like plush stuff not necessarily like plush animals or w/e but like plush blankets and pillows too, light pinks and greens <3
Language: English mostly and a little bit of Arabic but not as much as I’d like 
Most iconic song: You’ve Got a Friend In Me - Randy Newman
Random fact: Like about me or anything? I’ll say about me. I’m like 2 episodes away from the finale of Hell on Wheels and I kinda can’t wait to be done :/ I’ll miss seeing Cullen but I haven’t been able to tell half the women apart this whole time and they keep ruining everything good about the show (not the women, the writers). 
I’m tagging: gonna tag the last few mutuals in my mentions but no pressure! @vaniri @crownkilller @galadrieljones @suncaprisun :)
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nikkoleon · 6 years
Life Update and What We Need
Ok, so it's been just a touch since I last updated our situation and so here it is. My husband finally got into his new part-time job and this is his first week. This is great, but we're nearly $200 in the hole due to all sorts of expenses during his time of unemployment having to keep up with things. So we are currently trying to get out of the negatives which a part-time isn't going to do easily especially with other bills at the start of next month.
On top of this, our cat Maxwell hasn't been doing very good. He's been acting very sickly and his weight is at an all-time low. We're trying some new, easier to eat food with him since we're worried that he may not be able to eat his current very well so we'll see about that. Unfortunately with what I said earlier about our account being in the negatives, if he doesn't get any better then we have no way to take him to the vet which is something I really, really want to do since he has my nerves all tore up. That would most likely be about a $150-$200 bill right there that we just do not have.
So in total, we need about $400 to clear our account and to take our furry child for some help just in case something is seriously wrong. I DO plan on opening up full commissions, but I'm trying to wait until the end of next week because the universe has smiled upon me and granted me with jury duty. How. Fucking. Fun. :)
So that's a huge ball of stress I do NOT need right now, but I'm out of luck. So yeah, I',m trying to wait until that passes to open up my full commissions.
Now for a question: Would any of you be interested if I did some kind of pay-what-you-want event? I've never held one before but I wanted to know if that'd be something I should try, especially if it helps me get Maxwell to the doctor sooner. Let me know, and thanks for reading.
Also, if you have the spare cash and want to donate to helping my family out, do check out the links below along with my commissions that are currently open~
Ko-Fi Patreon
500x500 Avatar Commissions Watercolor Style Commissions
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