#update the good fight has descended into outright violence
speakercrab666 · 5 months
furries i hope u know i am fighting for u out here. i am putting my life on the line and i am dying for u out here. i love u. all u motherfuckers got a friend in me. i’m a passionate and deeply autistic man, furries, and u are my cause. DON’T LET NO ONE GET U DOWN, FURRIES.
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thepersonperson · 2 months
Thoughts on Sukuna and Kenjaku’s relationship as of JJK 258.
Before we start I want to clarify some things.
1) This analysis deals with topics of nonconsent and reproductive manipulation. 
2) I will be mainly using the TCB scans because of their accessibility. 
3) This analysis is based on Sukuna being aroace.
(Click pictures for captions/citations.)
On Sukuna being aroace...
There’s a strong case for this given how he responds to both sexual advances from Yorozu and romantic advances from Yorozu and Kashimo.
Rejecting Yorozu
Sukuna does not like Yorozu. This is rather obvious. His official updated character description states that he is "Turned off with Yorozu's excitement".
He dislikes her the most when she comes onto him romantically or sexually as shown by the panels below. Otherwise he regards her with a mild annoyance.
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It should be noted that in the rules of Heian Era courtship, showing passive disinterest is how you properly turn someone down. Sukuna is someone who is a stickler for propriety when it comes to conduct associated with the upper class so this speaks volumes.
Rejecting Kashimo
Kashimo has much more tact when coming onto Sukuna but he's still pretty forward. He brings up love and laments how it's impossible for them to love people weaker than them. Sukuna is the first person Kashimo believes he is capable of loving. He even calls him beautiful.
Sukuna is not a fan of this. He straight up says he understands what love is, he simply does not care for it. Going onto express additional irritation at Yorozu while looking rather bored with the conversation.
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Sukuna does go onto explain how the strong express love with their violence, but his entire demeanor mimics that of his one with Yorozu. If we go by the Heian Era courtship rules, this once again is Sukuna turning Kashimo down.
Sukuna also declares he does not need another person to satisfy himself directly to Kashimo. (And later internally.) This sounds rather silly given that he needs people to eat and fight, so we can infer he's speaking on relationships. Especially since this was a response to Kashimo talking about love.
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What's fascinating about this declaration is that also notes most people do not understand him when it comes to love. Other people think he needs it, but he is content not having romantic or sexual relationships. This is a common problem aroace people experience.
His wording "never crossed my mind" also suggests he doesn't experience attraction outright instead of not having opportunities to act on it. (Yorozu has given him plenty of chances to do so.)
What's more is Gege stating Sukuna never had a wife or children via the official fanbook. Sukuna is strong enough to do whatever he wants and that includes forcing people to be with him. The fact he has no direct descendants and is not a rapist despite seeing humans as playthings really shows how uninterested in sex Sukuna is.
In conclusion? Sukuna is probably aroace.
Wait what about Gojo?
As an aside, I want to emphasize that out of the “fighting for love trio” Gojo is the only one who did not try to force love on Sukuna. (Which aligns with this character pretty well. He consistently respects boundaries when it comes to love.) These panels here are not Gojo. This is Sukuna recalling what Yorozu said to him and is projecting that onto Gojo. At no point did Gojo bring up love to Sukuna.
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I think this is important to note because Gojo winds up being the only person Sukuna deeply respects by the end of the battle. He is also the only person who Sukuna consistently smiled at during the fight. There wasn't a single panel where Sukuna gave Gojo the passively irritated look. (Good job Gojo you did right by an aroace.)
What does this have to do with Kenjaku and Sukuna's relationship?
Bear with me this is going to be a lot.
On Kenjaku...
We know that Kenjaku has achieved semi-immortality with a Cursed Technique (CT) that involves corpse desecration. Though it’s a bit more severe than that. The brain transplant just doesn’t steal the body, it also steals their memories and their privacy. When most people die, they take their most personal secrets with them. Kenjaku’s CT takes away that last remaining bit of dignity. 
Kenjaku exists and survives by violating others physically and emotionally. The search for entertainment to relieve boredom comes at the cost of empathy for all other living things. Everyone is just a toy for Kenjaku to play with. (Not unlike Sukuna.)
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We also know that Kenjaku wants to evolve humanity through cursed energy no matter what. Mainly for the lolz. It’s an interesting idea to Kenjaku so it’s being pursued to sate that curiosity. No more and no less.
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Kenjaku is crafty and wise enough to have backup plans. The culling games can bring about this evolution, but so can Sukuna by merely existing. 
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When Tengen is forcibly evolved because of these plans through cursed energy, they start looking more like Sukuna. Kenjaku explicitly makes this parallel. 
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Kenjaku also raped a poor woman 9 times with a cursed spirit to experiment on how cursed energy could evolve humans. Though all her pregnancies were aborted, it is heavily implied she died from them.
What does this have to do with Sukuna?
We know that Sukuna’s body is perfect sorcery and cursed energy. He has 2 mouths and 4 arms. On top of that he learns and adapts to all things sorcery with scary speed. Sukuna is the pinnacle of human evolution through cursed energy. Tengen's evolution via cursed energy making them resemble Sukuna also indicates this.
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In other words, Sukuna is Kenjaku’s ideal specimen for evolution via cursed energy. There’s just one problem. Sukuna is aroace and very fudging strong. Unlike Tengen or Choso’s mother, Kenjaku can’t force Sukuna to go along with these plans. Sukuna will simply kill whoever doesn’t respect his boundaries. So how do you work around this? You build a cage.
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Yuji is the perfect cage for Sukuna and I’m pretty sure Kenjaku did that on purpose. As Sukuna stated, Kenjaku would not have a child for no reason. He also says that Jin is basically a fragment of himself. In JJK twin’s souls are treated as the same person. So in a way that makes Sukuna both Yuji’s uncle and his father. But that’s not the problem here.
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(Please note that there are a lot of translations floating around because of how confusing this lore is. In every variation Sukuna seems to consider Jin a piece of himself.)
We know for a fact Kenjaku has been genetically manipulating people for a very long time and has found ways to capture souls and stuff them into an unwilling host. What this implies to me is that Kenjaku has been selectively breeding the Itadori family to get the perfect cage for Sukuna. (This could be as simple as manipulating who the Itadoris pair with or as gross as Kenjaku being the “mother” every step of the way. Which would make this particular panel insane foreshadowing.)
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Wasuke says something a bit weird here when Kenjaku is in Kaori’s body that might make this the case.
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How does he already know this? It feels like he has fallen victim to Kenjaku’s manipulations before and is trying to warn his son.
Now it’s not clear if Jin got turned into a cursed object and was reincarnated forcefully or if he naturally reincarnated. I lean towards the former because of how meticulous Kenjaku is with planning. The end result is the same though—Kenjaku created a version of Sukuna that was willing to have sex and children, despite Sukuna’s clear wishes not to.
Kenjaku has been a very rapey character from the start, but this takes it to another level for me. There are so many asexual individuals who are the targets of unwanted sexual desire. When discomfort is expressed, people take it as a challenge. There’s this kind of entitlement to our bodies and sometimes our refusal to bear children. 
As of chapter 257, people have started to read Kenjaku as someone in love/obsessed with Sukuna and not willing to give up on it. Those implications make me deeply uncomfortable, but they have merit to them.
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(The link may die because Twitter but hopefully this credit is enough.)
Kenjaku seems to have spent centuries coming up with the perfect plan to trap Sukuna and keep him as a lab rat forever. Even going as far as to force a pregnancy on Sukuna after death with a binding vow.
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Sukuna’s unyielding hatred of Yuji becomes something a little more than opposed ideals with Kenjaku’s involvement. Yuji is essentially a constant reminder that someone else has control over him and might force him to engage in things he really does not want to do. (And under this interpretation, Sukuna has been forced to coexist with what is his unwanted child. Which is honestly pretty fudged up.)
Sukuna seems to be rather neutral to disinterested in Kenjaku despite sharing similar ideas about other people, loneliness, and a desire for entertainment. But when he realizes how Yuji was made, he refers to the action as gross/twisted. Since Sukuna is ok with murder, cannibalism, and stealing people’s bodies, you can infer he’s referring to the sex and pregnancy.  (This might also explain why Sukuna tries to speak to Kenjaku as little as possible. Someone getting with your twin after you turn them down is weird behavior.)
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I think Uraume’s hostility towards Kenjaku should also be noted because they’re the only person who seems to understand and respect Sukuna’s boundaries at all times. Sukuna likes keeping Uraume around for a reason. They have a knack for telling people to piss off when they’re encroaching on his space (See naked Yorozu and trying to shoo away Kenjaku when the yapping starts.)
Whatever the case, Kenjaku is someone who causes others to relive their traumas and violates their autonomy for entertainment. I think Sukuna is a victim of this too.
As for Yuji having Sukuna’s actual power? Maybe he inherited it. Maybe Jin was turned into a cursed object and fed to Yuji as a baby. We don’t know yet and I’m sure whatever it is will probably be gross.
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goodnight-tae · 6 years
The Breaking Point (Seven Intro)
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Pairings: BTS x OFCs
Genres: action, suspense, thriller; intertwined au
Warnings: unsettling situations, mentions of violence, descriptions of gore.
Word count: 3,057 words i got a little carried away and had to make myself stop, thus some parts are shorter than others!
[Siren’s note: the events of ‘The Breaking Point’ take place around the mid-way point of the story. Please note the dates in this and future updates of the series; also the times showing many of these events are happening simultaneously or within hours of each other. After this, the series will “rewind” and show the events leading up to this point- eventually hitting “The Breaking Point Redux” which will pick up where “The Breaking Point” left off. The series will then continue on from there.]
NSCC (Neo Seoul City Center), Neo Seoul 
May 15th 9:45 PM
As the announcer steps up to the podium, a hush falls over the crowd. Hundreds of people crammed into the grand room- each and every one of them eager for the results. Some smile as if certain of the verdict while others look doubtful, not trusting the polls broadcast throughout the day. The announcer adjusts his suit jacket and spares a glance at the two remaining candidates. The two men stand stone-faced and still, ready for the results that will decide the future of their lives.
There’s not a twitch from either to betray the thoughts swirling in the minds of men who had clawed their way here with promises and as much money as they could spare. Such an oddity that they would be so inherently calm when everything rides on this single moment.
The screens scattered throughout the room and flanking either side of the stage flicker once and then flare to life. The murmur of excitement ripples through the crowd as voices rise and fall before the hush resumes.
“People of Neo-Seol, may I present... the election results.”
A blinking cursor appears on the screens, moving steadily as words fill in the once blank space. 
“Kim Namjoon,” he dips his head in recognition, lights glimmering on his currently candy pink hair. “NS... Vice President. Lee By-” The screen to the right of the announcer suddenly shatters, sparks and glass flying while smoke pours into the air. He stares in shock as horrified absolute silence descends... only to shatter into millions of pieces, screams and rapid gunshots filling the air in it’s wake. 
The men on the stage duck on instinct while people run, slamming into each other in the chaos while strangers clad in pitch black high-tech gear spill into the room cutting a swath of destruction in the crowd. Much like the well-dressed crowd, those on the stage are unfortunately not quick enough. VP Kim Namjoon dives off the stage, a bullet grazing his thigh and ricocheting off the reinforced window he once stood in front of. He hits the marbled floor and drags himself behind an overturned table- hopeful that it will serve as a temporary shield and keep him relatively safe. 
His bleeding leg the last thought currently on his mind, he frantically scans the stage for the President. The hope that he had survived dies like a flame extinguished at the sight. Neo Seoul’s newest leader lies collapsed at the edge of the stage with a vacant and unseeing stare into the crowd. Blood leaks from what appears to be a massive chest wound, spilling over the edge of the stage and adding to the growing pool on the floor.
As the pool creeps ever further, red fingers wedging into the cracks and covering the white marble beyond recognition he loses focus. Words from a conversation earlier in the day ring in his ears, drowning out heavy footfalls of the intruders as they draw ever closer.
“No matter what happens out there, know that no harm will come to you. You’re too valuable to us; to our cause.”
All this chaos had an unintentional catalyst... Namjoon himself.
Wayside Motel; City Limits, Neo Seoul 
 May 15th 10:00 PM
“This is your last chance, Yoongi. You’re good at what you do. One of my best. You know I’d hate to lose you but I don’t have a choice. After the screw-up at the NSCC our people want you gone. It’s one girl, Yoongi. One.”
“You know my terms,” he growls, eyes on Jiyun as she peeks through the curtains. “I don’t kill women and I don’t kill children. Seeing as the target is a pregnant woman, it falls out of my range. Goodbye Fei, I’d say it was nice doing business with you but that would be a lie.”
“Remember that I warned you, Min. I tried but it seems that little girlfriend of your’s has made you soft. You can’t blame me for what happens next.”
Yoongi ends the call as the room he and Jiyun inhabit erupts into flames.
Unnamed Warehouse, City Outskirts 
May 15th 10:30 PM
As the bike sails into the gravel drive, the man on it takes a look around. He’s not certain he has the right building- there are so many warehouses out in this portion of the city. He could be wrong... but he can’t afford to be.
He consults his phone, the light shining on his features as he scans his messages. Nothing new. Just the same message from earlier in the day reading:  ‘Warehouse. 10:45 PM. Bring the basket. Don’t be late. Remember we’re watching’.
He dims the screen and makes his way to the building, tugging the bike across the dips in the gravel and through the half open door. He doesn’t trust this. He hasn’t since it all started. In fact, anyone with sense would’ve gotten the hell out  of dodge when it all went down. Hoseok would have, given the chance. They knew that and they were prepared.
Sure, anyone with sense would’ve bailed out at the earliest opportunity, but anyone with sense probably didn’t have their girlfriend’s life on the line. 
He stops in the center of the warehouse floor, scanning the empty walls and floors with confusion. He has to be in the wrong place. He has to be, but at the same time he can’t. He followed their instructions and coordinates to the letter and if he’s wrong... Sora is as good as dead.
A chime sounds out, echoing off the walls- sounding far louder than it actually is. A message: ‘Good dog. Stay’. He glares at the screen wishing he could hurl it across the room. Another chime, another message. This time with an attachment: ‘See Sora?’ followed by a close up picture of a bruised and battered girl with terrified eyes, ‘Want Sora?’ followed by a new set of coordinates, ‘Fetch. Clock’s ticking’.
Unnamed cemetery, Neo Seoul
May 15th 10:45 PM
“A promise is a promise, Jimin.” he glares down at the headstone nestled in the grass, emotions turning in turmoil. “That’s what she told me. The girl you saddled me with and told me to look after.”
The wind flows through the empty cemetery, blowing leaves across the paved road running through it and against the motorcycle that leans nearby. If Jimin came looking for answers, he isn’t likely to find them here.
“Yeah, I promised I’d stop fighting, but you promised you wouldn’t leave. Look at us now, huh. Me still fighting and you, dead in the ground. That girl you wanted me to look after? I’ve kept that promise at least, for all the good it does me. She hates me!” He settles onto the ground next to the headstone, eyes fixed on it. “She hates me and I don’t know why.” 
Silence as he rest his head on his knees. Dark hair rustling in the breeze as he huddles in his jacket and gathers his thoughts. 
“We had a fight. One about me still fighting, funnily enough. It’s not like I even like it. Who likes getting beat up? The only reason I do it now is because it makes good money and we need that. There’s some issue with the estate. Your police chief friend is looking into it but the verdict is... we either pay up to buy it outright... or we’re out on the street. Mina’s working as a nurse so I’m sure she’d be fine but the fights... just aren’t holding up as well as they used to and I’m running out of options. I... guess I’ll see you around.”
Park Jimin walks away, through the grass and trees, back to the motorcycle. He starts up the bike, the rumbling of the engine giving comfort as he speeds away. He’s not sure why he even came to the cemetery in the first place. It’s not like Yoochun could have given him any guidance anyway.
He veers down a side street, an address coming to mind. Dongwoo had said he had some work. It wasn’t exactly... clean, but any port in a storm.
Healing Light Hospital, Neo Seoul 
May 15th 11:00 PM
Bringing her to a hospital, even a lesser know one such as Healing Light, was a risk. One Seokjin had not wanted to take for her safety, yet had ultimately been their only choice. He sits hunched over in the same uncomfortable plastic chair he’d been in for the past hour and half. Ever since the doctor and nurses had taken her from his arms and sprinted down the hall to the surgery wing.
“I’m sorry Yuna,” he murmurs, his head resting on shaking hands. “I don’t think I’ll be able to keep him from you after all.” He remains this way for what feels like eons, even as the steady typing on the computer slows and ultimately halts. Even as footsteps echo on the laminate floor and a pair of white shoes enter his line of vision.
He looks up into the concerned gaze of the nurse on duty, the only one who hadn’t taken off with the doctor, and apparently new if the condition of her uniform was any indication. White dress and cap, white shoes. Like something out of an old movie. It seems as if Healing Light opted for the comfort of the old, rather than the impersonal high-tech used in most hospitals. Strange. 
“You’ve been sitting there for quite some time. I’m the sure the doctor will be back soon. Perhaps you’d like some coffee?” At his hesitation she adds, “The doctor will page me as soon as they’re finished. I’ve got it right here.”
Seokjin, sensing she won’t give up, reluctantly stands and follows her to the alcove of vending machines across the hall. Slightly newer tech, but still old by the time’s standards. He settles into another uncomfortable plastic chair without a word, accepting the coffee she pushes across to him- if only to keep it from splashing all over him. He notes her name tag reading ‘Choi Mina’ as she checks her phone briefly, frowning at whatever she sees.
She meets him with a steady gaze, turning her phone face down to avoid distraction. “I’d prefer to handle this politely, but I don’t see a way around it. What kind of game are playing at?”
“Excuse me?”
“You know who she is, don’t you? That girl you brought in? Both of you covered in blood and clinging to each other like your lives depended on it?”
Seokjin blinks, opting for silence even as his stomach sinks like it’s full of lead. He had figured people would recognize her... just not this quickly.
“Are you always this rude to concerned loved ones of patients?”
“You could say a friend has rubbed off on me.” She sits back arms crossed over her chest. “I’m going to guess that you do know who she is. In which case you know that’s Kim Yuna, the wife of Neo-Seoul’s most powerful man. That’s Kim Jongdae’s pregnant wife. Who was reportedly kidnapped a month ago. I... shouldn’t be telling you this... The doctor had me phone the SPD as soon as they got her in the operating wing. She’s fine. They didn’t need to do any surgery, though they did stitch up a wound, but thought it prudent to separate the two of you as soon as possible.”
Seokjin stands quickly, almost overturning the chair in his haste. “Where’s your restroom?”
“I- down the hall, towards the surgery wing. The police are on there way. Please don’t do anything stupid. You’ll only make it worse when they get here. Besides the main doors are locked.”
Seokjin sets down the hall at a hurried pace, breaking into a run as he rounds the corner and slamming through the doors to the surgery wing. The hospital is all but deserted, a result of being one of the lesser known places, and he only has to duck into hiding a few times in his trek. He dashes in and out of room after room, panic rising as each turns up empty. He’s almost convinced he’s never going to find her, until he bursts into a room and nearly collides with Yuna.
“What are you doing?”
“We have to get out of here.” He grabs her hand and pulls her to the nearest emergency exit, hesitating only a moment before pushing the door open. Hand in hand, they sprint out into the night with alarm sirens wailing in their wake. 
Jeon-Kim Residence, Neo Seoul 
May 15th 11:45 PM
It should never have come to this. Two brothers on opposite sides, each staring down the barrel of a gun. The golden child and the black sheep.
“Where is she?” The words softly spoken are almost lost in the crashing thunder that echoes throughout the once grand foyer. The picture frames that line the wall are now shattered, many in pieces on the floor. A once beautiful vase full of flowers now broken, porcelain shards in a pool of water. “I said, where is she?”
The only response if the tilt of a head and a sardonic smile. “Where do you think? The same place she always is.” A wiggle of the gun, now pointed at the top of the staircase. “Father’s with her though he’s now speaking... considerably less, if at all.”
Dark, tired eyes finally take in the blood splatters on the floor and begin to track the scene. What little furniture residing in the foyer is overturned, pictures destroyed, bloody boot prints leading from the stairs to the one who stands before him. He raises his flashlight with shaking hands, gun still trained, and nearly falls to his knees at the sight. “Taehyung... what have you done?”
“I haven’t been Taehyung for a long, long time. Didn’t you get the memo, Kookie? Father calls me- oh I’m sorry, called me V. Started in with that right about the time mother began refusing to see me anymore.”  He stretches his arms above his head lazily, seeming unbothered by the firearm locked on his every move. He circles around Jungkook, their places now reversed as he nails him with a cold, unfeeling stare. “You should’ve seen how horrified she was up there. Her baby boy, ever the monster. Nothing compared to her favorite golden child.
“You bastard,” Jungkook spits, horror and rage combing into one, his flashlight illuminating his brother’s face- still slick and shiny with blood. “She loves you! How could you believe dad’s twisted lies? He manipulated you, Taehyung, just as he always has. Lied to you at every turn so he could mold you into whatever it is that you’ve become.”
“No, I believe the term you’re looking for is ‘loved’.” A grim, twisted smile. “If you love her, golden boy, I’d get upstairs. Say your goodbyes while you still can.”
The words strike something deep within and Jungkook fires through his tears, a lightning strike illuminating the room at the same moment- the combined efforts bathing them in blinding white light. Glass shatters and when the light dies down, Taehyung is nowhere to be found.
Rain pours in through the broken door as Jungkook radios for back-up and starts, with shaking limbs, for the stairs and what awaits him on the upper floor.
APT 8802; Complex Z, Neo Seoul 
May 16th 12:45 AM
In the slums, far away from the high-tech towers and security enhanced homes, a boy opens a door into an apartment. His clothes are stiff with dried blood and his face and hands itch where the residue has dried on his skin. He rubs at his face with futile efforts as he shuts the door behind him, calling out into the brightly lit room.
“Haneul, I’m home!” As he steps further into the apartment, the lights flicker once and then go out entirely as if a switch were flipped. “Haneul?”
Nothing but silence.
“Babe, listen, normally I’m all for a game of hide and seek but today is not one of those days. My officer brother tried to shoot me, I had to jump through a glass door, and my clothes are soaked in blood. To say I’m not in the mood for games today is an understatement.” 
He checks the kitchen, frowning at the dishes piled haphazardly in the sink and grime covered counter. It hadn’t looked anything like this when he left the other day. 
He exits the kitchen, crossing through the living room with it’s battered furniture and couch covered with torn cushions. The carpet barely gives beneath his feet as he makes his way down the hall, checking the bathroom, the laundry room... any room he passes. He finally makes his way to the bedroom, pushing open the door to reveal bare wooden floors and a mattress with rumpled sheets and scattered pillows- seeming to be the only spotless thing in the apartment.
“Haneul, seriously. I’m don’t want to play games. If you’re mad at me, just say so and we’ll talk it out. Like we always do.” When she doesn’t appear from wherever she’s chosen to hide out he sighs. Catching sight of himself in the mirror, he blanches and goes back to the bathroom to wash his hands and face clean of blood. 
When all traces are gone he wanders back to the bedroom and over to the closet, intent on changing his clothes as he mumbles aloud. “Did you leave me, Haneul? You’re the only good thing in my life. I... I d-don’t want to be all alone. Don’t leave me... please.” The tears well and fall as he sees the photo of himself and Haneul taped to the mirror. “Please, Haneul. Don’t leave.” He drops to the floor, hand slipping off the doorknob as it turns and a sickly sweet scent fills the air.
Perhaps if things had been done differently... had they been raised differently, chosen to do things in other ways... maybe then it would have never come to this. Yet the past is past, and all that’s left is the future they’ve chosen with the choices they made.
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