#fuck knows this fandom could *really* use the Church of Holland 💀
worldoftom · 2 years
Hi, I’m Ellie is your sin bin open? Because I would really love to request a prompt, I clicked on the church of Holland post! Really good idea 🥺🥰 I really please would love the prompt, Ping! If you stay over this weekend, I'm having a clothing ban. To be written. If your interested, I’m making mood boards for people, you can request 2 or 3. All you have to do is Send me your choice of pictures of Tom Holland :) but it’s ok if it’s not, thank you so much! I love all your other work, especially your series of Tom and the readers fantasies. I really appreciate and support you! ❤️🥰
hi! i'm B :) thank you so much for your message and kind words <3 and for your reblog!!! <3
oh boy the Church of Holland was such a long time ago, it’s ridiculous. It was pretty much a flop too, but that’s my fault. I am very very very terrible at following through with requests! I did a few back in the day, but then I stopped having decent ideas and started drifting away from them. funny enough, my last request was last year, and it turned into 200k of filth 💀 sooo I can’t promise I will follow through with your request sadly. Like I said, I’m not so good at handling them, but I will keep it in mind. It could fit in a couple of my wips, so maaaaaaaybe. Why not? If i’m inspired enough :) I’ll keep you posted.
I’ll be on the lookout for any picture of Tom that inspires me to request a moodboard! Just to keep you busy during your event on your blog (I suppose there is one, at least.) + as a thanks for being so kind and supportive !! 😚<3
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