#some of us need to be blessed by every divinity out there 💀
lovebvni · 10 months
Hi, so I'm wondering how I could channel an unknown energy? Because lately I feel as though something/someone important has been trying to speak to me and I'm not sure who or what it is. I thought about trying to channel this energy but I'm not very experienced with that, so I was wondering if you have any tips? Thank you so much!
hi anon!
idk why i feel the need to say this, but it isn’t unknown if you only don’t know them/it in this version of reality. my main advice for channeling someone you don’t know in the 3D would be this: asking the universe to speak to the being that has been trying to reach out to you!
literally, by just affirming or speaking “i am channeling the spirit that has been trying to get in contact with me” is enough. you just have to believe it! the universe will never lead you astray. but, here is my channeling process for anyone else who wants to know! it’s quite simple, but it does take a lot of belief in order to complete it
My Channeling Process
i primarily do this for my focus, but if i’m channeling on a whim i won’t do it (like before i go to bed, i may just affirm)
2. protection affirmations!
another way is crystals that are blessed w protection around/near you
“i am divinely protected by my spirit guides, deities, angels, and the universe itself”
“i will not channel any negative energies during this session, as i am divinely protected.”
“i am protected by the universe, nothing i don’t want to channel will come within my reach.”
“i am in control of how i channel, and my guides protect me.”
“every positive energy that has looked after me and will look after me is protecting me during this channeling session”
i usually visualize a circle of some of the guides i know, but i used to visualize white humanoid figures ‘dancing’/circling around me.
3. affirm/call the person i want to channel.
now, i usually channel loki (or he channels me bc he’s a BITCH N SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!) or my soulmate — the only other beings i’ve channeled were gage (a spirit guide) kairi (a spirit guide) piper (a spirit guide), my dr best friend, and lucifer (the deity, he was nice).
to call on them; i similar say “i am channeling ____” and if they’re from a dr then i usually add “from ____ desired reality.” I mix this in between affirmations.
4. ask them for a sign they’re present
some ways to ask are for a specific sign (like open pinterest while doing this), a touch (if you have your clairangecy activated) or other means, like a candle flicker or a lightning strike if it’s raining!
5. talk to them bro!!!
literally js chit chat! once u get the sign, you’re set. you’ll hear the voice in a different spot than your head voice. for example, my head voice can be on the left side in the front or near the top center. if i feel another voice in a different spot, or a different voice, i know it’s another being.
to end the session, you ask them to leave and say “i end this channeling session.” i often forget to say i end the session, so if im talking to my s/o before going to bed n i fall asleep, i often wake up w him 💀💀 (he’s an idiot btw)
that’s my process though!! sorry it took so long to get this out :( i lowkey forgot abt this bc it was in my drafts… oops!!
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worldoftom · 2 years
Hi, I’m Ellie is your sin bin open? Because I would really love to request a prompt, I clicked on the church of Holland post! Really good idea 🥺🥰 I really please would love the prompt, Ping! If you stay over this weekend, I'm having a clothing ban. To be written. If your interested, I’m making mood boards for people, you can request 2 or 3. All you have to do is Send me your choice of pictures of Tom Holland :) but it’s ok if it’s not, thank you so much! I love all your other work, especially your series of Tom and the readers fantasies. I really appreciate and support you! ❤️🥰
hi! i'm B :) thank you so much for your message and kind words <3 and for your reblog!!! <3
oh boy the Church of Holland was such a long time ago, it’s ridiculous. It was pretty much a flop too, but that’s my fault. I am very very very terrible at following through with requests! I did a few back in the day, but then I stopped having decent ideas and started drifting away from them. funny enough, my last request was last year, and it turned into 200k of filth 💀 sooo I can’t promise I will follow through with your request sadly. Like I said, I’m not so good at handling them, but I will keep it in mind. It could fit in a couple of my wips, so maaaaaaaybe. Why not? If i’m inspired enough :) I’ll keep you posted.
I’ll be on the lookout for any picture of Tom that inspires me to request a moodboard! Just to keep you busy during your event on your blog (I suppose there is one, at least.) + as a thanks for being so kind and supportive !! 😚<3
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