#xtom darling x17
highpope · 2 years
Hey, can we be mutuals? Just want to talk to people about outer banks and other things that your interests in.. and do you write for John B?
yes of course!
i do I think I have one or two things up for him but feel free to request :)
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annab-nana · 2 years
🏄‍♂️ surfs up - Would you rather send the night with Arvin Russel at a movie place outside making out in his car even thou jealous girls are looking at you. You just smirking because he’s all yours.. or Would you rather Playing drunk games with Nathan drake, he’s chasing after you in the dark and your both drunk. It’s all fun and games until you nearly fall off of a cliff but he catches you.. you didn’t fall into the water, Even in his drunk state Nathan can sense danger from adventure. thank you so much 🥰
ooooo this is a good one because like the possessiveness of the first one is very very hot but i think i’d have to choose the second because who doesn’t love being protected like that especially with nate
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angelzdaydream · 2 years
he's obsessed with you | Marcus Baker
plot: Marcus and reader have been in a secret relationship and they have been hiding it well from Max, but when she finds out she laughs because she knew he was obsessed with you.
requested by: @xtom-darling-x17
warnings: slight smut but no details
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Marcus sneaking through your window at night had become a habit for the past few months, but on this particular night you decided you'd be the one doing the sneaking.
You took extra caution to be quiet not wanting to draw attention to yourself as you shimmied your way up the house and into the Baker household. As much as you didn't want his parents catching you, the thought of his sister Max who just so happened to be your best friend was much worse.
You smiled at the sight of your boyfriend sleeping soundly in his bed, his sketchbook sprawled against his chest and he pencil he was still in his hand.
You walk over to him, carefully grabbing the pencil out of his hand and the sketchbook to put it away. You go to close the sketchbook but before you could the drawling he was working on catches your eye. Your heart begins to flutter when you realize it was of you.
Marcus stirring in his sleep snatches your attention away from the drawling and you close the sketchbook before placing it on his nightstand.
"This is different. Normally I'm the one doing the breaking and entering." Marcus's voice startles you a bit.
"Figured you shouldn't be the only criminal in the relationship." you grin before leaning down with the intentions of kissing him gently, but the moment your lips touch, he's pulls you on top of him making you gasp at the sudden motion. Marcus uses this to his advantage as he slides his tongue into your mouth, deepening the kiss.
The moment you pull away for a breath of air, Marcus's lips are against your neck sucking and pressing needy kisses against your skin. "You drew me." You moan shakily.
"I did." Marcus replies before sucking on the sweet spot on your neck making your eyes roll back. "How about you be my muse again and give me something else to draw of you?"
"Please." you beg, already so needy for him and before you know it, Marcus is detaching himself from your neck and flipping the two of you around so he's on top.
His lips crash against yours as he grinds his hips against yours, causing the both of you to moan. Both of you were too consumed by each other that you both failed to hear his door open.
"Mom wants to know what you want for dinner- y/n? Holy shit! Holy fucking shit, my eyes!" Max screeched before slamming his door closed and running off.
All you can do at first is look at Marcus in horror. "Shit! How mad do you think she is?"
"She didn't try to kill me so maybe not as mad as we expected her to be." Marcus replies sitting up off of you.
"I'm going to go talk to her." you stand up off his bed fixing your hair and clothes.
"You want me to come with?" he asks reaching for your hand and kissing it reassuringly.
You shake your head no. "I think I should go alone in case she's super pissed. You being there might make it worse."
He nods his head in understanding before you make your way to Maxines room.
You knock on her door, and it doesn't take long before she tells you to come in. You quickly do, shutting the door behind you but never moving from in front of it. You look up at Maxine who is already looking at you. The two of you go a moment without speaking when all of a sudden Max burst into a fit of laughter.
You stare at her wide eyed, unsure if she was so pissed it was coming out as laughter or if it was for another reason. You really hoped she wouldn't make such a big deal out of it, you loved and cared about both Marcus and Max in different ways and you never wanted to hurt either of them.
It goes on for a few minutes before her laughter finally dies down. "I'm not mad." Max speaks after catching her breath.
"You're not?" you question, gaining the courage to move away from the door to sit next to her on the bed.
"I mean it hurts a little that you didn't tell me, but I figured something was going on between the two of you and that you'd tell me when you were ready. I've seen the way you two make googly eyes at each other and honestly, I've never seen him as happy as he is with you. He cares about you a lot, it's disgusting really. Not as disgusting as what I just seen though." Max scrunches her nose up in disgust.
You giggle. "Sorry about that."
"As you should be, I'm scarred for life." she says before giggling too and pulling you into a side hug.
A weight feels like it had been lifted off your shoulders now that you and Marcus no longer had to hide your relationship from her and that Marcus cared as much about you as you did him.
idk about the ending but hope you guys liked it <3 feel free to send me request!
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waitimcomingtoo · 2 years
Fire Meet Gasoline
Pairing: Arvin Russel x Reader
Synopsis: when you see your ex boyfriend in public, you ask the closet stranger to pretend to be your boyfriend
Requested by @xtom-darling-x17
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Arvin wasn’t one to offer help to people, much less a stranger, but you had caught his eye. He stood by his car after filling his tank with gas and watched you stare at the gas pumps with a puzzled look on your face. He had seen you pull into the gas station with such confidence, but that was all gone now that you had to pick the right pump to put in your car. Arvin debated driving away and letting you figure it out by yourself since after all, he didn’t even know you. But after watching you hesitantly reaching for the diesel for the third time, he decided to speak up.
“Need help miss?” He asked as he approached you. You stiffened up at the sound of his voice and took an instinctive step away from him.
“No. I’m fine, thanks.” You replied without looking at him.
“You sure about that?” Arvin asked as he watched you hesitantly pick up the diesel pump.
“Said I don’t need any help from the likes of you, all right?” You said again. “Just leave me alone and go on your way.”
“Sorry miss. Didn’t mean to trouble you. Just noticed you was putting diesel in your car, is all.” Arvin said and raised his hands in defense.
“Diesel?” You paused and looked down at the pump in your hands.
“Yeah, darling. That right there is diesel.”
“Psh. I knew that. I like diesel.” You lied and brought the pump over to your car.
“Oh, my bad. Didn’t know that. Can I ask if you also like your car blowing up?” Arvin asked sarcastically.
“Excuse me?”
“Diesel will clog your fuel system and keep the car from startin. If you push the gas pedal too much, whole car will burst in flames. Seen it happen right in front of me once. The guy barely made it out alive.”
“Oh.” You froze and looked down at the pump in your hands.
“Could help you out, if you like.” He offered again.
“No thank you. I said I was fine.” You repeated, in a kinder tone this time. Arvin nodded and took a step back as he watched you put the diesel pump back. You looked between the other two pumps for a minute before hesitantly grabbing the one in the middle.
“Um….” You hesitatingly looked to Arvin to see if you were about to make another fatal mistake. He shook his head and held up one finger to let you know you needed pump number one. You gave him a tight smile before putting back the pump in your hand and picking up the first one. You put the pump in your car and just stood there until Arvin put his hand over yours to squeeze the pump. You felt the gas flow out and looked at Arvin with an embarrassed smile.
“Thanks.” You said quietly.
“No problem, doll.” He chuckled and felt his face flush from how close you were.
“Sorry I was short with you before. I have a hard time trusting men sometimes.” You admitted without looking into his eyes.
“Yeah? Seems we have that in common.”
“I just didn’t know if you were gonna fill my car up and then try to get me to repay you or something.”
“Repay me?”
“You know. With a kiss or something.”
“Darling, I’m no gentlemen, but I’m no villain either. I’d never try and get you to do something you didn’t want to do. Just saw a pretty lady struggling and wanted to offer my help. That’s all.” Arvin assured you, and you felt yourself believing him.
“Oh. Well thats very nice of you. Sorry I was rude.”
“No need to be sorry. Got a sister back home and I hope she’s half as vigilant as you are. Can’t trust nobody in this town. Especially not the men.” Arvin said and looked around the gas station.
“Don’t I know it.” You sighed. Arvin noticed the sadness in your voice and gave you a long look. He hadn’t seen you around before, which was strange since he thought he knew everyone in town. You were awfully pretty and the fact that you were a little mean to him made him like you even more.
“My names Arvin, by the way.” He told you.
“Y/n.” You smiled warmly at him.
“Nice to meet you, Y/n.” He returned the smile.
“You too, Arvin. Thanks again for the lesson.” You replied. You finished pumping the gas in your car and watched as Arvin returned the pump so you would know what to do next time.
“I’m really smart, by the way.” You said after a beat of silence.
“Huh?” He laughed in surprise.
“I’m really smart. I’m a school teacher down by the church. I went to college too. And I was the top of my class.” You told him, adding something every time you thought of a different example of your intelligence.
“Is that so?” Arvin asked, still confused what point you were making.
“I’m just telling you this so you don’t think I’m some dumb damsel in distress. I’m usually very smart but my daddy used to fill my car for me and never taught me how. He said it wasn’t a lady’s job to do it.”
“Well where’s your daddy now? Cause somebody needs to stop you from blowing yourself up.” Arvin chuckled.
“He don’t speak to me no more.” You said quietly, making Arvin feel guilty for poking fun at you.
“Oh. Sorry to hear that.” He said sincerely.
“It’s fine. I know what to do now thanks to you.“
“It was no trouble, darling. And next time, use this pump. Stay away from the diesel.” Arvin said and tapped the correct pump.
“I will. Thank you.” You smiled at him before looking over his shoulder. Arvin watched the way your smile dropped and the color drained from your face.
“Oh shoot.” You whispered.
“What’s wrong? Look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Arvin frowned and looked over his shoulder to try to find what you were looking at.
“My ex boyfriends just pulled up.” You gulped and pointed. Arvin immediately felt curious to see what kind of guy you used to date to see if he had a chance with you. When he saw a man in a red and white pinstripe shirt and white pants coming out of a flashy car, he cracked an amused smile.
“That candy ass used to be your boyfriend?” Arvin couldn’t help but laugh.
“Hush. He’ll hear you.” You whispered desperately and tugged on Arvins shirt to get him to stand in front of you.
“How come he’s dressed like a candy cane?” Arvin genuinely asked as he used his body to block you from your ex boyfriends view.
“I mean it, Arvin. Hush up.” You whispered harshly.
“Whats got you so wound up, baby doll? Did he take the breakup hard or something?”
“Truth is, he used to beat up on me.” You admitted. “It took all the strength I had to leave him. If he sees me right now, I’m scared of what he might do to get me back.”
“He beat on you?” Arvin looked over his shoulder again and felt his hands ball into fists. He found your unwillingness to be seen funny before, but was furious now. He looked at your ex with a clenched jaw and took a protective step in front of you.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be telling all this to a stranger.” You apologized, making Arvin look at you like you were crazy. He put his hands on your shoulders and rubbed up and down to try and calm you down.
“No, no it’s okay, darling. I don’t mind the story. Just mind the characters.” Arvin assured you before giving your ex another angry look. He didn’t want to lose his temper in front of you, but the thought of this pretentious guy beating up a school teacher was making his blood boil. He could feel his face getting hotter the longer he looked at your ex and the urge to beat him up got stronger.
“I know this is a little crazy to ask, but would you mind…” You started to ask but trailed off.
“Mind what?”
“Nothing. Forget it. Never mind.” You shook your head.
“Just ask me, darling. Worst I’ll say is no.”
“Would you mind doing something to make him think we’re together? Like kissing me or something?” You whispered through an embarrassed smile.
“Oh, so now you do want me to kiss you? I thought you were mean to me because you didn’t want me to try and kiss you.” Arvin smiled teasingly. He knew the gravity of the situation and was trying to calm you down a little so you wouldn’t be freaked out.
“I know what I said before.” You rolled your eyes. “But this is important. If he thinks I got a boyfriend, he’ll leave me alone.”
“I see. And you want me to pretend to be your boyfriend?”
“Just until he’s gone.”
“I think I can manage that.” Arvin shrugged before pulling you into a kiss. He slipped and arm around your waist and pressed you against your car to kiss you, taking your breath away in the process. You didn’t feel time moving as you kissed him but did feel the fear leaving your body. After spending the last eight months thinking all love ever did was break and burn and end, you felt it begin again. When you pulled away, you looked into Arvins eyes, no longer feeling like he was a stranger.
“Well I’ll be. Didn’t think I’d be seeing you ever again, toots. What are you doing here?” Your ex asked, making you and Arvin jump in surprise. You’d been so engrossed in each other that you hadn’t heard him walk up. Arvin could feel you shaking so he tightened his grip on your waist and shifted his body weight forward in a threatening way.
“What are we doing here? At the gas station? Take a fat fucking guess, dip shit. We’re putting gas in her car.” Arvin scoffed and looked at your ex like it was ridiculous to ask. You let out a shocked laugh and turned your face to the side to try and hide it. Your ex noticed the way Arvins arm was around you and his eyes darkened.
“I’m sorry, who the hell is this?” He asked you, the anger in his voice giving you flashbacks to worse times.
“Arvin Russel. Y/n’s boyfriend. And you are?” Arvin asked and held out a hand. You could tell this bothered your ex to hear you had a new boyfriend and felt your power come back to you. His face turned white as he looked at Arvin in shock. You tightened your grip on Arvin and looked up at him with a loving smile to really sell your story.
“Chuck Greenwood.” Chuck said and hesitantly shook Arvins hand. Arvin made sure to squeeze Chucks hand hard enough to make it hurt as he shook it.
“I didn’t realize you had a boyfriend.” Chuck said to you as he pulled his hand away from Arvin.
“Well I do.” You shrugged and leaned in Arvin. Chucks eyes brewed with jealousy as he watched the two of you.
“I guess I would’ve known that if you ever answered my calls. Must be too busy moving on. Which you did pretty fast, one might say. Didn’t realize you were such a quick girl.” Chuck said in a condescending tone.
“Fuck you, Chuck.” You scoffed, taking everyone by surprise.
“What did you just say to me?” Chuck raised his voice.
“Believe she said fuck you, Chuck.” Arvin repeated with a shrug.
“Yeah. I did. I don’t answer your calls cause I don’t want to hear your nasty, agitating voice no more. And I moved on fast because I knew the entire time that I was with you that I wanted something better for myself. So as soon as I got away from you, I went and found better. And you don’t get to be mad about that.” You stated. You weren’t shaking anymore but Arvin still kept his arm securely around your waist.
“Who do you think you’re talking to?” Chuck growled and stepped up to you.
“You.” You said and shoved him back. Chuck stumbled back in surprise before clenching his fist. Arvin got ready to fight, but you were one step ahead of him. You grabbed the diesel pump and aimed it at Chuck like it was a gun. Chuck was immediately disarmed and held up his hands.
“You don’t scare me no more. Especially not when you’re dressed like a candy cane.” You said in a low voice. Arvin smiled proudly that you used his insult and leaned against your car to watch you.
“Now get lost before I spray you.” You added and held the pump up higher. Chuck ran away from you, tripping over his own feet before getting into his car to drive away.
“Where did that come from?” Arvin laughed in surprise once you were alone again.
“I have no idea. But it felt really good.” You smiled in excitement as you put the pump back.
“I bet it did. I’m proud of you, darlin. I hope you’re proud of yourself too.” Arvin smiled fondly at you.
“You know, I am. Thanks for your help, Arvin. I couldn’t have done that without you.”
“You’re very welcome, miss. But I think you could’ve gotten along without me just fine. What’s the story with him anyway?”
“He works at the mechanic shop my daddy owns. I don’t have any brothers so Chuck was like a son to him. Was even gonna pass down the family business to him. When I finally told my parents how he’d been treating me…”
“They took his side?” Arvin asked, hoping the answer was no. Instead, you gave him a sad smile and nodded your head.
“My parents said all men were like that. Told me to suck it up and marry him anyway so that we’d have someone to give the family business to once my daddy was gone.”
“I’m sorry, darling. That’s no fair. No fair at all.”
“I know. And that wasn’t even the end of it. When I told my daddy I broke up with Chuck, he told me he never wanted to see me again. Haven’t spoken to him since.” You said with a sad shrug. Arvin frowned and felt the urge to pull you into a hug and tell you everything would be okay. Since you were still pretty much strangers, he just put a hand on your shoulder and gave it a squeeze.
“My daddy wasn’t a good man either. I know it hurts.” He said in a soft tone. You looked into Arvins eyes and could tell this was not an emotion he was used to exhibiting. You gave him an appreciative smile and put your hand over his.
“Something else we have in common then.” You smiled coyly.
“Maybe we should go out sometime. You know, see what else we have in common.” Arvin suggested as a blush painted his cheeks. You noticed this and felt your heart flutter in your chest. For the first time in a long time, you trusted someone new. You took a pen out of your pocketbook before taking Arvins hand and writing your number on his wrist.
“This is my number. I promise I’ll pick up.”
“I promise I’ll call.” He grinned as he read over the number.
“I should really get going. But it was very nice to meet you, Arvin.” You smiled warmly at him and unlocked your car. Arvin opened the door for you so that you could get in, convincing you further that giving him a chance was the right thing to do.
“Was nice to meet you too, doll.” Arvin smirked as he shut your car door for you. You gave him a wave and started your car before pulling away.
“Wait a minute.” Arvin called out and jogged after your car. You stopped the car and rolled down your window to look at him.
“Aren’t you gonna kiss your boyfriend goodbye?” He smiled coyly as he leaned down to your window. You playfully rolled your eyes at him before leaning out the window to kiss him. You knew it was crazy to be kissing a man you just met, even for the second time, but it felt right.
“Goodbye. I mean it this time.” You laughed and pulled away.
When you got home that night, your phone rang before you even had a chance to set your bag down. Your heart skipped a beat as you went over to answer it.
“Hello?” You said into the phone, hoping to hear Arvins voice again.
“Hey.” Arvin replied. “So am I gonna have to wait until the next time you need gas to see you or are you free tomorrow night?”
Tag List 🏷️
@awesomebooklover17 @thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling @serendipitous-amor @tom-hollands-wifey @20fandomfangirl
@lavender-writer @whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings @ultrunning @imyourliquor-youremypoison @andreasworlsboring101
@letsloveimagines @peterparkoure @a-villain-vying-for-attention @justcallmehitgirl
@jackiehollanderr @maryjanee23 @geeksareunique @emmamarshmellow @unbelievableholland
@flixndchill @sovereignparker @every-marveler-ever @undiadeestos @caelestii-e @eridanuswave​ ​ @fiantomartell @solarxmoonchild
@canyouevencauseicant @illwritetomorrow @thehappygrungelife @saysomethingspiderman @smilexcaptainx @quaksonhehe @kelieah
@seasidecrowbar @lovelessdagger @electraheart-3174 @unbelievableholland @yourtypicalhotmess @horanxholland
@thesuitelifeofafangirl @marshxx @heyheycharlatte @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie @tomshufflepuff
@maybemona @alexxcorona113
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nowimyurdaisy · 1 year
Dating Jeremiah Fisher
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pairing: i think its obvious but jeremiah fisher x reader
warnings: jeremiah being a simp
requested/not requested
a/n: i miss writing for my favorite book boyfriend 🤭
not gonna lie he is a total simp for you
such a gentlemen on dates, first date he showed up to your house, knocked on the door, flowers💐in hand. making you blush like crazy when you answered the door
dates with jere involve picnics on the beach, midnight swims, dancing at parties, bonfires on beaches, movie nights in watching old classics
for your second date you went to the boardwalk and jeremiah insisted on winning you a prize "jere it really is ok, I don't need that stuffed bear" "y/n/n I told you I was gonna get it, so I'm going to get it"
he got you the cutest Teddy Bear, he had a little bow tie and you didn't let go of him for the entire date. "why hell mr. teddy" "mr. teddy?" jere asks and laughs. "hey don't be mean" Now mr. teddy sits on your bed.
he waits to kiss you because he doesn't want to screw it up
the first kiss is perfect tho, you were over at his house, a late night swim
nights normally ended with you in his bed or on the couch, watching a movie, your hands running thru his hair
he smelled so good too, a mix of chlorine and his cologne - musky, a campfire, a hint of cherry
of course there is constant teasing from Conrad and Steven, about how Jere is a "simp"
dinners at the Fisher's became a refular, ending in night swims with the Fishers + Conklins
you and Belly instantly clicked, always giggling during group events, constant girl talk
you told him you loved him a few months into the relationship. he told you he loved you too
Jeremiah says he's not the jealous type, but he's lying. One time this guy was flirting with you and jere wrapped his arm around you, pulled you closer, and basically told the guy to fuck off with the look he gave him.
you love him to the moon and saturn and he loves you to the moon and saturn
summers are the highlight of your year, it is when you get to sunbathe on the beach of Cousins with the boy who loves you
taglist: @http.ily @http-ilysm @peneluvsprongs @xtom-darling-x17 @crazylokonugget @almostcontentcreator @savagemickey03
2nd a/n: sorry this was so short and maybe bad...
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TW: Smut. Language. Teasing. Dirty Talk. 
SUMMARY: A midnight rendezvous with your secret boyfriend nearly reveals your relationship to the other pogues on a cold winter night. 
Crafted for @xtom-darling-x17
“I’ve been waiting for this all day…” He spoke nuzzled into your neck, his breath sending your skin to chill beneath his words as he stood behind you within the center of The Chateau. The sensation of his fingers at a rest at your curved hips, prompted you to face him, the lights from the nearby Christmas tree acting as the only illumination to his heartbreak eyes and adorable freckles only visible when standing this close. But in his attempt to connect your lips with the absence you’d both been forced to endure all day, you would retract at the final second. 
“You don’t want to kiss me?” He asked with his eyes stationed at your smirk, widening as he pulled you tighter into him. His entire body collecting you against his tight frame, an arrival of a specific nether rigidity making you blush to know you could excite him this quickly. 
“JJ is-”
“And Kiara..” You looked at the direction of the door. 
“Is back on Figure Eight…and you…” With hands devoted to your body, you were guided to the direction of the couch, just a few meters behind your stationed steps, “Are running out of excuses…”
“I just don’t want anybody to interrupt us again…” You reminded him of the previous day, where you had been intertwined and on the cusp of that orgasmic release, only to have Pope pull him away at the last second. 
“Well baby…” Your calves were now flush with the couch as he guided his pointer finger into a bend beneath your jaw until your wide eyes met with his, heavy with lust, “We just have to find a way to keep you quiet…” Before you could object, you were lifted around him in an effortless ascension before leveling with him as he set you in a straddle upon the couch. Immediately, his lips were at a savor to your own, a tongue brushing your mouth apart to relish in how quickly you were made breathless for him. 
“You’re already shaking?” He teased as you looked to the direction of the window of the Chateau littered with condensation from the shift of weather seemingly approaching overnight. The warm Carolina heat had shifted rapidly into the bitter cold of this winter night, with only his touch acting as a source of heat to an otherwise frigid abode. 
“I’m cold…”
“Good thing I know just how to make you warm…” He explained, lifting you high enough with one arm to lower you back down onto his fingers, “And wet…” He smirked, your cheeks furthering a blush. But as your lips parted to showcase how those very fingers made you feel, the low groan would be a reason he kept you still over him. 
“Baby…Unless you want JJ to wake up and hear how deep my fingers are-” You interrupted him by forcing him further back into the fabric of the couch, your own touch altered from his shoulders and into the material supporting you both. 
“I’ll be quiet…” You spoke quickly, riding into his fingers as he smirked beneath you. He allowed you the pleasure of your selfish ambitions for only a moment before shaking his head. 
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep…we both know you always want to scream for me…” Once again, his quick motions would be a reason you could not respond, as you were rolled onto your back. Legs pulled to his hips, his fingers returned to your sex long enough to source just how wet he’d made you. 
“God, you could take me so deep right now…quick too…But I’m going to take my time…” He kissed you softly while his fingers began to run in a trace beneath your sweater. The idea of being naked beneath such temperatures had been less than desirable, but was quickly accommodated by the heat of his lips in a parade from your mouth and down to your navel. 
“You think you can be quiet?” He asked, removing your plaid bottoms as you swallowed hard. The reason for such nervousness came from the way he looked at you from between your thighs. A soft kiss to the part made by his hips having made you well aware of his own intentions. 
“Doesn’t matter…I need to taste my sweet girl…” Your panties were taken to the side, his impatience keeping you somewhat dressed, as his eyes took stock in the sight of your breasts in a heave of anticipation to his lips already approaching your sex. 
“I don’t want you to make a sound until you come…” He explained, folding your legs over his shoulders until they were dependent on his back, your toes already curling to the sight of him licking his lips to you. 
“That way you won’t be interrupted.” You bit your lips closed as your eyes fluttered in a synonymous rest of the feeling of his tongue in stride against your lower lips. He began at a slow pace, running through your lower lips to bask in the way you tasted for him. A taste only he knew. Even if nobody could know this, you both had, and that, in itself, was enough for him. 
As his speed increased, his tongue darting in and out of your entrance to imitate what was to come, your fingers ran through the messy tresses as a way to release your tensions by pulling on his hair. But to further your torment and initial resistance, your hands were taken at a gathering of your wrists and used to hold you flat beneath him. 
“John B-”
“I’m not stopping…So you better be quiet unless you want JJ to see how you look when you come…He’s going to know how you sound here in a minute if you don’t-” You couldn’t take his teasing or his sensations a moment longer. You pulled him to you, taking hold of the tie keeping his sweats in place, before he collected your wrist. 
“I don’t think so, baby-”
“Please…I need to feel you…”
“I know you’re close…I can taste it…” He smirked, proud of his remark, as you bit your bottom lip at the sight. 
“But I think I want to have you warm me up a bit…”
“I’m trying…” You whined, reaching your other hand to his shaft, but he only smirked. 
“With those pretty little lips, baby…I’ve been thinking about them wrapped around me all day.” You were quick to oblige as he assisted you to your knees. 
“Can YOU be quiet?”
“Why don’t you find out?” He leaned forward to taunt a kiss, before you pushed him back to the couch before he could commit. Just as he had apparently thought of this, you had shared this fantasy, making this evident as you took him behind your eager lips. 
Similar to how he had begun, you had done so sweetly, savoring him as he had done to you. But rather quickly, you began a pace that made it difficult for him to remain still, let alone keep silent. Grunts and curses were expressed behind clenched teeth as you ignored that damned gag reflex that seemed nonexistent in contrast to your need to please him. 
“Baby, slow down…I’m gonna come…fuck…You’re too good-” The door to the bedroom JJ claimed as his own crept open as it did nothign to deter you. John B stiffened beneath you as you only shook your head to speak silently how you would not cease for even a moment. Tearful eyes both challenging and submissive would be cause for him to lift you back over him. But this was momentary as you were taken onto your back, his cock at a threat to your opening, as his hand came over your mouth. 
“You make one sound and he’ll know how good you sound finally getting what you deserve.” He looked at the illumination of the bathroom light coming on with the sound of a nighttime release being enough to keep John B stilled over you. But the temptation was too great and you used the wrap of your ankles around the backs of his thighs to pull him inside of you. 
“What if he sees you-”
“I don’t care.” You spoke into his palm that fell loose enough to hear your words. 
“I do. I don’t want anyone else to know how your sound so fucking sweet when you come…and the way your eyes roll when I hit THAT spot…” He moved in slow movements, his cock stretching you in that familiar pull, all while you were forced to endure his dominance over you. “Yes…THAT one…” And just as he had predicted, your eyes pulled into a roll as he returned his hand over your mouth. 
“I wanted to take my time with you…” His second hand came to your breast, elbows supporting him from crushing you, as he remained close enough to feel the jackhammering excitement of his heart. 
“But you just had to take me like that on your knees, right? Couldn’t help yourself for making me wanna come?” You nodded. 
“So you’ll understand why I’m not waiting another fucking second.” He rutted up into you, your body at the mercy of the couch and his merciless mistoning. Meanwhile, JJ was at risk of observing any of your motions as a curious squeak of the couch caused by your mutual weight was reason enough to look beyond the curve of the hallway. But as he emerged to return to his slumber, John B removed his hand. 
“If you want your brother to hear you, that’s up to you,” He spoke breathlessly. “But either way, you’re coming for me…Whether we have an audience or not…” Your back attempted to arch to the connection of his fingers to your clit, ambitious and direct, as you trembled beneath him. 
“John B…I’m gonna come-”
“Say it again.”
“I’m coming…” You gasped, trying to remain silent as he only quickened his motions. 
“Fuck, you’re gonna make me, baby…You’re so fucking tight for me…”
Your nails against his arms, clawing into the bare skin, had been an outlet for the vocality you couldn’t allow. Not if you wanted to keep John B in tact as you knew JJ wouldn’t let this continue if he knew. And for that, you used every muscle to keep from being discovered. Even as he continued through your high to find his own, your body granting it to him rather quickly, you managed to do so. 
“Sweet jesus…” He rested his forehead against your chest, kissing just above your heart, before leading those kisses up your neck and back to your lips. A deep french kiss would leave you breathless once again as he adjusted you against his chest. 
“Are you warm now, baby?”
“More than.”
“Yeah…And soaked…” You blushed. 
“Whose fault is that?” You retorted as he smirked. 
“But you’re still shaking,” He cast his jaw to the side as his fingers climbed your hip and back between your sex. 
“Looks like you're still a bit too cold…” Your hand wrapped around his wrist. 
“It’s too sensitive…” But he only forced your legs apart wider by the use of his own as it had been your thighs in such a way that made this possible. 
“But I’m still cold, baby…You made my face warm and my cock is definitely toasty…but my fingers…see how cold they are?” You groaned to the slow penetration made by his digits. 
“This time, you make a single sound and I stop…I want to watch you come for me…” And you would. Twice over as once was simply not enough. The lights from the tree mirrored in your lust-blown eyes as you were taken tighter against his chest as you were too spent to move. 
“There. Perfectly warm.” He rubbed his hands down your arms until you fell asleep on his chest shameless to be seen this way if it were to come to that, as you were too wrapped in admiration for the man you loved to care. 
Taglist: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4starkey @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @camilynn @sweetestdesire @onmykneesforrafe @drews1love @phildunphyisadilf
215 notes · View notes
skzs-posts · 2 years
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌
Awwww this is so sweet💌
@theslayerofthevampires @jahayla-parker @takenbyheartstrings @xtom-darling-x17 @xoxoavenger @waitimcomingtoo @belovedholland @pbnjparker @justapurrcat (this is all I got 💌)
58 notes · View notes
gillybear17 · 2 years
Stuck at home with Covid for a week and I feel like death🤧😷🤒. Does anyone have any recommendations on what to watch when I’m not sleeping?
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adventuresinobx · 2 years
🎵, 🎧, 🎤, 🔮, 🐰, 🙃, 🦉, 🦖 & 💞?
Hey lovely 🥰 hope you’re doing well!
🎵Last song you listened to?
2 Be Loved (Am I Ready) - Lizzo
🎧 Headphones or earbuds?
Definitely earbuds! I think my head’s too big for headphones 😂
🎤 Is there a song you know all the lyrics to?
You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift
🔮 What’s your dream job?
Probably what I do now!
🐰 What do you think says the most about a person?
Their kindness and understanding even if they’ve not been through a specific situation themselves.
🙃 What’s a weird fact you know?
When a fish eats water from the surface of an aquarium, they can take in air and it can cause them to have balance issues.
🦉Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Night owl, 1000% - but not too late, I need my sleep 😂😂
🦖 Favourite extinct animal?
Tasmanian tiger 🐅
💕 Your favourite blog
Ohh so many and I’ve met some wonderful people on here! Going to end up missing loads but here’s a few of my fave blogs: @starkeyobx @pankhoeforlife @strokesofstokes @penny4yourthoughts @fiction-is-life @pankowperfection @drewbooooo @lovedetlost @tee-swizzle @xtom-darling-x17 and of course you too @paradisehamilton 💖
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landosgirl97 · 2 years
A few people tagged me in this too so thank you, and I’m sorry if I’m retagging you and you’ve already done this 🥰
1. My resilience. I’ve been through A LOT of shit, but I made it through the other side.
2. My big heart. Sometimes it’s more of a bad thing than a good thing, but either way, I’m proud of it and love it.
3. My career. I worked hard to get where I am, and I don’t regret it one bit. I love my career and that it helps provide for my family.
4. My body. I grew a whole human and birthed her for God’s sake. My body is strong and powerful and I’m a damn rockstar for that.
5. My old soul. I don’t always see things the way most people or the “world” does, but I feel like I’m able to empathize with people on a level that most people can’t because of it.
@pankhoeforlife @adventuresintheobx @bcofl0ve @samxslaughter @avenging-fandoms @dre6ming @drewbooooo @emmymaehereeeeee @elvisabutler @fuckyeahaustinbutler @goldenjo @honeybear-yammy @iconschasestokes @johnb-routledge-17 @johnbswifee @kraekat29 @lindzaylove @luhdrew @mentalpolaroids @maybankslover @penny4yourthoughts @rudystree @thecameronchronicles @thesummeriswerved @unmistakablyunknown @xtom-darling-x17
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tomholland1996simp · 2 years
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I posted 54 times in 2022
That's 54 more posts than 2021!
33 posts created (61%)
21 posts reblogged (39%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 42 of my posts in 2022
Only 22% of my posts had no tags
#tom holland - 38 posts
#fluff - 31 posts
#like - 30 posts
#tom holland x reader - 29 posts
#tom holland fic - 28 posts
#tom - 25 posts
#imagine - 23 posts
#oneshot - 23 posts
#tomhollandsimp - 22 posts
#hollandaccount - 20 posts
Longest Tag: 30 characters
#california academy of sciences
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Cute || Tom Holland
Pairing: Tom holland x mum reader
(Tom is not the father of the readers child)
Summary: A day out with Tom and your son that is full of cuteness, and even gets your son to call Tom by a certain name by accident.
“Dylan, baby. Tom’s gonna be here in a minute, can you get your shoes?” You call to your 5 year old son. Today you had planned a cute little day out with your boyfriend Tom and your son, Dylan.
You and Tom have been dating for two years now and it’s going really well. At first it was hard with Dylan as he’s never really had a male presence in his life. But surprisingly Dylan got on really well with Tom, he loves him.
Dylan’s dad has never been in his life, he doesn’t want anything to do with him. That’s why your happy you met Tom. Dylan’s dad left you when you told him you was pregnant, he didn’t want to keep the baby, however you did. But it’s his loss. Honestly Dylan is the most brightest and cutest little kid ever, you love him with all your heart.
“Mummy-“ Dylan whined but got cut off by the door bell ringing. Walking to the door and opening it you was greeted by a handsome face.
“Hello gorgeous” He smirks walking into the house, placing a small kiss on your lips. “Hey baby, we’re nearly ready. I just need to get my phone and keys” you tell him walking into the other room.
“Mummy!” Dylan whines again from his room.
“Mummy please” He calls again. Tom slowly walked into his room seeing the little five year old on the floor with a frown on his face.
“Hey buddy, what’s wrong?” He asked crouching down to your son.
“I can’t do it, please can you hwlp me” He cries, pointing to his shoe lace.
Tom smiles picking the boy up onto his lap and tying his shoe lace in a double knot. “There we go bud” He smiles as Dylan crawls off his lap looking at his shoe laces, smiling. Saying a small ‘Thank you’ after.
“You cuties ready?” You stand in the door way admiring your two favourite boys in awe’s.
“You look pretty mummy” Dylan compliments you hugging your legs.
“Thanks Dylan. Right let’s go have some fun” You exclaim lifting your hands up in the air to your son.
“Yesss!” He screams. “Come on Tommy, let’s have fun!” He pulls Toms hand out of his room and pushing him to the door.
“Yeah Tommy. Let’s have fun” you wink at your boyfriend, shaking your shoulders into his with a smirk.
You all first went out to eat for some lunch in a restaurant. You really wanted to have a special day with the two boys and bond. Tom had only just got back from filming a week ago and he was away for two months. You and Dylan always miss him when he goes away, but you both understood the reasons behind why he had to go…well mostly you.
Dylan sometimes put up a fight begging for Tom not to go. It was cute to know how much your boy loves and cares for Tom and the other way round. Tom would do anything for Dylan, he acts like he’s his own child sometimes.
“So you decided what you want yet, Dylan?” Tom asks him as Dylan stares at the menu even though he can’t read it.
Dylan smiles, nodding. “Can I..Can I get chicken nuggets and chippys plwease?” He asked me and Tom, us both smiling and nodding.
“Have you decided what you want, darling” Tom places his hand on your thigh giving you a kiss on your cheek making Dylan fake gag.
“Yeah, I’m gonna paying for-“ But before you could even finish what you was going to say Tom cut you off. “No, I’m paying my treat” He smiles, placing his finger to your lips so you couldn’t argue back.
He then called the waitress over ordering our food, the waitress writing it down. “Would you like a kids colouring book?” She asked Dylan with a smile, he nodded happily.
See the full post
407 notes - Posted September 22, 2022
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I’m just tired || Tom holland
Paring: Dad!Tom
Warnings: Tired reader, Angst kinda
Summary: You and Tom have a daughter who is  2 years old. Tom has been away filming and at night you have been getting no sleep, due to your daughter going sleep too late. One day Harry comes over, to see you looking very tired. He offers to help, however you say that your fine. The story carries on from there ;)
(I know it’s kinda like my ‘I’m sorry mummy’ one but people really liked it so here’s another)
Tom and I have a daughter who is now 2 years old turning 3 soon. Her name is Scarlett and she can be a very adorable, nice girl at some times. However she can have her days where she wants to throw tantrums everywhere and scream and cry all the time. It can be very stressful at times because Tom isn't always here. I know he can't help it due to filming, but I miss him a lot. I don't tell him how stressed and tired i've been lately as he's busy filming in America.
Yeah I know I should ask for help from his parents or brothers, however I wanna try be a good mum to Scarlett and try do it on my own. My best friend, Y/B/F/N, even told me that I need a break and I should ask for help, but I simply can't.
Lately Scarlett has been going bed so late around 1-3am. Her bed time routine has been so bad, so i've been up so late recently. Normally she has a good routine but whenever Tom goes she just messes around as I am what they call the 'soft parent'. I try be the mean one but I feel too bad when I try tell her off.
"Scarlett you need to go sleep, your uncle Harry is coming over tomorrow" I lay her back down. The time was currently 2:45am and she just wasn't going sleep.
"No. I want the phone" She huffs.
"You can watch something on my phone tomorrow-we'll today when you wake up" I place her back in her small bed.
"NOOOO" She runs out the room, so I chase after her. "I DONT WANNA GO BED" She screams and cries throwing some of her toys.
"Stop please bubs. Just go sleep" I was absolutely exhausted at this point. I only had 2 hours sleep last night and I know tonight will be the same.
(Btw she's still young so her words won't be clear so that's why they look like they are spelt wrong)
"Daddy would lwt me stay awke" she stood up crossing her arms.
"No he wouldn't"
"Yes daddy would!" she stomps her foot.
I lost it at this point, "WELL YOUR DADDY ISN'T HERE, I AM! SO YOU DO AS YOUR MUM SAYS AND GO TO BED!!" I shouted, then she runs up the stairs crying. Honestly after I said that I felt bad so so bad. This is why I am the soft parent because I never shout at her but she always listen to Tom. It's like she hates me and me only.
Walking up the stairs, I open her room door to see her crying under her covers. Slowly going over to her, I try pull the covers but she holds them tight. "I'm so sorry princess" I whisper.
"Go away pwease" her little voice choked.
"okay. Goodnight" I whisper walking out the room, crying on the way to mine and Toms shared one.
That night I cried all night long, I must've only got like 1 hour sleep. I woke up early in the morning as well , around 7am. The house needed to be cleaned and I had a lot of things to do. Harry was coming over at 1pm.
"Scarlett come down here, your uncle Harry will be here any minute now" I tiredly shout from the living room. Then I heard loud footsteps running down the stairs. Scarlett still hasn't spoken to me since last night but I understand.
About 10 minutes later there was a knock on the door, so I stood up opening it. Harry stood there with a big smile on his face.
"Hi y/n- oh wow are you okay?" His smile fades as he looks at my face.
"Yeah I'm fine" I shut the door behind him, giving him a side hug.
"You sure? You have big bags under your eyes. Are you even sleeping?" He takes his shoes off.
See the full post
411 notes - Posted August 11, 2022
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Not mine ^^^^
“I’m sorry mummy” || Tom holland
Summary: You and Tom have a child called Noah, who is 4 years old. Tom is filming in America, when he gets a call from his son, saying that Y/N is crying because their son said and did somethings.
The rest you will find out....
You and Tom have been dating for about 5 years now and have been engaged for about 8months. You both have a son called Noah, who just recently turned 4 years old. You found out you was pregnant after being with Tom for nearly a year. The pregnancy went well and everything and now you have an adorable little boy.
(Your 23 years old right now and had Noah at 19)
Well sometimes he can be adorable and cute, however lots of the times he's naughty. You was always the soft parent, feeling bad for Noah If you ever told him of, but it had to be done. Tom on the other hand was the parent that Noah always listened to and never really behaved, that was probably because Tom knew he had to learn what's right from wrong.
Ever since Tom started leaving for filming, Noah started acting up. He started having certain behaviours that just weren't okay, such as hitting, being rude or throwing things. Of course knew about some of these things but he was never there to see how stressful it can be. You was still very young at the age of 23, so you still had to do things for work.
Today though Noah was being extremely bad and you just wasn't feeling great at all. And the worst thing is that Tom still had about a month left of filming so he wouldn't be back any time soon.
You had been coughing all night long, you must've got about just 2 hours sleep only. It was about 9p.m when you heard a loud smash from the kitchen. You then quickly jumped up, running into the kitchen to see Noah laughing, whilst standing on the counter, as he went to grab another plate to smash from the cupboard.
"Noah No!" you shout rushing over to him to pick him up.
"Your so boring" He whines as you picked him up putting him in the front room.
You kneel down to his height, "Listen, we do not throw plates on the floor and we don't climb onto the counter" you say without trying to cough.
"I don't care" He walks away from you, sitting on the sofa.
After You went into the kitchen to clean up the smashed plate on the floor, making sure nothing else is left. You then made Noah some breakfast.
"I've made you some food baby, sit in the chair" you say placing the plate on the table.
You didn't make yourself anything because your throat killed. Instead you took some tablets with water to try make you feel better.
"Ewww I don't want this!" Noah throws his food onto the floor, Tessa then eating it after.
"Noah. Don't throw your food onto the-" You started coughing so you didn't finish your sentence.
"I don't like your food! I like daddy's breakfast" He gets his juice cup, throwing it at you.
"N-NOAH! DONT THROW" You shout trying not to let a tear slip from your face. Yes you wanted to cry, your child was being so naughty and you felt so sick.
"I DONT CARE!" He storms off into the living room, going to watch tv.
However, you decided he needed to be taught a lesson so you went into the room, turning off the tv with the controller in your hand. "No tv for naughty boys like you"
"WHAT! Ugh but daddy would let me" He whines.
"Well daddy is not here!"
"I WANNA WATCH TV!" He starts to cry, then walking up to you punching you.
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539 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
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Video game || Peter Parker
Summary: Peter is your best friend, you go to his house after an argument with your parents. However he’s playing video games so you decided to sit in his lap. He realises your sad and turns off the game to comfort you.
Today just wasn’t the day, school was tough as it is and now your shouting back at your parents. You don’t really know what caused the fight between them, they always find ways to argue with each other. All you was trying to do is defuse the fight between them both.
Being the only child really sucks when they argue as you are always in the middle of it trying to calm them down. The most annoying thing is, is that after an argument the next day they acted like nothing happened. They would be cuddling on the sofa acting happy and not the toxic couple they was the night before. And this really made you mad.
Now your mum is shouting at you telling you not to get involved even though she’s the one that had called you down to interfere with it. You was just sitting in your bedroom catching up with your homework when she shouted, “Y/N COME DOWN!” That’s when you came running down the stairs.
You knew what was going to happen, in the end you would be the bad person to trying to find peace. You didn’t think arguments nor violence was the way to sort problems or issues.
“I don’t care y/n, you told me the other day you thought the same!” Your mum shouted trying to get you on her side when really you wasn’t on any. She lied, you never thought the same as her, you didn’t say anything. She just wanted you and her to gang up on your dad.
“Don’t try turn my daughter against me you bitch” Your dad shouted in your mums face as you stood between them, scared if anything happened. You were pleading them to stop, tears falling down your cheeks. That’s when your mum tried to slap your dad in the face but ended up hitting you. It has happened many times, this time it hurting really bad.
“ouch! I SAID STOP! LOOK IM THE ONE GETTING HURT NOW! JUST FUCKING SHUT UP!” You scream a sob, walking pass them to get your shoes on. You really had enough, your tired and just wanted sleep. Now you couldn’t.
“Where are you going? y/n i’m sorry” Your mum grabbed your arm trying to stop you from walking out the door.
You just shrugged her off, grabbing your keys and phone slamming the door behind you. Ignoring her shouts and calls for you to come back. It was dark outside and chilly. Queens wasn’t very safe to be travelling outside at this time of the night, however you didn’t really care. You just needed to see one person and one person only……Peter.
You arrived at his apartment fifteen minutes later, May letting you in straight away. You smiled at her before slowly walking into Peters room, his door being open a tiny bit. There sat your best friend of four years with his headset on and a controller in his hands. His fingers aggressively pressing the buttons.
You shut his door quietly the sound making his head turn to the door. He quickly took his head set off resting it on the back of his neck, the controller in his lap. “Oh hey love, I didn’t know you was coming” He said with a small smile.
“Yeah, c-can I stay over?” You asked sitting on the edge of the bed where his chair was leaning against.
“Yeah of course, everything okay? Wait Ned!” He asked.
“Everything’s good” You lie smiling.
“Okay well i’m gonna play one more game then we can do something” He said turning around to play again with ned.
One game turned into two games and two games turned into more. Not that you minded, but you did want to feel physical touch right now. You needed Peters arms around you to tell you everything will be okay. Instead he’s shouting on the headset to Ned.
“Get him! SHOOT HIM!” He shouted as an idea popped into your head. You didn’t want him to stop playing as that’s what he wanted to do…so you stood up, throwing your phone on his bed.
Walking over to him slowly, seeing his eyes stay on the screen. “What the f-Y/n what are you- No Ned!” You moved his arms so you can sit on his lap in the chair. Your legs either side of them through the arms of the chairs and your arms wrapping around the back of his neck. Your head was now snuggled into his neck, taking in his sent.
“You okay, love?” He wrapped his arms around you still holding his controller in his hands. You just nodded into his neck not wanting to speak. At first he didn’t really think much about it, until he felt wetness in the crook of his neck. That’s when he turned off his game, taking the head set off and placing it with his controller on the side.
Peter then slowly stood up holding the back of your thighs, your legs wrapping around his waist as he held you. He pushed his chair back into the desk, walking over to his bed sitting down.
“Hey, hey sweetheart. What’s the matter?” He tries to lift your head up but you just keep forcing it back down. “Look at me y/n/n” He said, your head slowly lift eyes locking together. You wiped your eyes with your hands, looking at him with a fake smile.
“I’m fine, really.” You tell him again wanting to just stay in the position you was just in.
He rubbed both your arms feeling the goosebumps on your skin. “Your cold. Let me give you something to wear, i’ll get you a hoodie and bottoms” He smiles taking you off his lap.
Once you had gotten changed, Peter walked back into the room with some snacks for you both to eat. He dimmed the lights sitting next to you on his bed, wrapping his arm around you.
“M-My parents were arguing again, I tried to stop it. They got me involved and m-my mum went to hit my dad but she slapped me in the face instead a-as I was in between them. T-They never stop” You sob next to him as he pulls you closer to his body.
“Shhh, it’s okay. I’m here y/n. Don’t worry. I’m so sorry that you have to go through that. Remember your always welcome to stay here” He told you and you always will be.
See the full post
1,003 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Snap || Peter Parker
Summary: It’s been a long stressful day for Peter, so when you come over he can’t help but get mad at certain things you do. Leading to him snapping at his girlfriend.
Haven’t read over so sorry if there’s mistakes.
Being spider-man could be such a stressful Job for Peter, patrolling late at night, trying to juggle with school work and saving the city all made him tired. He felt drained, not just physically but mentally too. That’s why today he wanted to relax in his and his aunts apartment, alone.
However, Peter had forgot that a couple of days ago he asked his girlfriend, y/n, to come over to hang as the apartment would be free. So instantly when he opened the door after he heard a knock, his face dropped slightly when he saw her bright smile. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to see her, he just wanted to be alone and be by himself for the day. Normally when Peter is stressed or tired he snaps out at people and gets angry very easily.
“Heyy, Petey” You smiled at your boyfriend, noticing the black bags under his eyes which you would ask about later if he had been getting sleep. You know that Peter is spider-man, you found out when you two were best friends, after the day he told you, you both confessed that you were in love with each other.
“Oh, y/n? Hi” He rubbed the back of his neck, letting you walk into his apartment. Now he regrets asking you to come over, knowing he just wanted to go bed and sleep.
“Did you forget that I was coming?” You let out a little chuckle, placing the two plastic bags on the counter. Before going to Peters, you decided to buy his favourite sandwich from his favourite sandwich shop, Delmars. Then you stopped at another store to get your favourite snacks and drinks for you’re movie marathon that you had planned to do tonight.
“N-no, just didn’t realise the time” He lied, taking your bag from you’re shoulder and putting it into his room. You followed him behind asking him if he wanted his sandwich. “Maybe later, I just ate not long ago” He lied yet again, laying on his bed.
“You okay, baby?” You noticed his mood, normally your boyfriend was excited to see you, he would greet you with a big hug and a kiss. Then he would ramble on about his day or his patrols late at night.
“Y-yeah” He faked smiled as you crawled onto the bed leaning over to peck his lips, him not kissing back.
You raise your eyebrow, thinking he’s playing with you. “Peterrr give me a kiss” You whine as he ignored you looking at his phone. You then decided to straddle his legs, taking his phone from his hands and giving him a kiss. This time he did kiss back but he pulled away quickly.
“Give my phone back, please” He tiredly asked.
“No” You jokingly smile at him, but your smile dropped when you realised he wasn’t joking the whole time.
“Give my fucking phone y/n!” He snapped, snatching the phone from your hands and pushing you off him. He then turned his back from you, going back on his phone.
“m’ sorry” You mutter that feeling sinking in, deciding to go into the kitchen and help May by cleaning the apartment up a little. You hoped that after you was done that Peter would be out of his ‘mood’ or whatever was going on with him.
After an hour the dishes were finally washed and cleaned so you decided to go back into Peters room to check on him. Now he was sitting at his desk doing his homework that was due for Monday, maths. Luckily for him you were quite good at maths, that’s why he would always ask you for help.
“Want some help?” You asked, your voice coming out more quiet than usual.
He just nodded his head as he moved to the bed so you could both sit together. You then explained to him how to solve some problems, basically doing the homework for him as he laid there. You didn’t mind that though, you were happy to help him.
Your talking, however, was making Peter lose his mind, he just wanted silence but you kept rambling on about how to do his homework.
“Ahh shit, the pencil is blunt. Do you have a sharpener?” You look at the blunt pencil and then at him.
He then pointed over to his desk top draw, implying that it was in there. You nodded your head, standing up and going over to the draw looking through it to find the sharpener. “I don’t see it” Turning to look at him, seeing him roll his eyes making you gulp.
“It’s in there, look properly” He said, watching you struggle to find it, the noise making his head hurt.
“I don’t think it’s-“ You was cut off by hearing him get up from his bed, stomping over to you and moving you out of the way. He went through the draw and fount it in a old pencil case.
“It’s right here! Open your fucking eyes next time! Fuck sakes, your making my head hurt!” He snapped at you, shouting. He had never ever shouted at you, nor sworn at you before. He then grabbed the pencil sharpening it a bit too hard making it break.
“Sorry” You stand up fiddling with you’re fingers looking into his eyes but not finding any regret in them.
“Stop fucking apologising y/n, that’s all you fucking do. ‘I’m sorry’ just shut up and leave me the fuck alone!” He shouted stepping towards you making you flinch a little as he yelled. You know Peter would never lay a hand on you, but seeing him right now made you scared.
You didn’t want to cry in front of him but you couldn’t help letting a little sob escape your mouth. His angry expression fell a little, now realising what he had said and how scared you looked.
You then pulled out your phone acting as if you had received a message. “Oh, I-I got to g-go, my uhh my mum messaged saying I can’t stay tonight, got plans” You wiped your eyes with yours Peters hoodie, grabbing your bag and throwing it over your shoulder, not daring to meet his eyes.
“y/n, no please don’t go. I’m sorry, Angel.” He grabbed your arm softly, not wanting you to leave, now regretting the way he had just shouted at you. Your his girlfriend, he shouldn’t ever raise his voice at you. He loves you.
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2,114 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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oh-puffle-cakes19 · 2 years
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I posted 359 times in 2022
That's 359 more posts than 2021!
158 posts created (44%)
201 posts reblogged (56%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 148 of my posts in 2022
#tom holland - 90 posts
#tom holland x reader - 88 posts
#tom holland fandom - 73 posts
#tom holland x you - 70 posts
#tom holland fluff - 66 posts
#tomhollandfan - 64 posts
#lovers - 54 posts
#tom holland au - 38 posts
#outer banks - 35 posts
#outer banks x reader - 34 posts
Longest Tag: 31 characters
#merman!tom holland x fem!reader
My Top Posts in 2022:
Safe In His Arms
Pairing - Jeremiah Fisher x reader
Summary - You, Belly and Taylor gets stranded by Nicole and the other group of girls naked. Jeremiah and Conrad go to take their clothes and pick them up. After, things with You and Jeremiah get heated.
Warnings - Smut 18+ (Protected sex, Oral sex - Female receiving, Praise Kink, swearing)
A/N - This is requested by @pillowcolorsstuff Hope you enjoy! Thank you for all the love and support, much appreciated! I have enjoyed writing this 🥰
Word count - 1K +
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“Oh my god,” You gasp with Belly and Taylor, “I can’t believe they just left us here!” You groan.
“Also, they took our Fucking clothes, Those cunts!” Taylor scoffs, rolling her eyes.
“What the Fuck are we gonna do?” Belly questioned, “Calm down it’s going to be fine, we just need to find something to cover us up,” you say looking around.
“I’ll look for something to cover us up,” Taylor offered swimming finding something.
“While you do that I’m going to call Jeremiah,” You get your phone from the side of the lake, pressing his contact name.
Ring, ring.. “Hello, Jere we need help,” You shout down the phone, cause he clearly at a party.
“Oh my, Y/N where are you, sweetheart,” Jeremiah walking outside so he can hear you, concerned for you.
“Hang on,” You look up, “Guys where are we?” You questioned, “Shit, we don’t even know, some kind of lake,” Belly shouted, Taylor trying to find something.
“Jeremiah, I’m going to put my Snapchat location on for you to see where we are because we have no clue. And also we are naked, can you bring clothes? For me, Belly and Taylor,” You told Jeremiah, taking a deep breath trying not to panic.
“Really, your naked! ok I’ll be there and bring clothes for you guys, bye love you,” Jeremiah quickly ends the call after you say, “love you,”
You swim, where Belly and Taylor are. “I’ve got good news and Bad news,” You tell them, They look at you, “what’s the bad news?” Taylor asked.
“Well, the bad news is that it’s going to take time for Jeremiah to come but the good news is he is and with clothes for us too!” You all smile and sigh at the same time.
“It’s so fucking cold, I’m Freezing my tits off,” Belly complains, “Aren’t we all?” You sigh.
“We could at least try to, find something and walk a bit naked?” Taylor said, “I agree, it’s going to be late as it is when Jere gets here so better get our asses up,” You say, “Come on,”
“Fuck, we really doing this?” Belly grumbled more out of fear of being seen, “Yes,” you and Taylor say at the same time.
You, Belly and Taylor get out the water. Luckily there was no one about to see you.
“Look over there, a really big boat sheet!” Taylor and you pulled it off quickly, wrapping it around you, belly and her.
“Well at least this is better than nothing,” Belly said, you start walking only thing you got in your hands is your phones.
You get up this long road, “Remind me not to ever go skinny dipping again unless it’s just you guys,” You laugh enlightening the mood, “Yh same Y/N,” Belly and Taylor laughed too, shaking their heads.
Meanwhile, after Jeremiah got your call. Conrad came to him with a bag full of clothes, which was yours and the girls!
“Oh, my God, Who the fuck did that to them!” Jere scoffed as Conrad and him speed run to their cars, “It was fucking Nicole and some other pathetic girls, they are so done!” Conrad growls,
“Y/N rang me up, that’s how I knew that happened.” Jere told, Conrad nodded.
They both stepping on the gas peddle following the directions on your Snapchat location.
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375 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
Cute Curious Babies
Pairing - Peter Parker x reader
Summary - Peter and you eventually having a baby, ended up having twins. Peter showing the children how to use his web shooters.
Warnings - none just fluff
A/N - Requested by @spideysbae I hope you enjoy, Many thanks to all your Love and Support!
Word count - 1.8k+
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You and Peter Parker seemly high school sweethearts falling in love, now 6 years later being both 24 years old married with 2 children at the age of 3 years.
You taking care of your children, packing their lunch for play group as you look up seeing one of your babies on the ceiling. You gasped, still not used to seeing them sticking to things because they got their Dad’s (Peter Parker) radioactive genes.
“Hey, Babe are you ok?” Peter questioned walking through the kitchen door, he noticed one of his babies sticking on the wall again.
“I’m fine, looks like this little munchkin got themselves stuck thou,” you giggled, your other baby crawling to your feet. “Can you get her off of the ceiling Thanks,” you pick up your son.
Peter climbing up to get D/N, “it’s ok, Daddy’s got you baby,” he cradles her in his arms going back down to the ground. “I’m still not use to them having your powers,” you shake your head, moving to put the pack up in the fridge for tomorrow.
Your son giggled “Daddy, on wall with D/N,” pointing at him. “Yes, Baby,” you giggle as your baby sticks to you, gently grabbing the talcum powder to unstick him. you bring that everywhere with you because these babies of yours are very sticky!
“There sweetheart, all safe,” Peter kisses her cheek, she blowing raspberries in his face and making her hands clap giggling.
“There was a 50 percent chance rate of them getting my genes that are radioactive,” He grins, kissing your cheek. You smile ruffling his hair, “Dork,” Peter raises his eyebrow, “yeah, but your dork,” he whispers right near your ear.
“Daddy, mummy play, Play,” S/N and D/N squeals smiling, you both put them down on the floor as they crawl to their toys to the living area. “At least they got your smarts too,” you smirked, Peter brings his arms around your waist, “Your smart too, Darling,” kisses you.
“Am I?” You tease, “Yes, Baby so not dumb,” Peter teases back. “I think our Babies want us to play with them, come along Petey,” you walk sitting down, Peter nodding to follow you.
S/N and D/N are actually playing the same thing, which is rare even thou they are twins. You pick up a doll with Peter, laughing when you see a Spiderman Doll.
“What’s so funny, Mrs Parker,” You burst out laughing again, your babies look at you laughing too. “Well, Mr Parker You bought yourself a Spider-Man doll when we was 17-18,” you explained, showing him.
“Hey, it’s not a doll it’s actually an action figure,” He corrects you, taking it into his hands pouting. D/N walks to Peter, “spider-man,” she says in awe, hugging him. You giggle, as S/N comes to join the hug.
Ever since they found out their Dad is spider-man they are obsessed. Thinking it was such a cool adventure to be apart of, it was a pretty funny story. Your babies actually understood how to keep a secret, Tony Stark being a massive help out with the little ones.
Later on in the day you fed the twins in their high chairs. Peter coming through the kitchen door just after a mission with his suit on. Your babies babble “Daddy, da show show,” they point on their wrist, smiling.
They had done eating, now wanting to play. Peter took both of his children in his arms, while you go out shopping. “Show, show” They kept repeating, giggling.
Peter Sits on the sofa with them, side by side. “What do you mean? Sweethearts,” Peter asked, as they point to his suit. “Oh, do you want to know about these,” he recognises at what S/N and D/N are pointing at.
“Yes,” they throw their hands up, giggling. “Mm, well the basics are these are called web shooters, can you say Web shooters? Babies,” He smiles, encouraging them to learn new words.
“Web, shooter,” Making grabbing hands at them, “That’s good, Munchkins!” Peter praises them, they smile even more loving the attention. He takes his web shooters off, to show them how to use them.
He clips one on D/N little arm then the other on S/N arm. “To use them, you see where the little pad lock is,” he points to each one, making sure they understand, “you press that button, with your two middle fingers,” Peter wiggles his fingers, showing his babies.
“Yes, two fingers,” they nod, wiggling their little middle fingers giggling. “Your fast learners, Babies aren’t you?” Peter praises at them, “but wait, loves.” Stopping S/N pressing the button.
“You need to aim like this,” Peter stretches out his arms, “Then do this Motion with your fingers as you point your arm out.” He explains, clearly and carefully. “It’s going to feel strange at first, but you will get the hang of it,” he smiles.
“You can try, Babies,” He tells, D/N sticks her arm out aiming then shooting the web.
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377 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
Twirling Around
Pairing - Jeremiah Fisher x reader
Summary - Your a close friend to the Fisher boys, especially Jeremiah. You haven’t seen them a long while, Along the way you go to the debutante Ball. Belly seems to get jealous but not for long. You and Jeremiah connect like fireworks!
Warnings - Slight Angst, but rather minor, Smut 18+ (Protected sex, Oral sex - Female receiving, Praise kink, Swearing)
A/N - This has been requested (sorry it won’t let me tag them) but their name is @t-t-070609 Hope you enjoy! Thank you to all your love and support 🥰
Word count - 1K +
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Another Summer, away from the Fishers or so you thought? Your family decided to take some changes this year, actually renting a home in cousins.
It’s only gets better for you because you can spend time with Jeremiah and Conrad, but mostly Jeremiah. Your excited because you haven’t seen them in so long as you Moved away a few years back.
“Hey, look there is a car pulling up on our drive way..” Conrad, explained to Jere. They go outside to see, who it is.
“Omg, It’s Y/N,” Jeremiah screams, as you step out the car walking to him. He picks you up spinning you around.
“Alright, alright! I know your excited but I’m fucking dizzy,” You squeal, hugging him back.
“Hi, Conrad!” You hug, him “At least someone, is normal,” you tease, squinting eyes at Jeremiah.
“Hi,” Conrad smiled, he is shy and quiet where as Jeremiah is the opposite mostly.
“Hey, at least I give better hugs,” Jere defends, taking your hand.
“Yh, sure,” you tease back, smirking.
“What are you doing in Cousins? We have not seen you in like forever, we missed you so much!” Jere asked you, your in their house.
Your mum said hi to the boys as she walks to the other mums.
“I’m here for the summer,” you clapped, excited, “And I’ve missed you both so much too!,”
“I’ve always wanted you to be here,” Jere smiled, “so room tour?”
“Yes room tour,” You laugh, standing up.
Conrad eventually talking with you and Jeremiah as you walk around the house.
Even though you been away from the Fisher boys for sometime they acted like you never left them. Especially, instant connection with Jeremiah. You still liked Conrad but everyone could definitely tell there is a connection between you and Jeremiah.
“How’s it been away, you been enjoying your new home?” Jere question, jumping up the stairs.
“Not too bad, of course 10x better if I never left but I’m glad I’m getting the opportunity to see you,” You smiled, Jeremiah taking your hand to guide you in his bedroom.
“This my bedroom,” He smiles, “If we go down the hall there other bedrooms and the bathroom,”
“You show me, your bedroom first,” You wink, teasing. You and Jeremiah always had this flirty/banter side together, no matter what!
“Yes, you know me Petal,” Jere winked back teasing you too. Expect something was different about it this summer, it wasn’t the same.
“Come on, let’s go downstairs! Looks like Conrad beat us to it,” Jeremiah laughed, running down with you following.
You had fun with Jeremiah and Conrad, deciding it was time to go home until tomorrow.
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396 notes - Posted July 20, 2022
Could you make a Peter parker one where the reader stays over at his house and there maybe best friends or they just started dating and when they sleep peter gets like a b*ner. And the reader wakes up feeling peter and hearing his noises that she tells him in the morning abt it and he gets embarrassed but she tries to tell him it’s fine xx
Waking up to you
Pairing - Peter Parker x Reader
Summary - You and Peter has just started dating, you sleep together for the first time. When you wake up you hear and feel Him.
Warnings - slight teasing, embarrassment but fluffy
A/N - Thank you for your request, hope you enjoy! Much appreciated love and support. 🥰
Peter Parker, bitten by a spider.. it’s icon to be honest. Even though he got rock, hard abs he hasn’t had many relationships.
You being you, sweet and innocent. You just need to explore more into the depth of the world.
When you meet a cute, nerdy guy who stumbles over his words. You didn’t expect to go out with him, but now just 2 months later that’s where you are in life.
“Peter, come sleep baby,” You kiss his cheek as you rub his hand, “I know you and I are suckles for studying but even I think that’s a bit too much,” you giggle.
“Mm, I agree babe,” Peter closes his laptop and books as he rubs his eyes, yawning.
“Pjs, I don’t forget to brush your teeth,” You call out as Peter walks out going to the bathroom as he grins at you.
You already did that and got into bed but you thought you would encourage Peter, to do the same as it’s been way past hours.
“Baby,” Peter mumbles, sleepy as he slides into his bed with you. “Yes baby boy,” You stroke his hair, comforting him as he hums.
“Love you,” he whispers after kissing your lips, he closes his eyes.
“Love you too, Petey night,” You whisper back, drifting off yourself into dream land.
“Mm, night,” Peter smiles, snuggling further into your chest.
You are new at being around a guy, especially that’s he’s your boyfriend.
You wake up to the sun shining through as it peaks out through the gap of the curtain. You look down seeing Peter still asleep as he shuffled onto you, mumbling sounds.
Sounds that sounds like he’s actually moaning, you thought. You could feel something against your thigh, looking down as the covers have been half on you both.
You see Peter’s hard on, your eyes widen not use to sleeping with a guy. Feeling strange that you saw a bulge with his pants on.
Until you see Peter’s face pouting in his sleep like a baby against your chest, you calm down not thinking much about it.
You cuddle Peter more, getting comfy as you need to stretch out.
A few minutes later, “Mm, Y/N,” Peter scrunches his eyes up, slightly opened mouth rubbing against you lightly.
You wasn’t uncomfortable per say, you just didn’t know what to do.
Peter finally woke up stirring as he opens his eyes to, “Good, morning baby,” You kiss his forehead.
“Mm, morning, Darling,” Peter smiles, leaning in to kiss you sweetly, on the lips.
“You know, um.. I’ve got something to tell you,” You can’t help but let out a giggle, going to tell what you have just saw.
“What is it?” Peter questions, curious.
“You know you got a boner, and you was moaning my name plus rubbing up against me,” You breathed out, feeling much better.
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536 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Over flowing
Pairing - Jeremiah Fisher x reader
Summary - You come to cousins as usual, doing your ritual every summer on the first day. Later comes with frisky moments that you and Jeremiah adore.
Warnings - Smut 18+ (Praise kink, Oral sex)
A/N - Prompt request (it won’t let me tag them, sorry) I hope you enjoy it! Thank you for all your love and support, I really appreciate it 🥰
“Wait are you wearing my clothes?”
“Come sit on my lap, Darling,”
Word count - 1.4K
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Your POV…
Jeremiah is the sweetest boy, I could ever imagine having in my life.
I suddenly, felt two strong arms wrapped around me picking me up as I arrived getting out the car.
“Ah, Jeremiah!” I shout, startled. “Hey, pretty girl relax,” he grinned playfully, I calmed down until I hear “We are just going for a swim.” He picked me up running to the pool with me laughing.
Conrad and Steven had Belly, dumping her into the pool too. Now Belly and I was both in the pool smirking to one another, both knowing that Conrad and Jeremiah would help us get out.
They did at the same time too, which is perfect! We gave each other a knowing look as we grabbed our boys hand flipping them into the pool.
“Oh, my” We laughed, “God,” Belly finishing the sentence. We high fived each other as our boyfriends come to the surface, smirking back. Me and Belly try to scramble but it was no use, we was giggling as they got our waists pulling us back under playfully.
Look like Jere and Conrad had the same idea as they both pulled us under the water for a kiss. We all popped our heads up laughing way too hard at each other’s expressions.
Steven just looking at the whole bizarre conundrum going on gob smacked.
We got out the pool, Jere wraps a towel round my body such a gentleman as Conrad dose the same for Belly. I go into the kitchen, all wet.
“Oh, my,” Susannah puts her hands to her mouth, “The girls really got you this time.” She laughs, smiling while talking to Laurel.
Laurel wasn’t surprised seeing that your all wet bar from Steven, she shakes her head continuing to talk to Susannah.
“First one to get dress wins!” Jeremiah screams through the house, rushing up the stairs. You run right behind him leaving Belly and Conrad talking.
You laugh as you throw yourself into his bed. “Hey, your wet missy!” Jere pretending to be mad but breaking into a smile. He dives into the bed, “with out me,” he winks.
“I thought you said get dry,” you climbed out to get some clothes before he could say anything. You waved, going into the bathroom.
Jeremiah got dressed himself, way quicker than you. Now waiting on his bed for you, strolling through his phone.
I come out of the bathroom all fresh and clean and climbing into Jere’s bed. He puts his phone down looking at me smiling.
“Wait, are you wearing my clothes?” He smirked, running his hands against the sides of my waist gently. I giggle as he grips on to me more, pulling me into his lap.
“Is that why you rushed into the bathroom?” Jere nozzles his head into my shoulder, I’m giggling over the feel of him tickling me.
“Yes,” I smile cuddling my body into his more, “I did because they are so comfortable.” I sigh in. Content, Jere peppers kisses all over my neck and shoulders.
“Mmm, you look Adorable Babe.” He states, twirling a piece of my hair into his fingers. “Just want to eat you all up,” He pretends to eat me, I lightly scream giggling.
Jeremiah sits up to peep through the door, seeing that no one is around. He closes the door and locks it grinning.
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562 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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worldoftom · 2 years
Hi, I’m Ellie is your sin bin open? Because I would really love to request a prompt, I clicked on the church of Holland post! Really good idea 🥺🥰 I really please would love the prompt, Ping! If you stay over this weekend, I'm having a clothing ban. To be written. If your interested, I’m making mood boards for people, you can request 2 or 3. All you have to do is Send me your choice of pictures of Tom Holland :) but it’s ok if it’s not, thank you so much! I love all your other work, especially your series of Tom and the readers fantasies. I really appreciate and support you! ❤️🥰
hi! i'm B :) thank you so much for your message and kind words <3 and for your reblog!!! <3
oh boy the Church of Holland was such a long time ago, it’s ridiculous. It was pretty much a flop too, but that’s my fault. I am very very very terrible at following through with requests! I did a few back in the day, but then I stopped having decent ideas and started drifting away from them. funny enough, my last request was last year, and it turned into 200k of filth 💀 sooo I can’t promise I will follow through with your request sadly. Like I said, I’m not so good at handling them, but I will keep it in mind. It could fit in a couple of my wips, so maaaaaaaybe. Why not? If i’m inspired enough :) I’ll keep you posted.
I’ll be on the lookout for any picture of Tom that inspires me to request a moodboard! Just to keep you busy during your event on your blog (I suppose there is one, at least.) + as a thanks for being so kind and supportive !! 😚<3
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silkscream · 2 years
Hi, once again congratulations on 3k 🥰 sangria please with Arvin Russel x reader, he can’t stop putting you on his lap!! Thank you 😋
hello i'm so late on this but wow now i'm thinking abt him so much. he really can't keep his hands off of you. part of it is because you're like a safety net to him -- as long as he has his hands on you, touching your skin or the fabric of your dress, he feels safe. it's once in a blue moon when you encourage arvin to go out with you to the pub. he doesn't have many friends, save for the few men he does construction with, but he wouldn't consider them to be close with him. not when they keep making eyes at you nestling your beer like you've got two heads.
you, though, you're a goddamn social butterfly. it's why a slightly possessive arvin likes to wrap his arm around your waist while you're standing and talking to the other guests at your table while arvin watches and smiles thinly. he drinks enough beers to relax, but he still won't quit with his hands on your hips. every second you might stray away from him, he simply pulls you by the waist so that you're back on his lap again. even when some acquaintance joins the crows, arvin insists they take your chair -- you can sit on his lap after all.
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landothemuppet · 2 years
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Hi! This is a moodboard asked by the cute @xtom-darling-x17 but as I'm stupid, i deleted her ask by mistake 😭.
Ellie, i hope you are not mad with me and you love this moodboard 🥰 btw i love the pic you choose!
Tysm for your compliments in your ask 💕🥰💕🥰 as my thesis is done i can be back at writing and a new chapter of my recent series would be out asap 🥰🥺
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nowimyurdaisy · 2 years
Hi can I please have a request for Jeremiah x reader, thank you so much 🥰 your writing is great!!! And Amazing!!! Where you and Jeremiah swim in the pool in the day time where everyone can see. Your dating but no one really can tell. You two flirting and giggling, just having fun but then the girl, Gigi. I think her name is? She try’s to flirt with him, he declines saying he’s got a girlfriend not really paying attention to their reaction, instead just focusing on you. She looks over to you jealous, as Jeremiah brings you into a kiss. Just that the girls are jealous that Jeremiah is only looking at you. Thank you so much 🥰😍
warnings: language? make out sesh
a/n: sorry this took so long, i've been really busy painting my sister's room. enjoy this jere 🧸  fic. Also I tweaked it a little... Sorry 💛
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Visiting Jeremiah at his job at the Club was one of your favorite things. Sure it was annoying seeing all those girls drooling over him, but it made you smile when he declined their flirtatious attempts, because you knew he was yours.
Today was one of those days. As soon as Jere saw you approaching the pool, he waved, and jumped down from his post, and ran over to you. "eager to see me? " you asked, wiggling your eyebrows. He chuckled lifting you in the air & spinning you around. You were wearing these big mirror sunglasses, and a dress covering your bikini.
"Hey, i'm still on my shift but when it's over, you and I are gonna have some fun" he said, poking you in the side, earning a giggle from you.
"Okay, ill be waiting " you said poking him right back in the side. "imma chat with steven at the snack bar" you said beginning to walk off.
When he responds, "you mean bug him at the snack bar?" and walks back to his post. You roll your eyes and head for Steven.
"if it isnt little mis y/n" Steven asks when you aproach.
"ha ha" you laugh half heartedly, "lemonade, Steven" you demqan more than ask.
"what's the magic word?" he asks, smiling, knowing that it bugs you.
"please" you sigh, steven raises an eyebrow, giving you 'and what else' look. "pretty please with a cherry on top" you say giving him your prettiest fake smile. And while the two of you were teasingly bickering with each other, Gigi was making her way over to your man in the pool.
"Hey, Jeremiah" Gigi swims over to Jeremiah.
"Hey Gigi" Jeremiah returns the smile.
"I didn't know you were working here this summer" Gigi starts flirting.
Jere ignores her statement, and blows his whistle "Billy no choking! all right?" you know he must have been talking to billy & carter, he complained about them on a daily basis.
"Jeremiah, aren't you gonna save me?" Gigi tries flirting again, capturing Jere's attention. At the sound of this you turn you head their direction, Jere surely knew she was flirting with him, right?
He gave her a smile, like he was contemplating her offer, with made your stomach swirl with jealousy. Steven notices your attention on the two, "She has been flirting with him ALL summer, surprised he hasn't gone for it yet, he's been ignoring her like she's a bag of fleas or somethin'" Steven chuckles. That comment didn't ease your stomach as well as you had hoped, you started walking back over to the pool, since Steven was being called away.
Neither of them saw you walking over, "so you got a girlfriend or something, Jere Bear? " Gigi asks Jeremiah, and god how you hated that she was calling him that.
"I do, actually" Jeremiah responded smiling at the thought of you, making him look over at you, noticing you were approaching.
"Oh what a shame" Gigi fake pouts, "we could have so SO much fun together." she smirks, biting her lip, looking up at him.
You swore your face turned red, angry & jealousy swirling in your stomach, gosh why is Gigi such a bitch you thought.
Jeremiah chuckled uncomfortably. "Uh, yeah." Jeremiah looked in your direction, seeing you walk over, he flashes a smile.
"well-" Gigi starts again, to flirt again.
At this point you were sick of it, "Hey Jeremiah" you exclaimed. You took Jeremiah by his lanyard, pulled him down and kissed him. You kissed him passionately, your jealousy fueling your passion. Your other hand is wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer, as you slipped your tongue slipped past his lips, down his throat. Jere slipped off his chair and wrapped his hand around your waist. The shock on his face was wearing off. You only broke apart for air. Gig coughed "ahem"
Your head swiveled around, your arm sliding down from his neck, to rest on his bicep. "Oh, I'm sorry, are we bothering you?" You asked with fake sympathy failing to withhold a smirk.
"i- I uh, so your the girlfriend huh?" Gigi chuckles nervously.
"Yes I am" you smile proudly. Planting a kiss on Jere's lips then one on his neck then his bicep. Leaving your boyfriend a blushing mess. Making sure she knew, actually everyone knew Jeremiah Fisher was yours, your man, your love.
Taglist: @bigassnocash @http.ily @http.ilysm @buckys2thicc @xtom-darling-x17 @crazylokonugget @a-ndys-stuff @almostcontentcreator
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