#fuck the copaganda in the sonic movies
myymi · 2 months
what if i just ignored canon and made tom a forest ranger instead of a cop in my fics. what then
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sonicattos · 1 month
oh and fuck the knuckles show fuck movie sonic copaganda zionist bullshit 👍👍👍👍 every other version of sonic and knuckles would beat the shit out of these people
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neurotypical-sonic · 6 months
its been a hot minute since ive talked about this and this is not an invitation to start discourse lmao but to remind any new followers: acab and that applies tom wachowski and the sonic movies are in fact copaganda. any cop supporters fuck off
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heliianth · 6 months
i guess im such a buzzkill about the eggman thing bc the sonic series has been slowly sanitized (not that it was ever this groundshattering work of social commentary, but it Was there) and eggman being a staunchly evil representation of capitalism and industrialization who frequently stomps all over ancient (and living) cultures in order to build an empire is like the one thing that hasnt been fucked with now that GUN are supposed to be good guys and characterization is up in the air. the movies are copaganda but at least we still have this LET US HAVE THIS
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starmeadowsystem · 2 months
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I'm sorry. I'm genuinely sorry. I saw this on my dash and I can't help but point out how fucking little I actually care about this. I love Sonic as a franchise. I really do. But I know full well Paramount is just a fucking Zionist copaganda machine. I have no clue what Keanu's politics are, but Paramount is open about their support for the Zionist occupation, which may I remind you has killed over 40,000 Palestinians AT LEAST. Fuck this movie. I'm not watching it, not this year, not ever. I refuse to be excited when people are dying. Sorry for fucking caring about others, I guess.
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themetalvirus · 2 months
i think part of why i find genuine enjoyment from some pieces of the sonic movies is just that i really like cute stuff. im one of those sanrio suckers who gets sucked into the adorable void of keroppi's giant eyeballs and all my money is gone. and movie sonic and knuckles and tails are all so huggable and cute and fuzzy looking
plus i dont really watch them to analyze them, which i guess makes me a Normie but they're the movie equivalent of junk food (which i 100% understand sonic fans being pissed off about ily guys, please keep on hating i love to read your perspectives, also fuck all the copaganda in these movies for real) in my eyes. o watch them to go ha somic so fuzzy and belly laugh at "hes my FRIEND" (so stupid) and skip over the way too long unfunny dance battle in the second one.
i guess the main reason i'm so fond of them is because i saw them with an irl friend to laugh at together, and movie 2 is what got me into sonic, but i saw the first one in theaters too - it was the last movie i saw before the pandemic. me and my friend were belly laughing in the theater but trying not to ruin it for the kids and FAILING btw. sorry to those kids. but these movies are unintentionally hilarious sometimes. and whenever i see stuff about them i remember watching them with my lovely friend who is still one of the few irl friends i have that isnt related to me. so i have really good memories attached to them
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jazzyjesse · 1 month
dude they fucked up with the sonic movies so bad 😭😭😭 like the first movie is fucking. copaganda. and then its pro-israel bullshit?? i enjoyed the first movie, despite everything, but like. yeah i think a lot of sonic fans are gonna quit on the movies now.
they fucked up SO BAD!!!!
like i dont expect sonic media to be astounding i expect it to be mediocre and fun but holy shit theres a buge gap btwn mediocre and fun and completely intentionally ignoring the world and the characters
fucking. sonic the hedgehog. its wild dude! and i heard knux is barely even in his show like???? HELLO????
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chaoxfix · 1 year
i don't know what counts as an inflammatory ask but please give us the sonic movie salt (if u want)! particularly if you have takes on tails or knuckles bc i never hear anyone talk about their characterizations specifically
ty !! i appreciate the inflammatory ask <3
and i do have a decent amt of movie salt haha
in general i dont enjoy the sonic movies as much as other sonic media because i think they truly dont understand sonic as a character, and they DEFINITELY dont understand his motives or values. the sonic movies are why i think its a bad idea to give sonic a canon tragic backstory, because it fucks up his future characterization by giving way too much of the past to reference and be cautious of; sonic isnt all that cautious and he tends to live in the moment. basing the rest of his life on a traumatic moment... it works for many characters, but. not for sonic. the fact that sonic the fucking hedgehog lived in ONE TOWN on earth for like the entire time he was there and advocated for his friend to STAY THERE FOREVER and pass up an opportunity for something he was passionate about, because of his own trauma? boo. (like copaganda aside that was just bullshit) -- in general i think it's just a silly move to give sonic parents because like... hes written significantly as teenager wish fulfilment, of never being told what to do by adults and getting to live by your own rules. giving him parents.......... who is that for lol. no thanks.
but about tails and knuckles, mmm
i do actually quite like knuckles in the movies, i dont have much salt about him. i think it was honestly one of the better portrayals of knuckles, and undid some of the damage of sonic heroes onward, where he was portrayed as naive to the point of stupidity.
as for tails....
the dance scene haunts my nightmares but i try not to hate on things that are specifically made to appeal to kids. i hate it but ultimately it wasnt for me. whatever. fine. but i do have a bone to pick with his overall characterization and story. i think it just created a lot of issues -- the stalker storyline was mid at best, and he seems to have extremely low motive for being on earth. the genius trait seems unearned if hes just from a planet where thats normal, rather than something slowly built up over many games until the child prodigy story is believable. overall the question for me was just, why was he there? not just on a meta level, but on a practical one. what did he narratively add to the story? he felt a bit like a deux ex machina; to bail sonic out of trouble in one scene, and then became a motivation for sonic later on, to be tough and protect this kid. but overall he doesnt really "do" much and isn't a part of the core conflict or story structure. knuckles drove a significant portion of the plot -- he and sonic are living out the conflict between their ancestors and whatever; tails just didn't have a similar narrative use. and i think for any movie where you have a lisenced character, they should have a really compelling reason to be there. especially if its the story theyre being introduced. in general tails falls into this trap sometimes in the games too -- i wish he was more narratively important than hes often written to be. but its particularly egregious in the movies
ty for the ask!!
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nianderful · 1 year
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anyone being passive-aggressive to those pointing out the sonic movies' copaganda can fuck off. i love these movies to death but you can't deny that aspect of it so maybe don't be shitty to those who don't enjoy the movies/are nervous about the knuckles show because of it
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anyway i love the sonic movies but not the copaganda and if the last part of that sentence makes you upset then there's the unfollow button ✌🏾
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the-acid-pear · 1 year
Sorry I'm sleepy so I'm just gonna talk w/o thinking but. Actually gonna cut straight to the chase; i once saw some1 calling sonic the movie copaganda and it's like. Man. Shut up 😭
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bird-inatrashcan · 2 years
Ok ok ok
You guys have encouraged me
I am going to, for just a moment, let the lid off of the large jar that is my soul and I am going to be letting out SO MANY HORNETS. And then once I'm done I'll let them back in the jar, and close the lid again.
If you really liked the sonic movie that's okay. I think maybe don't read this post though
Here goes:
I have three major points that I want to address:
- The general half-shittiness that's in most moneymaking movies by design and why this one is no exception,
- The fact that it has, at best, fundamentally misunderstood, or at worst, intentionally undermined, the spirit of Sonic and everything that makes it special
- And whatever the FUCK these clowns did to Eggman.
It's just kind of a mediocre movie, man. Like it's not progressive you guys.
First off: It's copaganda. It might not be the absolute worst kind there is, but the idea that cops are actually just nice guys who really want to help people and are super kind, is copaganda. It doesn't matter that he's 'technically a sheriff' if he's constantly being referred to as part of the police force and then shown in a positive light, it's copaganda. And like! Most things are these days! It's okay to like things with problematic aspects, but guys, I need you to acknowledge it.
And the efforts to not disturb the status quo does go deeper. Movie Eggman is shown as working for the government (which I will scream more about in detail in point 3), but they also don't like him, so they can push the angle that "actually, when the government does bad things, they're really sorry, it was one guy going too far and not our fault". The villain is not allowed to be an extremist or a capitalist, but he's also not allowed to show the government in a bad light.
I feel like there might also something to be said about the way the story utilizes their Black supporting characters, especially how Maddie's sister is treated, but I'm white, so I will leave my take out.
THESE. Are the points I have, that are like ... reasonable. This is the tip of the iceberg, folks. This is where I stop trying to be kind. Now, we are delving into the passionate opinions of a socialist in their twenties who thinks sonic 06 is the best sonic game.
You have been warned.
This movie is not Sonic. It has nothing to do with Sonic. This is not a love letter to Sonic like Detective Pikachu was to Pokemon, the only reason this was a sonic movie was to make money.
Allow me to explain.
If you reskinned sonic and his rings, renamed a couple of things and removed like three references, this could easily just have been an original story about a weird lonely little alien. In no way did I get an impression that the creators had any affection for the games other than maybe like, idk playing one sidescroller. I'm not just talking like, oh they didn't have the chaos emeralds, or, they got a voice actor I didn't approve of, I mean they fundamentally changed everything that makes Sonic ... Sonic.
They even changed his powers. Game Sonic isn't a speedster, he just runs fast. A huge part of his character is that he's actually laid-back, likes reading and napping and enjoying nature. The part where they have him read a stack of comic books in five seconds, they'd already lost me.
Game Sonic is a character of freedom and justice. He hates being tied down, but is still endlessly loyal to the people around him. Movie Sonic is sad, lonely, passive, a hoarder, and he wants to settle down in a place he can call home.
Most importantly though, game Sonic is a hero. Movie Sonic is not even the hero in his own movie. The hero of the story is the fucking, cop guy (whose name I promptly forgot, was it like richard or smth, I'm gonna have to look that up aren't I) TOM that's his name. Movie Sonic gets saved by a cop. I hate it.
Think about it. Why are Sonic and Eggman enemies in the games? Because Sonic saw that what Eggman did was wrong, and took it upon himself to stop him, which pissed off good ol' Egghead quite a bunch. Game Eggman doesn't care about Sonic himself, but he knows that as long as Sonic is around, Eggman won't get to cause the damage that he wants to. That's why Sonic fights Eggman. Because it's the right thing to do. Because he's a hero.
Why does Movie Sonic fight Eggman? To survive. Nothing wrong with learning to fight for yourself, of course, but trying to save yourself does not make you a hero. What kind of selflessness does movie Sonic ever show? He unknowingly traumatizes a turtle in the beginning in what's supposed to be a funny moment in the beginning. Other than that, he's fighting for himself and also partially Tom (who is also at this point the key to his survival And his only friend) and there's nothing wrong with that, but it isn't heroism. It isn't Sonic. Sonic is rebellion. Sonic is fundamentally about doing what's right and stopping bad people no matter what it takes. Sonic has an environmentalist core and shuns capitalism and corrupt governments alike. Sonic inspires us to take action against people destroying nature in order to build theme parks.
BUT YOU CAN'T SHOW THAT ON DISNEY CHANNEL! We can't question the status quo! That would make the money sad!
They took a character full of the spirit of revolution, skinned him, and stuffed him with something else in that can sell tickets and won't make any capitalists too scared. No wonder the first model looked like bad taxidermy.
Even the few fan-focused references are low-hanging fruit. They have, like, chili dogs, his shoes, the words gotta go fast? That's like, it. That's all. He runs into the ocean and all we get is I'm lost and there's a fish on my head. What about Sonic's debilitating fear of water?? There's no references, no love, there's nothing more than what one might gain from skimming a Wikipedia article. If you're gonna claim that this sanitized blockbuster ready mess is actually Sonic, at least put your backbone into it. Make movie Sonic pet that one dog's head and go "don't worry buddy" a few too many times to be normal. I thought of that one in two minutes while I was on the toilet. They didn't do that. They did nothing.
None of these people know anything about Sonic and if they did, they wouldn't have let this bastardized version of my Son Nick the Hedgehog ever see the light of day.
I hate it.
Let's just go over the real Eggman's motivations for a moment.
His grandfather, someone who he looked up to, did everything he could to help humanity and do good in the world. In return, the people he was working for murdered him. Game Eggman is someone who has seen his own family killed by the government, by people they were trying to help. Game Eggman has decided that the world is thankless, and he might as well be selfish, because selflessness is never rewarded. In some iterations, he has also been shown to resent humanity itself to some degree. In this way of life, he's become so fundamentally lonely that despite his hatred for Sonic as someone who continunously gets in his way (and is the shining proof that you should still do good glaring him in the face), Eggman has ended up caring about him in a sort of roundabout reluctant way, because he has literally nobody else in his life. He's evil, he's charming, he's a fundamentally sad character who is making the quote-unquote "best" of it, he has settled on this way of life and has no intentions of changing his ways, but he will also help out or spare Sonic in moments of weakness, because it's the only other person who is consistently in his life (save for his own robots). He's a beautiful character, who can easily be simplified to fit a standard villain role and then expanded if the plot calls for a more real story. He's also charming and funny until the moment the chips are down, at which point he will turn on a dime and absolutely threaten to shoot a twelve-year-old in the head. I love him.
Movie Eggman is an annoying, entitled and whiny excuse for a villain, who has so little motivation that I can only really remember that he wanted to capture Sonic to do uhh. Something. Who cares. Something something steal his powers, don't remember, don't care. If Sonic has lost everything that makes him Sonic, Eggman has outright reversed who he was to become the most annoying anti-eggman ever.
He's aggressive up front and has no charm. His robots are sleek iPhone looking motherfuckers. He works for the government - you know, the people he actively hates the most because they killed his family? But nobody killed his family in this one. No, he was bullied once and decided to become evil because of it.
Quick tangent: NO MORE VILLAINS WHO WERE BULLIED. If someone was bullied and decides to get revenge, it has to be shown to be at least a little sexy. It has to be at least a little bit of a "good for them" moment. If the point is that you're evil if someone bullies you and you then fight back, I'll make you eat thru a straw or whatever that thing he said was. I don't care.
There's no showmanship about this Eggman. There's no strange attachment. There's no anti-industrial message sent with his building of theme parks in nature. He doesn't turn people into robots. He's not lonely; they gave him a simp assistant (assimpstant, if you will) to instantly remove that facet. He's not charming. He's not owning his goofy look and claiming the title "Eggman" for himself and making it his Thing. He has no confidence. He has no style. He's not even shaped like an egg.
I'm sorry to say but anyone who says this is a good Eggman either doesn't know the full game lore, doesn't know what makes for good writing, or is horny for Jim Carrey. I'm sorry I have to say it. I'm not saying this Eggman is necessarily a bad villain (I don't care for him at all, but it's like Whatever u kno?), but calling him Eggman? Calling him Robotnik? Disgraceful. Shameful.
In conclusion: This movie could have changed three pieces of imagery, two names and four lines, and it would have been completely unrecognizable as a piece of Sonic media. The only reason they made it about Sonic instead of being its own original story was to make money, and while that's always sad, it is even more so when it's done a fundamentally revolutionary and anti-capitalist franchise, and I am sick of seeing people praising it instead of acknowledging it for the cashgrab it is.
That's all.
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thankskenpenders · 3 years
Unless I just haven't seen it, there seems to be surprisingly little discussion in the Sonic fandom about the fact that the movie features a white cop tying a Black woman to a chair in her own home, without even charging her with any crimes, just abandons her there, never comes back... and it's all played as just funny haha in-law fights. Which I think is all the filmmakers INTENDED it to be, and may have been written before anyone was cast, but still screams "didn't think this through."
There is definitely a lot about Tom the Cop that was not very well thought out, and I hope it’ll be handled better in the sequel. (Mainly by, you know, lessening his role, because who the fuck is going to see the Sonic movie for Tom the Cop.) Like they paint him as this stereotypical good guy all-American small town hero cop with a heart of gold, but then they’ve got shit like that, or the child trafficking joke when Sonic’s in the duffel bag
I wouldn’t say the Sonic movie is particularly heinous copaganda, but like countless other pieces of American media it does accidentally highlight some dark shit about how we’re expected to view cops. Big Government is out to get this poor little small town cop who’s just trying to do his job, and he should have the right to do whatever he wants because he’s The Hero. Again, nothing out of the ordinary here. But aside from Sonic and Robotnik being fun, just about everything about the movie is painfully generic Hollywood fare, and it therefore falls into a lot of the usual pitfalls. We’re just lucky they didn’t find a way to also turn it into military propaganda. (Hopefully the increased focus on other actual Sonic characters and Robotnik no longer working for the government will make the sequel less bad in this regard.)
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birdsareblooming · 3 years
all i know how the sonic movies are already the anti mcu is that the sonic movies say “fuck the government”, so please further elaborate
if any twitter person says "But sonic 2020 is copaganda" feel free to use my post as a referance against that
tbh if they made tom a (small town) cop SPECIFICALLY so they could get away with putting middle finger to the U.S. government and military than props to them
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themetalvirus · 10 months
Next movie if Sega isn't a coward: Gun, showing Shadow doing bad stuff: that's clearly your son Tom: no??? what the hell are you talking about??? Wade back me up here Wade: well, they are both hedgehogs. I can't believe sonic would do something like that Tom, having all the things he heard about cops and profiling and how stupid the justice system is finally kick in: ohhhh I get it now.
it wouldnt fix the copaganda of the previous films but it would at least be an improvement
also knuckles, the most black-coded character out of the whole cast, is getting a miniseries with a stupid cop. cool. really tasteful. instead if knuckles and wade being idiots how about giving us an actually interesting story about all the dimensions/places he saw while looking for sonic??????? but they already did that in one (1) comic so something something conflict. fuck this
maddie divorce him. and get with a real man like me
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