#fuck tumblr's tagging system with a splintery branch
bylightofdawn · 1 year
I swear to all the gods that I will wage a ONE WOMAN CRUSADE on tumblr's annoying habit of always correcting Obi-Wan's name to obi wan in it's tagging system. Doesn't matter that I AM DELIBERATELY writing it out as obi-wan kenobi cause that's how his name is formatted.
Is it the most stupidly pedantic thing to get pressed over? YES.
Do I have much better uses for my time than to literally take 10x as long on mobile to tag shit because I have to keep auto-correcting it? YES
Do I know how stupid I am? YES.
Am I going to quit? NOT A FUCKING CHANCE.
I am just a pedantic, petty-ass bitch over like .01% of things. Most stuff I just let slide off my back. I don't even care when other people write it out like that. Either in tags or in fic whatever. You do you. I just fucking hate that tumblr will not draw from my previously formatted version of this tag and that it will stop auto-correcting it. Just do what I am bloody typing please.
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