#fuck vilda
kamwilliamsonn · 1 year
as women, as FOOTBALLERS, never should we have to question if we are safe around the MEN in charge. in a position of power, as the boss. but instead they prove time and time again that they will always continue to abuse the power they are given.
the NON-CONSENSUAL KISS, the SEXUAL ASSAULT is the tip of the iceberg, it never should have happened. And they never should have even THOUGHT that he would.
Stand with Jenni Hermoso. Stand with Spain.
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honeybeelullaby · 1 year
The ladies should celebrate by kicking Vilda on the ribs, just saying. The English girls can join them.
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l-e-e-woso · 1 year
Finally action has been taken, it should not of taken as long as it did but he’s finally gone. No longer Coach or Director of Sports!
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zestingbloodorange · 1 year
people are protesting on the streets of Madrid for jenni and the team.I'm so glad the spanish people are standing up for her and the girls not just online but in person.the signs the women are holding are so powerful and they're so powerful.
( you can find the pictures on Instagram : togethxr )
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kay-no-lies · 1 year
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*Big Sigh*
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ziggy-the-moon-man · 1 year
Congratulations to the team, but I was still rooting for the Matildas to win the cup 🤷 and this is coming from one of the Mexican viewers who didn't have their team on the tournament.
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yeeterthek33per · 1 year
And to think this was a team that was headed towards greatness too, then they go and appoint this fuckhead.
Whorehay Vilda 🙄
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girraffy · 1 year
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i-am-mr-k · 1 year
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Whatever happens today, it ain't because of this guy.
Do we root for the team we love, but the coach we hate, or the team we (affectionately) hate who has the nice lady coach?
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periwinkleaxolotl · 1 year
mapi leon, patri guijarro, claudia pina my loves you deserved better i’m so sorry
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nottaysreputation · 2 years
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magicfootballstuff · 1 year
Divided (claudia pina x reader)
Summary: You and Claudia have had different approaches to the Spanish national team while the dispute with the federation is still ongoing but one thing you can both agree on is that Vilda is an asshole.
This is actually worse than if you’d never even been called up to the preliminary squad.
Your first thought, once you’ve got past the initial crushing disappointment of finding out that you haven’t been included in Spain’s final squad, is that you’ve got to somehow find it within you to tell Claudia that you won’t be going to the World Cup after all.
It’s been the source of quite a few arguments between you and your girlfriend over the last few months. Claudia, resolute in her decision not to return to the national team until actual change has been made, accusing you of putting your own career over your integrity. You, plagued by injuries over the last few years that saw you miss out on an under-20 World Cup and last year’s European Championships, desperate to get to a tournament, this an opportunity to be your first senior one. 
The arguments haven’t had any lasting damage on your relationship, but it’s reached the point where you both actively avoid talking about the federation or the national team, just to save yourselves the hassle of another fight. You told Claudia when you were selected for the preliminary squad and left it at that, keeping emotion out of it, telling her more for the logistical purpose of informing her that you might be away for most of the summer than because you were expecting any kind of congratulations from her. As it turned out, she did congratulate you, though somewhat half-heartedly, and told you that she was happy for you. Happy, you noted, but not proud.
So that’s where you left it. Both aware of the situation, you wishing that Claudia was going with you and her wishing for you to stay at home in defiance with her, not that either of you vocalised that, in case of another argument.
But it was all for nothing. You’ve sacrificed your integrity, or so Claudia would say, and you’re not even getting the reward of a place at the World Cup.
You wish you understood why.
You played seventy-five minutes of the friendly against Panama and though it wasn’t your best game, it was still a solid performance. You bagged an assist and didn’t make any major blunders, so you rather naively hoped that you’d done enough to earn your place in the squad. 
It was a bit of a shock, therefore, when Vilda called you into his office this morning to tell you that you wouldn’t be travelling to New Zealand. All he told you was that there were other players who better fit into his plans for the World Cup. No apology, not even an explanation for why you don’t fit into his squad or what you need to work on in your game to have a better chance of selection next time.
He’s an asshole, you can practically hear Claudia’s voice ringing through your head.
She’s been telling you as much for months, never shy about voicing her distaste for the man nor the many reasons why he’s unfit to lead a women’s national team full stop, least of all one of Spain’s calibre, to a World Cup.
You don’t like him either - what he lacks in compassion, he more than makes up for in unsubstantiated ego and toxic masculinity - but you were willing to try to put that aside, to be courteous and professional if it means finally getting to represent your country at a major tournament.
Now you might hate him more than Claudia does.
At least Claudia will probably be relieved. You knew that she would cheer for you if you went to the World Cup - you personally, rather than the team - but she’ll surely be happier that she doesn’t have a need to pay attention to the tournament anymore now that you’re not going.
Once you’ve processed it yourself, you FaceTime Claudia to tell her the news. Maybe slightly sadistically, you want to see her face when she finds out that she was right.
“I didn’t make it,” you admit, though you’re sure that Claudia must have known already from seeing your red-rimmed eyes that you weren’t calling her with good news. “I’m not going to New Zealand. I’m not going to play in a World Cup.”
Claudia’s eyes close, her head falls forward as she processes your words. To your surprise, she looks genuinely confused and disappointed by the news. Part of you had been expecting her to react more outwardly with an outburst of 'I told you so', to use this as proof that she had been right about Vilda and the federation this whole time. 
But as divided as you’ve been in your approach to the issues with the federation and their running of the national team, you and Claudia are always going to be united in your support for each other.
“Shit, baby,” she says, opening her eyes. Her eyebrows are knit together in a frown, but there is sympathy in her eyes. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what to say. I know how much you wanted this.”
“It is what it is,” you say, trying to pass off your disappointment with a shrug, if only to ward off a fresh wave of tears from spilling down your cheeks. “Vilda doesn’t think I’m good enough.”
“Do you want me to fly over there and punch him?” Claudia asks, with more of the emotion you expected from her. “Because I will. Right in his stupid face.”
You picture it in your head, little angry Pina marching up to Vilda with his smug smile and sending him halfway to New Zealand herself with a single punch. Maybe it would finally knock some humility into him.
“Yes please.”
“He’s an idiot,” Claudia continues her impassioned rant. “I mean, we’ve always known that, but he’s particularly stupid not to take you to the World Cup. Did he at least tell you why?”
“No,” you answer. “Just that I didn’t fit in with his plans.”
“He can shove his stupid plans up his stupid ass,” Claudia rants.
“Claudia,” you warn her, because while you agree wholeheartedly with her sentiment, your girlfriend does have a habit of getting carried away in her passion sometimes.
“What?” Claudia protests, feigning innocence as if she hasn’t threatened violence multiple times in the last few minutes. “His plans are stupid if they don’t involve you. Sure, you don’t score many goals but you got nearly as many assists as me in the league this year in half as many games after you came back from your injury. Plus, you’re fast, you’re versatile, you’re good under pressure. You’re an asset to any team.”
“You’re biased,” you counter.
“I am,” Claudia agrees. “But anybody else would say the same.”
“Not anybody,” you point out.
“Anybody but that egomaniac. You’re passionate and you’re Catalan - that’s what scares him. It’s never been about whether you’re good enough on the pitch, it’s about who you are off it.”
“I think that’s worse than if I just wasn’t a good enough footballer,” you say with a grimace. “I can always work on my game, but I can’t change who I am.”
“And the people who matter will never ask you to change. I never want you to change. I know we haven’t always agreed on this situation, but you inspire me every day. I was stubborn and I’ll continue to stand by my own decision, but you wanted to change things from the inside. You had a dream to represent Spain at a World Cup and you did everything you could to try to achieve that, even if it meant telling me to fuck off, which isn’t always an easy thing to do. I admire you for that.”
You smile at Claudia’s admission that she’s not the easiest person to come up against, something which you know all too well from the fights you’ve had during the course of your relationship.
“Now we can both tell him to fuck off.”
“I like that plan,” Claudia grins at you. “Now I can either make a voodoo doll of Vilda and we can set fire to it together when you get home, or I can start to look at vacations for just the two of us so we can forget about him and the World Cup completely.”
Claudia seems to know exactly what to say to make you feel slightly less shit. In your disappointment and heartbreak, you hadn’t considered that there is at least one benefit to not going to the World Cup - that you now get a proper summer break to enjoy with your girlfriend before pre-season starts.
“Remember when we talked about going to Greece?” you remind Claudia. 
“To Rhodes? I’ll look into it,” Claudia promises you immediately. “And I really am sorry you didn’t get your dream this time. It’ll happen one day, I promise. And I’ll be right there to support you, even if I’m still not on the team with you.”
“I love you Claudia,” you blurt out.
Her eyes soften in adoration as her lips curl upwards into a smile.
“I love you too.”
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One is out! Now get the rest
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reiten · 1 year
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ale crying after spain’s win🥲🥹
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kay-no-lies · 1 year
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Found a Pinoe Pop in the wild. Had been planning on picking this up, but just hadn’t yet.
Also, the cashier was like “I’m glad Vlatko was fired, but I need Spanish Federation to clean house.” She was a Alexia fan. I NEVER run into people who know about women’s soccer in my small town. Love love love seeing more people aware of the beautiful game.
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mathildegremaud · 1 year
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