#fuck xanterra
pawzunyan · 1 year
I just got ☆ Fired ☆
i dont have money to fly home yet and theyre just gonna kick me out :D knowing i do not have the money to afford a flight home. fuck you Xanterra Travel Collection.
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enemy-to-the-state · 1 year
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Good Summer
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Not trying to be weird just genuinely curious what is your job exactly? Like what do you do/how to get involved. Idk i love national parks and a couple of family members were park rangers and lately ive been considering doing something with my aimless life
not weird at all i love talking about the park stuff. im gonna be front desk at the crater lake lodge in crater lake this year. last year I was also front desk but at the canyon lodge in yellowstone. i always find out what vendors operate out of the various parks i want to work at (ie xanterra for yellowstone aramark for crater lake delaware north for shenandoah etc etc) and visit their respective job listing websites individually. i have heard coolworks.com is a good place to start though if you dont have a specific place in mind.
I would reccomend this stuff to literally anyone regardless of age or financial situation but especially if youre feeling aimless. that's why I started doing it and like. well ok I am still basically aimless but now im super popular and have dozens of close friends all over the country and get to make even old people jealous when I tell them about all the things I've seen and done and experienced thanks to the park jobs.
word of warning though: all of these employers are very accutely aware of how enticing and coveted these experiences are so they will in basically all instances treat you like absolute fucking garbage. you're completely disposable to them and they will do everything in their power to remind you of this at every oppurtunity. im talking lead paint and asbestos in the dorms, some of the worst food you've ever eaten in your entire life (I knew some guys who had been to literal actual prison and unanimously agreed that the literal actual prison food was leagues better), and of course absurdly long hours with very little to show for it financially (there were times when I only recieved a little over $300 for 100 hours of work due to low pay + how room and board was handled). point is the actual work part is going to be a miserable slog. as long as you think you can handle all that though id still highly reccomend trying it out because everything else about it has made it feel more than worth it to me personally.
also if you have any more questions or whatever feel free to just dm me. I'd be happy to help you out. hope this helps <3
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sea-chief · 5 years
Lmao fuck xanterra
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owobomber · 5 years
ughhh im too sick to go into work tomorrow i hate my life and i hate the fucking xanterra
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xanterra is genuinely one of the most vile companies I've ever worked for. they treat their seasonals like fucking garbage everyone's underpaid everyone's overworked they send people to knock on your door periodically whenever you call out to make sure you're really still sick the food they overcharge employees for is nigh inedible a lot of the time etc etc. theres also literally a part hidden in the contract you have to sign when they hire you stating you cant sue them for any health complications caused by the asbestos and lead paint in all the dorms. also i dont really know much about their dealings in other parks but I know in yellowstone at least they've shut down an entire location for a week and canned literally every single employee working there to stomp out unionization efforts. on top of all that they shove this shit about what a great environmentally conscious company they are going so far as to make you sit through a day long propaganda course that has literally nothing to do with your job when you start. and to probably no ones surprise I found out after some research that the company is currently owned by some right wing psychopath who's HEAVILY invested in fracking. I'd really reccomend reading about them if you wanna be angry.
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