#to be clear: im probably going to stay in a homeless shelter until my final paycheck comes in
pawzunyan · 1 year
I just got ☆ Fired ☆
i dont have money to fly home yet and theyre just gonna kick me out :D knowing i do not have the money to afford a flight home. fuck you Xanterra Travel Collection.
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lokibannerpool · 5 years
Update on the Mun
so i have been lurking on here for a while, not really doing any drafts or replies. I’m not abandoning this blog and these muses, I just haven’t had the motivation lately to be active on this account. I have been active on my other blogs for the most part. you can find me on @forcedintoperfection @thevirginandthefool @worldsfastestpredator @strongestcullen  @zorii-unknown and/or @brokenprincessofasgard  
Now for the shitstorm that is my life right now.
If you’re basically homeless and you know it clap your hands  *clap clap*
So we (by we I mean my mom, little brother and I) finally got evicted for reals like around Feburary-ish. My mom’s bright idea for temporary living was to move in with the worst person possible, her crazy ass aunt (on my grandpa’s side). 
Not only was the move stressful, but living here is terrible, and most of that is because my mother’s aunt (i have disowned her so no she’s not my great aunt) is doing everything in her power to make us feel unwelcome. Before I go into details, let me point out that my brother refused to come stay here because he has never felt welcome in this house, so he’s staying with family from our grandmother’s side (still crazy, but slightly more reasonable). And although I technically still have a room there, I did not stay because they hate animals and the great aunt that lives there once told me that if she could make it up the stairs to our old apartment she’d kill my cats. Later she denied it, but yeah... that’s the kind of crazy on that side’ of the family.
I was going to take my cats and live in a hotel from paycheck to paycheck. i had done the math and i could afford 7 days from one paycheck if i literally didn’t buy anything else, and the hotel had free breakfast i didn’t have to worry about food at least if i could save some of the breakfast for lunch then probably do dinner at a family member’s house. (yeah not the best plan but for me if I’m giving up my cats to a shelter I’m giving up on life. plus hotel accepted animals and was legit cheaper than a putting them in a pet hotel which would have been 22 a night per cat... i have 5 cats and a part time job) BUT low and behold my mother pulls some strings with the aunt (only after catching me crying on eviction day because I didn’t know what to do with my babies) and suddenly I can keep the cats as long as they stay in the basement. Not ideal, but more affordable for me so I take it.
Now back to the hell house I’m trapped in.
1) It took a while to move everything in, but I think we were almost full settled in by a Friday or Saturday night. On the Monday (which was like day 3 of living there) my mother’s aunt not only called me repeatedly on my phone, she kept yelling my name from the first floor. When I finally become conscious enough to go see what she wants, she is telling me that I sleep too much, It’s ridiculous how much I sleep, I need to go get a job, I’m not going to sleep my life away in HER house, yada yada, then she goes on about how by my age she was living on her own and paying off her own car (both were confirmed to be lies by sources that were alive at that time. crazy bitch was still sleeping in the bed with her mother at 22).. Now maybe you think that’s not so bad? but I forgot to mention one little detail. 
It was only 8:10 AM  and I had class at 10 am.
My alarm clock was literally set to go off 20 minutes from that time. Not only was it early as fuck, but I had a class to go to so it wasn’t like i was going to be staying in the house all day. SHE KNEW I HAD CLASS, THAT WAS WHAT PISSED ME OFF THE MOST. I had literally been discussing my classes with her for weeks prior to even moving in with her. Another thing that interested me was how she conveniently waited until my mother had left to start harassing me. anyway, so i get dressed because im mad as hell by this point, and i get ready to leave in under 15 minutes so we’re around 8:30am by this point. When I get downstairs she is demanding that I come into her room, and against my better judgement I do but I’m in no mood to talk. She takes one look at my face and asks me “why are you pissed off?”  As if she didn’t know why. I don’t want to curse her out because I wasn’t raised to do things like that so i keep my mouth shut. She keeps trying to get me to talk, and at this point angry tears that I have been trying so hard to hold back are falling and she tells me I’m being dramatic and I’m over reacting. I tell her I have to go to class more than once and she’s still demanding that I sit and talk with her, so I just walk out.    She calls my phone more than once but I don’t answer because I am a) driving and b) still mad as hell. she leaves voicemails. 1 saying that im being overreacting and stuff. the second comes a few hours later with a fake apology after she apparently talked to my mother. I later find out that she lied to my mom and told her that she forgot I had school, yet when I was not trying to talk to her she was telling me i had 2 hours before i had to be in class.. so yeah and that was only the start of day 3 of living there.
2) Fast forward a few days because in this family, we apparently just go on like nothing happened after conflicts like this. My mom comes to me in the morning and warns me that the aunt had threatened to call the human society to take my cats away because I ‘don’t spend enough time with them’. Which pissed off my mom as much as me because she’s seen what I’ve done for these cats in the past 2 years. (especially with Brenda, who is a rescue stray I took in after she was covered in tape by strangers and either dropped at our door or she limped her way up the stairs to us for help, and the two litters of kittens she had in our apartment) 
The aunt confronts me about this after I come down to feed them by asking me “do you really want the cats” and then telling me not to get an attitude when I say “of course I do” rather defensively. She tells me the b.s. she told my mom to which i point out that we literally just got here, i have classes 5 days a week and work 7 days a week. Plus, she’s usually sleep when I come in after work so she doesn’t see me dragging my aching body (still sore from doing the brunt of the moving) down to the basement to replace the food and water and spend time with them before I go to bed and I would literally be sleeping down there if it wasn’t for my mom nagging me about my health (which tbh comes second to the cats in my opinion but she disagrees). She doesn’t seem all that convinced, and my anxiety was through the roof for the longest because i wasn’t sure if i was going to come back to a cat-less basement after work. 
My therapist has been having an earful btw. Literally the week before I knew we were being evicted I spent most of a session trying to find something to talk to her about and now I have at least one new problem ever week. 
3) This woman has no respect for me or my mother. She’s verbally attacked my mother and berated her more than once. (today included) and at one point accused my mom of using her father for money(who died only 2 years prior, and who is the only one who took responsibility for making all the funeral arrangements and is still struggling to pay that bill because no one else wanted to help). This is sidetracking a little, but my mom did a lot for my grandfather. Brought his medical supplies with a loan she had taken out from her job, literally came to wash him up multiple times because his in house nurse wasn’t doing it, and pretty much ran every errand he asked for her and if she couldn’t do it she had me do it for her... so yeah to say she was using him was really fucked up and it really hurt my mom.
3.5) One morning (last week) i literally caught her and her ‘tenant’ (aka her brother’s ex girlfriend who he left for his wife 2 years ago and refuses to leave his family’s home) talking shit about me and my mom. How we’re dirty,  my mom walks too loud, complaining about us having mini conversations late at night (which only happened once), calling my mom fat, and saying that she’s not  ‘dainty’ and ‘feminine’ enough and they don’t know how she kept a man for so long... really just talking trash while im standing at the top of the stairs listening. I wait until they finish to say anything and they’re not even ashamed or apologetic. The aunt literally says “good. now you can tell your mom what i said” after  i said i heard just about all of it. She seemed offended when I refused to be her messenger. She then tried to talk shit about my mom to me, going as far to tell me that my mother a ‘fat slob’. And because I don’t want to be kicked out before we find a place, I have to bite my tongue and just walk away while she purposely baits me and tells me to ‘speak my mind’. 
There is so much more I could write about, like how she (a woman who has never had a cat in her life) is always telling me how to take care of my cats like I don’t know what I’m doing, yet she’s basing this all off the dog she had (but didn’t really want or take care of) over 10 years ago.  Or how she likes to try to provoke me or my mom (but mostly me because I’m the easier target I guess) whenever she’s bored. The fact that she forced cable boxes on us, then demanded my mom pay her $400 for the installation of the cable despite us both making it very clear we didn’t want it. How she’s always trying to say someone is trying to use her as if my mom isn’t paying $800 a month for two little ass rooms and a bathroom/kitchen we have to share with two other people And sooo much more. 
I’ve ended up self harming for the first time in about two-ish years while staying here. My suicidal thoughts are  happening very often and honestly I’ve turned to drinking my feelings away when I’m not cutting them away. I’ve literally been so stressed that my period disappeared for like 3 months (no im not pregnant. gotta be sexually active to get pregnant so yes its stress) and I’m pretty sure I’m developing some sort of repressed anger issues that I should probably mention to my therapist but I keep forgetting. 
So that’s pretty much what’s been going on in my life lately. 
And I don’t know how to end this so... there
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thecryptoconsortium · 5 years
Here you go folks. My first official plan of action. It looks a little crazy, but it's a coalition of three different conversations. I am NOT retyping and I leave it like this for a very good reason. If any journalism STUDENT provides me with an acceptable, AND PROFESSIONALLY, written coalition of this brain fart...good enough to be used in the virgin edition of The Crypto Consortium's new digital magazine...they will win a 25$-50$ Deposit into a trust fund. Use THAT as a home agent or in an open account and see what it is in 6 months, a year....etc.
If anyone shows me the winning entry posted as an ad to any kind of advertising forum (medium, craigslist, reddit, shared here, any social sites...etc) you will get something credited for helping too. Due to limited funding This offer is limited to single mothers, college students, and anyone that can orove theyre going to lose a service this month(tv dont count). Ill figure it out later. Probably around $2-$10 according to friend count and such Wont be much.
I will be am going homeless in 1or 2 days now, but I am going to use it as a time to do a little crusade of my own. For the next 8 months I am going to travel all through South Texas and down into Mexico on my own little version of a quest.
By the time the applications clear next year I will not only be offering cryptocoin proposals, but I will be adding Auto sales, debt consolidation options, credit repair assistance, credit protection insurance, and anything else that I currently know enough about(but cant remember) or someone volunteers and proves capability.
Anything we can flip a fast profit on or hold for proportionate residual income....and every where I go I will be looking for the homeless wanting a way out...not a hand out...anyone on hard times and needing financial relief....anyone needing year round fundraising...orphanages etc...etc
Pretty much anything that WE can make YOU money with and see if it can be wrapped into TCCs Profit capability so we can push another drain on society up to fruitful and productive.
I went homeless because I gave away too much money to try and help others that turned out to be TOO FUCKING LAZY AND STUPID TO HELP THEMSELVES and the inconsiderate fucking pricks just walk away and leave ANOTHER $7000 of MY money floating around the internet...On top of losing over $15,000 in the crash of 2018, and another $1800 or so since January 30....
NOT ANY MORE...watch what happens first quarter of 2020 when I can pay that attorney to get my international LLC non profit license. ON TOP OF THAT, using TCC to get corporate AND non profit discounts from phone providers....I will be JOHNNY FUCKING CRYPTO SEED planting hope in the homeless and deserted all over the fucking world!!!....😂😂😂
I am doing something new too. What I call blind investments during my little brain diarrhea seasion. My financial source will insure PRINCIPAL(not profit) from $25 to $500. now thats faith😁😁😁
Deposits will be credited at 1% per day and Principal will be locked for 4-6 months, but returns can be withdrawn or reinvested on the first of the month automatically, or anytime by submitting an email request. Ill be living on the street...wifi wont always be available so when I get to a way point I will check my email.
2020 will start my outreach visit in The Phillipines. I may stay there the entire 6-9 month tour, depending on email during the first quarter... if all goes as it is currentlyand tentatively planned.
The goal by 2021 is No less than 25 new outreaches started BY ME AND IN PERSON until my legs finally quit working for good and I am in a wheelchair, or I am dead. Also, hopefully, the ling term goal is 500,000 new families reached every fiscal year by 2025...which can happen through Churches, schools, internet cafes, orphanages etc etc)
I need an expert to build and donate a TCC investment/coin exchange/chat room website to my specs, a crypto exchange/donation TG bot and 2 adjustable Investment TG bots...with TCC admin having complete and total control of the finished product. This will be YOUR investment and I will PERSONALLY guarantee you 1% daily for 365 days from the first day of bot/web activity until Dec 31, 2021....but for trusting TCC(me) I will also add quarterly bonuses if bonuses are available for that quarter. YOU WANT TO DO SOMETHING GOOD WITH YOUR LIFE? HERES YOUR CHANCE. GET PAID TO FIGHT POVERTY AND ADD A FEW TREASURES OF YOUR OWN TO HEAVENS CASK!!!
Want to donate, offer assistance, or need assistance? I take 1600 different coins now for donations and deposits so thats easy. Just ask me for an address, paypal or go fund me. The rest just shoot me an email with a little info. Ill look into it
Also looking for real estate agents to be on call from anywhere in the world. I might get an offer any time and have aome work for you😁
One thing I need members to start working on when they can in their free time. A list of orphanages, shelters, food banks, anywhere homeless people hang out(especially kids) churches(not Catholic or Lutheran) and anything else you feel may be worth me looking into. My annual trips will be laid out according to the research I do from the information dropped by the public in the 90 day tax break...These are all what I call "source points"...places where a single visit can plant the greatest seed.and do the most good for the underprivileged ...
also do some research to see if there are potential advertising points....or if we would be better off hiring homeless kids or the orphans to pass out flyers.
If I can work this journalist thing out to get people writing and I can release a weekly page like I want, that will give a clearer picture. Right now I am still brain storming so it looks all crazy and stupid...lol
IN EVERYTHING WE DO...always look for where the money will do the most LONG TERM good. Whether I have 2 years or 20...I want to leave something behind that your great great grandkids can COUNT ON!!!!!
along with the homeless I will also offer free start up services to any orphanage, homeless shelter, food bank, womens shelters, and any other type of public improvement facility.
Own a business? I can show you how to increase your profit margin by up to 6000% annually....NO JOKE.
Need a year round 24/7 fundraiser for your organization? Im Accepting all requests and inquiries for anything. It gives me an excuse to take a break and do some surfing. If I cant help you now...Im sure I will find a way soon.
Want to start a self supporting Outreach Program in your neighborhood? No begging for donations or any more bullshit....Let me know.
COMMISSION WORK IS AVAILABLE for ANYONE starting at age 12. No special skills or qualifications necessary. Under the age of 16 please get parental permission before contacting.
Here you go folks. My first official plan of action. It looks a little crazy, but it's a coalition of three different brainstorms. I am NOT retyping and I leave it like this for a very good reason. If any journalism STUDENT provides me with an acceptable, AND PROFESSIONALLY, written coalition of this brain fart...good enough to be used in the virgin edition of The Crypto Consortium's new digital magazine...they will win a 25$-50$ Deposit into a trust fund. Use THAT as a home agent or in an open account and see what it is in 6 months, a year....etc.
I will be am going homeless in 1or 2 days now, but I am going to use it as a time to do a little crusade of my own. For the next 8 months I am going to travel all through South Texas and down into Mexico on my own little version of a quest.
By the time the applications clear next year I will not only be offering cryptocoin proposals, but I will be adding Auto sales, debt consolidation options, credit repair assistance, credit protection insurance, and anything else that I currently know enough about(but cant remember) or someone volunteers and proves capability.
Anything we can flip a fast profit on or hold for proportionate residual income....and every where I go I will be looking for the homeless wanting a way out...not a hand out...anyone on hard times and needing financial relief....anyone needing year round fundraising...orphanages etc...etc
Pretty much anything that WE can make YOU money with and see if it can be wrapped into TCCs Profit capability so we can push another drain on society up to fruitful and productive.
I went homeless because I gave away too much money to try and help others that turned out to be TOO FUCKING LAZY AND STUPID TO HELP THEMSELVES and the inconsiderate fucking pricks just walk away and leave ANOTHER $7000 of MY money floating around the internet...On top of losing over $15,000 in the crash of 2018, and another $1800 or so since January 30....
NOT ANY MORE...watch what happens first quarter of 2020 when I can pay that attorney to get my international LLC non profit license. ON TOP OF THAT, using TCC to get corporate AND non profit discounts from phone providers....I will be JOHNNY FUCKING CRYPTO SEED planting hope in the homeless and deserted all over the fucking world!!!....😂😂😂
I am doing something new too. What I call blind investments during my little brain diarrhea seasion. My financial source will insure PRINCIPAL(not profit) from $25 to $500. now thats faith😁😁😁
Deposits will be credited at 1% per day and Principal will be locked for 4-6 months, but returns can be withdrawn or reinvested on the first of the month automatically, or anytime by submitting an email request. Ill be living on the street...wifi wont always be available so when I get to a way point I will check my email.
2020 will start my outreach visit in The Phillipines. I may stay there the entire 6-9 month tour, depending on email during the first quarter... if all goes as it is currentlyand tentatively planned.
The goal by 2021 is No less than 25 new outreaches started BY ME AND IN PERSON until my legs finally quit working for good and I am in a wheelchair, or I am dead. Also, hopefully, the ling term goal is 500,000 new families reached every fiscal year by 2025...which can happen through Churches, schools, internet cafes, orphanages etc etc)
I need an expert to build and donate a TCC investment/coin exchange/chat room website to my specs, a crypto exchange/donation TG bot and 2 adjustable Investment TG bots...with TCC admin having complete and total control of the finished product. This will be YOUR investment and I will PERSONALLY guarantee you 1% daily for 365 days from the first day of bot/web activity until Dec 31, 2021....but for trusting TCC(me) I will also add quarterly bonuses if bonuses are available for that quarter. YOU WANT TO DO SOMETHING GOOD WITH YOUR LIFE? HERES YOUR CHANCE. GET PAID TO FIGHT POVERTY AND ADD A FEW TREASURES OF YOUR OWN TO HEAVENS CASK!!!
Want to donate, offer assistance, or need assistance? I take 1600 different coins now for donations and deposits so thats easy. Just ask me for an address, paypal or go fund me. The rest just shoot me an email with a little info. Ill look into it
Also looking for real estate agents to be on call from anywhere in the world. I might get an offer any time and have aome work for you😁
One thing I need members to start working on when they can in their free time. A list of orphanages, shelters, food banks, anywhere homeless people hang out(especially kids) churches(not Catholic or Lutheran) and anything else you feel may be worth me looking into. My annual trips will be laid out according to the research I do from the information dropped by the public in the 90 day tax break...These are all what I call "source points"...places where a single visit can plant the greatest seed.and do the most good for the underprivileged ...
also do some research to see if there are potential advertising points....or if we would be better off hiring homeless kids or the orphans to pass out flyers.
If I can work this journalist thing out to get people writing and I can release a weekly page like I want, that will give a clearer picture. Right now I am still brain storming so it looks all crazy and stupid...lol
IN EVERYTHING WE DO...always look for where the money will do the most LONG TERM good. Whether I have 2 years or 20...I want to leave something behind that your great great grandkids can COUNT ON!!!!!
along with the homeless I will also offer free start up services to any orphanage, homeless shelter, food bank, womens shelters, and any other type of public improvement facility.
Own a business? I can show you how to increase your profit margin by up to 6000% annually....NO JOKE.
Need a year round 24/7 fundraiser for your organization? Im Accepting all requests and inquiries for anything. It gives me an excuse to take a break and do some surfing. If I cant help you now...Im sure I will find a way soon.
Want to start a self supporting Outreach Program in your neighborhood? No begging for donations or any more bullshit....Let me know.
COMMISSION WORK IS AVAILABLE for ANYONE starting at age 12. No special skills or qualifications necessary. Under the age of 16 please get parental permission before contacting.
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