#fuck youuuuuuu
ssspringroll · 9 months
'tired of waiting for your download? why dont you give us money-' why dont you gargle my dick and balls.
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grainelevator · 1 month
Fucking idiots on the radio this morning saying arborists and loggers are the same thing
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bellcza · 5 months
hey chelsea can you read this??: CHUPAME LA PIJAAAAAAAAAAA
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laniidae-passerine · 1 year
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breitzbachbea · 1 year
I'm going to kill tumblr. I have to do the dumb fucking replying on pc??? BC YOUR ASININE APP CANNOT ADD PICTURES TO POSTS ANYMORE?????????
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The chair creaked as the man scratched at his scalp with the back end of a pen.
The tube on the other side of the desk glowed with a haunting green tone. The robot prototype suspended in it sharp and lean. Gaunt and tense. In every way the opposite of the body plan he has for his yet-unnamed 'good' robot.
The robot equivalent of a sketch. There's no finality to it. Just an idea slapped together. It's a very good sketch, to be honest.
The man tilts his head back and makes a noise, waving his hand to beckon the man in.
The light click of boot heels on the hardwood floors follows his beckoning. The door closing lightly behind the visitor. The sillouette of his colleague's pompadour entered his field of vision and he glanced to the side to look at the man.
"Is this your... ultimate evil?"
"Not yet. Just a rough draft." He sat up, put his pen down, and closed his notes. Docult hummed under his breath, then nodded. He understood.
"How're the deals with the Genber family going?"
A sigh.
"Slowly. But going."
Dunstan gives a little smile and stands up, "You'll break through to them, I know it."
A disgruntled grunt comes from the eccentric engineer, but the furrowing of his brow is quickly disrupted and smoothed over by the brush of a shoulder against his. His eyes flicker over to the lines of Dunstan's face illuminated in a combination of the dim gold of the desk lamp and the brighter green of the display tube.
Docult can't help but smile back, "Well, here's to hoping the mine finds something useful."
Dunstan nods his agreement, "If not useful, then interesting. The readings we were getting from the ground there were significantly odd."
Docult rolls his eyes in their sockets, "Something that isn't useful isnt interesting." He continues to smile, though, playfully poking at Dunstan's shoulder before turning his back to the desk and it's many papers and robot pieces and the prototype evil, "Let's put work away for the night, hm? It's late, even for us."
Dunstan chews his lip, looks over at his desk, but nods and goes to turn off the lights and follow the shadow of his colleague and paramour through the door out of his office in the tower.
"Do you have something specific in mind, my Rocky Road?"
The speed at which Docult turned around made Dunstan snicker and flinch away from an anticipated blow for the pun. The blow didn't fall, but Docult seriously considered chucking the closest object at him.
"Well, I did, up until just now, you absolute fucking clown!" Laughter filtered through the night air out of an open window, too far up in the air to be heard by anyone but them.
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girlfriendline · 2 years
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bakedbananners · 2 years
weekly reminder to snooze tumblr live
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littlegoldfinchh · 29 days
I fucking haaaateeeee the gauntlet of shar i hope it kills itself forever
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maddiem4 · 2 months
I love having time sensitive tasks and also a body so decrepit from digestive disorder that all I can do is lay down and be grumpy about things, 10/10 interactive gameplay
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msmeiriona · 6 months
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satellitespinner · 6 months
fuck y’all new yorkians for picking mommy issues
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mcgonagalls-hat · 1 year
So I don't know who needs to hear this but JKR doesn't care that we hate her. She just doesn't. She's a billionaire bigot, she doesn't give a single fuck. Now that that's cleared up, let's stop spreading hate in an already toxic space, please? We reeeeeally need to clean up our fandom. Get rid of the hate, get rid of the toxicity. If we want to call ourselves a community, we need to act like one.
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Mandela catalogue (god i hate it)
ok thats kinda ironic but , The alternates are inter-dimensional/(universal??) demons that well got there
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jack-kellys · 20 days
something that rly grinds my gears in theatre is when choices are made solely based on time period. and not including themes, symbolism, yk the actual Meaning of the show alongside its true-to-context setting.
take gatsby for example. you can either go “okay it’s in the 1920s in these parts of new york so we’re gonna have super glitz and glam here here and here” or. or.
you can say “okay well we know that for jay and daisy, their wealth came from other people’s downfalls (daisy through turning down jay and jay through wolfshiem’s deeds) and their status and class privilege is represented through myrtle getting hit by the car right. so let’s make that the entire setting of the play, disguised by glitz and glam. let’s make the entire set shiny and pretty and have those shiny and pretty things actually be smashed-up car parts, meaning the car accident is ‘happening’ the whole play, while still upholding the illusion of new money glam”. do u get me.
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jackoino · 6 months
Tumblr media
been really into dead games lately
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