#fucked up </3 siblings cannot catch a break in this universe
hoofpeet · 1 year
I just need to tell someone that they eebie deebied only 1 person out of a set of twins. AGAIN. they sent liza (older twin to tate) through a rift in pokemon masters
Curse of being older twin in pokemon : you get eebied deebied. you cannot stop this
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Someone on the gamefreak team HATES twins 😭
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spoopy butchlander prompts for the spirit of hallow's~<3
cause how could i not on this fine day~<3 and these have been a long time comin' ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
let's get right into it~<3 and as always, free to use/modify however the fuck you want even fitting with different ships<3 this shit's here to inspire and get creative juices flowing<3 ;)
let's start with satanlander~<3<3<3
i really actually love overpowering already overpowered characters, tho to be fair i just love empowering characters to begin with<3
anywho~<3 satanlander~<3 or just AWFUL actual godlander. not even joking, the abrahamic biblical god fits homelander's vain 'worship and love me forever or i'll kill all the fucking babies' MO to a goddamn T... so that realization just gave me whiplash holy fuck--is that sacrilegious and offensive? oh yeah, probably definitely at least a little. but i mean--.
starlight: "oh, so now what, next you're gonna claim that you were actually jesus too?"
homelander: "don't be ridiculous, yeshua was my son."
because the idea of that little interaction tickles me in a way y'all would not fuckin' believe<3 yes it is free to use, yes i also do plan to use it<3 tho with a more 'catch-all/many named god' ancient vampire lord homie<3<3<3 (who's been in my head far too long, and lemme tell ya<3 he wants OUT<3<3<3)
satanlander<3 i do love me some playin' with religious lore and mythology. i love even moar the idea of homie being an obedient turned rebellious son/creation of a malevolent god. it just... it fits him so fucking well<3<3<3
for the lucifer aspect, mischief as always<3, 'sympathy for the devil' is perfect inspiration (as it always fuckin' is lmao) butt just imagine poor billy boo discovering homelander is actually satan.
no, leik really, *actually* fuckin' satan, what a serious mindfuck that would be for that poor bastard, especially if homie is more of a universal force that is necessary for balance/can't be destroyed.
billy would probably need to sit down and reevaluate his life (giving this boi an existential crisis is what i live for~<3<3<3)
this one actually has a goodlander version too. something i've always loved as a concept is the 'slave to my nature' concept for gods/forces. in which certain beings cannot act outside of the laws set for their power. it can be both tragic and compelling.
well, what if satanlander didn't *choose* the role and sought to be FREE of it~? ;))))))))))) or even just give the angels their free will back because god is a prick who gives them none of it?
whether homie's actually an extremely evil bastard or not, let's say he 'convinces' billy that the truest evil is his 'father/god in heaven'?
it could be a trick using billy to usurp the throne of heaven. or~<3 he could actually honestly be trying to free himself/siblings. for an even bigger tragic twists, it could be he was given the role/'nature' of the devil specifically so a human would never trust him to help him so he could never break free<3
even moar tragic if the throne of hell ends up needing a replacement when he leaves it empty and the dark nature is at least somewhat part of the deal<3 tho that one could be bittersweet<3<3<3 assuming him and billy become lovers across worlds that are able to at least occasionally unite on earth~<3
ugh, that'd be cute honestly<3 satan sweetie billy boo and god of assholes homie<3 especially billy's asshole~<3<3<3 (or swampy cunt, cause i can't not love that<3<3<3)
what does he need billy for you ask? OH ;))))))))))))))))))))))
maybe to plant that antichrist seed~<3 LMAO! could you imagine<3, i mean satanlander would def have the power to plant that seed in billy boo<3<3<3 ;)))))))))))))))))))) but he'd also probably have plenty a power to make a fighting soldier out of billy, especially if billy boo has something like remnant angel blood or demonic blood<3<3<3
but of course~<3 CAN'T forget SACRIFICE billy and misunderstood turdly childish devil homie~<3<3<3 who is just mostly done giving a fuck but will entertain himself because YES!
this incorporates dairy boi shifter billy goat butcher~<3 if wanted, because also yes~<3 but billy can also be a regular ol' sacrifice. or even an asshole who sneaks into place to replace/save the actual sacrifice (becca or hughie maybe) and try to fight satan. it fails. spectacularly~<3
but maybe satanlander finds it hella cute~<3 and we all know billy boo needs to get milked<3<3<3
CAN'T forget the captured or bound devil either<3<3<3 rolling it back to a vought setting, homie could be what be bound to his master in the mortal world, looking for someone to SET. HIM. FREE~<3<3<3. maybe billy boo even finds out and finds a way to become his master... and gets way moar than he bargained for<3<3<3
maybe hell is run in a corporate setting and billy becomes his assistant that is secretly trying to kill him the whole time. OOH, gotta do some ugly americans shit at some point. lmao, and probably come back to the angels/demons vibes for some a that angel shit<3<3<3 (since this is kinda focused on an overpowered homie<3 and *EMBRACING* the monster~<3<3<3)
which brings me to the next sorta similar one<3
eldritch lord homie~<3<3<3
whether baby eldritch lord or ancient, think this one definitely~<3 creates such a lovely opportunity<3 (most of this is from my own wip idea that will hopefully some day get finished, of course can be expanded on/altered any sorta hway~<3)
especially if he's been secretly courting billy as per fucked up eldritch traditions~<3<3<3
here's a kicker, imagine eldritchlander using becca as more of an incubator for his spawn, whether entirely genetically his or he steals some of billy's for the other half assuming billy would not appreciate being impregnated but would somehow appreciate a child between them. because this is an eldrtich motherfucker we're talkin' about, lmao.
def think becca should get something for her troubles there tho. made undead maybe? umbued with power~<3 both<3 able to deck eldritchlander in the jaw or punch him in the nuts for all the trouble he caused her sounds like a perfect option~<3 especially both~<3
have to have to have to mention the toothy cunt. i gotta. idk HWY. but i may have a bit of an obsession with the monster vagina that is also a mouth and can... eat... things. also cannibalism<3 i do imagine this is something that billy boo could be gifted when imbued with power/chosen as a mate for the eldritch lord homie<3 it does so fit him, honestly<3<3<3
also love the idea of billy having dreams about cthulu and other monsters lmao!
but gotta honorable mention thanos and david and that loving relationship of torture on every single birthday for the poor human<3<3<3 IMAGINE. thanking a frien for this one~! BUTT, imagine. birth to adulthood and every birthday is just so fuckin' terrible for billy with homie killing someone he loves or doing some other awful shit.
but it's okay. cause that's just how eldritch homie's culture works and he's courting billy boo<3.
torture birthdays is definitely a general concept that could work with a slightly older regular homie, alien homie, ancient vampire homie, or even satan homie<3
but speaking of alienlander~<3<3<3
this idea actually sparked from his comic fake 'origin' that mirrors our beloved kal-el of kryption<3
let's say he was an alien... say that... dropped down in a field in germany, and was found by a scientist.
let's say this alien has a human guise, but is a bit more. say... a bit more animal. a bit more... voracious. and certainly hungry. let's say humans are on the menu~<3 but it's young, vulnerable, alone. bonds or imprints on the first person who finds it.
let's say it's the source for v. a VENOM in its fangs... ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
this set up is one that can work out so fucking GLORIOUSLY and gets me way too excited for the carnage and horror to come from it<3<3<3 ( i love horror lmao could ya tell?)
concrete garden (soft yaoi short manga/no smut story if i remember correctly) is actually FANTASTIC inspiration for this one, concrete garden honestly deserves it's own whole ass prompt because homie is legit the angel like straight up and just fits into it so PERFECT you would not believe--(highly recommend if have not read)
monster homie, whether alien, supernatural, or lab created is a concept that more than likely results in him actually *eating* becca/becky, literally, than anything else. although it certainly becomes less personal/more just an animal surviving kinda deal/wrong place wrong time for her.
and i will finish this later cause i got some shit with werewolves to binge for the next one lmao~<3 and if i miss this dear friday the 13th of october i will cry! ;))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
no really, i would cry. butt come back later for MOAR~<3
and happy friday the 13th~<3<3<3 ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
fuck... nothin' happened. totally not late<3 and happy fuckin' hallow's eve and the day of hallow's<3<3<3 so let's get back into it, yeah~<3?
there's a fun classic i probably come back way too much lmao<3 i tend to do them a certain way that involves minimum 3 forms (human, partial shift bipedal monster~<3, full shift wolf) so that's how i'm gonna be framin' it here, but def do your wolves however the fuck ya want~! (teen wolf as an example? homie would probably be a kanima<3)
homie the wolf<3 two main new and unique ways with a couple a side hoes i see to add in to this mess of ideas lol.
billy knows about the wolf beast that ate his wife--but not that homie *is* the wolf beast<3<3<3 (this can certainly involve the hunter's aspect~<3) and is hunting that mofo down with a reluctantly helpful and possibly apologetic (or extra extra asshole who finds billy's obsession so goddamn cute~<3!!) homie while having no clue that mofo IS the wolf beast!
ramp up the moby dick captain ahab vibes~<3<3<3!!
billy knows homie 'disappeared' his but don't quite know *exactly* what happened<3 but he does meet this big ass beautiful golden and loyal wolfy~<3<3<3
a note for consideration? a werewolf homie i would definitely picture to tolerate much less abuse from vought before up and leaving. he could end up also going berserk on a full moon and it results in him leaving<3 and then there's the *master* or pack aspect<3 and homie can def search for a new one once he *eats* the old one ;)))))))))))))))))
do love me sum big dumb puppy wolves too<3! and homie could definitely fit the play<3<3<3 *especially* if billy boo loves and takes *very* good care of this wolf doggo cause he's just such a good boi<3<3<3
and of course it all leads to a wolfy mate made outta billy boo<3<3<3
but what about wolfy baby billy boo~<3?
OOOH~<3 homie could def SMELL that<3<3<3--
but i could *DEFINITELY* picture billy boo challenging the strongest wolf around only for homie to turn around with an 'mmm, no~, i think i'll claim you instead<3' but i *do* love the idea of homie turning billy<3
BUTT~<3 what else~?
the moment i've all been waiting for~<3 lmao! this guy may as well be the star a the whole damn show cause he's the main inspiration behind this whole damn thing after all~<3
and. lemme. tell. ya.
ancient vampie lord homie<3
hunter boi billy boo<3
the dynamic fits so goddamn perfectly, it's insane and so fucking delicious<3<3<3
always ALWAYS love the 'hunter x prey BUTT--who's who~?' dynamic. THAT'S the meal ticket, the real deal, the cream a the goddamn crop~<3! ya *play* with that question to high hell and it is--*chef's kiss* it is just *precious*<3 and i especially love when our truly dangerous bois with *excellent* control go ahead and play with their food<3<3<3
and lemme tell ya~? homie fuckin' plays with his food<3 and does have *pretty* excellent control lol! (an ancient vamp lord would def have that a bit moar developed too<3<3<3)
but let's talk about the hunter boi<3 there's definitely a play here and i picture billy could either be inexperienced, bigoted against vamps, and therefore going after 'the big one' to get them all in one go~ (i do like the intricate connection that a sire/original vampire lord has to all the rest) possibly~<3 being manipulated/encouraged by the lead hunter douche *channeling that gerard argent motherfucker* or going against direct orders from a not so douchey lead hunter (probably mallory/mm, assuming they are in on this shit)
there's also a balance there that could def teeter totter on both~<3
billy is the LAST of the hunters and has been chasing john down for the last century or moar<3<3<3
becca in this case could have been eaten, turned, killed, all three-- my personal fave is turned cause it would probably hit the hardest for billy if he is the one who has to kill her because of it. homie could even use that against him in a cruel twist of fate. especially if hunters have a drive to kill vampires that's hard to resist
homie could *also* be hella possessive and not quite like sharing his toy<3<3<3 with poor becca</3
when it comes to lore i *definitely* love to play<3
for hunters, i tend to do ancient rites + ancient blood/some kind of fucked up method in which they give themselves an advantage against what they hunt, not just in terms of 'holy' objects if ya get me. i like the idea that a true hunter is also somethin' a little magically~<3 (or scientificly~!!) created, either by witches/humans to help 'balance' things out<3 (not so much lmao) their blood would be poison for normal/lower vamps too and *generally* they can't be turned
for vamps? OOOOOOOOH--. there are LEVELS to that shit<3
love love love the hierarchy bullshit that vamps got goin' on half the time. i use that as a means to play with their strengths and weaknesses.
lower 'thralls' or incorrectly 'turned' humans just makes sense, extreme weakness to sun, garlic (LMAO or whatever other herb), 'holy' tools (from hunters), less control, weaker over all, easier to kill and when they die it's clean (turn to dust) tho i do like the idea they get more monstrous and ravenous
up the ranks/older they get? stronger they get, harder to kill,less vulnurable to weaknesses and *easier to revive* (likely with varying levels of desication/crystalization), plus more powers like memory manipulation and mind fuckery *plus HORNY when they feed LOVE that detaill*--
fully/properly turned would need venom *and* blood from the vamp that bit them. then come the born vamps (whether from freak mutation or vampie parents~<3) homie would likely be the first born from a freak mutation~<3
with this vamp set up, if they're still set in 'the boys' vers and butcher's keepin' way more secrets than advertised, V can be made either from homie's venom or his blood, likely being that vought *found* him entombed in germany and well... (this concept works for anything ancient/otherworldly~! LOVE the idea of man playing with that which they do not understand/diddling the bad and powerful magics to make V~<3)
but beyond that, with homie being the oldest/strongest/original mofo, he'd also probably be invulnurable to most if not all vamp weaknesses, a fuckin' daywalker (because of course), compulsion from him would work on all other vamps, and be the only actual vampy asshole who is legit unkillable (beyond being temporarily knocked out for a long ass time before someone fucking disturbs his *sleep*) and this homie could def have a lot of complexes and different views of the world. who knows, maybe this mofo was even the one to *start* the order of the hunters and straight up *created* them~<3
maybe he's been lookin' for a billy boo to preform some dumbass ancient ritual to get himself the fuck to sleep~<3
butt~... i wonder what would happen if john decided to *bite* his little hunter~<3..
which leads us into the next bits lmao~!
the vampire queen~<3 in which homie makes a perfect little mate for himself<3<3<3 POSSIBLY accidentally~<3 and then the little wolf<3<3<3 in which billy has some old/dormant werewolf's blood that suddenly *wakes the fuck up* once that vampire venom hits his blood stream<3<3<3
these especially work if billy boo is *not* aware of homie being a vampire.
one thing i will mention that i love to do with wolves (especially energetic or angery bois paired with a vampire) is make the wolf a kind of 'overproducer' of very strong blood that can feed the vampire/regenerate quick enough where there's generally good balance/no issues<3 it's just nice to set things up like that<3<3<3
it's *also* nice that when i make my vampires~<3 put a baby in their partner's belly~<3, suddenly they can't drink their blood because that powerful vampie child is being a major cockblock--oops...
anywho~<3 WOOOOO!! ALMOST done<3
just one finale<3 last but not least<3<3<3
the lab created monster boi<3<3<3
lol obviously gotta be more specifc there given circumstances<3<3<3 beloved monster boi is beloved--
BUTT! picture a homie who is *something* of the above, a proposed 'supernatural' creature... EXCEPT--.
he was legit *lab created* and came out *so so fuckin' wrong* insteada the ragin' 'success' we get to know him as<3<3<3
I LOVE the concept of 'science aims to make one thing' and~ '*accidentally* made THIS' and that works for a werewolf (ideas can be mix matched and combined as a reminder~!), vampire, your own creative creation~<3, and lemme tell ya... opens up a whole new can o worms that is just OOOOOOOOHHHHHH~<3<3<3!!
it especially gets straight up mah alleyway because i especially love the concept of homie's situation propelling *his* evolution forward a bit forcefully (making him a sort of prototype for next stage humans) which def reminds me of x-men LOL but also takes the loneliness and alienation he feels from regular humans to another step that is just~<3
but just picture it~! oh can you i hope you can<3<3<3 lonely weird vamp homie, lonely weird wolfy homie, lonely weird tentacle monster homie~<3
billy could *find out* what he really is but then find out none of the 'myths' work because, well... vought truly made a perfect predator...
this one can go back and tie into concrete garden vibes too<3 but GAH--
welp... i think that's everything.. for now~<3
i fuckin' hope--
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sunrisefairy · 4 years
Last chances
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Pairing: George Weasley x reader Warning: Alcohol, swearing, angst (but worth it i promise) Summary: Y/N is getting married. To someone that isn’t George. 
A/N: this was written for @inglourious-imagines​​ 1K writing challenge (i just realised i didnt tell you before hand what prompts i was gonna do so i hope thats okay) based off the prompts ‘you need to leave’ and ‘d-did you just k-kiss me?’
Taglist: @hufflepuff5972​ @inglourious-imagines​ @klausdatprettyboi​ @georgeweasleyswhre​ @horrorxweasley​ @amourtentiaa​ send me an ask if you would like to be added
George felt all the air being sucked out of his lungs as he read over the golden cursive words printed onto the crisp white paper. He could feel Fred’s pitiful stare burning holes into the side of his head, but he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the paper in his grasp. George’s brain was overflowing with thoughts, but his head was empty at the same time, as if every time he reached out his thoughts were dissolving into liquid and slipping through his fingers.
By the time George managed to make eye contact with Fred, his eyes were red and burning with tears, the only thought he could wrap his fingers around was the one which was destroying him the most, “she’s getting married?”
The sun was beating down harshly making the sand feel like tiny grains of lava, but George didn’t care. It was the middle of summer and the Weasley family had invited the Y/L/N’s to the beach. John and Nancy Y/L/N had been very good friends with Molly and Arthur Weasley for many years having met during high school. But soon after graduation John and Nancy got married and decided to travel the world which they had done for a few years before having their daughter Y/N. They moved around a lot while Y/N was a baby, still wanting to explore and see what the world had to offer. But now, Y/N was 7 and they decided it would do her and themselves some good to settle down somewhere, plant some roots so to speak. Which is how they ended back in the small town John and Nancy grew up in, the one where the Weasleys were still living.
Giving that it was summer, and the weather was reaching high temperatures the Weasley family decided to spend the day at the beach so the children could kill some energy and excitedly invited their old friends, John and Nancy to catch up.
George was particularly thrilled not only because he loved days at the beach playing with his siblings and making sandcastles just to pretend he was a giant and stomp on them, but he couldn’t wait to meet Y/N. His parents had told him and Fred that Y/N was their age and although Fred wasn’t very interested in playing with a girl and would much rather prank Ron, George had a good feeling about Y/N.
George had just finished constructing a sandcastle he named ‘Castle Weasley’ and was about to jump on it when his mum calls for him. He drags his bare feet through the hot sand over to his parents who are chatting with 2 people he doesn’t recognise.
“Fred, George this is John and Nancy, and this is their little girl Y/N.” Molly gestures to the timid girl hiding behind her mum’s leg.
Reluctantly Y/N moves from her previous hiding spot and stares doe eyes up at the twins in front of her. George’s mouth is dry and his palms are clammy, but he doesn’t think it’s from the blistering heat. George Weasley is staring at the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen.
It’s been 3 weeks since Y/N’s wedding invitation arrived in the mail and George had shoved it under a pile of bills he was also planning to ignore. Although he doesn’t need to see the invitations to remember the words which were written on the paper ‘kindly join us for the wedding of Y/N L/N and William Chapman. Saturday the seventeenth of April at 11 o’clock.’
It was the 10th of April today, just 7 days till Y/N’s wedding. George felt bile rising in the back of his throat every time he thinks about Y/N marrying someone which wasn’t himself. George has had a crush on the girl ever since he first met her that day on the beach. Back then he only ever saw it as a silly little crush which he hoped he’d eventually get over. But years went on and his crush only grew and grew until it was suffocating. When they reached high school, George planned to tell Y/N about his feelings but chickened out each time, scared of ruining their friendship.
To be honest George always felt (maybe he just hoped) that him and Y/N were meant for each other and sooner or later they’d be together. He held tightly onto this when Y/N started dating William. George was optimistic that William and Y/N’s relationship wasn’t serious and eventually they’d break up and George could finally confess his feelings. All of that went down the drain the second George open up that stupid envelope.
“I ran into Y/N today. At the store,” Fred says carefully trying to gage his brother’s reaction to her name. George just offers a grunt in response, eye staring blankly at the tv in front of him. “she asked about you, wants to know if you’re going to the wedding since she hasn’t heard anything from you.”
George doesn’t reply. Fred just sighs, ”c’mon mate. You’re really not going to go? It’s Y/N we’re talking about here. She’s your best mate.”
George racks his ringers through his already messy hair, squeezing his eyes closed. “That’s exactly why I can’t go. It’s Y/N. How can I sit there and watch Y/N marry some other guy and pretend I’m okay with it?” George feels tears threatening to fall down his cheeks, it’s a wonder he has any tears left to cry.
Fred moves closer to George on the couch, wrapping his arm around his twin who chokes out a sob, “I know buddy, I know it fucking hurts.”
Since graduating high school George and Y/N made it tradition to catch up once a week if not more so they wouldn’t lose touch. But their newfound busy lives with university and work meant they hadn’t seen each other for a month. They finally found a day that they were both free and decided to meet up for coffee. George had paid for Y/N’s latte while she found them a table by the window. He set their drinks down admiring how beautiful Y/N looked, she was practically glowing.
“So, Y/N what’s new with you? I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve seen you,” George takes a long sip of his coffee.
George knows Y/N must have some important news for him, judging solely off the smile that she’s failing to conceal. “Well, if you must know. I met someone.”
The colour drains from George’s face and he coughs trying to regain his composure. “Like a boy?”
“Yes a boy silly, his name is William and I met him at the library. It was actually really funny I was turning down one of the aisles and he” George drowns out Y/N’s voice, he can hear his heart thumping in his chest, threatening to jump out.
George knows, he knows it’s his own fault for not telling Y/N how he feels sooner. He knows he doesn’t have anyone else to blame but himself, but it doesn’t make this hurt any less. Sweet, kind Y/N, who had gently cradled George’s heart unknowingly since they were 7, has squeezed it between her slender fingers like a stress ball.
“George?” Y/N words break him from his trance.
“That sounds amazing Y/N, I’m really happy for you.”
It’s Monday and Y/N has been trying to contact George for days with no luck. She ran into Fred last Saturday who said George has just been super busy with work, she didn’t believe it one bit, she needed to find out why George has been ignoring her.
She pushes the store door open and the bell above chimes announcing her arrival.
“Sorry we’re closed for the day!” a voice travels through the store before it’s owner exits the storeroom to see who the culprit is, who clearly cannot read the ‘closed’ sign hanging on the door.
George’s eyes land on Y/N who is standing by the front door unmoving and twiddling with her fingers, playing with an engagement ring that seems out of place on her left hand. “What are you doing here?”
Y/N steps closer, not noticing the way George takes a small step back, “I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever.”
George doesn’t speak, he’s certain that his voice would be unsteady if he did. Y/N hates the silence, so speaks again, “I’m getting married you know, on Saturday.”
George sucks in a breath, turning his back to fix one of the displays. “Yeah, congratulations,” he mumbles.
“I didn’t know if you got the invitation or not, kind of expected you to call.” Y/N shoves her hands into the pockets of her jeans, moving so she is standing beside George who is avoiding her gaze. “What’s the matter Georgie?”
George shakes his head, “kind of fast isn’t it? Why the rush to get married to that twat?”
Y/N rolls her eyes, ever since George met William, he made it very clear he didn’t like the bloke. “George stop it. He proposed and I said yes. We figured why wait to start our lives together, y’know? So on Saturday I thought that-“
“-I’m not going.” George’s words felt like a hot knife to Y/N’s chest. When George finally mets her gaze he continues, “I’m not going to the wedding Y/N.”
“Because! Because William is a prick and doesn’t deserve you. I can’t sit there and watch you marry some idiot.” George knows his voice is getting louder and that his hands are flailing around but he doesn’t care. “He’s an absolute tosser! You deserve better than William.” You deserve me.
“William has done nothing but love me, George.” The thought of George not being there at her wedding breaks her heart. George was her best friend; how could she not have her best friend at the wedding. “Are you really not going to be there for me?” Y/N’s voice is quiet and timid.
It shatters George to see her so upset and the next words almost kill him.
“No, I won’t be there.”
“Okay mum that’s enough photos now!” Y/N giggles trying to hide her face behind her hands.
“Just one more please! George put your arm around her this time.” Nancy says holding the camera up to her face.
George wraps his arm around Y/N waist pulling her closer to him very aware of the way Y/N leans into his side. It’s the night on the school dance and somehow he had gathered enough courage to ask Y/N to go with him, she agreed of course and now they were standing out the front of Y/N’s house in front of the rose bushes while Y/N and George’s parents took photos.
“Okay now one with the four of you together,” Molly says pushing Fred and his date over to the rose bush. The four of them stood together smiling at all the flashing cameras which almost blinded them.
Molly wipes a tear that slips down her cheek, she always got emotional during things like this, “I cannot believe my little babies are growing up. 16 and going to a school dance with their gorgeous dates.”
“Right mum that’s enough, we’re gonna be late,” George groans although he didn’t mind having his arm around Y/N’s middle.
Molly nods agreeing, “right fine! Don’t want to keep you from your dance, have fun!”
Arthur drops the 4 of them off at the school hall reminding them he’d be back at 12 to pick them up.
All 4 of them spend most of the night dancing together and laughing at Fred’s questionable dance moves. Soon the upbeat song comes to an end and a much slowly one started playing. Immediately Fred extends a hand to his date, “m’lady. Care to dance?”
George turns his body to face Y/N who is gazing up at his tall frame, he gulps “Y/N do you wanna dance with me?”
The smile that spreads across her face could light up the room, “yes please.”
For the remainder of the night George and Y/N sway slowly to the music, Y/N moves closer to George until her head is resting against his chest and his arms find their place on her hips.
Y/N can hear George humming to the music above her and she smiles giving his shoulders a small squeeze, then whispers so quietly she’s worried George doesn’t hear her. “I hope we are always best friends Georgie.”
“I promise we will be love.”
Friday night and George hasn’t spoken to Y/N since she visited the shop. He’s ignored her phone calls and text messages; she came into the shop again on Wednesday, but George locked himself in the backroom telling Fred he had to do stocktake.
George could feel himself falling apart, Y/N was upset with him, Fred was annoyed at his childish behaviour. George felt himself fall deeper and deeper as his heartache and sorrow grew stronger every time he remembered Y/N’s engagement. The only thing which seems to numb his feelings was the alcohol.
At this point George wasn’t sure how much he had had to drink, but the buzz running through his system was better than the bitterness he was feeling before. It had just hit 11:30pm at night and he had finished the last of the tequila from the bottle. With no alcohol to distract his brain his eyes drift over the numerous photo frames he has hanging on the living room wall. His eyes stop at one photo in particular, it’s of him and Y/N from the day at the beach when they were 7. Despite it being the first time the two had met, they looked like they’d known each other since birth. Y/N had been very shy when she was introduced to the twins, but George quickly made her feel comfortable and the day was spent with lots of laughter and smiles. In the photo George and Y/N are stood side by side on the sand, grinning up at the camera. They had just made a huge sandcastle village and were very proud to show off their creation. George’s eyes wander down the photograph to their hands which are tightly intertwined. He bites his lip before stumbling out the front door.
“Do you ever think about getting married Georgie?” Y/N questions, she’s lying beside George outside on the grass, staring up at the clouds moving above them. They did this a lot, gazing at the sky trying to find the funniest shapes in the clouds.
George is only 12 but he knows exactly who he wants to marry, not that he will admit that.
“No, not really.” George tries not to freak out when he feels Y/N’s hand intertwine with his own, “do you?”
Y/N nods, “yep, I want to marry someone who is funny and will let me eat ice cream for dinner.” She giggles and it makes George’s heart soar, it the 5 years of knowing Y/N it had quickly become George’s favourite sound.
He turns his head to face Y/N, she’s still looking up at the sky, there’s a faint smile on her lips.
“I’m funny.” George isn’t sure what he’s insinuating.
Y/N turns to face him, “you are. Would you let me eat ice cream for dinner?” he nods eagerly.
Y/N purses her lips before smiling, “well then Georgie, maybe I’ll marry you.”
George can only hope that’s true.
George’s fist hammers against the wooden door. It knows it late and there’s a chance William will answer instead of Y/N but in this moment he doesn’t care. “C’mon Y/N open up! It’s me George.”
The door swings open and Y/N is standing on the other side in a fluffy dressing gown wrapped snuggly around her body rubbing her eyes. “George what the hell are you doing here?” There’s a trace of annoying on her voice, mostly because he’d woken her up but also because she’s been trying to talk to him all week and he decides to show up at her house at midnight the night before her wedding.
“I-um,” George stammers, his words getting stuck in this throat. He has spent practically his whole life wanting to tell Y/N he loves her but never being able to find the words, this time was no exception. So, in George’s alcohol fuelled mind he decides if he can’t use words then actions are the next best thing.
Y/N is staring blanking at the redhead on her porch, eager to know the reason why he’s standing in front of her after ignoring her all week. George timidly steps closer towards Y/N before resting his hands on her cheeks and pressing their lips together roughly.
Y/N is stood frozen on the spot until her hands reach up to rest on George’s chest. She can taste the strong alcohol on Georges mouth, and she’s pulled back to reality and pushing him away. “D-did you just k-kiss me?”
George nods.
Y/N is filled with anger and it starts to bubble up inside of her. “What the fuck George? You’ve been ignoring me all week not answering my calls or texts and-and then you just come here drunk and do that? You can’t come here the night before my wedding and kiss me. It’s not fair!”
George’s shoulders slump, “I’m sorry, I just had to say- that I…” he pauses again, his eyes scanning over Y/N’s face hoping somehow she’s learnt how to mind read.
“What? You had to say what George?” Y/N is aware that she’s yelling but she can’t bring herself to care.
“That I love you.”
Y/N doesn’t speak her brain is running a hundred miles a minute. The silence is unpleasant and unbearable, George looking into Y/N’s eyes trying to read her expression.
“You need to leave,” Y/N utters, her face unmoving.
It’s like George’s feet are glued to the ground, he’s brain is screaming at him to move but he can’t.
“You need to leave George.” Y/N’s voice is firmer this time, “I’m getting married tomorrow and you need to leave right now.”
George Weasley is an idiot. No, he’s more than an idiot, George Weasley is a dickhead, plain and simple.
He hadn’t been able to fall asleep when he got home, he kept replaying the night over and over. Every time he closed his eyes, he was met with Y/N staring back at him. Except she’s staring with so much disgust it makes George feel sick, he can still hear Y/N’s voice telling him to leave. George Weasley not only managed to lose the life of his life in one night but also his best friend. He feels like a dickhead.
George glances over at the clock next to his bed. 10:30 am. Y/N is getting married in 30 minutes. His chest pains, he thinks he might throw up.
George staggers out of bed and towards the kitchen, he needs water. His journey is interrupted by a harsh knock from the front door. He sighs, he knew Fred would come around to try and convince him to go to the wedding. George figures he couldn’t go to the wedding even if he wanted to, sure that his invitation was no longer valid after last night.
“Fred, seriously I’m not going,” George flings open the door and he almost passes out.
Y/N was standing there looking like an angel, he thinks maybe he died from alcohol poisoning and was actually in heaven. Y/N’s hair was laying loosely across her shoulders, she was wearing a breathtaking white gown which hugged her body perfectly.
George mouth is gaping open his voice coming out breathless and in a whisper, “what-what are you doing here?” He’s half expecting Y/N to slap him across the face for his antics last night.
“I couldn’t do it,” Y/N also whispers, as if this is a secret conversation, only meant for the two of them.
“Why?” George squeaks.
“Because I love you.”
Y/N steps closer and drapes her arms around George’s neck pulling him closer so their foreheads are resting against each other.
As soon as she woke up this morning Y/N felt ill. It wasn’t until she was standing in her wedding dress by the church did she realise why she felt sick. It was because the man that was waiting for her inside the church wasn’t George. Her mum sensed her daughters doubts and offered a comforting hand on her shoulder, “darling, you tell me right now if you want out. I’ll get a car, I’ll sort out this whole thing, you won’t have to worry about a thing.”
Without thinking Y/N had responded, “I want out mum.” That lead to Y/N zooming away in her dad’s car straight for George’s place.
Y/N gazes into George’s warm and gentle eyes, she felt home, “I love you even though you’re an idiot who waited to tell me you loved me till the night before my wedding to someone else.”
George chuckles, “yeah I guess I am but I’m your idiot.”
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lirusstories · 4 years
Stories: Please Read
Edit because I’m a fuckin moron that forgot the Soul-Mate Aus for Little Fortune. Sorry about that.
Alright so sorry about this, I swear I’m halfway through the first Chapter for both Run Boy Run and New Beginnings. But anyway here we are, these are the 14 stories I’m working on, and yes I am well aware that it’s not a good Idea but fuck it, I’m havin’ fun so Anyway. These are the title’s and they will have Descriptions of who is in it and what the Au is and also, yes all of them have soul-mate Au's (y'all couldn’t even rip this from my cold dead hands) many of them are different ones from each other. (Also each of them are embodiment's of something for each other which will be explain at the bottom) Also some of these are inspired by or have parts that are inspired by @oh-itskitkat and I’ll put Links to the ones that Inspired what and if they inspired the story are something that will happen in the story. Also please go check out her shit, it’s amazing. Everything will be under a read more because This post is long as fuck.
1. The Kings and Their Queen which you can find here @thekingsandtheirqueen
2. No Place Like Home 
I legit Cannot explain this you just gotta read it. But I can tell you that it’s a non-traditional A/B/O au and a Hero X Villain Au
Characters: Liru, Anti, JJ, Illinois, Yancy, Emile, Remy, Virgil, Jack, Jackie, Marvin, Henrik, Chase, Dark, Wilford, Jamie, Sammi, Oliva, Roman, Remus, Patton, Thomas, Logan, Janus, Robbie, Yan, Ethan, Tyler, Mark, Kira, and the rest will be added later on.
Soul-Mate Aus: 
1. Soul-Mark Au 
2. Every so often you will get flashes of what your soulmate is seeing at the time, but your soulmate doesn’t know when it happens.
Inspired by: https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/613250836029734912/so-youre-just-gonna-up-and-leave-without-a
3. Once Upon A Dream
This one can’t be explained without spoilers so your just gonna have to read it.
Characters: Liru, Henrik, Jackie, Marvin, Chase, Jack, Yan, Robbie, Anti
Soul-Mate Au: Soul-Marks
Inspiration for scenes:
1. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/617661429060911104/those-arent-birds-please-do-not-stealrepost
2. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/616741587195658240/ill-wait-here-then-please-do-not
3. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/614495447412834304/just-a-little-while-longer-please-do-not
4. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/613412510108909568/a-much-needed-break-please-do-not-stealrepost
5. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/190358452918/purring-is-simply-soothing-or-self-soothing
6. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/617016760676335616/catching-up-please-do-not-stealrepost
7. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/190596652918/tending-the-garden-please-do-not
4. Run Boy Run
This one can’t be explained without spoilers so your just gonna have to read it.
Characters: Liru, Anti, Jackie, JJ, Marvin, Chase, Jack, Henrik, Robbie, Yan, Remy, Virgil, Remus, Wilford, Roman, Remy, Emile, Jacques, Angus, Sam, Shawn, Patton, Logan, Magnum, Janus, Wilford, Dark, Mark, Thomas. (Maybe some more Iplier ego’s not sure yet but we’ll get there when we get there)
Soul-Mate Au’s: 
1. Soul-Mark appearing through Touch
2. Remembering Past Life through touch.
5. New Beginnings
Multiverse type thing. JJ, Dark and Wilford are from the same universe, Jack and Marvin are from the same one, Logan, Patton, Janus and Virgil are from the same one, Roman and Remus are the same one. Something bad happens in each of their universes resulting in them winding up in the main.
Main: Liru, Anti, Yancy, Jack, Chase, Thomas, Mark, Henrik, Emile, Remy, Robbie
1920 ish(don’t hate me because I doubt anything will be accurate): JJ, Dark, Wilford
Hero Vs. “Villain”: Jackie and Marvin
Medieval Fantasy: Roman and Remus
Pathos, Ethos, Logos and their dark strange son: Patton, Janus, Logan, Virgil
Characters: Liru, Anti, Jackie, Henrik, Chase, Jack, Marvin, JJ, Yancy, Emile, Remy, Yan, Robbie, Roman, Remus, Janus, Patton, Logan, Virgil
Soul-Mate Au’s:
1. Telepathic Soul-Mates
2. Soul-Mark appearing through Touch
Story: https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/612154125154664448/how-did-i-get-here-please-do-not-stealrepost
Hero vs “Villain”
A. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/190615542808/head-in-the-clouds-please-do-not-stealrepost
B. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/183388705923/its-magic-bro-please-do-not-stealrepost
Medieval Fantasy :
Pathos, Ethos, Logos and their dark strange son: 
6. Family Against All
Scp au type thing (I’m using what information my brain can retain but I know alot of it is inaccurate, please don’t hate me).
Liru is a lot shyer and quieter in this one. She is avoiding the SCP Foundation heavily because they are looking for her after an incident where she lost temporary control of her abilities which had caused a temporary rift in the fabric of reality. Mark and Jack are still YouTubers in this and Chase is too.
Liru will find the more innocent or even objects of SCP's and take them home. She also has some that the SCP foundation hasn't discovered.
Henrik doesn't tell his brothers where he works. He tells them he's a doctor though and leaves it at that.
His first chapter will him discovering Anti and just straight up Freezing in his tracks because that's his little brother. And he doesn't know why he knows or knows how he knows he just does. and repeat for Jameson, and Marvin and Jackie(but they're older siblings except JJ of course) And when he discovers Robbie he nearly loses his shit but manages to keep it together because Holy Shit Thats A Child.
He's never met them before. And now he has to figure out why he knows them before anyone else can figure out that they aren't doppelgangers or something and has to figure out why there is a 6 year old child that never talks but when he does he's screaming for his mom.
Characters:  Liru, Anti, Jackie, Henrik, Chase, Jack, Marvin, JJ, Robbie, Yan, Dark, The Googles, Bing, The Host, Bim, Wilford, Mark(Maybe the kids)
Soul-Mate Au: Telepathic Connection through knowing soul-mates Preferred Full Name, has to go both ways before connecting.
7. A Burning Soul
It's a Hero x Villains Au, Jackie is the "Hero"(unknowingly works for the bad guy) and Liru, Celine and Yancy are the "Villains" who are in a polyamorous relationship and are trying to get Jackie to switch to there side so he can be protected. A bit more insight is that Jackie was threatened with the safety of someone close to him to be a "Hero" and the other "Hero's" He works with are there to keep him on a leash. While Celine, Liru and Yancy(mostly Liru because she's the one he interacts with the most) Try their best to convince him to join them so they can help him. 
Characters: Liru, Celine, Jackie, Yancy, Robbie, Yan, Virgil, Remy, Emile
Soul-Mate Au: Where you have a splotch of color of your soul-mates soul where your soul-mate touches you skin to skin for the first time. It burns when touched for the first time so there's no missing it. It will only stop burning when you accept your Soul-Mate.
8. A Chase Down the Rabbit Hole
This started because of the one-shot I made for Chases birthday and now it’s gonna be a story. I can’t really tell much without spoiling a lot of it so here are the characters in it and the soul-mate au.
Characters: Liru, Chase, Henrik, Jackie, Jack, Anti, JJ, Marvin, Angus, Jacques, Shawn, Sam, Jaym, Katie, Gabriel, Roman, Remus, Kiara, Uma (Possibly the other sides but eh we’ll see)
Soul-Mate Au: Gains Mark Through First Touch
9. Death and Her Soulmates
Alright so the first one is Gonna be Called Death and then whatever soulmate is in it. It's all connected to one story though but they come in one-shots. For instance Liru and Remus would be "Death and Green Sword" or if it's Liru and Roman It's "Death and the Red Shield". Anti and her would be "Death and the Angel" or her and JJ would be "Death and the Master of Time". Robbie and her would be "Death and the Lavender Boy" (every time I see the words Lavender boy my mind sings it to the tune of "Calendar girl") Thomas and her would be "Death and the Rainbow Heart" and the ones that don’t Involve her Would be “The Lightning bug and The Angel”(Jack and Anti) The entire character List is in the story.
Soul-Mate Au’s:
1. Markings gained through touch.
2. The ability to send gifts to your soul-mate/s once a year (You choose something and it appears to them but nothing “living”)
10. Sacred Motives
Inspired by  https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/616607308121849856/you-got-your-ass-handed-to-you-by-a-man-in-a
Alright so for what led up to “You got your ass handed to you by” “a man in a cat mask, yes!”. Marvin was getting an Artifact back that belongs to JJ that humans have taken. It's not the only artifact as well. Humans had raided a sacred place, where a bunch of important artifacts were and they stole, which now they are trying to get back. And they’re gonna get more than they expected.
Characters that are in it: 
The "What do you have?" “Humans: Your artifacts!” “NO!” is:
Liru, Marvin, Chase, Anti, JJ ,Robbie, Sammi, Jamie, Yan, Yancy, Emile, Remy, Virgil
The "don't know that the sacred artifacts belong to the other side" is: 
Jackie, Henrik, Jack, Oliva, Wilford, Dark (unwillingly dealing with the other bullshit because Wilford and Jack are somehow friends)
and the “why did you encourage her to get entangled in mortal affairs, Remus”: 
Roman, Remus, Labadon, Logan, Patton, Thomas
Soul-Mate Aus: 
1. You can see numbers over your soul-mate’s/soulmates’ heads indicating how dangerous they are 1-100 anything higher than 100 is “Most-likely” Inhuman. The number is in their favorite color and their hand writing.
2. The first thing you soul-mate says to you becomes written on your body.
Inspiration for scene:
11. Little Fortune
So the best way I can explain it is that It started with Anti meeting Liru at a Park and because he had nothing better to do he just kinda sat and talked with her and after that they just kept meeting up Until Anti actually takes her on a Date one night. She gets into a fight with her Acquaintance on the phone(she's visiting Brighton for work) So Anti invites her over so she doesn't have to go back to the hotel room(I should mention that they are ego's in this) So the go back to the Septic house and she stays the night(nothing dirty happens don’t worry) And the others wake up before Anti and Liru and notice that there are heels by the front door so of course they rush up to Anti's room only to see them both Dead asleep on his bed just cuddling(Anti's the little spoon). They freeze at the sight and due to both the door slamming open and the light bleeding in they both wake up. After an explanation and a near attempted murder on Anti's part they let her stay for the time being and despite the fact that they were supposed to erase the memories of anyone who finds out about them they don't because they see the way she reins in Anti before he can even start. And over the months she keeps visiting and they all begin to notice something is a bit strange about her. And on top of that they have to juggle trying not to let Jack find out about her and trying to ignore the feelings that they gain for her(can't wait to write those parts:) ). And the thing is Liru doesn't even notice something is off about her but Anti does and just assumes she knows and thinks that she'll tell him when she's ready. And more often than not she is seen at their house even when she goes back to Oregon, Anti just keeps bringing her over via teleportation.
Characters: Liru, Anti, Jackie, Henrik, Chase, Jack, Marvin, JJ, and some will be added later on.
Soul-Mate Au’s:
1. Songs sung by your Soulmate are stuck in your head.
2. Music that’s stuck in your Soulmate’s/Soumates’ head/s is stuck in yours as well.
3. You have accessories/an accessory that represent your Soulmates/Soulmate
Inspirations for scenes:
1. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/190358452918/purring-is-simply-soothing-or-self-soothing
2. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/616293064973189120/not-all-angels-have-wings-please-do-not
3. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/190866033653/never-too-old-please-do-not-stealrepost
4. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/615127312520871936/on-the-11th-of-april-a-drop-of-sunshine-fell-to
12. Songs of the Lost Souls
It's kinda a Hero and Villain x "Civilian" type things and it's Jackie and Anti but the others are also into her(Liru) The Characters in this are Jackie, Angus( the survival Hunter) Marvin, Jacques(the french "ego" from passepartout), Henrik, Chase, Jack, Anti, Shawn Flynn, JJ and S34N(he's an android "underdevelopment"(he was considered to be to human) who Anti accidentally saved). 
This takes place in some random metropolis that Liru Moved to to get away from a rather bad past. She's friends with Jacques, Shawn and Sam(S34N) and they Helped her get a rather expensive apartment that she doesn’t need to pay because Jacques already has(“To help a fellow painter out.” “Jacques I Will throw you off this balcony. WHY?!”) Jacques, Shawn and Sam are all types of Artists, Jacques is a rather Famous Painter, Shawn is a hand drawn animation artist. Sam is a sculptor. 
Liru’s Older brothers are Roman and Remus and they live in Florida with Roman’s husbands and their three adopted children but they came from Oregon. The reason why Jacques paid for her apartment is because he wanted to help her out of her bad situation despite the fact he knew virtually nothing about it. So the story starts a few days after she moves into the apartment. Also I should mention that Marvin helps out Jackie in his fights against Anti when Anti is particularly aggressive.
Characters: Liru, Jackie, Angus, Marvin, Jacques, Henrik, Chase, Jack, Anti, Shawn, JJ and S34N(Sam), Roman, Remus, Patton, Janus, Thomas, Emile, Remy, Virgil, Sammi, Jamie
Soul-Mate Au’s: 
1. When you and your soul-mate touch for the first time, what your song together is will be written on your body with your’s and your soul-mates handwriting and favorite color. And it doesn’t matter how small it is or if it’s in a different language you can always understand it. 
2. When your soul-mate is singing you can’t get the song they’re singing out of your head. 
3. When the two soul-mates finally sing their song together that their souls essentially connect to each-other finally and it allows them to gain certain abilities they have. Like in a human sense if one could speak Spanish and the other couldn't and when they sing their song together for the first time the person who couldn't speak Spanish now can but not as well as the original. And say the one that couldn’t speak Spanish was really flexible but the Spanish speaker wasn't so when they sing together for the first time the Spanish speaking one becomes somewhat flexible.
Inspirations for Scenes:
1. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/611367312035119104/under-my-umbrella-please-do-not-stealrepost
2. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/610901204242972672/somewhere-in-time-inspired-by
3. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/616210494266671104/10-million-fireflies-please-do-not-stealrepost
13. Soul Pack 
(Harry Potter au sorta it doesn’t take place in his time) I do not have a description for this so when It comes out I hope you’ll enjoy it.
Characters: Everyone, every single one of them will wind up in it.
Soul-Mate Au’s:
1. Telepathic Connection since birth but gets stronger the more you know your Soul-Mate.
2. Whatever you write on your skin appears on your Soulmate’s/Soulmates’.
14. For The Divine
It's Kinda different from the others. This one is where Liru, Roman and Remus start out as humans and the others are Gods or Divine beings whatever you wanna call them. And the others are looking for the last pieces of themselves(aka soulmates). And eventually they one by one begin to stumble upon Either, Roman, Remus or Liru.
With Roman, Remus and Liru. Roman and Remus are Liru's Legal Guardians (although she is 21 in this, they're 34 though they don't look it, just like Thomas doesn't look like he's thirty in real life.) Roman, Remus and Liru inherited everything that they're family owned after they all mysteriously died off,(Remus killed them but Roman doesn't know but he suspects but he never said anything because that is A. his brother and B. He thought they deserved it as well(they did) Liru knows because she remembers him telling her that they ever laid a hand on her he's kill them all(He did) and she never said anything because she knew that they deserved it as well. and this was when Roman and Remus were 19. 
They both quickly adopted Liru before they could put her in the system and when Liru was in school one day and a teacher made a horrible remark about her brothers taking her in, she mentioned it "Offhandedly" to Roman where Remus would hear. And the next day when Roman and Remus(for the sake of appearances) went to go talk to the teacher about it, the teacher had already been murdered the night before by some of Remus' "Friends". Roman is both a Fashion Designer and Model, Remus is a Painter, Liru is a Fashion Designer(Both Roman and Remus model for her when she needs help figuring out what to do with it) and Painter, she also makes jewelry and Masks to go with her and Romans designs. They all base their outfits/paintings/statues around the animals that represent there Soulmates.
Characters: All of them Minus Jaym and Katie.
Soul-Mate Au’s:
1. You have an animal(or in their cases, animals) that represent your soulmate/s
2. Gained Telepathic Link through getting to know your Soulmate. The more you know and trust them, the stronger the Link and the more control you have over it.
Inspiration for Scenes
1. https://oh-itskitkat.tumblr.com/post/190596652918/tending-the-garden-please-do-not
Alright now for the embodiment thing.
So I was Originally Only gonna do it for the Sanders but It just bleed over into the others. But anyway so it's essentially that they are an embodiment of certain things for there soul-mates For example, Logan Is Logic (so when any of them actually stop and think instead of diving right in Logan can tell) or Anti is Curiosity (for instance if on of the were to notice something they are unfamiliar with and they can't help but investigate Anti can tell) Or Robbie is Child-Like Wonder like the feeling you get when your a kid and you see presents under the tree on Christmas morning or Like that one Here Be Dragons from that SCP Unity episode Mark did. Robbie can feel when they feel that but at the same time it doesn't necessarily mean that they have to be a feeling or something you use. For instance Damien is the Embodiment of the Day and he can get a sense of where is soulmates are and whether or not they are in danger.
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joie-university-rp · 5 years
Tumblr media
It is with great pleasure we invite you admission to Joie University! Welcome to the Thunderclap family!
Congratulations, KEN! Please be sure to check the New Members’ Checklist and send in your character’s account within 24 hours from now. We cannot wait to see all that you will bring to this roleplay! We love you already!
Name/Alias; pronouns: Ken, he/him
Age, Timezone: 22, PST
Activity, short explanation: New job so activity will be lower but I’m still here!!
Ships: Vitya/Anyone (Sexually), Vitya/Men (Romantically)
Anti-Ships: None.
Triggers: None!
Preferred photo for Character’s ID : https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1mfjly7Dgd4/maxresdefault.jpg
Anything else: My feet hurt from this new job. Also, if there are any typos, I’m sorry, I wrote this tired.
Full Name: Vitya Alexsi Cristo
FC: Bill Skarsgard
Age/Year at University: 19, Freshman
Birth date: November 18th, 2000.
Hometown: Vladivostok, Russia.
Gender/Pronouns: Male, he/him.
Sexuality: Pansexual
Major(s): Creative Arts - Illustration
Minor(s): Gemology
Housing request: Beiste Dorms, Room 226
Extracurriculars: Freerunning/Parkour Club, Esports Club, Gymnastics
Greek Life Affiliation: None.
CHARACTER PROFILE (TW; Depression, suicidal tendencies, under age sex/drinking):
Vitya Cristo has always been the baby of his family. It was not due to his age, or order in the births of his siblings, but more his health. It was discovered in his infancy he was born with a congenital heart defect. His skin was pale, he would lose his breath while feeding, and his hands and feet would swell up. His father, being a rich man in the pharmaceutical industry, wanted to fix his boy, but the medical professionals said the case was not severe enough for infant surgery. In fact, he should live a relatively normal life. His father did not see it that way. While his siblings would wander their large, mansion-like house in Vladivostok, Vitya was ordered to stay indoors. He was not allowed to play sports if not escorted, and was even monitored by a personal nanny to most of his schooling. He was isolated, unable to be a regular child because of his helicopter-like father.
Vitya’s mother was the light of his life. The woman had a fire in her, one that was freer and looser than her husband. She loved the man, of course, but disagreed with how protective he was of their son. On nights where he was away, she would sneak Vitya into the fields and courtyards and let him run around and be free. One of Vitya’s most prized memories is running through their lawn with the fireflies. He loved these moments with his mother and he learned to never take the good things for granted.
When Vitya started to enter his teen years, his father would take him to work more and more. Some days, his father would show him the labs and workers that were developing medicines, pills, and more. His father was introducing him into the business, with the obvious intent to pass it on to him. It was a cushiony job, with minimal risk, and little to no physical activity and enough money to set him up for life. It was clear was his father was trying his best to keep his son sheltered as he entered those rebellious years. It was also during this time that Vitya started displaying depressive symptoms, including self-destructive tendencies like playing with lighters and razor knives. In a hope to loosen the leash, Vitya’s mother convinced her husband to send him to school instead of teaching him at home. He, woefully, agreed.
When Vitya was sent away to an all-boys boarding school, the hope was he would become a fine young man, ready to inherit the family riches and pharmaceutical business. At first, he lived every day as if his father was there, as if his nanny still tended to him. It all changed when one night, his dorm mate woke him up to sneak out for the night and meet several other boys at the river nearby. It was near mid-terms, and the boys needed a break. Little Vitya could barely contain himself when he saw all the contraband they brought along. Booze, weed, satellite internet for porn, and hours to get through it all. That night, he partied like an actual teen for the first time in his life. He had his first kiss that night, his first blowjob, and later, at around five in the morning, his first partner. He dove into the deep-end, his sheltered soul yearning for the release and freedom all this brought him. And he reveled in it.
Vitya lived a double life from then on. During his time at home, he was the model son. Well-behaved, well-spoken. But at school, away from prying eyes, he was an absolute devil. Hours of drunken parties, bad habits like casual sex and smoking being his two favorites, and sometimes, getting into physical fights when his anger got out of hand. Vitya and his growing band of misfits found a way to bypass the school’s firewall, getting access to explicit content without hindrance. Vitya’s grades started to slip, but he didn’t care. He kept them up enough so his father would be satisfied, but that did not mean he was studying more. There was many-a-teacher he had dirt on, blackmailing his way to reasonable grades. He became a terror on the innocent boarding school almost overnight.
With his time at the school coming to an end, Vitya knew one thing for certain; there was no way he was going to be some CEO ass, dominating over people he would never bother to learn the name of. He still played the model son, faking his way into his father’s good graces, but each sideways glance to his mother told her what he really wanted; to get out. So, she did the impossible. Under the sleeping eyes of his nanny and father, his mother woke him up and snuck him outside, just like when he was a child. This time, though, she handed him a packed bag, keys to one of the cars, and a plane ticket, telling him to go. She may love her life of luxury and easy living, but she knew this was not the place for her baby. She only asked that Vitya keep an eye on his health, and use those American doctors for all their worth.
Vitya left that night and never looked back. He started out in New York, wandering to all the sites. He went to Pittsburg, New Orleans, Austin, Los Angeles; he went everywhere, explored everything, and fucked anything that gave him ‘the look’. Vitya would even set up in some motels and just let anyone in, if they had cash in hand and a bottle of booze. He got into some hairier situations, too, when those very customers would catch him clearing out their wallet. He had been cut off from his father’s fortunes when he discovered his actions, so he needed to make money somehow!
It was sheer luck when he applied as a foreign student at Joie University. He really just needed a place to stay, running out of motels to sell his ‘services’ out of. He knew he’d have to get an actual job at some point, selecting an easy degree to go after. He did enjoy drawing while growing up, and left his lovely rock collection in Russia, so illustration and gemology seemed a perfect fit. If only he could kick the Russian accent, then maybe he could fit in a bit better.
(Please answer the following questions IN CHARACTER. Responses can be as long or short as you see fit!)
What made you want to attend Joie University?
It is a secure campus with a good curriculum. The housing seems nice and the students friendly enough. I am looking for a place to plan roots, to get started in life, and I want it to be here. There are loads of opportunities here and I want to find them.
What are at least 3 positive or neutral and at least 3 negative traits that you believe you possess?
I’m intelligent. Beyond the classroom. I am good at reading people, what they want or need from me, which helps me understand my task. I know what I want, so I am very direct and leave little room for misinterpretation. I also have a morbid curiosity that can get me into trouble. All of these combined makes me somewhat abrasive, but that is their loss. And I am not very personable. I’ll do what needs to be done of me, but ask if I want to watch a rom-com with some popcorn, and I’m going to have to say no.
Which of your traits do you value most?
My directness. If I know what I want, and it isn’t what someone else wants, then I know I need to look elsewhere. I’m not going to waste time, which is better for both involved.
How can that trait benefit the University (or its student body) as a whole?
Being Russian, I’m a cultural novelty that many haven’t seen before. The fact you Americans have to wait to twenty one to drink was a major newsflash for me, so now I have to wait three more years when I already was drinking back home. The more I learn about America, the more others can learn about the motherland, beyond what some media figurehead tells us.
What do you hope to gain from your experience at JU?
The obvious answer to this is a degree, but anther answer is possible dual citizenship. I hope through this, I will be able to travel between Russia and America with more than just a student visa. I truly believe I can call America home, if given the chance.
What is a quote or song lyric that describes you?
“Do you realize I’m the man and I’m in my prime? And it’s my time, I swear to God I won’t waste no time. You ain’t worth a dime, no, you ain’t worth a dime. Still on my mind, you’re still on my mind.” – ‘Let Me Know (I Wonder Why Freestyle)’ by Juice Wrld
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thenixkat · 5 years
Animorphs notes 19
Book 19
Cassie narrated book
Cassie says she’s not good at coming up with nicknames and such
Cassie says that Jake will narrate part of this book
Listen, as far as I am concerned the andalites are about as ‘evil’ as the yeerks
I wanna know what that yeerk is being accused of actually
Huh, so Cassie was in the wrong. By not controlling her morph properly she murdered an already downed opponent who she could have easily avoided.
SO no one heard that fight at all? Got damn people in this universe are unobservant Cassie feels particularly bad about this murder and decides to quit the team that’s the only thing standing in the way of an invasion of Earth.
I feel like Marco would have something to say about that
“Troubled kids” cut off a fox’s tail
Again, I feel like Cassie’s parents should have figured out something was up
Also, a leopard escaped from someone’s house
There’s money troubles, the clinic lost a sponsor and will probably have to shut down until they can get another
A sliver of hork flesh is green and grey
So yeah Cassie is chubby
Cassie’s trying to mentally justify her murder
Cassie has a nightmare about losing control of a tyrannosaur morph, wakes up and does some self-harm
Marco has made 2 vore jokes so far
Cassie didn’t go to school today
Cassie, you are aware that Rachel has plenty of career options for someone with her kinda personality?
Marco does have something to say about Cassie’s decision
Cassie is making a decision that she agreed was cowardly and selfish to sit things out b/c she doesn’t like becoming desensitized to violence. Granted I’d say her decision to murder an enemy who was not a threat to her after the battle was declared over is a bigger problem.
Yeah, Rachel has the right to break off their friendship. All of them are aware that they’re becoming desensitized to this shit and you think that they’d keep in touch?
Cassie ditches another one of her responsibilities in caring for the animals just b/c she’s having problems.
Ax helped do one of Cassie’s chores
Cassie doesn’t like that fact that Jake doesn’t want her to morph if she’s not going to help save the world
Cassie sees a girl being chased by a bear
Welp, Cassie got her horse killed
ANd she and the girl fell in the river
Cassie could have died multiple times
The girl saved her life
The girl has curly red hair and big green eyes
The girl is Karen
Cassie catches on pretty quick that there’s something off about Karen
Well, Aftran is actually doin the extra mile in actually figuring shit out about the andalites terrorists
Imagine if the rest of the yeerks had that kinda drive
There are yeerks who suspect that its just morphing humans
Aftran didn’t think this plan through
Cassie using destroyed instead of killed just feels weird, but hey whatever you gotta do to justify murder
It’s not like you could just wait for 3 days and only kill the yeerk, gotta kill the little girl too
Aftran doesn’t want to dick around playing games
That leopard is still a thing
Cassie spends several pages gaslighting an alien inside of a scared and hurting little girl b/c she doesn’t want to make a decision
Cas gets halfway to wolf b4 remembering that she promised Jake that she wouldn’t
Aftran has a dracon gun but it gets knocked away from them in the fight with the leopard
Cassie morphs to fight the leopard
AU where Cassie’s family are werewolves
Actually yes, you can compare Visser 3 murdering Elfangor to Cassie’s murder of Afran’s sibling and their hork host. They chose to kill an enemy (and in Cassie’s case an enemy and a prisoner) after the battle was over when they did not have to.
And Afran’s argument isn’t wrong, but would hold a lot more water if yeerks were written better. And didn’t only use sapients as hosts.
Cassie you let her live b/c you're a selfish coward who refuses to make choices unless you have to. Also, there’s still no reason you have to kill the hostage and not like just the yeerk
Aftran doesn’t actually like that she can’t ignore the cries of her host. I guess the hork she had before didn’t fight, fucking humancentric writers
Life changing feild trip with a yeerk
Afran knows of the yeerks who aren’t into slavery
Yeerk stuff
“"We are born with a hundred or more sisters and brothers. We don't hatch from eggs. And we aren't born the way mammals are born, either. Three Yeerks join together. They literally join together, with three bodies becoming one. Then that one body begins to fragment. It breaks up into smaller pieces, grubs they're called. Bit by bit the body disintegrates, and each grub that falls away becomes another Yeerk. Sometimes there are twins, two Yeerks from one grub. The parent-Yeerks die, of course."”
“Karen looked back at the meadow, 'in our natural state, we have an excellent sense of smell. We have a good sense of touch. We can hear. We can communicate, using a language of ultrasonic squeaks. But we cannot see. We are blind, until we enter a host. Over the millennia we have moved up the evolutionary chain to more and more advanced hosts. Eventually, the Gedds became our basic host bodies.”
Why would a yeerk think dying vias reproduction is something horrifying?
Again they have a point about the andalites
Leopard strikes again and Marco is here
Cassie finally remembers that there’s a terrified little girl who needs some help
AGain Cassie refuses to make decisions unless forced
Also, why is this leopard still after Karen given it has at least half a deer in a tree already?
Cassie could have told Aftran to keep her trap shut b4 demorphing so Marco wouldn’t put 2 and 2 together
Cassie wants to have someone else make the decision
Marco also has a point
B/c you’re a selfish coward who’s waited to be forced to make a choice and yer going to go with the most impulsive one that gets you out of this stiff feeling good about yerself
Also Marco, you don’t have to kill the girl. You could lit wait a few days and free her ya nit
Oh look Cassie does something implusive to avoid being part in something unplesant
Aftran-Nine-Four-Two of the Hett Simplat pool
Aftran’s sibling’s name is Estril 731
Visser 3 still wants to know whats in Zone 91
Aftran wants Cassie to make a deal and put her money where her mouth is
Yeerks don’t have to enslave people, they can make animals their hosts instead
Wow Cassie its almost like sacrifices mean something
Why does Cassie keep calling Karen Karen when she knows Aftran 942’s fucking name
Cassie is now a caterpillar
And now Jake narrates
Cassie’s parents pay attention and were very concerned
The horse is somehow still alive
Rachel knocked Marco flat for talkin shit
Everyone’s giving Marco a very important lesson on how Cassie must be feeling
Huh, Rachel almost died from the cop-yeerks shooting at the birds
Jake gives the order to Marco that neither Cassie nore Karen are allowed to escape. No matter what
Both Ax and Rachel threaten to kill Aftran/Karen
Rachel was straight up just gonna murder the fuck outta them, Karen being an innocent party be damned
Jake is ok with the leopard doing the dirty work for them
Marco saves Aftran/Karen from the leopard
Rachel and Ax are still very onboard with killing this little girl
Jake decides to honor Cassie’s sacrifice and let Aftran/Karen go
Rachel takes Cassie home with her
SO I guess Cassie’s parents just aren’t gonna get told what happened to their kid
Cassie regains consciousness as a butterfly
These motherfuckers had Cassie’s chrysalis sitting outside and exposed with a bird to guard it
Natural morphing resets the morphing tech clock
AU where Cassie’s default body becomes the butterfly
Cassie gets to go home
She gets in the news
The clinic can reopen b/c Karen worked some magic and got her dad to invest
Cassie runs into Karen at the mall who is happy to be free
I wonder what kinda strings Aftran and her friends pulled to get Karen free?
Huh, nice and cute
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