#fucking michfest man fuck all that shit
ghostlyerlkonig · 7 months
love having a time reading articles about tribe 8 while making a shirt because i can/because i cant get one and reading the concerns about their songs and how they were on stage and how they were just loud dykes with no concern for others (cis het and assimilationist) opinions and going "ah ive heard all this in the last month! we really are (/s) still shitting out, eating, and shitting out again the same transphobic queerphobic terf opinions about queer sexuality and sexual expression every fucking year since forever!"
anyways the shirt has BDSM angels on it.
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taramaclaywasaterf · 3 years
I'd like to add commentary about the horse riding interaction. 1. I only ever did light riding myself when I was younger (I did go to horse camp though! I was just never as into it as my sister), but my sisters have been done competition and it does take work. I just agree with what you've been saying.
2. Whoever it was who called you a "horse girl" really really needs to reconsider. That term is very clearly loaded with misogyny against women and girls who have a specific interest. It's not the worst thing a woman could be called but it is very clearly a result of a society that needs to mock every interest that is perceived as being primarily a woman's interest. Turning that against you in an argument is a clear use if that societal misogyny against you. (I do think this in particular reminds me of how cooking when done casually is seen as a woman's interest but professionally it's for men. I think it's the same here: jockeys, rodeo, our image of cowboys rarely includes women)
GIRL this is 10/10 exactly what I was trying to say!!!! That “horse girl” shit is so fucking gross. Like, yeah, I’m a “horse girl”: I‘m a female who rode horses and loved it- god forbid a girl is passionate about something lol
The cooking comparison is spot on. And I’m sure they’d deny it now, but i‘d bet my ass they would never tell a man who did barrel racing that rodeo wasn’t a sport, even though it’s not even in the olympics (barrel racing is 100% a sport, just using the olympics as added emphasis, if that makes sense; I tried barrel racing one time at a friend’s barn and that shit is hard as fuck!! Granted, I was riding a little Hunter pony who’d never ran barrels before either, but still lol) Theyd only say this shit to a woman- excuse me, “horse girl” lol.
Also I never realized how many of us ride/used to ride!! Maybe one day we’ll have a TERF trail ride where we’ll all get together and take a ride through the land where Michfest used to be or something haha. I’d need to cover my entire body in braces to prevent my joints from dislocating, and would need a bombproof horse that wouldn’t go faster than a walk since my disability has gotten so bad, but it’d be worth it lol
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man.. its still so sad to think abt how michfest isnt a thing anymore, i never even got to attend but it sounds like it had such an important place in the community, with such a variety of attendees and just. being a festival truly catered to women... its so fucking sad that something so wonderful and harmless as that couldnt be allowed to continue because society has made up yet some more  bullshit logic for why women actually don’t matter! dont mind all the feminist work we’ve been trying to do for the past however many years, forget all that shit, it’s too bothersome to really examine our own thoughts and actions so we’re going back to hating feminism again :)
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fandomshatewomen · 7 years
I can’s speak for the previous anon, but I think there are non-biphobic, legitimate reasons for people to be troubled by seeing Sappho’s women-only sexuality being questioned. Abusing men have been trying to get into lesbians’ skirts for a long long time and, while I don’t think you guys would reblog something with that motivation, I’m concerned that that’s the motivation behind this questioning Sappho’s sexuality thing.
None of the mods over here are men. Even the OP of the post we reblogged isn’t a man so it’s not a bunch of men trying to abuse lesbians and get in their pants. It’s literally me a bisexual person being frustrated that not only to lesbians and gay men like to hold claim or cast out confirmed bisexual people but lesbians specifically think it’s so damaging that someone who is bisexual and not a man says “Sappho could be bi. Like all we know is she was a wlw”  In the anglosphere many wlw chose to call themselves “lesbian”, after the place Sappho lived.  Some call themselves “Sapphic”.  I don’t mean to be pedantic, I’m no scholar and y’all probably know more about this than I do about her, but … just… I want remind everyone just how important this women is to lesbians, and the way people talk about female sexuality.  While Sappho is a real woman who actually lived and deserves to have her sexuality respected and remembered accurately just like everyone deserves, why is it important to revisit what we know of this particular person’s sexuality right now, so publicly, and without presenting any evidence as a necessary part of the conversation?  Why not Cleopatra?  Or Queen Victoria of England?  Or Zora Neal Hurston?  Or Harvey Milk?  Or Plato?  Or why not discuss known female bisexual icons, like Marlene Deitrich, or Angelina Jolie?
Why do you think it’s disrespecting her sexuality when we’ve got no definitive proof either way that she was a lesbian or that she was bisexual? Yes she made a fake name probably for her husband. I made up fucking fake names for boyfriends when I was younger does that suddenly mean I have never been sexually attracted to boys/men? No it doesn’t. I’m not even 100% trying to say yes she was bisexual. I’m just saying she could have been
Why is it important? Because this was a conversation about gay men and lesbians either calling CONFIRMED bisexuals lesbians/gay/or straight but going into an absolute tizzy when someone even suggests a historical figure whose sexuality none of us can actually confirm outside of she definitely likes women being. So this isn’t about bisexual icons. It’s about the hypocritical behavior of lesbians in this moment.
I feel like I’m bending over backwards to accommodate the possibility of good intentions here because, from everything I’ve seen on this blog, y’all do have good intentions towards women.  But I just have a really hard time seeing how questioning Sappho’s sexuality isn’t lesbophobic when there’s not some compelling reason to do so (and if there a compelling reason let’s see it!)  Lesbophobia is a legitimate problem lately with Michfest ending and few lesbian-only bars available.  It’s especially important right now that we include people who not only identify as queer, but as lesbian.  Women do not need to sleep with or be romantically involved with men if they don’t want to.  Women-attracted men do not need to rewrite Sappho’s life and works to be happy and included in society just as they are, nor do we need to do so to be inclusive of bisexual women.
What was the compelling reason to claim she was a lesbian, to begin with? What’s the compelling reason for lesbians and gay men to call other bisexuals straight or gay and constantly erasing us? This entire conversation stemmed from someone coming into our inbox and acting like I was some random straight person, probably a guy, trying to force heterosexuality on a “confirmed” lesbian icon. Which none of that was fucking true, to begin with. Like I even happily said I’d do some research on the subject and then a follower who I know knows their shit spoke on the post and I was fine with the possibility that she wasn’t a lesbian. That thought had nothing to do with me hating lesbians but everything to do with lesbians getting mad about a nonbinary bisexual person saying she could have been bi while often calling actual confirmed without a shadow of a doubt bisexual people lesbians or straight. I don’t hate lesbians or gay men for that matter. I hate their actions and their hypocrisy.
Like lemme revisit part of the original post:
sappho wrote love poems for both men and women and yalls response to the idea that she might have been bi is “there was no concept of bi/gay back then!! let’s focus on the fact that she was sapphic!!” to the point where her name has become synonymous with gay and she’s called a lesbian icon and y'all only seem to have issues with “concepts” and labels when the concept/label is BI. why am i not surprised?
This behavior is garbage absolute garbage.
Lesbians have ALWAYS had visibility in this damn community. For as far back as my knowledge goes [granted it could be farther] lesbians have been visible in this community along with gay men and that same group like to gatekeep places from bisexuals, trans people, aro/ace people ect. Like I’m all here for supporting lesbians against any crap from the straights because we “are” a community but I’m not to suddenly act like they are some underrepresented part of our community that needs protecting over all others. 
I never said that women have to sleep with men. I never said women have to date men. In one reblog of a post I even said a woman sleeping with a man doesn’t even automatically make her bisexual or exclude her from being a lesbian. All I have said is a) there’s a possibility that Sappho was bi and b) it’s garbage that lesbians get in a tizzy about this but don’t care when they erase bisexual people whose identities are 100% without a doubt confirmed. Nothing else you said even applies to anything I’ve said.
I am not a woman-attracted man and even if I was I still wouldn’t be coming from a place of “oooh lemme get in them pants lemme me corrupt the pure lesbian icon” it would still be about everything I’ve said. NO ONE IS RE-WRITING HER WORK. Like there are swaths of her work missing. Postulating that she could be bi doesn’t suddenly erase anything she wrote or anything we actually know for a fact about her life. 
Of course lesbians don’t have to be inclusive of bisexuals. They never are. 
If you do read this, thank you for reading, and thank you for your blog, I’m a woman and you’ve passed on helpful information to me in the past.  (And I’m new to tumblr, sorry if I’m not doing something right.)
mod v
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patheticbitch666 · 7 years
Me: *strolling into a guitar store to talk to the shitty trash bag rocker man who owns the place* Me: ahh henlo sir, howm much would you give meme for this here guitar? It is quite pretty,it is quite red :3 it will bring you several days of good luck and ill throw in the child of my first born for free The trash man who owns guitars (not even inspecting my genitals, to check for a genuine vagina and/or uterus from which my spawn would theoretically be offered from): hmmmmm..... Lemme see here we don't tend to sell these for much.... We dong event tend to buy em for Michfest either. Hows abouts I give you a handfull of pubes and some cheese cubes and I'll take that guitar over there off your hands? Save you the trouble of throwing it into a trash compacter on your way home :) Me: hmm well... I'll take the cheese cubes (and maybe the pubes) but I think I'll just have it restringed thanks :) The trash man, who has quickly rushed the cheese cubes into his gentile mouth: hmm well we're actually just fresh outta the cubes, my ma'am, but I can get that hunk of dog shit all stringed up for you like a Christmas ham faster than you can say dinners ready. That'll be 39.99, should be done by the end of the month :) I can ring up your pubes for you right now if you want. Let's see uhh looks like 5 pubes for 6.99. Will that be cash or charge? Me: hmm yknow actually I think I'm good, I'm just gonna go :) The trash man: haha alright well take it easy (you fucking faggot)! Me: haha you too!! :)
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