fuckyeahdindjarin · 2 years
Javier's Peña's bulge
Bulge-by-pants analysis: the greatest hits
There's just too much of this bulge to be contained to one post, so there will be one more to come. With so much content to play with, I thought long and hard on how to approach this and landed here. Cos we all appreciate a tight trouser, don't we?
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Dark grey jeans: This is one of his best pairs and he wears it several times in season 2. But this scene with the holy trinity, his bulge really pops - even compared to the stiff competition from his partners.
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Grey dress pants: Even lurking, half-blurred in the background, the bulge makes its presence felt. These pants are cut so well, it's giving me Dave York bulge vibes.
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Khaki dress pants: This is a looser suit that doesn't quite cradle his bulge the way the grey pants do. But with his ridiculous manspreading (is it really necessary, Javier?), you can clearly see the weight of his bulge pressing against the seams.
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Mid-blue straight-leg jeans: Look, I know I'm not supposed to but this is the outfit Javi wears for the insanely hot scene where he kicks down Maritza's door and throws a chair. Violence is bad guys, but these jeans are downright sinful - the way they gently cup that gorgeous bulge, and look at that side bulge action - I am unwell. Thank you Maddie @imaswellkid for ID'ing this scene for me ❤️
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True blue looser cut jeans: I love this look. I'm distraught that we don't see that jacket again (I don't think we do anyway), and those jeans? They're looser than what he usually wears by some distance but even so the bulge still takes glorious centre stage.
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Dark wash jeans: I believe we see these jeans quite a lot. It's more subtle than the lighter washes, but you can't miss that hulking bulge between those legs.
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Dark brown pants: These pants don't look like denim to me, maybe a corduroy-ish material? I bookmarked this from one of @the-ginger-hedge-witch posts, so full credit to Ren for bringing this ridiculous bulge to my attention. I mean, it's not even an indescript bulge. You can see the actual business. That's why they had to shoot from a safe distance, any closer to the camera and we'd all simultaneously combust.
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True blue boot cut jeans: Oh these fucking pants. Sent to me by @iamskyereads. This one is personal because I have a pair in the exact shade of blue. But look at this - look at the camera work, how it zeroes in on that ridiculous bulge, framed so perfectly by those strong thighs and how it's straining against the zipper.
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The ultimate grey jeans: Submitted by @imaswellkid. The sheer amount of bulge in this episode is obscene. But none as obscene as this scene. A still screenshot is needed to fully appreciate the heft of the bulge sitting at the apex of those thighs. How did the camera person not pass out while filming this will forever be a mystery.
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Seriously, look at it™.
I don't know about you, but I'm thirsty now and need a cold drink to calm down. More bulge to come.
Related: Frankie’s Bulge
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danniburgh · 3 years
Past Grievances & Turning Points (a RushBit mini-series) part 1
Pairing: Javier Peña x ofc//f!reader with name.
Summary: You just moved with Javier, but you can't live your life wearing his clothes, so the two of you start a road trip to your house in Albuquerque in which you take the time to tell him everything he still needed to know about you.
Word count: +4k
Chapter warnings: mentions of violence
A/N: This is canon RushBit after the main story; i had such a hard time getting into this for some reason, but finally here we are, im so excited for this side of the story, really <3
ao3 // fic index // Masterlist
comments and reblogs are eternally appreciated 💓
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gif: @fuckyeahjavierpena
“Javier,” you whispered in his ear again, he shifted slightly and let out a sigh when you ran your hand through his hair “Javi, baby,” you called, he hummed in response and you smiled “breakfast’s ready.”
Javier let out another unintelligible hum and your smile widened, you left a kiss on his cheek and left him there to wake up if he had gotten or not the message; you walked out of the room, made sure to let the door ajar so at least some of the smell of the food you and Chucho had made together woke him up fully and made your way back to the kitchen.
“Still asleep?” Chucho asked when he saw you walk into the kitchen, he was already sitting and eating, Pepe sitting next to him whining for a bite, you nodded and sat next to him.
“He has a lot to make up for.” you teased, Chucho grunted a smile while you poured maple syrup on your pancakes.
“At least he doesn’t get those nightmares anymore, Florecita,” he said, cutting a piece of his sausage and dropping it to the floor for Pepe to eat “ya, ten, perro necio.” (cut it, here, stubborn dog)
“Lucky him.” you muttered with a piece of pancake inside your mouth.
“Is that another of my shirts?” you heard from one side as you cut another piece of pancake, you lifted your head to look at Javier, still rubbing sleep off his eyes as he walked inside the kitchen.
“Yeah,” you replied, Chucho asked for the syrup in a mutter that you had learned to identify in the two weeks you’d been living with them, “why?” you asked, handing the bottle to him.
Javier sat next to you with his plate in one hand and a coffee cup in the other, you looked at Pepe, that sat between you, looking at Javier.
“Just asking.” he said, shrugging as he blew slightly to his coffee.
“I need clothes.” you commented, stretching over your plate to reach for a napkin, Chucho called Pepe to give him another piece of sausage.
“We can go buy some later.” Javier replied with another shrug, you frowned with a slight smile on your face.
“Why? I have my stuff,” you told him, Javier looked at his dad pet Pepe and rolled his eyes, not having really listened to what you said “Javi, I need to go back to Albuquerque.”
“What?” he almost choked on the sip of coffee he was drinking, his brow furrowed. You raised your eyebrows “why? what happened?” he asked.
You looked at Chucho with your mouth slightly agape and a flabbergasted smile on it, the old man looked at you, shrugged and kept on eating.
“My things, Javier,” you enunciated, “I gotta pick up my stuff if I’m gonna live here, I can’t live dressed in your clothes.” Javier relaxed visibly.
“You look good in my clothes,” he leaned back on the chair with a small smirk on his mouth, you threw him your balled napkin and he chuckled, “fine then, when do you wanna leave?”
“First thing tomorrow.” you replied, sipping from your own cup of coffee.
“A’right, we leave tomorrow.” Javier leaned forward and picked up his fork.
“Wait, you're coming with me?” you asked him, Javier didn’t look at you, he cut a piece of sausage. Pepe huffed at the smell.
“Who’s gonna help you pack?”
You yawned again as you carried your small bag on your shoulder; you shivered slightly when you walked out of the house to put the bag inside the truck because of your dampened hair making contact with the chilly morning air.
You looked up at the early morning dark sky and closed your eyes as you breathed in the sweet smell of the night dew resting on the little patches of grass around the house; there was something about the few late nights and early mornings you had spent with Javier there, something you hadn’t given yourself the time to put into words or expressing to him. Something that made you feel like you belonged there, like that was your space in the world, in that ranch with the man you loved, his dad, a big dog and the mooing of the cows that could be heard once in a while. You fit there.
You heard Javier’s heavy steps as he walked out of the house and you turned around to look at him as he closed the door.
“Could you make more noise, honey?” you teased with a low voice, Javier rolled his eyes at you and you looked at the boots he was wearing, you shook your head and smiled at him as he walked towards you.
“All ready?” he asked, resting his hands on your waist, gently tugging you against him, you smiled and nodded, “good,” Javier leaned to leave a soft kiss on your lips; your breath hitched at the deepness of that soft kiss, when he broke the contact to look at you, you let out a heavy sigh that made him smile. “I’ll drive.” he whispered, and you nodded again in response.
Javier slid his hands away from you and you bit your lip once he turned to walk around the truck and get inside; you did the same, buckled your seatbelt and shifted on the seat to look at him as he turned on the ignition; you scoffed as he backed the truck slowly through the driveway, wondering if he would be able to endure the thirteen hour drive.
“What’s so funny?” he asked with half a smile, reaching for the seatbelt on his left side, you shook your head and he narrowed his eyes at you.
“You look good today.” you muttered, leaning forward to turn on the radio, Javier let out a chuckle and gripped the steering wheel. A song you didn’t know but was sung in spanish started on the radio and you folded your arms on your chest.
“We’re using the two-eighty-five?” he asked as he turned on the main street, you hummed in response “and then where, we go through El Paso?” you turned to look at him.
“El Paso? no way, that’s extra forty-five minutes,” you huffed “we keep on the two-eighty-five basically until it ends,” Javier groaned “then we turn on the route sixty-six and we’re basically there, the house is on the outskirts.”
“You’re helping me drive, right?” he teased, you laughed.
“Of course, you big baby.” you replied with a smile on your face, Javier scoffed and kept driving with one hand, dropping the other softly on your thigh.
“I was thinking,” he let out as he turned again on the main highway to leave Laredo, you hummed in response as you unfolded your arms, lowered the voice of the radio and took his hand with yours, admiring the little wrinkles of his knuckles, “if we’re gonna live together, we should build our house.”
“What?!” you almost shrieked, Javier let out a chuckle.
“Well, you didn’t think we were gonna live with my dad forever, did you?” he glanced at you.
“Well…” he gripped your hand tightly and you reciprocated the grip, the thought made you nervous; it was another step, that, although it was very obvious, it also seemed enormous in comparison to what it had been happening since you arrived at Laredo “I guess you’re right.”
“You sure?” Javier asked, having turned again to start driving through the highway, he looked at you for a few seconds before looking back at the road.
You wanted to nod, you wanted to say yes and unbuckle your seatbelt and shift on the bench seat and kiss his cheek until your lips were numb; but at the same time the thought of a physical representation of your permanent stay there frightened you. Not too long ago Javier had told you he wasn’t sure about feeling resentment in the future. He had told you he didn’t know if some day he would wake up and decide he hated you.
Javier looked at you again and tightened the already tight grip on your hand; he was the man you were leaving everything for; your body and your heart and your instinct were telling you to leap and jump onto whatever he wanted to do with you, onto whichever plan he had already made in his head, into the brick castle he was building on a cloud.
But your mind, that one was betraying the very sentiment that had driven you to Laredo in the first place; it didn’t know. It wasn’t sure.
“I mean…” you muttered, Javier said nothing, waiting, expecting, “yeah.” you let out, your eyes glued to the windshield and to the early morning sky, still dark, purple with the reflection of the sun slowly arriving.
“Amor, you don’t sound very convinced.” Javier chuckled out almost nervously, glancing at you once again. He wanted to stop the truck, he wanted to pull over and turn off the ignition and turn fully to you and ask you what was going on; he wanted to study your face and hold you close to him until you mouthed and voiced what was going on inside that head of yours. He hated not knowing what you were thinking.
“I think I’m just nervous,” you said, lifting the entanglement that was your fingers around his and kissing his knuckles softly. You didn’t want to overthink it; you had made a decision, you had decided to stay with him for as long as he had you. And, if he was planning on building a house and building a life, it felt like he was thinking about something permanent. “have you thought where?”
Javier let out a short sigh and decided to not ask about your thoughts anymore; he knew you would say you were fine because it was your default response. So he decided to go in the direction you were leading.
“Right there in the ranch,” he muttered; you smiled at him, Javier looked at you briefly and recognized that smile as one of disbelief, “I’m serious, there's a piece of field on the opposite side of the paddocks, we can build there.” he said, shrugging.
“Chucho’s gonna let us do that?” you asked him, Javier slid off his hand of your grip to scratch his jaw and nodded.
“He’s the one who offered the land.” he replied, you covered your mouth with both hands and frowned; your throat closed at the thought of him having that very same conversation with his father and Chucho just offering his own property for you and him.
“You talked to him about it?” you asked him, your voice slightly muffled by your own hands, Javier huffed and nodded with a smirk on his face.
“Why you’re not buying what I say?” his smile widened, you shifted on the seat as closer as the seatbelt let you and reached for his hand.
“It just doesn’t sound familiar to me.” you muttered with a tight lipped smile, playing with his fingers.
“What do you mean?” he questioned, you let out a sigh and turned to look at him; Javier eyed you and the road back and forth for a few seconds.
“Well, I haven’t received that kind of affection from my parents, y’know?” you let out, Javier nodded, he gripped your hand and brought it to his mouth, brushing your skin with his dry, soft lips, tickling it with his mustache, “Idunno, feels foreign even when I’m seeing it happen before my eyes.” you explained, Javier kissed the back of your hand and let his and yours rest on his thigh.
“Pop can be a hard man sometimes,” he said, his voice deep with some emotion you could barely see in his eyes “but he loves very openly.”
“Like you.” you muttered out, Javier smiled and shook his head a couple of times.
“Maybe,” he replied, “I haven’t asked yet.” he teased.
You wrinkled your nose at his response and he chuckled. You leaned to raise the radio volume again; a grupero song that you recognized immediately was barely starting on the station, making you groan and change it.
“What?” Javier asked while you pressed the forward button to fish for another station.
“That fucking song,” you muttered, “it’s about fucking Felix Gallardo.” you said.
“He has a song?” Javier questioned, you turned to him and narrowed your eyes.
“He has several, that one is the newest,” you mumbled, settling for a pop station that was playing some new song by Mariah Carey, Javier scowled at it and you leaned back on the seat “I don’t know why they’re playing it in the fucking radio.”
“Maybe stations don’t know.” he shrugged, you scoffed.
“I can tell them, it’s shockingly obvious.” Javier chuckled at your reply and you tightened the grip on his hand as hard as you could.
“Hey!” he complained, sliding his hand away and stretching his fingers “sorry.”
“Yeah.” you let out, crossing your arms on your chest and setting your eyes on the view outside, Javier groaned lowly.
“Amor,” he called out, you shook your head, “I would know why it makes you so angry if you told me, y’know?” he tried to reason, you looked at him and then looked back at the road; the sun was rising in the morning sky and the, yellow, orange and scarlet tones of the sun telling the night sky a temporary goodbye were reflecting on the puffy clouds above the fields.
“Yeah, I know,” you replied, feeling his hand searching for yours. You unfolded your arms once again and took his hand, knowing there was one last thing about you he needed to know and that was long overdue, a talk you had promised since the first time you spent a night together, since the first time he had held you inside his arms when you told him half trues and blatant lies. Knowing there was just that one thing to get over with so your chest didn’t feel as constricted as it felt when you talked about it. “you really have to know.”
“I’d love to hear it,” he muttered softly, brushing your knuckles with his thumb “and we have time.” he whispered, trying to lighten the mood inside the truck, you huffed and let out a heavy, audibly sigh.
“I don’t even know where to start,” you mumbled, biting your lip and looking at him, the soft, recently born sunshine that was taking over the sky slowly reflected on his skin and made his deep, brown eyes glimmer; Javier looked back at you and raised his eyebrows, expecting, ready to listen. “alright, I think I told you I was a desk agent, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, when was that?” he asked, you let out a chuckle.
“Uhm, since I was out of the academy until almost the end of ninety-one,” you replied, “when they sent me down to Juárez,” you tried to recount the time, Javier groaned and you laughed silently, “yeah, around five years.”
“Really?” Javier let out, you nodded “Jesus.”
“Yeah,” you scoffed “I was in the New Mexico office, mainly focused on intel and trying to put my masters to good use,” Javier hummed and played with your hand “wasn’t so bad, had the chance to go on some raids,” you muttered, “we were just looking for low life dealers, whoever controlled which town, y’know, the usual.”
“And when you told me they sent you to México as a punishment,” he started, you looked at him, “was that the truth?”
“Yeah,” you muttered, “that was true, I tried to cut a deal with some idiot distributor for intel.” Javier huffed.
“That doesn’t end well.” he let out, ripping a low chuckle out of you.
“It really doesn’t, the shithead got caught, he said my name in the interrogation room and by the next week I was crossing the border with a suitcase and I think a cardboard box with files,” you laughed, Javier grinned, “I barely knew any actual spanish.” he frowned.
“Really?” he asked, you nodded, Javier tutted his lips “well, you learned it good.” he teased.
“I had to,” you said with a shrug “see, by this point the mexican government had finally figured out Felix Gallardo was still running his business from jail,” you explained, Javier hummed in response, sliding once more his hand away from yours and patting his chest to reach for his sunglasses that hung from his shirt, “and there was this whole deal with the plazas and no one really knew who managed what, so basically they sent me to study the area’s main supplier,” Javier shook his sunglasses to open them and put them on, the sun was starting to reflect on the windshield, “if I wanted to do my job right I had to learn the language.”
“How long did it take you?” Javier asked, you shifted on the bench seat to tuck your leg under the other.
“Around a year with intensive help from…” you stopped suddenly, Javier turned to you with an eyebrow raised, he looked at you and noticed the way your head tilted, he put his hand on your thigh, “from Marcos,” you muttered, “he taught me.”
Javier only hummed in reply, he didn’t know if he should ask you about him; he groaned to himself and felt your stare, he was sure you also remembered the way he had asked if you were fucking him for intel all those months before that felt like a lifetime; you gave him a chuckle.
“I didn’t fuck him,” you whispered, drawing a chuckle out of him, he shook his head before you fell onto a brief silence that he swore he could cut with a blunt knife “I just got him fired.”
“Baby,” he started, you shook your head, “it wasn’t your fault.”
“Maybe,” you muttered, “he still lost his job.”
Javier sighed, his thumb started drawing slow circles on the covered skin of your thigh.
“You talked to him?” he asked, you let out a slow whine.
“Yeah, I tried to apologize,” you said, remembering how you worked yourself up for three days in order to have the courage to dial his number and talk to him; you closed your eyes and took Javier’s hand, “he didn’t even know it had been because of me, so…” you felt your chest constricting, Marcos’s surprised, hurt voice still echoing inside your head, “let’s just say that bridge there is burned.”
Javier tried to reassure you in the only way his body knew how, he gripped your hand and tried to bring you closer to him; you unbuckled your seatbelt and shifted closer, resting your head on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry.” his voice came out soft and sweet, you huffed; cherishing the way he was slowly voicing stuff he knew would make you feel better.
“I guess it had to happen,” you replied with a soft shrug, “we spent years together, I learned a lot from him,” Javier hummed appreciatively and you smiled, “we were sent together down to Guadalajara,” you told him, looking out to the Texan road, wondering where exactly were you driving through, “we had to focus on Sinaloa too, we had just learned they had this, weird, sort of partnership with Juárez,” Javier nodded once, “and a fucking rivalship with Tijuana.” you chuckled tiredly.
“What a fucking mess,” Javier teased, you nodded and stretched to place a kiss on his cheek, Javier smiled, “that must’ve been hard, amor.”
Javier tried to imagine himself in your place; he had been there for a couple of years before being sent to Colombia; a small taskforce to look for the missing Agent Camarena, he didn't like it. He felt like the violence and the way the narcos were destroying his parent’s country, and his, in a certain way, felt too personal. He didn’t know if he would’ve come out alive if he had been stationed there instead of Colombia.
“It was,” you replied, stirring on the seat to tuck your other leg under you, “the amount of hours we spent trying to analyze interactions between those three cartels still haunts me,” you tried to joke, Javier scoffed, “if I compare it to how Colombia was…” you reflected, Javier hummed warningly, “in my experience,” you smiled and clarified in the same tone he hummed, Javier chuckled, “for me, México was crazier.”
“I imagine,” he said, you looked at him trying to read his face from up close; in the last two weeks you had spent in his house you had re-met him. It was like he was another man with the same essence; he was relaxed, talked more, his sense of humour came out at all times and you had lost count of the times he had made you laugh until your eyes teared up and your belly hurt. It was like being in a relationship with a man you barely knew but had a deep, meaningful love for. He turned to you and smirked “what?” he asked.
“I love you.” you whispered.
Javier smiled at you and, with his eyes skilfully on the road, leaned down to leave a soft kiss on your lips.
“I love you too.” he replied and you left another soft kiss on his mouth, Javier turned to look at the road.
“We should look for something to eat,” you said against the skin of his jaw, he chuckled, “I’m gonna be hungry really soon.”
“We definitely don’t want a hungry flower around here.” he teased, you swatted gently at his arm with a feigned frown.
“I just wanna have energy to keep telling you about México,” you said, Javier nodded, “where was I?”
“Rivalry with Tijuana.” he recalled, you opened your mouth and mouthed a soft ah, nodding.
“So, to make the story short they all wanted to kill each other.” you told him.
“Sounds familiar.” Javier let out growly.
“Right? why can’t they be diplomatic?” you joked, making him chuckle, “Tijuana had thrown a bomb into one of Chapo’s houses and that was a whole ‘nother mess,” Javier blinked heavily at the word bomb and you winced when he gripped your hand tighter, “you get it,” you muttered, he nodded, chewing the inside of his mouth, “so Sinaloa responded with a shooting and killed a lot of people, family of Gallardo,” Javier looked at you in disbelief, “yeah, cousins and one of his aunts.”
Javier said nothing, he kept driving normally but you could feel the way his respiration had become faster, you wondered what he was remembering after what you had said.
“It all escalated very quickly, mind you, this was ninety-two, I spent my birthday in a hotel room in Guadalajara,” you chuckled.
“The cartel knew we were in town, they were trying to track us so we moved hotels for a while.” you replied with a smile on your face while the memory of a small, supermarket store-bought cake with a hard frosting and one single candle painted itself inside your head.
“Who’s we?” Javier asked you, you rolled your eyes.
“Marcos and I,” you told him, Javier groaned in feigned anger and you laughed at him, “he sang me the mexican happy birthday.” you bragged.
“They’re called las mañanitas, Flor.” he chuckled, making you laugh harder at the tone of his voice.
“Yes, that,” Javier shook his head at you, “we had to move to Culiacán, though,” you let out, sitting up straighter at the sight of a gas station, “we had the tip that el Chapo had moved because of all the violence, so we followed him too,” you pointed at it, “can we stop? I’m hungry.”
“Yeah,” Javier changed lanes so he could drive into the gas station and parking next to a pump, you reached for his left hand and took it to look at his watch, you’d been driving for around five hours, the both of you sighed at the same time and he turned off the ignition, “can you get me some sunflower seeds? I’m gonna fill up the tank.” he asked when you reached for your bag that rested on the truck’s floor, you looked at him as he opened the door and got out.
“Sunflower seeds? a’right grandpa.” you teased, opening the door, Javier laughed silently, watching you as you hopped off the truck, closed the door and walked towards the store.
let me know if you wanna be removed :)
pedrito's perma list: @northernpunk​ @pascalesque​ @sleep-tight1​ @cheekygeek05​ @letaliabane​ @supernaturalgirl20​ @alliterative-albatross​ @metalarmsandmanbuns​ @greeneyedblondie44​ @missswriter​ @juletheghoul​ @pedro-pastel​ @agirllovespancakes​ @charlispersonallyhell​ @hopeevenonthisside​ @sherala007​ @magpie-to-the-morning​ @beskarboobs​ @kenoobiwan​ @queridopascal​
dick aneurysm: @starlightmornings​ @ezrasbirdiealso​ @purplepascal042​ @pascalslittlebrat​ @mothandpidgeon​ @wyn-n-tonic​ @mesmorales​ @charnelhouse​
Javi's babies: @pulplorrd​
RushBit tag list: @shestillwrites1​ @absurdthirst​ @thoughtfulpandawasteland​ @wifeofdindjarin @lank-sextburg @helloannbananalove​ @diogodxlot​ @sarahjkl82-blog​ @pedritobalmando​ @a-court-of-feysand-and-elorcan​ @mamacitapascal​ @dobbyjen​ @callsigncatfish​ @feminist-violinist​ @pascalove​ @eury-dice3​ @gingaahhhh @athalien​ @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics​
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beccaplaying · 3 years
Hey user fuckyeahjavierpena is reposting your gifs
You are so thoughtful! No worries, I know the person who is running that page. (It’s me 🤓.) Thank you for looking out for content creators!
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 2 years
Just trawling Google for pics for an upcoming compilation when I came across these pink shirt BTS gems. They’ve probably been shared before but I don’t remember seeing them so sharing anyway 💗
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 2 years
Another for the left is the scene where Javier is putting his jeans back on. If you look closely 🍆👀
You make a very good point anon 👀
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Gif by @tomwambsgns
And also my recent favourite:
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Gif by @thewaythisis from this post
Sorry the Tumblr gif search is so shit I couldn’t find either in the search engine.
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 2 years
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The feminine urge to put a ring on that finger.
Stop flaunting that naked ring finger at me sir.
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 2 years
Would you guys read a Javier Peña fic set on NYE that won’t actually be written by NYE this year 😭
I really wanted to finish it and post it ‘live’ by the end of the year but I just don’t think I have the time. I hate a wasted opportunity but this is the first Javier idea I've had that is actually sticking and I want to do right by it 😭
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 2 years
Me, super chill while waiting for the Javi P bulge post to drop
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I'm kidding, of course. Take your time.
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Seriously, what did you get yourself into, Cee? There's just TOO MUCH material.
What have I gotten myself into Maddie?! It's a huge task. Positively enormous. A weighty responsibility.
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I've earmarked some time to do some bulge hunting this weekend 😉
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 2 years
real talk, I was lowkey so sad when his sideburns were less noticeable in narcos season 3 so the fact that he had some in kingsmen was 🤩🤩🤩
Anon, I gotta say I haven't particularly noticed that until you pointed it out! Look at how fluffy those sideburns were in Season 1. I guess now I'm a slut for sideburns 🫠
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It's definitely a more tidy sideburns look for Jack and I'm living for it.
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 2 years
I love that whenever I go to your blog the first thing to greet me is javier's bulge, a blessing indeed ❤️‍🔥
Oh yeah, you know where the party is at, girlfriend 😏
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Ok this bulge is not in my draft post but it needs to be. Lord have mercy on my ovaries.
If anyone knows which episode this is please let me know lol.
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 2 years
in desperate need of an DEEP enemies to lovers with javier from you.
Hi anon, I’ve been holding onto this ask because I’m not quite sure what you mean by a deep enemies to lovers 🙈
Have you read Letterman Jacket? It’s definitely enemies to lovers, but not sure if it’s deep haha.
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 2 years
PEÑA? i'm that gif of willem dafoe looking up to the sky right now because you are just too good to us
I’m letting go of my anxieties and going for it. I’ve been staring at that DEA letterman jacket for 8 months. It’s time, bestie.
And even if it bombs, at least TLOU is coming and maybe no one will notice 🫣
No I haven't actually let go of my anxieties
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Posting Friday afternoon, US time
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 2 years
i have yet to see pink shirt javi on plane works but you are so correct and right to bring it up
My friend says ‘thanks for letting me know’ 😘
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 2 years
you’re blessing us with Javier. *insert gif from office of stay calm everyone stay fucking calm*
It's been a long time coming 🙈 I actually have several ideas, but I don't think I have enough to link up into a full series, which actually takes the pressure off! I'm so excited to write for our favourite DEA agent.
Also, how fucking pretty is this gif by my babe @pedropascalsx. I love that these are showing up in my gif search now!
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 2 years
yes yes yes yes to the Javier idea
Thank you anon ���️ I've been dying to write for him. Here's my journey with Javier so far that no one asked for.
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Javier was the first Pedro boy I ever wanted to write for. My first Google doc for Javier was created in January this year and I've been chipping away at it ever since, but I just haven't been able to find an angle that works.
I did have an idea which I peddled for the WIP vote a while back but it came out at the bottom by a long shot. And it's ok, that's why I do these votes, to gauge whether an idea works.
I've been at the drawing board ever since, until things finally came together and I landed on this one. It's been a long time coming, I'm excited to finally have something to work towards for our favourite DEA agent ❤️
Javier idea
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 2 years
Bulge or no bulge the true blue boot cut jeans are so iconic. A gen z/70s babe he needs the flare
What do you mean by... no bulge? 🥺 Honey, there is ALWAYS bulge 😉
But yes absolutely I love those jeans and the flare! Here's a gif of... *not* the flare cos. Well.
(Does anyone know where this scene is from?? I've gone over the episode so many times but I swear it's not in it?)
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