blackdragonturds · 3 years
Mortal Kombat HeadKanons #7
Hello everyone! Me again!  I have a cute lil’ tidbit for you all. Mortal Kombat headkanon #7: “Lazy sunday morning cuddles” Kano: “You wanna sleep in love?”  That will be his first response to you not getting out of bed before he does. He’s happy to oblige and hold you close under the covers. With your nose in his chest hair, he whispers sweet nothings to you as you lazily lay in his arms. Too comfortable to move, he dotes on you on it. He likes to also put his hand on your back rubbing it comfortably as you know it relaxes him. When you fall back to sleep in his arms, he smiles feeling like he is the luckiest man in the universe. Raiden: He finds your laziness cute in a way, but is insistent you don’t lay in bed too long. He likes to watch you sleep in an innocent way, stroking your hair and enjoying the peaceful silence. He loves the tranquil expression on your face  when you fall back to sleep. He waits for you to wake back up to start the day, no matter how long you sleep in. When he holds you close, he likes feeling the warmth of your body against his as he rubs your face with his cheek, placing kisses on yours.  Kabal: Lazy morning cuddles are probably one of his favorite hobbies with you. He enjoys the feeling of your legs coiled around his and your warm breaths against his collar. He loves the smell of your skin and the taste of your kisses in the morning. It fills every place in his heart knowing you’re safely nestled in his embrace as the sunlight pours in through the window. He may be a speed demon, but there are moments like this he enjoys that are in slow motion. He wouldn’t trade this for anything. Erron Black: In his mind, Sunday mornings are made for cuddling. He loves it when you snuggle up close under the covers and reluctant to get out of bed.(Especially when you’re nude after lovemaking.) He likes small whispery discussions with you, your head on his shoulder and your fingers grazing his chest.  He likes lighting a cigarette as you lay on him, taking a few puffs now and again. He’s careful not to blow smoke on you so he takes small puffs. If he has alcohol, his tipsy slurs are even more memorable.  Liu Kang: Liu absolutely loves cuddling you on a Sunday morning. He’s a total snugglebug liking you close as can be. He enjoys staring deep into your eyes and telling you how attractive you are and how special you are to him. He loves watching you sleep on top of him as he sits there thinking of how he feels like he’s on the top of the world and thankful of what he has. He kisses your head now and again as you mumble you love him. Bo’ Rai Cho: Bo-Bo is basically a big, snuggly teddy bear. He likes to playfully hug you tightly and drum his belly to be funny. He’s a big napper, loving to lay next to you for hours. If he farts under the covers (or making the so called “Dutch oven”) he laughs it off but since you love him, its okay. He likes tipsy kisses with sake on his lips kissing you, so sweet and gentle too. When he and you fall back to sleep, it’ll probably be around 4 pm when you two get out of bed. Not that it’s a bad thing either. Scorpion (Hanzo Hasashi):  Hanzo isn’t much of a cuddler, let’s be honest. But when he does, its the best thing ever. His elevated body temperature is so good you don’t need the blankets. He is super romantic and will hold you so close you can feel his pulse. He likes to nuzzle you a lot and rub your shoulders, placing kisses on your decolletage (your collarbone.) You enjoy his company as he whispers how precious you are to him, promising to kill anyone who got between him or you. When he sees you fell back to sleep, he does too. Fujiin: Fujiin likes to lay next to you in the mornings but he seems to be the kind of guy who’s up before noon so lazy Sunday mornings are sacrosanct to him. He sees now how when humans cuddle how it’s calming so when you fall back to sleep, he’s at ease knowing you love him. He savors every moment and ignores everything around him just to enjoy these precious moments as fragile as spider’s silk to him.  Jax: Jax’s cuddles are a bit uncomfortable at first because of his robotic arms but you and him learn to compromise. His cute little jokes make you smile as he rubs your leg under the covers. He knows that teasing you won’t get you anywhere but he likes to do it anyway. Expect lots of “I love you babygirl” and “Good mornin’ sexy.” Jax also likes rubbing your butt with a cold metal hand to tease you. His puns and little jokes both turn you on and make you laugh in a way that’s one of a kind. When you fall back to sleep with him, he daydreams of your future with him. Thanks guys! <3
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crez-adrenalink · 4 years
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#Fujiin #Raijin fulmini e vento per queste due divinità che comandano appunto questi elementi... grazie Enrico • Fujin and Raijin gods of Wind and thunder thank you Enrico. (presso Adrenalink Tattooing) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFbbdKnAS2O/?igshid=10wptfcmml60z
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aaronbelltattoos · 7 years
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This how I like to spend my days off! #raijintattoo #raijin #fujiin #slavetotheneedle #seattletattooartist #japanesestyle #japanesetattoo #traditionaltattoo #tattoopainting (at Slave to the Needle)
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k3ra-synth · 5 years
this isnt late im on time today is still valentines
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punkcherries · 6 years
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baby suiso ft his mom nd siblings!!
from oldest to youngest: Goyou (業陽  Gōyō) firstborn daughter (16 here, 24 current), quirk: sheep form, shes very upbeat, extroverted, and a hard worker, but rlly hard headed and stubborn,, she luvs udon,,, Fujiin (藤陰  Fujiin) secondborn daughter (14 here, 22 current), quirk: capricorn, shes vry shy and not vry talkative, but can be really sarcastic and goofy around ppl she trusts,, shes afraid of thunder,,,, Tsukiten and Jitsuten (月天と日天 Tsukiten and Jitsuten) third and fourthborn twins (12 here, 20 current), quirk(s): ram form, tsukiten (gorl) is mischievous and laid back with a hot temper, while jitsuten (bwoye) is naive and excitable but easily confused, theyre vry close and call themselves the aries twins,, Suiso (水奏 Suisō) fifthborn son (8 here, 16 current), quirk: siren, at this age he’s very anxious and still very much under his father’s influence, hes soft spoken and easily startled, he loves sharks tho,,,
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Fujin bringing Varian back to the Sky Temple pt.2
Fujin: Just hold her Brother, she's staying here so you may as well get to know her.
Raiden: Are you sure that I won't...hurt her?
Fujin: I am positive Raiden, now here *hands Varian to him*
Raiden, nervously accepting: Alright...*holding her* Now what?
Fujiin: Try actually looking at her. You're not going to hurt her, I promise.
Raiden: *looks down at her* Um, hello Varian.
Varian: *smiles*
Fujin: See? She likes you already!
Raiden: I suppose so-
Varian: *snuggles into his chest and yawns*
Raiden, now smiling: I suppose that keeping her isn't such a bad idea after all.
Fujin, teasingly: Oh? Are you going to adopt now as well?
Raiden: Oh hush, I'd never do such a thing.
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pinkkunt-imagines · 4 years
Hi I was wondering if you could do SFW and NSFW headcanons about Fujin from MK? Love you blog😘
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Yall knew this was coming. Once Aftermath came out and we got more of a glimpse at Fujin’s personality and face, it was a WRAP. Had to write this request ASAP.  I can’t tag you @Jelliebeans, but I hope you see. I love me some Fujin now, frfr. Headcanons are kina long because I went odee hard. NSFW UNDER LE CUT~
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♡Fujin left the sky temple to live with humans. One of those humans mainly being you. And though it broke his brother Raiden's heart, Fujin could not stand to be apart from you.
♡He enjoys and wants a very domestic life, and adapts to human traditions very easily. Waking up to breakfast in bed, cutting the lawn, fixing the house, kids. All those good things. He even wants a wedding too! Going as far as to Google how to propose, and what type of ring a woman likes. He actually dragged Raiden with him to the jewelry store for help. But since they both didn’t know any better, they ended up getting played and leaving with some overpriced ring.
♡The Wind God is very loyal and family-oriented, even without children. He wants to feel the joy of being a Father though, and damn sure wants a liter load worth. He would literally live for you and his children, going against the world for you guys, even if you were in the wrong. Family bonds are very sacred to him. He just wants some quarter-demigods to raise and adore! 
♡Despite being a Demi-God, Fujin is very sentimental and in touch with his human feelings. There are times where he acts on his emotions, and he’s considerate of your feelings too. He won’t oppose you or tell you no because he doesn’t want to see you unhappy. Because of this, he spoils you to death, even if he finds what you want completely useless. The most he’ll do is tell you to reconsider, and use the money elsewhere on something more important. But, he’ll only say it once. After that, it’s up to you whether you’re going to run his credit card up.
♡He hates arguments, and is genuinely hurt whenever you’re upset or yelling at him about something. Fujin usually just lets you talk, not wanting to fuel your anger by saying something wrong, and apologizing for whatever he did wrong. While he’s not going to cry, he is going to feel like shit and be down about it, until you tell him everything is fine. Like please don’t do something like not talk to him for days about something he did. He can’t stand it, and will still make a valiant effort to speak to you. “Please [Name], just tell me what I did wrong.”
♡Fujin enjoys a good time, and isn’t so serious about things like his brother. Raiden scowls you when you and Fujin visit the sky temple. There’s really nothing against YOU per say. Just the fact that his brother really allowed himself to get close to mortals. You’ve humanized him and clouded his judgments. Even hanging around Jax has him saying corny dad jokes. You can’t help but to cackle.
♡You know what Fujin really likes? When you play in his hair. Braid it, put it into buns, massage his scalp! He doesn’t care, it just feels so damn tingly and relaxing when you do it~
♡ He likes crafting. He’ll sometimes make origami birds, then uses his wind to make them fly. You two made flora headbands, and he treasures it and the experience a lot. He wears it around the house, and sometimes even in public. Unrelated, but Fujin is also very good at light flirting too.
♡Can we please implement some wind sky sex please? No? Ok.
♡Sex with Fujin is just what you would expect for a God, heavenly. Its always intimate, and he puts his heart and soul into making love to you, never fucking. It’s hot and heavy, and you two end up just losing yourselves in one another gaze. Body, spirit and soul connected. And if it’s not love making, then it’s baby making.
♡Yes, yes, yes to foreplay! He kisses all over your face and collar bone, working his hands elsewhere so you can fully be prepped. He makes sure to take his time with it. Especially when going down on you. He really enjoys that and could do it all day. As far as blowjobs, he loves them to death, but will get flustered at first when seeing you down there. Like, you really want to put it in your mouth? It feels good, but like, really?
♡Asking for quickies or public sex will make him flustered too. He’s not for either, because that’s so inappropriate, [Name]. What if someone sees the two of you in the act? What would people say? Even worse, what would the ELDER GOD’S  AND HIS BROTHER SAY!?
♡Fujin isn’t one to take charge during sex, but he’s not one to not take charge during sex either. It’s sort of a shared power between you two. Unless it’s one of those days when you want to catch him off guard.
♡Don’t be vulgar during sex either. Fujiin gets all flushed because he’s very vanilla and will stop mid-sex to say, “[Name], please don’t say such vulgar things,” with big red cheeks . Even asking him to degrade you or like, choke you during sex is a big no. He doesn’t want to call you mean things, let alone harm you, even if you’d like it. He just wants to show you how much he loves you, the Mortal way. 
♡The sex isn’t quiet, as he is very vocal in the sense that he doesn’t hold back a moan. You can’t hold back a moan either because wow, this feels so lovely. The room is just filled with a mutual exchange of moans, bed creaking, and soft skin clapping. There are a few things said sometimes. Like, “I love you,” “You’re so beautiful,” and the occasional “Look at me,” when your eyes wander astray from his to the back of your head.
♡Not for nothing, but he does those circular thrusts with his hips, regardless of position. He loves that feeling of making a whirlwind inside of your pussy, stirring up your insides and stuff. Those orgasms  that you get when he does that hit you so hard they knock the wind out of you.
♡Similar to Raiden, seeing you naked is just so inappropriate. Like, please put some clothes on? You’re making his pp hard. Undoubtedly would be a victim to that new towel dropping tik tok challenge while training.
♡When he’s about to cum, he definitely pants more frantically. And when he does, Jesus, it’s loud, and he does not give the slightest fuck. Has to let you know he felt good, right?  Fujin usually ko’s into a peaceful nap, and you use him as your cuddle pillow because he’s just so damn soft for awhile, before going to prepare dinner for him to wake up to.
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ask-storm-bros · 4 years
Shiny Ho-Oh is back, joined by a Shiny Lugia. They have more Berries. Cheri, Chesto, Persim, Figy, and Oran Berries! The Messengers of Raydin and Fujiin wait patiently to be acknowledged and give their gifts.
Fujin had been watering the outdoor garden plants when he noticed the huge birds. He smiled, recognizing Ho-Oh, but not the creature he was with.
"Well hello!" He greeted them before picking up the berries they dropped for him.
"Ive never seen such fruits. So beautiful and colorful."
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youngrevolutionary · 5 years
I heard a kind of disturbing theory about your friend Fujiin. Namely that the reason she yells in short sentences is because of damage to her vocal chords, due to being forced to swallow toxic substances---some say drain cleaner, or battery acid, or any number of other things---which burned her throat such that speaking at any kind of audible volume is difficult without actually shouting---also that it's painful to speak long sentences. Confirm/deny? And if not, what's the actual deal?
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For canon purposes, completely untrue. The localization team really dropped the ball when it came to translating FFVIII for English players-- and Fujin and Raijin's speech patterns were some of the worst out of the bunch. From what I’ve read up on, the speech patterns are more cohesive in the original Japanese script as Fujin speaks primarily in Kanji (and for those who don’t know Kanji, I don’t know it either, but if I recall, Kanji is an embodiment of a greater meaning in a single symbol/letter?) I don’t study Japanese, gomen friends, gomen. 
But yea, that’s the actual, ‘canon’ -- and why she speaks like she does! I actually headcanon that Seifer understands her just fine in her stoic and monosyllabic self. 
Note: Everything under this is headcanon. 
So for headcanons (because this is super fun to explore), I know that a lot of people have taken an adaptation of this localization ‘error’ and have given her damaged vocal cords, either by way of a combat injury or speech impediment both in fanfic and RP. I mean, if Ward is capable of thrashing his vocal cords to the point of rendering him mute for the rest of his life, I suppose that it’s not too far beyond the scope of reason in this game, but I’ll be honest and say that I’ve never heard of her swallowing toxic substances. 
BUT -- If she did swallow something like drain cleaner or acid, my next train of thought is if she was forced to drink it and if so why, or was she trying to end her life? Or cause serious harm to herself? If so, it makes me question why? 
Which could be interesting to explore in writing, but moving from that. 
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I have always held a headcanon that Fujin came from Islands that weren’t part of a major continent (Note: for my own headcanons, I use the [Fulcura Archipelago], located on the landmasses near the [Island Closest to Heaven]. Why? Because I love the idea of Fujin coming from a nomadic tribe of traders and chocobo/beast herders (I garner my inspiration for this from the nomadic Mongolian herding families that travel with their herds or if you play FFXIV, consider the Xalean and Raen tribes of the Aura which are heavily influenced by Mongolian culture.) 
There are scattered villages due to the sparse populations of the islands, with established tribes of people who deal and trade among one another. There is also a great festival, the Nadaam, which where every tribe in Fulcura come to participate. 
I have dabbled with the notion that Garden had incentive programs available to parents who would enroll eligible children into Garden during the early years, and so perhaps Fujin’s parents decided that to give her a better life, their youngest, the only daughter out of five sons, was enrolled into Trabia. With a monthly stipend being sent back home, Fujin probably wanted to travel when she got older, and would eventually transfer abroad to Balamb, where she would meet Raijin and Seifer. 
The common tongue? She learned it pretty quickly, and she can speak it, but her accent and difficulty in pronunciation often labels her dimwitted or incapable of articulating as clearly as those speaking natively. Her native tongue is not one of the songbird dialects as some would compare, but more harsh and guttural to an untrained ear. 
And Seifer was the first person to treat her like anybody else. They became fast friends after that but-- these are just headcanons! Not meant to be taken seriously! 
But it kind of makes sense, right? Because of the isolation due to location, even in the real world, English is rarely taught and scarcely spoken in the smaller, Nomadic tribes. For me, a language barrier makes better sense considering how she breaks out into a full speech at the end of the third disc. 
And you can bet she practiced and rehearsed what she was going to say so it sounded perfect and then.... she just went off her mental notes and spoke from the heart. As it should have always been. 
That’s what I believe is the deal with Fujin’s speech. She’s more or less developed her own language and Seifer and Raijin have adapted to it. It also explains a bit why she’s so rough with Raijin (perhaps because she is reminded of her own brothers? Maybe even Seifer a bit as well? What is a homesick Fujin like, I wonder?) 
Note: I also just realized after re-reading this that this also makes way for some devastating angst if you take into consideration that those missiles could have hurt more than just mere Garden students. :’| 
Another note: Thank you so much for asking me this question! I’ve never had the opportunity to actually sit and TALK about Fujin and share some of the stuff I’ve kind of written up for her over the years. I really do appreciate questions like these! I hope you (and anyone reading this) enjoyed it and I look forward to more! ♥
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aegis-shield · 6 years
Oooh 6, 13, 22 for the FE ask thingy!
Thank you!!! 💖💖6 - Favourite antagonist: HOW DID I KNOW I'D GET THIS ONE uhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Michalis probably but it's a highly contested spot13 - Favourite weapon: Any of the Killer weapons or anything that increases crit chance tbh! Though I did have a lot of fun in Fates river surfing on Fujiin Yumi 🌊22 - A character I want to see in Warriors: I know they absolutely wouldn't because there's enough swords but I really wish they'd put in Inigo and Severa to complete the trio (and I want some damn playable VILLAINS come on that was the best part of Hyrule Warriors)
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d34th2iiren · 7 years
fujiin 3xii2t2 onc3 4g4iin 4nd iim l4ughiing.
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acrimonious-charmer · 7 years
(Star for Fujiin.)
I would kill you. ✧ I would physically hurt you. ✧ I would attack you unprovoked. ✧ I would manipulate you. ✧ I dislike you. ✧ You annoy me. ✧ You scare me. ✧ You intimidate me. ✧ I hope I intimidate you. ✧ I pity you. ✧ You disgust me. ✧ I hate you. ✧ I’m indifferent toward you. ✧ I’d like to get to know you better. ✧   I’d like to spend more time with you. ✧ I’d like to be friends with you. ✧  I’m unsure what to think of you. ✧ I’m unsure how I feel about you. ✧ You are my friend. ✧ You are my best friend. ✧ You are my mentor. ✧ I look up to you. ✧ I respect you. ✧ You are my hero. ✧ You inspire me. ✧ You are my enemy. ✧ You make me happy. ✧ I want to protect you. ✧ I would fight by your side. ✧ I consider you an equal. ✧ I think you are beneath me. ✧ I think you are above me. ✧ I would lie for you. ✧ I would lie to you. ✧ I would sleep with you. ✧ I would sleep by your side. ✧ I would hug you. ✧ I would kiss you. ✧ You are family to me. ✧ I would die for you. ✧ I would kill for you. ✧ I would trust you with my life. ✧ I would trust you with my most precious belonging. ✧ I would trust you with a secret. ✧ I would trust you with my biggest / darkest secret. ✧ I love you (platonically). ✧ I love you (romantically).
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aaronbelltattoos · 6 years
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So close on this Fujiin Raijiin sleeve #slavetotheneedle #seattletattoo (at Slave To The Needle)
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ask-storm-bros · 4 years
Dear Raiden, My name is Raydin, and it seems my Messenger has taken a liking to you. Shiny Ho-Oh guards over the Mythical Beasts, and my brother Fujiin, and I are among the Guardian Trio. We watch over the Pokemon Realm. I hope we will meet soon. In the meantime, please enjoy my Messenger's company. Just tell him 'Go Home' when you need him to leave. ~Sincerely, Raydin.
Raiden read the letter once, twice, three times over. Perplexed by the words on the page. "Fujin, come read this." He calls to his brother who also reads this with just as much confusion.
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ask-storm-bros · 3 years
Shiny Ho-Oh and Shiny Lugia are friendly towards Fujin, and bear another letter from their trainers. This one offers support in any time of need, as it seems Fujiin, Raydin, and Chronika have a stable working camaraderie alongside their guardian Pokemon.
Fujin reads the letter, and smiles.
"I appreciate the offer of assistance. Tell me, where do you go when you leave here? May I follow you?" Fujin lifts off the ground to show he can fly
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aaronbelltattoos · 6 years
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Healed Fujiin pic #slavetotheneedle #blackandgreytattoo #japanesetattoo #japanesecollective #eternalink #tattoosleeve #seattletattoo #swashdrivetattoomachines #tattoodo #envyneedles #tattoo @tattoodo (at Slave To The Needle Tattoo)
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