jswahaarts · 4 years
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“Kion! You’re out of control!” Fuli argued towards her friend.
“Am I?! All I wanna do is get to the tree of life so I can get better!” Kion argued back, “But everyone keeps slowing me down!” He said, looking at Fuli and the guard.
“We’re not try’na slow you down! We’re TRYING to help you get there!”
“Ugh... feels like I’m dragging you along.” Kion rolled his eyes, growing more impatient with the group as a whole.
Fuli sighed. “Kion. Your scar hurts. So you’re not thinking straight.” She calmly explained. “That’s why you were mean to Beshte-”
“I’m NOT being mean!” Kion objected.
“You kinda are...” Bunga whispered loudly enough for everyone to hear, giving a akward smile afterwards, having been exposed. A growl escaped from Kion’s throat, baring his teeth at the honey badger, who took a step back in response.
“Kion.” Fuli started, moving swiftly in front of Bunga, bringing herself to the lions attention. “Maybe this is one of those times where I should take over.-”
“Take over!?”
“Until you feel better!”
“I’M the leader of the guard, Fuli!” Kion snapped at her. “And I don’t think so!” He said, hunching down and letting out a growl, as if preparing to attack.
Fuli glared at Kion in disbelief. He’s seriously not gonna pull something like this, would he? It’s just a mere bluff. Still, she couldn’t risk to take any chances. Especially now—with his current state. “Don’t do this Kion.” She warned, hunching down.
The guard was frozen in shock. Were they about to fight? No, that’s impossible! Kion and Fuli are friends, they’d never-
“Wait!” Makini squealed, running in between the two. “Kion, shwari! Remember? Shwari?” The mandril repeated slowly, though, not sounding too calm herself. “We can talk about this! You and Fuli don’t need to-”
“This doesn’t involve you, Makini!” Kion roared, pushing back the Mandril, though, a little too hard, knocking her harshly, to the ground.
“Makini!” the guard cried in a union, all going over to help her. They stared, shocked at Kion, as the leader glared at them, not even seeming to show the slightest sign of remorse on his face. Once the group made sure that Makini was fine—or at least that was how she insisted on feeling—, that’s when Fuli stepped in to voice her thoughts, once again, butting heads with Kion, “Kion, you’re OUT OF CONTROL!” Fuli growled.
“What!? She was getting in my way!” He growled back.
“You didn’t need to push her! You could’ve-”
“I could’ve WHAT?” Kion snapped back. “Didn’t you forget? I’m the LEADER, Fuli!” Kion reminded her. “I get to make the decisions around here!”
Fuli couldn’t reply back. She just—couldn’t. This wasn’t the Kion she or the rest of the Lion Guard knew.
“And as your leader, I say that we keep moving.” Kion finally finished with a huff, starting to walk the other direction, paying no regard for if the guard was to follow him or not. He didn’t care at this point. They were slowing him down from his objective. Being nice to other animals or helping them out was not gonna bring them any closer to where they needed to be.
“Y’know, Kion...” Fuli started, “You’re really starting to act a lot like Scar.” She called out, bitterly. Kion came to a halt. “He hurt others around him, and only cared about himself! Can’t you see that’s what YOU’RE doing right now!? That’s not what the leader of the Lion guard does.” She finished. Suddenly all went Quiet. Did Fuli finally grab Kion’s attention with this? Did this get him to think back on his actions? Was he going to apologize, like he’d normally do? Was he-
“Don’t. EVER. COMPARE ME TO HIM AGAIN!” Kion roared, lunging at Fuli, knocking her to the ground, catching her by surprise. The rest of the guard yelped as they witnessed what was going on. “Hapana! What’s happening?!?” Ono panicked, “Oh, I’m glad I can’t watch—”.
“Kion! Stop!” Makini demanded, but was too afraid to stop him. Fuli took no time and fought back, Clawing, scratching, punching and biting, and basically what it took to force Kion to stand down. She dodged his attacks, actually inflicting more damage onto him. By now, Kion’s expression was scrunched up im a blind rage. No matter how the group looked at it, they knew that this wasn’t Kion. This wasn’t the friend they grew up with. The lion and cheetah rolled around, and threw one another towards the ground until Kion suddenly had the upper hand, pinning down Fuli with a paw. The guard didn’t have a moment to lose. They knew that they had to act now, and fast. Anga, Beshte and Bunga came up with a quick plan. The three nodded at one another and parted, doing their parts. Bunga and Anga latched onto Kion, holding him back, desparately trying to get him off of Fuli, and at the same time, preventing him away from landing another hit on her.
Kion turned to face the two, “Huh!? Bunga? Anga!? Let go!” Kion ordered with a growl, but the two wouldn’t budge. “That’s not gonna happen.” Anga called out. “Nahh!” Bunga replied, almost playfully.
With Kion momentarily distracted, it gave the guard a chance to unleash the second part of their plan, and it involved a- “Big B’!” “Beshte, Now!” Both Bunga and Anga called out, signaling for Beshte to carry out his part of the plan. Beshte nodded. “On it!” He shouted. “Twende kiboko!!!!” “Wait- wait, Beshte- I’m still on here!! HapanaaaAaaAAAA!!!” Ono squaked as he gripped tightly onto Beshte as the hippo charged in.
“Sorry Kion! You’ll thank us later!” Bunga said as an ‘apology in advance’ as he hopped off of Kion. Anga, at the same time letting go, as Bunga yelled a quick “Zuka Zamaaa!” before Beshte crashed into Kion, sending the lion across from them, hitting the ground with a thud and a very painfull grunt, away from Fuli.
“Sorry Ono.” Beshte apologized to the egret that was shaking above him, holding the hippos ears closely together. “Next time... please tell me to get off BEFORE you do that...” he replied, sickly. “You got it!” Beshte agreed, cheerfully.
The guard all huddled around Fuli, asking and making sure if she was alright. Though, she only had slight wounds, it was nothing serious, or permanent. “I’m fine, you guys, really!” She insisted, managing to crack a smile. “Are you sure?” Makini asked. “Kion seemed like he wanted to hurt you really bad!”. “Huh! Please! If anything I would’ve taken care of him by my...-” Fuli’s voice faded as her eyes trailed off onto Kion, who was now getting up, shaking the dirt and dust off of himself. He looked towards the group. His expression held a look of betrayal. A look of sadness that soon turned once again into bitterness and frustration. But, Everyone knew that he wouldn’t try something again. A hit from Beshte is a tough one, and if he even tried, Fuli knew that she would’ve put him back in his place. “...self” she finally finished, though with a lower tone.
Okay, so, this was a what-if scenario on what if Kion, during that one iconic scene from the episode “Friends to the end” in season 3, actually let his anger and frustration, towards the group, get the best of him. Also, with the additions of other things to actually push him to the edge!
I actually felt REALLY proud writing this! I had been working on it for a few months now :v Though, I’m not really finished here! There’s gonna be another part of this ‘what if/rewrite’ so, yeah! I hope y’all liked this part!
For the Kion and Fuli poses, I refrenced the poses from this piece by Panther85!
https://www.deviantart.com/panther85/art/Rivals-709446456 !
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jswahaarts · 4 years
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Minutes passed after the incident that occured within the group. The tension and leftover chatter had finally died down, leaving the group of friends completely silent. It’s not like there was anything to say or talk about anyway. They were all still in disbelief. They still couldn’t believe what had happened to the two members of their team. And they especially still couldn’t fully comprehend the fact that Kion was the culprit of it all.
Kion sat away from the group altogether, thinking quietly to himself. He couldn’t bare to face them. Not after what THEY did. He trusted them to stick by him, and they couldn’t even do THAT right. In fact, what was he still even doing here? He didn’t need them to get to the Tree Of Life! If he left now, maybe— He let out a quiet wince as an unexpected aching feeling hit his side, sending him to sit back down before he even got a chance to get up. Kion groaned under his breath. Beshte. A hit from him was a tough one. Just great for him.
As if on cue, Beshte came towards Kion, wearing a rather calm expression on his face, despite the events that were caused by the lion a little while earlier.
“Kion.” The hippo started, Kion not even glancing his way. “Look, I’m sorry...” He apologized, sincerely.
“... Sorry?” Kion questioned, sharply, finally looking at the hippo. Though, he should have expected it. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for Beshte to try being nice. That was his main trait, afterall.
“Yeah... For crashing into you.” Beshte reminded him. Though, Kion already knew what he had meant in the first place. “I didn’t wanna do it, but, I had to. You were hurting Fuli.” He reminded the lion, once again, as if it didn’t happen moments ago.
Beshte could see the irritation on Kion’s face. It was written all over it. “Kion- We’re always here if you need help-” he said, his tone switching to a more warmer, more friendlier and supportive kind of tone.
“I don’t NEED help from you guys, Beshte.” Growled Kion, looking towards the hippo. “I’ve already told you guys over and over, I’m FINE. I don’t NEED help.” He stated boldly.
“But what if you do?!” Beshte blurted out quickly, the words just came out without him thinking. He can see the lion turning towards him, an annoyed expression painted on his face. “And what’s THAT supposed to mean!?” He growled.
Beshte took a deep breath and sighing before speaking once more. “Look Kion, I know you have’nt been feeling like yourself lately.” he started. “And... that’s okay. Everyone get’s like that from time to time.” He justified. “Sometimes when you’re feeling too many things at once you just... get angry, and you take it out on the ones you care about by accident.” He said, mostly referring to Makini and Fuli. “My dad always says... if you’re feeling alot, it’s always good to talk to someone about it.” He said.
Kion remained quiet. He knew exactly where this was going.
“Well, what I’m trying to say is, why don’t you talk about it with us? Together!” Beshte suggested, trying to steer Kion into that direction.
“Talk about it??” Kion blurted out in disbelief.
“Yeah! So, we could try to understand you better! I think it’d be good for everyone!-”
“No!” Kion refused, finally managing to get up, “No way! I already told you guys, I’m FINE. And besides, I’m SUPPOSED to be heading to the Tree Of Life! Not sitting here and talking to you all about my feelings!” He growled.
“Kion, He’s just trying to help!” Fuli shouted, already frustrated with Kion.
“Stay out of this Fuli!” Kion snapped back. Beshte was quick to move in front of the Lion. “Woah, woah, woah! Easy, Kion! Fuli’s just looking out for me,” He defended, “She’s not looking to cause any trouble!”
“Well then, maybe she could learn to mind her own business! Then maybe, she won’t cause any more trouble than she already has.” He snapped, glaring at Fuli’s direction.
“Kion, do you even hear yourself?! YOU’RE the one that’s causing the trouble! Not me!”
“So you think it’s OKAY to say I’m just like Scar?! I don’t think so!”
“I think the others would agree with me too!” Fuli shouted back. “I wasn’t the one who started acting like a real stick in the mud! And I sure won’t let you act that way towards the others either!”
“Oh that means a LOT coming from you!” Kion answered back. “At least I wasn’t the one who had the guard turn against their leader!” He said sharply.
“The others AREN’T against you! They were only protecting me from YOU! Remember!? YOU attacked ME!”
“Which wouldn’t have happened if you had just kept your mouth shut!”
The two argued back and forth for a short period of time, pointing paws at one another, the sound of arguing among the two growing more and more aggressive by the second. At this point, Beshte was having a hard time trying to dissolve the situation, let alone keeping the two apart. The guard almost got ready to jump into the situation once again if things escalated like last time. Things started to seem like they were about to get violent once more. Kion was about ready to raise a paw until both he and Fuli felt themselves being shoved apart with Bunga standing in between them.
“Huh-? Bunga! Get out of my way!” Kion stepped back, trying to shoo off the honey badger. But Bunga stood in place, giving Kion a stern look, unphased by the Lion.
“Kion, can’t you see it? It’s all happening! Right now! Just like what I’ve been saying to you guys!” The honey badger said, looking towards the guard, then back at Kion.
“Wha-? What are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about you! Ever since you got that scar, you... have’nt been acting like yourself.” Bunga said, looking at his best friend, desperately trying to get into his head. “You’ve been getting angrier and angrier alot lately, and— we—I don’t know what’s going on with you anymore. It’s like...- It’s like you’ve changed.” He said, his eyes remaining on his friend.
“What is this?” Kion thought. Was this just Bunga’s attempt at trying to get him to ‘’calm down’’? Guilt tripping? It felt almost pathetic. Kion shook his head. “I don’t have time for this!” Kion said with a huff. He’s had enough of this. The lion took a step back, as he turned to leave.
“Wait!” Bunga shouted, grabbing a hold of Kion’s arm. “Kion, listen to me-!”
“Bunga, let go! NOW!”
“That scar’s CHANGING you! Ever since you got it, it’s as if you can’t tell the difference between right and wrong!”
“Scar even said something about it back at the volcano! What if he’s-”
“That’s ENOUGH!” Kion roared, shoving Bunga away from him, causing the honey badger to stumble backwards. “And what about it, huh?! None of that concerns you! And even if it did, why would I listen to advice from YOU of all animals?” he growled. Bunga looked up at Kion, a hurt expression painted on the honey badgers face.
“Kion, I’m only—”
“You’re only what? Trying to ‘help’ me?! Is there something you don’t get?! Or is your head so far above the clouds that I have to spell it out for you? I. DON’T. NEED. ANY. OF. YOUR. HELP. Especially from a STUPID and IMPULSIVE little honey badger like YOU.” He said, the words echoeing into his friends head. “You’ll just get in my way like everyone else.”
There was silence. Bunga’s whole body shook. He stared at Kion, a look of shock and hurt glued to his face, as his clentched fists trembled heavily. Kion didn’t think anything of it. It was the truth, right? Besides, it was neccessary to—
“WHY CAN’T YOU JUST LISTEN TO SOMEONE WHO’S TRYING TO HELP YOU FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE, YOU IDIOT!!?” Bunga shouted at the top of his lungs, hot tears rolling down his cheeks, causing everyone, even Kion himself, to flinch at the honey badgers unexpected reaction and tone.
“You’ve done NOTHING but get angry at EVERYONE throughout the day And nobody’s said ANYTHING about it! All because we don’t want you to feel bad about yourself! But HECK, you were trying to make US feel bad about helping other animals because it was slowing YOU down! We couldn’t take a break because it was slowing YOU down! Because that’s ALL YOU care about! YOU! All you want is it get to the Tree Of Life so that you can help YOURSELF get better! I bet you don’t even care if Ono gets there too!” Bunga shouted to the Lion’s face.
“Please, don’t wrap me into this...” Ono blurted out quietly from the background.
“-And We’ve been spending ALL day trying to help you, asking you if you’re fine! And you keep SAYING that you’re fine, when you’re clearly NOT FINE! And then you end up getting WORSE than before! Do you even CARE about how WE FEEL!?” He kept going, “The Kion I know, my best friend, wouldn’t be doing any of this...” He said, his voice slowly breaking down. “He would care about us too. He wouldn’t be the one hurting us...” He finally finished, wiping the tears from his face, followed by a sniffle.
That was... alot to take in for practically everyone surrounding the honey badger.
“Why you little-! I-” Kion tried to say, but, he stumbled amongst his own words, finding himself not being able to say what he wants to say. “I’m not—”.
Kion let those words sink in. He no longer felt anger flow through him, more so he felt... a hint of regret. At the time, he never thought how much his actions or words could have effected his friends. Heck, he never really cared as much either, but... was this really how they were feeling? Was he really hurting them this much by acting the way he was? Even if some things, in his eyes, seemed justifiable? Obviously! Right? Never in his life has he seen Bunga, the silly, fun-loving honey badger so aggressive before. But...- no! That couldn’t be because of HIM right? There’s no way it left that big of an impact—
“Are you... still even my best friend?” Bunga asked genuinely, for he didn’t know if the lion standing in front of him was even the same lion he’s known for his entire life.
Kion could feel his heart wrenching after Bunga asked that question. It started to hit him. “O-of course I’m still your best friend! Why would I NOT be? I mean- I’m the same ol’ Kion, right?” He said, almost desperately. “We’re all friends here, right?” He said with a nevous chuckle, looking around at the group, earning him concerned looks from his friends.
“C’mon, Kion,” Came Fuli’s voice, in a familiar annoyed tone, “You seriously can’t expect us to believe that, right? After what you’ve done?”
“Please,” Kion groaned sarcastically, “Tell me one ‘bad’ thing I did today!” Kion said, looking at the guard. He expected the group to just be silent and then they could all go, like nothing ever occurred here, but, nothing really goes like it does in your head.
“Well...” Ono started. “You DID tell us not to stop and help...”
“You knocked over that peacock.” Anga chimed in.
“And scared that clouded leopard.” Makini added.
“And you did get mad at me for trying to help you.” Beshte said.
“And worst of all, you attack Fuli and Makini.” Bunga finished off.
Kion stood in place. Silent. What did this mean?
“What if Scar was right? What if you ARE turning evil?” Bunga asked suddenly.
“Evil?” Kion asked, looking at Bunga in disbelief, “Pfft- I’m NOT evil! Far from it! Right guys?” Kion denied, nervously, as he turned towards his friends. The group seemed nervous— almost hesitant to actually answer the question.
It took a moment of silence before it dawned on Kion. “Guys...?” He asked, his expression going gloomy, as his ears pinned against his head.
“Well...-” Makini managed to speak up, but, that was all she could muster up.
“I don’t know if I’d say ‘Evil’...?” Ono responded.
“No!” Beshte answered, truly against the idea of Kion being evil.
“Uhh- Yeah!” Bunga responded quickly.
Beshte saw the clear reaction on Kion’s face. What if it wasn’t the best time to determine that possibility?
“Woah! Not so fast, Lil’ B!” Beshte tried to defend. “We can’t say that just yet! Besides, once we get to the tree of life—”
“What if it’s too late, Beshte?” Bunga argued, even if the thought hurt him. “The Kion we know might be gone! Forever!”
“I—” Kion’s head felt like it started to spin. Now, at this very moment, everything he’s done was hitting him at once. his actions, the words he’s said, the friends he’s hurt. He felt absolutely awful about it all. But did this mean he was evil?? No! He’s not evil! Or... what if he was?? He didn’t want to believe it. Beshte doesn’t think so— but, what if he’s just saying that? Are those just empty words to not make him feel bad for himself?? Did this mean Bunga was right? That SCAR was right? About him turning evil? Did this mean Fuli was right?? That he was no different from Scar? Thought after thought stacked upon one another in his head, racing back and forth, his brain arguing at itself, word after word overlapping one another.
‘At least I wasn’t the one who had the guard turn against their leader.’
Those words from him and Fuli’s arguement came back to him, clawing him in the face. It wasn’t anyone else’s fault that his friends turned their backs on him. It was his own.
‘Sisi Ni Sawa, Kion.’ he heard Scar’s voice echo in his head over and over and over and over and over and over until he realized...
He WAS just like him.
Suddenly, without any thought, he just... ran. Ran off without any idea as to where he was going. He needed to clear his head. Somewhere to think. To reflect. Somewhere where he couldn’t hurt anybody.
“Wait, Kion! Come back!” Beshte called after the Lion, but, as soon as he finished those words. Kion was gone.
“Don’t worry, Beshte. He’ll be back.” Fuli said, reassuringly to the hippo, “But, between you and me... I hope he doesn’t bother.”
Aaa this part was tricky to write! I kinda mostly wanted to put some characters into situations and see how they’d react- and I wanted to add extra layers of drama too, and I’m pretty proud of it! I hope y’all like this part!
(also for context, Kion keeps refusing help because I headcanon that he’s the type to HATE accepting help from others during this phase of his life, due to not wanting to seem weak. It kinda makes the song ‘With my friends/It is time reprise’ mean a little more later on, since he learns to accept help from others.)
Also Kion’s pose was based on the pose from this piece by K-reator! https://www.deviantart.com/k-reator/art/I-m-Nobody-715404696
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jswahaarts · 5 years
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So, A few months ago, I had a thought about TLG Season 3! Now, I know Kion’s scar also acts as a snake bite, but, what if Ushari’s venom FROM that bite had taken affect during the journey to the tree of life? Like slowly killing/weakening Kion because of it? Maybe as added tension as the guard drew nearer to their endgoal. (Similar to ‘Batman Arkham City’ when Batman was infected with Joker’s blood, and through the game, it did have an affect on him, ‘till he got the cure in the end. Even then, it still had an after effect that carried on to the next game ‘Arkham Knight’ :0)
I was thinking, maybe before they set off from the pridelands, Rafiki did something to help ease the venom or something like that, but, the affects kinda came back to Kion after a while. maybe Kion would’ve tried to keep his condition a secret or something, mostly to avoid worrying his friends, but soon they’d notice it as it got worse, and when they confront him about it, all they’re met with is denial and such, like the outbursts we see in the season. But, like the show, Kion and the guard would make it to the tree of life and Kion and Ono get healed and and all that :0
I was really inspired to think back on this idea because of Silver-Wolf-17’s Piece! https://www.deviantart.com/silver-wolf-17/art/TLG-TWDG-I-Got-Bit-826035706
It’s such a Cool idea!!
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jswahaarts · 5 years
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Bunga: What d’you think we should name em’?? Ooh! What about Bunga Jr!??
Beshte: I don’t really think his parents would like that we named him that, lil’ B...
Bunga: Oh. Then what about Bunga but with the letters switched??
Fuli: Seriously..?
Babies :0
I imagine this is what would take place after Ono hatched in front of em after being saved! They just try’na find Ono’s parents now :0
Also the background was both fun and a pain to draw XD
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jswahaarts · 5 years
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Nishati: You can’t just use Bazinga for ever word you say!
These two get into lots of shinanegins and I’m gonna love drawing em out!
(Also the image is based off a meme )
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jswahaarts · 5 years
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Azaad: “Mí amór! We can make sweet-sweet fast paced music together!”
Fuli: “Sorry bud, NOT interested!”
So it seems some people ship these two, and I’m kinda down for it until it’s actually confirmed or not :0
Until then, It’s a one sided love story with Fuli partially playing ‘hard-to-get’!
I gave Azaad’s design a more Cheetah-like look! I used some colours from the a scene with Cheetah’s in TLK2 and they look nice! And like how I draw the other Season 3 characters, I made the two look a bit like actual teenagers!(I’m assuming Azaad’s a teen as well :v Mostly cuz him and Fuli are roughly about the same height and side in the show! And his voice sounds like a teen!)
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jswahaarts · 5 years
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Season 1-2:
Fuli: HAH! I’m taller than you Kion! Looks like I win... again!
Kion: ...
Season 3:
Kion: So, who’s taller NOW, Fuli? Heh!
Fuli: At least I’M not the one with the scar...
I thought it would be a really fun idea to just draw these two making fun of eachother’s heights! And I needed an excuse to draw Season 3 Kion and Fuli being older-
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jswahaarts · 6 years
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Oof I don’t like how this turned out but hey, here we are- Fuli’s legit so funny in the series just because she uses so much Sarcasm!! Also she really has a decency to get hit with water despite the fact that she hates it with a passion :v
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