xingroyalty · 9 years
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hes flipping ed off if you can’t tell...
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movedtobcdyless · 9 years
snuggles his brother tbh
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Cue a very bright blush and surprised noises.
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xingroyalty · 9 years
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redkensx-blog · 10 years
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                           "You better get your ass over here                            and give me a kiss." He replies pouting.
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i-minato-chan · 10 years
fullmetalheart-x is now following you.
Minato knew it was impolite to stare, but it was certainly strange to see someone with a metal arm. Not that that excused him - he'd been following this poor kid for nearly two hours now, without being detected. That arm was a fascinating study.
He kept ducking behind the tents and stalls of the desert town's marketplace, trying to avoid being seen.
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xingroyalty · 9 years
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flameofishval · 10 years
It had been a whole year since the Promised Day, things were only just starting to get back to normal. Headquarters was finishing up the building works after Father destroyed the Majority of the building and Brigadier General Roy Mustang was hard at work helping to make the world a better place for the Ishvalans.
It was tough work, not everyone was so willing to help the Ishvalans and Roy's desk was constantly filled with paperwork about someone complaining about something or other. But he was determined to look at every one, sort every problem.
It was the least he could do for having his sight restored to him with the Philosopher's Stone made of Ishvalan lives.. 
He stepped outside the building, sighing as the cool breeze caressed his face. He'd been working all morning and a much needed break was in order.
Perhaps he would go get a coffee or something. He began to cross the grounds, heading towards the street.
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flirtyling · 10 years
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fatherintheflask-blog · 10 years
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"Um, well," Ed paused as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, clearing his throat. How could he even bear saying this to Father of all people? "Would you, um, like to dance?" There, he said it. Ed proceeded to hide his face from Father.
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"Dance?" Father repeated, brows raising slightly. A memory from long ago of people with golden eyes and blonde hair, spinning around in a hall, smiling laughing to the sound of music.
He turned his face away.
"I don't know how."
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automailicarus · 10 years
"Don't you remember?"
— [ ☤ ] There's a cloying taste in his mouth. And it feels dry, like someone's shoved cotton in. It's the first thing he's aware of. The next thing is a beeping that's incessant and making his head pound and he can't think. He can't think at all, really. The spinning in his head wont stop, and for some reason he thinks it's a good idea to open his eyes.
He is wrong.
The room is bright and white and makes his head hurt more, but at least the spinning seems to be slowing to a stop. He blinks rapidly a few times, his breath thick in his throat and he focuses on the ceiling fan that's making lazy circles above his bed, on the whirring noise emanating from said fan that just doesn't quite mix with the rhythmic beep of whatever that is.
It's then that he thinks he should figure what that is. He looks to one side, seeing a machine and only then realizes that he's hooked into it and the beeping is it reading his pulse. He's in a hospital. Why is he in a hospital. He feels the answer will be to the other side of his bed so he looks that direction. There's a boy there. He's sitting in the chair, arms crossed and head bowed forward, clearly asleep. His long blond hair is in a braid, messy and messy, like it's been that way for a few days.
He opens his mouth to speak, but his voice is rough and tight so he tries again, "E-excuse me?" 
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rinmatsuxka · 10 years
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            "The pool is closed this evening."
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