#fun fact a fetus CAN bruise you irl if it kicks hard enough hence the story idea
lovelywingsart · 2 years
//AU// Bruised
-- Karl Heisenberg X OC (AFAB, She/They) --
Trust me, this is NOT what you think. It's actually a cute one that my mom helped the idea for! uwu It does get a tad serious at the end, but it's still supposed to be cute.
And according to my mom, it's entirely possible- which makes it funnier. (She's actually been helping me quite a bit with some basic info on this considering I'm her first child of 3, so she knows her shit XD And she knows how uncomfortable the subject makes me... So all little info is thanks to her and google.)
Also, TRYING to get my writing groove back... so I'm hoping the next few are a bit better... QuQ"
**Remember, check out the Masterlist for more! <3**
*Warnings?: Small stresses, teeny tiny bit of /humorous/ bodily harm(you'll see), a little bit of serious worries near the end
Summary: A little relaxation turns into a grumpy Karl when he finds out the hard way just how much their unborn baby likes his personal space.
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Emelia woke to a small clicking noise and footsteps, her eye fluttering open slightly. She could just barely see Heisenberg in the dim light of the room, seeing him shuffle to the side and strip off his jacket and toss it over a chair with her blurry, tired vision.
"... Karl...?" She muttered quietly, only to be met with a soft grunt.
She watched as he made his way over, though instantly scooted over as he proceeded to crawl onto the bed and next to her with an irritated silence only he could give off.
"Long day...?" She asked, and he nodded. She then gave her own nod in understanding with a quiet hum, reaching for his face. She nudged his jaw up to press her nose against his before giving a light, quick kiss. It didn't last long, but was enough for him to at least relax enough to ease against her... Though he would have admitted he wouldn't have minded more.
"Tell me about it." She said simply, her voice still quiet as he pressed his face to her shoulder.
"... Had some... issues with wiring batteries..." he grumbled. "Not to mention that goddamn casting machine breaking every five fucking minutes..."
"I keep telling you, you need a new one..." She joked, and he grumbled.
"I need the parts for it, which I have... But I don't have time. And before you ask, you're not doing it for me." He muttered a response ignoring her pouting grumble. "But I'm more concerned about these batteries. The wiring hasn't been hooking up correctly and the sensors go off the rails if I so much as touch the damn things..."
"Have you tried altering the internal wiring...?"
"Internal, external, even switched the goddamn plugs around." He sighed. "Changed the shape, made them smaller, made them bigger, threaded the wires, tightened the screws, more that I really don't give a damn to think about right now..."
She nodded, reaching to pat his head lightly.
"Rest for now, then, and go back to it later... You've been working enough." She said softly. He simply went quiet and gave a huff, shifting his position against her to lay his head against her stomach. It was something he did more often now, and she admittedly quite enjoyed it.
He didn't move as his body eased into a small, welcome relaxation, his eyelids heavy as she began to run her fingers through his hair. Even he knew he had been working harder lately, and he relished in this 'break' he was more or less forced to have via the frustrations and simple exhaustion. He could have used it earlier on, if he were being honest with himself... But being late was definitely better than never.
He felt small movements under his cheek as she gave a soft hum, letting herself be entirely comfortable.
"Feel better...?" She asked quietly, and he gave a confirming grunt.
"Sure..." he replied quietly, and she smiled.
"I'm taking that as a 'yes'..."
"Take it how you want." He mumbled, shifting his arm slightly around her- only to yank his head away with a surprised yelp as his cheek was kicked hard- almost too hard. Hard enough to send a legitimate pain through his jaw.
Emelia jumped the feeling as well, and froze as he sat up immediately to press his palm over his cheek in genuine pain.
"What-" he started, only to glare at her stomach with a look of pure insult. "What in the fuck was THAT for?!"
She was quiet for a moment before snorting, which slowly turned into small chuckling, and then to full laughter as he grumbled again. His eyes flicked to her face as she covered her mouth quickly in attempts to stop.
"It's not funny, the little bastard kicked me!!" He said defensively, and she only laughed harder.
He gave a huff, and she managed to calm after a moment.
"I-... I don't think they like you laying on me..." she managed between giggles, and he could only glare and rub his jaw.
"Bullshit-" he mumbled, and she smiled.
"I suppose I didn't warn you enough..."
"Warn me about what, getting kicked in the fucking face?!"
She snorted again.
"No, just... how strong they've been recently."
He kept his glare, though it was now more reminiscent of an angry pout. It made her laugh more, even more so as he rubbed his cheek.
"Little asshole..." he grumbled. "Feels like it's gonna fucking bruise..."
Emelia rolled her eye, reaching out for him slightly to beckon him closer.
"Well, let me see it, then..." she said, a smile still on her face as she forced back more laughter.
He only gave a simple huff as the tips of her fingers grazed his jaw, admittedly feeling a small heat in his face as she turned his head. She tilted her own, her thumb brushing against it.
"Perhaps a small bruise... not that you would notice through your hair." She mused, and he rolled his eyes. She chuckled, letting go of his face before patting her stomach lightly as the corner of her own mouth twitched slightly. His attention was instantly drawn to her face, an immediate worry in his eyes.
"It's alright, they're just... active." She said simply, smiling again. But she laid back down with a huff, curling up how she had been. Heisenberg watched her for a moment before frowning.
"Still tired?" He asked quietly, and she nodded.
"The usual..." she replied with a shrug. "I'm more worried about you." She reached out for him again. "You should rest too, and then work on the casting machine. The batteries can wait."
He stared at her before sighing.
"Yeah, sure..." he mumbled, though was slow to join her. His eyes drifted between her belly and her face, noticing the lax way her body rested against the covers and pillows. It was odd for her, even now... He grew more and more worried for her own well being the more she grew, and even his frustration with the batteries and work beforehand was an afterthought as he watched the exhaustion settle in her face from simply moving.
He set his hand on her belly as he got comfortable, taking a breath as she cuddled to him with her arms wrapped around his chest.
"Hey Emmy..." he started, and she gave a questioning hum.
Her voice was somewhat muffled from his chest, but neither moved.
"... You would... tell me if anything was wrong with you, right?" He asked quietly. She simply nodded.
"I let you know if I notice anything stranger than usual, yes." She replied. "Right now I'm worried about your face and your stress. Now rest..."
The smile was evident in her voice. He was silent for a moment before nodding, himself.
"... Alright."
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