#fun fact i think about this bodyswap fic constantly lol
thevioletcaptain · 2 years
🌹 💅
Now this feels like a prime ask for the Dean & Donna bodyswap that shifts into an actual healthy friends with benefits arrangement where nobody catches feelings, and Dean vents to her about being in love with Cas while they enjoy some post coital spooning.
It's called A Body is a Body is a Body and I've been writing like a hundred words at a time for about a year. This is too long of a excerpt, but it's taking a lot of self restraint to keep from posting an even longer one tbh.
"Can I tell you something?" "Mm, shoot." "You have to promise not to tell anyone. Especially Sam. This is, uh… strictly for people who've been inside my head." Dean sees his own hand reach around in front of his face, little finger extended. "Pinky swear," Donna tells him. Huffing a laugh, Dean reaches up and hooks Donna's pinky with his own before pulling both their hands to settle against his bare stomach. Donna's stomach. His stomach. He presses his eyes shut and remembers what Cas said; that the body is just the thing that holds him. That keeps him tethered to the Earth. The hands he uses are his hands, even if they weren't before; even if they won't be in the future. He opens his eyes again and tightens his grip on Donna's hand, and she rubs her thumb over the side of his palm, soothing and soft. "So I, um… it's about Cas," he says. Swallows hard. Breathes in and out and in again. "He's kinda. He's kind of it. For me." "It, like…" "Y'know. Like. The one, or whatever." He wrinkles his nose at himself, and Donna lets out a short, surprised exhalation against the back of his neck. It shifts the long hair he's still not used to feeling against his shoulders. Tickles. "I mean, okay, that sounded stupid. Makes it sound like--" "You're in love with him?" "…or maybe it just sounds like what it is." "Does he know?" "No. I mean, I don't think so. God, I hope not." "Why would it be so bad if he knew?" He twists a little, looking at her over his shoulder. Seeing his own incredulous brow raised at him is too much, no matter what he tries to tell himself. This is still going to take some more getting used to, even after what they'd just spent the past hour doing. He turns his gaze back to the wall. "He wouldn't-- he wouldn't understand."
[for this ask meme | other responses here]
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