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“If possessing your repulsive corporeal form did not expel my soul in wretched sickness I would put you out of your misery right here and now.”
This is all horrifically untimely, but better late than never?  In the latest update, there is so much we could unpack regarding how much Odin may or may not know/how helpful (or, much more likely, unhelpful) Pedri is in the grand scheme of things.  However, we’re going to save that for a more organized post when we hopefully have even more information at our dispsal to sift through and piece together!  As of now, we’re just focusing on this one part because it’s about all our last two remaining brain cells can properly focus on, and even that is a stretch.
This is by no means a fully-fledged theory yet, but all the same, this particular line is thought-provoking.  We already know Odin smokes Florem Mortem so he can’t hear Pedri (and this latest update more than explains why), but maybe it has more effects than we previously realised? 
The question is why.  In life, Wrathia used to smoke the same death flower all the time (it’s her favourite flower), and it’s no secret how close Pedri liked to be with her.
All we know is that things are going to get very interesting when the “make-a-pact-with-Pedri” stakes are raised...
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Me: Magpie can't be Strategos Six, because Strategos Six rescued Gil fifteen years ago while Magpie is only twelve, and has only been missing for two years.
Also me, running through a busy street, shoving my way past people: MAGPIE!! IS!! TITAN!!! MAGPIE!! IS!! TITAN!!
Also me: It wouldn't make sense for TITAN to have a host; Wrathia made those potions for her allies and they were meant as a last-ditch effort to overthrow TITAN in the afterlife. Her plan was based on the slim chance that whatever lifeform she would be attached to would be more powerful than herself. TITAN, on the otherhand, is already the most powerful being in the universe, and would have nothing to gain from making a pact, seeing as whoever he pacts with could never be as powerful as he already is.
Also me, standing on the rooftop at 2 AM banging pots and pans together: SHE'S TITAN!!!!! SHE'S TITAN!!!!! SHE'S TITAN!!!!! SHE'S TITAN!!!!!!!!!!!!
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A Small Addition:
We could have simply added this to our most recent post (which has got an exciting amount of attention, thank you all), but we didn’t particularly want to risk it getting missed by anyone.
Consider this some extra food for thought regarding our Six Is Magpie theory in this post.
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Again, the theory could be very far-fetched and completely off from the reality behind Magpie’s disappearance.  But in the meantime, there are little details like these that we can’t help but find incredibly suspicious.  After all, there have already been instances where Michelle has drawn our eyes to smaller details that would usually be overlooked because they are, in fact, far more significant than we might have initially assumed.  And if this is one of those instances, well...
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A Long-Anticipated Update
We are just as excited about this update as you all surely are.  We have many theories.  Let’s jump right in.
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Magpie’s colored pupils seem to point to the probability that she’s a host, but we can see there are still 3 hosts and 3 demons left.  
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Not only this, but she has a blue background, separating her from the rest of the Arrows that have been revealed.
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A thought we had--
What if Magpie’s “demon” is Titan?
A similar, but perhaps far-fetched theory--
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What if this is where Magpie disappeared to?  There are some similarities we’ve found between Six and Magpie.
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The drawn pages that came a while ago also caught our attention.  This page, that has been used in quite a few theories, shows magpie with six lines next to her.
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What are your thoughts on this particular theory?  We’d love to know.
Another thing we’re wondering about is:  why is Magpie’s picture revealed, but her silhouette is still there?  
Edit:  It has been brought to our attention the old portrait is gone now!  Patience is a virtue we do not always possess.  Thank you!
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Does this mean the Magpie we’ve been shown isn’t the true Magpie?  This would fit in with the theory of Magpie having a demon of her own.  She disappeared not of her own will, but of the will of whoever may have been controlling her.
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There is one thing we’re unsure about.  
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What “one thing” could Odin be referring to?  How might that fit in to the theories we’ve posed, and the theories others may have?  
As always, we’d love to hear your thoughts and theories on this new update!
Edit 2.0: there’s a bit more here!
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I have this theory that goes along with a past theory I had about Ava representing the “Sun” and Odin representing the “Moon” in relation to their personality traits, symbolism, and overall characteristics- (I will leave a copy of that post under the readmore)
Odin’s sun is gone. It died and turned into a black hole, and subsequently his planet is perishing.
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Odin has called Ava a sun before offhandedly, but she has also declared herself as a sun too. She has the characteristics of a sun physically, but also in her temperament.
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It’s a long shot but maybe there’s a possibility, if she really has nothing left to lose, and if she became very close with Odin, if Ava sacrificed herself as a Sun for Odin’s planet. I’m guessing magic would be involved. A huge explosion. And emotions.
A girl sacrificing herself as a sun for the person she loves? And for the planet she might call home someday? (as she hasn’t had a place she feels like is home in her entire life). Sounds like something out of a mythological story. In the theory under the readmore I made comparisons of Odin with the Moon and Ava with the Sun. In Norse mythology, Sol and Mani (Sun and Moon), have to work together to figure out the depth of their powers. (Or really what their purpose in the universe was- kind of like a coming of age story)
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In whatever case, to me Ava’s Demon reads similar to a mythological tale- and with every mythology there has to be someone who records it. That’s where I thought, if Ava became a Literal Sun, Odin could be the one who records this story.
Or, it could get really weird and Odin becomes a Literal Moon, but I associate him more with what the moon symbolizes- mysticism, mystery, magic, subconscious, emotion, and intuition- rather than being an actual embodiment of it. I get the vibes that their respective characteristics are suppose to represent the dichotomy of the sun/moon relationship.
It’s interesting too, thinking of the sun and moon wanting each other, or being attracted to each other, in order to keep balance, as though there was some sort of cosmic purpose or “destiny” to it, but also being unable to handle each other’s innate spirit (the sun being unable to the handle the darkness/mystery of the moon, and the moon being unable to handle the sun’s raging fire).
It’ll be cool to see where their relationship goes from here.
(old previous theory under the readmore)
Keep reading
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I’ve only recently gotten into Ava’s Demon, so I’m no doubt very much behind on fandom theories and what information is out there, but I do have some theories.
This will be a bit of a ramble, so please bear with me!
My first theory: Going by what’s in Wrathia’s book, I’m willing to bet anything that Greed is the insect-looking one holding the crystals, and Gluttony is the ragdoll. Greed is about holding on to something when it’s better to let it go - perhaps the spirits being held in those crystals (because that’s clearly what we’re seeing in the book, right?) aren’t of foes, but of friends or family? People who aren’t being allowed to explode into stardust, even though it’s painful to be trapped so, because Greed just can’t let go?
Gluttony, meanwhile, is about losing control of your urges, but (as opposed to greed) only in things that you actually need. This is why things like excessive food consumption count as gluttony and not greed. Perhaps the ragdoll demon is turning animals into companions because that’s the ‘thing needed for a healthy life’ that it can’t control itself over - companionship.
tl;dr for first theory: Ragdoll is Gluttony, Crystal-Bug is Greed
My second (and far crazier theory) is to do with the third Arrow sister, Magpie. She’s got a blank spot on the cast page next to Raven and Crow, but given how those two are looking at and touching each, and not directing any attention that way, I think that it’s a fake out. When Magpie appears for the first time, that’s not where she’ll be on the cast page.
Where will she actually be? Well, if the thing about demons and hosts being shown on the cast page in their order of appearance holds up, Gluttony should be paired up with the host in front of the heart symbol. The silhouette of that host shows they’ve got a pipe and a crown - two anachronistic things that we’ve seen the Arrow family use. Furthermore, Odin also hints in his argument with the twins that something is up with Magpie. Something bad.
And that bit from Merita, about how the adults are out on a hunt? What if they’re not hunting for food or sport, but to keep something else at bay. To stop or slow something that could tear the family further apart? Something gluttonous, perhaps? And maybe that something is the reason Odin was looking for other hosts?
tl;dr for second theory: Magpie Arrow is the host to Gluttony. 
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I’ve only recently gotten into Ava’s Demon, so I’m no doubt very much behind on fandom theories and what information is out there, but I do have some theories.
This will be a bit of a ramble, so please bear with me!
My first theory: Going by what’s in Wrathia’s book, I’m willing to bet anything that Greed is the insect-looking one holding the crystals, and Gluttony is the ragdoll. Greed is about holding on to something when it’s better to let it go - perhaps the spirits being held in those crystals (because that’s clearly what we’re seeing in the book, right?) aren’t of foes, but of friends or family? People who aren’t being allowed to explode into stardust, even though it’s painful to be trapped so, because Greed just can’t let go?
Gluttony, meanwhile, is about losing control of your urges, but (as opposed to greed) only in things that you actually need. This is why things like excessive food consumption count as gluttony and not greed. Perhaps the ragdoll demon is turning animals into companions because that’s the ‘thing needed for a healthy life’ that it can’t control itself over - companionship.
tl;dr for first theory: Ragdoll is Gluttony, Crystal-Bug is Greed
My second (and far crazier theory) is to do with the third Arrow sister, Magpie. She’s got a blank spot on the cast page next to Raven and Crow, but given how those two are looking at and touching each, and not directing any attention that way, I think that it’s a fake out. When Magpie appears for the first time, that’s not where she’ll be on the cast page.
Where will she actually be? Well, if the thing about demons and hosts being shown on the cast page in their order of appearance holds up, Gluttony should be paired up with the host in front of the heart symbol. The silhouette of that host shows they’ve got a pipe and a crown - two anachronistic things that we’ve seen the Arrow family use. Furthermore, Odin also hints in his argument with the twins that something is up with Magpie. Something bad.
And that bit from Merita, about how the adults are out on a hunt? What if they’re not hunting for food or sport, but to keep something else at bay. To stop or slow something that could tear the family further apart? Something gluttonous, perhaps? And maybe that something is the reason Odin was looking for other hosts?
tl;dr for second theory: Magpie Arrow is the host to Gluttony. 
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I just realized that Tuls's name is 'slut' but only backwards and I just had to get it off my chest somewhere...
Understandable and admirable. However, as interesting as that is, Michelle unfortunately(?) at one point did confirm that Tuls being Slut backwards does not have anything to do with Maggie or her own story in where she falls into all this, and presumably nothing to do with how Tuls is as a person. As of now, it seems to be more funny coincidence than anything else.That being said, thank you for confiding in us and feeling like you can come here to get the weight of realisation off your shoulders! It is appreciated and welcomed!
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We’re just going to
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drop these here
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while we recover.
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Once again, we apologize for dropping off the face of the earth, and we thank you all for your patience.  We have been brain-storming about a few things, but this...
Well, we got a little distracted.
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Reconsidering Nevy’s background
We apologise for dropping off the face of the earth for a short while there.
We’ve been considering aspects of Nevy’s character, and how there’s a lot we don’t know about her.  As a fandom, we can only really know as much about her past as she does at this point, but that certainly will not stop us from theorising.  And we were doing some thinking.
It’s a popular enough opinion that there was likely some form of love triangle between Wrathia, Pedri, and Nevy, wherein–long story made grossly short–Pedri falls in love with Wrathia and Nevy is left wanting; from our understanding, and our original thoughts, this idea comes from the hints and clues Michelle has been dropping around Gil’s crush on Odin.
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In the same aspect that we expect Maggie to hopefully not fail her pact (whatever exactly it may be) with the Star-themed host, this panel seems to indicate some kind of love (likely unrequited) blossoming between Gil and Odin, all while Flaming Arrow slowly burns on in the distance.  And while, yes, a lot of the presented evidence points to the original theory involving some of Nevy’s past, recently, we’ve been entertaining a different idea.
As far as shipping goes, a popular trait has always been opposites attracting.  And, as far as that trope goes, it’s a bit strenuous to get much more opposite than fire and water.
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We acknowledge these panels, but we do look at them a bit differently.  Yes, it could easily be seen as Nevy looking at Odin, being reminded of Pedri, and remembering being in love with him.  However:
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She never specifies.  All we know is looking at Odin caused her to remember what it felt like to be in love, but beyond that, we can’t say much for sure.  Humour us for a moment: Odin being what triggers Nevy’s memory is more of an easter egg and/or hint that Gil will have feelings for him, and–while seeing Odin may still remind her of Pedri–her seeing Pedri’s host reminds her, instead, of when she was in love with Wrathia.
We know from Wrathia herself that they were somewhat close–they had to be.  When instructing Ava on what her next move should be in finding hosts after she discovers Tuls, Wrathia remarks:
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Nevy is listed on a similar tier as Pedri, as far as Wrathia is concerned.  But–much like in the way that we might see reflected on their hosts–she may have regarded Nevy as nothing more than an indispensable sister in arms against TiTAN, all while Nevy craved more than that.
Another important aspect of Nevy’s character that we’ve noticed is her insistent desire to discover where she belongs, and where her place is in the universe.
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She wants desperately to know where she belongs, and that she’s not just something to brush off.  Her sin is envy; perhaps, all while being in love with Wrathia, she envied her, and the life she had made with Pedri.  They knew where they belonged: with each other.  They were the rulers of a prosperous galaxy, and even had an heir to their throne.  Meanwhile, maybe Nevy stood by, seething in silent acceptance as we’ve already seen her do.
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Something even more desolate?
As we know, Wrathia took her life to avoid being taken prisoner by TiTAN fifteen years ago, as suggested by Pedri.  With that information, and everything mentioned above, we can’t help but notice these:
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286 notes · View notes
So I just read through your posts, and is the general consensus that Odin was murdered???
Based on the things we know so far, yes; the general consensus, while rather simplified, is that Odin was murdered. 
Of course, that’s just a theory; for all we know, whatever happened to him that led him to be stuck with Pedri could have very well been some form of accident.  However, with the way events and traits are lining up (and also our own morbidity, honestly), we do suspect foul play.
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Reconsidering Nevy’s background
We apologise for dropping off the face of the earth for a short while there.
We’ve been considering aspects of Nevy’s character, and how there’s a lot we don’t know about her.  As a fandom, we can only really know as much about her past as she does at this point, but that certainly will not stop us from theorising.  And we were doing some thinking.
It’s a popular enough opinion that there was likely some form of love triangle between Wrathia, Pedri, and Nevy, wherein--long story made grossly short--Pedri falls in love with Wrathia and Nevy is left wanting; from our understanding, and our original thoughts, this idea comes from the hints and clues Michelle has been dropping around Gil’s crush on Odin.
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In the same aspect that we expect Maggie to hopefully not fail her pact (whatever exactly it may be) with the Star-themed host, this panel seems to indicate some kind of love (likely unrequited) blossoming between Gil and Odin, all while Flaming Arrow slowly burns on in the distance.  And while, yes, a lot of the presented evidence points to the original theory involving some of Nevy’s past, recently, we’ve been entertaining a different idea.
As far as shipping goes, a popular trait has always been opposites attracting.  And, as far as that trope goes, it’s a bit strenuous to get much more opposite than fire and water.
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We acknowledge these panels, but we do look at them a bit differently.  Yes, it could easily be seen as Nevy looking at Odin, being reminded of Pedri, and remembering being in love with him.  However:
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She never specifies.  All we know is looking at Odin caused her to remember what it felt like to be in love, but beyond that, we can’t say much for sure.  Humour us for a moment: Odin being what triggers Nevy’s memory is more of an easter egg and/or hint that Gil will have feelings for him, and--while seeing Odin may still remind her of Pedri--her seeing Pedri’s host reminds her, instead, of when she was in love with Wrathia.
We know from Wrathia herself that they were somewhat close--they had to be.  When instructing Ava on what her next move should be in finding hosts after she discovers Tuls, Wrathia remarks:
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Nevy is listed on a similar tier as Pedri, as far as Wrathia is concerned.  But--much like in the way that we might see reflected on their hosts--she may have regarded Nevy as nothing more than an indispensable sister in arms against TiTAN, all while Nevy craved more than that.
Another important aspect of Nevy’s character that we’ve noticed is her insistent desire to discover where she belongs, and where her place is in the universe.
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She wants desperately to know where she belongs, and that she’s not just something to brush off.  Her sin is envy; perhaps, all while being in love with Wrathia, she envied her, and the life she had made with Pedri.  They knew where they belonged: with each other.  They were the rulers of a prosperous galaxy, and even had an heir to their throne.  Meanwhile, maybe Nevy stood by, seething in silent acceptance as we’ve already seen her do.
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Something even more desolate?
As we know, Wrathia took her life to avoid being taken prisoner by TiTAN fifteen years ago, as suggested by Pedri.  With that information, and everything mentioned above, we can’t help but notice these:
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That is a good point; morbid and thorough.  We like it.  We have another theory involving this, and we believe one of the suspects to be Olai.  It’s clear he is a source of fear for Odin, and with the recent updates, it’s become painfully apparent that Olai has some destructive tendencies that likely have been directed at Odin in some form beyond the destruction of a painting of a much younger Odin.  
As it stands now, we would not be surprised if it turned out that, perhaps because Odin was the favourite in the family, Olai got jealous and tried to get him out of the way.  If that is the case, we definitely would not be surprised to find out Olai stabbed him initially and then drowned him for good measure (or to attempt making it look like more of an accident).
But there’s something else we’ve considered that’s almost more chilling.  
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When we first came across this answer, it was... incredibly sobering, in a way.  Pedri is definitely going to be a force to be reckoned with when he becomes even more apparent in the comic.  And from what we’ve seen of him, we know that he is very open with Odin about how eager he is to see him die.
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We feel like this level of banter is something that Odin has likely been dealing with for a while (under 10 years, at least).  It seems to surround him wherever he goes, as he expresses to Raven and Crow that he refuses to run away from his life despite how everyone treats him.  It all seems rather reminiscent to what Ava went through with Wrathia her entire life.
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Here’s where this all comes together.  He’s holding a knife in this piece of art, almost clutching it.  And we can see that his pupils are that bright red we’re used to seeing him with.  
Remember this?
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What if Pedri, knowing Odin will not let himself simply die out of whatever pride or spite, had tried taking a similar approach to getting Odin to pact with him as Wrathia did with Ava?
More insight on Odin’s ugly ghost situation.
We don’t know about the rest of the fandom, but we still happen to be reeling from the latest update and the big reveals that came with it.  While browsing Twitter, we noticed something crucial.
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After much confusion, it’s been confirmed that this says ODIN ARROW THE YOUNG PRINCE.  Immediately following this inscription is another set of symbols, that are much less fussy to decode, as well as extraordinarily helpful for theorists such as ourselves.
As it stands, we believe the additional symbols stand for a date–specifically, a year.  And even more specific still, the year 3021.  We considered this for a moment and realised something honestly rather heartbreaking about our purple prince son:
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In the comic currently, it is the year 3031.  Ten years after this portrait was created.  Odin, in this portrait, is eight (or seven, there are some minor discrepancies) years old.  And, as far as we’re concerned in accordance to the concept that pupils of the hosts are coloured when plagued by the ghosts/demons, and black when not (including in photos, as evidenced below), he did not have Pedri yet.
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It’s mostly agreed upon that Odin drowned, and that’s how he got stuck as Pedri’s host, and while it is heartbreaking to see just how young Odin likely was when that happened, we do have another concern dancing about in the back of our mind. 
What happened to Pedri that made him wait so long?
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We like where you’re going with this.  
Those pages including those two seemingly mushroom-themed characters could have been a warning of some sort, as well.  Wrathia only gave Ava the instruction to read over her plans, but not much of it is specified outside of the pictures provided.  Those two could be friends or foes, and Wrathia (as we’ve already seen with her reluctance to initially explain to Ava what happens if their pact fails) likely wouldn’t go out of her way to differentiate between the two for Ava’s sake until absolutely necessary.
Mushroom Mom?
Uhm, I had an Idea about the mushroom demon PLEASE ADD ON TO IT
So in one of Ava’s book pages, we can see a demon with the numbers 3 on their fingers. Then there are two others with the arms(?) Overlapped So in the lifeforms page we can see two figures that look exactly like that.
Mushroom demon/sloth demon was said to be the mom demon. Michelle also said thats the demon we’re going to see next.
The two figures are her children?
Your interaction with us is both very much appreciated and quite heartwarming.  We’ve actually been thinking a lot about this in our own way; we had noticed something about the cast page that we had not initially noticed, but now it has us thinking.
Here is the cast page as it is currently (until Michelle makes some renovations, at least);
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We had originally looked at this and not noticed anything unusual or specific about this line-up, but recently we’ve noticed that (excluding the eight characters that are neither host nor demon) the characters’ profiles are in order of appearance in the comic.  Of course, we met Ava first, then Maggie, then Odin, and then Gil.  We see Wrathia first with Ava, Nevy when we first meet Gil, Tuls when Maggie falls asleep on Gil’s ship, and then finally (so far) we see Pedri when Ava and Odin are mildly bickering in TiTAN HQ.
Here’s the tricky part about things.  We are not 100% certain, but we believe there was either some panel or some forum a fellow fan went to where Michelle confirmed that Gluttony was actually the next demon we would meet, along with a comment that our current group of four hosts will meet the next of their kind on the next planet they meet. That being said:
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This demon, as they are right next to Pedri on the cast page, will likely be the “Mom Demon”.  Again, we think the next sin is Gluttony and not Sloth, but we are not sure.  However, we do agree that there is likely some connection between those two figures and that demon in particular, and perhaps even the host that goes with it, presumably, as they are right next to Gil, this person;
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The three all seem to revolve around a shared star-shape theme.  And Wrathia’s plan book certainly centers around her warriors and defeating TiTAN, and those figures do seem significant.  
Perhaps they are this new demon’s children; we can’t say for sure just yet, of course, but in time we will certainly find out.  Though we do have a thought of our own; they could also be henchman, perhaps similar in their purpose to Crow and Raven.  We could be wrong, but Wrathia doesn’t particularly strike us as the type to shove one of her warrior’s children into a war; that, at least, doesn’t seem to be her plan.  Still, it could be possible that, if they are that demon’s children, they could have offered themselves up to fighting TiTAN.
We don’t have all the facts just yet, but it certainly can’t be too long before we learn more.  And we are definitely excited to see where this all goes and how these four in particular connect. 
(Submitted by the lovely @kitkat-bae )
122 notes · View notes
Mushroom Mom?
Uhm, I had an Idea about the mushroom demon PLEASE ADD ON TO IT
So in one of Ava’s book pages, we can see a demon with the numbers 3 on their fingers. Then there are two others with the arms(?) Overlapped So in the lifeforms page we can see two figures that look exactly like that.
Mushroom demon/sloth demon was said to be the mom demon. Michelle also said thats the demon we’re going to see next.
The two figures are her children?
Your interaction with us is both very much appreciated and quite heartwarming.  We’ve actually been thinking a lot about this in our own way; we had noticed something about the cast page that we had not initially noticed, but now it has us thinking.
Here is the cast page as it is currently (until Michelle makes some renovations, at least);
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We had originally looked at this and not noticed anything unusual or specific about this line-up, but recently we’ve noticed that (excluding the eight characters that are neither host nor demon) the characters’ profiles are in order of appearance in the comic.  Of course, we met Ava first, then Maggie, then Odin, and then Gil.  We see Wrathia first with Ava, Nevy when we first meet Gil, Tuls when Maggie falls asleep on Gil’s ship, and then finally (so far) we see Pedri when Ava and Odin are mildly bickering in TiTAN HQ.
Here’s the tricky part about things.  We are not 100% certain, but we believe there was either some panel or some forum a fellow fan went to where Michelle confirmed that Gluttony was actually the next demon we would meet, along with a comment that our current group of four hosts will meet the next of their kind on the next planet they meet. That being said:
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This demon, as they are right next to Pedri on the cast page, will likely be the “Mom Demon”.  Again, we think the next sin is Gluttony and not Sloth, but we are not sure.  However, we do agree that there is likely some connection between those two figures and that demon in particular, and perhaps even the host that goes with it, presumably, as they are right next to Gil, this person;
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The three all seem to revolve around a shared star-shape theme.  And Wrathia’s plan book certainly centers around her warriors and defeating TiTAN, and those figures do seem significant.  
Perhaps they are this new demon’s children; we can’t say for sure just yet, of course, but in time we will certainly find out.  Though we do have a thought of our own; they could also be henchman, perhaps similar in their purpose to Crow and Raven.  We could be wrong, but Wrathia doesn’t particularly strike us as the type to shove one of her warrior’s children into a war; that, at least, doesn’t seem to be her plan.  Still, it could be possible that, if they are that demon’s children, they could have offered themselves up to fighting TiTAN.
We don’t have all the facts just yet, but it certainly can’t be too long before we learn more.  And we are definitely excited to see where this all goes and how these four in particular connect. 
(Submitted by the lovely @kitkat-bae )
122 notes · View notes
More insight on Odin’s ugly ghost situation.
We don’t know about the rest of the fandom, but we still happen to be reeling from the latest update and the big reveals that came with it.  While browsing Twitter, we noticed something crucial.
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After much confusion, it’s been confirmed that this says ODIN ARROW THE YOUNG PRINCE.  Immediately following this inscription is another set of symbols, that are much less fussy to decode, as well as extraordinarily helpful for theorists such as ourselves.
As it stands, we believe the additional symbols stand for a date--specifically, a year.  And even more specific still, the year 3021.  We considered this for a moment and realised something honestly rather heartbreaking about our purple prince son:
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In the comic currently, it is the year 3031.  Ten years after this portrait was created.  Odin, in this portrait, is eight (or seven, there are some minor discrepancies) years old.  And, as far as we’re concerned in accordance to the concept that pupils of the hosts are coloured when plagued by the ghosts/demons, and black when not (including in photos, as evidenced below), he did not have Pedri yet.
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It’s mostly agreed upon that Odin drowned, and that’s how he got stuck as Pedri’s host, and while it is heartbreaking to see just how young Odin likely was when that happened, we do have another concern dancing about in the back of our mind. 
What happened to Pedri that made him wait so long?
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