#fun fact i wanted to mention the book thief for taejoo and nearly fell off the couch because i suddenly rrealised
mythvoiced · 4 years
Character Interview: Kaeden, Lotte & Taejoo bc I couldn’t pick lmao
( repost, don’t reblog )
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NAME: Yi Kiha Kaeden NICKNAME: K AGE: 19 at the time of his death Ageless SPECIES: Grim reaper (lore based on tvN’s Goblin)
MORALITY: Chaotic Neutral Chaotic Good RELIGION: Abides to none SINS: greed / gluttony / sloth / lust / pride / envy /  wrath VIRTUES: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice PRIMARY GOALS IN LIFE: Momentarily undefined, he stopped claiming souls as a form of rebellion towards a system of neutrality he doesn’t agree with, but he isn’t sure what to do from here KNOWN LANGUAGES: Primarily speaks Korean and other languages he might find/need for his area (Chinese, Japanese, or Thai, for example, as well as English), but as a reaper, he has the ability to speak the language he needs to speak to communicate with a soul PHYSICAL BUILD: scrawny  / bony /  slender  / fit / athletic  /  curvy  /  herculean  /  pudgy  /  average HEIGHT: 5′11′ roughly, although he does wear shoes that make him appear even taller WEIGHT: n/a bc meh SCARS  /  BIRTHMARKS: Covered in scars of various sizes, more on the small side of things, because his skin used to break easily, but he wasn’t allowed near situations that would give him larger ones None ABILITIES  / POWERS: Invisibility, imperceptibility, soul reading, can ‘claim’ souls as a reaper which basically means he cuts their ties to the mortal realm entirely so that they may move on to whatever afterlife they’ve been assigned to, they can not move on without having said ties cut by a reaper specifically assigned to them, first (Kaeden does not know how this works, it’s an instinctual affair, and he does not know what afterlife the souls are then assigned to) RESTRICTIONS: While it is essential for a reaper to be capable of disappearing either entirely or at least within a crowd, people who have met a reaper before (and therefore already been exposed to their general existence) are more likely to spot him and remember him for a longer time after that; even more so if close to death, then the person will be able to detect and describe Kaeden as they would any person, by being more sensitive to a reaper’s presence; he can only read souls that are assigned to him, even if he were to encounter spirits they would appear to him as just that and nothing more, while he would be able to call a soul assigned to him he just met by their name, preferred pronouns, as well as know about important moments in their lives and the circumstances of their death; his soul reading is also restricted to souls that are no longer inhabiting a body (so, souls of the comatose or those astral projecting included) and not of the living, and it is not possible for him to see any soul that isn’t purely human (enhanced humans aka humans with powers but without supernatural genes, aka psychics but not werewolves, count as creatures he can see); he cannot cut the ties of souls that weren’t assigned to him (main reason his stopping to do so is causing problems, because even if other reapers were to find the souls assigned to him, they wouldn’t be able to help them)
FOOD: Poor taste buds, everything tastes dry and dull He doesn’t need to eat but he does like salty snacks and spicy food DRINK: None Sweet alcoholic beverages, he seems to favour things that taste strongly these days PIZZA TOPPING: Lots and lots of garlic COLOR(S): Navy blue / black / dark grey / multiple shades of blue to be honest / royal purple MUSIC GENRE: Disco to rave music, a huge fan of Todrick Hall BOOK GENRE: Historical nonfiction (he likes to learn) MOVIE GENRE: Action, documentaries, high fantasy SEASON: Winter CURSE WORD: The Fuck Word™️ (lmao, i’m leaving this, it’s perfect) SCENTS: Lavender, roses, incense (all sorts of types)
BOTTOM OR TOP: Probably a switch, leaning towards bratty annoying bitchy loudmouthed power bottom (mostly because that’s already his personality, yknow) SINGS IN THE SHOWER?: Doesn’t need to shower, but he probably would
tagged by: @illusinae​ TYSM <3
tagging: @enchcntd​ @intergalacticxmisfits​ (THEO!) @rubiesintherough​ @voxvulgi​ @sweetmarzipan​ @foxcharmed​ @gentleanne​ @zodiachild​ @repetiita​ @tckkis​ & YOU
Lotte & Taejoo under the cut
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NAME: Go Kihyun Choi Lotte NICKNAME: Lotto by @enchcntd​ uwu AGE: 24 Unknown, presumably early to mid-twenties SPECIES: Human
MORALITY: Chaotic Good True Neutral RELIGION: Agnostic Doesn’t really know SINS: greed / gluttony / sloth / lust / pride / envy /  wrath VIRTUES: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice PRIMARY GOALS IN LIFE: None at the moment, he’s rather passively moving through life, his current ‘present’ satisfies him and he isn’t looking for anything more KNOWN LANGUAGES: Korean (fluent), English (solely what he needs for English songs) PHYSICAL BUILD: scrawny  / bony /  slender  / fit / athletic  /  curvy  /  herculean  /  pudgy  /  average HEIGHT: 5′7′ although he does wear large clothes that make it hard to guess what his body, in its entirety, really looks like WEIGHT: n/a bc meh SCARS  /  BIRTHMARKS: A thin one on his left temple that seems to run towards his forehead and disappear under his hairline  ABILITIES  / POWERS: No supernatural/enhanced abilities/powers RESTRICTIONS: N/a
FOOD: Not much of a foodie so he’ll probably just eat what he’s given/what he happens to. He does really love ramyeon, though DRINK: Nothing too specific, but he likes cold ones PIZZA TOPPING: No particular preferences, he’s just not a big fan of anything too spicy and he also prefers toppings without meat COLOR(S): Light colours, mostly light blue and grey MUSIC GENRE: R&B, mostly, Jazz BOOK GENRE: Not much of a reader MOVIE GENRE: Not much of a movie watcher, either, he’ll just watch whatever is on SEASON: Spring CURSE WORD: He doesn’t curse, finds no use for it SCENTS: Anything soft, nothing too strong
BOTTOM OR TOP: Unclear, preferably neither SINGS IN THE SHOWER?: Absolutely, all the time, takes too long showering just because he’s in the middle of a song
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NAME: Kim Taejoo NICKNAME: TJ, if you feel inclined to, Tae, he doesn’t mind either way AGE: 25 SPECIES: Gifted/enhanced human
MORALITY: Fluctuates between Neutral Good and True Neutral RELIGION: Agnostic SINS: greed / gluttony / sloth / lust / pride / envy /  wrath VIRTUES: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice PRIMARY GOALS IN LIFE: Earning money, truly. He lives in a dingy apartment downtown but even for that he barely manages rent-wise, and he’d really like to move somewhere where it doesn’t smell like no one’s opened a single window in three years KNOWN LANGUAGES: Korean (fluent), English (conversational) PHYSICAL BUILD: scrawny  / bony /  slender  / fit / athletic  /  curvy  /  herculean  /  pudgy  /  average HEIGHT: 5′10′’, he does look taller solely because of the way he holds himself, but also smaller due to his body build WEIGHT: n/a bc meh SCARS  /  BIRTHMARKS: Tiny scars on his hands, due to glass shards he fell into once ABILITIES  / POWERS: Telekinesis, ergo the ability to move matter with one’s mind; he can manipulate most of the tables he’s usually made to work at in the casino RESTRICTIONS: Can only move inanimate objects, ergo no animals or people; can only move objects he would be able to physically move/have the physical strength to move; can only move objects he’s aware of, he can’t move anything behind a door that he doesn’t know is there; extensive/prolonged use of his ability will lead to increasingly intense headaches and physical as well as mental exhaustion; if he tries to move an object that is already moving, his success in doing so is determined by whether or not the force of movement of the object is stronger than his own, as well as momentum and direction; accidental use is possible if he’s experiencing intense emotions or sensations (this is the main reason he’s so calm and collected all the time, his childhood and teenage years have taught him that accidentally using his powers leads to horrible and painful situations, so he’s reeling himself in at all times).
FOOD: Warm food, not too fond of anything that is mushy, though. DRINK: Coffee, although he usually tries to keep his hands off of it, not a good influence PIZZA TOPPING: He likes it best with only tomato sauce, garlic, and oregano (we call that a Napoletana, fun fact, ‘s also my favourite one <w<) COLOR(S): Brown tones, warm colours MUSIC GENRE: R&B, Indie BOOK GENRE: Murder mystery, psychological thrillers MOVIE GENRE: He doesn’t like anything too... action, to be honest, he prefers gems like Ex Machina or smart plot twists like Now You See Me SEASON: Summer CURSE WORD: 'Hell’, he really... doesn’t curse much SCENTS: Coffee, freshly baked pastries, he’d live in coffee shops if he could
BOTTOM OR TOP: Power/dominant bottom SINGS IN THE SHOWER?: Not really, he’s a lil boring sometimes
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