#fun fact if you get on a boat and drive for about 45 min you will be in canadian waters
rrcenic · 7 months
being from washington is so wild what do you mean you live in america im basically in canada
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danwhobrowses · 3 years
AEW Double or Nothing 2021 - Review
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It's that time of the year to put your chips in, Double or Nothing is back with a big card that includes a Stadium Stampede, Sting in Non-Cinematic action and AEW's first Triple Threat World Title match.
Unfortunately due to the UK having a weekend heatwave I was way too tired to watch this live, so I'm watching the replay on Fite- thankfully it's a Bank Holiday so I don't really have to rush this and I somehow managed to get through the morning without being spoiled.
Like my Wrestlemania review I will be putting in bold who I thought would win Also it goes without saying, Spoilers within
The Buy-In Not a fan of the 5-ish minutes of beeping as the camera synced up or the 12 minute wait overall but it is the Pre-Show. But we start with a lot of packages, in fact we had 2 packages of Bucks vs MoxEddie which was weird. 45 Minutes we get the crowd though and that just injects you with the energy.
Matt and the HFO starts with a backstage promo, bragging of his win and enticing Private Party by lowering his 30% cut to 15% if they win, then another Shida/Baker package...like, we could throw more matches we had an entire Countdown show for these packages on Fite and Youtube, you have the roster for it. Also the stage did invest a lot in the fan seats, not much of the set, kinda 50/50 on it because on one hand it's a shame we didn't have a grand set but on the other hand it had an ECW feel of being swarmed with (COVID safe) fans.
NWA Women's Championship: Serena Deeb (c) def. Riho (Submission via Serenity Lock) At about 50 mins of a 75 min buy-in we get our first match, and Riho and Deeb come out to big pops. I'm glad they noted that Riho has a win over Deeb too. Bell rings to a big cheer, after some back and forth Riho extends the handshake but Deeb slaps her, cementing a heel turn. Riho slaps back and fires up, knee to the corner and a diving crossbody for 2, she tries a sunset flip but Deeb almost gets the Serenity Lock. Deeb then decides to pick off Riho; Dragon Screw, launch pad into the bottom rope, Elbow into the thigh, she looks to set up the Romero Special but instead pulls on Riho's nose, then stomps her knees down. Abdominal Stretch and then a Cravat, but Riho snapmares out and chases Deeb at the corner, Deeb catches her though through the ropes with 3 rope-assisted chokes and the a spinning neckbreaker into the middle rope for 2. Deeb then pulls Riho up for a inverted Gory Special then driving her into the turnbuckle, she tries the superplex but gets knocked off, Riho hits the stomp but the knees buckle so she can't make the pin. She attacks with some strikes, headscissors, 619 but it's only 2, she tries the Dragon Suplex but Deeb locks in the Octopus Stretch, transitions into a sleeper but Riho gets a fantastic reversal of the bridging suplex for 2 again. Strung on the middle rope, Riho goes for the double stomp but misses and hits the ring apron, injuring the knees more, Dragon Screw on the rope, Twisting Neckbreaker for 2, she charges at Riho in the corner but Riho has her boot up, Riho tries to kick away but Deeb keeps hold of the leg, catches the other and Dragon Screws both of her legs, Powerbomb 1, 2, No. Deeb sets up the Detox but hits the back body press, she tries the Dragon Suplex but Deeb escapes, she gets it on the third attempt of the match, Double Stomp on Deeb's back while she was bent over but the knees give way again, she tries the running Meteora but Deeb rolls into the half-Crab in Maki Itoh fashion, Riho makes the ropes but can't escape the inverted Dragon Screw, she rolls out another Detox into a pin combination for a tight 2, but when she tries for the Crucifix Roll she can't wrap her legs and drops, leading to Deeb hammering the injured knee into the ground and cinching in the Serenity Lock, Riho taps out to a standing ovation.
I wish we lingered on the celebrations a bit more since we moved straight onto the fanfest thing with all the neat merch, but damn did that match go! That was a PPV quality match and just the thing to heat up the crowd, Deeb's vicious heel style still suits her especially against Riho's connection to fans as a babyface. This also sets up Rosa to be the babyface in her pursuit to reclaim the NWA title too, but yeah excellent match, it could've gone either way but I know that COVID would've restricted Riho's schedule to be the champ, otherwise a hot start.
A THIRD Bucks/MoxEddie package preludes Taz and JR coming to commentary to get the main card started. The main card has a bit of pyro though
Main Show We were kinda given away on the first match since you hear the entrance theme just as the Buy-In ends, no time for packages we're jumping straight into action.
'Hangman' Adam Page def. Brian Cage (Pinfall via Buckshot Lariat) Cage comes out with some Terminator gear and the FTW title, a low hum of boos for the Machine given how he is the heel. Hangman however gets a massive pop, a poster of 'Hangman is a Dream Boat' and 'He's a F***ing Horse' and the traditionally hilarious name plate joke being 'Horse with a Hangover' pads Hangman's time getting in the ring while Taz talks trash. The moment the bell rings Hangman is off the mark but gets shoved off by the stronger Cage, some Big Boots stagger but Cage throws him into the turnbuckles, he tries to set up a Pumphandle version of the Drill Claw but Hangman lands on his feet. Triangle Clothesline doesn't stun Cage long enough to pull Hangman out of the ring and into the guardrail, but Hangman comes back with a Suicide Dive. Cage catches the Diving Crossbody and powerbombs him into the ring post, another guardrail throw and Cage brings things back into the ring, every time Hangman tries to strike back Hangman uses his power, choking Hangman on the ropes, throwing him into the turnbuckle, Cage is having fun. That fun almost gets him though, after some showboating with bicep curls, Hangman reverses the Fallaway Slam into a Crucifix Bomb for 2, Hangman tries the lariat but Cage doesn't budge, he tries again but Cage responds at the same time, only Hangman falls from the impact though. Cage then tries a lariat but misses, leading Hangman to use his whole body to Lariat both of them over the ropes. Big Moonsault out of the ring hands the Hangman an advantage but as he climbs to the top rope Cage pulls back, looks to set up an Avalanche Drill Claw but Hangman fights out, Hangman tries a super Hurricanrana but Cage is too strong, Cage looks for the Avalanche Bomb but Hangman hits the super rana the second time, 1, 2, No. Hangman looks to set up the Buckshot but hits a boot through the ropes, Cage hits back with a Superkick that kinda doesn't hit him at all XD Cage sets up the Deadlift Suplex, but Hangman flips out of it and sets up a Powerbomb, Cage wriggles out, misses the Discus Lariat and gets hit with a forearm, Lariat floors Cage for 2. Commentary notes that Cage is dazed as Hangman sets up the Deadeye, Hangman clubs out though and hits the ripcord elbow, looks for a F-5 thing but Hangman floats out, Cage catches the big boot, Knee to the gut and a neckbreaker for 2. Cage does his corner combo but Hangman holds off the German, he hits an elbow but runs into Cage's F-5 that drops him into the ropes. Seeing the entrance ramp, Cage hits the Deadlift Suplex, hits an Avalanche Flatliner back into the ring and sets up his own Buckshot Lariat, but he staggers on the flip and Hangman hits the F-5 for 2. He tries the Buckshot but Cage ducks German, Powerbomb, Buckle Bomb, but Hangman gets the Jacknife Pin, 1, 2, NO. Cage hits the Discus, Spinning Liger bomb, 1, 2, NO. The crowd are getting super hot. And in that heat a reign of boos come about as Hook and Starks rush to the ring, the former distracting the ref as Starks throws Cage the FTW title, Cage though is having none of it, throwing the title back to Starks declaring that he can win it without. Starks is offended, aghast even, but as Cage turns Hangman tries to lift him for Deadeye, Cage escapes and throws Hangman into the ropes, as he turns to address Hook though Hangman holds on, Buckshot Lariat! 1, 2, 3!
And Breathe. Lord what a match. Granted the FTW shenanigans was a little bit of a damper but this sets up Cage's face turn away from FTW, and it protects him a little because they distracted him. A big Hangman win was definitely the best way to open the match with the crowds, Hangman grabs a beer and cheers to the roaring crowd as Taz voices his disappointment. Angered, Cage gets in Hook and Starks' faces, he goes to shove Starks but he notes his bad neck so he shoves Hook instead and leaves.
Yet another Bucks/MoxEddie promo...this time though it's because the match is on next.
AEW World Tag Team Championship: The Young Bucks [Matt & Nick Jackson w/Brandon Cutler] (c) def. Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston (Pinfall on Moxley by Matt via BTE Trigger x4) Wild Thing (admittedly, while it was nice for Nagata I prefer his old theme) hits the crowd as the crowd get to their feet, Mox and Eddie enter the crowd like they're in the streets, carrying the Buck's fancy shoes with them. The Bucks comes in with a Red and Blue with liquid prints on their jackets (signifying 'drip'), but as the streamers pop Mox and Eddie attack. A good nod from commentary joking that the pop of the streamers signified 'Go' to Mox and Eddie as Mox fed Matt his streamers outside of the ring. While choking Matt with a scarf though the significantly blonder Nick escapes Eddie and gangs up on Mox, all get hit with a Suicide Dive from Eddie as the two take things outside of the ring. Kingston throwing streamers in front of KiLynn King while Mox soaks in a beer with the crowd. Both bucks get thrown in the Barricade as Brandon Cutler attempts to tend to them with Cold Spray, Kingston stalks him though so he rushes through the ring in hopes of getting to the ramp - only to run into Moxley's Rear Naked Choke - Kingston and Mox combo a Half-Nelson Suplex and Clothesline combo to finish him. The Bucks come back though as Matt pulls Mox out the ring, Nick blindsides Eddie and calls for the bell to ring, the match is finally started. Moxley deals with Matt as Eddie chops and Kitchen Sinks Nick. After a double shoulder block Mox alerts the ref to Matt entering the ring illegally, as the duo stomp at Nick in turnabout. After both hitting Nick in the corner Kingston hits a Drop Suplex? (I dunno what it's called he lifted him up but then dropped him face first rather than leaning back) and an STO. The Bucks recover momentum with a thumb to the eye thanks to Matt's distraction, Matt tags in and knocks away Mox, mid-rope dropkick while skinning the cat leaves Eddie alone for the corner combos; boot and enzugiri and then the bottom corner dropkick/kick to the back of the head, the Bucks then chide the crowd. The Bucks start getting into their groove with their usual combos, but when Nick mocks Mox it gives Eddie time to Flapjack him into the ropes, Matt tags in though before Eddie can reach Moxley and kicks away his leg before knocking Mox from the corner and pretending to Hot Tag from Kingston. It's your traditional hot tag stuff, clotheslines then the 10 clubs in the corner, powerslam then some Hogan-esque showboating, but Moxley catches Matt's legs when he goes to the ropes and hits a lariat. Throwing his brother in the ring, Nick tags himself in but lands into an exploder, both men tag out but Mox goes at both Bucks, dropkicking Matt into Nick, throws Matt, hits Nick with the Money Clip and Gotch Piledriver, Matt jumps Moxley but gets a piledriver too, Mox tries the Bulldog Choke but Nick breaks the hold, the Bucks try a double suplex but Mox twists out and into a double DDT. Both Bucks are in opposite corners, Nick gets hit by a clothesline but Matt gets his foot up, Mox hits the back body press and then Anderson comes out. The ref distracted, Nick goes to hand Matt the spray, but Eddie's got a glare like hell on the Bucks and scouts what they're doing, he dives at the blindsiding Gallows and Kazarian out of nowhere charges at Anderson, he warned the Elite that he would come for them. Matt does get the Cold Spray in Mox's face and hits him with the bottle for good measure, 1, 2, No. Mox is busted open now but Gallows and Anderson are ejected. The Bucks are pissed now, and hit Moxley with a Meltzer Driver on the rampway, wanting the countout as Don Callis (I only could confirm he was there up till now...) notes how he'd be happy with that. Moxley staggers around the ring, dazed but able to get back in the ring, inviting more from Matt. Matt goes for the open wound, stomps and punches, then the draped swanton for 2, the crowd chant for Moxley as the Bucks kick away at him for 2, then a Bulldog Choke by Matt, then an outside the ring choke from Nick
as Eddie tries to alert the ref. Mox tries to fight back but the Bucks team up to club down at him, they mock the Shield as they set up an assisted powerbomb, but as Matt does the OOOOAHHH he eats a boot from Moxley, German for Nick, German on both at the same time (Matt grabbed Nick trying to escape it), Eddie tags in for a big hot tag. Belly to belly on Nick, Enzugiri and DDT on Matt, he tries his submission hold but Nick hits breaks the hold by hitting Eddie's head, Eddie is not at all impressed - as am I for JR forgetting that Maki Itoh has the 'hardest head in the business' - Nick eats the big boot and Matt gets the chops, Nick though superkicks the back of Eddie's leg to regain momentum. Assisted Sliced Bread and a running Shining Wizard gets 2, Nick goes for the Swanton but the knees are up, Mox tags in but runs into a double Superkick, they set up More Bang for your Buck but Mox gets the Rear Naked Choke as Eddie holds Nick down. Nick escapes and just as Matt rolls out lands the 450, 1, 2, NO! Matt is furious, sets up the Meltzer driver but Eddie pulls Nick down, Mox gets the Choke again, they try their combo (I think they called it the Violent Crown) but Nick pulls Moxley from the ropes. Bucks try the Meltzer driver on Eddie but Mox pulls Nick into the apron, Mox throws Eddie one of the Bucks' Diors in front of the ref, but grabs the other three as the ref confiscates it, using one of the shoes he hits the Doomsday Device but Nick breaks the hold, rocks Kingston with a knee and sets up the superkick, Mox catches and sets up the Paradigm Shift, Nick rolls out and gets the Sharpshooter (JR correcting with the Scorpion Deathlock) as Matt tries to hold down Eddie. Eddie breaks the hold and hits Matt with the Backdrop Driver but eats a Superkick, Moxley hits the Lariat, Paradigm Shift, 1, 2, Matt breaks the pin. Moxley hits headbutts and tries to throw Nick out of the ring, but he lands on the apron and kicks at Eddie's leg again, that leads him to be choked but he's on the ropes so Mox drags him into the ring, Matt tries the superkick but Mox catches, but he can't stop both of them, double Superkick! But Mox rebounds to a double Lariat, he looks to get Nick with the Paradigm Shift but eats a Superkick, then it's just a Superkick party, Nick, then Matt, then both, On-NO! Not Even One! Moxley is possessed, staring at the Bucks, they hit another double Superkick but Eddie comes in, he flinches at the Superkick and gets one in the shin by Matt, leading to Nick hitting him with one in the face. The Bucks smell the end, BTE trigger! But Mox doesn't fall, BTE Trigger, BTE Trigger, BTE Trigger, and Mox finally collapses, 1, 2, 3. Callis comes down to celebrate as the Bucks mock in the camera.
3 Matches in and all have been bangers. I sincerely thought that Eddie and Mox's unorthodox nature would throw the cocky Bucks off for a short reign until Renee was due but I am not unhappy with what we got, stunning match where the Bucks simply won because they were a tag team, plus their position on the card - no way they were gonna have Hangman and then MoxEddie win consecutively. It's a shame that Eddie rarely wins a feud still but what a showing from all four men, shades of Revolution's tag team banger too.
As Commentary run down the rest of the card we learn that the Blade will be replaced by Serpentico and QT is replaced by Aaron Solow in the Casino Battle Royale due to injury, shame but I doubt they were gonna win. They at least storied up QT's one as him 'not wanting to risk injury'. Paul Wight comes down as guest commentator for the CBR as the rules are run down.
Casino Battle Royale - Jungle Boy wins the battle royale (Eliminated Christian Cage). The Clubs come out first with Christian Cage first out, Matt Sydal, Powerhouse Hobbs (looking extra lean now), the Bullrope-wielding Dustin Rhodes and Max Caster look to start off, Caster running down his opponents in rap - that 'had no Edge' comment for Christian was one hell of a deep cut, but also alluding to Sydal's flop last year - it at least got the crowd going. Bell rings and Hobbs and Christian pick up where they left off, Dustin goes for Caster while Sydal bounces off Hobbs. Dustin and Matt switch places for Sydal to have a mini-match with Caster, but Caster hits him with a low blow and dumps him out - I guess we won't see him do the Shooting Star Press. Caster though gets eliminated by Christian, he landed on the ramp first so there was confusion but he rolled to the floor to sell it properly, he may've hurt himself though because Christian did pop his head out the ring to check on him. The Diamonds are out next; Matt Hardy, but he and Kassidy wait at the tunnel to try and jump 10, Vance though boots Hardy and Powerbombs Kassidy so the two can sleep, Comoroto is out next and guns for Dustin, easily outmatching him as Serpentico makes his entrance dragged by Bobcat Goldthwait Luther. Serpentico doesn't last long against 10 though, who squares up to Comoroto, Spine on the Pine by 10 but he can't clothesline Comoroto over the rope, he lands into a Spear and gets thrown over to the apron, 10 looks like he was meant to headscissor but didn't grip well, as Comoroto is draped Dustin throws the Freakenbeast over as 10 falls with him. Comoroto though still cracks Dustin with the cow bell, their Bullrope Match is imminent, leaving Hobbs able to dump Dustin out. For 4 seconds only Hobbs and Christian remain in-ring (Hardy starts to enter at 1 seconds) for him to hit the Killswitch. Hearts are next as Kassidy chop blocks Christian when the crowds popped for a classic E&C/Hardys retreading; the Varsity Blonds though roar in together to get Matt and Kassidy, Colt Cabana comes in with Brodie's old ring jacket to hit the Dusty Elbow but the numbers are balanced by Bowens (Christian and Hobbs are sleeping now). And then Penta rocks up in a Joker-inspired gear which looks insane in the best possible ways, Cero Miedo superkick to Bowens, then just having it at anybody who looks at him. Cabana is eliminated off-screen by Kassidy when trying to deal with Hardy, Bowens is it with the Dropkick/Spinebuster combo from the Blonds before being dumped out, Griff is eliminated by Hardy after some blows on the apron as Pillman struggles with Penta. HFO try to clean up but Penta just goes at it with Matt now, the crowd chant for Brian Pillman as Jr tries to dump Kassidy, but the Spades are coming. Baltimora pops the crowd huge for Jungle Boy's entrance, immediately getting in Penta's face, two Singblades by Penta follows Quen's entrance to Gin n Juice Pillman Jr, Pillman's dumped by Private Party as Aaron Solow goes in for Matt Hardy, Evil Uno and Lee Johnson complete the 20, Uno at Hardy, Johnson to Solow, the latter two go to the apron and Johnson elbows Solow off but gets knocked off by Hardy - tad abrupt for me really. Uno is eliminated by Penta's Enzugiri but then Jungle Boy just LAUNCHES at Penta, headscissors him out while still holding the ropes that was insane, but Hobbs has slithered back in and just ran through Quen, patented Spinebuster on Kassidy and now Christian is back in the ring. Hobbs though is shrugging off any offence, Hardy is knocked away, JB is being choked out, he tries to splash Christian in the corner but Christian dodges, and after a labored attempt throws Hobbs over. 50 seconds until the Joker; Hardy Party vs Christian and JB, Christian is hobbling as the numbers advantage comes into play, 20 seconds both faces are just being stomped in the corner, 10 seconds and Kassidy is holding Christian down with his foot, 7 Seconds the Crowd Stand to see who it is; 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Lio Rush, it got a tiny pop but, yeah...people were
hoping for something bigger. Rush is another Forbidden Door given his time on NJPW Strong and starts immediately with Private Party, Poison Rana on Quen, Spanish Fly on Kassidy, botches the first but hits the second rebound stunner on Hardy, the Man of the Hour is the only one standing. Rush looks to try and dump Private Party, they try the Silly String but Rush puts Quen back on Kassidy, he looks to add the weight but Hardy eliminates him, saving Private Party and kinda rendering the Joker meaningless, a half-hearted 'sorry, Lio' from JR too. Back to how it was before Lio came in, Hardy Party dealing with the faces, doing some 'Delete!' chants as Hardy hits JB with a Side Effect, JB though hits the rebound Clothesline so Quen attacks, JB is on the apron but Christian has come in, Private Party try the Silly String again but JB superkicks Kassidy off him and sweeps Quen for Christian to dropkick him, the turns have tabled! Hardy tries to establish veteran teamwork against Christian, Christian looks to agree then just throws Hardy out to a big pop. It comes down to Jungle Boy or Christian Cage, it really sells on JB's face what a moment it is. Christian tries for a quick throw over but JB goes to the corner, the crowd chanting his theme song, Flying Uppercut by Christian but JB gets his Enzugiri combo, rebound clothesline is reversed into a reverse DDT, Christian favors the knee but sizes JB up for the Spear, JB lifts him though and tries to DVD him off, but Christian shifts his weight back in-ring, Christian throws JB onto the apron, but JB latches onto Christian, trying the slow DDT-drag but now both are on the apron. JB tries to get in the ring but Christian grabs the hair, JB (sitting on the middle rope) leans back to kick him in the face, he knocks away one hand, goes to boot the other but Christian dodges, sets up the Killswitch but JB elbows out, goes to push him into the ring post but JB SWINGS AROUND IT and back into the ring. Christian tries the dropkick but JB headbutts him in the gut, tries the back body press AND HE'S OUT! JUNGLE BOY WINS!
The crowd erupts in Baltimora as Jurassic Express congratulate their stablemate, Christian returns and congratulates JB, telling him to make the most of his opportunity. I am physically sweating right now. Battle Royales are tough to get right unless it's called 'Royal Rumble', even then the CBR did fail in some places of not giving some younger talent enough time. Hardy eliminated a lot of younger talent which while it's a storyline sense because he's the Leech didn't sit too well, once again Evil Uno gets slighted but at least he didn't botch his elimination. Lio Rush as a Joker would've been fine but he came in, had a flurry and then got eliminated so nothing really changed, I know a lot were hoping for Daniel Bryan and lawd would it have blown the roof off but I am fine with a Forbidden Door entry, should've at least gotten one person - I had hoped the Joker would be the winner too. I really appreciate though that Christian didn't win, he still has his mini feud with Hobbs which is elevating the dude big time, and I don't think winning a royale to get a title shot fits for his 'Out-Work Everyone' Mantra and I was convinced he was gonna win after being the first to enter, Jungle Boy though is a thoroughly deserved winner, this dude was bouncing off all manner of things! He has been a proverbial bridesmaid in royales because of how good a babyface he is and while I doubt he'll beat the champion this can act as a similar saga that Darby had when Moxley was champ.
In prep for the Patriotism match Shawn Dean - a veteran himself - and the K9 for Warriors group while respecting the fallen and showing a number to support the Paws Act S.613, which will help Disabled Veterans get Service Dogs to combat Veteran Suicides. Blatant placement to make Cody the face aside, this act should be a thing. But of course, this leads to USA chants and a very American veteran's package which I thought was preluding Cody's entrance to start. I have...thoughts...but not ones I'm going to rant about.
'The American Dream' Cody Rhodes [w/Arn Anderson] def. Anthony Ogogo [w/QT Marshall] (Pinfall via Din's Fire) Ogogo enters to weak boos carrying the Union Jack, it seems that some fans have been handed mini-USA flags too. Ogogo's entrance is short because Cody comes in with the tron showing the American flag, Cody is VERY red white and blue, with some gold in there too, it's not Apollo Creed level but if you stuck that attire in a fighting game you'd tell that they were the American. The announcer really hammed up both men too, but while Ogogo's is worth noting since he is an Olympic medallist I don't think Cody's needed the 'he's the son of a common man and a father to be', I would actually have been intrigued to watch this match with an American because as a Brit this is super excessive and pandering. Cody hands his weighted USA belt to a kid in the crowd and at this point Cody's entrance has lasted 2x longer than Ogogo's did. A tale of the tape also kinda undermined Ogogo, 'The East of England'? He's from Suffolk just say Suffolk, England. The Bell rings and Ogogo goes straight for the hammer, Cody ducks and does the Boxer-hugging thing to stop punches. Ogogo tries another punch but Cody catches and tries to wrench it, being knocked away he does the drop uppercut but then runs right into the Guv'nor's Hammer, but Cody is a patriot, we all knew he would stand up from that. Olympic Slam hits 2 as Cody catches his breath, he dodges the corner charge and hits the powerslam but now both men's ribs are hurt. Cody knees at Ogogo's ribs, but Ogogo shows his athleticism, leapfrogs Cody then stomps him down. He tries for a punch but Cody grabs the leg to knock him down, Cattle Mutilation weakens the arms but doesn't get the submission as he rolls out the ring, Cody tries a dive but gets clubbed in the arm. German from Ogogo, kick to the gut, then kinda a heelish People's Elbow - he middle finger'd the crowd and did the wanker gesture then hit the elbow - but it's only getting 2s. Cody grabs the leg but Ogogo rakes the eye, corner European Uppercut and a Clothesline from Hell, as Ogogo talks to the ref QT suckers Cody but it only gets 2. Anderson chases QT with a chair to prevent him from interfering again, QT scurrying to the ramp to avoid the Enforcer. Ogogo misses the...let's call it The Empire's Elbow as Cody goes for the hands, Ogogo lifts him up though to a F-5/chokeslam kinda move for 2. He boots Ogogo in the face and looks for the lariat but Ogogo just sidesteps him and throws Cody into the ropes, Cody then quickly rushes to Arn for encouragement - for a brief moment I thought he got whiplash or his throat got crushed because that was a nasty rebound. QT is busted open, likely bladed by QT, as he tries for another punch, Cody though keeps kicking away, picking at each limb and then the Bulldog (ironic), Cody clubs at the open wound and hits the Cody Cutter, he puts him on the top turnbuckle but Ogogo punches him away, he gets down but gets back up on the turnbuckle so he probably forgot his position for a bit but he lands an impressive Frog Splash, the injured ribs means that Cody kicks out at 2. Cody hits a dropkick and puts in the Figure Four, QT tries to pull the ropes to Ogogo but it's too far so Ogogo rolls, Cody breaks the hold and goes to the ropes, headbutts blindly at Ogogo and sets up the Cross-Rhodes, but Ogogo snapmares him, Guv'nor's Hammer, Uppercut, but as he pins Cody's arm is under the ropes. Dominator, 1, 2, no...He tries the Pop-Up Guv'nor's Hammer but Cody elbows at his head, Din's Fire for 3. Cody jumps in the crowd to celebrate.
*sigh* Yes, let's not put over Anthony Ogogo in victory, not like Cody has a child he'll wanna take care of and thus be written out of tv. It went how I feared it would really, Cody shrugs off 3 gut punches that have KO'd him before AND AN UPPERCUT from an Olympic Boxer who KO's people for 10 seconds rather than 3 because 'Murica and Memorial Day Weekend, could QT have not moved Cody's arm from under the ropes? Or told Ogogo of that fact? I'm sorry but I didn't feel this, it doesn't ruin the PPV but this match should've ended on the first gut punch, but Cody is Cody, he doesn't lose clean unless he gets a win back and he's only ever done that once - I just hoped this'd be different. This feud didn't need the America vs UK stuff, but Ogogo really makes the valid points about the failings of America's healthcare system and how the foundation of America is built on underpaying and overworking the lower class while Cody's argument is 'my wife is black', but Cody is the face. This narrative also was hampered by the fact that Cody beat QT - the faction leader - previously too, so what was the point of putting his less-experienced student against Cody if he wasn't gonna win? As a match it was a good showcase to what Ogogo could do, but booking wise this only benefits the uber-patriots and Cody's ego, especially since he didn't even land a Cross Rhodes he used Din's Fire which hasn't beaten anyone in AEW nor does it affect any of the 'injured' spots alluded to in the match, the worst thing he got before that was a cutter, so sorry but no don't buy.
We move to setting up the TNT title match as it's noted that in a prior fans-only weigh in between Baker and Shida, Miro cheap shotted Jake the Snake.
TNT Championship: Miro (c) def. Lance Archer (Submission via Game Over) Archer charged in without Jake, scaring the announcer since he hadn't brought any jobbers with him, Miro next comes in with the TNT title colors. Before the match even starts though Archer dives at Miro, throwing him in the ring to begin the match. After some running corner clotheslines Miro tries to clothesline Archer, neither man budges though so Archer hits the big boot, he does his Old School Moonsault but only gets 1. Miro takes advantage outside the ring by hitting Archer with the barricade, but when trying to use Archer's hair as leverage Archer comes back, hitting Miro on the ring post, a table then a spinebuster through that table. Miro leaves the ring but Archer goes for the charge, he's caught though and belly-to-belly'd into Fuego del Sol and friends, Northern Lights back over the Guardrail and Miro takes advantage, he takes a bit too long to soak in his strength though as Archer crossbodies into his charge, Miro gets back the momentum with the leg lariat as he amps the crowd for some Yes Kicks - while holding Archer's hair - his third one though is caught and I think they called it a 'Hellercoaster' is hit, only gets 2. Archer goes up top, but misses the Moonsault, Matchka Kick, Samoan Drop, 1, 2, no. Miro sets up another Matchka but Jake the Snake is in, with the snake bag in hand, Miro drags Jake in and superkicks Archer, he then grabs the snake bag and throws it all the way back down the tunnel - rather he had stomped it first like Earthquake killed Jake's original snake. Eyes like Death Miro prepares to finish Jake off, but runs into a chokeslam by Archer, 1, 2, No. Miro's on the turnbuckle clubbing at Archer, Archer sets up the Black Out but Miro gets out, chopping the tree at the legs but then gets hit with a Pounce. As Archer attempts to enter the ring he grabs Miro with a chokeslam in mind, but Miro kicks the middle rope so it hits the nether region, suplex into the ring by Miro, Matchka and then Game Over is announced. Archer struggles before Miro can lock in and as Miro tries to cinch back it's proven that Archer's knees are in the way. Miro kicks at the kidneys then pulls back, Archer now laying on Miro as the Game Over fades him. Miro rallies the crowd as he gleefully celebrates his successful defense.
Nice little TNT title match, I think it did well to cleanse any sour palettes that the last match begot. Archer is sadly in the same case as Kingston where he does keep losing but at least here they had a pseudo-low blow to protect him. Miro's reign continues which is a positive though the snake stuff probably wasn't needed.
A promo for All Out returning to Chicago is made, Cody announcing it probably not the best call either, there are other EVPs, how about World Champion Kenny Omega?
AEW Women's Championship: Dr. Britt Baker DMD [w/Rebel 'Reba' Tanea] def Hikaru Shida (c) (Submission via Lockjaw) - TITLE CHANGE! The show wasted no time getting this started, no promo package at all. Baker came in to a huge pop clad in red and black as Reba feigned walking with a crutch. Shida arrives clad beautifully in white with the new Women's Title (Bigger is better but I still think it could be wider). While it didn't get a package it got an announcement, allowing the crowd to cheer both women, but the DMD chant was louder. Staring down each other, the match immediately explodes, clubbing blows from both but then Baker rolls for the Lockjaw, Shida escapes and tries the Tamashii but Baker dodges. Baker takes control and gets a snapmare pin, but then Shida powers out, stretching Baker with the Bow and Arrow, then a Bodyscissors, then a shoulder stretch, Baker escapes the dropkick though and catches Shida with a kick when re-entering the ring, she holds the hammerlock but gets thrusted into the turnbuckle, a fantastic rana from Shida and then a dropkick lands, Baker is thrown into the barricade as Shida sets up the Chair-assisted knee strike. Baker looks to reverse it into a Sling Blade but Shida dodges by jumping onto the apron, diving crossbody takes out Reba and Shida sets up the apron knee-lift, but Baker kicks Shida during her charge. Baker resumes control by attacking the head, stomps and punches, Shida tries to reverse into an arm drag but Shida then hits the curb stomp (the one where she holds the arms not the Rollins one), Reba brandishes a black and red sparkling glove as Baker prepares for Lockjaw but Shida rolls away, Baker hits the butterfly suplex for 2 twice and lays into Shida, Shida gets a foot up but Baker sweeps her face first into the turnbuckle for 2. Shida catches one of Baker's mock kicks as she starts to heat up, two hits in the face sets her off as she goes to town on Baker, sweeping her leg to club at her some more. Headshots into the turnbuckle, 3 knee strikes and a stretch at the nose, she looks for the Falcon Arrow but Baker sandbags and tries to roll away, but Shida rolls with and hits the normal suplex for 2, Tamashii to the back of the head - Reba unable to grab the leg - 1, 2, no. Shida tries Falcon Arrow but Baker hooks the leg to try a Fisherman's Buster, Shida escapes with some knees to the gut as they trade punches, Baker kicks the thigh but Shida hits the Enzugiri, low superkick by Baker and a Fisherman's Neckbreaker gets 2. Baker tries to get the Rollins-esque Curb Stomp but Shida catches her into the Stretch Muffler but Baker gets to the ropes, Superkick and Sling Blade gets Shida as her emotions are running high against the ref, Air Raid Crash for 2, she sets up for Lockjaw but Shida is crawling for the ropes, so Baker cleverly switches sides but can't get the Mandible Claw in, in Sasha Banks fashion she kicks the ropes to roll them both into the ring but Shida's on her feet, Baker looks like she yanked the hair to get off. Both trade yanking at the hair, Shida hits the German, a Sliding Lariat for 2. It may've been a botch because I think Shida was trying to do Colt Cabana's finish when you drop someone into the turnbuckle corner but it was easily sold as Baker wriggling out, instead we get a In and Out Superplex by Shida for 2, she lifts Baker to try again but Baker rolls her up for 2, Shida gets the Stretch Muffler so Reba distracts her with the title, scouting the crutch though Shida side steps Baker and Baker gets cracked by the crutch, 1, 2, No! Falcon Arrow, 1, 2, No! Shida sets up the Katana but Reba distracts her and the ref, Baker grabs the title, Shida takes it off of her, Baker superkicks, Curb Stomp on the title, 1, 2, NO! Tony cannot believe it! I can't either! Baker goes for Lockjaw but Shida rolls up for 2, jumping Knee strike by a wobbly Shida, Tamashii! 1, 2, No! Baker rolls Shida up, 1, 2, No! Baker has the Lockjaw, gets the Mandible Claw and Shida taps! Reba comes to the ring to show a new shirt and Tony embraces Baker.
It had to happen, but by god...what is this show? Palette completely cleansed now the women killed it. My only complaint would be how quickly Shida tapped - and that she tapped at all - but it does really sell the Lockjaw well. Shida though, I will have no disrespect towards her, she has delivered all freaking year AND she was responsible for the eliminator tournament, Hikaru Shida is an AEW Legend, full stop. As for Baker, as I said it was indeed her time, Shida had beaten everyone in the division and now Baker can be at the top of the mountain, we can also now establish a ton of new challengers for Baker, like whoever takes it from her will be instantly elevated, will it be Rosa, Conti, Anna, Riho, Itoh, Leyla, Abadon, Statlander, Yuka? There are endless possibilities to look forward to.
We pan to each of the Triple Threat members in preparation for their match; PAC is working out, Cassidy is chilling with his Best Friends and Alien with ice cream, and Kenny is playing with a ball with all the titles around him - Callis holding the Impact World title is a nice touch.
Tag Match: Darby Allin & Sting def Ethan Page & Scorpio Sky (pinfall on Sky by Sting via Scorpion Death Drop) The team I like to call ScorpEgo enter first with their posturing before a package by Darby signifies 'It's Showtime', skating down the highway he this time enters a 50s car Sting is riding. Sting enters first with his snow and a huge pop from the crowd, Darby soon after with the Sting-inspired paint. Darby gets in the ring, then dives right at Page (seems to be a theme this PPV) to instigate a brawl on the outside. Darby using his full body to crush Page by the guardrail before rabidly attacking him with the rail and then hopping on him like an animal while Sting and Sky (Scorpion vs Scorpio) go to the rampway. Sky rakes Sting's eye and hits 60 Year Old Sting on the rampway (the red carpet must be obvious padding) as Page crushes Darby between the apron, but Sting immediately gets back up as Sky poses on the poker chips and throws Sky off the stack and into Page. Sting takes off his sweater and there's the old ring attire, diving crossbody! The crowd goes wild! Sky gets thrown into the ring to start the match as Sting throws Darby into Sky, then again into Page, before hitting a bulldog. The duo isolate sky with an armlock and quick tags, Darby tries the armbar but Sky powers out, he looks to jump off the top rope but Page cuts the legs from under him, making an innocent shiteating gesture as the crowd boo him. In and out cutter by Sky puts the heels in control, Page toys with Darby as Excalibur notes on their shared history outside of AEW. Sky tags in to bend Darby with a backbreaker and a stretch, but Darby goes for the fingers to escape, only to be hit by Page's elbow drop after Sky tagged him in while still locking Darby down, Page mocks Sting before hitting a suplex, Sky tags in and sends Darby into the corner as Page rakes him, Darby tries to kick but Sky catches it and swings him for a Draping Neckbreaker but Darby flips over and tags in Sting. As Sting goes to clean up though Aubrey dismisses Sting, having not seen the tag due to Page's attacks against Darby, Sky drags Darby from outside the ring back into his corner and tags Page back in, Page mocks Sting by extending Darby's hand, picks him up for a gorilla press and JESUS CHRIST ETHAN! The dude throws Darby into the crowd, and you hear where Darby's legs clip the barricade that was close. It turns out that the people who caught him included Darby's brothers as Page just looks insane. Sting drags the limp body of Darby from the barricade as Aubrey is forced to start the count, Sting torn between protecting his successor and continuing the fight as Page goads him into bringing Darby back into the ring with him. He tries to lift Darby but he can't do it in his heart, the count gets to 9 as he drops Darby and looks to charge into the ring alone, but then Darby just darts back inside the ring on his own. Page drags Darby back into his corner, mocking Sting for too long, because when he sets up the Ego's edge Darby kicks Sky off the apron and uses the turnbuckle to lock his legs around, he scraps out and applies the backpack sleeper, pulling Page's arms under his legs so he can't reach Sky. Page breaks the hold by charging into the turnbuckle, but Darby replies with the flip stunner and finally tags in Sting. Sting clubs at Sky and whips him into Page, then whips him into the other corner for a Stinger Splash, then another to Page, he clotheslines Sky out the ring then hits a rolling 'code red' onto Page for 2 (it was more a sunset roll but still really impressive). Darby asks to be tagged for the Coffin Drop by Sky cuts the legs from under him, Page then winds Sting with some kicks, with Sting on the floor and Darby on the turnbuckle, Page throws Darby into Sting like a Swanton, maintaining wrist control to set up the Ego's Edge, it looks like he's gonna drop Darby on Sting but Sting pops up and gets the Scorpion Deathlock in. Sting is not legal, but Darby adds to the hold with the armbar, Sky though gets the heel lock in, so now both legal men are being
subjected to submissions by the illegal men, slapping at each other and gouging at the eyes as Aubrey tries to reclaim control. At 4 she pushes Sting away and Sky breaks the hold, Sting and Sky square up but Aubrey sends both to their respective corners. Page and Darby tag in to set up Sky and Sting - JR noting the Scorpion/Scorpio comment I said too, quit stealing my lines JR - Sky keeps chopping at the legs but Sting rallies, he tries the Stinger Splash but Sky goes for the In and Out Cutter, Sting catches it, Scorpion Death Drop, 1, 2, 3! Sting pulls Darby back into the ring to celebrate.
Really good match, Sting really showed his stuff and AEW did really well to mask any limitations he might've had. Sky and Page worked great too aside from that throwing spot which scared the shit outta me. I had ScorpEgo to win by neutralizing Darby because they were undefeated, there looked to be a Dark Order feud on the horizon and I did have a lot of babyface win predictions (in this I'm including Ogogo as a face, because he was) but I am not upset with Sting and Darby getting another win. I will say however that this needs to lead somewhere, and not just Archer interrupting Sting interviews it actually has to lead to something tangible, even if it's Darby getting a rematch so he can face Miro at 100%.
We get out World Title package now for the first of our co-main events.
AEW World Championship: Kenny Omega [w/Don Callis] (c) def. PAC & Orange Cassidy [w/Best Friends & Kris Statlander] (Pinfall on Cassidy via Crucifix Roll-up) PAC enters first, he doesn't go to the turnbuckle though and he's not with his Death Triangle buddies, OC though comes with his squad, a chekov's backpack and Statlander looking extra beautiful - her outfit seems to be an alien homage but I dunno which one, Kenny then comes out draped in gold; AEW title on his waist, TNA on his chest, and the AAA and Impact titles in his hands. Also Unbeaten in 638 days...we not including Impact where he lost in tag action? The bell rings and PAC tries to go for Kenny, but hides in the ropes before jumping OC. PAC and Kenny square off in the ring, trading blows off the rebound before wiping each other out with simultaneous crossbodies, OC struts back in, casually pins both men each time for 1, both men get up and try attack him while he gestures for the pockets, but OC ducks and hits a double rana. PAC leaves the ring leaving just Kenny but OC does the suicide dive on PAC and a tilt-a-whirl DDT on Omega, more emphatic cover for 2, he gestures the Orange Punch but Kenny goes in close, PAC returns and ejects Kenny with a Headscissors, then an Asai Moonsault before tending to OC in the ring. PAC tries to choke OC in the corner, Shotgun Dropkick to OC, then to Omega, then to both, now he chokes Kenny in the corner, Kenny whips PAC into OC but his running back elbow only hits Cassidy, he seats Cassidy on the middle turnbuckle and hits PAC with the You Can't Escape while hitting OC with the backstabber. Kenny continues his focus on PAC, dragging his face across the ropes then hitting the backdrop for 2, chops piss off PAC though and they trade blows, PAC asks if that's all he has so Kenny replies by shoving PAC into the turnbuckle with his boot, he talks shit to PAC but as he turns OC is doing a Last Supper rollup, only two! Kenny hits a Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker as PAC rolls out the ring, Kenny gets a gutbuster and mocks the Freshly Squeezed Chants with the thumbs up, he throws Cassidy to the ropes but he grips on, hits and elbow but PAC slides OC under the ring and then gets hit with Kenny's baseball dropkick then hits both with his diving tope. He pulls OC into the ring, sets him up for a suplex but gets countered into a Stundog Millionaire, he sets up the Beach Break but Kenny tries the sunset roll, OC sits down to pin him but they see-saw back and forth with pins, OC tries the Jacknife pin, Kenny gets each shoulder up but on the third PAC breaks the pin with a 450. Pac leapfrogs over Kenny on the springboard but gets hit with a Snap Dragon Suplex, two for OC as well, both opponents are on the ropes, V-Trigger for OC but PAC dodges and hits the German, blocks the Superkick but not PAC's boot, Kenny uses OC to block PAC's momentum and tries another Snap Dragon, but PAC wriggles out, he goes for a superkick but Kenny ducks and it hits OC instead while Kenny swings a Lariat. Another V-Trigger to OC this time on the turnbuckle, he sets up for an Avalanche Snap Dragon Suplex but OC is fighting, the crowd sense it as he lowers his hands, inching to his pockets, Kenny tries to torque back but he gets them in there, and is unable to get them out, in his struggle PAC leaps up and Avalanche German's Kenny, PAC rolls out the ring but OC hits him with a diving flip. He goes back into the ring for Kenny but gets a kick in the gut, Kenny unpockets him and hits the Tiger Driver 98, 1, 2, No. PAC is on the apron, ready to springboard on Kenny, but as he jumps Kenny catches him and sets up the OWA, PAC shifts himself though and tries to flip him, but Kenny catches him and does a bridging German Suplex for 2. Kenny pulls down the Knee Pad and strikes OC with a couple of knee shots, on the third OC puts in his pockets and then collapses, giving PAC time to recover, but Kenny hits a knee onto him, he rebounds off the ropes but OC pushes PAC out the way and hits the powerslam, PAC then hits OC with the Brainbuster, 1, 2, No. PAC is growing even more
brooding as he sets OC up for a delayed Superplex, but Kenny breaks it up - OC falls real hard off the apron though, he did not get any grips on that - and sets up the OWA again, but he's climbing the turnbuckle...he looks to finish PAC but he reverses into a sunset bomb, Avalanche Falcon Arrow but OC has stormed the ring, thrown PAC out to pin, 1, 2, NO! Callis choking in fear. Kenny's out of it and PAC and OC are in the ring, OC goes for his deadly shin kicks but PAC just low blows him like a BASTARD, all fair in triple threat rules. Twisting tope to Kenny then setting up for the Black Arrow, he hits it, 1, 2, Kenny breaks the pin! PAC goes for Kenny this time, sets him up for the Black Arrow, but this one he misses, Kenny sets up the OWA but PAC locks in the Brutalizer! The thing that KO'd Kenny last time weakens Kenny but OC comes in with a wild swing that's probably meant to be the Orange Punch, in the rebound from the ropes PAC is dumped out the ring, Beach Break! 1, 2, NO! PAC rushes back in and tries to low blow OC but he catches it, PAC goes for the powerbomb but OC flips out of it, Orange Punch! Kenny's setting up the V-Trigger though, OC dodges it, Orange Punch to Kenny! Callis has left the announcer's table, OC picks his corner, hits PAC with the Orange Punch again, 1, 2, Callis pulls out the ref. I hate ref pulls to be honest, I don't get why that stops a count, you could just tap from the apron, but it serves as a means here. Callis is arguing with the ref as KiLynn King stands out from afar, Callis turns and is met by a very bewildered OC. Callis flinches away but OC goes to the top turnbuckle, Kenny grabs his leg and climbs up, but OC headbutts him away, he tries to hit PAC with the diving DDT but PAC catches him, Northern Lights with wrist control, rolled over and now the Brutalizer to OC. Kenny stomps on PAC's head but PAC won't break the hold, OC is fading and there's no rules about breaking a hold, so Kenny attacks the ref. Spoiled for choice, Callis picks to throw the Impact title to Kenny, who cracks PAC with it, then again with the AAA Mega Championship, then with the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, and finally with the AEW world title, as he postures though OC hits an Orange Punch, he crawls for a pin and Aubrey darts in, 1, 2, No Kenny's rolled him, 1, 2, 3! The Bucks, Gallows & Anderson celebrate with Kenny as OC looks on in lament, probably could've stayed there a little longer.
Really good match, shenaniganry was expected of course and I feel like the finish could've been a bit more but OC did endure a shit ton of abuse earlier to warrant exhaustion, it protects him and PAC that it took so much to be inches from a win, for AEW's first triple threat for the World Title it was really good but honestly, nobody expected Kenny to lose and when they did it was 6 seconds before he did win.
An ad for Full Gear in St. Louis is set for a Saturday Night in November as JR and Excalibur talk about going back on the road. Tony announces that AEW Rampage will debut on August 17th and that they have signed a 'special analyst' and his name: Mark Henry. No Salmon Suit but a big pop for the World's Strongest Man, he'll be appearing on the Next Dynamite on Friday, the card will also have the Inevitable Bullrope Match, the Bucks will take on Death Triangle (PAC and Penta), Cody and Lee Johnson will face QT and Ogogo - where Ogogo will likely get his win back without Cody taking a fall - and Baker will have a Championship Ceremony. Two weeks from now as well Jungle Boy will get his title match.
Stadium Stampede: Inner Circle [Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara, Jake Hager, Santana & Ortiz] def. The Pinnacle [MJF, Wardlow, Shawn Spears & FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) w/Tully Blanchard] (pinfall on Spears by Guevara via 630) MJF enters first in a white limo dressed for a street fight, cutting a promo on the camera that the Inner Circle should be scared because it's the end of the line. Judas hits though and the Inner Circle are seen abseiling down the Jacksonville arena Scoreboard - showing the Inner Circle logo, Jericho still in his arm cast as coherent Judas-ing is heard from the crowd. MJF is noticeably alone though as IC charge him, he flees to his limo, but there's a reason MJF was alone, the rest of the Pinnacle fly in on truck to ambush the Inner Circle, going for their obvious parallels. Sammy and Spears start in the ring as the camera struggles to keep up, Hager was gonna stick Wardlow's head in an oil drum fire as Santana gets thrown into a barricade wall. Guevara hits the cutter and boots Wardlow on the outside, this distracts him enough for Spears to roll away from the Shooting Star Press and hit the Blue Thunder Bomb on Sammy. Sheepishly, MJF slithers out the limo but Jericho has been waiting for him behind the car as they tee off on one another. As the tag teams climb the bleachers Jericho opens the boot to try and shut MJF in there, Jericho's cast is unraveling though as MJF knocks him away and grabs a fire extinguisher from the boot, blinding Jericho before running away. Jericho catches up as MJF asks to talk things out, punching MJF into a trash can, MJF retorts by throwing coffee in Jericho's face then hitting him with an old telephone (surprised the stadium still has those) while MJF makes a 'sorry can't come to the phone right now' joke. Raking the eyes MJF turns to face the camera, but Jericho then screams through a megaphone point blank at MJF to disorient him and sandwiches him with catering trays, he throws MJF towards a table but MJF slides under it, so Jericho crushes him in between it and whacks him with a Wet Floor sign. After another bin attack they run into another room which I guess had Jacksonville Jaguars staff (they said one was the coach), because they throw him some Pigskins to chuck at MJF, as well as a laptop. MJF rakes the eyes but misses the helmet shot, Jericho gets a roller chair and charges MJF out the door, over the rail and into a conveniently placed catering table. MJF goes for the arm but Jericho hits MJF with a flip of the white board, stalking MJF as he crawls away before charging him out the door. In the back room, Wardlow and Hager are throwing some MMA style punches, Wardlow catches a kick and throws Hager into some boxes, then shuts him an the freezer room, Hager though stops the door from shutting and kicks Wardlow away only for Wardlow to weaponize those big oil cartons, Wardlow sets up the F-5000 but Wardlow escapes and they both charge into the freezer room, a gruesome sight of a vertically bisected pig was not appreciated. Wardlow grabs an icicle like a shiv but Hager hits an Uranage onto a trolley of boxes before hitting his back with a plastic tray as they leave the freezer. Hager knocks Wardlow back with his strikes but hits a giant locker which Wardlow throws into him - the locker has a literal dent in it too - groggy, Hager talks shit but gets socked by Wardlow's punch, Hager throws up the middle finger so Wardlow gets a knee to the gut, Hager didn't hear no bell though and flips off Wardlow some more, leading to Wardlow spearing him through a gimmicked wall into the kitchen. Over to Sammy and he's searching for Spears, he hears a noise and the lights go dark, in the middle is Spears, the Chair Man, in the Chair Room. The brawl falls in Sammy's favour due to his speed and ability to use the chairs as a launch pad, but Spears pokes the eye and boots him off a chair to regain momentum. He tries to throw Sammy into a wall but Sammy pops the crowd by backflipping off the wall, kicking Spears and then kipping up it was ridiculous. Knee strike off a Forklift
then a dropkick through the Forklift's cockpit, he tries for the crossbody though and gets caught, Lawn Darted into a metal screen as Tony reminisces about Kevin Nash almost murdering Rey Mysterio. Seeing some tools Spears is spoiled for choice, he doesn't like the bolt cutters and grabs the chair, nonchalantly strutting until Sammy just bullets himself into a knee strike. They end up into the construction warehouse with a chekov's ladder, Guevara is hit onto the same Scissor Lift that he had the Infamous Matt Hardy match with as Spears looks for wires, Sammy though leaps out and chokes Spears with his own wires, prone, Sammy sees how tall those shelves are and sets Spears up, he climbs to the top but Spears rolls away, Sammy jumps down parkour style but runs into chekov's ladder. Spears then brandishes handcuffs and locks him against the shelving, giving him the finger and walking away. As Sammy struggles though he notices some bolt cutters. We move to the bar with that notorious brand 'Vodka' having bottles on the table. Santana and Ortiz are approaching FTR and Tully who are having a casual drink, Santana breaks a glass over some innocent bystanders while FTR throw away Jake St. Patrick and friend, all coming together to one table, where Tully sets out 4 glasses of the Vodka Brand. Seems this is our Hangman/Hager segment as they down the Vodka, the DJ stops though as we zoom in - It's Konnan! - the table flips and the brawl commences. Our first ever cover of the night comes when Ortiz hits Harwood with a tray for 2, before choking him with the same tray, Tully comes in with a pipe to blindside Ortiz but Konnan stops him and gets hit in the gut by Ortiz. Santana comes to group up on the horseman, Santana hitting him on the head with a plastic dinner knife, but FTR jump the duo; Santana is whipping Wheeler with his belt but Harwood is hitting Ortiz with a bin, Santana dives at Wheeler for two as Harwood and Ortiz are engaging in fisticuffs, Ortiz gets the upper hand and hammers him with a traditional wrestling trash can, Wheeler though comes in and throws bottles at Ortiz from afar, he's tackled by Santana which triggers the elevator which they sprawl into. Back to Wardlow and Hager and the War Dog is stalking Hager, Hager dodges a wooden tray being thrown on him and evades Wardlow with those buoy things before getting Wardlow with a punch, he's thrown into the famous golf kart though as they set up on the roof, Wardlow looks to powerbomb him but Hager low blows him, chokeslamming him through a bunkhouse. In the VIP area Jericho and MJF still brawl, MJF wrenches Jericho's injured arm but the veteran kicks him away, MJF hurts his own hand by punching a cut-out of Shahid Khan, which Jericho then weaponizes and pats on the head, MJF then swings a door into Jericho's face and increases pressure on the arm, Jericho though repays the favour and staples a thank you card onto MJF's head. A superman punch sets them up on the table and MJF hits a piledriver for 2, he grabs the hammer and aims for the arm but Jericho hits him with a mini-bin, he opens a cabinet to brandish his baseball bat and ping it on MJF's head, neck and stomach. MJF then goes through the glass of a door busting him open. Back to Spears and he's looking for Tully, but he's found the Inner Circle's 'motorcycle club' (that's a thing?) and gets chased down by them, exiting into the Trades Office. MJF is dragged to the rafters of Daily's Place, going through the crowd as MJF is atomic dropped into the railing. MJF though attacks the arm with the railing and removes the cast entirely, looking to throw Jericho off the rafters, Jericho escapes and hits MJF with a heavy spotlight, then Powerbomb through a box. Spears is arriving in Daily's Place too, he looks to his side and it's waiting for him: this time, Sammy's at the wheel of the Golf Kart and gets all of Spears with it. Sammy and Spears enter the ring - Sammy with a chair - but Spears lifts him up, Sammy escapes and hits an Enzugiri, gestures the audience but gets wiped out mid-launch with a chair shot! 1, 2,
No. Spears picks up his favoured weapon again, but Sammy gives him the middle finger, Spears cracks Sammy with the chair, 1, 2, No! Spears is absolutely perplexed how that didn't work, so he prepares the corner spot he did on the Pinnacle's debut. Dragging Sammy over is labored but it gives Sammy time to lift him for the GTH, now Spears is in position for the Chair stomp and gets it - although not as impressively - 630! 1, 2, 3! The rest of the Inner Circle come down to celebrate, embracing Sammy - who was responsible for losing Blood & Guts remember - as the crowd sing along to Judas. Pyro goes off as the Inner Circle do their usual middle finger. The music stops but the chanting keeps going, and our final image is the crowd finishing Judas with the Inner Circle.
Well that was as entertaining as the last, I do have minor qualms like how FTR just kinda disappeared, you'd think they'd come back given that we last saw them in the elevator, I think it would've been much more satisfying for MJF to have taken the pin as well. Sammy getting the win was absolutely correct in story but booking consistently does wrong by Spears taking the fall, he's already considered the weak link of the Pinnacle so taking the fall doesn't do anything to disprove that. At the very least though the Inner Circle send the fans home happy.
Conclusion My god, what a show. From the moment Deeb/Riho's match started to when Stadium Stampede ended it was one hell of a wrestling show, one of the best PPVs of the year for sure. AEW delivered in spades having at least two 5-Star matches in my opinion, in a rating I would give this 9.7 out of 10. Why not 10? Well, there were some minor tarnishes from the bloating of promo packages with the Buy In - the only reason you should have 1 match on a pre-show is if it's a big Battle Royale, the Buy In should be treated like Rampage, 1 hour of wrestling and build up to the PPV - since we could've fit at least 2 more 10-15 minute matches in there, Lio Rush's uneventful Joker entry in the CBR and Cody beating Ogogo after withstanding several of Ogogo's punches because patriotism. But frankly those are my only major complaints, otherwise it was a pulsating and emphatic show, even surprising us with a Jungle Boy win and Mark Henry joining as a Coach and Analyst. The Era of DMD begins, the Elite and the Inner Circle live on, Hangman gets back his spot, and Sting turned back the clock, what more can you ask for?
Absolutely All Elite.
2 notes · View notes
chrysaliseuro2019 · 5 years
Monopoli 1
We got to Monopoli around 3.30 with various stops and the fun commenced of looking for somewhere to stay. We had a couple of booking.com leads but wanted to check them out first. It’s always difficult when you get varying reports or in fact consistent ones but they say the same good things eg host very helpful and friendly but say nothing too much about the room eg might say clean and tidy but leave out “small”. You tend to look for what they may not have said rather than what they have said. Photographs of rooms a bit like photos of houses for sale always look a bit more glamorous and larger than they are in real life. So we approach this with a healthy level of dubiousness.
We had one lead in particular and after driving around the back streets for 20 mins or so trying to get close to it, with no luck, we parked up in what seemed like a residential area but 50 metres or so from the start of the old town. I stayed with the car as no parking signs and no markings on the street which could be a good or bad thing. Monopoli is one of those towns that has a residents only section by car and we were unsure if we were in it. Fines can be hefty if you transgress.
Liz headed off using google maps to locate the B&B. They were not responding to the phone. While she was gone I kept looking at booking.com and located another good possibility not far away from place 1. Liz called feeling very frustrated. Even on foot it was difficult to find. She was though very euphoric about the town saying how pretty it was. Luckily place No2 responded via phone and I arranged for the host to meet Liz at the property. Probably 45 mins has gone by by now. I am now in regular phone exchange with the guy (alessandro). They met up, Liz liked the property and 15 mins later they both rolled up at the car on foot. All in all probably an hour and half has gone by but we are in.
Property is in the old town. A small one with three units in it. We trundled the cases around there probably a good 10-12 minute walk with Alessandro’s help. Temperature was early 30s but felt like late 30s and we were glad to arrive. Really quite modern and spacious room. A bit more than we would like to pay but Alessandro told us where to free park so that saved some dosh. Also smack bang in the action perhaps about 200 metres from the main piazza though we face out to sea so quite quiet. From our window we can see the local fishing boats in the little harbour. Very pretty and tranquil.
We immediately took to Monopoli and decided to stay another day so booked for two. He did ask if we would like to book for 3 but we weren’t sure as time in Italy slipping away. It didn’t take too long though for us to feel convinced and later that evening we decided to make it a third night. Alessandro gave us a variety of eating recommendations for seafood, meat, varied cuisine and pizza. The ones we went to turned out well.
After showering we headed into town to explore. Didn’t get too far as we found a nice little outdoor bar looking out to sea just around the corner and planted ourselves. In one of those bizarre coincidences the couple sitting just behind us in the bar with a son aged around 11 were Aussies. Very interesting lifestyle, they live in Warsaw and he is a chef and previously had worked as a chef at M on the Bund restaurant in Shanghai owned by Melbournite Michelle Garnaut. They have been out of Australia for quite a while in fact their son was born in Shanghai. She is a marketing executive at the international school in Warsaw and previously was the same in Shanghai. Just when you think most Aussies live the same sort of lifestyle as you. We had a pleasant chat about Poland, China, Australia and holidays amongst other things. He also recommended a restaurant which they had been to where they had enjoyed the seafood. We decided we had to go there he was a chef after all.
We wandered around town for a while and booked the chef’ s recommendation for Wednesday night (it was closed on Tuesday) and also Alessandro’s seafood restaurant recommendation (Il Guazetto) for the following night. Funnily enough the Aussies were eating there as we booked. It looked like we were stalking them.
Just had to sort out tonight. We looked at a few places and were thinking Pizza. After drawing a blank at one of Alessandro’s recommendations, as we did not want to sit inside on a hot night and all outside tables taken, we went to another - Ai Portici. Pretty solid without being gourmet. Also thought that we are pretty spoiled for good pizza in Melbourne especially around Carlton/Fitzroy way.
A really pleasant evening and we had a stroll around soaking up the atmosphere. It’s one of those pinch yourself locations. Nowhere near as frenetic as some of the places we have been though plenty of people floating about. We were also to come to think that this must be one of the most difficult places to navigate on foot. Only locals can drive in the old city but it is a veritable maze of narrow streets. They often lead into cul de sac little squares where the locals might be sitting out on the steps or chairs nattering to each other. You get the impression that they would prefer we didn’t intrude. They never really offer a greeting first or ask you if you are lost ( I guess that’s obvious). They just look at you as you beat a retreat and carry on with their natter. Don’t blame them really. One thing we came to think was that this place would change over the coming years and we were glad we were here now.
Next day was a very relaxed start. Our accommodation is a large one bedroom apartment though with kitchen facilities and eating area downstairs shared with the other two apartments (kitchen - what’s that? - we didn’t trouble the facilities). Breakfast is included in the tariff. That is available at the restaurant right outside our front door which is in a small piazza. We really liked the guys who ran it. They had helped Liz located the premises on Day 1 and were good fun to chat to and very pleasant. One of them had lived in Sydney for 11 years but was now back home to run the restaurant with his brothers. He had retained his permanent residency though and wasn’t ruling out returning. He confirmed our suspicions that the town was undergoing rapid change with more and more people seeking to rent out their homes which obviously diminished progressively the number of residents. Get here quick was the message.
Breakfast was a relatively humble affair. One cup of tea, freshly squeezed orange juice and one croissant or toast with jam. None of the larger spreads which B&Bs and hotels offer even though we were paying a reasonably high price by our standards. Still I found the croissant which was crammed with jam v filling and Liz in the end resorted to the Vegemite on toast which we had packed much to the amusement of the Aussie guy. The Vegemite fascinate the other waiters at the restaurant and Liz persuaded two of them to try it. One kept a straight face and the other almost managed to, the grimace was mostly suppressed. He said he preferred Nutella.
Liz had one goal - to get to the beach. I also had one. We had spotted a barbers shop in town and I headed for the long awaited haircut. The barber was typical no doubt of a myriad of Italian barbers shops around the world. I was the only one in there. He spoke virtually no English but we conversed in the language of the barbers shop. Essentially though the message was make it short. He clipped and snipped away at great pace using the scissors and comb. Just when I thought that looks pretty right perhaps just a bit more off that one section there (which I pointed to) he got a new lease of life and out came the electric clippers and basically he gave me a number 2. Looking at all my futures in the space of 60 seconds. I liked it though though not sure what the missus will think (she liked it too or said she did). Certainly it’s tidy but there seems to be a lot of head.
That was really the first stanza over. He stuck the electric clippers in both ears to move that irritating hair growth. Sounded like a combine harvester in each ear and not just because of the crop growing there. Finished that off with the scissors. Got out a little electric contraption which he stuck up each nostril to remove the hair from there. Yuk I know! Then immediately used the same contraption to trim my eyebrows. This was good but I sat there wondering whether there had been any transference of matter from nostril to eyebrow and people would look at me with a what the heck’s that hanging down off your eyebrow. I hear it’s fashionable.
This was all done at frenetic pace. Next was the cutthroat razor which he applied to trim up bits of hair here and there and shave the neck. Absolutely fantastic. 10 euros about $17/18. I want to take him to Melbourne. Perhaps I can persuade Liz to work on nostril and ear hair.
Liz meanwhile had gone beach exploring and plumped for the town beach. This was a little cove with a very small amount of coarse sand but Liz had managed to find a handy nook up against the craggy retaining wall which provide us with shade. With our foam beach mats we could also sit upright leaning against it so we were very comfy. No umbrellas other than a few private ones that people had stuck in the sand here. Not that that matters too much to the locals. They bask in the sun in a way that Aussies are nervous about these days. No wonder so many are very brown.
I joined her post haircut and we whiled away the day not doing too much other than reading, blogging, sleeping, a bit of swimming etc. It was also fun to watch the locals go about their beach business. I had a bit of a reconnoitre in mid afternoon and duly got lost again wandering around the city but that was half the fun.
After a long afternoon on the beach we headed home for showers etc around 6.30 and post that for dinner. This was to Alessandro’s fish restaurant recommendation. Guazetto It was superb. I had baked sea bream in a crust of potato and zucchini which the waiter suggested as a local delicacy. It was sumptuous as Rick Stein would say. Liz had langoustine which was equally good but a bit on the low side volume wise. She got 6 fairly small ones though laid out very decoratively with their large shells. The paucity was exaggerated when she kindly offered me a bite and I thought she was offering me the whole item. This was not received well and I spent the rest of dinner trying to make up with bits of sea bream. As I write this blog Liz has had a whinge again so it resonated. Must say it did taste nice though.
Liz had not been able to get a drink she could handle at the restaurant so this was a good excuse to head to the city square and have a couple of drinks as the throng paraded past. Lovely temperature. Very relaxed atmosphere. What could be better. Washed down with a couple of gelatis as well. It had been a good day.
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jessflewitt · 6 years
27th December - 8th January
*Waitomocaves*Raglan*Tauranga*NYE*Coromandel*Rotorua*Lake Taupo*Tongariro Alpine Crossing* 27th December- After our Northland Trip we decided to head down to waitomo to see the famous glow worm cave. We booked on the tour in the morning and managed to squeeze into a tour the same day at 5.30. We had plenty of time to get down there, or so we thought. As we drove down, we hit crazy post Christmas traffic heading into the city. The time of arrival on the satnav kept on rising. It got a bit panicky but by the time we crossed the Auckland bridge we were through the worst of it. Crossing the bridge showed us how the city just sits on this bright turquoise water,amazing. We arrived to Waitomo in time for our afternoon tour. We met the guides at 5 and got suited and booted in our heavy wetsuits and wellies then jumped on the bus. After a safety demonstration of how to sit in a rubber ring and jump backwards of a platform, to train us for the waterfall, we got back on the bus and made our way to the caves. Our guides lead us through a small gap in the rocks and we plunged into darkness. Head torches on! We ducked and weaved our way through the 'labyrinth', which involved some squeezing through gaps and crawling through very fresh water. We started seeing the lights of the glow worms ever so often until we reached the water. We then sat in our rings and floated, with torches off, the walls illuminated with thousands of little lights, like a nights sky. In fact that's what the glow worms try to imitate to attract bugs to feast on! We bobbed our way through, having to get off to jump down a waterfall, maybe 2m drop, then bobbed our way to the exit. All in all, about 3 hours underground, good fun trip with good guides. All topped off with bagels and tomato soup :) Emily and Leo let us know they were going to Raglan to catch up with an Aunt and Uncle, that live in the UK but Tim was a Kiwi coming home for Christmas. We arrived before them so we stopped at a couple of waterfalls on the way. Bridal Veil Falls was definitely the most impressive, a tiny stream made a high misty waterfall that waved in the wind. After that we went for a look around the town. It was a fairly small seaside town that was bustling with holiday makers. We we walked the coast and along some black sand beaches. Watched the locals bridge jump and play on jet skis. That night we camped on a huge hill, car struggled a bit with the track but made it. You checked in at a huge boat turned home on the hill. We had dinner then went back into town and caught up with em, Leo and her family. Surprising news, they got engaged! We had some celebratory drinks and almost got them kicked out they're very harshly policed campsite! Jess found a mountain hike to fill our day with the next day, we invited the others but they didn't seem to keen. We realised why later, 6 hours later. Mount Karioi was a very solid 3 hours walk to the summit with a stop at a view point for a sandwich. It started with a step ascent through fields with great ocean views. Then it moved into a step jungle track with plenty of roots, which started off as an annoyance but by the end were needed for footholds and for pulling yourself up on. There were a few chain rope sections and climbing walls. Finally we reached the top for 360 panoramic views of the region, it was stunning. However we had to repeat the track down, which was just as difficult. Legs started to shake but we made it to the bottom. When we got to town, Jess got texts which let us know em and Leo had moved onto a place called sapphire springs with thermal hot pools. That sounded pretty good for the legs so we powered through a 2 hour drive. When we got there, the pool wasn't very hot which was a disappointment but we had a really nice evening sat splitting wine with Leo and em, talking into the night with no over harsh security guard trying to kick us out. The day after we made our way to Tauranga. Bit of a mistake, everyone was heading into the Mount Maunganui peninsula. We sat in traffic and drove around for maybe an hour before we gave up and parked 25 minutes walk away. Jess wasn't too impressed and to cheer her up we went to get a coffee and passed through some charity shops. The one thing I wanted to do was climb the mound as the view is supposed to be impressive but after the 6 hour hike the day had taken the wind out of us. However soldiered on and it was only a 45 minute climb. The views were great from the top, especially the different colours in the water. We ended up camping in Fernland spa, we went for the pools but got stuck for at least two and a half hours. As the night got colder the pool got hotter! We left in the morning for the coromandel but took our time, stocked up at the shops and didn't rush. Bit of a mistake, it turns out the riverside campsite em booked for us was actually more like a festival. It was the closest place to the gig night and had capitalised on the fact. We arrived and it was PACKED. Like trying to drive through a Leeds campsite whilst the festival was in full flow. Ended up ditching the car and running around on foot to find where the other guys had saved us a spot. Found it and managed to park up, got cooking dinner before the big night when the other lot returned from the sound check. Ended up having a really fun predrinks meeting the group that consisted of us, em Leo, two of Leo's cousins and their partners, and a couple of guys who were housemates. The gig was great, the two bands were really fun live playing an assortment of jazzy instruments and had lots of fun. We got in to the back stage area as one of Leo's cousins partner was playing sax. However once the music had stopped we crashed and got home. Was a good night but we paid for it the day after! The day after was a calamity. We started well, awoke early and went for a dip in the nearby river. It blew off the cobwebs and was so refreshing. We packed up the car, with foggy heads and decided we were going to make the most of the day. Hot water beach was just around the corner and was on the todo list. We arrived with our saucepan to dig a hole, but half of Auckland decided to do the same thing for New Year's Day. It looked nothing like the pictures, half the beach had been dug up with most the pools being luke warm at best. We wandered right into the middle of the action where obviously the hottest water was but there was no space to dig or get involved, on the way out I stepped into an empty pool, empty because it was hotter than a microwaved pasty. I scolded my foot and at this point, the hangover got to much and we needed a nap. Hobbled to a quieter area and lay down for a snooze. It began raining. Disheartened, we left hot water beach and decided to go and rest up for the day in a campsite. We tried 3 or 4 campsites, all booked up and eventually found one right out in the sticks. About an hour away, it was rustic to say the least, bucket flush toilet system and a dodgey shed turned kitchen but we were happy to be away from the crowds. After a solid nap, Jess had a bad craving for a steak dinner. Being the gentlemen I am I took her down to the next town, as it looked bigger on the map. The road stopped half way as part of it was derelict. We ditched the car and walked to the town, which turns out didn't have a single restaurant, apart from a golf club which I presumed wouldn't let shorts and flops. We then took the decision to drive 40 minutes back down the road to the big town where we were turned away for accommodation. We entered two steak restaurants at around 8.30pm one told us that they had had too busy a night to serve us, despite the restaurants being half full. The second told us they had sold out of half their menu so would also be unable to seat us. So disheartened again, we went to the nearest pub which ended up producing two pretty decent scotch steaks. Happy to end on that moderate high, we drove home to waive of what can only be described as a hangover induced, effort filled nightmare. The next day, I was filled with optimism whereas Jess was still supporting the disheartened attitude from such a rubbish day. We decided to go see one of the main attractions, the Cathedral Cove. I was convinced the 40 min walk each way would dissolve the crowds, sort the wheat from the chaff, and provide us with a pretty nice start to the day. We had to drive back down that 40 minute road, for the 4th time in 12 hours to reach the area around hot water beach. From there, a road took us to a town and from that town there was a road to the cathedral cove car park. On this 3km road there was people converting their driveways to parking lots for $10 a park, curious I thought but headed on up. When we reached the end we saw there was space for only 25 cars maybe. We had to drive around the car park all the way back down the road and at this point Jess was less than impressed. I thought one more time around, feeling lucky we managed to bag a spot and got walking. We definitely couldn't avoid the crowds and the bay at the bottom may have looked more scenic on a nicer day and with a thousand less people on it but when we saw the Cathedral Cove, it was a bit of a let down. You could walk through the arch which was relatively big but a little hyped up. We trudged back up the walk and at this point decided to leave the coromandel, a place for aucklanders with money holiday, as at the time of the year it was just too busy to be that enjoyable. Next on our hit list was Rotorua, it was a 3 and a half hour drive and it was during this drive that the storm began. We had to pull over at one point due to heavy rain, the whole sky looked dark and stormy and didn't help kindle our spirits after a couple of let down days. We arrived to find Rotorua smelt of sulphur, it truly was built on volcanic land. We camped in a place and took it easy that afternoon, the campsite had a couple of great thermal baths for the evening. The next day we got up early, as I thought we could get to Wai-O-tapu before everyone else was up, the plan was to see the park then catch the geyser show. When we arrived, once again the place was busy, we decided we would avoid the geyser show to see the park in the sunshine, as the weather forecast was not looking good. We went an saw some amazing thermal pools which ranged from a neon green to the champagne pool which had an orange rim and blue steamy water. That pool was 70m deep and reached 150 degrees at the bottom. There was plenty to see there but the weather began to turn. The rest of the day was a wash out and was the start of 3 days solid rain, the whole north island was trapped in a storm that was pretty heavy. That night we woke up maybe 4 times due to heavy rain, I decided in the morning that we would power through, the rain let up and I wanted to go see the redwood park. It was only a 30 minute walk and the weather seemed to be opening up for the time being. The walk itself was nice, the trees were obviously pretty huge and things were going well. At the end I went to the toilet, so did Jess, there ended up being a queue in the guys. When Jess came out first, she thought I must have gone to wait by the car (don't ask me why as I never do that). By the time I came out the heavens had opened, an absolute deluge, so I assumed Jess had escaped to the visitor centre (obvious choice for shelter). I walked round looking for Jess, she wasn't there, I walked round the surrounding area, checking each bit of shelter whilst I got pretty wet, she wasn't there. Finally the only place she could be was at the car, I rain through the wall of rain to find Jess stood there by the car, hood up head down, waiting. We had a little travellers tiff about the miscommunication at which point I thought, man I got to pull something out to save the day. The rain wasn't going to stop anytime soon, I had heard about a place called kerosene creek, a hot water creek with a powerful waterfall. We got there and it was pretty impressive, there was an upstream little pool which was comfy to sit in, then further down a hotter pool with the big waterfall leading into it. We stayed for a while, it was one of the coolest places we had seen. Pretty happy with our find, thinking we had turned the day around, we got changed and put the heaters on in the car. We drove back down the road to see a few cars pulled up and steam rising over some bushes. I jumped out to see what the fuss was about, through the bushes was a huge green lake (called green lake surprisingly) with steam coming out of it. Without a few locals in there you wouldn't have gone in, the place was beautiful, surrounded by hills, but also looked a bit ominous. We quickly got changed and jumped in, it was so warm and relaxing. The lake was huge, we'd never seen anything like it. Plus there was mud pockets, so you could use volcanic mud for free, saved on the $80 tourist trap in the centre of town! After a long soak, we ran back into the car, it was still raining, and headed to the next stop, Taupo. On the way, we pulled in at Huka Falls. Famous for being 'the most photographed falls in New Zealand'. It was pretty nice, it had enough water flowing over it to fill 6 Olympic pools in a minute, but didn't blow us away as it was heard to get a sense of that fact. We arrived to Taupo. You couldn't see the lake from the road which was 10m away. The rain was so heavy, we had been so wet all day, we couldn't bare the thought of camping another night through the storm. We jumped online to find out that other campers had beaten us to it, we couldn't find a hostel with a car park online. We pulled up at the YHA hoping there was room, there we saw a plenty of vans and even a posh motor home! The nearest indoor accommodation was in a town in the middle of nowhere, 40 minutes away. The place was called Muckys B&B. Despite the name and location, we were pretty desperate to have a roof not made of metal above our heads so we made the journey. The place was a godsend, with a little kitchen, comfy bed and free fresh ground coffee! We had a lovely evening splitting wine in a cosy room. It was well needed. The next day the rain continued to bucket down. We had some serious washing todo and there was no chance of doing anything outside. We drove back into taupo and checked into a hostel. Seemed a pretty good find, wanted to get some jobs done in the communal room and get ourselves more sorted for when the storm broke. We arrived into the kitchen to have lunch, some friendly gentlemen sat next to us and started a conversation. For the first 10 minutes it went the normal way conversations go, for the next 5 hours it was pretty one sided. Old mate wouldn't shut up and continued to talk about every last town in South Island, each town having at least 3 to 7 stories included. It was pretty mind numbing stuff and when he clicked onto a newbie on our table, we took our opportunity and bolted to bed. That morning we checked out of rainbow and went down to the Taupo Saturday market. It was pretty small but still managed to find a great coffee, a naughty steak pasty and a spot in the sun listening to a Maori guy, on a guitar, dressed a little like a cowboy. It was so good to see the sun after a huge spell of stormy rain. We made our way to Mount Tauhara, the closest high peak to Taupo. The hike took us until 4.15, just under 3 hours. The views of the lake from the top were epic, it was such a clear day and was well worth the effort. A few annoying backpackers were playing trashy EDM (electronic dance music) out of a tinny phone at the summit, I got irritated and Jess told me off for being such a grumpy sod. We did a whistle stop tour of our free campsite for the night to cook some food, pretty busy and grim but that didn't matter, that night we had a sailing trip to the carvings. The day before we decided to book onto a boat trip to see the carvings. We planned to kayak it but that tour set you back $100 a piece, the sailing trip, which involved a 3 hour boat tour with free beers or wine, and pizza cost us less than $50 each, no brainer (on the Friday I accidentally booked us onto the tour for Friday evening, only realised about half an hour after sailing time, luckily the tour was cancelled for bad weather... Got away with that one 😬) We went for the sunset tour which turned out to be an absolute winner. The sun shined all the way, it was such a relaxing cruise (full after-dinner pizza tummies and pizza helped) and when we reached the 40ft Maori carvings, there was only one other small boat there. We took our time sailing in and out of the bay and Dave the skipper asked if anyone was keen for a swim. After a bit of egging each other on (bare in mind the sun was going down and the wind picking up) we dove in and got to swim right up to the artwork! The water had some really freezing patches and other not so cold areas but it was ace, got some good piccies from it too. We jumped back on the boat and sailed home, with the wind picking up Dave let the sails go and the boat really skimmed over the water, on its edge. On the way back we witnessed a spectacular sunset. Dave said it was one of the most impressive he had seen in a year or two. It was like a 360 degree sunset which lit up all the clouds and reflected off the water. To say the tour cost us less than £25 a person, we were astounded by how good it was. Great way to cap off an awesome day! We drove to the shoddy free campsite and squeezed into a little space for the night. The next day was Sunday. After checking a few weather forecasts, Monday looked like the best for the alpine crossing. One forecast was positive, the other said cloudy with a few showers, both agreed it would only get worse as the week progressed. We booked into a the same hostel for two nights, thinking we would want a nice bed before and after. We hit the shops to get some serious snacks and checked in. We had all our jobs done by 2pm. Not wanting to waste a nice afternoon we drove to a part of lake Taupo where there was a nice swimming point with some cliff jumping! Bulli point had a couple of different levels, the top being 7m high and the lower level being between about 5-6m. It was pretty nervy stuff and after testing the water depth, some guy went for it. I went after him. It was pretty awesome, Jess talked herself out of it and was a bit gutted. On the way home, we stopped off at the front of the lake so Jess could have a swim and we went back to the hostel to test out the sauna! Met a lovely French couple that had just done the crossing, that got us excited. Met a friendly Malaysian guy at dinner doing it the next day also. Then we went to bed pretty early to get a good night sleep. Neither of us slept well, I think I was too excited! 5am came around and we both were up with relative ease. Quick bite of breakfast, packed our bags to the brim with snacks, sandwiches, lots of water and for Jess, about 7 layers. The bus took about an hour and a half to get to the crossing. We started the walk at about 8.15am We had been blessed with a blue bird day, the sun burned through the little cloud before we had even started the hike. Thank god we didn't listen to the pessimistic receptionist that told us not to do it on that day! We passed the sign showing us there was 19.4km to go. It was pretty busy to begin with, we got stuck behind some obnoxious fool blasting music from a portable speaker. We decided to power past him and put some distance between us. We struggled to begin with, somehow the beats of black eyed peas 'pump it, louder' followed us until we reached a pretty soggy part of the track due to the soda springs waterfall. We skipped through it with our hiking shoes as the beats master and his gang had to pick there way through slowly with their collection of nikes, vans and adidas trainers. Using this small advantage we powered up what they call the Devils staircase, a winding track that went up higher and higher until you pass by the Red Summit. It was so scenic, with volcanoes either side and lava flows running between, it was like being on another planet. The stairs went on and the burn set it but upon reaching the top it opened up into a flat plateau. It was cool to look down and see a stream of people following the track. Somewhere down there speaker man would be pissing others off no doubt. We passed by the red cone and through a sandy area which felt like walking on the moon as your shoes left footprints. A lake had appeared from all the heavy rainfall and you could see some snow still on top of the red summit. After the plateau, it climbed again until your reached the summit of the Tongariro crossing. About 1800m above sea level. The views were breathe taking and we had to stop for a sandwich. From the summit you could see the famous emerald and blue lake which shone brightly in their respective colours with the sunshine. It was about 12pm at this time. You had to follow a scree path down to the lakes, which were awesome to see and then follow the track back out the other side, past another large blue lake. The decent on the other side had an amazing view of lake Taupo and the surrounding area, although by this point, that view had been well overshadowed by what we had seen. The decent, which started at about the 11km took its toll, it seemed to last a long time winding down the other side of the volcano. We passed by the Malaysian guy from dinner, then as you reached the valley floor you entered a jungly area with a stream running through it. There was still probably about 3-4km to go, which were tough going as the water supply was running out, we had drank a lot throughout the hot day (I'd brought 3l, Jess brought 1.5 and we still ran out!) We made it to the other side just before 3, total time was about 6hrs40 but that included a lunch stop and plenty of photo ops. We were quite lucky to make it onto the first bus back, which set off a few minutes after we got on. However the old rickety bus was awfully hot with no aircon. People were basically passing out due to the heat, including us! We couldn't wait to get off the bus, as we did some American guy pointed out a convenience store. We dashed in and grabbed a life saving coke and ice lolly! That evening we struggled to do anything, we chilled in the room downing water and coffee and decided to go get a dominos pizza. Ate the pizza on the lakefront and watched the sun go down before heading back to bed for another early night. This time we didn't struggle to sleep!
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