#fun talking to you teddy twinsie!!! hope none of my terms were uncomfortable!!!
aclowntiny · 9 months
I’ll I can say is “YAAAAAAASSS!” Finally, someone with a similar thought process on angst, and how reading the imagines/fanfiction is to ESCAPE from reality, not dump a bunch of real life crap in there to make you feel depressed. I’m okay with having relatable situational elements to provide a believable storyline that isn’t a Little Mary Sunshine dancing through a field of daisies because no bad things happen in her world. I DO get triggered when a storyline has, for example, an idol being portrayed as the worse scum to ever crawl the earth, heaping mental and emotional abuse on the reader before being caught out as a cheater who defends their actions as ‘well, I fell out of love’. That kinda stuff is a nope, nope, nope for me. I’m literally a Pandora’s Box of emotions due life experiences and trauma, so if I read a hardcore angst story, it takes a lot out of me to try and get out of those negative emotions and feelings. It feels like I’m trying to move and breathe in sludge, so I absolutely love having a stockpile of vetted fluffy fluff stories to help counteract the negative.
I’m totally a “fade to black” person when it comes to sex. I prefer when the authors give spicy lead up kissing, then leave it to the reader to fill in what’s next with as vanilla or 50 Shades of Stank as a person wants.
As for biases, I’m normally more of a “collector” of groups than a fan of just one/a few. I look for a guy that has dimples, or good arm muscles, or what I call “happy cheeks” (Hoshi or Sunoo’s fluffy cheeks), or a cute smile, or Angel kisses (i.e. freckles, moles), or an ear-pleasing accent, or is snarky, or a gentleman….the list goes on and usually I end up being OT the whole group. They’re like Pringles chips, I can’t stop at just one. I’m not, however, in polyamory. I’m good with just one nice, good looking (in my book) guy that thinks I’m special enough to want to have me as a permanent fixture in their life.
~ 🧸
I’m so glad too! Because I feel like EVERYONE likes really bad angst/the hardest smut but me so glad to have a twinsie 😁 same here, like reader or their love interest never being sad or annoyed is a bit unrealistic, but 100% same. TBH I got out of an abusive relationship earlier this year so a lot of stuff like that is triggering too :/// & I just hate being sad! Big nope. Will only mention those topics at surface level because my silly lil kpop fics are simply not 👏🏻 the 👏🏻 place 👏🏻 for me to be processing/dumping all that 💁🏻‍♀️ that’s what one of my fantasy novel WIPs is for lmaos
50 SHADES OF STANK I AM DEAD GURL (please let me know if gurl isn’t cool to use!!!) but yeah, like we all have our preferences & I don’t mind imagining things how I like them. My upcoming work is sort of set after all that so I’m like you did… whatever you want how you like it 😂 but anyway… yeah makeouts are fun to write but most I’ll explicitly describe…so I just try n make em good 😏
OMG love the Hoshi & Sunoo honorable mentions though because they’re my bias wreckers of their respective groups! Sunoo is one of my MBTI buddies too 🥰 my sweet goofy boys 💕💕💕
Oh yeah bro (let me know if you don’t like bro either I highkey just bro & gurl everyone lmao) I’m super monogamous too like I love commitment too much for my own dang good 😂 I have a hard time even with the casual dating concept 💀💁🏻‍♀️
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