#funky fungi writing fest
mooshkat · 9 months
kinktober day 5: collaring
TK hasn't been able to stop touching his neck all day. He's wearing two necklaces now; his 252 pendant tucked under his shirt as it always is, with his new wedding ring hooked onto it as well for work, but the new necklace is on a silver chain short enough that it can't be hidden as easily. Part of him thinks his husband chose it for exactly that reason.
He fidgets with the small o-ring and the letter C charm hanging in the middle of it. TK loved, loved, wearing his collar at home, so Carlos brought up the idea of a day collar.
Carlos knew TK better than himself most days, so TK let him pick one out and give it to him as a surprise once it arrived in the mail. It was small and easy to mistake as something else, but only Carlos had the key for the small locking clasp on the back.
Should there be an emergency, the chain was dainty enough to break if it was pulled on hard enough.
"Dude, can you please stop playing with your jewelry and help me stock this," Nancy gripes at him, startling him out of his thoughts. She leans in to take a closer look at the necklace, the pack of gauze forgotten in her hands. 
TK moves his hand for her to see, giving her a sheepish smile. "Sorry, Nance. Carlos got it as a gift for me and I'm still getting used to wearing another necklace."
She rolls her eyes, but she's smiling in the way she does when she finds him and Carlos almost sickeningly adorable. "Mhm, it's very pretty. Now come on, these cabinets aren't going to restock themselves."
They go back to stocking the ambulance in peaceful silence, moving easily around each other with a rhythm from years of working together. TK ducks under Nancy's arm as she reaches up for the top shelf of the cabinet, and he freezes as he suddenly feels her fingertips brush the back of his neck as she touches the lock.
"Oh," she breathes in a knowing, teasing voice, "so that's what that is."
TK straightens up and carefully avoids her eyes, feeling the tips of his ears start to burn. "What do you mean?" he asks, trying to play dumb.
Nancy leans around him to check the open door of the ambulance, but there's nobody directly outside that they can see. "I know what you are."
Unable to help himself and blaming her entirely for this train of thought after their movie hangout the weekend before, where Nancy forced them to binge the entire Twilight series, TK blurts out, "Say it. Out loud. Say it."
She catches on quickly and snorts, having to take a second to control herself before she can answer. As seriously as she can, she says, "A sub."
They break down into loud laughter, leaning against each other as they giggle at their own foolishness. TK's cheeks are flushed but he's grinning and has to wipe tears out of his eyes when they quiet down.
"Seriously, is it that obvious what it is?" he asks, his hand reaching up to grasp the o-ring and charm. "Carlos picked it out so I didn't think it would be, but—"
Nancy shakes her head, cutting him off. "No, it's not. I only know what it was because I, um. Saw it myself while looking for one for 'teo." Now it's her turn to blush, and TK is finding out way more about their dynamic than he wants to know.
TK laughs and sits down on the bench seat. "You know, I shouldn't be surprised that it's like that between you two. You can be pretty bossy."
She gasps in mock offense and throws one of the bundles of bandage tape at his head. "And you can be pretty fucking bratty yourself, I'm not surprised at all." She sticks her tongue out at him and moves away as he swats at her.
"What are you two in here giggling about?" Tommy's voice makes them spring apart, snapping back to stocking the ambulance like they were told to do.
TK risks a glance at her and finds their captain staring at them with her hands on her hips, but she looks more amused than annoyed.
"What are we not surprised about?"
Nancy's eyes go wide at getting caught and TK smirks. He can't wait to hear what she comes up with.
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mooshkat · 8 months
kinktober day 10+11, fucking machine and sensory deprivation
Carlos looks so pretty when he's like this, TK thinks. He watches his husband squirm on their bed, tugging uselessly at the ropes tying him down as TK plays with the controls to the fucking machine he'd set up for Carlos.
It's not quite at the highest setting, but there is one of their larger dildos attached to it, one that TK typically favors because it leaves him absolutely aching for most of the next day. 
They have the weekend to themselves without the worry of work, their shifts lining up finally after a few weeks of barely seeing each other. They've already been at this for over an hour, almost two.
There's a blindfold hiding his husband's beautiful eyes and the silk soaks up the tears spilling as Carlos is pushed past the point of overstimulation. He thrashes his head, chest stuttering on a whine as TK turns the machine down to a gentler pace.
They've decided not to use the earplugs tonight, but it doesn't matter as the mechanics of the machine masks TK's light footsteps as he walks around the bed. He stops at Carlos' waist and brushes his thumb over the remote, stopping the machine completely for a moment.
Carlos' panting is the only noise in the room now, and TK watches him as it takes a few moments for him to calm down. His husband's stomach and chest are both messy from the two orgasms he's slowly pulled out of him from the fucking machine, and he's aiming for a third before they're done.
Smirking, TK reaches out and brushes his finger over the tip of Carlos' cock, smearing precome over the head. Instead of wrapping his hand around him like Carlos' so desperately wants, with the way he jerks at the first touch and tries to arch up into TK's hand, he drags his fingers down the length, scratching his nails lightly across the overly sensitive skin. 
He wonders how it feels for Carlos, with his sight blocked and relying only on touch, sound, and smell.
With his other hand, he turns the machine back on to a rough pace.
Carlos cries out and he yanks hard on the ropes as he tries to get away from the sudden, overwhelming sensations. He doesn't drop the bell clenched tightly in his fist, though, so TK keeps playing with him even as Carlos' entire body begins to tremble.
"You're doing so good, baby, just a little while longer," he praises, so proud of how long Carlos has managed to go tonight. 
It's been long enough since they've played like this that TK was initially worried about accidentally pushing him too far, but Carlos had helped soothe those worries before they started the scene. The second it got to be too much, he would drop the bell.
His husband moans brokenly and tilts his chin up, silently asking for a kiss. TK knows how well touch can ground him when the overwhelming feelings can tip on the bad side of the scale, and he readily gives that to him.
He slides his hand up Carlos' torso and stops at his chest, feeling his racing heartbeat against his palm as he leans down to claim his mouth. Carlos does more panting into TK's mouth than actual kissing, but that's okay.
TK brushes his nose against Carlos', more than happy to let him take all the time he needs. He rubs his thumb soothingly over sweat soaked skin, humming quietly. "Do you think you can go one more time, baby? Or do you want to stop?"
Carlos shakes his head and his determination, as tired and shaky as it is, makes TK smile and brush his hands through his curls. "N-No, I'm good, I'm green. Promise." 
He bites his lip then, an anxious tick that TK has tried and tried to train him out of. Carlos catches himself almost as soon as he does it and stops, so TK doesn't say anything.
"I want to—" his breath hitches and his legs try to close and squeeze his thighs together, but the green rope tied intricately around them stops the movement and he whines. "I don't want the machine anymore, I want your cock, Tyler, please."
With such pretty begging, who is TK to say no to that? He turns off the machine and Carlos sighs in relief as it stops its relentless pounding. "Of course, baby. Let me move this out of the way real quick, okay?"
TK gently eases the dildo out of Carlos' ass and fuck, he reaches out before he can think about it and presses his thumb against the puffy rim, pushing in and watching the way his hole gapes around it.
"God, you're so fucking wet, Carlos," TK groans. He had been extra generous with the lube when they started this, and it had done its job of making the dildo slick and making an absolute mess under Carlos.
Carlos is going to be sore tomorrow, and TK won't be able to resist teasing him.
"Tyler," his husband whines, snapping TK out of his aroused daze. 
He pulls away and goes back to putting the fucking machine to the side, setting it on the floor by the bed to be dealt with later.
(Later, after a short nap with Carlos, he will have forgotten all about the machine when he wakes up and trip over it as soon as he's out of bed.)
After a moment of consideration, TK makes quick work of untying the ropes holding Carlos' legs and rubs the skin around his ankles rubbed slightly raw from all of his squirming.
TK strips out of his boxers and takes his cock in hand, his eyes rolling back at the first touch of relief he's given himself all night.
"You ready, baby? One more and then you can relax."
He settles between Carlos' legs and his husband tries to wrap them around him, but he's worn out and tired now. His head rolls against the pillow and his chest heaves with his harsh breathing.
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mooshkat · 22 days
howdy 👋 i want try writing more, so send me one or more numbers from this prompt list and i'll try to write a drabble to post on a day in june. currently infected with bucktommy brainrot but i'm open to tarlos too, just specify which!
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mooshkat · 9 months
kinktober day 8: breeding (ft t4t tarlos!)
TK knows they’re being loud, knows they need to close their mouth and shut up before they find themselves with a noise complaint tomorrow morning. How are they meant to stay quiet, though, while getting fucked this good by their girlfriend?
“That’s it, baby,” Carlos says, snapping her hips and fucking into TK deeper, grinding against them and giving TK that delicious friction against their clit. It makes them scream and dig their nails into her back, scoring streaks of red across her skin that she leans into eagerly. 
“God, do you know how tempting it is to fuck you until it sticks? I could keep you at home, make a pretty housewife out of you. I want to fuck you ‘til you’re soaking wet and dripping with my come, baby, then fuck it back into you to keep it all in.”
A whimper spills out of TK’s mouth and they clench around Carlos’ cock, eyes rolling back. They weren’t actually trying to get pregnant, Carlos has made her opinion on that known and they’ve since settled on being pet parents, but fuck. The idea of Carlos using them, over and over and over until she’s satisfied? 
They’ll do anything for her as long as it means she keeps talking like that.
"Yeah?" They tease and bring their hands up to brush along Carlos' shoulders, down her arms where her biceps flex as she hitches TK's legs higher to change angles.
Her body has changed in the years since they started dating, getting softer and curvier as she started hormones, but she still has some muscle hidden under it all that makes TK downright dizzy with want. 
They brush those thoughts away and grin. "You sure you'd be able to keep enough control to do that? I think you eat me out after you fuck me more often than you don't these days, honey. How would you resist?"
Carlos leans down and buries her face in TK's neck, brushing her nose along the cord of muscle that she often covers in bites and bruises. "I could do it," she says against their throat, right before she bites down roughly on the junction between their shoulder and neck, hard enough that TK will be lucky if their uniform covers it. It makes them moan and clench around her, and that drives Carlos' hips to snap harder.
"All I'd have to think about is how fucking gorgeous you'd look, baby, so bright and beautiful with that pregnancy glow."
Her hands start shaking around their hold on TK's hips then and their moan twists at the end, turning into a confused whine in concern as Carlos' rhythm stutters to a stop.
"Carlos?" TK asks and gently pets their hand through Carlos' curls. It's grown past her shoulders now and she puts it up on a tight bun most days for work, so seeing it down and free of hair gel is a special treasure for TK. "What happened, baby? Where'd your mind go?"
Carlos shakes her head, but she refuses to lift her face away from TK's neck. It sends alarm bells ringing through their head. "It's nothing," she says, but TK's concern only grows when she sniffles quietly right after. "I'm fine."
"Sweetheart…" TK sighs and finally manages to pry Carlos' face from hiding. They cradle her face gently, cooing softly and wiping away the tears in the corner of her eyes with their thumbs. Her heavy, guilt ridden eyes. "Talk to me, Carlos."
"It's stupid," she tries to protest, but TK isn't having it.
"It's not stupid if it upsets you."
She huffs and rolls her eyes, but it's fond. She sniffles again and starts to speak, avoiding looking at TK's face. "I got–caught up, in what I was saying and my mind started to spiral. I started thinking about how if I actually did knock you up," and TK does their very best not to squirm at the idea, because the fantasy is hot but the reality would be a dysphoric hell on their body. 
Carlos notices somehow anyways and a hurt noise tears through her chest, her eyes getting wetter as the tears flood them again. "I know! I know, but I was just…maybe I'd be able to keep you at home from work and safe if you were pregnant. You wouldn't be able to get hurt again," her voice cracks, and TK soothes her on instinct, wrapping their arms around her to hold her close. "It's awful of me, I know. Especially since I–I don't want kids."
They have an idea of where the thoughts come from. They've only been back to work for two weeks now after their latest stint in the hospital thanks to a car wreck while driving the ambulance. Nobody was badly hurt, thank god, but TK had left with a sprained wrist and an annoying concussion.
Definitely not the worst injury they'd gotten while with Carlos, but her worry was always the same. Mostly, they're shocked the thoughts are only just now springing up.
"Oh, honey," TK blinks away the tears that threaten to spill, their chest heavy with guilt. They hate that they've caused Carlos so much distress. "I'm sorry I've made you worry so much, baby. And you're not awful, I promise. I understand why your mind took that turn, you always do your best to keep me safe. Do you want to stop for the night and talk about it?" 
Carlos shakes her head again. "No, no, I want to keep going." Her hands brush down TK's sides, and her skin is so hot it feels like she's branding them. "I want to make you feel good."
"You do, baby, you always do. You don't have to turn me into a cream puff to do that," TK tries to joke and lighten the mood, and it does the job of making their wife laugh.
She looks at TK and leans down, capturing their mouth in a kiss. "Do you want to keep going?" she asks, because she's always concerned about consent and making sure TK is still in the mood if they stop for anything.
(Which TK is always in the mood, especially when they have such a hot wife, but Carlos asks every time and it's one of the things that makes them absolutely adore her.)
To answer her, TK clenches around her cock and rolls their hips. They lock their ankles together behind Carlos' back and pull her in impossibly deeper, all while grabbing her hand and bringing it down to press against their clit.
She circles her fingers around it, testing the waters, and TK lets out a hiss, eyes fluttering shut. Carlos moves her hips again, pulling out until the fat head of her cock is stretching out TK's hole before fucking back into them, filling them in one thrust.
"Yes, yes, that's it, baby." And it's a risky move, but they tangle their fingers in her hair and pull her close, nipping at her ear lobe. "You always fuck me just right, baby. You're doing so good. Come on, I want to be so full of your come I'm bursting with it. Fuck, baby, I want you to fucking breed me."
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mooshkat · 9 months
whumptober day 7: "can you hear me?"
(beware the usual warnings that comes from my scream au, i.e. blood, gore, murder, stabbings, the boys being inappropriately horny, ect.)
The sudden silence leaves TK's ear ringing and his heart in his throat as he watches Carlos crumble to the ground. He can't see what the hit did to Carlos, his mask is in the way, but the complete stillness of his body is chilling.
Their target–TK hadn't cared to remember his name, that was Carlos' job for his phone calls–swings around to TK, eyes wild with fear and anger as he holds the baseball bat in his hands. "Get the fuck away from me!" he yells, pointing the end of the bat at TK. He gestures to Carlos with it, trying to appear threatening. "Stay back or–or I'll kill him!"
TK growls and tightens his fist around his knife. There's blood drying on the tip of the blade from already getting a few hits on the target as they chased him around the house. He'd given the man a deep cut on his arm, and he’s fairly sure that he nicked an artery by the way the wound hasn't stopped bleeding yet. 
His eyes are dazed and unfocused, and surely the blood loss is catching up to him and making him dizzy now.
"You shouldn't have done that," TK says, the Ghostface modulator twisting his voice. It's fierce and deadly, and underneath the rage burning under his skin, he feels a dark satisfaction as the man pales further, realizing how badly he's fucked up.
The target tries to back away, but he slips in the small puddle of blood he's been leaving and hits the floor hard on his back. He wheezes and tries to scramble back up to his feet, but he doesn't get the chance.
TK pounces, pinning him to the ground as he straddles him. All he sees is red as he drives the knife into the man's body, again and again and again as he yells at him. "Don't! Fucking! Touch! My! Husband!"
Blood splatters onto TK, hitting the mask and dripping down onto his chest, soaking into the costume.
The man screams out in pain, pleading with him to stop and he's sorry, but TK ignores him until he goes silent and still.
He sits back, his chest heaving and hands shaking from the exertion, and looks down at the body under him. Blood soaks into TK's pants as the puddle spreads out on the floor, pouring out from the numerous stab wounds he'd gifted the man. 
He’s going to have to burn this outfit when they get home, there’s no washing that out. If Carlos were awake, he’d scold TK for being so messy with his kill. 
Without sparing the dead man a second glance, TK crawls off of him and over to Carlos. He rips Carlos’ mask off and tosses it aside, cradling his husband's head gently as he checks the damage. 
There's a goose egg on the side of his head from the hit that makes TK let out a hiss of sympathy for the headache it surely gave him. The skin over the knot is split, matting his husband's pretty curls with blood in a way that, while usually exciting and attractive to TK, only makes him nauseous now.
"Baby? Can you hear me? Please, come on." TK tries patting Carlos on the cheek, being gentle with him at first, but that doesn't work. He’s out cold. He switches to paramedic tactics and closes his hand in a fist, giving his husband a harsh sternum rub. "Wake up!"
Carlos reacts to the touch on instinct before his eyes are fully open. He swings his knife wildly and TK catches his wrist in a tight grip, but not before the blade is buried almost an inch into his side.
His fingers spasm around their hold and he grunts, but holds Carlos tightly so he doesn't just yank it out and make the wound bigger. "You back with me, baby?" he asks as he slowly eases the knife out.
It drops to the floor beside them as Carlos relaxes his grip on it and he presses his hand against TK's side, making the pain ache sharply.
"Sorry," Carlos says, but then he presses harder and TK doesn't think he's very sorry at all, moaning as the pain goes straight to his dick. It's not the first cut Carlos has given TK, and it certainly won't be the last. "What happened with our guy?"
TK doesn't look away from Carlos, even as his husband lifts his head to check around. He reaches up and pulls off his mask, shaking out his sweaty hair. "Well, he looks more like a slice of Swiss cheese than he does a person now. I don't care about him, though. How are you feeling?"
"Like I got hit over the head with a baseball bat." Carlos' reply is dry, making TK roll his eyes. The paramedic tries to check his head again, but Carlos ducks away from the touch with only the smallest flinch, the corners of his eyes tightening in pain. "You can go all nurse mode on me at home. We need to leave."
TK knows he's right, they need to leave before the cops are called to the house if they haven't already, but he needs a moment. For one awful, terrifying second, he hadn't known if Carlos would get back up from the hit. He was angry at what had been done to his husband, but he was also scared for him.
He leans down, pressing his forehead against Carlos'. The smell of blood and sweat and something uniquely Carlos helps calm TK down. “Please don’t scare me like that again,” he pleads quietly. “I can’t lose you.”
Carlos hums quietly and grabs TK’s hips, rubbing his hands soothingly over them. “Now you know how it felt watching you get shot all those months ago,” he teases, but it’s gentle, soft. “Don’t worry, baby. I won’t go down that easily.”
TK can’t resist poking at him. “You did go down that easily, though.” Their target had gotten lucky, pulling the bat out of its hiding place and swinging it at Carlos quickly enough to catch him off guard.
His side is pinched in retaliation and he yelps, smacking Carlos’ hand away.
“Fine,” Carlos rolls his eyes. “I won’t go down like that again.” It’s useless to promise something they really have no control over and they both know it, but it works on easing TK’s worry for the moment. He nudges TK off of him and climbs to his feet, grabbing his knife as he does. “Let’s go home so I can stitch you up.”
“Can’t believe you fucking stabbed me,” TK bitches, and Carlos lets out a heavy sigh. He’s not planning on letting that go for a while.
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mooshkat · 9 months
kinktober day 6: chastity
Nancy waits until they're alone in the bunk room to sit down behind Mateo on his bed. She hooks her chin over his shoulder and gives him a sweet kiss on the cheek, wrapping her arms around his waist.
She runs her nose along the cord of muscle stretching down his neck and presses soft kisses there, smiling when she feels him shiver.
"I think tonight, baby…I'm going to let you fuck me," she whispers, and slides her hand down to cup him over his pants. Her hand meets the sturdy metal of the cage locking Mateo's cock away and she smirks, flicking it just to hear him try to hold back a moan.
"Really?" The hopeful excitement in Mateo's voice is cute, but his confusion after he thinks about his predicament is downright adorable. "Wait, how? Are you…are you gonna unlock the cage?"
Nancy coos and flicks the cage again, hearing the near-silent sound of the lock holding the cage shut hit against the metal. "Oh, baby, you should know by now that you can use more than just your pretty clit to fuck me. I think I'll pull out Thor tonight for you to use."
Thor, as Mateo had named the dildo when he first saw it, claiming that it looked like how he imagined the character's dick would be, was rather large and girthy. She's used it on Mateo more times than she has for herself since buying it, but what better way to tease than making Mateo fuck her with it?
"Babe…" Mateo whines and his head knocks back against her shoulder. She almost wishes she had sat down in front of him just so she could see his face. "That's mean, you're mean. You're really not going to let me out?"
Nancy stands up from the bed and grabs Mateo by the chin, tilting his head up. His pupils are blown out and his bottom lip is starting to swell from how hard he must have been biting it. It makes her smug and she can't resist leaning down to kiss him. She bites at his sore lip and soothes it with her tongue after, feeling him grab her hips and hold on tightly as she deepens the kiss.
Before they can get lost in it, she pulls away and ignores Mateo trying to pull her back down for more.
She reaches under her shirt and pulls out the necklace that has his key hooked to it. There's a second one in TK's locker for safekeeping and a third at home in the nightstand. 
"Of course, I'm not going to, baby. You know the deal, 'teo. You're not getting out of that before the end of the month unless there's a fire call or you safeword out."
It's only the sixth day of Locktober, and Nancy had confidence in Mateo that he could make it for at least two weeks. Her teasing for the last week certainly hasn't helped him, but it has been especially fun for her. 
She's gotten a few tips from Carlos as well on how to drive Mateo crazy with lust during the month, and those mornings when TK would come in pouty and flushed make a lot more sense now.
Finding out that the sweet, kind cop had such a mean streak in the bedroom had been a delightful surprise. She doesn't make it a habit of thinking about her friend's sex lives, but she had wondered.
Nancy clears her throat and takes a step back from Mateo. He closes his eyes, fists clenched on his knees as he tries to calm down. It's adorable. "I should leave before the others accuse us of fucking in the bunks…again."
"Like TK hasn't brought Carlos in here before," Mateo scoffs, making Nancy laugh. "Or the showers, the ambulance, or that one time in the alley and he'd accidentally turned his radio on."
"Yeah, yeah, we're the horniest couples in the group. Calm yourself down and join me in the kitchen when you do."
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mooshkat · 8 months
kinktober day 9: glory hole
this one is specially dedicated to @thebumblecee for her birthday!! ♡♡ love you very much cee baby, i hope you like it 😉
Mateo can't stop squirming as he sits on his knees, nerves making butterflies flutter in his stomach. His cock stirs in his pants as he wiggles around and he has to bite his lip to stifle the moans threatening to break free. The plug in his ass that TK had put in before they left (being so, so mean and teasing as he did it) buzzes on low, keeping the arousal in his body simmering.
The door to the club bathroom opens and footsteps walk in, closely followed by a second pair. Mateo tenses, his heart racing as he wonders who it is.
There's three quick knocks against the wall of the stall before he sees a pair of pants step in front of the glory hole cut into it. The zipper is pulled down and a pale hand pulls out their cock, feeding it through the hole.
Mateo leans forward and eagerly takes it into his mouth. The weight is familiar on his tongue and he sucks on the head as he pulls off, teasing the underside of it with his tongue.
He gets lost in it, head going fuzzy on the edges as he focuses only on trying to get the man off with all the tricks he knows how. He traces the veins with the tip of his tongue, swallows it down as far as the wall will let him, and sits there as he breathes in the heavy scent of musk and sweat and one of his favorite colognes.
A pleased sigh escapes them and he almost smiles around the dick in his mouth, feeling smug at pulling noises from him so quickly. He bobs his head, getting so into it and eager that he moves too quickly and bumps his nose against the stall. 
Mateo whines from the pain, but the vibrations only egg the man on and he thrusts his hips, forcing his cock down Mateo's throat and making him choke.
He pulls away and coughs, and a thin line of drool keeps his lips connected to the wet cock he's achingly familiar with almost like a kiss. 
Pearly precome leaks from the tip and he licks it up before it can spill onto the floor and be wasted. When they started this, he had no idea how addicted he'd get to the taste of them.
"Come on, don't be greedy," a stern, dominating voice quietly mumbles and pulls the cock in Mateo's mouth away. He whines and tries to chase it, and gets a mocking, teasing laugh for his troubles. 
It makes a blush burn hot on his cheeks and he squirms again in embarrassment. It pushes the plug in deeper and he gasps, torn between rocking his hips up to get away from the feeling, or rocking back down to get more.
As if on cue, the vibrations turn up in intensity and Mateo nearly screams. He slaps his hand against the stall and groans, resting his forehead on the stall, too caught up in the feelings to worry about how nasty it is.
Two slow knocks on the stall and he sucks in a deep breath, sitting up with difficulty. He knocks back, three quick taps, and there's a moment of hesitation before another hard, thick cock is pushed through the hole.
That cock has fucked him stupid more times than he can count, chasing away all the thoughts in his head no matter if it's using his mouth or his ass. 
Now is no different as he takes it into his mouth, filling his head with one thing and one thing only.
With TK, he hadn't gotten to make him come before he was pulled away, but he knows he won't be able to leave the bathroom until Carlos does or one of them uses their word.
Mateo rocks up and away from the intensity of the plug and it forces Carlos' cock deeper down his throat. He sits back down and pulls off of it. An endless cycle of too much and not enough.
He could come like this, he thinks, untouched and only his Dom's cock in his throat and a vibrator in his ass. It's building higher and higher and he chases the feeling, but he wants Carlos to come first, he wants his spend down his throat as he finds his own release.
"Fuck, that's it, sweetheart," Carlos praises him with a deep sigh and Mateo's resolve threatens to crumble under the praise. He whines, making Carlos let out a breathless laugh. "Good boy, you're doing so well."
The thrill of using something as dirty and depraved as a glory hole is hot, don't get him wrong, but Mateo wishes there wasn't a barrier between them now. 
He wants nothing more than to have Carlos' hand in his hair, pulling on the strands until it brings tears to his eyes that he can't hold back. Looking up at his Dom as they spill down his cheeks, holding the weight of him on his tongue.
Mateo knows how much they love to make him cry, always calling him a pretty thing when he does. He wants, needs, to be called that.
TK must be doing something to Carlos on the other side of the stall, because he hears the way Carlos' breath stutters in his chest, feels his cock jerk once, twice, before he's coming and spilling into Mateo's mouth.
He's dying to swallow it down, but he knows what his boyfriend likes and their current setting doesn't change a thing. He reaches over and unlocks the door to his stall and waits only half a second before Carlos and TK and crowding into it.
He opens his mouth and sticks out his tongue, showing off the collection of drool and come that threatens to drip down his front.
Carlos smiles proudly, then nudges TK forward with a smirk. "Go on, baby. Share your prize."
TK grabs Mateo's chin and tilts his face up, leaning down to kiss him and suck on his tongue, stealing some of Carlos' come for himself. He crouches down and palms his hand over Mateo's dick and fuck, he didn't know how close he was, how feral with need he was until he's finally touched.
He comes embarrassingly quick once TK starts to rub him over his pants, but Carlos just coos and pulls him onto his feet and in his arms. TK wraps around his back, effectively sandwiching him between them.
Mateo is messy and tired and his throat is sore, but he doesn't want to move from this spot and break their bubble of love and warmth.
"Come on, 'teo," TK mumbles as he buries his face in his neck. "Let's go home."
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mooshkat · 22 days
i will be working on the prompts yall have sent so far, im just gonna keep the asks unanswered for now so i can put the drabbles with them ♡
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mooshkat · 8 months
kinktober was a good thing to do
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mooshkat · 9 months
im glad t4t tarlos is being received so nicely 🥲 I was very worried abt it
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mooshkat · 8 months
hi im still planning on doing kinktober fills, im just gonna end up having to play catch up bc the writing juices are not flowing these last few days
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mooshkat · 8 months
no blurb today bc today and tomorrow's are together ♡ and also maybe bc i forgot to get it ready to post 😗
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mooshkat · 9 months
day 7 of whumptober is gonna be. fun.
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mooshkat · 9 months
theoretically. if i was writing a transfemme carlos for tomorrow. theoretically
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mooshkat · 9 months
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