#thanks jasper for the twilight lines lmaoo
mooshkat · 1 year
kinktober day 5: collaring
TK hasn't been able to stop touching his neck all day. He's wearing two necklaces now; his 252 pendant tucked under his shirt as it always is, with his new wedding ring hooked onto it as well for work, but the new necklace is on a silver chain short enough that it can't be hidden as easily. Part of him thinks his husband chose it for exactly that reason.
He fidgets with the small o-ring and the letter C charm hanging in the middle of it. TK loved, loved, wearing his collar at home, so Carlos brought up the idea of a day collar.
Carlos knew TK better than himself most days, so TK let him pick one out and give it to him as a surprise once it arrived in the mail. It was small and easy to mistake as something else, but only Carlos had the key for the small locking clasp on the back.
Should there be an emergency, the chain was dainty enough to break if it was pulled on hard enough.
"Dude, can you please stop playing with your jewelry and help me stock this," Nancy gripes at him, startling him out of his thoughts. She leans in to take a closer look at the necklace, the pack of gauze forgotten in her hands. 
TK moves his hand for her to see, giving her a sheepish smile. "Sorry, Nance. Carlos got it as a gift for me and I'm still getting used to wearing another necklace."
She rolls her eyes, but she's smiling in the way she does when she finds him and Carlos almost sickeningly adorable. "Mhm, it's very pretty. Now come on, these cabinets aren't going to restock themselves."
They go back to stocking the ambulance in peaceful silence, moving easily around each other with a rhythm from years of working together. TK ducks under Nancy's arm as she reaches up for the top shelf of the cabinet, and he freezes as he suddenly feels her fingertips brush the back of his neck as she touches the lock.
"Oh," she breathes in a knowing, teasing voice, "so that's what that is."
TK straightens up and carefully avoids her eyes, feeling the tips of his ears start to burn. "What do you mean?" he asks, trying to play dumb.
Nancy leans around him to check the open door of the ambulance, but there's nobody directly outside that they can see. "I know what you are."
Unable to help himself and blaming her entirely for this train of thought after their movie hangout the weekend before, where Nancy forced them to binge the entire Twilight series, TK blurts out, "Say it. Out loud. Say it."
She catches on quickly and snorts, having to take a second to control herself before she can answer. As seriously as she can, she says, "A sub."
They break down into loud laughter, leaning against each other as they giggle at their own foolishness. TK's cheeks are flushed but he's grinning and has to wipe tears out of his eyes when they quiet down.
"Seriously, is it that obvious what it is?" he asks, his hand reaching up to grasp the o-ring and charm. "Carlos picked it out so I didn't think it would be, but—"
Nancy shakes her head, cutting him off. "No, it's not. I only know what it was because I, um. Saw it myself while looking for one for 'teo." Now it's her turn to blush, and TK is finding out way more about their dynamic than he wants to know.
TK laughs and sits down on the bench seat. "You know, I shouldn't be surprised that it's like that between you two. You can be pretty bossy."
She gasps in mock offense and throws one of the bundles of bandage tape at his head. "And you can be pretty fucking bratty yourself, I'm not surprised at all." She sticks her tongue out at him and moves away as he swats at her.
"What are you two in here giggling about?" Tommy's voice makes them spring apart, snapping back to stocking the ambulance like they were told to do.
TK risks a glance at her and finds their captain staring at them with her hands on her hips, but she looks more amused than annoyed.
"What are we not surprised about?"
Nancy's eyes go wide at getting caught and TK smirks. He can't wait to hear what she comes up with.
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Do you think the Cullens would like amusement parks?
OH MY GOD YES. This is so funny because I was just writing a lil epilogue for a Twilight continuation for funsies, and I literally mention Emmett bringing Ratatouille to amusement parks lmaoo. Anyway, to actually answer your question, I think some of the Cullens would find them very trivial and strange, especially because half of them lived in a time when amusement parks were not really a thing yet. Sure there were carnivals and fairs in the 1910s-30s, but there weren't any Disneyworlds yet. Also, I can see the concept being strange to some of them, because "Emmett, a roller coaster can literally go one tenth the speed that you can run," but others (you know who), would find the experience fun anyway. To distinguish, I think out of the Cullens, Carlisle, Rosalie, Jasper, and Edward would be pretty averse to the concept. Alice, Emmett, and Bella would be ALL over it, and Esme would probably be a little be confused, but go along for the trip, because "family bonding time!" Now, the issue of course is, most amusement parks are outdoors, so they would only be able to attend if it was cloudy/rainy, and often certain rides and such can't be operated if the weather is too bad, but I think Alice could easily predict the best days to go. She could see when the weather would be perfectly overcast but not too stormy and when the least amount of people would be in attendance so that they could skip all the lines. And they would absolutely slay. They would spend so much unnecessary money on food and merch just for the fun of it, and play all of the rigged games, because why not? They have all the time in the world to win one eventually. When it comes to the rides/coasters, I love to imagine the different reactions. Emmett would probably obnoxiously yell the entire time, because he finds it hilarious. He also insists that they ride each one a million times in a row to impress the ride operators, because "How has this guy not thrown up yet? This ride goes like seventy miles per hour and he's been on it at least ten times!?" Alice would throw her hands up and smile the whole way through (that is, if she's tall enough to get on. She's definitely rocked some platforms to a park before so she could meet the height requirements). She also has a habit of timing the ride photos perfectly so that she looks impeccable, while also distracting her siblings so they look insane. She has a very immense collection of these, because again, she has the money to buy them every single time, no matter how insanely overpriced. Bella "adrenaline junkie" Swan would, I think, enjoy them both as a human and a vampire, even if it's just because she enjoys the road trips and going new places.
Thank you for allowing me this exploration.
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