#funnier? sadder? idk both bestie!!!
pondslime · 2 years
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pumpkin guts
rating: teen and up
word count: 1.8k
sinclair’s x reader (all of them!! to varying degrees!! bo’s the only established coupling, but u can read anything u want into everything else!! go wild!!)
Pumpkin carving with the Sinclair’s. Fucked-up fluff. 
tag list/cw’s: female reader, second person, domestic fluff, but it's tinged with a lil bit of creepiness bc of COURSE it IS, so warning for: stockholm syndrome and a little bit of: canon-typical violence, but don't worry it's still tooth-rotting fluff, you're literally carving pumpkins w/actual murderers!! you have reached the point of no return, good 4 u bestie, soft!sinclair's are still the worst sinclairs and I am giving them all a smooch
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do u wanna carve pumpkins with a bunch of hillbilly losers?? click here
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pipsketches · 5 years
Is there anything you’d change about the characters in Three Houses for fun? Such as, height, age, clothes, body type, hair, or even their house? I find myself unintentionally imagining Caspar buffer and taller then he actually is ^^,
 I’d make a lot of them older. The teacher student thing would have been a lot less of a weird issue if they were all at least 18-20. I mean Sylvain and Mercedes were in their 20s from the beginning so idk why they felt everyone else had to be like 16. Except maybe Lysithea whose need to be seen as mature would benefit from everyone being 20 somethings to her 15-16. It would also make her backstory, imo, sadder being the youngest by that many years and still being the most likely to die. It would make her look smarter and play up the whole prodigy thing. Like all around her character would benefit from everyone else being older.
And I’m going ahead to say this got longer than I intended lol. I’m so sorry! The rest of my long rambling mess under the cut
I don’t really know a lot of the character heights. I know I’ve looked at the heights even charts people made with all of them lined up but I guess cuz their fictional I don’t keep that in mind to much. I’m probably imagining a lot of the character heights wrong to but it’s whatever to me. Caspar funny enough though I had checked and I swear I remember seeing he was 5′9″, which was fine that’s taller than I am lol, but I checked again and he’s actually 5′6″ which is shorter than me but only by an inch so it’s still fine like it’s hardly a noticeable difference. I do prefer guys my height or taller though so I guess I’d make him taller??? It just seems kind of ridiculous cuz it’s just an inch lol.
Hair though! That’s all Felix and Raphael like holy shit do they have terrible hair. Felix more so than Raphael. Like Raphael just needs it maybe a little less fluffier and shorter. He highkey looks like a hobbit post time skip and tweaking it a little could remedy that. Felix on the other hand has like three different parts to his hair. Idk if that’s suppose to mean he’s trying to look good or if it’s suppose to show he isn’t trying at all but Pre-Timeskip had the perfect “I don’t care about my look” look. It was pulled back in a messy bun with strands sticking out everywhere because he genuinely doesn’t care about the superficial. It perfectly told us that he woke up pulled his hair back and called it a day oppose to his timeskip look which seems like he took more time for??? Judging from the little ponytail it’s also shorter which is a good choice. I totally believe Felix just got fed up of dealing with his hair and just cut it to not waste his time on it anymore. So maybe they could have gone shorter. Maybe like a more messy version of timeskip Claude’s hair? Or keep the short ponytail but just don’t have the three different hair parts to get to the ponytail.
Clothing wise I’m gonna say they should have let Raphael l have a boob window! Like it looks like they were gonna let him have one but then added another layer to cover him up. Like if Bernie of all people can have a boob window why not Raph??? I’d also change it so Caspar could maybe have at least his arms exposed. He’s very proud of his muscle (which is why I think a lot of people draw him beefy) so I would think he’d want them out for people to see. He literally has a tea time line drawing attention to his arms being muscular but we can’t even see them??? The generic warrior class, which is his cannon timeskip class, is also pretty revealing so he more than other male character could have been showing off some skin. Change his unit class color to something other than brown. I want to say blue but I think they might have not done that so he wouldn’t be confused as a blue lion,which I get but it also didn’t stop Marianne. Green or teal would be nice to if we can’t go blue (which are Lynhardt colors but their besties so its fine).
Speaking of going blue and being mistaken for a blue lion. If I had to change Caspar’s house it be to blue lion. I’ve seen a few posts on here actually of people making a case for why he’d be great in that house and I can’t say I disagree. He has a lot of potential dynamics there (three of his supports are blue lion with only two yellow deer already) with the most important to me being with Felix. Those two would immediately fight for sure but I think come out as best friends at the end over their love of fighting and even world view. They’re both characters who don’t care about nobility or what others think of them just doing whats right for them and looking out for people. A support with Sylvain could also be pretty funny considering how his C-support with Dorothea and A-support with Hilda went. He’s lovable but not particularly flirty or even good at catching on when someone is flirting (shout out to the random girl who tried to get him to the goddess tower) but clearly interested in flirting, sex, and romance based on his reaction in Dorothea’s C and B-support (personally I think he really thought he was getting to first base until he was made to move furniture lol) and how excited he got in Byleth’s S-support. So having Sylvain try and teach poor oblivious Caspar would be great! Idek if it be funnier to have it end miserably like Dimitri’s or in actual success. A support with Dimitri would be…Something. If you have Caspar, which of course I did, Dimitri personally apologizes to Caspar about Randolph and Caspar didn’t really seem to care but maybe seeing that conversation in more detail could be interesting. Theirs also the whole justice and violence conversation they both could have with eachother.  Other than Caspar idk who else I’d move maybe Lyndhardt to yellow deer? The house is a lot more chill so it seems more his speed. Mercedes being a black eagle could lead to very interesting interactions with Edelgard and Huebert.
For body types I’d make Leonie and Petra have a more visibly athletic build. I honestly think Caspar is suppose to be muscular. Based solely on that one tea time line and his support with Raphael but if he isn’t then I’ll make him muscular! Like the only reason he isn’t…Shown? Is because they gotta have the characters with mostly the same body types to make all the unit class modeling and animating easier. They did this in Fates to with the most glaring example being Saizo. The portrait clearly shows him as this really buff very muscular ninja but give him the towel and all of a sudden his like really lean??? I think that’s what’s happening in three houses. The brawler and grapplers show this the best because Raphael and Dedue who are clearly bigger than the whole cast still have the same model as everyone else. It’s honestly a little weird but I get why they do it. So while I don’t think Caspar is anywhere near Raphael or Dedue he is beefier than what his brawler/grappler/war master class would suggest imo
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