#funny story is that the emergency services operator gendered me correctly and so did the cops did when they arrived. and bio dad is all
missiodine · 2 years
sometimes I remember how I was bullied about my terrible acne in high school and middle school by everyone, including my own bio parents. “you should wash your face more” was a very common line. like mate, I think if the issue was my personal hygiene, that’d be easy to fix. I even briefly got prescription medication to try to fix my skin but not even that worked plus my parents never took me to a doctor after that. not even for like other things like my messed up spine that still makes unsettling noises when I try to do a curl up and my messed up jaw that hurts sometimes for no reason. in hindsight the jaw thing might be from when he hit me in the head because he got angry
did I ever mention my father stole most of my money from me and threw away all my things when I ran away for like a day or two. for a solid while I was wearing the same exact clothes every fucking day because I didn’t have any money to buy clothes and what little money I had was being spent on the most minimal amount of food I could afford. Once I finally escaped from my parents, I gained like 25 pounds in a few months. And then I binge ate because idk. These days, I’m trying not to overeat anymore and lose some weight.
like yeah, I still look like shit these days but yk it hurts
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