#furry space lizards my beloved
mayhaps-a-blog · 2 years
I am loving the ysalamir content I see, but I find it curious that so many people seem to default to giving them cat behavior. Cats are adorable, and I love them, but as someone who also adores reptiles, I’d love to see more ysalamir that are just big, fat lizards!
So what does lizard behavior look like?
I admit, I’ve spent more time with snakes than with lizards. But I’ve dealt with some, so here’s what I’ve got:
(This got... so long. Enjoy!)
Reptiles are stupid. Let’s be honest, folks, there is not much going on up in that little head of theirs. They are primarily driven by food, but many lizards may fail to recognize food if it doesn’t look and behave like what they expect.
However, reptiles are also creatures of routine: lights at night, unfamiliar handlers, unfamiliar surroundings can all be highly stressful!
Reptiles can also be curious, and may dig or escape enclosures, then run and hide.
Reptiles generally do not play the same way mammals do. They may enjoy exploring new objects in their enclosure, new scents, and new structures, but likely won’t chase after toys the way cats do.
Reptiles are cold-blooded, which means they cannot regulate their own temperature – instead, they must move to warmer places to warm up, or colder places to cool down. They’ll often find a nice, warm rock or other sunlit surface to just sit and bask.
Reptiles grow sluggish when too cold (or too hot). They move less, they eat less, they shed less often. Lizards that are too hot may take positions (standing up) to maximize airflow, find a cool place to sit, or look for water (and sit in it).
Reptiles don’t tend to see people as friends. People are either 1) large potential predators; run! Hide! Fight! 2) A Big Moving Thing that may hold food! Or might be food? Yay! Food! 3) A Big Warm Rock that moves sometimes. 
Reptiles don’t generally like to be pet, but if habituated to people, likely don’t mind being pet either. Some individuals may enjoy the warmth or interaction; others may prefer not to be touched.
When lizards are stressed or spooked, they may: hiss, puff up and look big, head-bob or display dewlaps, bite at nearby targets, piss or defecate (on the offender, if possible), freeze and/or attempt to run (very fast and will jump off tall objects), attempt to hide (in small cracks they can squeeze into), etc.
Most lizard species can drop their tail if threatened or stressed. These do grow back eventually!
Lizards shed in patches, which they may rub or tear off over a period of a week or two. Don’t pull on the shed - it can tear the skin, and some animals may not wish to be handled at all. Humidity is important as it helps loosen the shed; if patches remain (a bad shed) they may need to be removed manually.
Before shedding the head, lizards shed their eye scales, which leaves them vulnerable with limited eyesight for a few days. They tend to be very skittish.
Males may be more aggressive during mating season, a few months out of the year. Females may be more passive. Some species don’t eat during this time and change their behavior to find or attract mates.
Sick reptiles generally appear lethargic. They may not eat or respond to stimuli.
Like most animals, lizard behavior is highly individual. One paper describes an iguana that sat by the cage door and raised its head for scratches, while another sat above the door and slapped researchers with its tail!
Notably, most lizards are carnivores, but ysalamir are commonly depicted like iguanas, which are herbivores, and have different behaviors. Since they don’t need to chase prey, they tend to be sluggish and spend a lot of time just sitting around.
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headedtobandomeer · 6 years
Thrass having to deal with bothe Thrawn and Eli as a power couple/pair of reckless idiots and noticing how much of a good team they make and how many grey hair they're gonna give him.
Grey Hairs
I’m sending my betrothed to Csilla. He’ll be an excellent addition to the Chiss Defence Fleet. He was criminally under promoted in the Empire. Look out for him. -Thrawn
When he’d first received the message Thrass had been thrilled for his brother. Finding a beloved was not something he ever expected Thrawn to do. No, his brother had always been much to busy uncovering conspiracies and corruption and breaking military protocol to have romantic partners.
As Syndic of the House of Mitth Thrass was responsible for all the members of the House of Mitth which now included one of the very few non-Chiss living on Csilla. When he’d met Eli he’d thought him even tempered and rational. A good match for his brother. Someone to balance him out. Within three months he realized how wrong he’d been.
Report on Commander Eli Vanto as requested
How did he find another one? I mean stars he’s almost as bad as your brother! Last week his ship broke off from the main group and encircled the smugglers we were tracking. It worked, but he had no way of knowing they wouldn’t just shoot at the his single ship and try to make a break for it.
When I asked for an explanation to his course of action he went into a long ramble about art work and said it was “just like herding itogo on [his] cousin’s ranch”.
In addition to that he’s been introducing the ozyly-eshembo to human games and customs of childhood. One of our four, Prer'adim'drese, no longer allows anyone into the ozyly-eshembo quarters unless they know the passcode, which she seems to make up on the spot and change on a whim. They also insist on playing a game Commander Vanto calls ‘The Floor is Lava’. Whenever one of the ozyly-eshembo (or Commander Vanto, himself!) calls out this phrase the girls launch themselves onto anything above floor level and insist on navigating the ship without touching the floor.
Send help. If help is not available send alcohol.
-Admiral Ar’alani
Things had only gotten worse since Thrawn returned home. They were unstoppable together. Their plans nearly always worked out to the benefit of the Ascendancy, but they were not the ones who had to explain said plans to the other Syndics. It seemed he was having to explain his brothers actions even more now than before his ‘exile’. It didn’t help matters that Thrawn had brought a strange furry lizard creature back with him from his journey. He and Eli had spent three days constructing heat lamps and installing them everywhere in case ‘Inti’ needed to warm up. There was even one in his office!
Then there had been the time he’d found them in a common area late at night. They’d been kissing and discussing more insane plans. Thrass was happy his brother was so in love but that sort of behavior was unacceptable in public. When he’d scolded them, Eli had blushed but he was laughing as he took Thrawn’s hand and led him back to their living quarters.
Thrass had found several grey hairs that had not been there a few weeks before. At least he had a bit of a break with both of them in space at the moment. Then his datapad beeped. It was a private message rather than an official communication.
Your brother and his insane husband just turned a routine check in at an outpost into a three day hostage situation. Eli noticed that someone had misfiled supplies which somehow led Thrawn to figuring out there was going to be a coup attempt on the local government in the next few months. This led those who were planning the coup holding the whole outpost hostage. Thrawn somehow got them all to surrender by talking about their tattoos with them. Full report to come, when I figure out what actually just happened.
Oh and congratulations your brother has had so many noise complaints that he and Eli will soon have the first ever soundproofed quarters in the history of the Chiss Defense Fleet. -Ar’alani
Thrass sighed and began preparing to face the other Syndics again. At this rate all his hair would be grey before he was even truly middle aged.
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uwugenides · 7 years
⭐️I love my boyfriend⭐️When I was little I dropped a can in the garbage on accident and my brother made me crawl in the trash can to get it back out and put it in the right thing.⭐️I have right duane's syndrome. It's a birth defect that makes it so I can't turn my right eye outwards, it stops in the middle and I see double when I try to do it.⭐️I once fell through bleachers from the very top, falling straight down, twenty(20) ft, and I hit five cross bars on my way to the ground. My life did flash before my eyes.⭐️Growing up I wanted to be the first female president. Now I'm a trans man and I hate the government.⭐️I always wanted a husky (I was a wolf and tiger kid) and I got one two years ago and I love her. Her name is Ember.⭐️uhhhhh,,,,,,,, I'm autistic, well specifically I have aspergers⭐️I think you gave me too many stars ⭐️I love space but if I think about the laws of time and space I get too existential and dissociate for hours⭐️I'm having trouble thinking up new facts. F u my friend⭐️I've never been in a play or musical where I didn't have a speaking part⭐️In theatre I played this kid who is two feet taller than me and has non-stop freckled' older brother, so that was fun⭐️How am I supposed to do this without feeling self-centered??? Is that a fact?⭐️I always start writing stories and never finish them.⭐️I have some fucked yo dreams that I will never tell to a single person⭐️Moana is my favorite animated movie, only second to Road to El Dorado⭐️I type like this n lke this n vvvv much like this,,,⭐️I'm watching America's Got Talent right now and it always manages to restore my faith in humanity⭐️also the dancing pumpkin man from that old meme is on America's Got Talent and I love him⭐️I feel so small and then I feel so big and it is weird⭐️I love anyone who messages me, any message or ask. Even hate stuff, like thamknyoi, you took the time to think about me, even if its death wishes, you thought about me⭐️I love doing scary makeup⭐️fucked up shit and horror is my thing, but I can't watch horror movies alone⭐️I used to be really into werewolves and stuff when I first got on the internet and I guess you couldve considered me a furry⭐️I'm in love with my boyfriend⭐️did I mention I love my boyfriend⭐️that doctor who band that was called like Chameleon something??? Idk but they made really good songs. Check them out you guys⭐️COMEDY IS GREAT, FUNNY PEOPLE CAN FUCK ME UP⭐️I'm into dark comedy, but not insensitive comedy. Your racist jokes aren't funny, Barbara.⭐️I love tamale pie. If you haven't had tamale pie you need to have it.⭐️tamale pie and cornbread are the best⭐️sushi is really good⭐️my old choir teacher sang opera and was professionally trained in it.⭐️we had a karaoke day once and he sang karaoke opera for everyone. I'm p sure it was Italian too⭐️we had three foreign exchange students last year at my old school, one from South Korea, one from Finland, and one from Switzerland.⭐️a kid from my school spent part of her year as a foreign exchange student in Spain and when she came back she brought three girls from Spain with her and they cursed a lot⭐️I feel guilty about practically everything I've ever done in my life⭐️SO MANY STARS⭐️I love my boyfriend⭐️the Ghostbusters reboot is a very good movie⭐️I want to go to COS (college of the siskiyous) and then transfer to SOU (Southern Oregon University) so hey, hit me up⭐️one is the loneliest number that you ever did see⭐️I'm sad 24/7 but sometimes that sadness comes across as comedy and that the only reason people like me⭐️I'm a minor⭐️I'm hot as fuck, get on my level twunk⭐️I hate terfs⭐️I want to be so rich that if I wanted to I could pay for everyone in the entire North America and South America to have enough food for three square meals a day⭐️i own a hat that says "black lives matter" and I've gotten ripped off my head more than once while riding my bus home⭐️I have a slight hitchhikers thumb⭐️I was born with brown hair but by the time I was two months old my hair was white⭐️I have owned four(4) rats, two(2) rabbits, seven(7) cats, two(2) guinea pigs, five(5) dogs, and one(1) hamster named Eddie.⭐️I am a self-taught horse-rider⭐️I have been to two(2) rodeos.⭐️I have asthma⭐️I love my boyfriend⭐️so I love my boyfriend⭐️I chew on ice⭐️I order snow cones without any flavoring⭐️snow cones without any flavoring are cheaper⭐️SO MANY STARS⭐️I could've gotten more asks by now and I wouldn't know because I'm answering your stars⭐️I cry too easily⭐️I pass surprisingly well for being a trans guy who has not started T⭐️my family once sat at the dinner table on thanksgiving talking about how my mom had the right to hit me and I would not be allowed to defend myself⭐️I love my boyfriend⭐️I didn't know my dad was alive for the first twelve years of my life aside from the fact that we got the occasional eleven(11) dollar child support⭐️I love dogs⭐️I love cats ⭐️I love birds⭐️I love lizards⭐️I love snakes⭐️I love rats⭐️I love mice⭐️I love fish⭐️that guy on YouTube, Coyote Peterson is my goals as a person. If I could just live as a guy who goes around and finds wildlife I would never ask for another thing in my life⭐️I've recently started playing Pokémon Go again. It's fun⭐️my first Pokémon was a pikachu⭐️I've already traded my first Pokémon for more candies because I'm vain and want to be the very best⭐️I used to be a compulsive liars and would spend hours at night crying because I thought I was a horrible person for it. I was seven(7) at the time.⭐️I'm a trans⭐️koala bears are actively not helping themselves stay alive, not a fact about me, just a fact I like.⭐️I love my boyfriend⭐️I just got a new kitten named Periwinkle Blue⭐️if I die before I travel to at least one(1) foreign country I will have died a sad man⭐️my great grandpa was Jewish and I carry a lot of that culture and its traditions down with me, despite not actually considering myself part of the religion.⭐️I'm a descendant of the Karuk tribe which is located in Northern California. I speak very little Karuk but it's a very pretty language!⭐️I'm also Irish, German, and as mentioned above (or alluded to at least) Hebrew.⭐️I'm white passing as far as my Native American roots go, and trust me, it is awkward being the whitest person at the tribal meetings.⭐️my birthname was the same name my great grandmother had, but is spelt in the newer form, not the Hebrew translated English form.⭐️I live in a very country oriented town. Everyone owns a cow. Or a pig. I almost owned a pig once.⭐️a lot of people say I'm not actually a trans guy because I was too much of an outstanding girl⭐️my insurance won't cover my top surgery⭐️I work as a dishwasher and it sucks ass⭐️I want to quit my job⭐️I love my boyfriend⭐️I went vegetarian for two weeks and then caved for a bag of salami someone left on the counter⭐️I drink at least one(1) Pepsi zero a day⭐️the first website I ever roleplayed on was QuoteV.com⭐️my mom just brought me a Fitbit that she got for me. What does this mean?⭐️I'm technically overweight yet look like the average "healthy" body.⭐️I have Mono⭐️I had lice in second(2) grade and lost many of my beloved stuffed animals because of that⭐️because of trauma I regress on occasion and my YouTube watch history is always interesting when that happens.⭐️I have extremely bad anxiety and don't even realize it half the time⭐️Jimmy Fallon is better than Jimmy Kimmel⭐️I once played a union soldier in a civil war reenactment held by a traveling group of reenactors and trust me, they do not mess around. If you've ever been in something like that you know that they are practically in character 24/7⭐️I love little kids but feel like I'm horrible with babies⭐️I fear I'll be a horrible parent and make my child feel the way my mom makes me feel⭐️I tried to get myself emancipated once and sadly failed as I'd gone through with a Or of the process before someone told me I wasn't old enough yet.⭐️stars are dying balls of gas⭐️I love my boyfriend ⭐️ SO MANY FUCKING STARS JESUS HAROLD CHRIST⭐️The H in Jesus H Christ stands for Harold, I looked it up once.⭐️I don't kinkshame but people should be a bit more conscious of what they do in general public access places.⭐️I've been in two(2) abusive relationships⭐️I take a lot of meds⭐️I might start T this year or next year⭐️I want top surgery before I graduate high school or the summer before I go to college⭐️I relate to Tony Stark as a person way to much⭐️I hate when the Hulk is only Hulk and never Bruce Banner⭐️I'm pretty self-confident most the time⭐️I've brought a blanket with me to school on more than one(1) occasion.⭐️I'm naturally a night owl and sleep better when sleeping during the day⭐️I take commissions for my art and you should commission me.⭐️currently I own three(3) dogs and two(2) cats. Mattie, the German shorthair mix, Ember the Alaskan/Siberian husky mix, and Memphis the purebred Doberman pinscher. One(1) adult cat named Freckles and one(1) kitten named Periwinkle Blue.⭐️I love video games.⭐️I love theories. Let's talk theories all day. Any theory, let's talk.⭐️I love talking about sociology and social expectations that aren't realized.⭐️I love collecting odd knick-knacks. I have many weird artifacts around my room, gathered by me or my yard-sale enthusiast grandpa.⭐️I hate Donald Drumpf.⭐️I love my boyfriend⭐️I love my boyfriend⭐️I love my boyfriend⭐️I hope my boyfriend loves me⭐️the best animated characters to ever exist are Jesse, James, and Meowth from Pokemon.⭐️I'm taking PE independently at my new school⭐️I love singing and acting but I worry that I'm the person that is really bad at it and no one will tell me⭐️I also love doing special effects makeup⭐️sculpting is great fun⭐️I'll be going to the San Francisco comic con this September so if you're there come see me⭐️I'm going to be Dipper for comic con and my boyfriend is going to be Bill Cipher⭐️Arya from Game of Thrones is the best young actress I've ever seen⭐️then again she's not actually that young⭐️I once got stung by a scorpion while being inside my own home on my own bed⭐️till I was like seven(7) I had to share a room with my mom because we didn't have a house big enough for me to sleep anywhere else⭐️my dog Mattie's fullname is Calamity Anastasia Strelow⭐️at the school I used to attend a kid dressed up as a "tr*nny" for Halloween and wasn't told to take off his costume till someone who wasn't trans and out at the school complained and that took me begging my friend.⭐️I love my boyfriend⭐️I'm Bigfoot and my boyfriend is Mothman⭐️Atomic Blond looks like a really good movie⭐️my first(1) two(2) rats were named Loulou and Pepper⭐️my rabbits were Midnight and Petals.⭐️my hamster was a Russian dwarf hamster and he ended up being eaten by my cat Bobby Joe who was eaten by a mountain lion from the local area⭐️a bear has been seen on my old elementary school's campus five(5) times in my lifetime⭐️wolves were once seen by the only starbucks in my town which was only opened up last year⭐️I live in a major gold mining area and I5 runs right through the town next to mine which is practically where I live⭐️I love my boyfriend⭐️I've had a full body massage once(1) in my life and let me tell you, you haven't lived till you've had your butt massaged⭐️I've taken like three(3) different classes for martial arts and never really followed through with any of them⭐️I've only been bitten by one dog in my entire life and it was completely my fault⭐️this post is too long Jesus fuck⭐️why⭐️the emoji movie doesn't actually look that bad in my opinion⭐️Despicable Me3(three) was actually a really good movie.⭐️I hate bad acting but I respect the effort⭐️every sibling I have is a half-sibling⭐️I'm a horrible person⭐️but I'm also the only good person alive aside from my friends and boyfriend so I'm conflicted ⭐️The Gay and Wondrous Life of Caleb Gallo is a must see by anyone who considers them self part of the LGBTQ+ community⭐️I don't consider queer a slur personally but I understand the history of it and I never have and never will use it to describe someone or a group of people without their explicit permission⭐️before I came out as a trans guy I thought I was gebderfluid⭐️Chase Ross is an awesome guy⭐️I feel like I look like Ronan from The Raven Cycle with my new haircut, but I always pictured him with a darker complexion so idk⭐️I hate Caitlin Jenner as a person, but not for her gender identity in and of itself.⭐️my phone is getting very warm⭐️these stars are horribly shaded⭐️I love being trans and don't regret it at all⭐️my husky is probably my favorite dog so far⭐️TOO MANY STARS⭐️I don't know anythinh⭐️I'm actually a robot and this is all a lie⭐️I want to be a popular blogger or like a YouTube or something but hhhhnnnnnggg⭐️I'm really into literature and English and history and everything about all of that⭐️I made my signature while scribbling and realized a particular scribble looked like my initials⭐️I love my boyfriend⭐️I watch too many shows ⭐️I want to be a teacher kind of⭐️I want a better job⭐️I want to be who I see in the mirror when I've got all thecright clothes on and I'm feeling confident ⭐️I want to be a better person⭐️I want to be amazing⭐️I want to be a good human being⭐️I want to be special⭐️I want to be good enough⭐️I want to be happy⭐️I want to be healthy⭐️I want to be happy with who I am⭐️I want to be me⭐️I want to be cool⭐️I want to realize that I can be all this things if I just let myself⭐️I want to kiss John Boyega⭐️I want to hug Chris Pratt⭐️I want to smile the way I smile when I see my boyfriend⭐️I love my boyfriend⭐️I want more scars⭐️I want to be more adventurous⭐️I want to be a great person⭐️I want to live a good life⭐️I want Drumpf to resign⭐️I want to be famous⭐️I want to be immortal for all the good and bad it brings⭐️I want to be good⭐️I want to be happy⭐️I want this to end⭐️I love my boyfriend
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davidoespailla · 5 years
‘Animal Cribs’ Host Shares His Secrets for Creating Spaces Any Pet Will Love
Animal Planet
Our beloved pets need spaces where they’ll feel at home, too. Few know this better than Antonio Ballatore, the host of Animal Planet’s “Animal Cribs.”
Now in its second season, “Animal Cribs” follows Ballatore as he builds a variety of animal accommodations, including a den for dragons (of the bearded variety) and a bedroom for horses (so they wouldn’t demand to sleep in their owner’s bedroom—long story).
Each week, Ballatore works with a sharp team of “catsperts” and “barkitects” to transform drab, cramped homes and yards into functional, high-style spaces for both pets and the humans who love them.
“My team and I transform family homes into pet paradises,” he says. “We’re building for every animal you can imagine!”
Rabbit ranch
Animal Planet
Horse bedroom
Animal Planet
Although Ballatore started out as a punk rocker by night, he turned to building and design to pay the bills. He became quite accomplished at it, winning the fourth season of HGTV’s “Design Star.” From there, he was tapped to host his own design and renovation show, “The Antonio Treatment.”
He took his English bulldog, Chewie, along with him on all of his design projects, and clearly adored creating spaces for the owners’ pets. So it wasn’t that much of a stretch when the producers of “Animal Cribs” approached him to be their host and designer, too.
On “Animal Cribs,” Ballatore aims to create harmony among the species in their own special living spaces—without breaking the bank.
“I’m all about taking what you have and working with the existing architecture,” he says. “I haven’t seen an unlimited budget since the early ’90s.”
Antonio Ballatore discusses plans to get this 200-pound python out of the kitchen.
Animal Planet
Ballatore recently took time out of his busy building schedule to give realtor.com some tips on creating more harmonious habitats for your own furry/feathered/scaly friends. Even if you’re not creating an entire “Dawg Town” or “Python Playground,” as he’s done in the past, you’ll be able to pick up some slick suggestions to create your own pet paradise—for any shape, size, or species.
Don’t worry about resale too much
When considering creating a pet-specific living space, many homeowners ask, “But what will that do for the resale value of my home?”
Ballatore believes that pets are members of the family, and that “people should consider the best way for everyone to live so they can enjoy life together, while you’re there,” rather than be concerned about pleasing some unknown buyer down the road.
But make your pet areas human-friendly, too
“I love tapping into the family, how they live, what fits their lifestyle best,” says Ballatore. He thinks the best animal spaces are ones where both humans and pets can be comfortable together. So in one dry, dusty backyard, he not only created diversions for the dogs, but he also made a nice conversation area where folks can sit and watch the dogs at play.
“It’s about bringing the entire family together, not just having the dog outside. Everybody’s together, everybody’s safe, everybody’s chilling,” he adds.
A comfy patio for humans alongside a playground for pooches
Animal Planet
But dogs aren’t the only pets this applies to. For goats, he’s created a tall tower with a ramp, so the adorable critters could see and be seen (they are indeed curious creatures). Even for snakes, instead of converting an entire large basement into a python paradise, he reserved one room for a stylish bedroom for one of the owner’s teenage sons, so he and his brother wouldn’t have to share a room with bunk beds anymore.
“People and animals are the same in that they need their own space,” he says.
A tower with a ramp where goats can see and be seen
Animal Planet
Animals need enrichment
“One of the main reasons animals act up is that they’re bored,” says Ballatore. “The biggest mistake people make when thinking about their animals’ living conditions is not providing them with enrichment, diversion, something to stimulate them both physically and mentally. I think 90% of all behavioral problems stem from animals not getting the enrichment they need.”
The spaces he creates are always varied and intriguing, both for humans and animals.
This goat area provides plenty of varied experiences for the critters.
Animal Planet
Do your research
“Do research specific to the animal you’re working with,” says Ballatore. “What are the safe materials to use for different species? And get information from multiple sources, because everybody has their own opinions. Find out what’s specifically needed for your specific pets.”
For example, a surface that works best for dog runs might make a tasty but toxic treat for goats. For example, he says, they had to use special kiln-dried pine wood for a chinchilla enclosure, because some woods can be poisonous to the little guys.
“Do the same type of research you’d do for a baby nursery,” he advises.
The No. 1 priority is keeping your pets safe
You don’t have to create a big, fancy pet palace to keep your animals happy, but you do have to keep them in a safe enclosure where they can’t get out and wander into traffic. It should also be safe from predators.
“The first thing to do is mend all fences,” Ballatore says, adding that animals also need to be kept safe from the elements and extreme temperatures.
Make sure your surfaces are easy to clean
“Almost all animals love water features,” says Ballatore. But water can get stagnant and filled with algae if the wading pool or watering trough is not easy to drain.
“Make sure there’s a drain and a place for the water to empty,” Ballatore advises.
Then there are the caves and small spaces where animals like to burrow, which may be hard to reach to clean. Ballatore cleverly designed a series of doghouses so the tops came off and the owners could reach down inside to clean them, rather than having to attempt to shimmy inside.
These pup pools are easy to clean because they’re above ground and have drains.
Animal Planet
Create multilevel spaces
There are very few species that don’t like some variation in their topography. Dogs, cats, goats, snakes, lizards, and birds all like to perch or climb or crawl up and down. Goats, in particular, like to climb to the highest surface, which is why goat yoga, during which these nimble critters climb atop of you, works so well.
In fact, “no one, not even humans, likes to be down on the ground all the time,” says Ballatore, who advises installing ramps, steps, raised beds, and other diverse surfaces in all of your animal areas.
Multiple levels, surfaces, and textures keep both humans and animals occupied.
Animal Planet
Multitextured surfaces are also important
Ever notice how on hot days, your dog gravitates toward cool tile, shaded cement, or slick marble, while on cold days it likes to curl up on soft beds that retain body heat? There are other textures that are important as well.
Most species like to scratch their backs against something rough on occasion, whether it’s rolling on the grass, rubbing against a fence, or even wrapping themselves around a branch with rough bark.
And what cat owner hasn’t found out the hard way that the feline inclination is to use whatever is handy as a scratching post? Ballatore believes you should “provide all your pet’s favorite textures in their living spaces.”
Grass won’t grow? Try mulch
Dog owners are well aware that it’s difficult to keep lawns looking lovely when Fido is not only constantly digging them up, but also using them as a toilet. And every dog owner is well aware of the consequences of mud and dust being trailed into the house because the lawn has been reduced to a giant dirt patch.
Ballatore’s answer to this situation is simple: mulch—but not just any old mulch.
“Believe it or not, you can get dog-run-specific mulch,” he says. “The bigger barks are better for dog runs. Mulch in the back will also keep your house cleaner, because there’s no dust and mud to track in.”
Mulch makes a great surface for dogs.
Animal Planet
Ballatore with yoga goat owners Scout and Robbie
Animal Planet
“Animal Cribs” airs on Fridays at 9 p.m. on the Animal Planet channel.
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‘Animal Cribs’ Host Shares His Secrets for Creating Spaces Any Pet Will Love
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lisboeta1 · 5 years
April 11th is National Pet Day! Come celebrate with us!  Pets of all shapes and sizes enrich our lives and bring us joy.  Some of our favorite authors have included beloved pets as characters in their books.  After all, pets bring people together! If you enjoy stories that feature furbabies, fish and pets of a more unusual variety, have we got a sale for you! For a limited time, only on our website, the ebooks featured below are on SALE, at a discount of up to 75%.  Grab one – or more than one – of these today and discover your next amazing read!
And while it’s our party, we’d love to gift YOU with your choice of ONE of the books included in our Pet Day Celebration Sale.  Sign up for our newsletter to enter! Share the giveaway via the blog post for another entry!
We’ll choose four winners, one paperback book each.  Open Internationally. Follow this link to enter the GIVEAWAY:
AFTER THE SCRUM by Dahlia Donovan
Sherlock is one of those pets who is larger than life. He has more personality than some of his human counterparts. Sherlock is a service dog that recognizes impending anxiety attacks in his beloved human and quickly attempts to comfort or distract.
The pets of At War With A Broken Heart are some of my favourites in all my stories. We have Rabbit, who’s a fox, and Fox, who’s a rabbit. Still with me? I love the not-fox and the not-rabbit. And lastly, Haggard, a loyal and intelligent service dog, who lives for his human. Haggard was trained specifically to help a retired military veteran dealing with survivor’s guilt and post-traumatic stress. A blue merle Australian Shepherd. Beautiful, clever, and funny. He’s the perfect companion.
THE TRAIL TO YOU by Lindsay Detwiler
My mastiff, Henry, appears in all of my novels simply because I love him. I’ve always wanted to write a book, however, in which he is a more integral part of the story. In The Trail to You, Henry is a main character; several of the chapters even follow his journey. When his owner, Ronan, returns from a deployment to find his best friend Henry missing, he will set out on an epic journey to get him back. Ronan doesn’t expect that Henry will lead him to the path he was always meant to find, however. Even though my real-life Henry has never been in this situation, there are many true-to-life traits of the character in the book. For example, my real Henry is obsessed with cupcakes and would love Cupcakes of the Abyss as featured in the book. This story celebrates the magic that happens when a human and dog bond, a magic I’ve come to know firsthand with Henry in my life.
  THEN COMES LOVE by Lindsay Detwiler
I used to say I was an aspiring crazy cat lady, but now that we have five cats, I think I’m definitely there. Charlotte Noel in my chick lit series Then Comes Love shares my love for cats. When she moves into the nursing home and her daughter is forced to adopt her five cats, chaos ensues. One of the scenes in the book where the cat is stolen by a neighbor is based on a real-life event with my own cat; a neighbor of ours ended up snatching our cat by mistake, and after looking for her for months, I happened to see her in their window.
OUT OF THE PENALTY BOX by Genevive Chamblee
Hockey captain, Christophe Fontenot, is tall, blond, and sexy with a “massive” personality larger than the area he pulverizes his opponents. It stands to reason that this stacked with muscles hunk’s furry companion would be his four-legged match. Claire, a slobbering but lovable Bullmastiff, is a rags-to-riches canine sort of speak. Nearly starved and beaten to death as a pup, Claire was rescued by Christophe. With nothing in his heart to give other than love, Christophe spoiled her rotten with gourmet treats, hugs, and special-order plush toys. Now, Claire’s pastime consists of sunbathing by the pool and chasing Allie, Christophe’s pet gator. Yeah, it’s like that in bayou country. Read more about Claire in Out of the Penalty Box.
In Breaking Down Buttons comes along at just the right time for Jax. In her he sees a lot of himself and identifies with her. At a difficult time for the youngest Ryan, she becomes the family he feels he has lost. The relationship between Jax and Buttons is pure love, of two “abandoned” souls coming together to form a family. I think it proves that pets are as much a part of a family unit as any person can be.
BLUE, Dragon Runner Book 3 by ML Nystrom
Toto and Sam were my son’s childhood dogs. My son had turned four years old when Toto joined our family. She had such a variety of DNA, I have no clue of what breeds she had in her. Her version of a doggie hug included walking up to you, pressing the top of her head into your chest, and staying there until you petted her. She was just short of sixteen when she passed. Sam came into our lives with a sadder story. A rescue group found him in a box abandoned in a parking lot. By some miracle, he was still alive and won the doggie lottery by coming to live with my son and me. Sam was a boxer/pit bull mix and the biggest cuddle bug ever. Toto helped Sam tremendously on how to be a family dog. They would play hard in the backyard, eat together, and sleep curled up next to each other. Very often all four of us would crowd in my bed. They took up more than their fair share, and I learned to sleep on a tiny piece of the edge during those times.
TIME FOR LOVE, Timeless Love Book #2 by Laura N. Andrews
Thor is loved by his two daddies, Nicholas and Caleb. A German shepherd cross husky, Thor’s light blue eyes can sparkle with mischief and shine with intelligence. He’s both cheeky and smart and loves to have his dads chase him around and dote on him. His favourite things in life are sleeping in their bed and running and swimming at the beach.
OCEANS AWAY by Skye McNeil
In Oceans Away, Gideon Taggart has two Australian Shepherds, Diesel and Dallas. As an owner of a blue merle Aussie and lover of the cute wiggle of the breed, I had to incorporate a little of that into this story. Diesel and Dallas are quite the pair. They help Gideon around the farm with chores of chasing anything that moves. Both dogs also get into trouble when it comes to the woman in Gideon’s life: Ireland Leighton. I won’t give too much away, but I will say that slobber is involved with these cuties. Since Ireland and Gideon live on farms, animals are abundant, and pets are equally as involved in their day to day routine. If you’re an animal lover, Oceans Away is sure to bring a smile to your face and a desire to hug your furry best friend.
  HEARTS ABROAD by Skye McNeil
In Hearts Abroad, Callum Archer has a basset hound named Sherlock. As you can probably guess, the dog is slobbery, lazy, and loving to all. Once a hunter, Sherlock now spends his days lounging in his favorite dog bed near Callum’s desk and chases squirrels every so often. He prefers leisurely walks around the mansion or playing with Callum’s two daughters to hunting these days. Sherlock isn’t the only fun pet in Hearts Abroad, though. Enter Oreo, a black and white tuxedo kitty who also happens to love chicken lo mein and crawling wherever he desires. While Oreo belongs to Londyn Bellerose’s roommate, the chubby cat tends to walk all over Londyn and even hide in her luggage. He’s the epitome of a curious cat who just wants you to sit down long enough to pet him. Both Sherlock and Oreo bring the characters in Hearts Abroad to life. Plus, a little fur makes a story warm in all the right places. Check out Hearts Abroad to learn more about Sherlock, Oreo, and the humans who make the story come to life.
They say dogs are man’s best friend, and in Finding Marnie Luke puts that theory to the test when he gifts his love Marnie a gorgeous female puppy who is in need of a home. Marnie is going through a rough patch in her life, and wanting to help, Luke thinks the new puppy will be both a distraction, and a source of uncomplicated and unconditional love–something Marnie’s in desperate in need of. It’s fair to say that her life hasn’t been easy–in fact, at various points, including when she was very young, it has been marred by hardship and tragedy. As she points out, it wasn’t the kind of upbringing where she had a pet, or anyone, to love her, or whom she could love in return. Luke’s hunch is right, and Marnie falls instantly in love with her new dependent. If only opening her heart and accepting her love for Luke could be so simple.
In the Jewel Chronicles series, Princess Milenda has a special kind of pet. His name is Mjusi and even though in Afrika they call him a forest lizard, he’s actually a young dragon. Mjusi’s relationship with Milenda is so much more than that of a pet and its owner. They’re best friends who grew up together and would do anything for each other. He might be green and iridescent—and at times cough up smoke—but he was Milenda’s only friend growing up and was always there for her through thick and thin. They found each other in loneliness and filled an empty space in each other’s hearts. Such is the power of a pet’s love.
      The Jewel Chronicles
  Hot Tree Publishing Pet Day Sale
  National Pet Day Book Sale April 11th is National Pet Day! Come celebrate with us!  Pets of all shapes and sizes enrich our lives and bring us joy. 
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mayhaps-a-blog · 3 years
Natural History of the Ysalamir: Part 5
It’s been a while but I love these guys. So. What happens if you get too many ysalamir on one Olbio tree?
It’s unclear what nutrients, exactly, are being extracted from the tree, but if the tree is spending energy on producing them, they’re probably nutrients the tree needs as well. The ysalamir are parasites, in this sense, unless they provide something for the tree – fertilizer, perhaps? – that provide a net benefit for the tree, in which case they’re mutualists. Still, too many ysalamir will probably have some very negative effects on the tree, by removing too many nutrients for the tree to survive.
I’ve gone over how ysalamir might be triggered into entering a movement phase here (in far too much detail), so I won’t go through that again. But, consider – ysalamir probably don’t WANT to kill their trees. Moving to a new tree is difficult and costly and carries significant risk – much better to make sure your tree stays healthy.
How? By making sure you’re the only ysalamir on that branch.
So, you’re a ysalamir with your claws firmly embedded and immobile on a tree branch. How do you make sure other ysalamir don’t come over and park themselves right next to you?
Maybe you can bite them. I’ve talked about why ysalamir, who absorb nutrients through their claws, might have a mouth here. Possibly for biting purposes!
There’s a thing, mostly seen in plants on Earth, called allelopathy. This is when a plant emits a chemical, usually through their roots, called allelochemicals (super creative, I know, but at least it’s easy to remember), which stop other plants from growing nearby. They might be bad for plants of that species, different species, etc. The point is, they keep other plants a nice safe distance away, so the allelopathic plant can get some space.
I think it would be cool if ysalamir had roots. I ALSO think it would be cool if they were allelopathic, preventing other ysalamir from encroaching on their space by releasing a chemical into the tree that says, “MINE!”
Or, they could just behave like the creosote bush, which absorbs so much water other creosote bushes can’t survive nearby, and absorb all of the available nutrients along that branch, so no other ysalamir would bother because, well, there’s nothing there for them.
Of course, we’re not covering mating competition here. That’s a whole other ballgame!
(Part 1-fur)
(Part 2-claws)
(Part 3-mouths)
(Part 4a-reproduction)
(Part 4b-movement)
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