#any look at these furry space lizards is amazing
anxietyishere · 2 years
The reason I don't wanna do commissions is because I get burnt out REAL easy if something is too complicated, or too basic, plus my hand cramps pretty easily on occasion which gets really painful if I keep trying to force myself, maybe in the future tho when there's less stuff going on irl, :3
If you are; a spammer, pro-shipper, pedophile, racist, sexist, homophobic, or a zoophile, !DO NOT INTERACT WITH MY BLOG! you will get an instant block & report if you do.
1: respect others no matter their gender, sexuality or race. (This includes respecting therian's, furries, and people who use neo pronouns!!)
2: only curse around people who also curse or are comfortable with it, (I personally curse quite a bit, so I'll put this here to warn anyone just in case they don't like hearing people curse,)
3: do NOT harass anyone, (you can share your opinion, but be calm and don't be an asshole. Or just not talk to the person you dislike as alternatives.)
4: do NOT show any nsfw content to me or any other minors following my blog, (suggestive is fine, but no NSFW videos or art.)
I have multiple mental health issues, so I often take random breaks, so sometimes I'll be on and post a lot, but then disappear for a bit, and unless I say otherwise, I am likely just tired, bored, or burnt out during my periods of not posting.
I have ADHD, Dyslexia and Autism.
Also, here's the fandoms I'm currently in:
FNAF security breach
Invader zim
Bendy and the dark revival
Breath of the wild/Tears of the kingdom
The Sun and Moon show
The Monty and Foxy show
Murder drones
The amazing digital circus
Ever after high
Monster high
And whatever else I forgot to mention that I might add later! :D
I'm nonbinary, demiromantic, and Omnisexual!(With a slight preference for women, and androgynous people,)
My favorite color is green! But sometimes changes to yellow, certain shades of brown, blue, pink, or purple!
I have scoliosis, so I got a funky spine >:}
My favorite animals are Eels, snakes, opossums, ravens, racoons, frilled sharks, Geese, ducks, moths, and lizards! :D
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mayhaps-a-blog · 2 years
I am loving the ysalamir content I see, but I find it curious that so many people seem to default to giving them cat behavior. Cats are adorable, and I love them, but as someone who also adores reptiles, I’d love to see more ysalamir that are just big, fat lizards!
So what does lizard behavior look like?
I admit, I’ve spent more time with snakes than with lizards. But I’ve dealt with some, so here’s what I’ve got:
(This got... so long. Enjoy!)
Reptiles are stupid. Let’s be honest, folks, there is not much going on up in that little head of theirs. They are primarily driven by food, but many lizards may fail to recognize food if it doesn’t look and behave like what they expect.
However, reptiles are also creatures of routine: lights at night, unfamiliar handlers, unfamiliar surroundings can all be highly stressful!
Reptiles can also be curious, and may dig or escape enclosures, then run and hide.
Reptiles generally do not play the same way mammals do. They may enjoy exploring new objects in their enclosure, new scents, and new structures, but likely won’t chase after toys the way cats do.
Reptiles are cold-blooded, which means they cannot regulate their own temperature – instead, they must move to warmer places to warm up, or colder places to cool down. They’ll often find a nice, warm rock or other sunlit surface to just sit and bask.
Reptiles grow sluggish when too cold (or too hot). They move less, they eat less, they shed less often. Lizards that are too hot may take positions (standing up) to maximize airflow, find a cool place to sit, or look for water (and sit in it).
Reptiles don’t tend to see people as friends. People are either 1) large potential predators; run! Hide! Fight! 2) A Big Moving Thing that may hold food! Or might be food? Yay! Food! 3) A Big Warm Rock that moves sometimes. 
Reptiles don’t generally like to be pet, but if habituated to people, likely don’t mind being pet either. Some individuals may enjoy the warmth or interaction; others may prefer not to be touched.
When lizards are stressed or spooked, they may: hiss, puff up and look big, head-bob or display dewlaps, bite at nearby targets, piss or defecate (on the offender, if possible), freeze and/or attempt to run (very fast and will jump off tall objects), attempt to hide (in small cracks they can squeeze into), etc.
Most lizard species can drop their tail if threatened or stressed. These do grow back eventually!
Lizards shed in patches, which they may rub or tear off over a period of a week or two. Don’t pull on the shed - it can tear the skin, and some animals may not wish to be handled at all. Humidity is important as it helps loosen the shed; if patches remain (a bad shed) they may need to be removed manually.
Before shedding the head, lizards shed their eye scales, which leaves them vulnerable with limited eyesight for a few days. They tend to be very skittish.
Males may be more aggressive during mating season, a few months out of the year. Females may be more passive. Some species don’t eat during this time and change their behavior to find or attract mates.
Sick reptiles generally appear lethargic. They may not eat or respond to stimuli.
Like most animals, lizard behavior is highly individual. One paper describes an iguana that sat by the cage door and raised its head for scratches, while another sat above the door and slapped researchers with its tail!
Notably, most lizards are carnivores, but ysalamir are commonly depicted like iguanas, which are herbivores, and have different behaviors. Since they don’t need to chase prey, they tend to be sluggish and spend a lot of time just sitting around.
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krat395 · 5 years
Spooky Scary Funny Bone Ticklers (Chapter 2)
Ok; now that we've all met MK's mother, it's finally time to meet MK's little sis, who, by the way, could very well be a character that appears in the game! ;)  Undertale(c) Toby Fox.
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 2: MK’s Little Sis! :D
 Gracie: Hello, brother *said Gracie in her usual monotone and somewhat soft-spoken voice*
 MK: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! *screamed MK frighteningly as he frantically leaped into Gaster’s arms*
 Gracie! MK’s younger sister, Gracie is the gray lizard girl that scared MK just now! And by how quickly her usual stoic frown turned into a cynical grin, she seems pretty proud of herself for doing so. ;)
 Upon witnessing MK leap into Gaster’s arms, everyone in the living room watching the cute and funny scene laughed spontaneously and heartily at the same time. Gracie has a rather consistent habit of startling and/or scaring practically everyone simply by just showing up in places unexpectedly. Almost as if she has the ability to teleport. And poor MK is the one she frightens more than anyone and his reactions to being jump scared by his younger sister herself are beyond hilarious.
 MK: Sis, come on, that’s like the umpteenth time you’ve scared me like that this month!
 Asriel: Hahaha! It’s funny when she does that to someone else!
Frisk: Hahaha! I know, right?
 Sans and Papyrus: And we got it all on tape! *exclaimed Sans and Papyrus in unison as they held up their smartphones, special smartphones that respond incredibly well to skinless fingers* ;)
 Undyne: Fuhuhuhuhuhu! Yes! Nice work, Skeledorks! Fuhuhuhuhu!
 Alphys: Pfffffffft!! Hahahahahahahaha!! *snort* Skeledorks! Hahahahahaha!! *snort* Good one, babe!! Hahahahahahahahahahaha!! *snort* Hahahahahahahahaha!!
 Undyne: Fuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu!
 MK: Aw man; seriously, you guys?
 Sans: Hehe. I’m afraid so, kiddo.
 Gracie: Don’t take it personally, brother. That’s just one of my ways of showing you how much I like you. You know that. *stated Gracie in a surprisingly heartwarming tone of voice, causing everyone to think, “Awwwwwwwwww! So cute!” to themselves upon hearing her*
 MK: Yeah, I do, sis. I do.  
 Papyrus: …Oh my god, where are my manners? Hello there, Girl MK; a pleasure to see you as always.
 Gracie: Ha, ha. Well, if it isn’t the younger son of Dr. WD Gaster himself. …Hi, Papyrus.
 Gaster: Haha! Girl MK. Papyrus, that’s not her name. Her name is Gracie, remember? Or, if you prefer, you can call her GONER KID… or, GK, for short. ;)
 MK’s soon to be 10-year-old sister, Gracie, is… GONER KID aka GK!!! She is a gray lizard monster that has a strong resemblance to MK and even though she is technically not a Goth, she sure as hell qualifies as one due to her cynical attitude, her rather gloomy view of life, and her interest in all things that are both dark and spooky. Like MK and the Dreemurr kids, GK is enrolled in Toriel’s elementary school but unlike MK who is in fifth grade and the Dreemurr kids who are in sixth grade, GK is in fourth grade; and family friends, Patricia (Patty) and Kyle (Patience and Kindness respectively) are in fourth grade with her. And just as MK did with Bradley (Brad), Isabella (Izzy), and Justin (Bravery, Integrity, and Justice respectively) and just as the Dreemurr kids did with Perry (Perseverance), GK worked on many school projects with Patty and Kyle both in and outside of school and she is just amazing friends with them overall. GK is also someone whom Papyrus refers to as “Girl MK.” But no one can really blame Papyrus for doing that though since GK is THE splitting image of her cheerful and energetic older brother from her head all the way down to her six clawed toes. Really, the only differences between her and MK are their skin colors, their clothing colors, their clothing (MK wears a striped shirt with brown pants while GK wears a checkered mini dress with dark gray leggings), the number of spikes as well as the location of the spikes on their heads (GK has 2 spikes on the left side of her head and 2 birthmarks on the back of her head), their eyes (GK’s pupils and irises are barely visible), and their heights (MK is slightly taller than GK). It should also be noted that unlike MK, GK was not built a pair of robotic arms, meaning that she still lacks arms entirely.
 Papyrus: Oh yes, that’s right. Silly me! Nyeh heh heh!
 MK: Heeheeheeheehee!! Yes, and she’s so adooooorable too! …And squishy! …Squishy face! *teased MK as he squished his sister’s cheeks, which made both Frisk and Chara giggle since they do the same thing to Asriel from time to time*
 GK: Please stop doing that, brother. *requested GK with an annoyed expression, prompting MK to move his robotic hands away from her cheeks.
 MK: Uh-oh, looks like someone needs a tickle. *teased MK as he wiggled his robotic fingers right next to GK*
 GK: Tickle me and you die!!! *yelled GK jokingly (hopefully) as she tail-whipped MK’s robotic hands*
 MK: Ok, ok, I’m sorry, sis! I won’t tickle you! I was just kidding! Honest! *MK shouted frighteningly as he hurriedly backed away from his scary younger sister, which made the Dreemurr kids, Undyne, and Lydia all laugh in response*
 GK actually does like being tickled by her brother. She just doesn’t like being tickled by him when others are watching, that’s all. And unknown to both her and MK, she’s like Undyne in that regard.
 Lydia: Hahahahahahaha!! Oh, you kids. Hahahahahaha!!
 MK: …I’ll just tickle Mom instead! *shouted MK with an evil grin on his face*
 Lydia: Hahahahahaha!! ………Wait, what did you just say, honey puff? *Lydia asked nervously*
 Seconds later, MK ran excitedly towards his mother. Then, without warning, he playfully pinned her against the floor on her back. Then he kneeled over her. And then he began tickling her like crazy, scribbling his robotic fingers teasingly all over her knees and thighs, wiggling his clawed toes whimsically all along her sides, and gliding the tip of his tail ever so slightly all along her stomach with every passing second. Like MK, Lydia is quite ticklish herself. And with no arms, she’s practically powerless to stop MK from attacking a few of her weak points with his fingers, toes, and tail, much like MK was back when he didn’t have robotic arms. ;)
 Lydia may be wearing one of her many maxi dresses right now. But that dress, along with several of her other dresses, is made of silk, meaning that it does very little to reduce the feelings of her son’s fingers, toes, and tail on her sensitive sides, stomach, thighs, and knees. ;)
 Undyne: (OH MY GOD! Now MK’s tickling his mom?!!! …Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, that’s soooo adoooorable too!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, oh man, when will all of this cuteness end?!!! I don’t know how much more of it I can take!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!)
 Undyne can tell that Lydia doesn’t entirely mind being tickled by MK in such “evil” ways. Therefore, Undyne is NOT upset with MK for pinning her down and tickling her in front of several of their friends. Not one bit. After all, Undyne clearly wouldn’t be on the verge of having another cuteness attack if that were the case. ;)
 Asriel: Hehehehe. Hey, MK, mind if I join you? *asked Asriel with an “evil” grin on his face*
 MK: Haha! Not at all, Az! Go right ahead!
 And so he did! After being given the ok to join in, Asriel sat on Lydia’s legs, trapping her tail in the process, and began tickling the soles of her feet; gliding his furry fingers ever so slightly along every inch of them with each passing second. (The center of her soles, the spaces in between her toes, and the bases of her toes are her weak points!) :D
 Well, looks like Lydia’s got herself into quite the pickle here. With her tail and feet trapped and no arms, she has no way of defending herself from the boys’ tickle attacks! …Or does she? ;)
 Sans: Hehehehe. Hey, Lydia; need a HAND? *asked Sans jokingly while holding up his left hand and without any intention of offending Lydia due to her lack of arms and hands*
 Mere seconds later, Lydia’s eyes turned light blue and then, with her full concentration, she summoned A PAIR OF MAGICAL ARMS, light blue arms that she can manipulate the sizes of at will!!! :O And with them, she grabbed both MK and Asriel and lifted them directly off of her. Then after that, she pinned them down against the floor with those magical arms of hers and kept them pinned down until she was ready to let them go.
 MK: *frightened gasp* Oh no! How did you manage to… *another frightened gasp* Oh god, don’t tickle us back, Mom! We’re sorry! We’re really, really sorry!! *shouted MK worriedly*
 Under normal circumstances, Lydia has an incredibly hard time summoning her magical arms while being tickled. But today however, she actually managed to summon them and provide herself an opportunity to tickle MK and Asriel back. But, to the two monster boys’ surprise (and relief), she didn’t tickle them back at all, actually. Instead, she let them off with a warning. Awwwww! Such a nice lady! :D
 Lydia: (Oh, those two boys; tickling me like that in front of all our friends! Hmph! …Ehehehehe. Ah well, at least now I don’t feel so guilty about setting them up for some tickles from Mettaton next Tuesday after school. Mettaton wants to tickle MK and Azzy so much; and after helping Sans scare the bejesus out of him yesterday morning, it was the least I could do for him.) *thought Lydia to herself with an evil grin on her face*
 Ohhhhhhhhh! Lydia’s going to have Mettaton tickle MK and Asriel next Tuesday after school! Perhaps that’s why she didn’t tickle them back with her magical arms at all. ;)
 MK: Ehehehehe. Sorry, Mom. I should know by now that it’s your job to embarrass me; and not the other way around.
 Lydia: Oh, it’s ok, honey puff. All is forgiven. Really, all is forgiven. *said Lydia with a heartwarming smile as she made her magical arms disappear* (6 words: Tickles from Mettaton next Tuesday, boys!) *thought Lydia to herself with an evil grin once again*
 Chara: Aw man! Lydia, you can’t be serious! *said Chara disappointedly* After all that, you’re forgiving them just like that?!
 Lydia: Heeheeheeheeheehee!! Yes, my dear, yes I am! (Again; tickles from Mettaton next Tuesday, boys!)
 Chara: Ehehehehehe. Well then, looks like I’m gonna have to punish them for you! *exclaimed Chara as she pushed MK over onto his back* Or, at least the one that started it anyway! *exclaimed Chara as she wrapped her left arm around MK’s ankles and began tickling his scaly feet with her right hand fingers* Heeheeheeheeheehee!!
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheehee!! Nope!! Heeheeheeheehee!! Tickle, tickle, tickle, Silly Puffy Fluffykins!! *teased Frisk as she continued tickling Asriel’s feet with her stick; gliding the stick ever so slightly all along his sensitive soles, wiggling it all willy-nilly in between his sensitive toes; gently poking his soles and toes with it, etc. etc.* Coochie coochie coo!!
 Undyne: (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH MY GOD!!!!! AZZY BLEATS LIKE AN ACTUAL BABY GOAT!!!!! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH; CAN’T, HANDLE, ANY, MORE, CUTENESS! MUST, LEAVE, NOW!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!) Oh my god, babe, if anyone asks; I’m grabbing more of your paintings from our bedroom! *Undyne said to Alphys while blushing heavily, quietly enough so only Alphys could hear her* Eeeeeee; gaaaaah; let me know when all of this cuteness is over, ok?
 Alphys: Heeheeheeheeheehee!! Ok, Undyne. Sure.
 With that said; Undyne ran upstairs to her bedroom with blazing speed to squee into one her pillows once again and then stayed in her bedroom until all of the tickles were over and done with.
 1 minute later…
 Sans: Hehehe. Ok, girls, that’s enough.
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheehee!! Ok, Sans.
 Seconds later, Frisk stopped tickling Asriel’s feet. But Chara on the other hand continued tickling MK’s feet.
 Chara: .........
 Sans: Um, Chara, you can stop tickling MK now, kiddo.
 Chara: ………
 Sans: Chara, stop tickling MK, please. *Sans asked Chara politely*
 Chara: ………
 Sans: Chara… no more tickling. He’s learned his lesson. *claimed Sans with a slightly annoyed tone in his voice as he moved Chara away from MK with his gravity manipulation powers aka telekinesis*
 Chara: Hey! Wooooaaaaaah! *Chara shouted worriedly upon being lifted up into the air by Sans*
 Seconds later, Sans gently placed Chara back on the floor.
 Chara: Ugh. Sans, did you have to? *asked Chara disappointedly*
 Sans: Yep. …Because it’s breakfast time, kiddo! *shouted Sans excitedly, which surprised everyone in the room due to how chill he normally is* MK and GK’s old man made all of us some of his famous breakfast sandwiches this morning.
 Chara: *excited gasp* With his secret family recipe sauce? *asked Chara excitedly*
 Sans: Hehe, of course. Rocco never makes his breakfast sandwiches without it. Hehehe.
 Chara: Hehe! Nice! ...By the way, where is Rocco? How come he’s not here?
 Lydia: Oh, that’s because he’s currently at home resting, my dear. After filling in at a restaurant out of town for an entire week, he’s awfully tired. (But somehow not tired enough to babysit Rex and make breakfast sandwiches for all of you.)
 Chara: Oh, ok. :)
 Like Toriel and Kyle (Kindess), MK’s father, Rocco, is a very proficient chef. But unlike Toriel however, being a chef is what Rocco does for a living. And last night, in celebration of Undyne’s return from her vacation, he insisted on baking his famous breakfast sandwiches for everyone the following morning. Rocco also happens to be another cooking instructor (the other one being Toriel) that gave Papyrus a few private cooking lessons to help the wacky skeleton himself become a better chef. Since Papyrus is such close friends with MK, it should come to no surprise that Papyrus wound up befriending MK’s parents, as well as GK, in addition to MK.
 Later… after everyone ate their breakfast sandwiches… and after a few more friendly conversations…
 Sans: Hehe. Well, kiddos, I think it’s about time we going, don’t you think?
 Asriel: Oh, yes, definitely!
 Frisk: Lead the way, Sans.
 Lydia: Haha! Ok, see you later. MK, GK, you kids have fun today, all right?
 GK: Yes, mother.
 MK: We will, Mom! *responded MK as he hugged his mother and Alphys goodbye*
 Alphys: See you around, “little bro.” *said Alphys with a heartwarming smile*
 MK: Same to you, “big sis.”
 Moments later, all five kids and the three skeletons left the house and went into the front yard, leaving Lydia alone with Undyne and Alphys so she can catch up with the two girls a bit longer before going back home to her husband and baby boy.
 In the front yard,
 MK: Have fun today, sis.
 GK: *sigh* I’ll try to, brother. *sigh* I REALLY hope this time alone with Gaster goes better than I think it’s going to. *said GK while shaking nervously, very nervously*
 MK: Hey, hey, it’s ok, sis. This is a big step for you, I get that. But just know that if today doesn’t go the way you’d like it to go; well, you can always count on me to cheer you up at the end of the day. Just remember, your big brother’s got your back.
 GK: Thanks, MK. *sigh* I know I don’t say it a lot, but, I really do love you. *said GK while smiling*
 MK: I know you do, sis. And always remember to believe me when I say that the feeling is definitely mutual.
 Moments later, GK, touched by what she was told a few seconds ago, proceeded to hug MK by wrapping her tail around his waist since she doesn’t have arms. Then immediately after that, MK hugged her back with both of his robotic arms and his tail; and all the while he hugged her, he continued reassuring her that her day with Gaster will go just fine. Also, unknown to the two reptilian children, Undyne saw and heard them interacting with each other while she was grabbing some beverages inside the house for herself, Alphys, and Lydia. The way MK and GK interacted with each other brought a tear to Undyne’s eye and seeing MK’s loving and caring nature towards his sister helped prove to Undyne even more that MK can be trusted again after the whole under-the-bed tickle torture incident back in April.
 Undyne: *sniffles* Oh, MK, you are such a sweetheart. *sniffles again* You’ve been doing one hell of awesome job earning back my trust after what you did to me back in April; and as long as you continue being the kind, loving, caring, friendly, funny, silly, and adooooorable sweetheart that you truly are; well, you can GUARAN-ASS-TEE that there will be an anime convention ticket in your pocket by the time June rolls around.
 One minute later…
 GK: Ok Gaster, I’m ready. *claimed GK as she stopped hugging MK*
 Gaster: Hehehehehe. I’m very pleased to hear to that, young lady. Here, I’ll help you into my car.
 A few seconds later, Gaster held the back door on the passenger side of his car open for GK and then as soon as the young lizard girl herself positioned herself comfortably in the seat, he fastened her seat belt for her. GK could have easily done all of these things with her mouth, feet, and tail. Gaster was just being polite, that’s all. And GK appreciated it very much too.
 Gaster: And there we are. All strapped in and ready to go.
 GK: Thanks, Gaster.
 Gaster: Hehehe. No problem.
 Frisk, Chara, and Asriel: Bye, GK.
 MK: Yeah; bye, sis!
 GK: Goodbye, everyone.
 Gaster: *gently shuts GK’s car door* Well, this has been fun and all, but it’s finally time for me to get going. GK and I have a big day ahead of us and I don’t want to keep her waiting any longer than I have to. So, see you soon, everyone.
 Sans: Oh yeah, we should get going too. Bye, Dad.
 Papyrus: Yes, see you soon, Dad.
 Asriel: Bye, Gaster. Oh, and if we don’t see you before then, see you next Saturday.
 Frisk and Chara: Heeheeheeheehee!! Heck yeah! And we absolutely can’t wait to see that new room of yours! *said the two 12-year-old girls in sync*
 Next Saturday, Gaster will be watching Frisk, Chara, Asriel and MK at his house in the woods. And when the four kids go to Gaster’s house next Saturday, they will get to spend time with their favorite skeleton “uncle” in this huge room in his secret basement (only Gaster’s family and very close friends know about his secret basement and the basement itself isn’t super deep underground like the practically empty Kingdom of Monsters is) that he’s been working on for several months now. And regardless of whether or not things go well with GK today, GK will not be joining them since she made plans to spend next Saturday with Patty, Kyle, and Perry (GK is close friends with Perry since he’s Patty’s older brother) a long time in advance.
 Gaster: Hahaha! I like your enthusiasm, young princesses. Thanks. And, MK, it was so heartwarming seeing you interact with your sister like that. She’s so lucky to have a loving and caring big brother such as yourself. And, as I said earlier, I’ll do my absolute best to make this day unforgettable for her.
 MK: And again, I have absolutely no doubts about that Gaster. Now, go on have a good time together, ok?
 Gaster: Hehehehe. We will, MK. *chuckled Gaster as he rubbed MK’s head*
 As soon as Gaster said his final goodbyes to everyone in the front yard, he finally got into his car and then took off with GK, leaving Sans and Papyrus alone with MK and the Dreemurr kids in the process.
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shalliedragon · 7 years
Fur Squared 2018: Convention Report
All right. I think it's official now. Fur Squared is now my favorite furry convention. Their attention to detail, the sheer generosity of the attendees, the utter insanity of the events, the fact that it's just the right size, the fact that 40% of the attendees either sponsored or super-sponsored... all of those things make Fur Squared unlike any other convention I've been to. It is rare that I attend a convention that is pretty much non-stop happiness and excitement from beginning to end.
I say this despite the fact that the weekend was more or less one big blur of awesomeness. There weren't a whole ton of standout moments, because it was all consistently fun and enjoyable. But I will try to recount what I remember (might be easier now that it's over).
Got everything packed into my car before work, and left work early to head on the road. It's a long drive from home to Brookfield, so I had to put the pedal down and just go. On the road I listened to the Dragget Show and Feral Attraction podcasts (sidenote: FA's "keeping yourself secure on the internet" episode was extremely disappointing, but that's a topic for another day).
I got to the con around 10:15 and checked into my room. I met my dear friend (and roommate) Jake (AKA Cobbs) in the lobby of the Sheraton. After exchanging pleasantries, he helped me carry my stuff in, and then we went over to MST3K (stylized to MiST3Ke on the schedule). Registration had closed, so I didn't have my con badge yet, but the person at the door thankfully let us in just by showing our state ID's.
The panelists were Alkali, Pandez, Xander, Draggor, Dixie Lioness, and Furry Bobs (I believe). The movie in question was... some kind of bad fantasy adventure thing, I don't remember the title, but it was bad. The panelists had to drink when a weapon was drawn, when there was a typo in the subtitles, when there was "(dramatic music)" playing, or the secret rule: anytime the panelists ended a sentence with a vowel. I didn't stick around to the end, as I was exhausted (so did Jake), but I think the panelists ended up winning.
We made our way back to the room, where we ran into our 3rd roommate, Gotherine Foxx (Gothy for short), who was putting the finishing touches (read: a pack of googly eyes) on a very large and ornately-drawn painting for the charity auction. She subsequently left with her friends, and then Jake and I went to bed.
I. Slept. Like. GARBAGE.
It took me a very long time to finally fall asleep the night before, and I don't quite know why. I think I got like 3-4 hours of sleep. It was BAD.
Thankfully, Fur Squared made it up to me with FREE BREAKFAST. This is one of my favorite features of Fur Squared. Every day of the con, they give all of the attendees vouchers for the breakfast buffet, so that everyone always gets at least one of the two meals needed for the 6-2-1 rule. I ate my fill, assuming that I wouldn't really be eating lunch that day. Jake and I sat with my friends Angel and Gabi, and we also ran into my friends Linn and Xeila.
After breakfast, I meandered around the con space with Jake, and went to get registered. Two things of note. First, they were giving out ribbons to the sponsors/super-sponsors that had character classes on them: archmage, drunken master, divine oracle, and ... one other one that I don't remember (I think it was Bard or something like that). I chose Archmage. Second, they had little stickers that you can put on your badge for your preferred pronouns. This made me REALLY happy; I always love it when cons try to be trans-inclusive.
Then we did some people-watching. There were a lot of familiar faces, and the excitement was palpable (both from the attendees, and from the many happy dogs that the charity had brought with them). I managed to snag a picture of Axikor as they walked past (it was actually the only picture I took the entire con, foolish me). Finally, it was time for opening ceremonies. It was filmed, so I won't go into detail, but long-story-short: the GOH's were Furry Bobs and Cypher (sp?), the artist of honor was Golden Druid, the con theme was "Lizards and Labyrinths 2nd Edition, Revenge of the Top Hat", the Kalerati and the Church of Adam started a charity donation war to see which one was the best, and people were silly. Good times.
Also, throughout this time, my 4th roommate, Dezzi, was nowhere to be found.
After the con was open, I made a beeline for my room and got right into my fursuit. I traveled around the con space some, posed for a few pictures, gave a few hugs, and got some professional photos taken at the photoshoot area in the headless lounge (I was due for some new photos). They had a whole collection of fantasy-themed props there, which made for some fun photos. I did a couple photos: one where I had a veil and some potions and looked like an alchemist, and one where I had a fistful of gemstones. The photos should be processed in the next few weeks.
I ran into my friend Alex while I was there; he was wearing his Azriel Dreemur fursuit (he's the one with the big Save button you see gallivanting around the cons). We chatted for a bit, and he went on his way.
I also had a goal for the weekend. Earlier in the year, I had bought a pack of "sprouts", these little clip-on plastic plants that you can affix to yourself as decoration. I was inspired by a former MFF roommate, Sven, who was giving them out to people. I wanted to continue the tradition, so that I could help #SproutTheLove on my own. I had a collection of 5 that I was going to give out by the time the weekend was over (I had already given my other 2 to my roommates).
After getting my photo taken, I sauntered downstairs to the video gaming room. They had rockband set up, so I immediately sat down at the drum kit and started getting a song set up. A couple other furries saw me banging on the drums and went "I have to get in on this." There were 3 of us playing "Somebody Told Me" by The Killers. And it was a cluster. We could barely hear the music, the instruments were all out of sync, and I was extremely rusty (and in fursuit). But it was fun, and it seemed like it made people smile, so it was worth it.
I said my goodbyes (I think we ended up attracting a small crowd), and made my way back to my room to cool off and clean up. I got a quick bite to eat at the con suite (which was decorated with candles, goblets, crystals, and even a little keg), and then made my way over to the Otherworld Stories panel. Alkali and a bunch of his Nero (LARP) friends told stories of their various experiences in LARPing, and hilarity ensued. It was a surprisingly popular event, and the individuals involved sounded pretty amazing. They also had a slideshow of old photos from Alkali's LARP days. I really wish they had Nero out where I live, because it sounded like a hell of a lot of fun.
After that I stayed put for convention horror stories. It's pretty standard for that kind of panel: old con chairs and con staffers talk about ridiculous terrible things that happened during their tenures, and hilarity ensued. I had heard many of them before, but it was still fun. It was filmed.
I got a quick bite to eat (#BeerCheeseSoup) between panels, and then went back for the 3-Headed Monster. As per usual, Alkali, Pandez, and Xander each did 15-20 minute comedy sets back to back. Xander got somewhat political, but also much darker than usual. Good balance of new and old material. Alkali ... was Alkali, and Pandez sang a song or two. It was filmed, as usual, and it is consistently one of my favorite events, so if you haven't seen it yet... see it. Seriously.
After that was QUIPFUR. This is Draggor's homebrew version of the popular video game Quiplash. Serathin was the MC (he basically just read off the answers and stuff) and the main panelists were Xander, Furry Bobs, and Huscoon. Unlike standard Quiplash (in addition to having furry-related questions), Quipfur was played where Draggor chose which two people played in a given round. He usually pitted one of the panelists against a random audience member. It was pretty hilarious, and I highly recommend it if you like fun events that you can participate in.
It was at that time that I noticed that Draggor still wasn't wearing his trademark skin-tight bodysuits. He was in a costume (broad-brimmed fantasy hat with feather, and tights), but he wasn't wearing a mask or anything. Indeed, throughout the entire convention, he only donned a bodysuit once: the fursuit parade (where he wore his Robbie Sinclair suit). Other than that, he was just his normal human self. He never said why he wasn't wearing them (to my knowledge), so I don't know what the reason was for the change of pace. I can only speculate: either a) he just wanted to change things up and do something different, or b) he was getting tired of being known as "the bulge" and wanted to be recognized for more than just his suits and his package. Maybe I'll ask him sometime...
After Quipfur, I went over to "Fox's Songs To Get Murdered By". Fox Amoore (accompanied by Flop the bass bunny) basically just played a bunch of random songs, and had Pandez, Alkali, and Boozy Badger sing along. It was definitely fun, and very silly. I think it was filmed (I hope so, because my memory for it was kind of weak).
Of note: this was one of the first panels I recall that made mention of the phrase "cripple fight." This phrase was to become a recurrent meme throughout the con.
Jake and I quickly went over to the restaurant and got some more food (I had a salad, and Jake had a salad with a brat sandwich, and also had the cocktail I got earlier that night, a variant of a sidecar). We often spent our time talking about things in the fandom and various hobbies. Jake's a soft-spoken guy, who often just responds with a "nice" or "I like that" when I tell stories. I worry that I am boring or annoying to him, but since he chooses to keep hanging out with me, I'm assuming my worries are unfounded.
After dinner part 2, we went to Whose Lion Is It Anyway (audience participation version). I've become more fond of the audience Whose Lion in recent years; people have gotten better at it, and the quality of the jokes has really increased. Further, I am SO HAPPY that Alkali specifically told people "please avoid insult humor and racist jokes" and encouraged people to get creative. That had been a problem in previous years; people had often used Whose Lion as an excuse to say terrible things to each other, in an attempt to be funny. But since they specifically quashed that this time, people actually tried different things beyond the typical "hey baby wanna do sex?" chestnut. It was great. Indeed, some some of the jokes were FANTASTIC.
Also more cripple fight. And Culver's. Culver's is apparently a thing now.
After that, we went to the bizarrely-titled "Boozy's Drunken Naptime." I honestly went into it expecting to see Boozy doing dramatic readings of children's stories or something. Instead, it was him, Huscoon, Fox Amoore, Nbowa, and Dixie Lioness just BS'ing for an hour. Weird, but still funny and interesting.
This seems to be a common theme for a lot of panels: get X people, put them on a stage, and have them tell funny stories and BS with each other, with pretty much no structure beyond that. There were at least 4 panels at Fur Squared that followed this format. It's a format I haven't really seen outside of furry conventions, and I am curious about how it came to be, and why it works so well. More research to come.
After that was the last panel of the night: Iron Alcoholic. It is competitive mixology. During each round, the competitors had to create a cocktail that met certain criteria (i.e. "must contain vodka, must be a shot"). They had a time limit to do this (2-3 minutes), and then audience members were the taste-testers for the event. Each round had a winner, based on how the audience felt. Me and Jake only stayed for 2 rounds, because the event started after midnight, and we were both exhausted. But it was pretty awesome. It was definitely filmed (thank you Silvergatomon, seriously he is a saint).
I got up at around 8 in the morning, so that I could go to Xander's Saturday Morning Cartoons panel. I had been looking forward to this panel all year; it was a ton of fun last time. It's a great way to just relax and unwind on a Saturday morning. As usual, Xander created a "playlist" of various clips from cartoons and TV shows, and we just kind of sat and watched. It was funny, though some clips were better than others. Most of them were D&D or animal themed to an extent. Unlike last year, they didn't have cereal and milk, which was a bit disappointing. Still, a good time.
Immediately following was CHAIRity D&D. This was probably one of the best panels at the con. It was a one-shot D&D adventure, played by Alkali, Draggor, Dusty Montale, and John AKA Beardo The Magnificent, with Faelan as the DM. They were playing a variant of 5th edition, with some additional house rules to streamline things (each player had a deck of cards with spells on them). And it was BRILLIANT. The campaign was really smooth and fluid. Faelan was an EXPERT DM; he deftly made things up off the cuff, without batting an eye or checking a rulebook. All the players got really into their characters. And as usual, they were hilarious. To top it all off, the audience could donate money to the charity to both increase the difficulty of the adventure AND grant boons to the players if they so desired.
It was probably one of the best run, most entertaining D&D sessions I have ever witnessed. And it sounds like they'll be doing it again next year, so yeeeeeeee!
After the adventure, I booked it back to my room to quickly get into fursuit for the parade. While I was in the staging area, I ran into Xander (in suit) and gave him my usual hug. I also ran into my friend Angel, who was wearing her brand new wolf partial suit. It was super cute, especially because she had a big plush cookie in her mouth. After the group photo, the parade began. I was right behind Red Beagle (I think that's his name?) and I felt really bad, because I kept bumping into him as I walked. My vision isn't very good in-suit, so I had a hard time looking at the audience AND seeing where I was going. I'm going to make an effort to be aware of that going forward. Mustn't have been fun for Mr. Beagle (considering my head is made of resin and probably made for unpleasant noseboops).
On a lighter note, I do distinctly recall hearing people shout "Shallie!" as I rounded one of the corners (I think it was Leafy Greens?). This really made my day, as I rarely get recognized by name in the parade. I made an effort to get a lot of mugging and posing in, trying to do more than just wave. I think they like it when I act "fabulous", so I'm going to try and ham it up more next time.
After the parade, I rushed back to my room to get cleaned up before running back to attend Charity Whose Lion. Again, one of my favorite events. And again, more cripple fight (IIRC Boozy ended up swatting Propzilla with his cane). I highly recommend this panel; these folks are all experts at improv comedy. If you haven't seen it, watch the video when it comes out.
Following that, I went over to the dealer's room to take a look around, and collect my super-sponsor swag. This year's con swag: a Fur Squared beer mug, a t-shirt, a branded dice bag, a complete set of D&D dice, and a branded stemless wine glass for the super sponsors. As usual, sponsors got a copy of the poster, and super sponsors got to be IN the poster. I was pretty blown away by my picture: they knew somehow that I was a spellcaster, so they made me a sorceress (in a pretty dress no less). It was awesome.
After wandering around some more and snagging a bite to eat (while signing the super-sponsor poster for the charity auction and giving two sprouts away to some strangers), I went over to @FurSquared. This was a gameshow of some stripe, hosted by Iggy, where each round, people were given prompts, and were asked to come up with clever responses. For example, one of them was "what kind of fictional crossover have you always dreamed of?" The responses were pretty good, but I remember the game being a bit more... lively the previous year. Still, fun times.
Following that, I went over to another bizarrely named panel: "Monkey Knife Fights." Following a similar formula as Drunken Naptime, they put Alkali and Boozy up on a stage and had them BS for an hour. As you might imagine, it was hysterical. But that wasn't the cool part. That came after the panel.
Immediately following the event, Alkali revealed that a hypnotist had come to the convention, and was in the audience with us. I think some people donated to the charity to convince Alkali to undergo hypnosis at the hands of this gentleman. I thought "Oh this'll be funny, we'll watch Alkali do stupid things". But what actually happened was even better. The gentleman, who was named Mark, was a professional hypno-therapist, and he spoke all about how hypnosis can be used to help treat psychological disorders and mental illness. He also explained how hypnosis worked, in an effort to allay Alkali of his fears (he was visibly nervous at first).
Eventually, the ferret calmed down, and Mark began his hypnosis regimen. He told Alkali to imagine that a helium balloon was tied to his wrist, and that it was slowly filling up with gas. As it filled, Alkali was told to imagine that his arm was getting lighter as the pull of the balloon got stronger. Eventually, Alkali's arm PHYSICALLY ROSE OFF HIS LEG, and he literally could not make himself put it down. Then, Mark cut the balloon's "string", and Alkali went to sleep. Mark told Alkali to envision that one of his friends had snuck in the room and put googly eyes on Boozy's eyes (Boozy had been sitting there silently the whole time), and to think about how funny that would be.
At the end, Mark told Alkali that he wouldn't remember any of this, but that he would feel very refreshed and happy, and that he would see Boozy's "googly eyes" upon his waking. Mark commanded Alkali to wake up, and Alkali had the biggest, most placid grin I had ever seen on his face. He looked so peaceful, so content, so relaxed...
And then he turned and saw Boozy and LOST IT!
Alkali honestly believed that there were googly eyes on Boozy's face. He was all like "You look like Dr. Doom from Roger Rabbit!" and he laughed so hard that he nearly fell out of his chair. After he had calmed down, Mark asked how Alkali had felt. Alkali responded that he felt "the best I've felt all day."
I really hope that was filmed, because that was an incredible experience.
Moving on, I went to the super-sponsor dinner. More accurately, I stood in line for the super-sponsor dinner. Apparently there were so many super-sponsors that they had to bring in people in stages. I was toward the end of the line. Alkali was really apologetic, and said he would try to smooth things out for next year. But it honestly didn't matter. They had enough food for everyone.
And what a banquet it was. They had a buffet with chicken and mushrooms, roast beef, roasted vegetables, dinner rolls, salad, beer cheese soup, potatoes, cookies, brownies, and Sprecher Root Beer on tap. It was pretty delicious, especially considering how hungry I was. I sat at the table, eating with my fellow super-sponsors, thinking to myself "I'm doing this every year!" And frankly, I think I will. All the cool swag, getting to be in the poster, AND a free catered meal? Considering a Fur Squared supersponsorship is $100 less than one at MFF or AC, I think that's a pretty solid bargain.
Also, there was a proposal at the dinner. It was pretty sweet. I think Alkali cried.
After that was the DRAGGET SHOW! Super fun, like always. The panel was Xander and Alkali, Boozy, Draggor, and Pandez. I forget what all they talked about, but it was recorded, so eh. I do remember Xander mentioning the video I made for them. Context: I had been working on a remix of the JAPAN SONG for the past several weeks (go to YouTube and look up "dragget show japan song" if you want to see the original, or my remix), with my goal being to get it done before Fur Squared. I was successful. I also wanted to get Xander's attention about it (he tends to not check his phone often), so I asked him about it on his Patreon. He mentioned it, and said that he had actually retweeted the song. So yeah, that was cool.
Of note: the Dragget Show was a charity panel, so people were passing around the hat. But towards the end, there were two huge donations. One person donated $666.66. And (IIRC) Tobe donated $1,000. Alkali cried. Combined with the other money, the show raised over $2000, which made it the most generous event at the convention other than the charity auction. It was amazing. And as usual, the show ended with a charity story. It was the story of what REALLY happened on Draggor's birthday, when they all got insanely high. I won't go into detail, though; you need to attend the panel to hear the charity stories. >:D
Following that, I went over to the Foxes and Peppers after dark show. It was pretty funny, like usual. Pepper's guitar string broke mid-set, so he had to fix it WHILE performing. They auctioned off the last printing of one of Fox's CD's. And they performed "Lighthouse", in memory of the kids who were shot during the school shooting in Florida recently. Pepper put it best: "I want to forget the reason I wrote this song, but there keep being more and more reasons to perform it."
The show ran a little long, so I ended up being late to Libation Appreciation. For those who don't know, this event is all about sharing knowledge about alcohol. They talked about various different types of booze, how they like to enjoy them, and various recommendations for brands to try (apparently Nika distillery is good for Japanese whiskey). It was pretty informative. Then Fox and Pepper crashed the panel, and Pepper (who was drunk) started playing around with the giant Jenga set in the corner of the room. Still, good times. They kicked us out at 1AM and I went to bed.
Got up at around 9 for breakfast (someone ended up taking our spots, so we had to talk to the wait staff and get new vouchers), and then Jake and I went over to main events for Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes. For those who don't know the video game: one person has a bomb in front of them, with a bunch of puzzles on it. The other person/team has a bomb manual, with instructions on how to solve the puzzles. However, neither can see each other's screens, so they have to talk and work together to defuse the bomb. It's a pretty fun, but stressful, game.
And they took it further at Fur Squared. Firr and Zen Fox were running the panel. They had one audience member at the bomb, and a team of other audience members with paper copies of the manual. While the bomb was being defused, Firr and Zen would do everything in their power to be distracting. They would scream and shout, sing, dance and stomp around, blare annoying music, and more. They even set up crazy "house rules" to make it even harder. One of the "experts" had to speak in a Russian accent. Another time, only one of them was allowed to speak. Another time, the audience had to use their phones to use the manual.
And then it was my turn. I got to be the defuser once (I lost), and it was hilarious. Firr and Zen were yelling and making the stage shake, and they were moving my microphone around. Another time, I was one of the experts, which was shortly after they had taken all of the paper manuals and threw the pages all over the place. We gathered up the papers as best we could, and were ready to start.
And then Harvard walked up to the bomb chair. Harvard is a silent fursuiter. We had to play "Keep Talking" with someone who didn't talk. To make matters worse, Firr and Zen decided to play "helping hands" with us, where they came up behind us and put their arms under ours, pretending to be "our arms." I distinctly remember receiving a nipple tweak from Firr. At any rate, we lost, even on the easiest difficulty. Harvard had the foresight to hilariously dive from her chair just as the bomb was about to explode. "She was the only one who thought to do that," said Firr.
Our next "victim" was Razzy, another fursuiter. Thankfully Razzy could talk. We still had a hard time deciphering what he was saying for some of the puzzles. This wasn't made easier by the fact that Zen Fox decided to lie down on top of all of the bomb manuals. I had to physically roll him out of the way (I thankfully didn't push him off the table). But we won!
For the last bomb, I think it was Zen in the hot seat, and Firr reading the manual. They misread one of the puzzles, but I think they ended up winning? I don't remember. Regardless, Firr does a really good job with the Keep Talking panel, so you should check it out next time you go to Fur Squared.
Following that event, Jake and I went down to the "Coming and GOHing" panel. SemJay, Zen Fox, Pandez, and Firr regaled us with stories about being the previous guests of honor at Fur Squared. They answered questions and shared their thoughts about unexpected things about being a GOH, what their proudest accomplishments were, and how they messed with Alkali's head. SemJay even took off her pants for charity (she was wearing underwear, don't worry).
This panel bled into the following panel, Firr's "Go Forth And Suck." It was a pep-talk panel, where Firr (and the other former GOH's) encouraged people to just go out there and try whatever they wanted to do. If you have an idea, just do it, and don't be ashamed of sucking. We all sucked at one point. And sucking is how you get good. It was because they all took risks and did stupid things, some of which just blew up in their faces, that they ended up where they are now. Pandez's story was particularly poignant; one of his first solo comedy sets was to a crowd of 12 people in a room made for 500. But he kept going, and he learned a lesson from his experience (tailor the room to the size of the event, and do smaller sets).
I was reminded of my panel at the previous year's Fur Squared. The one that only had 3 attendees. As of writing this, I never attempted to try again after that dismal failure (even though someone thanked me for my time). So, next con I go to, I am going to submit multiple panel ideas and see which ones I get. I will do my best, and I will have fun doing it, no matter what happens.
Sidenote: because one panel ended up bleeding into the other, the panelists decided to combine the two and call it "Coming and GOHing and Sucking." We laughed at that for a good 30 seconds.
After the panel, I went with Jake back to the room and we said our goodbyes. He unfortunately had a plane to catch. But I was happy to have been able to share so much of the con with him, whether it was sitting together at panels, or having in-depth conversations during meals. He told me he remembered fondly the time at AC when we just sat and talked for hours at the end of the con. I hope that we can do something like that again sometime.
Then I went to the charity auction. As usual, it was fun times. Lots of great stuff up for auction. I unfortunately didn't win anything. But honestly, it wasn't even about that. The Fur Squared charity auction is one of the highlights of the con, because people really get into it. Cheering, jokes, huge bids; the atmosphere was electric! There were items that went for over $1000 apiece. My roommate, Dezzi, actually ended up buying the creative rights to the Kalerati AND the Church of Adam at the auction. Alkali bought the signed super-sponsor poster, as a way to say Thank You for all the hard work done by Axikor and their team. A mask made by one of Alkali's Nero friends went for $1500. It was incredible.
Oh, and someone bought a collection of Victoria's Secret perfume and then sprayed it all over Alkali, Firr, and Pandez.
Charity auctions, the bar has been set by Fur Squared. Both in terms of money raised, and in terms of the experience.
After the auction, I quickly went back to my room to get into fursuit. I decided that this was going to be a tradition: I would always do "This Is How You Kill A Con" and closing ceremonies in-suit. So I did.
I met up with my friends Linn and Xeila at the panel, and had some snuggles (I know Linn had previously asked for fursuit snuggles, so I was making good on my promise). I gave Linn one of my sprouts. But the real fun was the panel itself. For those who haven't been: "This Is How You Kill A Con" is basically just a time-filler while the board of directors meets to go over the events of the con. As a result, they give Firr free reign to do pretty much whatever he wants. And he took full advantage of that.
Him and Zen (and I think Furry Bobs was there for a bit) just kind of did whatever for an hour and a half. We had a mini charity auction. Several things ended up being up for bid. First, a small sketch done by an artist in the audience at "Coming and GOHing and Sucking". Next, a small piece of string. I think there was something else (I hope they filmed the panel).
And then Huscoon showed up. The conversation turned to Culver's, again. Turns out, the Fur Squared Twitter account only follows one other account: Culver's. This gave Firr an idea. He would put up for auction the ability to send a single tweet from the Fur Squared Twitter account AND the ability to have the account follow any one other account (no unfollows). I think the winner tweeted out that he wanted to be the GOH for next year.
They also managed to convince Huscoon to auction off the ability for someone to post a tweet on HIS account. Yes, you read correctly. The famously conservative, controversy-starting Huscoon. The one for whom #BlameHuscoon was created. Turns out, Dixie was the one who won that tweet. I think she posted "I give my undying love to my sweetheart, Pepper Coyote" or something like that. Good times.
In the middle of the shenanigans, I made my way up to the front of the room and gave my last two sprouts to Firr and Zen. Firr clipped his to his hat (where it stayed for the rest of the con), and Zen clipped his to his beard. I was happy.
Finally (after ending the panel with a round of "Bohemian Rhapsody"), it was time for closing ceremonies. They began with a big Happy Birthday song for Draggor, and he was blown away. He was grinning from ear to ear, and he turned beet red from embarrassment. Turns out he's as big a sweetheart as Alkali is. The staff also brought up a present for him: a hoodie featuring the logo for Dragon's Milk beer.
I won't go into too much detail, as this panel was filmed. I'll just go over the highlights. Kataze had his traditional power point presentation, going over the numbers at the convention. This time he had graphs, and they were HILARIOUS. Final head count: 1101. Total sponsors and super-sponsors: 485. That's right. 45% of the convention chose to upgrade their badges. By contrast, I think AC had a similar number of upgraded badges, but had 7,500 attendees.
Someone brought in a whole cart full of Culver's custard. I didn't get any (as I was in suit) but they had enough for... a lot of people.
And then the waterworks. Alkali read off the totals for the charitable donations from each of the sources. And as he read, his became more and more misty-eyed. But it didn't stop there. I think there were at least 4 or 5 instances of people coming up and going "wait Alkali, I have more money." Including my roommate Gothy donating a LITERAL BRA AND PANTIES MADE OF MONEY, that was worth $69 on the dot. As usual, Firr went around and rounded things up.
The final charity total was $21,000. They beat their previous year's total by about $6,000. Which, as of this post, puts Fur Squared at #3 in the ranking of most generous furry conventions in the world (total donated divided by attendance).
To top it all off, Cy, one of the guests of honor, said that when she sells her house, she would donate 10% of the value of the house to the charity, which was estimated to be a donation of about $12,000.
Lastly, they announced stuff for next year. Vegas themed. Title: The Mouse Always Wins. I do hope that means that Miko is going to do something ridiculous.
They also announced the guests of honor. They doubled up on the artists of honor (I don't remember their names), but they also had a new "Gamemaster of honor" title, which they awarded to Iggy! I was ecstatic, cuz I had roomed with him the previous year, and consider him my friend. I was jumping up and down and clapping like mad. I think Iggy was pretty surprised.
After closing ceremonies wrapped up, Linn went back to my room with me, and I gave her the Christmas present that I had been meaning to get to her for the past 2 months: a board game called Pitch Deck (look it up, it's fantastic). She was so happy, because she's a huge board game nerd, and she immediately recognized the game when I pulled it out. We sat and talked for a while, catching up and talking about future convention plans. After a while, I told that I had to get cleaned up (I was still in my bodysuit), so we parted ways.
After cleaning up, I went over to the hotel restaurant for dinner. This was where things took a bit of a dip. I got to the restaurant, and sat down. I waited for the waitress to come bring me a menu, but she never did. I went over to the bar and sat down, looking over at the bartenders. They never acknowledged me. I sat there for a solid 15 minutes, and was never even noticed. It was stupid. Upset, I decided to give up and head over to the Adventure Time marathon. Thankfully they had pizza there, so I was able to eat my fill without having to spend money.
I discovered that night that I don't like Adventure Time. While it has some funny jokes, it's too full of existential dark humor and body horror for me to enjoy it. Plus, there were like 5 people watching the show. So instead, I decided to take a look around and see what people were doing.
It was then that I discovered the "dead dog karaoke" happening. Firr, being a DJ, had set up a karaoke machine in the main events room. People could give him a card with their requests on it, and he would call you up when it was your turn. It started out kind of slow, but as the night went on, it became increasingly more fun. And there were some AMAZING singers. Citrine Husky in particular did an incredible cover of "Don't Stop Believin'".
People were really getting into it. I ran into Gabi and Angel again, and we hung out for a bit before they ran off onto the dance floor. There were a surprising number of folks dancing. Then Zen Fox showed up and things got a bit more rowdy.
Highlights: closing ceremonies had a big confetti cannon, so people were having confetti fights. A lady in a big white fursuit, with padded digi legs, sat down on Zen in the middle of the floor. She then proceeded to poke Zen with a big "phallic" balloon. At another point, someone had a cardboard cutout of Jesus, and they were dancing around with it. Someone did Andrew W.K.'s "Party Hard" and Firr was backing it up unenthusiastically. One guy serenaded Gothy with R. Kelly's "Bump n' Grind." They did the Time Warp.
And I sang "Your Song" by Elton John. I was kind of afraid of the high notes, so I started out singing the song and octave lower than the original. This ended up sounding bad, so I switched over to the original register and just did my best. Turns out I was able to hit most of the high notes after all. I distinctly remember doing a silly dance during one of the breaks. Firr came up next to me and sang along. And I held out the last word longer than I expected (I looked at my "watch" in an effort to be funny).
I'm not saying all that to brag. I'm trying to remember what happened, because I don't think it was filmed. See, the main reason I write these journals is so that I can re-read them later down the road, and have a solid recollection of the events of the con. My memory isn't that good, and most cons become a blur after a while, so I try to capture everything as best I can.
Anyway, the night ended with another rendition of "Bohemian Rhapsody", which concluded right before the hotel staff kicked us out of the room. Apparently there were business travelers, and we needed to be quiet after midnight. I think they said they'd put the karaoke in another room next year so that it would be less disruptive.
Exhausted, I wandered back to the room with Gothy. We chatted briefly about furry stuff before heading to bed.
Got up at a reasonable hour and got breakfast with Gothy. We ran into Dezzi at the restaurant. We chatted for a bit, about his newfound "power" as the new owner of a cult and a religion. He's apparently planning on handing over the reigns at next year's charity auction if someone can match his bid.
After our breakfasts, we went back to the room and got packed. Gothy had the foresight to request a luggage cart, which made things WAY easier getting out. However, in her haste to get home, she forgot her slippers, so I had to run them out to her before she left (made it).
I packed my things, and with a little finagling, I was able to get all my stuff out to the car in one trip. After checking out, gassing up, and getting a coke, I put the pedal down and drove home, listening to #Hashtag and The Dragget Show on the way.
I love Fur Squared. It is a magical, unique, wonderful convention, a true diamond in the rough. Every year, they have new surprises. Every year, new memes, new jokes, new stories, new insanity. They keep donating more and more money, and creating bigger and grander schemes and shenanigans. Every con is special, but Fur Squared is... different. Its craziness, its generosity, its attention to detail, its loving and close-knit atmosphere, its relationship with its hotel and charity... many cons have some of these things, but it is the confluence of all of them that makes Fur Squared worthy of being called my favorite convention.
You should go.
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autumn-in-phandom · 7 years
“Did Dan get TOO TAN?”
(Sept 19th 2017 Dan liveshow timestamps)  
0:03 After an awkward pause and salute: “Hello cyber friends” (instant regret and reflection)
0:29 (Dear god, don’t grab your laptop by the screen like that Dan.)
0:44 Grimace #1
1:06 No Dan, you do not look *atol* different. That tweet, title and pic are all just clickbait.
1:10 (Bronze my ass.)
1:19 Hitting us with that meme.
1:25 (Didn’t need to be in your face thanks. Teasing angles?)
1:36 “Never say Trumpy ever again, in any circumstance.”
1:45 Lovely pores and freckles.
2:00 Obviously everyone subscribes to YouTubers for their freckle content.
2:30 Livestreams are “a mistake” because of the chat clinging on to one thing and spamming it.
2:40 No probing or questioning at airport, big grin.
3:01 “The broadband is terrible but the 4G is great.” Okay…
3:17 “The toasty Dan experience”, orangish filter.
3:26 Double rhyme: “I guess that’s a rhyme, yeah that’s fine” (okay it’s a slant rhyme)
3:47 “Buttered crumpet Daniel.”
4:02 “Went to an island in the Mediterranean.” (This is exactly the answer I expected and quite frankly the only one he should give.)
4:09 “Literally did nothing for about six days, it was great.”
4:15 ‘I am Pilgrim’ book recommended by his mum.
4:30 Tricked into reading 900 page book.
5:00 Holiday was incredibly relaxing.
5:10 “Ordeal” getting there, delayed flight, three hours “traumatizing”
5:22 “Haha long boye” “literally, shins driving into my chest, bleeding” alright hyperbolic humor Dan. “Tough.”
5:38 “Violated” on flight by guy’s elbows, “no respect for personal space”, “fully leaning into me”, “didn’t even care”, “honestly an icon for all of us.” (Was it Phil?)
6:03 3 am, old driver, mini bus, cliff roads, did pre-ritual preparing for death.
7:00 “So much yogurt”, doesn’t know why.
7:05 “Assaggetti” tweet, we can shame him, “has the worst sense of humor in the world”, check it out and unsubscribe, doesn’t remember the language (Italian), apologizes, “constantly problematic”.
7:55 “Got that D from the S up above” (vitamin D, or Phil…)
8:16 Phil came on the holiday in case anyone didn’t know.
8:18 “He went from like glass to pale ivory, which is good”, “Phil is someome who erupts in freckles whenever he goes outside, so it’s hard to tell if he tans or if your eyes are just kinda like drawing the dots between the space all the freckles are, if you know what I’m saying.” (Wow, I… I’d like to think you mean what I know, but I’m not sure. Wow.)
8:37 Someone in the chat: “Nice Ursa Major on that cheek boy”. Turn, pose, laugh.
8:41 “The Bigger Dipper of my self esteem.”
8:53 Good day: watched Bake Off and answered emails, “thrilling”.
9:13 Tumblr likes, fan art, “beautiful to celebrate the great people.”
9:43 “The internet is not here”, laughs, sighs, apologizes.
9:55 Some peer pressure advice.
10:25 Had to check what his video title is.
10:35 I don’t know why he bothers to ask if we watched either.
10:55 Accept that he does things by his British calendar.
11:11 Why he didn’t he talk about uni stories when it was happening. Ashamed? Yeah, processing turmoil at the time.
11:55 Now shares traumatizing, terrifying, shameful, embarrassing stories straight away.
12:15 Rowing club guy AU… (not what I was thinking)
12:46 Laundry story: Phil was nice, Dan didn’t ask, *literally* ordered a cab, turned up with suitcase, Phil assumed he dropped out and was moving in, “I’ve had a day and I’m going to wash my socks in your washing machine.”
13:13 “If you struggle to function as a person-” (I really wish he had finished this sentence)
13:15 Asda sponsor for crying in the cheese aisle?
13:23 Pasta burn shaming (were you just never in the kitchen with your mum Dan?)
13:36 Dropping laptop so much recently.
14:00 Never taught cooking, laundry, accounting.
14:18 “No one told me shit!” (in Dan’s face again).
14:33 “What happens when I’m 23?! How do I do a tax?!”
14:54 It was ravioli (pretty sure the instructions mentioned water Dan…)
15:15 Thick as in stupid, not thicc fat booty.
15:30 “Look Fatima, we all have different life experiences, okay?” (lol)
15:36 “Ravioli ravioli, give me the death I deserveioli.” Relates.
15:45 Rihanna livestream, forehead fetishist? Wouldn’t mind if anyone leaves for that.  
16:08 Not up on BTS, DNA.
16:33 Shames Eden for “let me see that pastussy” comment, “leave.”
16:45 “Love on the Brain”. He really loves Rihanna, amazing, blessing, doesn’t give a shit, casual, informal, etc. “Bitch Better Have My Money.”
17:25 Is sure BTS video with be “pure and beautiful”, expects “softly applied eyeshadow and very fluffy hair”, he’s sure he’ll enjoy.
17:38 Maybe new gaming video/livestream tomorrow.
17:45 Overcooked, ironic kitchen fire, foreshadowing.
18:08 Wasn’t sure if he should get into Chinese guy story again, but he has to.
18:13 Deep breath: “It was 4 am, I’d been you know, well hydrated that evening, but I decided I needed another drink” go into the kitchen, everyone else was asleep, guy had a whole chicken, with neck and feet, fine but surprising, tiniest pair of white y-fronts, hacked head off and made eye contact, just couldn’t, usually would awaken some kink in him…
19:39 Pool pic, shout out to friend, no consent, relaxing, absorbing sun like a lizard, *basking*, fell asleep, lucky it was a pool and he didn’t drift out to sea, sun stroke vid reference, “the bad tan”.
21:08 People saying “trying to be cute”, the double chins (really?!)
21:21 The least Dan-like photo.
21:33 Thought it would ruin his Instagram aesthetic.
22:10 Lack of other content: relaxing, reading,
22:24 Took a couple other photos, sunset selfie, “no one’s going to take a photo of me” (what the hell happened to your personal photographer?) but then people came (please post, please!)
23:40 Bake off is his life, “Noel Feilding is a national treasure”, caramel was torture while hungry, faves are Liam and not!Val (what did he whisper about Liam? Really wanted him to be…?)
24:30 *Maybe* Halloween Baking, they don’t think that far ahead about anything.
24:48 Phil’s role in Dan’s video, mugging scene took nine takes, afraid to punch him. Outtakes please!
26:03 (grimace #2) “Hello Grandma, my name is Daniel, I’m a wholesome person, that’s a very great influence”
26:16 Wachowski films
26:23 Dan floating in donut plushies would be very challenging.
26:33 Dan flips a bit at the idea that’s it’s weird to like people who don’t know who you are. Uses Ed Sheeran as example.
26:55 Scrolls past person who said they feel better when they have a dream about Dan and Phil.
27:17 Cared more about YouTube than university socializing and class, Pom Bear Massacre reference, made Tumblr account.
29:09 Chapped lips, season changed the moment he stepped off the plane.
29:42 “Okay Universe, I know I can be a bit of a downer, sometimes.”
29:51 Haley Barry Storm powers
30:08 Yes the furry blanket comes out, polyester, sad pimp, Marks & Spencer.
31:06 Ready for everything seasonal, autumnal Yankee Candle range, not haute, but fun themes.
31:31 Frisbee laptop across the room on to the bed, missed.
31:46 Candle haul, yes it is content we need right now!
32:26 Furry invasion on Splatoon, scaley, yiffing proposition, “this is a family game”, not shaming just concerned for kids, though it is hentai-esque…
33:27 Sonic: 2010 reminiscing, formatting of boxes.
34:04 Was stupid side kick, Phil being good, Dan trying to be helpful, actual just a cheerleader, Phil was disgusting, doesn’t know if Phil even knew what he was saying (of course he did).
34:38 Didn’t know uni vid was trending
34:52 Reflection (I think that’s the piano nook)
35:00 Weird because of swearing, someone at YT didn’t watch the vid, “Ah, keep doing that, don’t watch my videos, just know that I’m a good person…”
35:25 “I make great friendly content.” (grimace #3)
35:30 Explains why trending isn’t automatic. Yes, think of the children.
36:05 “But hey, I’m not bad, everything’s fine”.
36:45 “People of all genders do and don’t wear makeup”.
37:10 (I’m pretty sure that the no candles with birds is because of the fumes.)
37:25 What is with the nose touching when confirming Spooky Week? “Next video (nose touch) soon, don’t worry”…?
38:28 “Fans of everything are annoying, that’s just what happens when people are enthusiastic about stuff.”
39:19 Dan doesn’t get annoyed by different fandoms. Says more about the people being annoyed, part of their own insecurity, their lack of community, togetherness, celebration, shared experiences, jealous or sad, or maybe everyone just everyone’s annoying.
39:56 Dream Daddy: so dangerous saying Dilddy. Dan likes Damien, great taste, immaculate presentation, probably not Dilddy’s romantic soulmate.
40:31 Dan is in like ten fandoms (makes a face).
40:45 Chat: “Will Phil become a furry, what’s your fursona?” Dan: “Is it time to go?”
40:55 Has never thought about it, promises he’ll get on it soon, he knows what the internet wants from him.
41:31 Chat full of fursona suggestions. He’s going to start crying.
41:52 “A llama fucking hell.” “Look at the time.”
42:01 Going to go into a (not disturbing) hole later looking into axoltl fur suits.
42:24 Elf on a shelf meme, was going to post a Dan one, “old meme!” (Still don’t need to be up in your face Daniel.)
43:27 Really wants to go see IT, needs to see Mother.
44:04 Shut up! American Horror Story, makes him happy. Loves Sarah Paulson (is his life), feels represented by a lesbian with anxiety. Evan Peters is great, looks gross, or great depending.
45:25 His fursona should be a big bear, I agree. What a reaction.
45:46 Left comb on holiday, looks like a bush.
46:13 (grimace #4 at group chat names.)
46:20 “What is wrong with all of you?”
46:22 Glosses over diet ask. Indeed.
46:26 “Don’t call me Uncle Dan when we’re talking about fursonas.”
46:36 “If you live in Australia vote for marriage equality, we don’t need to have this conversation.” “Come on, come on Australia, sort your shit out.”
47:03 Going to “innocently Google things that are fine”.
47:22 “Me and Phil would love to come to Russia”.
47:27 Limitations of TATINOF.
47:44 Watch uni vid: “Don’t take it too seriously. Remember that most of the time I’m just trying to be funny, and if you ever want like my real feelings or opinions, just think about whatever the opposite of what I’m saying is, and that’s usually how to get to the sincere heart of whatever Dan’s talking about.”
48:13 “Stay calm, ask some senpais for some life advice and think carefully about what your fursona should be.”
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Information About A Bearded Dragon Diet
There are dogs, and there are cats and then there are bearded dragons.
We’re talking about household pets that are domesticated for our companionship. The majority of the world’s population loves any four-legged furry friend to have around the house.  But those unique few that love bearded dragons, love them for the same reasons – as companions. They make obedient pets, too.  You want to make sure that you know all you need to know about a bearded dragon diet to ensure you keep your pet healthy and happy.
The only difference between them and the furry ones are their diets. These guys prefer a bit more of a diverse range of food groups.  That includes anything from fruits to insects and vegetables. They keep it healthy. Bearded dragons, often referred to as “beardies”, are one of the most popular creatures to keep in houses. However, it is always important to note that if you’re planning to adopt one, you must keep him in an environment that mimics the outdoors where he would typically live. Some further advice about them can be found on appropriate websites such as this one.
When considering whether to get one, prepare to have it for at least 10 to 15 years, because that’s their lifespan in general. If you have recently adopted one or are planning on getting one but not sure what to buy for it, this article will tap into the most important information to help you make sure he or she is a healthy and happy little pet.
What Food to Give Them – Fruits and Vegetables
As mentioned above, these little creatures like to keep it healthy. Their food choices range from insects such as crickets to an array of fruits and vegetables. So in terms of fruits that they can eat, or prefer to eat, the list includes:
most exotic berries (blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, and blackberries)
pineapples (canned are fine)
mandarins or oranges
In terms of vegetables, keep it simple by giving items such as:
mustard greens
Bell peppers
bok choy
peeled cucumbers
dandelion greens
uncooked artichoke hearts
You can also check for what’s listed on this site: https://www.cuteness.com/article/fruits-can-feed-bearded-dragon
Insects to Give Them
When giving them insects, the most common ones to buy from the pet store will be crickets. However, you can extend this option to include a bunch of other insects such as worms of many kinds:
super worms
butter worms
wax worms
goliath worms
red worms
dubia roaches
black soldier fly larvae
Setting Up Their Living Space
As mentioned above, keeping them in an environment that mimics their natural outdoor one is essential for them to stay healthy and happy.  Also to take into consideration is the temperature you keep them in.  Typically one would leave them in a room with a humidity level of between 30 to 40% for it to be comfortable for them. The heat levels must not surpass 42 degrees Celsius (107.6 Fahrenheit), while the cold temperatures must not dip below 22 degrees Celsius (71.6 Fahrenheit). Fluorescent UV tube lights often do the trick of keeping the temperature levels optimum.
Because they can grow up to just under 50 cm (19.7 inches), it is important to make sure you have enough room for them in the vivarium to move around.  Even if he is still a baby, he will grow, and fast. Also, it’s good to note that the younger ones shed their skin a lot more than the older ones, and in big chunks. Sometimes if you find that they do this too much, consult a specialist.
During the colder seasons, these guys tend to sleep more. Their diet, however, will not change with it, it may just become less. While animals tend to hibernate, in the lizard family this act is known as “brumation”. They still eat, so food must always be left for them. If they stop eating entirely and start to lose weight, check with an expert as well.
In the end, just like you would look after any other pet – with much love and care – you should turn the same respect to these age-old ancient and amazing creatures.
Enjoyed this article? Here are three more to help you:
Easing Stress for Yourself & Your Pets in Challenging Times
First-Time Dog Owner Guide: Health and Nutrition
Elephant Communication – Reunited after 20 years
The post Information About A Bearded Dragon Diet appeared first on Val Heart.
from Val Heart https://valheart.com/information-about-a-bearded-dragon-diet/
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lisboeta1 · 5 years
April 11th is National Pet Day! Come celebrate with us!  Pets of all shapes and sizes enrich our lives and bring us joy.  Some of our favorite authors have included beloved pets as characters in their books.  After all, pets bring people together! If you enjoy stories that feature furbabies, fish and pets of a more unusual variety, have we got a sale for you! For a limited time, only on our website, the ebooks featured below are on SALE, at a discount of up to 75%.  Grab one – or more than one – of these today and discover your next amazing read!
And while it’s our party, we’d love to gift YOU with your choice of ONE of the books included in our Pet Day Celebration Sale.  Sign up for our newsletter to enter! Share the giveaway via the blog post for another entry!
We’ll choose four winners, one paperback book each.  Open Internationally. Follow this link to enter the GIVEAWAY:
AFTER THE SCRUM by Dahlia Donovan
Sherlock is one of those pets who is larger than life. He has more personality than some of his human counterparts. Sherlock is a service dog that recognizes impending anxiety attacks in his beloved human and quickly attempts to comfort or distract.
The pets of At War With A Broken Heart are some of my favourites in all my stories. We have Rabbit, who’s a fox, and Fox, who’s a rabbit. Still with me? I love the not-fox and the not-rabbit. And lastly, Haggard, a loyal and intelligent service dog, who lives for his human. Haggard was trained specifically to help a retired military veteran dealing with survivor’s guilt and post-traumatic stress. A blue merle Australian Shepherd. Beautiful, clever, and funny. He’s the perfect companion.
THE TRAIL TO YOU by Lindsay Detwiler
My mastiff, Henry, appears in all of my novels simply because I love him. I’ve always wanted to write a book, however, in which he is a more integral part of the story. In The Trail to You, Henry is a main character; several of the chapters even follow his journey. When his owner, Ronan, returns from a deployment to find his best friend Henry missing, he will set out on an epic journey to get him back. Ronan doesn’t expect that Henry will lead him to the path he was always meant to find, however. Even though my real-life Henry has never been in this situation, there are many true-to-life traits of the character in the book. For example, my real Henry is obsessed with cupcakes and would love Cupcakes of the Abyss as featured in the book. This story celebrates the magic that happens when a human and dog bond, a magic I’ve come to know firsthand with Henry in my life.
  THEN COMES LOVE by Lindsay Detwiler
I used to say I was an aspiring crazy cat lady, but now that we have five cats, I think I’m definitely there. Charlotte Noel in my chick lit series Then Comes Love shares my love for cats. When she moves into the nursing home and her daughter is forced to adopt her five cats, chaos ensues. One of the scenes in the book where the cat is stolen by a neighbor is based on a real-life event with my own cat; a neighbor of ours ended up snatching our cat by mistake, and after looking for her for months, I happened to see her in their window.
OUT OF THE PENALTY BOX by Genevive Chamblee
Hockey captain, Christophe Fontenot, is tall, blond, and sexy with a “massive” personality larger than the area he pulverizes his opponents. It stands to reason that this stacked with muscles hunk’s furry companion would be his four-legged match. Claire, a slobbering but lovable Bullmastiff, is a rags-to-riches canine sort of speak. Nearly starved and beaten to death as a pup, Claire was rescued by Christophe. With nothing in his heart to give other than love, Christophe spoiled her rotten with gourmet treats, hugs, and special-order plush toys. Now, Claire’s pastime consists of sunbathing by the pool and chasing Allie, Christophe’s pet gator. Yeah, it’s like that in bayou country. Read more about Claire in Out of the Penalty Box.
In Breaking Down Buttons comes along at just the right time for Jax. In her he sees a lot of himself and identifies with her. At a difficult time for the youngest Ryan, she becomes the family he feels he has lost. The relationship between Jax and Buttons is pure love, of two “abandoned” souls coming together to form a family. I think it proves that pets are as much a part of a family unit as any person can be.
BLUE, Dragon Runner Book 3 by ML Nystrom
Toto and Sam were my son’s childhood dogs. My son had turned four years old when Toto joined our family. She had such a variety of DNA, I have no clue of what breeds she had in her. Her version of a doggie hug included walking up to you, pressing the top of her head into your chest, and staying there until you petted her. She was just short of sixteen when she passed. Sam came into our lives with a sadder story. A rescue group found him in a box abandoned in a parking lot. By some miracle, he was still alive and won the doggie lottery by coming to live with my son and me. Sam was a boxer/pit bull mix and the biggest cuddle bug ever. Toto helped Sam tremendously on how to be a family dog. They would play hard in the backyard, eat together, and sleep curled up next to each other. Very often all four of us would crowd in my bed. They took up more than their fair share, and I learned to sleep on a tiny piece of the edge during those times.
TIME FOR LOVE, Timeless Love Book #2 by Laura N. Andrews
Thor is loved by his two daddies, Nicholas and Caleb. A German shepherd cross husky, Thor’s light blue eyes can sparkle with mischief and shine with intelligence. He’s both cheeky and smart and loves to have his dads chase him around and dote on him. His favourite things in life are sleeping in their bed and running and swimming at the beach.
OCEANS AWAY by Skye McNeil
In Oceans Away, Gideon Taggart has two Australian Shepherds, Diesel and Dallas. As an owner of a blue merle Aussie and lover of the cute wiggle of the breed, I had to incorporate a little of that into this story. Diesel and Dallas are quite the pair. They help Gideon around the farm with chores of chasing anything that moves. Both dogs also get into trouble when it comes to the woman in Gideon’s life: Ireland Leighton. I won’t give too much away, but I will say that slobber is involved with these cuties. Since Ireland and Gideon live on farms, animals are abundant, and pets are equally as involved in their day to day routine. If you’re an animal lover, Oceans Away is sure to bring a smile to your face and a desire to hug your furry best friend.
  HEARTS ABROAD by Skye McNeil
In Hearts Abroad, Callum Archer has a basset hound named Sherlock. As you can probably guess, the dog is slobbery, lazy, and loving to all. Once a hunter, Sherlock now spends his days lounging in his favorite dog bed near Callum’s desk and chases squirrels every so often. He prefers leisurely walks around the mansion or playing with Callum’s two daughters to hunting these days. Sherlock isn’t the only fun pet in Hearts Abroad, though. Enter Oreo, a black and white tuxedo kitty who also happens to love chicken lo mein and crawling wherever he desires. While Oreo belongs to Londyn Bellerose’s roommate, the chubby cat tends to walk all over Londyn and even hide in her luggage. He’s the epitome of a curious cat who just wants you to sit down long enough to pet him. Both Sherlock and Oreo bring the characters in Hearts Abroad to life. Plus, a little fur makes a story warm in all the right places. Check out Hearts Abroad to learn more about Sherlock, Oreo, and the humans who make the story come to life.
They say dogs are man’s best friend, and in Finding Marnie Luke puts that theory to the test when he gifts his love Marnie a gorgeous female puppy who is in need of a home. Marnie is going through a rough patch in her life, and wanting to help, Luke thinks the new puppy will be both a distraction, and a source of uncomplicated and unconditional love–something Marnie’s in desperate in need of. It’s fair to say that her life hasn’t been easy–in fact, at various points, including when she was very young, it has been marred by hardship and tragedy. As she points out, it wasn’t the kind of upbringing where she had a pet, or anyone, to love her, or whom she could love in return. Luke’s hunch is right, and Marnie falls instantly in love with her new dependent. If only opening her heart and accepting her love for Luke could be so simple.
In the Jewel Chronicles series, Princess Milenda has a special kind of pet. His name is Mjusi and even though in Afrika they call him a forest lizard, he’s actually a young dragon. Mjusi’s relationship with Milenda is so much more than that of a pet and its owner. They’re best friends who grew up together and would do anything for each other. He might be green and iridescent—and at times cough up smoke—but he was Milenda’s only friend growing up and was always there for her through thick and thin. They found each other in loneliness and filled an empty space in each other’s hearts. Such is the power of a pet’s love.
      The Jewel Chronicles
  Hot Tree Publishing Pet Day Sale
  National Pet Day Book Sale April 11th is National Pet Day! Come celebrate with us!  Pets of all shapes and sizes enrich our lives and bring us joy. 
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How Buying Reptiles For Sale Can Change Your Life
Purchasing reptiles for sale marks the beginning of a journey of challenges and development for both the reptile pets and their owners. Whether it’s lizards, ball pythons, or baby tortoises, choosing from the many available reptiles for sale can reap incredible rewards.
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Owning an animal of any sort, regardless of whether or not it's a reptile, will come with its phase of adaptation. Just because reptiles aren't the conventional pet, however, doesn’t mean they won’t make worthy companions. If the opportunity to own a reptile ever presents itself to you, take the chance and learn a thing or two!
Here’s how buying reptiles for sale can change your life and the best reptiles for sale to consider.
They’ll change your perspective. If you’ve never owned reptile pets because you preferred the furry and cuddly pets instead, you’re in for a sweet surprise. You may be amazed to find just how affectionate and full of personality reptile pets can actually be. Under the right temperature and in the appropriate setting, reptiles will thrive and offer you unique entertainment and a newfound - and lasting - appreciation for reptiles. Getting to know reptiles as pets changes your perception of reptiles and makes them easier to love.
You’ll become obsessed. Have you ever met a reptile owner who wasn’t a little obsessed with their reptile? Of course you haven’t! That’s because humans tend to form a unique bond with reptiles. Although it’s yet to be proven that reptiles can actually love us, you can tell from their behavior when they’re comfortable and more than tolerant of you. It takes patience and time, but once you get a handle on keeping a reptile and develop that mutual understanding, you’ll want more!
They’ll teach you more than expected. As I mentioned previously, patience is something a reptile will definitely teach you. Since most need time to adjust to their new surroundings and the way you handle them, it’s important to give your reptile enough time to get comfortable. Discipline can come from owning any animal but reptiles, specifically, need the right type of diet and environment (heat, humidity, light, etc.) to thrive. Also, by having to set up the enclosure yourself, you gain an appreciation for the animal’s connection to survival with nature.
The Best Reptile Pets To Own
When shopping around for pet reptiles, you may become overwhelmed by the seemingly endless options. If you’re not sure where to start, here are a few suggestions. Ball pythons for sale come in countless morphs. If you’re looking for something that’s unique, low-maintenance, and great for beginners- any of the ball pythons for sale are a great option. Contrary to what some may believe, you don’t have to be an expert snake handler to own a snake. All you need is a lot of research and the willingness to take on a fun challenge.
You can find lizards for sale for people of all experience levels but the bearded dragon is hands down one of the most popular. Their curious and playful nature helps new owners gain confidence with handling and feeding, quickly. Then again, they can also keep more experienced owners entertained. Iguanas can be great reptile pets, too, but should be left for the more experienced handlers.
If you have the space for it, find yourself a tortoise for sale and gain a lifetime companion. Tortoises are known for their longevity and when kept happy and healthy, a tortoise truly can live for hundreds of years. Whether you buy a full grown or baby tortoise for sale, you’ll find that these reptiles are the perfect companion, each with a personality all their own.
Once you know which reptile suits you and your family best, start doing as much research as possible about it’s needs. Learn it’s temperature and heating requirements, it’s usual diet, and whether or not it should get frequent handling. Once you’re finally a reptile owner, you’ll realize why so many people can’t get enough. Reptile owners are in a category all their own surrounded by scaly, exotic animals, and they know more than anyone how great it can be to own reptiles. Some might even call it life-changing.
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