#fusible santa tracker
santatrackershowdown · 9 months
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Uhhhh hey Fusible Santa, it looks like you're missing a spot, buddy. A pretty big spot, buddy. Like, well over half of a whole continent big, buddy,
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santatrackershowdown · 9 months
Good morning! Today's the Big Day, where all Santas across the world have completed their mission. Let's see how everyone turned out!
From "me briefly waking up at 3am," I saw that The Santa was the first to finish. Sadly, statistics were wiped from the website not too long after, so we can't tell how many houses he visited, cookies he ate, or glasses of milk he drank.
Of the remaining three, Fusible Santa acted as expected: worst present output, but best coverage. Granted, getting better coverage than the rest isn't exactly the trickiest task, but man is the bar low here. Despite this, somehow he managed to shoot his counts up to 3.14 billion presents and 410,365 cookies eaten.
Against all odds, Google Santa actually came in second place this year! Despite having an all-around more competent website, Google Santa delivered 7.7 billion presents exactly, same as last time. Is Google Santa stagnating...?
NORAD Santa, despite a second place finish last time, decided to put himself into gear and deliver a staggering 7,883,693,263 presents, actually beating out Google this time! Despite a generally less functional website, is NORAD ready to take back the crown...?
And that wraps up the Santa Tracker Showdown this year! Who knows if I'll be back for 2024. Santa Trackers only come around once a year, and perhaps so shall I. Hopefully that's long enough for me to figure out how to spice things up better next time.
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santatrackershowdown · 9 months
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The city of Townsville...
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santatrackershowdown · 9 months
We're reaching the part of the Santa Trackers where Santa makes exactly One stop in each country before moving onto the next. This is what I meant when I brought up the Eurocentrism earlier -- I swear, last time I did this I could count on my fingers the number of countries in Africa any given Santa made more than one stop in. Sadly, it appears this hasn't changed in the past two years.
That being said, this time we do have the Fusible Santa Tracker, which has definitely been much more thorough than the other Santa Trackers we've looked out before. That being said, as a consequence of being so much more thorough, Fusible is also much, much further behind, which is to say it's still working through India.
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santatrackershowdown · 9 months
Fusible Santa has used his teleportation powers to go straight from Basra, Iraq, to Nairobi, Kenya. On most Santas, I'd question this routing, but on a Santa that can teleport, I'll allow it.
That being said, this does not leave me optimistic for Fusible's coverage of Africa.
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santatrackershowdown · 9 months
Meanwhile Fusible has eaten a truly pathetic 32,612 cookies, likely because The Santa has been hogging them all.
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santatrackershowdown · 9 months
8pm update! NORAD and The are both working their way through South America now. Fusible is working through Greenland, while Google is still working on Europe. Despite seemingly having made the least distance, Google has handed out the most presents, with over 5.75 billion distributed.
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santatrackershowdown · 9 months
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Either this was all delivered while I wasn't looking, or lots of these present icons just didn't load in, but this looks a lot better. Probably even better than Google and NORAD, if we're being blunt. And I was worried Fusible Santa was making an exception with his thoroughness!
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santatrackershowdown · 9 months
Been a while since our last update. Fusible still hasn't gotten past 845 million.
Yeah, not a lot has really been happening. Did I mention NORAD cracking 3 billion? It's getting decently close to 4 now.
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santatrackershowdown · 9 months
The past while has been a bit uneventful, so here's a bit of an update:
Google Santa has been in the 3.4 billion range for the past little bit. He's getting pretty close to 3.5 billion, but he might not crack 4 billion for a while longer.
NORAD is still lagging behind Google by over a billion presents. While NORAD could eventually catch up (based on the current rate of present distribution, NORAD Santa should manage 8 billion by tomorrow), it's clear that the flat rate really hurt while Google was working through China and India.
The Santa tracker has visited over 150 million homes, though the exact population of each home and number of presents given is a complete mystery. The third Santa Tracker Cam's location has been visited by Santa. He still looks pitifully slow there.
Fusible Santa Tracker is working through Kazakhstan at the moment. A few big jumps have brought it up to 607 million presents distributed, but it's been lagging there for a while. While these big jumps are impressive, it is comfortably behind Google and NORAD.
Here's hoping we can see more exciting developments soon.
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santatrackershowdown · 9 months
I swear Fusible's present count just baffles me. I look at it for a while, it barely makes progress at all, then I tune back in and it's jumped up a solid 20 million.
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santatrackershowdown · 9 months
Just refreshed the Fusible Santa Tracker and I'm pretty sure the number of cookies eaten went down.
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santatrackershowdown · 9 months
Whoa, has Fusible Santa been speeding up? Just checked and he nearly doubled his present output in the past 20 minutes. He's still miles behind NORAD and Google, but hey! It's something!
The Santa doesn't deliver presents. He just drinks milk and eats cookies.
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santatrackershowdown · 9 months
You know, I really felt that Fusible Santa's ability to teleport would help him out a lot, but the fact it's been over an hour and he's still on Aotearoa can not be a good sign. No way he finishes by Christmas without cutting corners, at this pace.
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santatrackershowdown · 9 months
What's going on with Fusible though? This Santa has the ability to teleport, and despite clearing Australia, he's only managed to deliver 20,000,000 presents. Is he just too thorough? Are other Santas beating him to the punch every time? Would certainly explain why his cookie count is so low, given The Santa has eaten PLENTY of those.
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santatrackershowdown · 9 months
Fusible Santa Tracker, thanks to his apparent ability to teleport, definitely seems more thorough than the other three. Curious to see if he has the same issues of eurocentrism that the other three have.
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