tacitusauxilium · 5 months
When you get your soft, italicized "oh."
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the first meeting
life is normal. it's scripted. it's functional. then one day, you meet them, and... Oh. you fix your posture, you're a little nervous, and it's totally possible you're just projecting -- but this could be something. and the only thing that makes this different from the hundreds of other times you had that exact same thought only to be disappointed is... this is the time that counts. things change. you were looking for someone whose very existence re-contextualized yours. which is not to say that you were incomplete, but... aren't we all? isn't that the essence of being a being who changes? and what completes us if not the love of something or someone beyond us? sure it's still new, and anything could happen from here, but there's something in your shared brain chemistry that makes it feel like good things are in motion. how exciting!
tagged by: @autonomousxselves (thank you!)
tagging: @dxfiedfxte, @thuganomxcs, @chainsawcutiie, @quillheel (for Akihiko), and anyone else who wants to do this!
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tacitusauxilium · 7 months
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>> love as tenderness <<
[ love as gentleness after a lifetime of cruelty ] when ocean vuong said "sometimes being offered tenderness feels like the very proof that you've been ruined" and when pablo neruda said "like a jar you housed the infinite tenderness and the infinite oblivion shattered you like a jar" and when anais mitchell wrote "all i've ever known is how to hold my own, and now i wanna hold you, too."
tagged by: @foolisharcanum (thank you! :D)
tagging: @dxfiedfxte, @eris-the-phantom-thief, @tvstarkuma, @goddessofpathos, @hellboundhermit, @myuzucompendium (Kotone)/@oraclememehacker, and anyone who has a muse with white hair!
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tacitusauxilium · 1 year
((You know, I think I like the idea of Fuuka being roommates with Aigis after Ultimax—no matter the timeline. Off topic: I think Fuuka doesn’t get serious with anyone until after Ultimax.
If Aigis gets hurt, Fuuka is there to fix her up. If Fuuka gets hurt, Aigis is there to rescue her.
And if Fuuka ever finds someone, Aigis would definitely be the “dad” and try to scare the poor male or female when Fuuka brings them over to show them off.))
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tacitusauxilium · 1 year
Sleeping Meme (Repost do not reblog)
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Type of bed: Queen size, until she gets with someone, then eventually a King size bed.
Number of blankets: In the dorms (and into the future), she sleeps with two--one blanket that feels cool and soft against her, and another one on top to keep her warm. She's the person who would rather have blankets for herself and her lover--but, she'll deal with the comforter and bed sheet for them, too.
Number of pillows: She has a long pillow that extends from one end of the bed to the other end, and a pillow on each side. So three? She may include a fourth if she's feeling extra lonely or sad.
Type of clothing: Fuuka loves to wear night shirts a bit bigger than her, but something that doesn't swallow her whole, and shorts--she'll wear sweats or night pants if it's colder outside.
Does it matter where they sleep?: She would definitely love a bed, but if that is not accessible for her, just as long as she has a blanket and/or pillow, she's good to go tbh.
What do they do when they can't fall asleep?: At first, Fuuka would probably text someone she knows who would be up with her. And if THEY don't answer, Fuuka would probably just get on her phone and just watch a quick episode of a show she likes or something on You/Tube. AND if that doesn't work, Fuuka will resort to taking melatonin and try to name all the flowers that are in her room, in her mind, while trying to sleep.
Frequent dreams, and/or nightmares: Frequent dreams usually lean towards stuff she wants to learn how to do or has read up on how to do it and does it in her dreams. When it comes to nightmares, it is usually one of two dreams, depending on the timeline. In the main timeline, she usually has nightmares about Shinjiro's death, and sometimes Minato/Minako's. She will always be thinking about how she wished she could do more. Usually happens on the day they died or the week of. In an alternative timeline, she just has nightmares about her parents and how they treated her badly--only her mind makes it worse. Happens once or twice a month.
Deep slumber or naps?: Before moving into the dorms, she was a girl who napped every time she came back from school. The relentless bullying made her exhausted. Moving into the dorms and there on led to her having more deep slumbers than naps.
When do they sleep?: Usually around 9-10pm, if they don't have to go to Tartarus at night. Afterwards, maybe 15 minutes or so after everyone gets back to the dorm. When she gets older, leans closer to a 11pm bedtime.
What could wake them up?: A kiss on the lips or a sensible spot (the neck for sure). Breakfast in bed would be another, as well as her significant other nuzzling closer to her and trying to wake her up softly. Or her alarm clock--she is paranoid it won't go off and her mind is acutely aware of when it WOULD go off.
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Tagged by: @dxfiedfxte (THANK YOU CHASE OMG)
Tagging: @oraclememehacker, @path-of-blue-eyes, @loversquiver, @ichigokurosaki, @electricea, @fatexbound (Shinjiro), & anyone else who would love to do this! :D
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tacitusauxilium · 5 months
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The Fool
There is only so fast a car can go before it flips. You would do well to memorize that speed, though whether that is to reach it or avoid it is none of my concern. Your life cannot be made only of beginnings; you forget that for every new life there is one you had to smother. Adventure beckons, must you rise to meet it? Have you spoken to a loved one from a past life recently? I’m sure someone, somewhere misses you.
tagged by: @epitomees (thank you~)
tagging: @doctor-yamagishi, @dragonknightsworn (Alter!), @tvstarkuma, and anyone else who would love to do this~
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tacitusauxilium · 5 months
What spirit of the zodiac possesses you?
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You are possessed by the rat. Sometimes you feel like the world is too big. But you are strong and you can push through it. Hard work, wit, and determination will be your best friend. You are resilient enough, and ambitious enough. These are the reasons the rat has possessed you.
tagged by: @yukcri (thank you~)
tagging: @doctor-yamagishi, @eris-the-phantom-thief, @goddessofpathos, @electricea, @tvstarkuma, and anyone else who wants to do this~
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tacitusauxilium · 6 months
What does fuuka think is her best quality? Is there anything she thinks she's good at or likes?
((Honestly, it's going to sound so silly and cliche, but Fuuka thinks her best quality is being able to be patient and calm. And being a doting mother to the members of SEES. XD
She's good at listening to others and giving advice out. Fuuka likes helping out her friends and wants them to come to her for help. But, when it comes to people giving her advice, it's 50/50. She probably will take the advice but if it's about dating or boys or girls or something silly like that, she definitely might not listen. XD))
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tacitusauxilium · 1 year
Daily reminder that Fuuka’s endurance is higher than Mitsuru and Yukari’s AND her strength is the same as Aigis’. And possibly that’s why she was only in the hospital when she awakened to her Persona for only a day or two.
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tacitusauxilium · 6 months
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Bold all that apply, italic for situational or rare moments.
avoids  eye  contact  when  nervous,  maintains  eye  contact,  avoids  eye  contact  due  to  being  neurodivergent,  enjoys  eye  contact  as  a  means  to  read  and  convey  emotion,  looks  down  when  emotional,  looks  up  when  emotional,  cries  openly,  wipes  tears  quickly,  suppresses  tears,  wandering  gaze  when  lost  in  thought,  holds  gaze  while  thinking,  seeks  out  eye  contact  for  reassurance,  seeks  out  eye  contact  to  gauge  enthusiasm  during  conversations,  eyes  move  constantly  during  conversation,  expressive  eyes,  emotions  only  evident  through  eyes,  uses  eye  contact  to  intimidate,  looks  up  while  thinking,  looks  down  while  thinking.
clasps  behind  back,    rests  in  lap,    fidgets  with  clothes,    twiddles  thumbs,    chews  at  nails,    pushes  back  cuticles,    draws  patterns  on  table/counter  surfaces,    animated  gestures  while  speaking,    only  gestures  to  emphasize,    utilizes  sign  language,    speaks  only  through  sign,    callouses,    scars,    smooth,    wrinkled,    worn,    soft,    delicate,    boney,    slender,    thick,    veiny,    touches  others  while  speaking,    reaches  out  while  laughing,    reaches  out  to  comfort  others,    reaches  out  to  seek  comfort,    places  face  in  hands  when  exasperated,    places  face  in  hands  when  exhausted,    places  palms  over  eyes  to  hide  when  overwhelmed,    rests  chin  in  hands,    taps  fingers  when  impatient,    taps  fingers  when  nervous,    taps  fingers  while  thinking,    scratches  scalp,    strokes  chin,    rubs  back  of  head,    toys  with  objects  around  them,    runs  fingers  over  surfaces while  walking  by.
chews  lip,    chews  at  inside  of  cheek,    licks  lips,    bites  tongue,    chews  on  straws,    resting  frown,    resting  smile,    neutral  resting  expression,    resting  pout,    grinds  teeth,    flexes  jaw,    covers  mouth  when  laughing,    covers  mouth  when  shocked,    covers  mouth  when  concerned,    hands  to  lips  while  thinking,    covers  mouth  when  chewing,    chews  with  mouth  closed,    chews  with  mouth  open,    smirks,    grins,    subtle  smiles,    wide  smiles,    sad  smiles,    intimidating  smiles,    menacing  grins,    openly  smiles,    tries  to  suppress  smiles,    bares  teeth  when  angry,    lips  quiver  when  emotional,    stutters,    speaks  quickly,    speaks  slowly,    good  pronunciation,    poor  pronunciation,    moderate  pronunciation,    purses  lips,    sucks  in  lips,    holds  mouth  open  when  shocked  or  confused.
bounces  leg  when  nervous,    draws  knees  to  chest  when  sitting,    draws  knees  to  chest  as  a  means  of  comfort,    sits  on  knees,    sits  with  legs  criss  crossed,    sits  with  legs  spread  open  in  chairs,    crosses  legs  when  sitting  in  chairs,    sits  with  one  leg  folded  under  the  other,    places  feet  on  furniture,    never  places  feet  on  furniture,    sits  on  counters,    sits  on  desks,    sits  on  tables,    sits  on  edge  of  seat,    sits  hunched  over  with  forearms  on  knees,    arches  one  knee  up,    sits  on  the  arm  of  chairs/couches,    feet  on  dashboard,    swings  legs  back  and  forth  when  sitting  somewhere  elevated,    wiggles  toes  when  nervous,    wiggles  toes  as  a  general  tick,    shuffles  feet,    kicks  foot  into  ground,    stomps  feet,    loud  footsteps,    quiet  footsteps,    silent  footsteps.
runs  fingers  through  hair,    tugs  at  hair,    picks  at  scalp,    chews  on  hair,    twists  locks  of  hair  while  thinking  or  nervous,    smooths  out  locks  of  hair  while  thinking  or  nervous,    prefers  hair  out  of  face,    prefers  long  hair,    prefers  short  hair,    wears  hair  back,    keeps  hair  down,    smooths  back  hair,    plays  with  other’s  hair  while  talking,    plays  with  own  hair  while  talking,    strokes  hair  to  'comfort'  others,    likes  having  hair  stroked  for  their  own  comfort,    braids  others’  hair  while  talking,    braids  own  hair  while  talking,    flips  hair  out  of  face,    pushes  hair  out  of  face,    leaves  hair  alone  even  when  falling  into  face
Tagged by: @epitomees (as in, I stole it from them because I wanna do it! lol) Tagging: @eris-the-phantom-thief, @segnisacfessis, @dxfiedfxte, and anyone who wants to do this!
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tacitusauxilium · 6 months
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muse as a drink
tagged by: @foolshoujo tagging: @doctor-yamagishi, @kinjiros-quiet-corner, @eris-the-phantom-thief, @segnisacfessis, @hellboundhermit, and if you see this on your dash, do it! :D
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tacitusauxilium · 1 year
Please repost do not reblog
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FULL NAME.: Fuuka Yamagishi
NICKNAME: The Ghost Girl, Fuu-Fuu.
ALIASES: Oracle (Phantom Thieves Codename), Lucia (her username to communicate with Futaba in P3D).
HEIGHT:  5′0″ (up to Arena / Ultimax), 5′1″ (Ultimax and onward)
ZODIAC: Capricorn
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Japanese and English (speaks very well in both), Spanish (on the side since she sees it’s very easy)
HAIR: Short, bob like in middle to high school--grows out to shoulder length, or longer, and keeps up in a braid.
EYES: Warm and gentle teal eyes 
SKIN TONE: Pale with a hint of muscle tone in her arms and legs 
BODY TYPE: Short and lean -- her chest is around a B cup but gets a cup size bigger when she is a mother. Still a little uncomfortable in her own skin so wears clothes a little bigger than normal (larges instead of her normal medium).
VOICE: Welcoming and soft at first -- becomes a hint louder and full and determined when it comes down to business with shadows or helping someone out of a tight spot.
POSTURE: She sits upright, as if she is being constantly looked at it and her posture needs to be perfect. Hands on her lap and her head slightly tilted. If she can, she’ll put a leg behind the other or sit on it for comfort.
SCARS: Mental scars thanks to her lovely parents. A couple scars physically -- one of the side of her right hand when she was cooking for the first time (a small burn that didn’t heal properly), and one on her back (about half a foot long from her right shoulder blade to the center of her back) when she was being rescued by Minato from his shadow. 
MOST NOTABLE FEATURES: Teal, aquamarine hair (depending on how the sun shines on it) that pops out of a crowd. Her face is blemish free, her clothes are simple and flowy, as well as her hair almost always being down in a braid. She does garnish some attention because of her hair and attracts some eyes once or twice.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Kyoto, Japan
HOMETOWN: Near Kyoto, Japan, in a small town somewhere near Otsu.
SIBLINGS: Verse dependent ( By default, none. The AU where Minako is the leader, her brother is alive and mentioned @doctor-yamagishi​ )
PARENTS:  Hikaru Yamagishi (Father) || Yui Yamagishi (Mother)
OCCUPATION: College student, Auxiliary member of Shadow Operatives, side hustle of fixing up electronics for friends and family and strangers cause she doesn’t want to be rusty
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Lives near Shibuya
CLOSE FRIENDS: Minato Arisato, Minako Arisato, Shinjiro Aragaki, Mitsuru Kirijo 
FINANCIAL STATUS: She’s living paycheck to paycheck (a la fixing stuff up and what not), but Mitsuru Kirijo pays her handsomely for helping her out with many things with the Kirijo group
DRIVER'S LICENSE: Yes, but rather take public transport
VICES: Jumps to conclusions a bit too fast as well as maybe being a bit needy--never wanting to be alone for too long (weeks, tbh). Very helpful to anyone--good or bad, even if she does realize it. Gets hyperfocused sometimes and is almost unable to get into contact with if that does happen.
LOVE LANGUAGE: Words Of Affirmation, Gift Giving and Acts of Service.
RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES:  Let’s see: when she was younger, she had a hard time of anyone liking her, much less loving her. Though, when she loves someone and they love her back, Fuuka is protective, clingy, and falls hard for them--she will never stop loving them. She is more of a private person when she wants to show off her love/lover, but Fuuka will never stop talking about them to anyone if given the chance. Though, it takes a lot to build up a romantic relationship with her, but she’s a keeper.
CHARACTER'S THEME TUNE: Recovering People Pleaser (by CARYS), Off-Seer (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)
HOBBIES TO PASS THE TIME: Watering and taking care of her flowers, reading a romantic novel, fixing up her own laptop, napping, and baking.
LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED: I see her being more of a left brain type of person, maybe a little bit on the right brain, but 90 percent left brain.
SELF-CONFIDENCE LEVEL: When she was a high school, it was very low--it took members of SEES to really boost that confidence for her. When it comes to her as an adult, she is full of it and makes sure her friends know it--but, she still is bashful around other people she’s unfamiliar with. She does doubt herself sometimes, but Fuuka will try to see more stuff in a positive light. 
Tagged by: @dxfiedfxte (GODDAMMIT CHASE THANK YOU FOR THIS!)
Tagging: @catsdisco (for any P3 muse you have~), @foolisharcanum, @tvstarkuma, @oraclememehacker, @path-of-blue-eyes, @kinjiros-quiet-corner​ / @doctor-yamagishi​, and whomever would like to do this~ :D
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tacitusauxilium · 1 year
What kind of touch do you possess?
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Warm Touch
you are the embodiment of a cozy blanket and warm sunshine on a cool day. you give the best hugs, they are truly powerful. you embrace others with your big heart and feel everything to the max. you have a gift for uplifting others and raising the mood of whatever situation you are in. you can easily read the room and give your attention to who needs it the most. you are a joy to be around. others feel at home around you, which leads to lasting meaningful relationships. sometimes, though, you neglect yourself by putting others first. you feel that you will not be loved if you don't care for others. it can be hard to constantly put up a happy facade, i know. but remember, you are worthy of love.
tagged by: @tvstarkuma (I love this-- thank you! :D)
tagging: @eris-the-phantom-thief, @linklewinklewoman, @yosukeh, @thedetectiveofinaba, @queenxfjustice, & anyone else who would love to do this~
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tacitusauxilium · 1 year
what color is your love language ?
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Key words: pure, affectionate, innocent.
Your love is the love of childhood crushes, secrets told in the dark between two best friends and long car trips with your favorite sibling. You're a sweet person with a soft heart and a gentle way of showing your affection. A pure, idealistic love, yours is the love of intertwined pinkies, butterfly kisses, and rubbing noses.
Best matched with: Fern, Canary
Tagged by: @phantomuheist (omg thank you!! :D)
Tagging: @foolshoujo, @iptosi (Junpei!), @doctor-yamagishi, @dxfiedfxte, @oraclememehacker, @orphemiss, & @armalunae
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tacitusauxilium · 1 year
shinji and fuuka kinks?
((Huh. Honestly, I don't have much for them.
Fuuka would probably be more into bondage and definitely role playing. And because she's into roleplaying, I can see Shinjiro eventually wanting to try it out.
With Shinjiro, with him being more of a dom in general, maybe food play? But he wouldn't go too far--like whipped cream and such. XD))
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tacitusauxilium · 2 years
headcanon 001/??? || about her Personas || whenever Fuuka is trying to focus on finding people or shadows, one of two things happen: she either closes her eyes and clasps her hands together to focus, or she has her eyes open and staring out pass everyone—it depends on what senses she is trying to use the most. sometimes, she tries to focus on her friends personas to sense them out—just cause she wants to make sure they are okay. after a while, Fuuka is able to sense whenever someone isn’t feeling under the weather even though it takes a month or two to sense someone’s persona.
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when Chidori infiltrates Fuuka’s mind with Medea, she could easily sense where she was as well as her feelings for Junpei. hence why she gets so emotionally charged when Junpei is shot--granted, she is friends with him, but that scream she did in the game: that could possibly be a mixture of emotions from both her and Chidori. with Lucia, she can only gauge people’s wellness. with Juno, she can sense where people are, where any and all shadows are (gets stronger from p3 to arena to Ultimax), and can control how strong she wants Oracle to be (as well as trying to hurt the enemy or heal her allies). if Fuuka is unwell, she is unable to do any of those things, no matter if she has Lucia or Juno.
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tacitusauxilium · 1 year
does fuuka or shinji like bondage what type of beds do they do
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((I forgot about this ask and had a couple days to think about it. lol
Honestly, I think Fuuka would be down for it. And I could see Shinjiro being up to tie Fuuka up, but never the other way around. Shinjiro is the more dominant one and willing to try new things with her.
I'm not sure what you mean by 'beds', though.))
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